Sunday, August 25, 2013

Collective Narcissism

Or, How too many cooks spoiled the Lawless America stew

We’ve been talking about narcissism in general like it’s a bad thing. But we are all narcissistic, narcissism is necessary to the development of a healthy ego. When we refer to someone as being narcissistic, we refer to a pathological condition, an unhealthy balance of narcissism. The exact causes of imbalance are unknown. Experts theorize that it is caused in a child, with a perfect combination of just the right genetic, social and psychological factors, by excessively doting care givers, by abusive and/or neglectful care givers or some other trauma. Simply put, it appears narcissism is a method of defense to protect a damaged ego. 

There are varying degrees between normal narcissism (which is neither good, nor bad) and the extreme end of the narcissism scale, like Hitler. In between normal and a person with NPD (narcissistic personality disorder), there are the ordinary narcissists. Ordinary narcissists may not suffer from NPD but may have some narcissistic tendencies due to persecution, abuse or injury. In an effort to satisfy NSS, some ordinary narcissists seek external validation in groups that mirror an individual’s purpose.

In his publication ‘Collective Narcissism”, Dr. Sam Vaknin asserts that purpose driven groups take on a life of their own. The longer they are together, the more persecuted, the more intense the physical and emotional experiences are of the individuals, the stronger the bonds and the history are between individuals, then “the more rigorous might an assertion of a common pathology be”.

These groups begin to function as a narcissistic entity and become the ideal-hungry followers for the mirror-hungry leader. Dr. Vaknin provides a list of criteria, of which, if 5 are met indicate a pathological level of function:
  1. feel grandiose and self-important (e.g., they exaggerate the group's achievements and talents to the point of lying, demand to be recognized as superior - simply for belonging to the group and without commensurate achievement).
  2. are obsessed with group fantasies of unlimited success, fame, fearsome power or omnipotence, unequalled brilliance, all-conquering ideals or political theories.
  3. are firmly convinced that the group is unique and, being special, can only be understood by, should only be treated by, or associate with, other special or unique, or high-status groups (or institutions).
  4. require excessive admiration, adulation, attention and affirmation - or, failing that, wish to be feared and to be notorious (narcissistic supply).
  5. feel entitled. They expect unreasonable or special and favorable priority treatment. They demand automatic and full compliance with expectations. They rarely accept responsibility for their actions ("alloplastic defenses"). This often leads to anti-social behavior, cover-ups, and criminal activities on a mass scale.
  6. are "interpersonally exploitative", i.e., use others to achieve their own ends. This often leads to anti-social behavior, cover-ups, and criminal activities on a mass scale.
  7. are devoid of empathy. They are unable or unwilling to identify with or acknowledge the feelings and needs of other groups. This often leads to anti- social behavior, cover-ups, and criminal activities on a mass scale.
  8. are constantly envious of others or believes that they feel the same about them. This often leads to anti-social behavior, cover-ups, and criminal activities on a mass scale.
  9. are arrogant and sport haughty behaviors or attitudes coupled with rage when frustrated, contradicted, punished, limited, or confronted. This often leads to anti-social behavior, cover-ups, and criminal activities on a mass scale.
Lawless America was a collection of individuals and groups seeking external validation. Each with it’s own specific agenda, that is narcissistically more important than the others. In “promulgating his grand plan” to “take back our country” Bill failed to realize that groups trying to address issues like elder abuse, child custody, child abuse, family court, criminal court, civil court, mothers right’s, fathers right’s, discrimination, LE cover up, domestic abuse, etc. are not interested in a revolution to take over the country through letter writing. And, none of the purpose groups are interested in the other groups’ agendas. They want their own issues resolved and Bill promised to do it. As the needs of the groups were ignored, there was no longer a symbiotic leader-follower relationship. The groups began to exhibit behaviors similar to those on Dr. Kaknin’s criteria list above. It appears hostilities resulting from in-group and out-group aggression, aggravated by Bill’s neglect caused most of the groups to disassociate from Lawless America. In my humble opinion, Lawless America self-destructed. From the inside, out.

Susan Harbison (aka Snoozan) was right and wrong when she posted that Bill Windsor is not dangerous. The failure of Lawless America was predictable. Bill does not appear to be a danger to the general public. That may be one reason why Bill is not named by the SPLC. I sleep better at night knowing we have experts watching groups like this one, that know because of the inherent dynamic it will never get any real traction. But, some of Bill’s associates are named by the SPLC, they are still active. It’s the groups with a single purpose and narcissistic pathology we need to keep an eye on. If Susan still wants to argue that Bill is not a danger, she should check in with Wynette Boushie and the University of Montana.

Collective narcissism is not always a bad thing. It was collective narcissism through which this country was founded. Religions and patriotism are also examples of collective narcissism. Without purpose driven groups there would be no balance, no change, no progress – for the good and betterment of society we need and should not oppose or censure purpose groups with healthy narcissism.


  1. I would chance to say The outcome is going to be the same in every state for his
    "Lawlesspalooza Stalking Tour Summer of 2013"

    Protection orders against you can and will be used against you in a court of law. Now if Wynette and Univ of MT can get one how many others will be granted and/or violated by this stalker? That mystery remains to be unanswered, for now. Til then we continue to monitor this mentally deranged, wealthy, bored old man.

    1. Future restraining orders should hopefully be easier to obtain, especially as this one includes an entire University that had to be shielded from him.

  2. "How too many cooks spoiled the Lawless America stew" Hahahaha that is perfect NBTDT.

    I love how you point out the various groups with their own agendas or levels of narcissism, that got involved with Bill. It was almost like a battle between good, and evil Narcissists. Their goals and needs were never going to be met, because that is not what Windsor's agenda was. Some part of their ego's probably wont allow them to understand they were simply used as pawns by Bill, (still to this day though,) and that is sad.

    1. Oh, and I have to add that the above I mentioned is for those groups who are no longer supporting Bill. The numbered items above in the article, are very clearly seen within the attitudes shown in the comments on Bill's FB page, of those who are still sucked in to Lawless and Bill.

    2. Good point, Ninja.

      And, thank you for your kind words.

  3. Hey kids, I just pulled 7 comments out of the spam bucket that Google sent there by accident. One of which was "come on, Ollie." LOL. I didn't do it to ya, man.

    The Google gods do as they wish. Ginger & I just periodically save stuff. 99% of it really and truly is spam - as in advertisements for other blogs written with random key words and phrases that make absolutely no sense to anybody who speaks English as their first language.

    Anyway, for anybody that is hating me because they think they were put in the spam bucket, you weren't, and you've now been rescued.

  4. "This often leads to anti-social behavior, cover-ups, and criminal activities on a mass scale."

    Repeated several times like a chorus. Explains a lot of what we have seen, and how well meaning people can get sucked into something that takes them down a path they never meant to go. So those who are left; just how far are you willing to go for a man who doesn't care about you?

  5. Bill windsor is believed to be staying near Cody, WY

    1. Shouldn't it be the police telling us this and not us telling them?

  6. Sorry anon 7:40, I had to re-write the post, I was so upset I'm shaking!

    Bill belongs in hell, he's as close to satan as one could be. The man is sick and he needs to be put away. WHAT is wrong with Ryan Windsor, Brittany Windsor Harrell and Barbara Windsor? LOOOOOOOOK at what your "dad/former sicko husband" is doing on a Sunday evening!!!!

    He's posted a real picture of a dead child. Exploiting her death FOR HIS SICK NEED FOR ATTENTION!!!!! I am crying my eyes out looking at his page, its one of the most horrific things I've seen!

    His entire family is as sick as him in my opinion if they allow him to continue to roam free!

    Bill Windsor
    THIS IS (name redacted) SHE'S DEAD.



    William M. Windsor

  7. The only good thing is there will never be a movie, there will never be anything beyond YouTube clips that are mostly pointless meanderings of individuals with events in their lives that did not go their way, or are similar outcomes.

    There is no film, there never will be. Bill has no idea how to make a documentary, and far too many biased stories with no common factor other than himself. It's not possible for him to pull off a movie even if he had the best editor and director.

    Bill the blob is unable to even understand what he just did is wrong, and vile and socially reprehensible. He just doesn't have the mental capacity to. The narcissist in him just can't grasp why this is wrong. SMH - low even for Bill.

  8. He literally just posted a picture of her that appears to be a funeral pic. I could be wrong but the caption on it says " This is xxxxxxxxxxx. She is dead. This man will go to any length to keep his followers in an uproar. He's on to something new now that he's lost Tiny. This man has no soul.

    1. He's posted several pictures and there's no end to it. He seems to be enjoying all the attention he's getting from his followers tonight. A bunch are posting on there feeding Bill's narcissism. It's sickening.

    2. And he got upset that someone re-posted a picture of his father in a hospital bed? F*@K You Windsor.

  9. he is so engulfed in the attention this dead child is bringing him, he heartlessly calls her by the wrong name HE DOESN"T CARE at all about the child, his adrenaline is running SO HIGH he can't even type the right name.

    Then they went out to get some food, leaving her to have her life slipping away in the basement. April died.

    1. He called her "April?" Oh yes, this isn't about the tragedy, this is about Bill Windsor, using a horrific story to exploit. He says she will be the "Star" of the movie (or whatever he said) and he can't even get her name right. I really loath this creature, William M Windsor, sick, narcissistic, hateful, vengeful, vulgar, vial, monster!

    2. I can't believe he continues posting these pictures. He has posted the story 7 times now. As soon as the comments stop,he post it again. Amazing how far he will go just for attention on Facebook.

  10. Bill Windsor Christina reported these photos for graphic violence. Does that mean a photo of a live, fully-clothed person depicts sexual intercourse?
    3 minutes ago · Like


    1. and the child is DEAD, not alive!

    2. how does he go from a photo being reported for graphic violence to a fully clothed person being sexual intercourse?

      I thought he was FB spanked for posting photos of a corpse before?

      You are one sick sewer rat Bill. You are now trying to capitalize on a murdered child. There is a special pit in hell with your name on it Windsor.

  11. He's so insensitive he BANS a woman who feels pretty much like I do at the moment:

    Christina Theodosiades My God,,,as horrific this is ...I don't think this poor baby should be posted all over fb,,just my thought maybe a private page for cases such as this...May she rest in the arms of angles now and those responsible for this punished.
    22 minutes ago via mobile · Like

    Bill Windsor Christina is banned. Adios.
    13 minutes ago · Like · 1

    heartless soulless scum-filled pile of puke

    1. He can't let anyone confuse the issue, it's about Bill, not a murdered child.

      I know the lemmings fools and tools, but is Christina the only one with a heart? And knowing there is know plan, no accomplishments to date, and no changes being made but LA, are they really willing to say nothing about how wrong this is??

      Never mind. he has already shown what happens if you say this is a horrific thing to be posting. After all, according to Bill, Bill Windsor is always right.

      I do hope that some will think about this and the other recent activities he has posted about, and realize he is not who they believed or hoped.

    2. Christina was the only sane poster tonight. Yes, those pictures were completely out of line. Do the lemmings who are supporting the posting of them, for their "Oh, it is necessary to post for people to understand the problems" not get that the PUBLIC CAN'T SEE THEM? Windsor's facebook is PRIVATE. He isn't educating anyone, no one even knows he posted them. OMG how dumb are these people?

      Not to mention, like others have commented here tonight, everything that could have been done to honor this baby, has been done already. Windsor wants to mop up, and take credit, just as he has done his entire life. Take credit for other people success.

  12. So there has been some good to come from this murder, there is a law now because of the failure of CPS to step in despite being called (or more realistically because they didn't do enough and pull her out of the home).

    So many of the LA lemmings complain about CPS doing too much by taking kids away, or changing their custody, and now he is doing a 180 and saying they aren't doing enough.

    Being such critical thinkers, I wonder if they will notice.

    Oh, and I am not making light of this true tragedy, just pointing out the lack of consistency of the causes like CPS. They lack of focus and mission for LA has never been more clear to me.

    Bottom line, never say Bill can't sink even lower.

    1. This was normal, once upon a time for people to lock away children or the mentally ill. Sadly the practice continues. What use is it to talk about CPS when Bill himself is abusive and violent? What use is it to talk about child abuse when the Lawless Nobodies see abuse and are silent. There is no lesson here, no perspective, just gory details from a bored, attention seeking man.

      It wasn't good enough for him to post it once, he had to post it several times, adding more gory details as the attention got his adrenaline running. Lost in all of this was the child herself.

      Toddlers are not dogs. They are young humans. They have thoughts and dreams, and dislikes and they feel pain. Their brains are still forming and they suck up information like sponges. They may not have the words to describe what they are feeling, but that doesn't make them stupid. But these years are very important and neglected children can display autistic like or other developmental disabilities, not because there is anything wrong with them, but because their fragile brains were neglected. Some children can even become so feral that they are never able to learn language or live normal lives. We dishonor children everywhere if we objectify their deaths.

  13. Wow!!!!!

    Susan Littleton1 day ago
    I've tried multiple ways to post this to share, but it has been banned as "spammy or unsafe" Just more harassment. God bless and protect Bill Windsor, God give him supernatural favor and divine grace to maneuver. Dear Jesus, we lift Bill Windsor to you in prayer and claim your shed blood over him and ourselves as protection. We call on your angels to protect him from all angles and guide him through all to make his way clear as he continues to move forward. Thank you, Jesus You are Lord of All !

  14. "1967 – 1971 – Texas Tech University, BBA, Marketing – Windsor worked full-time during college. Because of his family interest in broadcast media, Windsor had an interest and spent the first two years of college working as an announcer at radio and television stations. While on summer break in 1970, Windsor had a television talk show on the ABC station in Orlando, Florida. During his final two years of college, Windsor owned and operated a T-Shirt and gift business. However as a creative workaholic, he also owned a bail bond service for students, and a retail store selling a variety of student-oriented products. He was also the Texas representative for College Marketing Research – responsible for obtaining over 10,000 credit card applications for Humble Oil, conducting campus surveys for magazines, and more. Windsor was accepted to law school but decided he enjoyed making money too much to spend the additional two years, studying night and day, necessary to receive a law degree."

    So I guess Bill is spending the rest of his life making up for the fact that he never went to whatever obscure law school he claims to have been accepted at? BTW, in addition to all this S**T that he claims to have done, he also claims to have been in the Army Reserve, joining his junior year in college in '70-'76 during Vietnam. I have no doubt some of this is true, but what part?

    1. The truthful part, his name. That's it.

    2. NONE and I mean NONE of that has ever been independently verified. Creative talented researchers high and low could not find 1 shred of truth to Windsor's bullshit.

      In Windsor's "world" if he says he OWNED a magazine, that could REALLY mean he bought one at the superstore one day and read the articles with the ladies in their bra's.

      If he OWNED a bail bondsmen company, he REALLY loaned a buddy $100 bucks to get out of his Pot arrest night before.

      If he had a television talk show in Florida, it means he was visiting his daddy at his daddy's studio over the summer and Windsor sat down at the end of the day on a set after the lights were out interviewing the tiny little puppet in his pants.

    3. a subscription to Playboy would mean he owned SEVERAL successful magazines. I'm sure he's still a regular subscriber. Sick ole pervert.

  15. "XXXX X XXXXXXX is a cyberstalker who has been told multiple times to cease and desist. Commenting here is stalking, and XXXX X XXXXXXX just became a criminal in Montana, where I shall file criminal charges against him and XXXX XXXXXX. This video and all Lawless America videos are copyrighted works, and any use will be a violation of copyright and may br criminal as the copyright notice is clearly posted in the description."

    Ahahahahaha ok, A) Windsor you big bag of useless hot air, you aren't in Montana, you posted you hot footed out of town. B) You don't have rights to the name "Lawless America", it's not trademarked to you, you don't own anything to copyright regarding "Lawless America". The trademark office will verify that fact so seriously STFU you FAT, USELESS, NARCISSISTIC WIND BAG. C) anyone can post comments on a public page, such as Facebook, Youtube, etc and you can't do a damn thing about it. So, suck it up Pieass, get used to criticism, you are doomed to hear it for the rest of your pathetic life!!

    1. Absolutely and totally out of his mind.......The energizer bunny of litigation. The Donald Trump of tiny marginally successful businesses, I've learned that anyone that describes themselves as a "serial entrepreneur", I've heard this a half dozen times, are in fact, losers.

    2. Funny you should say that. Trump is facing a lawsuit for running a fraudulent school.

  16. That poor baby deserves far more than Windsor re-abusing her memory, using and exploiting the child's dead body for his dumbass SICKO FACEBOOK RATINGS!!!!!!

    He might as well go pee on her grave, it's the same thing.

    Burn in hell Windsor and the same to his family who refused to force a 51/50. YOU all had more than enough to place him into a facility and protect HIM and everyone else. But no, you'd prefer to wash your hands and peacefully continue on with your own selfish lives.

    1. All right. I'll call it. Bill will be arrested soon. The only hearing in MO is one with him in a bright orange suit. He'll be found incompetent to represent himself but he won't take the insanity plea. He will die in jail.

    2. praying 11:05 praying like I've never prayed before

  17. There's moments in my life I swear were so difficult I thought I wouldn't survive. I've seen the bottom of hell thinking nothing could be worse than this.

    Then I turn on Windsor's FB page and walllaa? It seems hell is far deeper than I could ever have imagined. I didn't think BIll had it in him to sink so low yet the only thing lower is for Bill to have murdered the child himself.

    He has posted non-stop photos and updates about this little baby girl who was murdered. Most are so graphic it would be abusive and a crime to repost it all here. Just know it is something even the readers here could not imagine him doing.

    Yet he has and continues as of 3 minutes ago. He's on a roll folks and you know why?

    TO DEFLECT about him getting his ass legally kicked out of Montana. He needed something so sick, so dark and so depraved to get the lemmings minds off his stalking and harming others.

    1. they must have gotten removed

    2. No all of his posts are there. Every last one, not removed. Maybe you can't see them if you're not a "friend' of his billwindsor1 page?

    3. This photo wasn't removed
      Thank you for taking the time to report something that you feel may violate our Community Standards. Reports like yours are an important part of making Facebook a safe and welcoming environment. We reviewed the photo you reported for containing graphic violence and found it doesn't violate our community standard on graphic violence.
      We understand you still may not want to see this photo. Here are a few things you can do:

    4. The most repulsive posts you'll lay your eyes on is found here:

    5. WindsorIsASickRottenBastardLoserLowLifeAugust 25, 2013 at 11:50 PM

      Yep mine too! Same thing from FB.

      You can report a graphic CORPSE but hell if it's not naked having sex like WIndsor wants it to be according to his own words, its acceptable in the world of SUKERbergland.

      Awwwwwwwww Billy must be SO happy so he can relive the child's death over and over and over and over and over and over.

      I wonder if his own grandchild was to die he'd probably repeatedly post her picture too. NICE GRANDPA, always doing the right thing for all the right reasons.

    6. I don't know if fb is looking at these reports at all. They also did not remove the sting videos.

  18. what baffles me is how anyone thinks this is helpful to the cause of children and CPS- there is already a bill that passed, and people actually did change things the right way. So what is it he wants to do? Ride the coattails of a successful implementation of a law and say he was responsible?

    What is the point of this in the little lemmings heads? And will any of them google it and find out this has already done good for children?

    Is his interest because of the grandmother's rights? because he lost contact with his grandchildren.


  19. Bill Windsor
    TWO-YEAR-OLD deceased child I am exploiting to avoid explaining why I illegally stalk people WAS MURDERED BY a man with a first and last name. THIS IS WHAT THE DEVIL LOOKS LIKE. insert william M windsor's photo here

    You can go here to see my devil picture.

    William M. Windsor

  20. I can't stand much more of this.

    The Boushi stuff was a fun diversion watching so much loudly propagandized horseshit effort blow up in his face.

    It's always a riot to watch Marty Prehn goosestep around with his poorly conceived fairy tales as he tries so hard to keep his lips planted on BW's ugly ass.

    But what has been described here tonight has made me sick to my stomach. I'm glad I'm not friended by this loon and can't see the actual picture. I have to sleep at night.

    Fuck you, BW. You have a dark, fetid, ugly, maggot infested greasey soul.

    If this post makes it, perhaps I'll feel better for typing it.

  21. You mother sure did a number on you, BW.

  22. This isn't the first time I've been out of bounds on this blog. Might be my last, or not at all. Seems I'm somewhat of a spam bucket type lately.

    Here goes;

    On behalf of all readers and writers of this blog, along with anyone who reads blogs in general, has a computer, tablet or smartphone, indeed just about anyone who is, has been or plans to be part of society... oh, what the hell... On behalf of the entire human race: Go straight to hell, BW.

    (too narrow?)

    1. Sorta, you forgot the aliens and other-wordly Gods. Otherwise, two thumbs up!

  23. Not sure how many people posting are from Michigan but there is a new case of yet another 2 year old being shaken so severely as to cause brain damage.

    1. What is Lawless America doing to prevent child abuse? But let's leave the children out of this. What do you want Marty? What is your purpose in posting here?

    2. I'll bet you can really relate.

    3. I'll bet you can really relate.
