Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Clubhouse Radio Friday Night at 8 pm central!!

Don't miss this one as Yappy and Brannon take off the halter on Petunia and let her roam free, by popular demand.  They will go over all the crazy stalking activities of Bill as well as take calls.

Speaking of Bill, he needs money.  His stalking campaign is expensive and he is burning through money faster than even I anticipated:


Are you rich do you mean filthy like you or just well off? We who they hell is we? could really use a rich person to help finance the movie ummmm why don't you volunteer?. I wish I had the money, but I don't. The cost for the first month of this trip was $10,000, and we received donations of $100 so who paid for the remaining $9,900, oh thats right you did with you super secret stash of cash, hmmm I guess you lied.

I don't want to accept donations from anyone who doesn't have plenty of money but I will certainly still take it. But if you do, please send your donation to Lawless America Association, PO Box 681236, Marietta, GA 30068. I no longer live in Georgia, but the Lawless America mail will be forwarded forget the suffering folks in Moore Oklahoma, I need a bigger petty cash fund...gimmie.

Buying a T-Shirt is a great way to help Lawless America as we make $6 or so on each shirt ohhhh BS, you are telling me you got those dumb t-shirts at $17 a piece wholesale?. S, M, L, and XL are $23 and XXL and XXXL are $27 (includes shipping). Please send your order and check to Lawless America Association, PO Box 681236, Marietta, GA 30068 I thought you ceased and desisted everything from there?. Be sure to specify the size that kinda goes without saying...but sure go ahead and say it. All shirts are black with white and highway stripe yellow lettering celebrating your never ending vacation.

Bill then goes on to explain that he is done with meeting people at their place to film.  From now on he will just set up where ever the hell he wants and if you happen to get in the way of his camera while he is too could one day be a youtube star.  This will help give him more stalking time as he won't have to waste all that time finding each person and uhhhhhhh having to talk to them and hear that personal stories.


  1. Please forgive me, but I always assumed the term "beggar" implied financial poverty rather than poverty of thought. He truly is showing his incompetence as a leader, because a great many followers asked that he set up actual fundraising events on behalf of LA. I fielded these requests, and asked people to be patient as LA was a new organization. BW echoed my sentiments, but here a year later, he still has no actual fundraisers in mind, other than tshirts (which could be counted as fraud if the person in question is not actually featured in the movie as the slogan promises) and undocumented donations.

    True, I have never run a non-profit, but I have volunteered for them. So a have a suggestion or two. Summer is here and it's already getting hot. Why not have a dunking booth? Instead of hunting down his supposed stalkers, why not invite them to a fair booth all his own? There all could partake in the good ol' American tradition of relieving frustration at difficult personalities.
    Even better, he could have a jail and bail. Windsor's recent exploits proven that he would be agreeable to this idea. The public could donate money to have Windsor "arrested" for a day and then he could donate money for his "bail." These are always fun because you can make up silly crimes for the fake warrants, such as once when we claimed our CO drank too much coffee.
    And these are wonderful ideas that could be used to garner public awareness as part of the summer 2013 walk-a-thon, one of his many half hearted and abandoned plans for LA.

  2. I was going to suggest a bake sale but,I'm sure you see the problem with that idea!!

  3. All shirts are black with white and highway stripe yellow lettering....

    So that's what the yellow dotted line across the middle of the logo is. I never picked that up. I guess the mixed metaphor with the typewriter sound-and-visual effect kind of obscures the idea. (I don't think I've ever seen anyone type letters onto a highway.)


    I am communicating with a newspaper writer who is researching a story on spousal rape and incest. He is particularly interested in speaking with survivors whose abuse allegations were handled either in criminal or family courts. If you would be interested in sharing your story, please email with the subject in all caps: RAPE.

    I would be delighted to hear about these stories over the phone and preferably after 10 pm, this "reporter" has asked that you spare no details"

    1. I know thats creepy...but its about the only way I can take something like that

    2. Oh, he's trying to intercept the work of another group, that just sent out an email with the direct contact information to the REAL reporter. Ya, he's such a scum bag. He wants all the sorted details alright, instead of just posting the person who's actually DOING the story.

      Bill is useless. There are tons of REAL reporters out there, working on exposing stories, FOR FREE and who will actually help these people. There is NO NEED for him, his scam, his games, his harming people etc.

      When I saw the email from this other "group" come through, and then he posted his diatribe trying to infiltrate the information and work of this other group, and it really pissed me off. I am disgusted at the "group" who sent out the email as well, and or the troll who sent the information to Ball-less Bill, who is allowing him to hurt these people. SMDH

    3. Ah, you know what, Im gonna do something. CONTACT the REPORTER DIRECTLY. DO NOT CONTACT BILL. AND to CPPA, are you working with BILL or is it someone in your group???

      Dear Friends,

      Excellent article on judicial corruption

      Journalist Tim Stelloh (310) 738-7148 would like to speak with survivors of spousal rape who pursued criminal charges or dealt with the issue in family courts, and with mothers who lost custody to incest perpetrators.

    4. Thank you anon 11:17. I posted the information for Mr. Stelloh on his lawless page using one of my other screen names. I got a nasty message--"Hey Jan, go away--you must be one of those sickos." No, actually I'm just a former abused woman whose kids were taken and given to a perp. You effed with my information and kicked me to the curb Windsor. YOU ARE THE SICKO.

    5. So sorry he did that to you. But, you are in good company here. You now witnessed first hand what he does to people who try to expose him. Warn everyone how crazy and dangerous he truly is!

      You know who you are, and your friends do too. He lost your information because he is a scatterbrained numskull. OR he just said that so he can paint you a sicko and a crazy stalker. Just like he does to all the others!

    6. Sick, sick, SICK! Ya know what? Anyone that can't see what a crazy, SICK, LIIIIIAAAAR he is by now and still follow him, well, they deserve what they get. And this shit CANNOT be legal! Why hasn't this monster been stopped? Are they just waiting for vigilante justice to be served?

  5. Lynn, you are a liar and a slanderer. Go away. Cease and desist the slander and stalking. I have helped many true victims, not you liars. No one named Lynn Buss has ever em ailed me nor is there a Lynn Buss in my database. You are one of the pathetic liars out there. Got this back----a friend wrote it in. So he has a database???? Creepy. Lynn is indeed in his data base.

  6. He is a PERV and has proven that time after time with antics such as this new one.

  7. A friend who stood up for me. He writes this and threatens her with court!Ardith Cunningham Cease and desist slandering and lying about Lynn and Jan. Lynn DID email you stuff. I know she did.
    4 minutes ago · Like

    Lawless America No, Ardith Cunningham. Lynn Buss never emailed me anything. She appears to be a serial you likely are. You say you know, well, put up or shut up. Paste the proof right here for all to see. I won't ban you for an hour to give you the opportunity. You have libeled me with your comment here, so I demand an immediate apology and retraction. Absent that, I shall see you in court.
    about a minute ago · Like

    Ardith Cunningham Go and check your data base. Did you lose her info. I have her stuff RIGHT here on my computer. WTF is wrong with you Windsor?

    1. would this be the time to point out that he says he has over 50,000 unread emails?

    2. Lynn even emailed her photo. She's brunette so I guess he didn't like her.

  8. WTF did I do! I simply suggested that women should go directly to the reporter! That was it. My God!

    1. It's because you stopped whatever diabolical plan he had for the rape victims. I can't read it any other way, the level of his rage because of your post is so beyond any normal human response, it's frightening. He truly is a monster in every sense of the word.

    2. Yup. You are right. I reported it. I also told all my friends--many of whom have friended lawless to watch out. Now he wants to know about my ex husbands and myf riends ex husband. WTH?

    3. You did nothing. Bravo taking one for the team. That is all anyone need do to be branded a criminal in his book and threatened with lawsuits. Thank you all for bringing the reporters name to light. You are right, Bill has no need to be a go between other than to feed his sick perversions. And I hope LE saw that.

    4. If Bill says you did something did something right. Its always as simple as that

    5. Wow! I just saw his new comments. He really hates women. Typical of a narcissist.

    6. He is a total woman hater!! He is unraveling really quickly today. How dare he try to take credit for speaking to a reporter when that information was simply sent to him, and then call anyone and everyone sicko's for pointing out that they should contact directly that reporter and NOT LYING PIE BOY who has NOTHING to do with this article!!

  9. I really hope people are paying attention to this latest melt down. HE IS CRAZZZZZYYYYY and NO ONE IS IMMUNE from his wrath!

  10. We should all contact tim the reporter and tell him how bill threatened them with tracking them down and suing them because they wanted to contact him directly instead of being filtered through bill.

    1. I suggested that earlier yesterday Sean and a few of us went ahead and contacted the reporter.

  11. Scary stuff...and way beyond crazy with his anger. Dude is becoming a danger to everyone...soon he will be threatening to sue himself..
