Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Windsor Continues to Wait in Jail

Not a whole lot to say this month other than Bill continues to be held in Missoula County detention center.  Its not clear if he is waiting on/fighting extradition back to Ellis County TX or if MT is still holding him.  Seanboushie.com....long purported as being one of the conditions for Bill's release, has gone offline and bill has claimed that he paid the bond for the MT charges.  Bill continues to file away in all his civil and criminal cases.....objecting to any and everything.  He says he likes the Missoula jail (its nicer than Ada and Ellis according to him).  I think the taxpayers across the nation hope he continues his stay in this county jail.

Most of the info from Bill has been coming out by way of Cruz Gomez.  Bill seems resigned to being in jail for a while longer and wants others to update his facebook page and slander sites. Gomez decided he lost his country in 1985 when he had a heart attack and he didn't get the care he thinks he deserved.  He is now a full blown conspiracy nut who wants to bring down the nation.



  1. Hey Cruzin on empty? Why are you mad bro? You're still breathing right? The Dr.'s must have done something right to save you. Oh wait...maybe you're dead...maybe you're part of the Zombie Apocalypse. You write like you have no functioning brain cells, and you want to destroy the normal people. ACCCKKK run!! Run away fast--Cruz is gathering the Zombies for Windsor!! AHHHHHHHH

    1. We could feel sorry for medical malpractice (he's had ongoing heart problems since '85 and is convinced he was deliberately given Hep C) but Cruzin is convinced his doctors have repeatedly tried to murder him. More than that he is convinced that his nurse was murdered (by her boyfriend in real life) for saving his life. Cruizin insists that he was being waterboarded by having water inserted into his nose while his bed was upside down. He says he banged on the bed hard enough to get her attention, and then when she entered the room he was able to wildly move his arms to point to his killers. He never explains why he didn't just pull the tube from his nose.

    2. Cruizin is spreading misinformation about medical procedures and seems uneducated about the procedures administered to him.
      Breast pain is not typically the first symptom of breast cancer, and that the young woman's cancer was spread to other parts of her body, then it is not clear if her life could have been saved. We don't have all the information to judge the doctor or the woman's pain because Cruiz probably doesn't even know.
      There are other ailments that must be ruled out before jumping to heart attacks, such as strokes and asthma. It's possible that his first medical problems had nothing to do with his heart, and it's possible that he had other lifestyle factors or problems that would cause heart problems later. Not enough information given.
      Doctors do have a high rate of drug addiction, but they are often addicted to drugs they can get from the pharmacy rather than street drugs. Addiction in them may look different. Why does this matter? This is a serious accusation but Cruizin isn't saying his doctors are drug addicts. He's simply putting that idea out there for no particular reason.
      It is very common to blame blood transfusions for diseases. Blood tests to determine if a person had aids were not developed until 1985, and it was not routine to screen donated blood for hep c until 1992. Cruiz is holding his doctor's personally responsible for accidental contamination before it was national policy to screen blood, and being that he is still aids free, it would appear that he was not exposed.
      Bypass surgeries are not without risk, and Cruiz doesn't give us information about why he needed the second bypass surgery. So while he was in surgery, Cruiz was given a tracheal tube which would not be used for liquids: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tracheal_tube. He would have been sedated for the surgery and needed the tube to help open his air waves to help him breathe. It sounds like he may also have had a feeding tube, although he does not state this. He was in recovery from surgery. He was scared, confused, sedated, groggy and uneducated. So it must have been scary when he most likely developed a known complication called pulmonary aspiration. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulmonary_aspiration
      The medical establishment is not without its critics, and Cruiz has not explained why he would be so important that a doctor would risk jailtime for murder charges. Without proper information it can not be even determined whether his complications were due to medical malpractice or just an unfortunate statistic of the procedure itself.
      The nurse was murdered and she did work for Kaiser, but we have no proof that she was his nurse or that the incident Cruiz spoke of ever happened. Her boyfriend was afraid to call 911 because they had a history of domestic incidents between the two of them. Her bosses spoke kindly of her and her parents believe the boyfriend is guilty. Being that her family is in China and does not speak English, Cruizin is desecrating her death without the knowledge of her family.

    3. My big issue with his "story" is that he claims they wanted to kill him. Why? What is so important about Cruz, that would make someone put a hit on him? Seriously. Numerous people sue Hospitals and Doctors all the time for malpractice, it's no big deal. It's why they have insurance.

      He's making it sound like there was some giant conspiracy to kill him, when there isn't any reason. He may or may not have had a claim. But, considering his first surgery was in '85 and the second was years later, there was a statute of limitations on the first--so if that's one he is claiming was negligent he wouldn't have prevailed even IF he had a case. The second surgery? This is when he claims they tried to kill him right out of surgery. Again, what is the point? He was well past any legal stance to sue, so he was SOL. (Shit out of luck Cruz)

      Just like all the other Lawless America "Testimonies" it lacks any substance, makes all kinds of wild allegations with no way to verify without the other sides testimony. (Of which Windsor claimed he would get before he made this movie.)

      Now, here's the issue I see. Windsor put up the one sided Youtubes, which have been up for a few years now, with allegations against the people the Lawless are mad at. At what point does Windsor get sued for slander, harassment, libel etc because it's completely bias? What company could these people sue? Lawless America doesn't exist. And the only person coming up was Barbara, in Delaware as Director.

      I'd sure love for a big organization like Kaiser to come after Mr & Mrs Windsor for putting up such horrendous allegations without one stitch of proof or evidence of any wrongdoing, other than a seemingly uneducated man like Cruz Gomez.

    4. Uh, are Nursing Students even allowed or qualified or licensed to even assist someone out of surgery like Cruz. This is sounding all kinds of Billshit now.

      "Lu and Campbell were both nursing students at Pasadena City College."

    5. Anon at 7:51 pm - I don't know about requirements back when Cruz had his surgeries, but modern nursing students seeking a BSN are required to take clinical skills classes. This usually means interning at a health facility, usually a hospital, and does involve providing care to patients under the close supervision of an experienced registered nurse who evaluates the student's work and is generally in the same room as the student and patient in order to both evaluate the treatment and correct any errors or omissions, particularly those that might be harmful to the patient. The clinical skills classes generally involve clinical experience in a variety of areas, including work labor and delivery, the ER, the psych evaluation and care ward, ICUs, and what is commonly referred to as "med/surge", the ward for patients who just received or are about to receive surgical treatment.

    6. Yeah, I can see that, but in Cruz's "testimony" he made it sound like she was the nurse on duty, not a student with a nurse accompanying her. It just sounds off for something a student would do, or be required to do, or even know what to do in that particular situation. Simply put, it sounds fishy. But then again, most of the testimony done by Windsor is fishy stories that don't mesh with court records.

  2. Moral of the story: Watch out for dog walkers.

  3. [IMG]http://i58.tinypic.com/fvwt1e.png[/IMG]

    1. LOL I have the Carpenter music in my head now, with your lyrics!! ahahah

  4. "Cruz Gomez Greg, Bill Windsor is locked up because the corrupt government officials, judges and crooked cops want him out of the way. He was planning to created a movie, that wold expose the corruption and the names of the corrupt from throughput the country, from video testimony of victims of this corruption from most of the 50 states. So agents of the corrupt infiltrated the group of his supporters. Bill was defamed in a big way, his social sites were hacked and taken down, he and his family were threatened, the corrupt tried to kill him, then they cooked up false charges against him. In one of his latest messages he says he does't know when or if he will ever be let out of jail." 1 hr

    1. HAHAHAHA OMG this is hysterical. Windsor did a number on these idiots with the fake stories, and look at how they just keep going with them. Holy hell! Not one functioning brain cell between them all. SMH

    2. IKR ..Ninja? .. the "In one of his latest messages he says he does't know when or if he will ever be let out of jail."

      .... is priceless, though. Lol !!!

    3. Yeah, he's always good at keeping them all hanging on by a thread, with tales of woe. He's really an asshole for it. Hopefully, that lie will turn into truth hu? That would be his karma for playing games with people who are still supporting him.

      I'm not feeling sorry for any one of them now, I'll just keep laughing and making fun of them. There's no excuse at this late date in Windsor's games, not to have figured it out.

    4. It's time for a meeting of the board of directors and a vote for a the new president....oh wait.....Lawless America is not a democracy. But if it is a business as Windsor's lawsuit claims and all the lemmings support, then they are agreeing to work for $0 an hour, how sweet.

    5. I wonder if the little Mrs. filed taxes this year, or if she blew it off like they have for the past few. While Windsor claimed they were a 501 C3 non profit, he was forced to back track and admit they were not, and denied ever saying they were. So...that money is income.

      Wonder when the IRS will ever figure this out...
      The shell games with ALL those bogus 'companies' the Windsor's have going? Got to be millions in unpaid taxes IMO.

    6. Reserve123 (Alcy Media) pays tax lawyers to get rid of the IRS.

    7. So how does it feel to actually have the Windsor's as a boss?

  5. LOL!! Somehow, Windsor got wind that he misspelled his email address and corrected it. It's not @yjoo. Awwww

    "Cruz Gomez
    3 hrs

    Hello Lawless America participants and supporters here is the latest information that I received from Bill: Today at 2:37 PM
    Yes, it should say windsorinmontana@yahoo.com.
    He doesn't have an Inmate # to put on mail as far as I know in Missoula. He did in Ada and Ellis. He just puts
    Inmate William M. Windsor
    Missoula County Detention Facility
    2340 Mullan Rd.
    Missoula, MT 59808"

    1. LMAO Thank goodness for this blog or the lemmings would still be sending their love letters to "windsorinmontana@yjoo"

    2. So the question is....did Windsor actually screw up, or was it one of the lemmings? Did Snoozie do it? Did she mess up his email address, and read it here, then run over to tell Cruz she got a message from Wingnut? Only one line in that "message from Bill" appears could have been written by him. The rest of it sounds like someone simply saying what his contact info is.

      I'm going to guess...Windsor has no idea...and it was...A STUPID LEMMING who screwed up. Now they're cowering in a corner because he might sue, due to loss of emails, contact from the outside--which deprived him his constitutional rights to get ass-kissing emails. Tisk, tisk dumb lemming.

    3. Hmm? Sounds like a job for Agent Prehn to f&ck up.

      After all, he is a National Elder Advocate...

    4. Yeah, it's got his idiocy all over it, but nah, not enough typo's and there weren't a plethora of names dropped of three letter agencies working with him to free Windbag.

    5. So, according to Cruz, Pie Guy in Jail is requesting the following ..

      ("If you would like to help, please email windsorinmontana@yjoo.com.
      Your identity will not be known. You will post as me.
      Oh, I also need someone to do Facebook postings for me.")

      ...... Isn't that violating Facebook's TOS?

    6. Curious as to why Snooze (the self-proclaimed # 1 most trusted confidante of Willy's hasn't been given the golden key to Willy's Facebook page. Or, been relaying her Willy's messages herself to the handful of lemmings left, instead of making Cruzing on empty do it.

  6. Cruz is comparing this man to Windsor. Let see, did he break the law? Did he take things into his own hands just to get attention? Make a spectacle of himself for self promotion? Is he now looking for sympathy? Yep, sounds like Windsor.

    "Last week U.S. mailman Doug Hughes made national headlines when he flew a tiny personal aircraft known as a gyrocopter on to the lawn of the U.S. Capitol in an act of civil disobedience. Hughes was carrying letters to every member of Congress urging them to address corruption and to pass campaign finance reform..."


    Wonder if he "flys" with a group like Lawless or National Liberty Alliance, or if he just wings it by himself. SMH

    1. He follows these guys: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rootstrikers

  7. Here's to one month of peace and quiet on the Windsor front since his latest arrest. No lies posted on his hate dot coms, no blustery tauntings on his FB towards LE or "rewards" offered for information on____, no stupid it's day ____ and I'm still a menace updates, just peace and quiet! Surely he's still filing his frivolous and moronic stuff, but it's been nice and quiet on the other fronts. It's almost as though he never existed!!

    1. This is all psyops remember. The real Bill was abducted by the illuminati many years ago when government agents infiltrated his father's hollywood connections. The yellow line in the LA logo is really a subliminal yellow brick road as the Wizard of Oz is used in trauma based programming. Windsor's job was to entice unsuspecting victims and government dissidents to follow him to DC (hence the yellow brick road) so they could also be experimented on. But something went wrong, Windsor began to fight his programming which lead to his personality splintering. He had to be captured and reprogrammed. When this failed to achieve the desire results, they gave him a chemical lobotomy which wiped his memory clean. The real Windsor is living quietly with his family (which is why they never come out in public), and the man we have come to know as Windsor is really a shape-shifter stand-in. Operation LA was abandoned in favor of NLA, but the bots Farty, Giblets and Cruizin have not yet received their orders because the tin foil hats have blocked transmission. And it all would have worked too if it were not for you meddling Joey's....but just to be on the safe side, I still wouldn't read Snuzan's blog after midnight while staring into a darkened bathroom mirror.

    2. It's true. At least that's what it said on the website I found. I would have posted screenshots, but well it got hacked. But that's not what really happened; it's only what they want you to think. What really happened is Bill got mixed up with some Scientology scandals. It's true, what they say: we are all inhabited by the bodies of tiny aliens. Except because Bill could pay to reach the Serial Entra-theta stage, and that's when he learned that the ticks ARE the aliens. Lyme disease is how our bodies fight these aliens. Bill infected his followers, and that's why different ones spring up all loud and proud and then go away suddenly. When they are loud it's because they are infected, and when they go away it's because they got healed.

    3. Ok, ok I made that up just now. But the tick really is the mascot of LA. What really happened is Bill met Snoozan in the Grip days. She was supposed to set up websites for him and he was supposed to advertise ghosts for her. But he stiffed her and she was mad. So she invited him over for a seance, but instead she hypnotized him. That's why he doesn't remember meeting her because he was in a trance, ok. And the most noble creature she knows is a female cat that can defend herself, so she figured the Pepe LePew curse was the best revenge. She programmed him to always chase after alley cats, but Bill could never understand her gravely voice. He thought she meant "allies on chat." The rest as they say is history, even for conspiracy theorists the LA lemmings are unimaginative zombies and that's my final answer!

  8. When is he going to be charged, have a trial????? Does it take this long?

  9. Cruz Gomez
    14 hrs ·
    "Notice and question for Montanians who love the Constitution and the Rights that our forefathers assured us through the shedding of their blood! William (Bill) Windsor, the director of Lawless America is being held in the Missoula County Detention Facility on drummed up charges brought against Bill by corrupt officials and their underlings. Bill was planning to expose the rampant corruption that exists throughout the country, especially In Montana, by government officials/organizations, judges, lawyers and police agencies through a film that he was creating. The corrupt tried all manner of machinations, including, according to Bill, threats on Bill and his family and an attempt on Bill's life. Ask your governor and AG why Bill is being held as a political prisoner for attempting to clean up corruption? "

    Why did you say according to Bill? What happened Cruizin? Are you starting to doubt yourself? Cause you know, you can and will be called to testify as to what threats have been made against Bill and his family. Those envelopes sent "from Bill" but really from your California address will not endear you to the court. I love that a lemming is trying to slur us as underlings. What government official do we work for Cruizin? Are you prepared to answer under oath?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I messed that up. try two it appears Stephanie Strong. Eugene Paulson's Friend is at the NLA now.

    1. HAHAHA!! That's so funny.

      I remember reading an article she was quoted in when Paulson was arrested. She said he was involved in a "different group" yet they were both with Lawless. She said her plans on "Citizen grand juries" were going to work, unlike Paulson's. It's seriously the biggest cluster _______ around--watching all these idiots claim "their" way will work. She obviously failed, got really quiet because she knew they were on to her, her name and Paulson's were attached to Windsor/LA-- and has now moved on to another group who is also failing, but still actively promoting their failures as wins. HAHAHAHA idiots!! All of them!!

      For your Monday giggle--


      And there's more...(birds of a frivolous feather...get vexi together...)

      "Stephanie Strong wanted to use the courts as her personal soapbox to beat up on State Representative Brian Gosch. It didn’t work so well. After the circus she started lost badly, again and again, she was required to pay the court fees. But after appearing in front of the State Supreme Court three times, she doesn’t want to pay the entrance fee for dragging people into court."

      Interestingly enough--I can't seem to find the Windsor youtube anymore with Paulson. I did find that link was posted on Fogbow, and some fun comments about Paulson, Windsor, NLA and Strong. (Now why would Windsor delete that? What on earth is he hiding? Mr. Scrub the web during litigation!! Tampering with evidence again? Hum? Worried that his "Secret group working behind the scenes in SD" might be tied to him? Oh yeah--this is a definite possibility...(there is a talkshoe where he said that...wonder if he scrubbed that too)


  12. Cruz likes to highlight and promote groups. Lets help him out here. What is this new one? They posted a picture of a billboard about a Revolution. Sounds ominous at the bottom. If steps 1 & 2 don't work, prepare for war? WTF? War?

    "Operation Jade Helm and Beyond"

    (now, is this a real billboard, or did some blowhard just print shop the pic to look like it's real, and idiots like Cruz fall in line)

    1. http://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/article19836852.html

      There have been plans in place for how to attack the US for decades. Knowing our weakness is the best defense. If certain sovereigns and militias feel the operation is solely to extract them, then they have only themselves to blame for inciting potential violence that might lead to a war. Some are actually advocating for this. War of the Worlds was only a radio show until someone believed it. Don't be surprised by a sad headline or two.

  13. While we wait on news of the Fanny Pack Fugitive, see what his Regional Director is up to at:


    1. Fanny Pack Fugitive!


  14. We laid WC Fields to rest a long time ago knowing that Bill had only exaggerated his father's importance. Guess who didn't? As it turns out, Fields died in a sanatorium at the age of 66.
    From Wiki: There have been stories that Fields' grave marker reads "I'd rather be in Philadelphia", a line similar to one he used in My Little Chickadee when a mob that is preparing to hang him ask him if he has any last words: "I'd like to see Paris before I die...Philadelphia will do!"
    "Day 15 as a "wanted" man. .... Bill Windsor says he'd rather be in Philadelphia...or anywhere but a Montana prison."

  15. Jail might turn out well for Windsor, he has a captive audience...

  16. What's taking so long with Bill???

    1. Hmm...let's brainstorm. Maybe the feds took over. Maybe he's hospitalized. Maybe they are offering him a plea deal in exchange for names.

  17. One of the Lawless was apparently shot and killed by police in Nashville.

    "A 53-year-old man was killed Thursday morning after police say he pointed a gun at officers who came to his home in Oak Hill to serve a warrant for failure to appear in court.

    John Donnally Acree, commonly known as Don Acree, died with a pistol in his hand at the rear of the house at 812 Forest Hills Drive, according to Metro Nashville Police Department spokesman Don Aaron.

    Officer William Wright, 29, was the officer involved in the incident with Acree, Aaron said.

    Acree was scheduled to appear in court Wednesday on an aggravated burglary charge, but didn't show according to police.

    Just before 8 a.m. Thursday, four officers went to the home to serve the warrant.

    Two officers went to the front of the home and two officers went to the rear because of Acree's history of mental health issues, Aaron said.

    When the officers knocked on the front door and asked Acree to come outside, he refused and walked toward the rear of the residence. As Acree approached the back door, officers could see he was armed with a semi-automatic pistol pointed in their direction, according to Aaron.

    "Officers believed they were going to be fired upon, and they fired on Acree," Aaron said.

    Don Acree developed paranoia that had intensified in recent years, according to his twin brother, Bill Acree.

    "I'd like for my brother to be portrayed as a great guy who never harmed anyone," Bill Acree said. "This is very baffling to me. Just this thing not coming to the door and some sort of shootout.

    "There are a lot of things I don't know. (He) can't be treated like everyone else when you arrest him. It's not good for anybody."

    The incident for which Don Acree was scheduled to appear in court alleges he went into a female neighbor's home and accused her of keeping him under surveillance. Acree was charged for taking pictures of the victim in her home just after she got out of the shower.

    After getting dressed, the resident found Acree taking photographs of her house, police said.

    In the past, Acree had also accused federal government agents of stalking him and placing surveillance devices in his home and car. Neighborhood residents also expressed concerns, according to police.

    Bill Acree was at the home at the time of the shooting and told police he did not see or hear any of the exchange. He was not being charged.

    Wright has worked with the Metro Police Department for four years and is assigned to the Midtown Hills Precinct's day shift flex unit."


    1. Here's the lemming spin:
      "A sad story. The man who is mentioned as being shot by police had been video taped by Bill Windsor the director of Lawless America who now sits in a Montana jail facing bogus charges cooked up by corrupt officials- judges, D.A's, PO's, government officials and their underlings- in order to stop Bill Windsor from exposing the corruption that is widespread throughout the country though a movie that Bill was creating."

      Here is Don's "testimony" to Windsor

      So, it appears that Don had a long history of mental illness. Instead of getting help, people like Windsor actually helped propel the mental illness further. When there is a mental health issue, and no one does anything to step in--this is the result. (or worse, they hurt an innocent person) It's not "Corruption" and it's not a "Conspiracy"--these are people with true mental health problems that are a danger to society--and if there is any "Corruption" or a "Conspiracy" it is that our Government isn't doing enough to lock these people up in a mental health unit to protect the rest of society!! Windsor is another mentally ill individual IMO. He truly believes everyone is out to get him--and he feeds all these other mentally ill people by getting them riled up against the Govt. and people who see them as the threat--thus calling them "Cyberstalkers" or "Haters" or whatever. SMDH!

    2. Now this is a story that Bill would exploit to the fullest.

    3. Exactly! So this guy broke in to a neighbors home, and accused HER of stalking him. These are the LAWLESS! They want to scream and holler about their "Rights" but they don't abide by laws, violate other's "rights" and then courts just seem to go, aww, it's ok, he's not a threat. The dude had a gun in his hands when the police came there. He had a history of mental illness! HELLO!!!

      Windsor--another paranoid, delusional whackadoodle that also has a gun--that he stated he got because there were too many "Crazies," who drove several states to go stalk someone--has never to my knowledge turned that gun in--and screams and cries about his "rights" being violated!

      It's just a matter of time before they all snap, and take out innocent people when all the warning signs were there!

    4. In cases like PPO's, RO's, and or violations of those orders, the courts should make it mandatory to view all medical history. Sociopaths, narcissists, and other skilled liars (much like Windsor) are a greater risk to society when their mental health history isn't included in court proceedings. Full disclosure should be mandatory! (appears Acree shouldn't have been out and about while waiting his hearings/trial/court proceedings)

      From previous discussions Windsor allegedly suffers from paranoia or delusional thoughts or something. He takes medications--so that should be part of the hearings. Just because he doesn't have a previous record, doesn't mean he's ok to turn loose. (this is a man who for years has been building an army of anti govt nuts like Acree) This is where attorneys really put society at risk by defending them using moronic excuses because the laws are weak in regards to allowing mentally ill people the same basic rights as others. If they are mentally ill, they don't think or rationalize like others, so the chances they will act out due to their "issues" his much higher. IMO

    5. The longer they keep in him in jail the more stir-crazy he must be getting unable to stalk or read about his stalking. He couldn't last the first 53 days without thinking there was a plot to spy on him.

    6. Being #Lawless appears to get the supporters either stuck in jail or dead. Smart bunch being led by a currently incarcerated stalker.
      Pulling a gun on #LawEnforcement attempting to serve warrant(s) is never going to end well.

      My thoughts and prayers to the officer(s).

    7. This is one of the appeals cases regarding the Conservatorship Don was arguing. Interesting that in it, Don was receiving $1000 a month towards his mental health care through the trust.
      "An Agreed Order was entered wherein the Court specifically found the conservators were appropriately serving as trustees of the trusts for which respondent used to be trustee. The Court also entered an order finding Don Acree in contempt for defaming Nancy, and later entered an Order allowing Beth Boone to spend up to $10,000 on private investigators to determine the whereabouts of Don because he was still using media/electronic outlets to malign respondent’s caregivers. The Court then entered another Order expressly finding there had been no wrongdoing by the conservators or caregivers.

      Yeah, that would probably be due to Windsor's youtube with Don and his obsession with conspiracy groups/people slandering everyone under the sun because they are mentally ill!

      He's just like Windsor--too much here to highlight.

    8. Yeah, just like Windsor! Once a menace to society, always a menace to society. But it's not them...it's everyone else.


    9. And lets not forget the flashback to the beginning of the Lawless round up and Windsor's spin on a few more notable "victims of Judicial Corruption," in TN along with Acree.


    10. Death, incarceration or a mental hospital is how all of those clowns will end up.

      Just sayin'...

    11. The BillShit flag is waving all over on this one. In all this time has anyone heard of Bill Windsor calling any of the lemmings a friend before? Sounds like Snusan got done with her Baltimore Riots and decided it was time to send a belated message:

      Cruz Gomez shares Bill Windsor's message, in quotes below, received today 5/3/2015 for distribution to Lawless America participants and supporters. Cruz Gomez with Bill Windsor's permission also shares the video, recorded by Bill Windsor, Congressional Testimony Interview: Don Acree with Bill Windsor of Lawless America.
      [Then there is a paragraph of editorial comment before Bill' actual alleged comment which Cruz said was in quotes.]
      "I was heartbroken to hear about the death of Don Acree. He was a very strong supporter and a good friend."

    12. How do we know these messages from Bill are true?
      Cruizin: I'm authorized.
      Oh good. That settles everything. Not. Prove it. Show the legal documents that show yours is the official voice of Bill Windsor. Can't be done. But what can be shown in a court of law is that Bill has repeatedly said that he will ask his lemmings outside the jail to contact his victims, and that Cruz has confessed to being an alleged authorized voice of the Windsor project. Cruiz has made himself a target for LE investigation and lawsuits by his own actions, and Bill Windsor can at any time deny (short of recorded jail house letters/phone calls) that he authorized Cruiz to do anything.

    13. Oh, no, no, no...we have to post the commentary from Cruz here. This is classic denial, idiotosis--which is way worse than lyme...and we all knew this is how they would spin it. Forget that he suffered from mental illness for years, which was growing worse--that his own twin brother admitted.

      "After reading, in the tennessean.com, issue of April 30, 2015 that Don Acree had been shot by police officers and then also reading in the story how the police had demonized Don after he was killed, I decided to search for Don Acree's Congressional Testimony that was recorded on video by Bill Windsor to enable me to try to determine the true cause for Don's killing. To me after listening to Don words, I have no doubt that Don was "silenced" to stop him from revealing the corruption committed by lawyers, judges, PO's and politicians. That is also the reason why Bill Windsor sits in jail in Montana. The corrupt want to silence Bill, too, at any cost. As Bill published in his FB messages, an attempt was made on his life because Bill had voiced that he was creating a movie that would expose such corruption."

      Forget the pesky facts, court records and other articles about Mr Acree--just take the spin directly from a delusional, mentally ill person who claims everyone is out to get him. This is a perfect example of how and why Windsor was able to get anyone supporting him, and his moronic "Revolutionary Party" take-over-plot using the "movie" as bait.

    14. I forgot the two comments. LOL seriously? How can they even type this stuff, without spontaneously combusting? It could happen. I mean, surely the govt has some button they can push at any minute to stop them from typing on FB or the WWW. They were probably implanted or eaten during a hospital visit at one point or another. PUSH THE BUTTON ALREADY!!! Bahahahahaha!

      "Greg Skomaroske-- I can tell by what he said that he is telling the truth...the FBI/DOJ has tried to kill me as well. They are who the judges and lawyers works with to do this to people. They try and set them up in sneaky ways usually by violating a persons rights."

      "Greg Skomaroske-- They drugged me too Cruz Gomez...4 different times in about 24 hours and almost killed me. They did this to me and then tortured me. The FBI and Inspector General of the United States were not interested in stopping these crimes against me or holding anyone accountable after it happened. In fact, i was brought up on false and fraudulent charges where they forged the court room documents of the police suffocating me. Judge Ann Knox-Bauer was the jusge in Phillips Wisconsin."

    15. Kathy L wants us to pray for Bill. She says he is a good man. Go ahead Kathy. My prayers were that he would no longer be able to hurt anyone, and that has almost come true.

  18. How is it that a 6 person company is the biggest travel company in the world? Rather than, say Travelocity or Expedia? False Advertising clean-up Aisle 7.

    1. In the first few years of it's existence, Alcatraz Media claimed to have millions of happy clients. I would say that was a lie on two fronts.

    2. From what I have seen on the internet, this is a Windsor/Winkopp (sp) trait. From publishing birthdays, graduations, parties, you name it--that family lived to hype up their presence/stature in the community. It wasn't that others noticed them, it was them doing it to keep in the limelight.

      Ryan seems to have inherited the same bloated ego, self promotion, and false illusion that to be No. 1 all you need to do it say it, post it, and throw a tantrum when called on it. They buy up domain names to divert all traffic to his site. Never mind about details that keep customers happy, thus, promotion by word of mouth--they don't care. It's a salesman family, built by selling a false illusion by entitled people who don't give a shit about anyone but themselves.

      Look how many unhappy customers they have, and how they handle conflict. Attack and vilify those unhappy people who put money in their pockets. Play stupid, tell people they didn't read the fine print, they don't offer refunds due to some obscure clause that wasn't disclosed upon purchase, whatever it takes to never admit fault.

      Their little empire was built by conning people. They will never admit this, but that is the way I see it, and the way numerous others see it. If you can get people to buy whatever you sell, it matters not how many are unhappy, it just matters how many others you can keep conning to keep the money flowing in. Jacking up tour tickets they buy direct, and reselling them isn't a crime by law, but certainly it's not an ethical living. All their money is dirty in my book. They aren't honest and upfront by any means. The Windsor/Winkopp family motto must be "screw 'em all, we got their money."

    3. Here's another one. Ryan doesn't seem to care that there are other owners who live in these places, that don't appreciate him advertising this as a "Vacation rental." But hey, if you can land on the Board HOA, you can do whatever you want. Forget that it's against the HOA/regulations for everyone else...rules do not apply to Windsor's.


    4. Must be why Bill was so certain he'd never be caught. Between the lemmings and Ryan he had a billion places to hide. None of them could hide his bloated ego though.

  19. The court website in ID for the HC case, shows a final judgment was entered on 4-30-15. Doesn't show what that judgment is, but are any "final judgments" ever final to Windsor? I think not.

    1. The Voice of Idaho is late to the party once again. That was not a real attempt to gain media coverage. That was Bill using his lemmings to ask for non-taxable donations.

    2. Well sure, Bill loves to mislead people into "donating" money. He doesn't give a shit if the person donating is sacrificing their rent, food, clothes...he only cares about what he can get out of people by making them feel sorry for him. Lie, deny, lie, deny. That is Bill. Drama, deceit, for donations! Money, money, money...keep sending money!! The IRS can't and won't touch him/them, they are way smarter--hire high priced accountants to squirrel away the money trail. Years of experience in this area have proven very profitable to the Windsor's.

  20. That page is unavailable. Can you tell us the gist of what she said?

    1. I don't know what was said either, but this is funny!

    2. Is that a wig? or a toupee thingy? Looks really strange, perhaps a bigger size next time. All that air has stretched her head way the hell out!
      Oh and is that spinach in her teeth? Or algae from the pond scum she swims with?
      (Oh and it's not nice to point Cox--unless you're looking in the mirror.)

    3. Her shirt reads Aw-loss! HAHAHAHA yep, all losers.

    4. Her hatred for 1 man was such that she was willing to help Bill hurt all these people. She can't say she didn't know what he was dong with these websites or his lawsuits. She's another that slunk away into the shadows and hoped she would never be held accountable for her actions.

    5. *what he was doing.....but maybe the dong part was her attraction? Stupid auto-correct.

    6. Yeah, just like Windsor--she likes to play victim, setting up websites slandering, defaming and libeling hundreds if not thousands of people--calling it "news" claiming it's her first amendment right. Yet, those same people aren't allowed to take a stand against her and speak out--exhibiting their first amendment rights.

      If you look through her multitude of lawsuits, you will see the exact same pattern as Windsor uses, the same disrespect for the courts, the same belligerent attitude of "If you don't rule in my favor, it's a conspiracy..." and the same vexatious whiplash that follows the much deserved "Denied" ruling. She could be Windsor's "Mini-me." In all aspects. Horrible beings!

    7. Hey, hey, hey...awesome website!! Give 'em a look! Read, and compare to Windsor. It will all make sense!

    8. [IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/352qe83.jpg[/IMG]

    9. http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/business/2011/12/blogger-crystal-cox-is-no-journalist-must-pay-2-5m-in-damages-says-judge/ here's the injustice!

  21. What happened to small knife? No news updates for weeks?
    Hope all is ok!!

    1. Try the kitchen with Colonel Mustard.

    2. Yeah, I miss @SmallKnife!
      Hoping SK is just really busy & everything is ok...

  22. Nothing I like better than a double Duice

    1. Double Duice...Is that the name of the cigar you're smoking ?

  23. Oh I get what this is. She doesn't have real news but wants us to think she does. What she's really trying to do is put a hex on us. Her magic is weak, pay it no mind. Happy Friday!

  24. Yeah, the last two times she said this...it was all zzzzzzz. Nothingness like her total existence.

  25. So, hes sooo broke that he has been appointed a public defender, yet he has cash to hire a lackie at $12 an hour to do his vexi Bidding?? WTF???

    Yes, trial is really scheduled for June 22.

    Cruz Gomez
    15 hrs ·
    Greetings Lawless America participants and supporters, Today I received the following message from Bill Windsor. Please help if you can. Bill is still in jail in Montana.
    "Bill needs help. He needs one or two typists (must type at least 60 wpm) and also one or two people to help with legal research. Pay would be $12/hour contract labor. His Trial is set for June 22-25 in Missoula. If there are any people who can come on the 25th to testify on his behalf, please email him at windsorinmontana@yahoo.com."

    1. I'd bet there are far more people who would love no, make that be delighted to testify against him, and point out what an absolute menace to society he really is.

    2. So...he's looking for legal research help? What happened to the great (in her own mind) Snooze? She claims she's all kinds of wonderful on the legal front, written all kinds of "schooling the court" crap...so why does he need help?

    3. ProSe needs help? awwwww!


      Windsor referring to himself:
      "Bill needs help on typing and legal research. windsorinmontana@yahoo.com. Judge James A. Haynes has made Bill's pre-trial tasks virtually impossible. If anyone wants to research the statutes and case law on the arguments in his Motion to Declare All Charges are Misdemeanors, Bill could use some help as he would like to add a brief with case law citations."

      *faints*. A Windsor brief? Equivalent to War And Peace! There goes another forrest! #PrayForTrees stat!

  26. [IMG]http://i59.tinypic.com/23vaob6.jpg[/IMG]
