Friday, October 4, 2013

Eating Pie Can Lead to Bad Health?

It turns out that going around the country stuffing your pie hole with....pie, isn't all that great on your body. Bill hasn't figured that connection out yet as he blames his ancestors on his new made up illness and plays hooky from the court in Missouri.

I have been making the medical rounds. No skin cancer; physical was normal, but need to lose more weight; cholesterol was 153 (thank you ancestors); no cavities. But, I have had a hiatal hernia -- a weakness in the abdominal wall above my navel -- and my recent cold and violent coughing really tore it open.
I will have surgery the week after next. I won't be able to lift or carry much for a month, can't drive all over the country. I'm happy to have it done. It doesn't hurt, but it sticks out and looks bad. I'll keep you posted.

Maybe his body has had about all the Billschit (c) it can take and its having a violent reaction to him. His body, like his life long scamming, is starting to shut down. It turns out he is going to be....I know I know who could have seen this coming.....unable to go to court and produce the evidence to back up his multitude of lies and wild claims. Yep, between those pesky kids stealing his hard drive with all his evidence and his new made up illness, it seems Bill is going to have to take a rain check on putting his money where his pie hole is. But as fishy as this may all sound to the discerning reader, it all must be true because Bill said it and according to him he doesn't lie.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

A New Bill Windsor Movie

Thats like 30 something movies we have now and Bill still doesn't even have a promo yet for his fake movie. This seems like a great preview of the hearing on the 8th in Missouri that Bill is desperately trying to weasel out of.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Not So Happy Birthday To Windsor

Today he isn't a half, a quarter or even 3/8ths, he is just one old geezer who is now eligible for social security, that is if he ever had a real job in his lifetime.  Its the first birthday he has celebrated completely alone and single in the last 40 years.  Its only fitting that he end this way since he has no room left in his heart to love anyone else but himself.

Bill did check in with his lemmings last night saying that he experienced a convenient car burglary.   Some pesky kids happened to smash his windows and take his hard drive and files right before he was to produce his "proof" in front of the court in Missouri next week.  A likely story.  This is going to be his convenient excuse to cancel and weasel out of his hearing in Missouri that he filed for and he forced upon Allie.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Windsor Goes MIA!!

After shouting out one threat after another along with more empty promises for "something BIG" coming, Bill has gone ice cold quiet for about a week now.  Maybe he still hasn't figured out how to use system restore on his computer.  Maybe he was finally arrested, maybe the IRS finally showed up.  Who knows, but one this is for certain, he doesn't have anything good to tell to his lemmings, and he is even out of ideas to hype to them.

His websites like Round America and other Alcatraz Media related sites have started to disappear in the last week as well.  Has the family finally stepped up to the plate and pulled the plug on Bill? If so, its long overdue but better late then never.

Bill's legal problems continue to escalate as many of this stalking targets are poised for legal action ageist him. Not only that be Matt O'Conner has given a very rational fact based response and request for dismissal in Bill's weak case against Allie in Missouri.  Matt makes the long overdue point that Windsor is not the author and arbiter of what is truth.  Just because Bill makes claims doesn't not mean they are established as facts. And this is exactly where Bill is the most vulnerable, his "proof" can't back up his big mouth.  He makes wild and asinine claims but when it comes to proof he is far short of anything close to meeting the standard he is required to show. His few subpoenas have most likely come back empty and he still has nothing to go on in his never ending search for an online cookie.

With all this going wrong and Bill no closer to stopping any of his "haters" than he was over a year ago...its probably time he just close up shop and go underground for a while.  There is no happy ending for people like him, and I think he is beginning to realize that.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Windsor Needs Tech Support

Tomorrow he takes over the United States of America, but today he is going to need help turning on his laptop.  After spending last weekend making one empty threat after another against all those who ever said a negative word about him, Bill has been very quiet this week and it seems because all that late night porn surfing has crippled his hard drive once again.

Hey folks, sorry I haven't posted much lately. I have been very busy, and I have a computer problem that I hope will be repaired tomorrow when a nice rent-a-geek comes calling with his magic.
I'm not going to disclose a lot of what I have been working on until it happens. But please stay tuned as there is some BIG stuff coming down.

Bill, its not "magic, its called "system restore". He says he is not going to disclose what he has been working on until he figures out what exactly he has been working on. And yes Bill, with you weight problem we are all aware that there is some BIG stuff coming up. How many more empty threats can he possibly make? Does he think it really scares anyone now that he has been exposed to the world for who he really is?

Then one of his new lemmings feels sorry for Bill in his helpless state and makes this suggestion:

Camille Zohar Carmelit McMillan Bill, is there a way that some of your friends can get together and legally purchase you a new computer? about an hour ago · Like · 2

Camillie, first of all pick a last name and go with it, second, I know you are new here but Bill doesn't do anything "legally" so you lost him there. Now if you would like to send him donations for his illegal non-profit, he is always down for that, but there will be no talk of doing something legally in his Lawless America. Oh and another point....Bill doesn't have any friends, just a few lemmings.