Tuesday, April 9, 2013

In The End, Everything Was Dismissed

Late yesterday afternoon in a court room in Lexington Missouri, Judge John Frerking decided to toss out all motions except the one to dismiss the case.  After its all said and done the only thing that mattered was any evidence that directly related to a threat of physical harm.  Bill most definitely used the internet to threaten those that dislike him, but he was not specific with his threat and therefore skates by on that technicality.  Bill's motion for a protective order against Allie was also tossed on the same grounds, meaning they fought to a draw in Lexington.

I figured that the Judge would grant the PO just on principle alone after having to review all the voluminous and frivolous filings that Bill made in this case, in fact I thought the Judge might want a PO himself from ever having to read another filing of Bill's.  It turned out that Bills vexatious litigant approach may have paid off as the Judge refused to read any of it, including Allie's filings except for things that directly related to the statue needed in this case.  In short, Judge John Frerking decided to wash his hands clean from the entire circus and just focus on the specific letter of the law.

Even though this would be one of the thousands of judges across the Nation that Bill wants executed for treason, Judge John Frerking proved exactly why Bill's movement is a complete scam and waste of time.  Generally speaking, judges do adhere to the letter of the law and are not a respector of persons.  There are, certainly, cases out there where judges deviate from the letter of the law and inside the family court system, where just about everything is a gray area, its even more so.  But yesterday, Bill unintentionally highlighted exactly why the entire premise for Lawless America is wrong and doomed to fail.

But, as I pointed out from day one, this was never about the actual court case itself, this was a publicity stunt by Bill aimed at trying to give a shot in the arm to his struggling movement. Bill and the lemmings were on such a high from him "winning his trial" that the comments and activity spiked on Lawless America, including the calls for more funding for Bill.  Just like Hitler torching the Reichstag, Bill had manipulated his own little scam and used it to fire up his troops.

The online euphoria is in direct contrast to the 4 goons that made the trip out there with Bill. They spent hundreds of dollars to go all the way out there just to watch Bill's crazy antics.  Their facial expression says it all.  This is what it looks like when Bill's followers see him for what he is in the real world:

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, well this one is worth several thousand.

Bill will try and parley his big "win" into synergy for this pointless road trip.  But just like the euphoria after his made up award in DC, this will all wear off quickly as the reality of the situation sinks back in that he has nothing but a revolving group of followers.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Showdown in the Show Me State

Its ironic that Bill will be in the Show-Me-State today.  After all his wild claims, today he must show the evidence to back up his assertions.  The evidence is never on Bill's side.  He must feel like a 1.2 career gpa student going in to a final exam....it just never goes well.  Its all but certain that he will lose his "trial" today in Lexington Missouri.  But what will happen after his loss?

We learned last night that David Shied and several others are going to be with him today in Lexington.  That will mean several domestic terrorist will be in the court room today and, at lest for a while, be under the direct jurisdiction of a judge.  They will discredit the ruling as soon as they exit the building.  They will call the judge unfit to hold his position and void his ruling as such.

This is all an attack, not against Allie, but against our judicial system.  They don't want to reform it, they want to destroy it.  This is precisely why they are terrorist and enemies of all patriotic Americans.  We can all agree that our system isn't perfect and needs to be reformed.  But anarchy and mob rule are the ideas of those that hate this Country and our way of life.  Windsor and Shied want to take every opportunity they can to discredit our judicial system and thumb their noses at its authority.  That is why its critical that we continue to stand up against these enemies of the State and defeat them before they destroy us all.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Round America Version 3.0 Begins

You could almost hear a certain jeep in Marietta (with its axle slanted to the left) moan as Bill waddled out and got inside to start another pointless road trip.  Windsor has run out of followers and now he must embark on another trip to trick new people into liking him on facebook and following his never ending drama with messiah-like worship.  In exchange for their unquestioned loyalty, Bill will record whatever they want to say and upload it to youtube, a great deal indeed.

Also, this trip will have a duel purpose of intimidating Bill's "haters".  He wants to stalk his "stalkers" as he drives around their homes filming whatever he can. 

But what his trip really about, is a chance to feel like his has some sort of family.  Being home alone is not much fun for today's narcissists.  Bill just wants people to listen to him again.  He needs more hero worship.  That's why he can't stop pointing out how many miles and days he has spent on the road as some sort of public servant hero.  The "haters" seem to out number the lemmings at this point, and Bill is determined to change that.  He will follow his pie hole wherever it takes him, but we can be sure he won't spare any details (with plenty of lies mixed in) as he chronicles his road show.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Just Like in DC, Bill will be Exposed as the Loser He is Monday

Its all fun and games as the lonely old fat man hides out deep in his basement, posting away and attempting to control his own version of reality.  But like we saw in DC, where Bill has to actually show up for a big event, reality takes over and he is exposed.  This will happen Monday in Missouri.  Bill will do what he has done his entire life...he will lose.  Allie will get her protective order and he will get either a strong admonishment from the judge, or he may even earn contempt of court.  Either way you slice it, the court will act just like his own family has done and deny his request.

I'm sure he already has a scheme to spin his looming failure into some kind of "not guilty" verdict of a crime he wasn't charged with.  This will work on his especially stupid followers, but his exposure will cost him many others.  He will probably be able to swing a few especially koolaid drunk followers out to Lexington to stand with him.  None of this will matter as Allie will prevail and he will be dealt another blow, both legally and in the PR world.

Obviously then the question is what will he do then?  Go back to driving around to any state he can find to get new followers to swear their allegiance to his greatness?  Will he spend that time trying to track down his "haters" that law enforcement doesn't seem interested in listening too?  Will he go back and start to work on his grand jury stunt which is less than a month away now?  Whatever he choses to do, it will be stupid and ultimately fail.  For Bill Windsor, there is no other option.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Bitler Update

So Bill files a protective order against Allie

He says he rejected a contract from an agent, and now he has no options for the show/movie (possibly because he doesn't have a show/movie)

He claims to now have 100 affidavits in his "trail" against Allie, all of the un-notarized filings have a certain date with a wastepaper basket  (some tress were harmed in the making of this stunt)

Move over Bangledeshians....Lawless jumped 5,000 likes in one night and Bill is blaming it on the Russians.  Someone better tell Billy boy that you best avoid stiffing the Russians like he did the Indians, the mafia guys over there will take that pie off you one way or the other.

He blames the 5K Russian increase on Facebook.  Is this the new Cold War?

Asks for more donations before his new filming trip and then lays out his locations for Lawless America 2.0 (most of the places he has announced he plans to visit are locations thought to be were some of his "haters" reside)

But most of all he continues to harass Allie and the courts as prepare for his hearing in Missouri.  Bill does not miss a chance to take as many personal shots at Allie as he can in his filings (no matter how off-topic).  He even goes right in to her custody case as he tries to re-open those wounds and gladly offers help to her ex simply out of spite.  I really don't see any evidence of anything human left in the obese carcass legally known as William M. Windsor.