Monday, July 8, 2013

Windsor Can't Keep His Eye on the Prize

Remember that Lawless America scam?  The fake movie?  The radio show?  The citizen grand juries?  The Congressional testimonies?  The Constitutional amendments?  The RV?  The non-profit?  The response to the State of the Union?  The Revolutionary Party?  Ahhhh, ain't nobody got time for that.  Bill Windsor has only ever been about one thing, and one thing only, what Bill wants.

Bill went on his website to give everyone an "update" about the death of Lawless America which is the same ole same ole.  Boushie is mean to me, I need a rich person to give me money.  I'm single and I'm lonely.  Allie cheated by getting an attorney.

While Bill has gone stone cold quiet about his now defunct Lawless America scam, he is literally obsessed with his two new stalking sites devoted to Allie and Sean Boushie.  On the site he has about Sean, he continues to post updated threats and talks about his upcoming TV show in Montana devoted just to Sean (have we taken our Country back now?).

Then we have the site.  What better way to show the court the depth of the stalking and harassing Allie has done to you by setting up a site in her name and asking everyone to give you any kind of dirt they can find on her.  Bill continues to claim he is a member of the press, and wants the superpowers associated with it.  He does not recognize Allie's attorney and says he should be stricken from the record in Bill's "expert" opinion.  He continues to vexaite the court with continuous filings and already alludes to suing the court for corruption.

As to the death of Lawless?  Well that's facebook's fault.  He is going to sue them as well.  Sure facebook provided a free service to Bill with all the rights reserved to revoke it for any reason they decide, but don't let that stop Bill from trying to file a lawsuit.  Lawsuits and pie, lawsuits and pie, that is why this monster even gets up in the morning.  


  1. Replies
    1. Pie Man Zombie hunterJuly 8, 2013 at 11:14 AM

      Gindersnap know how to google......

      Sarah Tyrell reported to me:

      Kimberly Wigglesworth lives at @@@@@@ in Waterbury Connecticut with her second husband and small son. Kimberly was investigated for possible abuse against her 6 week old son a couple years back. Her then husband apparently abused the baby to the point that he had multiple broken bones and a skull fracture. While Wigglesworth did NOT injure him, she did delay treatment of said child.

    2. Pie Man Zombie HunterJuly 8, 2013 at 11:23 AM

      As you can See Sean, Bill is posting all her lies about me ..... she Told him my bother is a my Husband, if you google her BS long before Bill's War with AMPP, but she will make up lies here like people do not know how to google and see she lies

      the Best part if you look in the comments Sarah T has got some love and support from a real pedophile..... in her cause to help Igor, not Lori H

    3. Oh and for the record. Someone went round posting shit about Marlene Debek/Julie Fletcher under my name. Yes, , someone (gee who??) went to bother of setting up a fake gmail & FB profile to stir shit amongst people I'd never even heard of. WISE UP.

    4. Pie Man Zombie hunterJuly 8, 2013 at 1:11 PM

      We have screen shots of you and corine running to Bill Windsor, telling Bill to get in touch because you want to help in taking me down.... just like your lies that I saw naked pictures, of Lori's Child...... You support monster, call me all the name you like but you lied and terrorize people to get what you want!!!

      About the fake profile that may have been done by the same person, who set up a fake profile and said they were going to called DCF on me, if I did not supports your lies about naked pictures of a child

    5. Pie Man Zombie HunterJuly 8, 2013 at 1:21 PM

      look at the sick things, they were posting all over the web..

    6. Téigh trasna ort féin (for Sarah)

    7. Show me these screenshots....For the last time. ...Try and follow. ....The only reason I approached Bill Windsor or even heard of him, was because Melinns kids were mortified that their "mother" was about to be in some (what they thought) legitimate documentary. They were embarrassed by her congressional testimony, rightly enough. And we agreed to try and help getting it pulled from the Internet.Which meant contacting Bill, which we did...The first time I EVER looked at his page I saw crap about you & the AMPP & I expressed my views that I thought you were all mad. Which I do.
      I was NOT aware of anything about Lawless at that point. I thought it was legit. I was worried for the Melinn kids. END OF.

      As for Corrine, she didn't have anything to do with anything so please show me those screenshots also.

      @Anon 1.27 Ummm Yes I will go cross on myself as soon as I figure out what that involves, happy?


    8. I don't know why Corrines name is on the end of my post.
      It's difficult writing this from my phone.

      Just in case you thought it was a conspiracy and me & Corrine are the same person.

      Now leave me the fooooook alone.

    9. Stillllllll waiting on these screenshots from Corrine & I telling Bill we wanted to take you down..

      Also waiting for the ones that threatened to call DFS on you ?

      We advocate AGAINST child abuse. Show me where I've terrorised people? And what is it I want beyond these child abusers to quit ruining lives online.

      And what monster do I support?

      Do tell and then may we never have to interact with each other again...Especially here.. I wanna put my two cent into what's going on with Bill without having to deal with you and the other loony mothers every time I do.

    10. Dear Sarah Tyrell et al,

      What is your dog in any of this? I mean really, what is it for you that you feel compelled to insert yourself into the lives of people? You say that the Melinn kids came to YOU for help? Come on now, I might have been born in the morning but it wasn't yesterday morning.

      So let's get it all out in the open. Are you the caped crusader of all children in family court? So if my child were to say to you, "Hey Sarah Tyrell, can you help me, my one parent is abusive to me and cps won't help me. Will you contact cps for me so that I can be safe?" I'm just trying to wrap my head around how do you think that either way you are helping these children?

      If either a mother or father have their issues with family court and custody issues. They subsequently have take their cause to the public by way of the internet. Now pay close attention, I say either mother or father, got that?
      So along comes you or Flemster and you start ripping apart either parent (mother or father). You interject your bullshit on various forums to incite further hatred and bullying. Which is why all of you, Sarah Crocker or Sean F et al are just little fucking internet trolls.

      You have too much time on your hands, I mean really? Aren't you in Ireland and have some children over there you can TRULY help? I suggest to all troll to physically use your time and energy to volunteer somewhere that could actually help another human.

      I want all you stupid motherfuckers you to realize that your "opinions" that you have made known about these childrens parents (mothers & fathers) is not helping anyone, especially these children. Now while I'm sure you would agree that your opinions mainly consist of mothers and their children. Every stance you take is against domestic violence victims and/or sexually/physically abusive children. You have in essence called every single one of these children liars, not to mention what you've said of their mothers. Just like family court, in some cases, but unlike family court your asinine opinions mean jack shit.

      For example, think really fucking hard on what do you think that a 16yr old Mila is going to think about a bunch of assholes like Waxman, Tyrell or Flem. Do you think she will approve of the way that you've blasted her mother all over the internet? To think for one minute that even IF any part of what has allegedly happened to Mila is true and here are you fuck heads calling her a liar, diminishing her abuse and denigrating her mother, how the fuck would you feel?

      I mean I know you feel so entitled to come to the rescue of these various children but yet YOU are the very trolls that we've warned all the mothers about.
      Can you even for one bloody second think about the children? You continue on pointing out that these people put their info out there on the www and that justifies giving you trolls free reign to perpetrate the same offense that you blame these parents (mothers)of doing.

      So don't be too surprised one day if one of these children come after you one day and I don't feel sorry for any of you. You think this is a game of posting some outrageous bullshit and wait to see what reaction you get.

      You get nothing from me trolls. Find a hobby, practice your stand-up routine (although it will take more than practice, actually being funny and having talent is usually a winning combo), do whatever old, bitter Irish cunny's do and leave the children ALONE you two nimrods.

      You're arguments are invalid and you're logic is fucked. Now where is that screen shot where the Irish cunny sent a message to BW about certain members of a certain group?? OH that's right, it's right here! And no you can't see it bitch. See, we don't say foooook in USA, we come right out and say FUCK YOU.

    11. @ BK LMAO..... So you don't believe that Marias son asked me for help due to our pretty open STRONG stance against FALSE accusers? One way to solve that, ASK HIM.

      I feel "compelled" to speak out against lying, bitter bitches who use their kids as pawns for a) Revenge on their exes and b) for sympathy & admiration online..

      If I was running around pledging my undying support to these wasters and sharing all their BS stories and bashing Judges, attorneys, CPS etc , would you still accuse me of "having too much time" on my hands? Or interfering in someone's business? Doubt it.

      Now let me be clear, you imply I am anti mother and that I bash mothers. ...I am anti Lori & Maria. Although I've heard of many more false accusers through this blog, but haven't researched any of them enough to form a valid opinion.

      Speaking of opinions..Mine are based on facts. Not blogs or FB pages. Cold, hard, facts. So do NOT use Mila as an example with me. When I know more about Mila now than her so called mother. Who hasn't fulfilled ANY of the necessary requirements to regain access to her child for TWO YEARS. Has not even bothered to call her ( which she is permitted to do). No birthday gifts, no Christmas gifts, Nothing. Yeah, trying real hard to "save" her ain't she? Suggest you read

      You do know it was Lori who approached our advocacy groups right? Yes, SHE CAME TO US. And because we carried out the necessary research and declined to advocate her case we then became the focus of her online bashing. That was fine. Until we saw THAT photo she posted of her childs genitals online.
      Now I know you're all for non custodial parents bringing their plight to the web, but surely even you would draw a line at THAT?

      No we don't "perpetrate the same offense" ..We share the facts to counter their BS.

      I would be BEYOND surprised if either Lori or Marias kids came after me one day seeimg as I am in regular contact with them now.

      Actually, it's your logic that is twisted if you think they should have free reign to post their crap publicly w/ out any consequences.

      You know zero about me, my life or what work I do.

      And if you think I'm going to keep my mouth shut from speaking out against lying, child abusers, you may think again.

      I publicly stated I thought AMPP & Wigglyworm were mad.

      No wonder you won't show me it. It doesn't exist.

      Good talk!

    12. @ BK

      Oh you may wanna share your disapproval with Anonymous also.

    13. Am I also included in the bitter bitches. You know, one of those false accusers? I have made my story available to two of the regulars on here (no actually more than two, sorry forgot my hiss fit I had in the PRIVATE club) and more than one has been able to verify the arrest records and various court records of my abuser. So keep saying shitty Sara that I am a false accuser. When my child in only a few short years starts to volunteer with courageous kids network and sharing her story, you will see how much of a false accuser I really am. Or maybe even sooner than that when the lawsuit is filed against law enforcement for blatant lies in official police reports that denied both me and my child our civil rights, we will see how much you will laugh then. I will be sure to seek you out after we are successful so i can rub your fucking face in it, you troglodyte of maximum proportions. Until then, hasta la vista baby. Adiós escoria succión duende.

  2. Spot on perfect Ginger. I was thinking the exact same things myself. Vexi Boy is on full throttle.

  3. Thumbs up Claudine...

  4. What is this, Charlie Brown's mother's blog?

    1. In reference to the commenting, not the blog entry, btw.

    2. My apologies. I can't comment ANYWHERE on the net that Wigglesworth lurks as she starts this nonsense everywhere.

    3. wow Sarah, she has been here since Jan/2013 and you just came here to cover up your lies....

      the dog blog is cover with your lies in support to people that attack people in this blog, you are twisted and we know how to google

    4. @ Anon I came here to read about BW and saw a few familiar loons pop up with their BS... I don't care how long she has been here. Doesn't make what she says true. She talks nonsense. The dog blog is covered with MY lies? A blog I commented on a few times because they exposed Melinn? I commented against Maria and Sutter there. I didn't support or condone anything you nitwit.
      I'm not interested in AMPP v PMA v AB fucking C BULLSHIT.
      I think it's blatantly clear where my interest and disgust lies..I'm pretty fooooking vocal about it like.

    5. You're foooooooooooooooking NUTZ

    6. Pie Man Zombie hunterJuly 8, 2013 at 11:38 PM

      here Is Dawn H telling the world she will give my address to them

      here in my Address on their page

      I am wanting for the person that has screen shot of you as his friend and corine telling him more crap

    7. @ Kim.. I'm waiting too.

      What has anything Dawn says got to do with me?

    8. Pie Man Zombie hunterJuly 9, 2013 at 10:15 AM

      You, Dawn H and Waxman started the group to attack people to help IGOR

      here is Waxman saying we are starting a web page to fight Lori keep up your lies

    9. We don't hide the fact that Michael was involved in the very first page..We ASKED him to be. But the later site , ,which is up now, has NOTHING to do with him.

      We didn't attack or act impolite to folk unless they instigated it.

      So, kim, show everyone how clever you are..Do you STILL think Lori Handrahans claims are true and believe Igor sexually abused his child?

  5. Seems Bill doesn't think having multiple .com sites in other peoples names is a big deal. He's even making light of it.

    Bill Windsor Gee, can you imagine that SOMEONE is trying to get this site taken down?
    29 minutes ago

    Now say for instance, someone made the same kind of .com site about him using his name, what do you think he would say or do? Right! One sided Justice for William M Windsor, Vexatious Litigant. Coming to a courthouse near you!

    1. Oh ok, you got it then?

    2. Wow. Domain name williamwindsor is on sale, 35% off. Now only $707, marked down from $1,088.

    3. Yea if there was a stock market for bill everyone would be shorting it

  6. It appears to me that Bill has registered everyones name that was available. Even clauding D.

    1. He's had that one for a while. And AMPP. Quite the busy "B" buying up all these .com's for his vindictive mission in life. Wonder if he got a Judge Thrash hate site going that we haven't found yet.



    4. What about

    5. @Sean, I don't think he would register that one for himself LOL. Like I said ^^^ he's been busy buying up all those .com's (and others) for his vendetta.

      Thanks to the Anon who posted them, and the link.

    6. If only there was a legal way to report when a company harasses the public. Oh wait there is.

  7. pssst GS, can you see me? lol

  8. Speaking of Alcatraz Media...Ryan is quiet and has flown under the radar so we don't know much about him. But, I found a complaint about a tour booked through Alcatraz. At first it looked like Ryan might take after his mother's side of the family. He jumped on the complaint and provided his contact info. The matter was resolved privately. The person with the complaint posted an update singing praises for Ryan and Barbara; a full refund had been received, along with an apology from the company offering the tour.

    Later in the same forum somebody else complained, saying that they had arrived a few minutes late for a cruise because a sign was covered with snow. As they were trying to board for the cruise, the last 2 seats on the boat were sold and they were told the cruise was over booked.

    Ryan argued with the customer in the forum, saying that the customer was late and the boat had sailed. He offered the customer a discount voucher for a tour with another vender. That did not satisfy the customer, who pointed out that the vendor did not appear to be providing Ryan with all of the facts. Ryan argued back, he wrote a dissertation telling the customer how wrong she was and basically take it or leave it re: the discount voucher.

    Turns out Ryan is a chip off the old block. About 12 days after the dissertation, Ryan posted this:

    For the record, Cassy never replied to me publicly or privately. Instead, she contacted her credit card company and claimed that she does not recognize the charge. We will include a copy of this forum discussion to our response, which proves that the charge was clearly recognized. I suspect Cassy has now committed credit card fraud, which we take very seriously. I wish she had just accepted the gift card.

    1. There is plenty of blood on Ryan, Tony, and Barbara's hands. I think this Windsor family is morally and ethically bankrupt in every way and I'm glad to see the name become synonymous with mud.

  9. Life in Pierce CountyJuly 8, 2013 at 9:45 PM

    Why would the Windsor family allow BW to associate his sites with the "family business" unless they're still supporting him/his con(s)/stalking(s)/vaxatious insanity?

    Seems to me some more light should be shed on the Windsor family members who are "owners" of Alcatraz Media, and who are allowing this.

  10. Pie Man Zombie HunterJuly 9, 2013 at 12:06 AM

    I am hoping he has to paid Allie for his BS, or at least her Lawyer bill

  11. "Bill Windsor is sorry that he hasn't posted anything here lately. The programming on the site continues to be messed up, and I have not had any success finding anyone to fix the Joomla. So I've quit trying."

    What self-respecting "member of the press" writes in the third person, then switches back to the first - in the same sentence?

    1. Or I guess it's broken into two sentences, but you get my drift.

    2. I have not had any success finding anyone to fix the Joomla. So I've quit trying.

      What happened to "never give up...ever...ever...?"

  12. Here you go swarmy shithead Sara

    Maybe you should tell billy boy that in order for it not to be claimed that you revealed an address of a victim, he should specify that. The way this is written, it could be thought that you revealed the address to him, or someone else did. You are such a numb fuck.
