Windsor checked in with his few remaining lemmings last night:
Bill Windsor December 15, 2013 -- 11:15 pm: I am feeling better today. I am no longer in excruciating pain when I chew...just some discomfort. Still not much progress on the hearing in my right ear. Not as dizzy as I was -- just a little off balance. After eating nothing but chicken noodle soup for several days, I ordered a pizza, and I've felt better ever since. There's a lot to report on the criminal cyberstalkers who have ruined my name and reputation online. I have people refusing to have anything to do with me because of the garbage. While that makes me upset, each time it happens, I add it to the damages file. I will continue to sue each and every one of the cyberstalkers.
Besides the typical self centered diatribe about what all he did today, notice the last part. Those pesky "cyberstalkers" have ruined his name and reputation....ruined as in past tense. Then the kicker, he has people refusing to be scammed by him thanks to all this online exposure, and while that ticks him off it makes me smile. He is directly giving us credit for not being able to get more victims of his scams thanks to the continual exposure. Ahhh but yeah, he is tacking on all this reputation damage to his lawsuits. I think even he knows just how scared we are of his litigious desires by now.
Then its always fun to do a lemming check and see how they respond to bill...besides the usual hero worship and the "all you need is a juicer" claims.....we get this:
Nancy Evans Figat Bill I know you doubt me.But..My gut rarely fails me. Those Cyberstalkers, are my ex.and his many fake profiles.Talking to eachother.I am soo tuned on to everything.I KNOW the lingo, I know his writing on the court docs you posted.They match my court documents, and many deed transfers and mortgage sats..He has court access, across US A.Crime ring is huge.He is signing for the judges, cops even doctors.Of course there is a reason. 4 hours ago · Like Nancy Evans Figat I am going to out those Yappys, Snordgrass psycho with Disasociative Identity Disorder.These are alters.They get on my Facebook page all the time.Have to unfriend non people..they are just profiles. 4 hours ago · Like Nancy Evans Figat He really has declined so much that, he has nothingbettertodotoday.He is the fatty, the pervert, fraudster and conman.COUNTER TRANSFERENCE. He sees his shortcomings in others, always did. 4 hours ago · Like
Ahhh, now there is an idea. Since Bill won't pay attention to our issues, lets claim that our problems are also Bill's problems. Sure, why not, when you spend your entire life making things up on the fly, what is to stop you from making a claim like that? This is the umpteenth time some certifiable lunatic has decided that everyone that posts here must all be the same person with split personalities. It must be difficult for all of Bills followers to have to come here to get their updates. Reality is like sunshine to zombies.