Showing posts with label William M. Windsor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label William M. Windsor. Show all posts

Monday, October 27, 2014

Halloween Eve For Bill Windsor

For most children, Friday is the day they will put on a costume and go out in public and pretend to be something they are not.  For Bill, that day will be tomorrow afternoon in court.  The hearing in Ellis County sets up to be a day of doom for Windsor as he must show cause as to why he isn't to be considered a vexatious litigant as well as fend off Anti-Slapp measures.  Bill's legal defense to both of these is the "thats not fair" defense.  If that fails, he has already indicated he wants to ask for leave to pursue his challenge to the State on Anti-Slapp.  If, for some reason, Judge Bob Carroll isn't in the mood for a side show circus, Bill could be in real trouble Tuesday....legally speaking.

Because of his impending date of doom, Bill has been on full spin cycle on his facebook page for almost a week now as tries to project the fear he is experiencing on to those he arbitrarily decided to attack in court.  At first, the lemmings loved it as they thought he was trying to talk to them as real human beings again.  They soon found out he still doesn't care about them and was simply trying to relay a message to the "joeys" of "be scared, be scared dammit".  Finally realizing this, the lemmings simply stopped trying to understand what it was that Bill was saying and just joined hands in a circle to recite their prayer:

"Hail Windsor, full of mace,
The Lord is with Thee.
The Lord is Thee?
Blessed art thou over women,
and blessed is the fruit of Thy labor,
Lawless America.

Holy Windsor,
pray for us lemmings,
now at the hour of our hearing.

Well, Bill's full spin cycle culminated into one of the most insane
posts I think he has ever made late last night:

After a few of the things that I have posted have been send you forgot to edit by Joeys what is a Joey?, I can only imagine that the Joeys are going nuts speculating about where and how I found out certain things I don't think even you know what you are talking about anymore. And whether I actually know anything you don't, we already cracked that code almost two years ago. They are probably pointing fingers at each other. LOL.yes, the second one.....laughing out loud
I guess they are unaware that IP addresses were provided to some folks in some legal matters and you are unaware that I had a pretty tasty hamburger last night. I guess they are unaware that sometimes the walls have ears no, they don't, walls are just walls you can't fool me. There are actually some people in Ellis County who aren't Joeys well how the hell can anyone tell the difference? but seem to know some of what goes on with Joeys I bet they could tell you what the Easter Bunny does in the winter too. Hey, I should spend more time in the finest barber shops what is a "fine" barber shop?, beauty shops usually men don't go to those, nail salons see previous response, and saloons saloons?  Back in the wild west are we?  Just how many drinks for you until the bar becomes a saloon? in beautiful Ellis County. And heaven forbid if there is a divorce or such things involved, because there's nothing quite like a scorned ex, be it woman or man hey watch it are scaring your lemmings again, saying scorned ex is like yelling bomb on an air-plane to them..
It does bring a smile to my tired face I hope you are as tired of your face as the rest of the world is to know these guys probably turn on each other in a nanosecond no one can resist your big $10,000 reward offer......ok, the Joey's did it, now pay up. Hey, I'll let you all in on a little secret:
"Joey did it."  Even in jail?  Its still all Joey's fault?
Photo Copyright 2013-2014.  its almost 2015

Well, suffice to say Bill is worried.  Bill is hoping his Anti-Slapp is killing my right to paper terrorism defense holds up somehow, because if it doesn't he must open his check book in a very painful way. A good night sleep tonight will be hard to get in Windsorworld.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Windsor's Time is Kinda Valuable

Inside the lawsuit of Windsor vs. the World, there is a fracas breaking out between Bill and Sean Fleming....specifically his attorney Barbara Hachenburg.  In short, she is making Bill look like a fool and he doesn't appreciate that.  In addition to her air tight argument that Bill is a public figure and her anti-slapp motion, she also made one that makes the case that Bill should be labelled a vexations litigant and put up $50,000 in security in the extremely likely scenario he loses and is charged with Fleming's expenses.  This is not a happy subject for Bill as he thought he already dodged that monkey by playing his "ohhh I forget to pay the fee on time" game.

So that starts this little email game that Bill likes to do "please advise me on your strategy to fight what I'm doing so I can prepare for it"

Notice her shut-down of him at the end....uhhh yeah what is the name of that business entity you are suing for damages again?  Crickets chirp, Windsor goes dark on that one.  She could have also asked him to show her that affidavit from Barbara Windsor where she claims she divorced him because of the "Joeys".  His entire suit is based on lies.

Anyway, back to the spat.....Bill thinks he wins because she filed this 4 days past his calculated deadline while she points out the court has the inherent power to do whatever it wants.

So, apparently it took bill 4 "long" days to come up with a response to the simple fact that he most defiantly is a vexatious litigant.  He could have spent that time filing additional frivolous motions and asking for discovery on defendants who have stayed all discovery.  Maybe if he had those 4 "long" days back he could have finally sorted the 37,000 comments on this blog by author (he says 96% of them are anon).  If Bill had paid for this tedious work which he performed pro se, he would have paid $15 an hour totalling $480.  Now, when we break down the math on that, it turns out that those 4 "long" days equate to 8 hours a day.  So now we know what a really long work day is according to Bill.

So in the "interest of economy"....lets just strike this whole motion altogether without having to make me try and argue against the merits of it.  And, even though the "court can't give me back my valuable time" can just pay me the $15 an hour I'm worth.

Notice #35. seems that some of these defendants are copying from their classmate's answers. This really bothers Bill.....if there is one thing he can't stand is for someone to just copy and paste duplicative charges and accusations against someone else without specific and unique evidence in each case.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Even the Nobodies Forgot . . .

Today he isn't a half, a quarter or even 3/8ths, he is just one old(er) geezer who is now eligible for probably on social security, that is if he ever had a real job in his lifetime.  It's the first second birthday he has celebrated completely alone and single in the last 40 years.  It's only fitting that he end this way since he has no room left in his heart to love anyone else but himself.

Bill didn't even check in with his lemmings last night saying that he experienced a convenient car burglary.   Some pesky kids happened to smash his windows and take his hard drive and files right before he was to produce his "proof" in front of the court in Missouri next week.  A likely story.  This is going to be his convenient excuse to cancel and weasel out of his hearing in Missouri that he filed for and he forced upon Allie.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Bill Windsor Walks Into His Own Trap

Bill has a major problem brewing in the Lone Star State and its probably the main reason he has gone quiet for the most part.  The problem seems to be the Citizen's Participation Act passed a few years ago which allows for Anti-Slapp (strategic lawsuit against public participation) measures to be taken against legal abusers like Windsor.  Several defendants in the Windsor vs. Common Sense case have anti-slapp motions pending.  Windsor seems to have been blind-sided by this law as he has now filed an appeal with the State contesting the constitutionality of this law (I wonder if he knows its employed in over half of the states in the country?).  The real scary part for Bill is its as if this legislation was specially written just for him as it stops his legal abuse dead in its tracks and forces him to do something he can never cause.

"One of the benefits of the anti-SLAPP statute is that it enables you to get the SLAPP suit dismissed quickly. After receiving your motion to dismiss, the court must rule on your motion within thirty days, unless the court's docket is overbooked. Once your motion to dismiss is filed, discovery proceedings on the claim will be stayed, or postponed, until the court disposes of the motion – that is, the plaintiff generally may not ask you to produce documents, sit for a deposition, or answer formal written questions."

You can hear the disdain flowing from Bill already on this as he would claim that harassing and terrorizing people thought overly burdensome, costly and abusive discovery is as American and apple pie or something or other.  Oh but it gets much worse for Bill:

"Texas courts follow a two-step process when deciding a motion to dismiss under the anti-SLAPP law. First, you (as the party looking to invoke the anti-SLAPP statute) must show “by a preponderance of the evidence” that the plaintiff's claim is "based on, relates to, or is in response to" your exercise of the speech/petition/association rights described above. Once you successfully show that your online writing involves the exercise of those rights, the burden shifts to the plaintiff for step two. The plaintiff must establish "by clear and specific evidence" a prima facie case for each part of his or her original claim; if the plaintiff fails to show this, the court will dismiss the claim."

Uh oh.....Bill is in big trouble now as it is most certainly Bill's political and anti-judicial statements and goals that caused everyone to follow him in the first place.  Bill claims anyone who speaks out against his public goals is guilty of defamation, but I think  court is going to correctly see it as free speech.  But of course the really devastating part for Bill is the second part where he must establish "clear and specific evidence" for each of his claims.  His little game of "upon information and belief" with a wink and a nod is no longer going to cut it  That's going to be pretty hard when he flat out lied/made up every singe one of them.  The fake movie, the fake business, the thanks to legislation he never knew about....his bluff is going to be called up front instead of much later in the process.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Windsor Came, He Saw, and He Squandered

Bill finally got his big day in court....sorta.  He got to actually take a deposition of someone. Needless to say he blew his big break.


The deposition of All-lie began on August 1, 2014 and ended on that very same day. The court must now be consulted for approval on the additional days that it will take that will involve you showing back up at said guess is you are going to run. I anticipate at least two days and maybe longer I anticipate a no...possibly a hell no.

The witness did as anticipated in most respects. Much more of the same -- lies, lies, and more lies which translated into human speak...means she answered your questions truthfully.. She totally fabricated some stories about events that never took place and things that were never said at the events that never took place somehow you lost me with your hypothetical of a hypothetical. The lies were expected.

What I didn't anticipate was the "RANSOM NOTE DEFENSE." It appears that the cyberstalkers will use this defense. Like cutting letters from a magazine for a ransom note, the witness claimed that a word here, a phrase there, a sound bite from a TalkShoe show, and other random stuff all combine to make statements true do you have any idea how idiotic and incoherent this analogy is?. That was how she claims her published statements are true, such as "He repeatedly published on his website that he bought a gun for use on a group of people - I am one of those people." I hate to burst your bubble, but yes people can effectively use the defense of using your words to directly contradict yourself.

No way a jury will buy the RANSOM NOTE are right, they wont have a chance since this will never see a jury

So then it was time to flee the scene and possibly never return to Missouri again as it looks like Bill is planning on skipping out on his emergency hearing on the 5th.


I spent one day in Missouri attending a lying demonstration, two days in Kansas, and today I visited Iowa, Nebraska, and ended the day in South Dakota. ummm, this was posted on the 3rd, the "lying demonstration" occurred on the 1st.  I guess after your countdown to nothing you can no longer count to 3

Ahh, home sweet home Georgia?  Texas?  A padded cell?. My permanent residence is in South Dakota since I became a nomad nomads don't have a residence.....its sort of the reason they are called nomads.

I was here last year on almost the same dates thats what I call permanent residence...being there once a year, even your home is a fraud. I saw many a motorcycle heading home after Sturgis how many of them were Joeys?.

One of the surprises for All-lie at her deposition was that she didn't produce a copy of a criminal complaint that she filed against me with the FBI as she was required to do in document production its kinda hard to produce a paper record when you call the FBI. But voila, I pulled it out for her to identify for the record after asking her questions where she lied about statements in the report so you took your country back?

When time permits it does, all you have is time, you are an unemployed nomad remember?, I will publish this FBI complaint with my explanation of the lies and the truth never one to let the audience make up their own mind are ya?. It is simply mind-boggling the stories she made up for the FBI you know there is a simple answer to why your mind is constantly boggled.

You may be disappointed to learn that All-lie swore this was true in her report to the FBI: "His followers are all very extreme anti government people because all the regular people see he is weird and leave. They all thing they have no laws to follow and all politicians and judges should die and think I should too because Bill Windsor says I am stopping his progress." I would say that is an accurate description of your cop hating terrorist cell.

This is, of course, false and defamatory which means its true. I am not anti-government whatsoever you just want to be the government., and I don't believe very many of the people filmed are extreme anti-government why dont you ask them.....they post anti-government rhetoric constantly. I believe laws are to be followed unless you don't like them, then you can void them, and I do not believe all politicians and judges should die just most of them. I do not believe All-lie should die straw man rebuttal. And I don't believe any of you believe this stuff either. You better double check with Kpat on that.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Windsor Goes Back On the Road

With August approaching, its time to get out of Texas, and what better way for Bill to spend his summer vacation than by filming more frivolous actions and filming people for his YouTube channel? That's the plan anyway.  No movie?  No problem as he seems to have no shortage of idiots who want to go in front of the creepy old man's personal camera.  But first, its off to Missouri where he has a pointless 8 hour deposition of Allie which he has already stated will be a waste of time.


At long last, Allie Overstreet will appear for deposition testimony for eight hours on Friday, August 1 in Missouri. It should be interesting. The deposition will be transcribed by a court reporter, and it will also be taken by video.

Then it's off to beautiful Madison Heights Michigan and the Oakland County Courthouse for a hearing on whether I will be given a protective order against Sean D. Fleming. That's at 1:30 pm on August 6.

If you want to be filmed in Detroit Michigan, Springfield Illinois, Sioux Falls South Dakota, Wichita Kansas, or Tulsa Oklahoma, please be sure to email me at

Graphic copyright 2014, William M. Windsor

At long last?  He forgets to point out that its he who has been cowardly backing out of the depositions so far. Can anyone care to wager on how many times Matt O'Conner will have to say "objection, how is this relevant"?
Ahhh, but did you notice how he seems to be heading out after that deposition on the 1st?  That is interesting because he has a hearing in Missouri on the 6th and then he scheduled an "emergency hearing" in MO on the 5th to try and get out of the hearing on the 6th.  He also wants a stay in the MO case.  If there is one thing Bill should be a pro at, its knowing when a lawsuit is about to get thrown out. He seems to know his goose is cooked there.  But surely he won't flat out go AWOL will he?


Well, it's not like the two previous 25,000+ mile trips, but I'm off. The schedule keeps changing between Kansas City and Detroit. First stop is Kansas City. second stop is Sioux City South Dakota. Then a quick stop in Rockford Illinois before Detroit Michigan. we have his "home" in South Dakota in between MO and MI.  Judge Rolf scheduled the hearing on the 6th specially for that case as its the only one on the docket that date.  Bill and Allie agreed to that date a month ago in the Judge's presence.  Since that time, Bill filed for a PPO against Sean Fleming and now has a hearing on that scheduled on the same day, the 6th, as is the one in MO. Naturally, a new judge in Michigan who has not seen or heard of Bill Windsor is going to take precedence over the one who has had all he can take of the liar in chief.  This seems to be Bill's way of throwing in the towel in Missouri as he looks to ignore the case.  Remember, Bill has built his entire miserable life on starting things....but never finishing them.  He is also one of the biggest cowards in this nation as he loves to stalk women but runs like hell when its time to account for his evil deeds.
As we have said, Bill is a terrorist.  He is literally addicted to filing frivolous lawsuits and other legal filings. His addiction is out of control and only forced institutionalism or incarceration will help protect the American public from this evil monster.  Is there a judge out there that wants to be an American hero?

Friday, July 25, 2014

Windsor Counts Down to Nothing, Then Changes the Subject

After delaying the bloody red countdown for no particular reason, Bill finally capitulated and said: 


The countdown hasn't worked out yet. There was to be a significant development announced on Friday. Then I was told it would be Monday or Tuesday. Now I'm just waiting. I'll post the news just as soon as I receive it.

So now it must be time to change the subject huh?  First Bill did this with a disgusting slap against his mother:


Today is my mother's birthday. She died 36 years ago of breast cancer. She was one of the most wonderful ladies who ever walked the face of the earth.

Sadly, my cyberstalkers and Facebook have conspired to de
secrate her name. I have repeatedly sent reports and letters to Facebook and their attorneys complaining that Facebook has allowed one or more criminals to use her identity to set up a Facebook page. That page was then used to defame me as if it was my mother. But even worse is the image that these criminals have used -- a pile of skeleton bones with a wig thrown on top. The Facebook page says she lives in Hell-Ville, but my mother is firmly in place in Heaven.

If you want to see what the scum of the earth can do, do a Facebook search for Mary Windsor, and click on the one from Hell-Ville .

Obviously Bill Windsor hates his mother.  I have no idea who set up that tasteless facebook page but virtually all the traffic that has come to it has been from Bill linking and drawing attention to it.  If Bill actually cared about his mother or her memory, the last thing he would do is draw people to that page. But, as we know, Bill only cares about himself even if it means pissing on his mothers grave to try and get a one up in his miserable existence he calls his life.  I'm sure his mother greatly regrets the biggest mistake in her birth to Bill and unleashing this plague on society.

But the mothers day bit didn't really distract people enough from his countdown to nothing, so he had to come up with a new tactic.  Windsor looks like he is headed to Michigan to set up shop and do his stalking and paper terrorism in that State.


I am headed to Michigan for a hearing in my petition for a protective order against Sean D. Fleming of Madison Heights Michigan. The hearing is on August 6. 

If you have not yet been filmed for Lawless America...The Movie and would like to be, please send me a Facebook private message, and give me your name, email, and phone number.

For security reasons, I will not publish where I will be filming.

And if you are along the route from Detroit to Chicago to Kansas City to Tulsa to Dallas and want to be filmed, please Facebook message me.

So now he is heading up to Michigan to file a frivolous PPO order against Sean Fleming, of course from the Sean Fleming Show.  Oh and sure, while I am heading up there, if anyone is on my route I will film them for a youtube upload especially if they donate something to me.  I know I may have already told everyone the movie is dead, but my deceiving people will never end.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The “Joey” Chronicles


Per the request of a newcomer, the following is a recap of the history of the joeyisalittlekid blog.    
The namesake of the blog is Joseph (Joey) G. Dauben.   Several years ago Joey left the job he had as a reporter with a newspaper in Ellis County, TX to begin independently “reporting” on local events and politics.    As time went on, Joey’s news “publications” became more gossip than objective news reporting.     Joey considered his gossip to be “exposure” of those he thought were unworthy of their elected or hired government positions.    In the process of “reporting” the rampant “corruption” Joey found in this corner of the world, innocent people were hurt by the gossip, ½ truths and stuff Joey just made up.    The counties covered by Joey are made up of small rural communities.    It seems everybody knew somebody that had become a target of Joey’s.    

Joey had a habit of deleting comments and blocking his dissenters.    People that knew the truth of a matter and wanted to set the story straight could not be heard on Joey’s web sites.   Joey either ignored or attacked people that attempted give him facts or set him on the right path.     This blog was started to provide a forum for local folks that had something to say about Joey and what he was “reporting”.     The blog name comes from Joey’s tendency to behave like a spoiled little kid.        
So, everything was rocking along nicely.   We had our say regarding local politics and everything Joey was writing.    Then in the winter of 2011, the bottom fell out of Joey’s world.    Joey was arrested in Navarro County for sexual offenses.   A short time later, Joey was charged in Ellis County for publishing identifying information on a man without his permission.     All of Joey’s IT equipment, cameras, phones and web sites were seized.    Joey claimed the charges in both counties were a result of a conspiracy against him and retaliation for the “corruption” he had “exposed”.   

In the summer of 2012, with Joey in jail his girlfriend, Presley Crowe, hooked up with Bill Windsor through her association with American Mothers Political Party (AMPP).   Bill agreed to include Joey’s story of corruption in the Lawless America movie.     Presley was filmed by Bill outside the Ellis County jail.    Joey’s parents jumped on the Lawless America train too.   Joey’s dad even painted his wheelie Blazer with the Lawless America logo.     We were fascinated by Presley’s and the Daubens’ belief that Bill’s attention to Joey’s story would “expose the corruption” in Joey’s cases and help set Joey free.    Then we started to pay closer attention to what Bill was doing and saying.    At the same time, Presley was complaining about this blog to Bill on Joey’s behalf.  

Bill Windsor and Joey’s supporters maintain that this blog was started out of “hate” for Joey.   Not true.  While there were and are some people that may “hate” Joey, most of the people following Joey from this blog thought Joey meant well but was sorely misguided.    In the fall of 2012, one contributor got into a disagreement with another contributor in a late night rant.  It got really ugly and personal.  Someone was offended, reported the blog for being a “hate” blog and that blog was shut down.   This blog, with the same name was started in its place.   

In early 2013, just as Joey was going to trial in Navarro County, Bill had a falling out with AMPP.    Presley’s video testimony was taken off YouTube.    Thanks to Presley’s advertisement and her complaints to Bill about this blog, AMPP and several other of Bill’s dissenters found this blog – then we had contributors from around the country.    It was around this time that Bill began to refer to any one posting on this blog as a “Joey”.    As Joey’s legal issues were disposed, Bill kept our interest, I think, because he is a lot like Joey, only older and much more fascinating with a larger stage, his plan to “take back our country” and all of the law suits.    Our attention to Bill brought with it an awareness and interest in reform groups, groups with plans to take over the country and the people that make up the groups.    Bill complains about the on-going conversation regarding his activities and his connection to others that want to “take back our country”.   But as the newcomer pointed out, Bill actually directs people to this blog.      And now, we have international contributors.  

That about wraps it up.     For anyone that wonders whatever happed to Joey, Google is your friend.   And there is plenty of time, Joey is not going anywhere for the next 15 to 30 years.   

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Windsor Has Been a Bad Dog

Bill Windsor hates rules, and therefore hates those in authority over him.  It was March 10th that Judge Bob Carroll issued a stay in the Ellis County case of Bill Windsor vs. The World.  Bill was to go obtain the leave from the Federal court that he had been unable to do......he has still not been able to obtain it.  This of course was in direct disobedience to Judge Thrash's order permanently enjoining him from filling without leave.  Bill decided to issue that ruling void and more or less ignore it.

So nothing has happened in that case right?  Of course not, we are dealing with a pathological paper terrorist and that is evident in the fact that he has filed 33 different things (mostly motions) since the stay order.  He even appealed the case (that had not yet been ruled on) twice and was rejected at the appellate court.  As we have seen on his Facebook page he continues to threaten individuals by saying he will add them to his stayed case.  He's on pace to have filed 100 different things filed after one year of the stay order.

Bill has given a new meaning to the name Lawless.  He refuses to adhere to any judge or any court.  How much longer can he continue to operate until the court swats this bad dog into submission?  He is no more than an animal, and as such he can only learn by one thing....physical correction.  And this is just the TX case.  All the other cases are heading toward a similar conclusion.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Everyone is Out to Get Bill

First it was Google, then Craigslist, Ripoff Report, the AMPPS, the Joeys, Facebook, now its Ma Bell who is out to get Windsor.  AT&T through its Yahoo email site has pulled the plug on Bill's nobodies account. And of course that means they must be in on the conspiracy too.  Maybe this is all part of Judge Thrash's plan.  Bill sees $$$$ in his eyes as he continues to add muliti-billion dollar companies to his lawsuit roster. His cable provider better watch out as they may be next in line after a late night infomercial "lures" Bill into buying a knife that can cut through shoes.

Then again, maybe there is a simple explanation.  Maybe enemy of the State Bill Windsor really is the horrible person everyone says he is.  He did violate the terms of service and has been justifiably shut down....the better question is how was he able to use those conduits for his stalking and terrorist activities all that time?

Bill is also back to bashing Facebook as he claims to have received a message from their legal counsel:

"Then today, I received an email from the attorney for Facebook saying: " an active Facebook user you have agreed to Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, which provides in part that Facebook may stop providing all or part of Facebook if you violate the letter or spirit of the Statement or otherwise create risk or possible legal exposure for Facebook."

Now the first question is.....if Bill Windsor said it, can it be true?  I would maintain that its not possible. We have read, through court documents, just how these email exchanges go between FB's legal team and Bill. Just about every email he sends is laced with several scurrilous tirades followed by more threats. 
Facebook's attorney's respond with a professional, tempered and topic specific response.  But more to the point....why would Facebook continue to allow this monster to operate a page?  He is already suing them, while using their very service to slander and defame the company to his fellow zombies.  Case in point, he is currently using FB for some kind of countdown till Friday with bloody red background that could be construed as a threat for violence.

All of this is simply another attempt to distract his followers from his utter failure.  Even now they are sounding off their praise for their Führer, as they thank him for all that he has done (none of them can list one single tangible result, however).  But this little foray into his made up Lawless America world is only a brief exit from reality....and reality has pushed him into a corner he can not escape.  Even a slightly sane person would give up at this point knowing when he was beaten, but Bill has lived his evil life on not taking no for an answer so we can expect him to continue his hopeless endeavour of being a 65 and 2/10ths year old bully.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Windsor Can't Even Keep His Threats Straight

Bill has gone pretty quiet as he tries to endure his recent string of legal losses and public humiliations by sheltering in place at an undisclosed room in Dallas.  He has started a countdown.....which will end on Friday but he wont reveal what its for.  Coming from a desperate, lonely, delusional, obsessed and hate filled person....the fact that he puts each number in the countdown in red background could be construed as a threat of physical violence (certainly by his standards it constitutes a direct threat of physical violence).

I have always said you can not possibly underestimate just how stupid Bill Windsor is.  As all his "joeys" keep running through his hate filled mind, he can't keep his lawsuits or names straight.  This was evident in a comment he made on his facebook page last night:

Bill Windsor Jeff Swiney, cease and desist posting on my Facebook page, harassing, defaming, and stalking me. You will be named a defendant in Windsor v. Joeyisalittlekid.

Jeff is already named, and has been from day one, in the frivolous lawsuit he has in TX against this blog.  To say Bill is "losing it" would be a gross understatement at this point.  He should not be allowed to drive on open roads as he is clearly a danger to society now in every way.  The bully's bluff has been called....the old man is out of tricks.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Bill Windsor Exploits Mentally Handicapped People for his Own Evil Plans

Bill was called out on his facebook page for his continued stalking and harassing of innocent people, oh and the fact that he is a fraud.  He then went into full meltdown as a coward always does when confronted with the truth.  Bill decided to try and change the topic by downloading a bunch of year old video clips from his nobodies doing a "promo" for his fake movie.  You know, its that stupid clip where they hold a mask up to their face saying I'm a nobody...and then removing the mask as everyone screams "ohhh please no put it back on".  Bill did this to rebut a claim that he doesn't even have a trailer for his fake movie.  But the main reason he did this was to drown out the dissent and truth telling that was going on with his page at the time. But bringing up all his old clips and showing all the different people he exploited brings to mind some other videos of his....

This poor woman was part of his "targeted individual" group...yes he did more than one of these. She believes the government is sending her messages in her head by microwave or whatever other big words she can think of. She even suggested that they (the government) control her casino card and allow her sister to win just to make her jealous.  As you can see in the video, this woman has a very clear mental deficiency and anyone who cared about her would try and get her help. Bill most certainly doesn't care, he just wants to exploit her and toward the end of the video you can hear him interject and even lead her on.  Instead of helping her, he is feeding into her mental disorder and making it much worse.  This is why Bill is a monster, he isn't a human being and isn't capable of compassion outside of his own self, thats why he is divorced....can't say his wife's name in public and is banned from contact with his grandchildren.  Pain, despair, destruction and hopelessness follow whatever he touches.  We have obviously touched on his legal woes, but the most despicable act he does is to those who believe in him and actually think he is working for them.

Of course Bill also exploited the truly evil people in this world as well.  You can read about some of those cases here:

Windsor is due in court in Missouri tomorrow and the big question is will the coward even show up for his scheduled beat down tomorrow?  Will he fake another injury, will he skip it or will he storm into that courtroom with all his anger and fury?

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Open Letter to Bill Windsor

Note - this Open Letter to Bill Windsor was originally published on facebook on 07-05-2014 (source post -

Mr. Windsor

You maliciously registered my name as a domain name. Your intent was to intimidate me, for as we know, you have registered the names of many people as domain names, including judges and officials, as well as ordinary citizens who don’t even know who you are, much less have done anything to you. This includes ‘associates’ of people whom you have targeted—people’s elementary school teachers, their co-workers, their ministers, their family members—none of whom have heard of you much less ever uttered a word about you. You go after innocent and unsuspecting people after finding them linked through social networking sites. And you have asked your followers to hunt them down—to find information on them such as their addresses, driver’s licenses and social security numbers. And you’ve driven across the country to physically stalk and harass people who you say you are in extreme fear of. And you’ve published photos you’ve taken of their homes, their workplaces, their vehicles. And you’ve published hate-dot-com sites about many of these people using hearsay, innuendos, and completely fabricated tales as your “proof” that these people are deserving of your wrath. 

What you have done, much to your despair, hasn’t silenced me, but instead inspired me to publish my opinion of you on the public platform known as the World Wide Web—an opinion formed while observing your activities and behavior over the past two years, as well as the vast amount of court documents and information published by others since the dawn of the internet regarding your history of fabrication, falsification, inflated claims to fame, and your disturbing repeated show of support for many people who were rightfully convicted of heinous crimes against others, including rape of children and cold-blooded murder.

I believe it is safe to assume the reason you haven’t initiated further attacks on me is because 1) you haven’t been able to dig up any dirt on me because none exists, 2) because I’m respected in my community which includes many elected officials, law enforcement personnel and others who, unlike you, are successful, productive, healthy-minded individuals who actually DO things to make our country a better place for all, and 3) because you fear that by posting anything about me, it might lead curious minds to my website – - where they can learn things about you that you do not want them to know, in an easy to follow format.

You have claimed I was a volunteer for your organization. That is false, for I figured out before providing you any assistance that you did not meet the basic standards I require of people whom I agree to work with. I explained that to you, and in return you issued me one of your Cease & Desist demands, surely assuming I wouldn’t know my rights under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Then you followed by registering my name as a domain name, and making false statements about me online, and threatening to sue me to the point of homelessness.

You have accused me of conspiring with others to destroy you, and/or to destroy your “movie”, and/or your “business”, and/or your “non-profit”, and/or the “political party” you claim to have founded (and released a State of the Union Address video on behalf of), and/or destroyed your marriage, and/or destroyed your family members’ willingness to allow you to remain part of your one-time family. Your claims are false. I am an individual, with individual thoughts and opinions which may, based on information available to anyone seeking it, coincide with others who have looked into you and your claims—and whom have also chosen to exercise their First Amendment rights by expressing their independent opinions of you. By no means does that constitute racketeering, much less a criminal act of any kind.

As a result of your substantial record of bombarding courts with your perpetual Paper Terrorism activities, which lead to your designation as a Vexatious Litigant by several courts (and counting - see evidence here:, you have been on the radar of Washington State & local officials for some time now, and if you should decide to take aim at any of our state’s citizens, unless you bring a *legitimate* case before our courts, be prepared for another rightful smack-down, and, as noted in recent court documents, additional sanctions against you.

Until the day comes when you: A) release my domain name AND B) you remove my name from your many bombastic rants in which you accuse me of crimes AND C) you end your assault on anyone who disagrees with you (and the many people who you’ve gone after but who don’t even know you) AND D) you cease your effort to amass a cult of followers, many who are unsavory individuals, in effort to try to “take over” our government, I will continue to openly share my opinion of you and the chaos you intentionally manufacture. Why? Because I believe it is my civic responsibility to forewarn people of known danger, and you, by your own actions, have proven to be quite dangerous.

Stacy Emerson

P.S. To the Facebook attorneys who are currently defending facebook against one of Windsor’s vexatious attacks, if you deem that I have violated FB's TOS by using your platform to publish my open letter to Mr. Windsor, feel free punish me accordingly. And to the many judges and attorneys who are following Mr. Windsor’s vexatious attacks on the courts and people of our country, whether out of personal interest or while fighting one of his many lawsuits, I respectfully tip my hat to you for your patience in dealing with people like Mr. Windsor who finds great joy in abusing people and the people’s justice system. May you find a swift and permanent means to put an end to his rampant abuse.

P.S.S. For those unfamiliar with Mr. Windsor, have a look at his facebook page, and take note of the tone and quality of what you find there, whether posted by him or his cult of followers -

Of special interest is two particular recent threads:

Windsor post of 07-04-2014 -

Windsor post of 07-05-2014 -

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Windsor Again Gets Caught With His Hands in the Cookie Jar

And the hits keep coming.  In the same week that he takes a true beatdown from the Federal Court in Montana, Bill then takes another blow out in California this time from the attorney for Facebook. After Bill played games with FB's demur motion, Julie Schwartz did the most damaging thing anyone could do to Bill....she made that court aware of his horrific past.  Thats right, she Thrashed him:

Uh Oh, Bill got caught with his dirty hand in the cookie jar once again.  He tried to play the same game in Cali as he did in Texas by sending a letter and assuming that no response means a yes.  Well that dog wont hunt and now they are filing an exparte order, and it was granted, to obtain the leave he never got.  The emails from Schwartz to Bill serve as the perfect example of who and what Bill is.  He is a liar and a bully.  He says the Thrash order is void and he will provide proof....but never does.  Of course the order is very much not void despite what he and his partner in crime "susan" claim it to be.  Bill's little game of semantics between "seek leave" and actually obtaining leave are exposed.  His third grade antics won't work here.

Another interesting thing to come out is Bill demands, in the email exchange, that Schwartz tell him who it was that alerted her to the GA order.  How dare she, or someone else bring up his paper terrorist history into this case.

The irony is that just like in the Texas case where Bill played this sneaking little "if you don't say no that means yes" game with a letter to the Federal Judge in that district, the FB case now backfires on him as he has already demonstrated to the court in California the exact behavior that mandated the ruling in the first place.  Had he gone in and obtained actual leave right off the bat...before anyone really knew who this monster was, he might have pulled it off similar to what he did in MO and KS. But as always, the biggest enemy to Bill is Bill himself.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Windsor Gets Scolded in Montana

As Bill continues to stalk, threaten, intimate and harass innocent people (mostly women), all while claiming to be in fear for his life, he took a major beat down in Montana as the Federal Court put him in the corner where he belongs.

Not only did they beat him down for being frivolous, the Court added that Windsor is also irrational and delusional.  He is simply unable to hide his abusive behavior within the courts.  Its all he knows and the only thing he is capable of doing.

"Windsor's affidavit reflects his irrational misunderstanding of the civil justice system, and his seemingly delusional or fanciful allegations of corruption which he believes he has exposed through his meritless litigation activities"

Indeed, Windsor's entire legal argument is based on the "because I said so" claim.  Once you remove his idiotic and insane claims.....he doesn't have any tricks left in his magic bag, much less actual proof.  And the Court in MT called his bluff by doing the one thing that really does strike fear in Bill.....they forced him to show cause.  He now must prove that what he did was in fact not frivolous and vindictive, and no amount of self sworn or lemming sworn statements to the effect of "because I said so" will be enough to get him off the hook.  Translation: you can now cross off MT from the lists of States that Windsor can bring his own form of paper terrorism.

This is setting up to be a bad month for Bill as he faces the high possibility of going down in both MO and CA in the next thirty days for his vexatious litigation in those states.  As his legal failures compound on him, his hatred, rage and all around pure evil is now more evident than ever in his relentless attempt to stalk, defame, harass and intimate any and everyone simply because he is a monster who won't take responsibility for his own actions.