Showing posts with label hate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hate. Show all posts

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Nazi Radio Show Tonight at 8 central

So Billy had a very bad week, how will he spin it tonight?

I wanted to address this but the AllieGate scandal erupted, but lets look more closely at what our American Terrorist Bill Windsor has planned:

Bill Windsor feels no body cares what you feel Bill corrupt judges and government officials who ignore the Constitution should be charged with TREASON.

Treason is defined as violation of allegiance or duty to one's country or its government.  It is also defined as violation of allegiance or of faith and confidenceand it also has to do with siding with the enemy during wartime, you kinda forgot that part

So, in my opinion your ear lobe has more value in this world than your opinion, there is absolutely no question that these people are committing treason.

Federal officials, including Congress, federal judges, and every commissioned officer in our military take this oath of office:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."

Federal officials in the United States are bound by this oath to reject anything that violates the Constitution of the United States.  When Constitutional rights are denied, the laws are ignored, and government officials allow corruption to go unchecked, tht's TREASON to me. well its not treason to anyone else, especially those that know and understand the law  This is crystal clear to me.  again, who cares what you think?

Since we have federal government officials who have allowed the Constitution of the United States to be usurped you have not established this as fact, these people are domestic enemies of the peopleNO YOU ARE THE DOMESTIC ENEMY I personally would rather die fighting someone might arrange that against the domestic enemies that have usurped power in our country than live in a country where we think we are free.  then leave Bill, get out of my country if you hate it so much  I believe we must work to educate our fellow Americans about what has happened. you cant because you don't have the facts to back you up  The first step is to expose these domestic enemies at all levels of government, and Lawless America has begun that process. you have begun the process of revealing yourself to the country as a terrorist

Domestic enemies are those within our own government who pursue legislation and programs that are contradictory to the powers and principles embodied in the Constitution. yeah, you better pay attention to what you just said Domestic enemies are those who deny our Constitutional rights as a pattern and practice again, you just made that up out of thin air.  Domestic enemies are those who either refuse to acknowledge the Constitution at all, or speak praises about its importance in public, but in private act in a manner that contradicts its restraint. more magic air  Domestic enemies of the Constitution also include all those who support political officers who themselves are enemies of the Constitution.  yeah lets make sure we don't leave anyone out

Treason is the crime that covers some of the more extreme acts against our country.  A person who commits treason is known in law as a traitoragain, you are avoiding the definition of treason

Treason was specifically defined in the United States Constitution, the only crime so defined.  Article III Section 3 delineates treason as follows:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.  No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.  The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

The Constitution does not itself create the offense no; it only restricts the definition (the first paragraph), permits Congress to create the offense, and restricts any punishment for treason to only the convicted (the second paragraph) so maybe charge the constitution with treason?.  The crime is prohibited by legislation passed by Congress. Therefore the United States Code at 18 U.S.C. § 2381 states "whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States." The requirement of testimony of two witnesses was inherited from the British Treason Act 1695.  again, this has to do with wartime

I personally support elimination of the death penalty for all acts except treason well that's about the dumbest anti-death penalty stance I have ever heard, let the cop killers roam free but if they commit my made up crime of treason, they die.  I feel no one cares about how you feel this way for two reasons.  First, our criminal justice system is horribly broken opinion, and way too many innocent people get convicted opinion.  Second, treason is so dangerous to so many that I believe death must be retained as a deterrent. stupid opinion

I love America and our government liar, you hate it with ever fiber of your being.  What I hate is the USA are the corrupt public officials who violate their oaths and have broken America, the traitors who have committed treason. your made up definition of it  I do not in any way advocate overthrowing our government another lie, yes you do, its phase 3 of your Nazi solution.  I advocate ridding us of all the corrupt traitors.  potato patato

Der Fuhrer Purges His Minister of Propaganda

There is sooooooo much going on right now that the best I can do is give a cliff note's version of the run down.  We have all heard at least some of the story by now, but the truth to the story is vomit inducing.

Apparently, leading up to and certainly after the DC event, Allie had started to really pay attention to this blog and the questions we were raising (such as the fake fb profiles).  She even began to ask bill some questions about them, and as a dictator he expects blind loyalty and nothing else.  So they quietly parted.

Well, the problem is, she was too big of a figure in the movement to just fade away into the sunset   Many of the followers started asking questions and thinking that Bill banned her.  At this point, it became clear to Bitler that he had to make a public exaction and example out of his former number two.  So he devises a plan only Satan himself could come up with much like Hitler and his Reichstag Fire.

He decided to choose a story he covered in the same town as Allie, in fact it was someone who was brought to Billy by Allie, and this story involved a troubled teen.  Since Bill hadn't had any real hero worship from this family since his filming of them, he figured he would throw them into the purging as well.  So late in the night, bill receives a facebook message from someone he believes to be (translation:  I'm lying) the mother of the child saying that he had committed suicide.  Bill runs with this story all over his plethora of facebook pages and tried to use the story to rally the troops to his cause.

Then he stated to receive messages back that the story was bogus.  Instead of taking responsibility for posting the story and apologizing, he then moves to phase two of his plan, blame it all on Allie.  He bans her and everyone involved in the story from facebook so that he can control all information given to his lemmings.

But there is a reason you never out your number two, because they have all the goods on you.  And that is certainly the case here as Allie has enough to bury Bill once and for all.  Before she was banned, Allie posted the greatest post in the history of Lawless America, as she shot a hole in everything:

Allie Overstreet That's it? This is your big public ousting? A simple trace on the computer that sent that suicide message, would clear things up. Although I doubt that gets posted. Unblocking me so I can watch the train wreck, yet blocking me from commenting to defend myself is a bit juvenile I think. Tell them, Bill, of the donations receipts. Tell them of the movie and Sundance fiasco. Tell them of the thousands of emails you copied me on. Tell them of the one where you are calling them stupid. Tell them of Homeland Security list Bill, and the filming at the capitol. Tell them how Stacey did send your hard drives back and how you gave permission to use the banner and camera. Tell Dottie what you really think of her. Tell them about Montana and the cops chasing you out of the state. Tell them how many social security numbers you have. Tell them about your database Bill. Tell them about the emails you DONT publish. Tell them about the tv show Bill. Tell them of your bad guy list and why they are on it . Tell them how many times you were in your basement when you you said you were on the road. Tell them about the death threats, or rather, the lack there of. Tell them about the trademark and copywrites Bill. Tell them how you sent me every email you ever sent any of them. Tell them about the meetings with movie agents. Go ahead, tell them. Tell them about your precious spreadsheets with all their personal info Bill. And while you are at it, tell them how to track IP's and proxy's, and how you never should have trusted a woman with brains enough to keep everything you ever said. ...You have made a grave mistake jerking innocent people around for your own midlife crisis. Haters aren't causing you to fail, YOU are causing you to fail. Lying about stupid shit trying to ruin peoples name, just because they dared to not bow correctly to you. Go ahead, trace the computer. I dare you. Tell them where all these criminal charges you have filed are. Tell them that you knew two weeks before DC we couldnt film in the capitol and that no legislators were coming. Tell them about the two under cover FBI agents in the Senate theater Bill. Tell them how you changed from a regular room to the biggest suite the Crowne had. Tell them how you told me there wont be any movement and you are going to back out. Tell them the timing in which this suicide message appeared. won't do that, now will ya. Tell them how many letters you have written to congress Bill. Tell them who actually wrote them . Tell them who does all your work for you. Tell them why your son won't associate his company with Lawless. Tell them how you didn't renember Noah until I told you who he was. Tell them who got Stop the Silence to endorse you. Who got Washington Families United to endorse you. Who got you conference calls with media. Tell them how you forgoymt to copywrite Lawless and asked me what to do. Tell them how you have tens of thousands of unanswered emails. Tell them who did what Bill. I do dare you to sue me and file charges on me. I cannot wait. I will expose the real corruption within Lawless America gladly, and not on faacebook to a bunch of people who believe in you. I hope you do go to the cops, but I know you won't because they already know you well. You are the sick one, for not giving a shit about these peoples stories unless it is good PR for you. You are good at talking sweet but suck at covering your tracks. Bring it on Mr. Windsor, we will see where that suicide message came from and we will blow you wide open for all your lies and using these folks vulnerabilities to your advantage. I am not your average lemming and lying about me to publicly and maliciously discredit my name was a big mistake.

Bill made a fatal mistake in choosing to purge Allie.  He also made a major moral error in choosing this boy as the crux of his made up story.  He exposed himself to the world as a monster, and a stupid one at that.  Now, as the vultures are swirling above, the final chapter of Bill Windor's lawless america has begun.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

William M Windsor: An American Terrorist

So I have been doing some reading up.  First, on the latest over at Quatloos about Billy:

As you can see, these guys have been following him along with a hoard of other characters they all call a part of the Sovereign Citizen Movement.  This got me to really thinking back to when Windsor devoted an hour of filming to his buddy Carl Swensson of the Birther Movement.  Then I ran across this article:

Did you catch that?  He pulled this citizen grand jury on the very day, April 1st, that Billy has announced he will do his own version on.  Obviously Carl is advising him on this.  Windsor is trying to learn from the mistakes Carl did in limiting it to just the Birther movement.  The Why isn't important, its the end result that matters.  This is why Windsor is allowing any and everything into his fake movie.  We can go from a guy who wants his cybersquatting rights, to mothers trying to get their kids back, to a guy trying to make his own currency and then to a slum lord trying to put up big billboards wherever he wants.  There is nothing that connects these people other than they agree with Billy's preamble that the court system is broken and needs to be fixed.  As long as you agree to that tenant, you are on his team.  Your particular issue matters not, just the end goal.

But lets get back to this Sovereign Citizen Movement that all these characters seem to fit under.  The FBI considers the SCM a domestic terrorist group and a growing threat to law enforcment.

"They could be dismissed as a nuisance, a loose network of individuals living in the United States who call themselves “sovereign citizens” and believe that federal, state, and local governments operate illegally. Some of their actions, although quirky, are not crimes. The offenses they do commit seem minor"
"However, a closer look at sovereign citizens’ more severe crimes, from financial scams to impersonating or threatening law enforcement officials, gives reason for concern."

And they conclude with this:
"Although the sovereign-citizen movement does not always rise to violence, its members’ illegal activities and past violent—including fatal—incidents against law enforcement make it a group that should be approached with knowledge and caution"

Lets look at what the Anti-Defamation League has to say about this movement and the similarities we can see in Billy:

"The key distinguishing characteristic of the sovereign citizen movement is its extreme anti-government ideology, couched in conspiratorial, pseudohistorical, pseudolegal and sometimes racist language. Many extremist movements in the 20th century have been anti-government in the sense that they opposed governmental policies, but few have been so purely anti-government that they challenged its very legitimacy"

This sounds like our guy doesn't it?

"Members of the Posse Comitatus believed that the county was the true seat of government in the United States. They did not deny the legal existence of federal or state governments, but rather claimed that the county level was the "highest authority of government in our Republic as it is closest to the people." The basic Posse manual stated that there had been "subtle subversion" of the Constitution by various arms and levels of government, especially the judiciary."

Uh huh, this is why he wants people in all 3,300 counties across the nation to bring the charges at the county level.

Paper Terrorism

"Yet despite a pattern of violent activity, the preferred weapon of members of the sovereign citizen movement is what has come to be called "paper terrorism." Paper terrorism involves the use of fraudulent legal documents and filings, as well as the misuse of legitimate documents and filings, in order to intimidate, harass and coerce public officials, law enforcement officers and private citizens"

There is our boy Billy to the T.  And don't forget his illegal use of a 501c3 non-profit.

"One of the first tactics of the resurgent sovereign citizen movement was the formation of vigilante "common law courts." Members of these courts used them as a forum for grievances against the "de facto" government or for assistance in attempts to harass their enemies"

Yep, this is exactly where we are headed with this next phase in the Lawless Terrorist Network.

"The filing of frivolous lawsuits and liens against public officials, law enforcement officers and private citizens, on the other hand, has remained a favorite harassing strategy. These paper "attacks" intimidate their targets and have the beneficial side effect of clogging up a court system that sovereign citizens believe is illegitimate."

OMG, just stop it, this is way to accurate and telling.

So, as you can see, this is who Bill Windsor is, and this is also where we are headed.  When the lemmings file their made up charges against law enforcement officials, they will be engaging in domestic terrorism along with Bill.  And it needs to be overstated that everyone involved with Lawless America is connecting themselves with terrorist activities specificity delineated by the FBI.  Ignorance is no excuse.  You either wake up now, or finally figure it out when you are behind bars.  The Pied Piper is leading you down a patch of certain destruction.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Windbag Talks for Over 3 and a Half Hours Last Night

Too bad talking doesn't burn calories.  What a drastic difference in the two shows last night.  First, we have the clubhouse with yappy, brannon and petunia.  Its fun, energetic, its open to any and everyone, there are sound bites, parodies and even an intro.  We even had two of Bill's Bangladesh followers call in.

Then, immediately following that is the ultimate buzz kill in Billy boy talking until he literally passed out.  No fun is allowed on the Nazi Radio show as Bitler put the hammer (sorry Brannon) down early by banning everyone, except those that sent him a secret message, from participating.  I gave it a solid 2 hours, but that was my max, I had to leave to keep my sanity.

Now back to the fake followers thing, Bill read up on what we were saying and figured he had to start trying to explain away his sudden large new following in Bangladesh.  He bragged about his long winded show last night saying:

Record Audience for Lawless America Show about filing Criminal Charges against Corrupt Judges and Government Officials

  • PDF

Record audience tuned in for the February 17, 2013 Lawless America Show on TalkShoe.
So many people tuned in and were participating in the chat that TalkShoe's 250 people limit was exceeded and all newcomers had to be blocked from chatting.  And this was with all guests automatically blocked from chatting.  And to the best of my knowledge, not a one of the hundreds was from Bangladesh.  :-)

Well thats because they called in to our show.  Here is an example of how easy it is to fake your view's on youtube...this is from a Joey parody:

But this wont stop Billy from bragging about his fake followers, after all he paid for them so he might as well gloat about it.  This is the guy, after all, that brags about the 50 companies he has failed with.  Now that his old facebook page was shut down, he really has nothing else to point to so he has to play this out all the way.

He does now have an interesting new group of followers as he enters this new phase of judge, jury and executioner all from the comfort of your own home.  Once the word spreads, he will be attracting some of the most out there individuals you will ever see.  He can't even control his loyal lemmings, wait till he tries that with these folks.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Der Fuhrer Decides to Take Matters Into His Own Hands

Following his SOTU response video, and kicking out Mary B and a few others just cause, Windsor has decided to begin on the next step of his Nazi solution.  After blowing his and his followers' money in DC, now he wants to convene his own made up citizens grand juries which will then bring forth fake charges against whomever he pleases. 

Several of the lemmings are probably wondering how all this is going to help them get their child back, but since they put all their hope and faith in their messiah they won't ask questions, just obey.  To help distract them from rational thoughts like that, Bill continues to divert their attention to all the new fake "likes" and views he has bought for both the facebook page and his I Hate America video.  This isn't quite as big as getting a fake award from Obama or his 50,000 now deceased followers, but I guess its enough to keep the lemmings content, at least for another week or so.  Tomorrow night's Nazi Radio Broadcast should be interesting (for once) as instead of the "they done me wrong" (trademark NBTDT) stories, Bill is going to educate his followers on how they can become judge, jury and executioner.

Windbag has now come out with a long list of tasks he now says he wants his followers to perform for him.  Most of it has to do with someone being his personal secretary and the ground work for his next phase.  What is completely absent on this list is anything to do with making or formatting his fake movie.  The more he gets into all this other stuff, the less he even bothers to lie to his lemmings about the original lie they were sold to buy into his scam in the first know Lawless America the Movie.  No, in fact he wants to continue lining up people to film as its clear that he only wants these people's personal info and cult like support, but he never intends to hold up his end of the bargain.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Windsor Blames His Failure on His Followers

Yesterday, the Pie Baby decided that someone at the DC trip was a plant from this blog.  So Bitler asked whom he should purge and when a guy was fingered for the hit, Mary B tried to defend him.  Well that was it for her as Billy has been itching to cut her loose for months now.  She was cast off the island and given the standard "Cease and Desist".

Mary, as we have been following on here, was just a woman looking for some help in this crazy world.  She thought Bill was whom he said he was.  While Bill kept ignoring her and running around trying to track down the "hater of the day", Mary quietly waited for him and Lawless to get back on track towards their stated mission.  This made Bill grow impatient with Mary.  I noticed at the live broadcast in DC, before Bill started his 3 hour look at me show, when Mary went up to the camera to talk about her case Bill said "oh don't let Mary get going, she will never stop".  It was sort of a joke, but Billy really meant it.  He tolerated Mary, but she had real issues and wanted real help which meant that she would become an outcast of his at some point.

Now, after casting out Mary and several others, he has come back with this:


As exciting as the progress we have made is, we have maybe a 20% success rate with volunteers. I have spent an inordinate amount of time asking for volunteers and organizing projects only to have very little get done. So if you are serious about helping, please email Email even if you've emailed before because someone hacked that email account and deleted all previous emails.

If we don't have volunteers who will actually work, we will have to shelve many of our plans.

Yeah thats right, all you lemmings are worthless.  You won't even help me track down the Ginger Snap.  Even though people like Mary had volunteered profusely to try and help out, Bill never gave them any specific tasks.  He asked for help, but would never accept it.  As we can now see, the only reason he ever asked for help was so he could blame his followers for his own failures, and thats exactly what he is doing now.  He is going down in flames, he keeps trying to buy more "likes" on his facebook page but he can't get more than 40 real likes on any of his posts.  At this point, there really isn't much left to purge, but that doesn't seem to stop him.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Bill Windsor Identifies Himself as an Enemy Combative of the United States

Last night, in his impromptu State of the Union response, Bill made it perfectly clear what he wants to do.  He hates the United States and warns all immigrants to stay as far away as you can from it.  He said the system is broken and that he will bring charges against all elected officials and put them on trial for treason.  He said he is non-violent...but that nothing would surprise him any-more   He then says that once he destory's our entire system of government, "we can then make it into whatever we want it to be".

Bill Windsor showed us all last night that the only difference between Lawless America and Al-Qa'ida is tactics.  He wants to abolish the death penalty but reserve it only for those convicted with treason (like all the government officials he plans to charge).  He once again affirmed that our men and women in the military died for nothing as it currently stands.  He also spoke about how many currently incarcerated were wronged because they were former foster care children.

To be clear, this is the next step in his Nazi revolution   The first was just fun and games as a few people went sight seeing in DC.  Now it gets serious as he makes it clear he is going to declare war on the current government of the United States.  Everyone associated with this monster, even loosely  better run away now before they go down with him.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tonight Is the State of The Pie Address

Well first let me proclaim, I'm still here!!!  The big bad Pie Baby didn't get me like he promised.  So yay, we can continue to play in the clubhouse.

Bill is continuing to try and change over his facebook page to the new one, which looks a whole lot like the original one.  Is he trying to clean up his 50,000 fake followers now that facebook has been notified of his fraud?  Who knows.  He then wants to find a PI in Califronia, Montana (going after Sean) and Texas (going after me and us).  Would you like fries with that?

Then, as one never to miss an opportunity to put his fat mug in the middle of everything, he has proclaimed a State of the Union response tonight for his fake revolutionary party.  Act as if seems to be his plan of action.

Lawless announces that they have joined forces with a group called Stop the Silence.  They will look to use the credibility and and following that this Stop the Silence group has built and exploit it for their own agenda. Billy gave a hint of his next solution of his Nazi agenda as he said they are going to free 80% of those currently incarcerated and replace them with our duly elected officials.  Literally, he wants the inmates to run the asylum.  Once he realized he has this new group watching him and not just his mindless lemmings, he decided to pull that little titbit and hold it for a later time.  But no matter how you slice it or how many times he says "we are non-violent", he is quickly going to move up the ranks in domestic terrorism as he moves closer to his final solution.

Monday, February 11, 2013

We Get Pulled Back Into The Spider Webb

Well its 3:00 pm and I'm still free.  Not only that but the Lawless page is down.

Ok, I have been doing my best to avoid old man Webby, I really have.  Yeah so he thinks bad parenting and alcohol was the main factors in Joey's rape conviction,  so he has been trying to hunt me down all over metroplex talking to people who have nothing to do with any of this.  So he collaborated with Lawless in an effort to throw out dirt on me, so he lurks on this blog daily, hoping that we jump back into his Webb.  So he tried to make fun of me as an air conditioning man whom he assumed I was.

I was still going to let all that go, until he had to throw out his latest article on his rare reporter (what he means by rare is common sense and moral decency).  Now, I'm not a big fan of Rick Perry, I think he is a dolt and I thought that way before his presidential run.  And I'm not going to get into the gay vs. anti-gay war.  Everyone has a right to believe what they want, and the Boy Scouts are a private institution and they get to make their own policies.  Welcome to America.  So, with that as my disclaimer, against my better judgement.....lets get caught back into the spider Webb:

IRVING, TX -- Ignorance and fear can play an amazingly influential role in halting progress, and the nation recently saw that played out once again at the highest level of political influence on a charitable organization.  A bit dramatic don't you think?

In the face of mounting conservative public opposition, Boy Scouts of America announced it would delay making a decision on striking down its anti-gay policy targeting scouts and leaders.How do you know they didn't just delay the ruling? An affirmative vote, originally scheduled for Feb. 6 by the Irving, Texas-based national group and now delayed until May, would have allowed local troop sponsors to decide on whether to accept gay scouts and leaders.

It's no coincidence that the Boy Scouts announcement followed on the heels of anti-gay Texas Gov. Rick "I'll never step down unless I can be president" Perry saying that he would oppose such a policy change. it might be, how do you know? Perry, a former Eagle Scout who published a book in 2008, "On My Honor: Why the American Values of the Boy Scouts Are Worth Fighting For," probably can be credited with derailing the vote. It would be nice to have a little more evidence to support this other than the title of a book he wrote 5 years ago

That's a shame because Perry you mean your hypothetical reason?, more than most people, probably knows that anti-gay discrimination often targets people who might not be gay. On no, here it comes Perry has fought rumors that he himself is gay yeah he just went there, welcome to the bottom of the barrel ever since he went to Austin as a state legislator representing Haskell County in 1984. In fact, Perry was the subject of "Head Figure Head: The Search for the Hidden Life of Rick Perry," a book written by former openly-gay Texas Rep. Glen Maxey, which alleged to document the governor's closeted gay life. but it could never be substantiated so no responsible media outlet ever said anything about it

What's even more curious about Perry's stance is that when he was a scout in Haskell County omg, we can drop even farther now? he was involved in an incident of an alleged appearance of impropriety. One night on a camping trip when Perry was about 10 young boys on a camping trip, where have we heard that before?, he apparently got cold and crawled into a sleeping bag with an older scout to get warm. When the scout leader discovered the pair the next morning he reportedly scolded the older scout for allowing Perry to sleep with him. The older scout said he took the brunt of the scolding because he was told that as the older youth he should have known to wake the scout leader rather than allowing Perry to sleep with him.

Presumably, Perry and the older scout might have been expelled for their behavior under today's scouting policy,the scouts have always had that policy and God forbid what might have happened to them had they been involved in some common child experimental sex game. Common?  What kind of sick perverse world did you grow up in?  I guess we can all be thankful that there was no booze involved because then they would have been open season to be raped by the scout leaders.

The sleeping bad incident came to light when a Huffington Post reporter researched rumors about Perry's alleged secret gay life during the governor's unsuccessful bid for the Republican Party's presidential nomination in 2012. The reporter dismissed it because it quite rightly meant nothing, and so should you except that it possibly scarred the young Perry's mind and instilled a sense of fear in him about the perception of being branded as gay. so he really is gay, but this scared him straight and he has been living a lie ever since?

Friends of Perry from of his scouting days -- some of whom remain in close contact with him still -- swear that he has has never engaged in off-color jokes about LGBT people or practiced anti-gay discrimination in his political offices. Yet every chance he gets, Perry comes down on the side of the debate with the likes of anti-gay zealot Robert Jeffress Perry is pretty far right, that would be consistent with his political platform, senior pastor of the First Baptist Church of Dallas, who from his appearance ought to understand something about the threat of being wrongly perceived as gay. Did you just make fun of his appearance because he looks effeminate?  You are doing wonders for the LGBT agenda, let me tell ya

Effeminate straight men often become the targets of anti-gay hate crimes, according to organizations that track hate crime violence.  Often?  Do you know what the word often means?

According to the organization's website, the Boy Scout's mission is to do duty to God and country, obey Scout Law, help others at all times, stay physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight. Scouts are encouraged to be trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent.

Obviously, none of that mentions sexual orientation, unless someone wants to try and argue that "morally straight" means not gay, which hopefully no one would be dumb enough to attempt such a debate.  they didn't really invite you to a debate, but I think that is how they are reading it Instead, discrimination of any kind would appear to be violating Scout Law.  What where?  I don't read discrimination anywhere in it?  They don't allow girls in as well, those nazis.  How does something that is not there "appear" to be there to you?

It doesn't help the cause for eliminating anti-gay discrimination in the organization that everyone realizes the Boy Scouts are likely only considering a policy change because of the fear of loss of corporate funding, which increasingly requires commitments to equality for all people.  thats probably true, but facts are always good to back this up

Rather than listening to a governor whose motives are more likely based on politics and personal gain rather than fairness, it would better serve Boy Scouts leaders to listen to the words of someone like President Barack Obama.So you don't think Obama is motivated by politics and personal gain even though up until the last year he was anti-gay marriage? The president you should capitalize President, show respect noted that all young people should have the opportunity to learn and prosper as part of the scouting tradition.

It's hard to imagine anything more deplorable than the thought of scout leaders and the scouts they mentor targeting and excluding a youth from a troop because they view them as unacceptable for presumed homosexuality or whatever reason. so this is the worst thing that can happen to a human being, rape murder so on takes a back seat to this? The earlier children are taught to live and let live the better it will serve them in later life, and it's never to late for someone to learn that lesson either.  that's a pretty weak ending, but whatever

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Remember The Hilton

First of all, lets take a quick moment of silence to remember the 45,000+ departed followers of Lawless America.  Has anyone sent out a missing person's report?  Its like they all vanished into thin air.

Second, we get dueling banjo's tonight as the weekly Nazi Radio Program is going to be shadowed by the AMPP's doing a show of their own dedicated to the victims of Lawless America

So Billy has decided to make his stand in defense of his Minister of Propaganda Allie as she battles for custody of her child.


Remember the Hilton in Phoenix? I was evicted and they called the police for the crime of photography. HUNDREDS of Nobodies called, emailed, faxed, and generally caused an uproar that Hilton Hotels said unprecedented.

Well, REMEMBER THE HILTON! It's time to crank up our combined effort to come to the aid of Lawless America Vice-President, Allie Allie Lorraine Overstreet. Her ex has filed actions to take away her parental rights, sanction her, and force her to take down her videos. This is an outrage on every level. First, no judge has a legal right to terminate parental rights as being a parent is a human right. Second, freedom of speech is a Constitutional right that this judge and no court has the right to infringe upon. Third, no pervert should get anything but prison.

We will post a sample letter below.

The hearing is March 4, and I will be there with six cameras. Meet Me in Missouri!
Even as he tries to rally the lemmings to intimidate the judge in her case, he can't help but to still make the whole thing about him by mentioning his eviction from a hotel.  Such a narcissist.  He goes on to name the judge and give out his address.  Billy assumes the role of judge in the case and explains why the case should be decided the way he see's fit.  Allie, so thankful for all the "help" she is receiving, reaffirms her undying love for her Fuhrer with this:
Allie Lorraine Overstreet My gag order expired And Bill is the best boss in all the land.
This is going to end badly for all those involved, you can book that.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Rut Roh!!! Billy is Coming After Me

First of all, congrats everyone who has made this day possible.  For a month and a half we have been doing our best to get on Bitler's #1 Most Wanted List, but we could never seem to get noticed.  But today, he promises to come and get me:

Bill Windsor <>
8:15 PM (16 minutes ago)
to me
Justin Thompson aka Ginger Snap aka Joeyisalittlekid:
Cease and desist the libel, slander, defamation, and cyberstalking.
I am filing criminal charges against you on Monday, and I will file one or more civil actions.
I am headed to Garland, Texas soon. 
William M. Windsor
Phone: 770-578-1094
PO Box 681236
Marietta, GA 30068
Please sign our petition:
First of all Billy...are you really going to leave this "sign our petition" link in a cease and desist email?  You know how stupid that makes you look?
Second...bring it on.  Why don't we just throw out jaywalking while we are at it?  Are you bringing your whittle gun too?  Are you going to be able to steal some more frequent flyer miles to make it down here, or are you going to fire up that poor jeep again?  I'm sure the City of Garland and the local lot lizards would love the economic "stimulus" your tourism might bring.  All I will say is bring it on fatty.  I'm willwy scared aka frightened aka startled

Lemmings OD on Koolaid

So as he can't find anything to hang his hat on in his Failure in DC, Pie Baby has decided to drown his lemmings with koolaid.  He tells them he needs an RV that must sleep 4 (up to 3 lot lizards at a time), then he says he took a picture of secret service agents but they disappeared from his photo.  He later finds the picture only to show that they appeared to be the janitorial service waiting for him and his lemmings to finish their play time.  Then he gets on his high horse with his good buddy Glen Gilbellina.  This is under a long post mainly calling for the end to the VAWA:

"In closing, Lawless America The Movie has gained another 30,000 followers in just the past month. Should something happen to Bill Windsor, many of us will continue what he started."

-Yeah of those 30,000 there is the possiblility that 3 of them might be real.

Windsor even gives a shout out to himself for buying all his fake facebook followers:

"We just topped the 50,000 mark ...for Friends and Followers!"

-You just better hope none of the lemmings start to look into who all those followers you bought really are.

But then listen to the comments between him and Glenn G:

Glen Gibellina There are more animal shelters than shelters for men and THEY didn't use title 4 money like always, FOLLOW THE MONEY

-so you want taxpayers to pay for more male specific shelters, who I guess are fleeing from their overpowering spouses who someone beat them up?  Count me as a hell no.

Bill Windsor The right to be a parent is a fundamental human right. The government has no rights and no business interfering in any manner with parenthood.

-ok, which amendment is this?  I can't seem to find it but I know it must be in there since you never tell a lie.  You cant just make up your own rights.

Just because you call someone corrupt or a false accuser doesn't make them one.  It just means you accused them of that.  Just because you say this Nation is broken doesn't make it true, it just means you think this Nation is broken.  Just because you say you are speaking to 300+ people in a room doesn't make it true, it just means you said it.  Somehow, these very simple sets of logic are lost of Bill and the minions. 

Der Fuhrer then goes on to preforms his favorite practice of female-human sacrifice as he outs another mother whom he has decided to hate.  He names her, puts up a pic of her and her family and calls on his goons to go after her.  Deep in the "we need to get her" comments we get one lemming that accidentally gets out of line with this comment:

Liz McGovern just maybe it the ppl you allow to "help" with things. One wouldn't allow a drug addict to tend the pharmacy- a child molester to baby sit kids- a bank robber to be a bank teller, etc. I am not comparing anyone connected to Lawless- to the scurges of society- but just maybe, if you could find ppl who aren't emotionally invested in what this group does- to do all your footwork, you might have better outcomes. Only a suggestion & pls don't anyone take it personal.

Umm Liz, if he eliminated all the pedophiles, druggies and thieves there wouldn't be anyone left in his Lawless America.  You get a frowny face for the day with that kind of individual thought.  Drink some more koolaid please.