Friday, May 17, 2013

Bill Windsor: "I Hate to Sound Vindictive, But I Guess I Am"

So Bill says he has to cancel the filming of his fake movie yesterday because of the weather, even though it was partly cloudy and nice all day.  So instead of fake working, he spent the day doing what he planned all along, hunting all over the area for a certain spicy cookie.  He was able to locate, after being pointed to the break room in several of the local police stations, several chocolate chip and peanut butter cookies, but not what he was looking to file charges on.

Well then its back to the tried and failed method of trying to file charges against someone in your address book.  So Bill waddles up the steps to the Ellis County Sheriff's office to whine about Brannon making videos.  As the deputy continues to point out the front door to Bill, he finally relents and says well you can take all this crap to the DA if you want, oh and feel free to fill out one of our comment cards in the suggestion please, exit the building.

Windsor then takes his shifty eyes, shaking hands, and overly swollen neck on in front of his camera to do a video to document his stalking activities.  He also releases the video he did in Biloxi while he was stalking EHH.  He blames the "haters" for the loss of his wife, his daughter, and the reason he can't speak to his granddaughter.  He attacks Brannon and this blog and took a swipe at Joey Dauben as a way to gain leverage against Brannon (will David Dauben be liking this post as well?).  He may have forgotten the history, but we have not.  While this blog was always against the slandering and liable that Joey did, he Bill Windsor went down to film Joey while he was held in the ECSO detention center awaiting his trial.  This is how, and why, Joey's particularly stoooopid father painted up his beloved blazer to the Lawless America paint to match his new messiah Bill Windsor.  Once Joey was convicted, Bill dropped him like a hot potato as he was now a pr liability.  But Brannon, as a true friend, did not.  Brannon doesn't support or stand for any of the actions of Joey, but he won't abandon his friend just because its no longer advantageous to claim you know Joey.

Another interesting facet of both of his videos, which also shows his unbridled vindictiveness,  is how he goes into detail about how he wants Brannon and EHH to be incarcerated   He even hopes that EHH is moved to a prison he filmed earlier in Mississippi so she can fight of the rat infestation while she serves her time.  This is no doubt a lonely, perverted old man who has allowed his jealousy and rage literally eat him alive.  He also mentions, for the first time, how the "haters" are harassing not only him but "others".  This new wrinkle is a shout out on behalf of is little shrimpy friend David Schied who is still quietly hiding in the corner trying to karate chop some wood.


  1. LOL here we go...he's going to go chit chat with some 'folks' who don't seem to like the po po. Ya, you do that. Oh, Mr. Officer sir, I got my feelings hurt on the internet, can you please help me...evil vindictive switch up...I'm going now to film a group who battle the evil po po for some new publicity. They are all corrupt and useless...

    Lawless America

    13 minutes ago.

    Filming in Dallas, Texas today. Fort Worth on Saturday. Austin on Sunday.

    In Austin, I have added a meeting with the Peaceful Streets Project, a grassroots activist organization that is fighting police abuse and corruption. They were named the activist group of the year in Austin for 2012, and they have made life miserable for some criminal cops. They are also expanding nationally, with chapters popping up from Honolulu to New Orleans to New York City.

    (Great article BTW Ginger. Spot on as usual)

  2. Oh goody goody gumdrops, the Judge has his sworn affidavit. Ya, that's a hoot. A pathological liar who writes his lies down daily on his website, (well, when the bill is paid and it's working)scribbled down some more lies on a piece of paper and gave it to the court. That's about all there is to that.

    Lawless America I just spoke with the judge's clerk in Biloxi, and the judge has the paperwork, which includes my sworn affidavit of charges. Just waiting to hear....

  3. Is he using the police as a bypass from having to get the Federal Judges approval to file charges now? Is this his game? Because we all know he is not allowed to file anything, anywhere without it...

    1. He isn't allowed to file (that is, initiate) litigation. That's not the same as filing criminal charges.

      Different jurisdictions have very different laws about criminal charges that are filed by private citizens. I don't know anything in particular about Texas' or Mississippi's (or Missouri's) law in this area, but my strong suspicion regarding all three is that if the local prosecutor's (county attorney's, district attorney's, or whatever) office isn't interested in prosecuting a criminal complaint that's filed by a private person, that case just gets either (1) stuck into a filing cabinet somewhere, unlikely ever to see the light of day again, or (2) tossed straight in the trash.

    2. In Texas, that is exactly right. No matter how hard bill tries to spin it, the local law enforcement refusing to get involved means case closed. Sure he can mail whatever he wants to the da but without law enforcement pushing it, it goes into the da's spam bucket automatically

    3. Right. Civil litigation is entirely different. It usually takes much more work to get rid of that.

    4. Ya, that was kinda my point. He wants to use whoever he can to file charges for him (initiate a court proceeding like he was hoping for in his little video). Then it is back to the drawing board, and he'll have to file on his own, and get permission first just like he did with the new MO case.

    5. And Texas is a particularly interesting state to file charges in. If he attempts to file stating someone has slandered/libeled him and it is proven wrong he opens himself up to Texas anti-SLAPP which in a nutshell is a great way to bankrupt ole Billy boy if he goes up against the wrong person.

    6. Excellent point Anonymous, thank you for that tidbit of info! It's interesting if there is protection under this. Bill Windsor is definitely a public figure.


      To challenge a lawsuit under the Citizens Participation Act, you must show that it is based on your act or acts of "communication" (defined as the "making or submitting" of any "statement or document in any form or medium") in connection with your rights of association, petition, or free speech. The statute broadly defines these rights:

      (a) "Right of association" refers to people collectively "express[ing], promot[ing], pursu[ing], or defend[ing] common interests."
      (b) "Right of free speech" refers to communications related to "a matter of public concern."
      (c) "Right to petition" refers to a wide range of activities relating to governmental proceedings or issues being considered by governmental bodies.
      Although dependent on your subject matter, the right of free speech is the section of the statute that will most likely apply to statements made online. The statute defines a "matter of public concern" as as issue related to health or safety; environmental, economic, or community well-being; the government; a public figure or official; or a good, product or service in the marketplace. If a lawsuit against you involves online statements on any of these topics, the statute may provide you relief.

    7. I got kinda tingly....
      Do it again~

  4. Once again Ginger hits the nail on the head. U are good!! I think his troops are stepping back and watching. Just maybe billy is more into his haters and his little FAILED life!!!! Than his followers REAl life problems!!
    Come on People he has shown many times you mean nothing to him!
    Thanks again ginger for trying to show bill is about billy and no one else!!
    W A W

  5. I'm starting to wonder if the LA website being down is related to the suit against Allie & the recent stalking. It might not be to his advantage for people to be able to see some of his past articles. It wouldn't surprise me to see a post soon about losing some of the data from the old site.

    1. Well he is too late. Screenshots are already taken lol.

  6. How about a news update that's pretty much "no news"?

    I just checked the filings on the Maid lawsuit in the Georgia federal court. Nothing has been filed since May 2.

    Assistant U.S. Attorney Lori Beranek, whose job it is to get the $29,500 that Windsor owes the court, will presumably file something someday if (1) she succeeds in getting the money from Windsor, satisfying the debt, or (2) she needs some kind of order from the court to allow her to seize his property or something.

    But other than that, it's entirely possible that nothing will be filed in the Georgia Maid case ever again.

  7. Pie Man Zombie HunterMay 17, 2013 at 12:20 PM

    Kimberly W 1 second ago

    on youtub

    Brannon Bridge is a hero.... You Bill Windsor, is a con man that has hurt alot of people... this young man in a hero for helping people understand that you are a Monster, and keeping people from losing money to your CON fake Movie ...... I AM CLOSE to NEW YORK CITY about 40min outside...You Mr. Windsor, is a Domestic Terrorist, that Hate America and steal people money for your con game... YES BRANNON BRIDGE, Is a REAL HERO

    1. Come get me, I will have poster of your jeep on every telephone pole, and I am sure the people in My Town are sick and Tired of Terrorist, even thou you are a domestic Terrorist, I sure people would like to see you sitting in a jail cell

  8. TicToc. TicToc. TicToc. Oh Misteeeer Wiiiiiiindsooooor..... time is running out in one of your "cases". You're letting other haters distract you from who you reeeaaaallly want to hurt. You're most viiiiile betrayer. There are 3 names on that paper. THREE! How many of them have been served? You better get focused before its too late and they just throw it out because the key players were never served and won't be there. ( by the way...its been too late since the beginning and you never stood a chance) Ta Taa!

  9. More proof that the lemmings have NO fricken idea what's going on within Lawless America. Um, duh, gee, *scratches ass* what's goin' on?

    Ginny Edmunds
    I cannot get to the site, it is broken?

    Robin AintMizbahavin Hairs
    im wondering why i can no longer get to the lawless america site no matter how many times i try i receive this page..

    Ty Robben is down, why?

    Kym Huntley
    uh oh.. your website is down :(

    Then there is this Brilliant bulb!

    Mary Preisinger Go to the lawless America Website. Tell your story:"Just the facts Mam!"

  10. Looks like the lights are just coming on at the new LA site hosted on CloudLinux.

    1. Good and when he puts that garbage up again I'll send another CEAST & DESIST

  11. Dang GS you need like an uber like button for people comments. I am loving these. I have not heard goody goody gumdrops in oh I don't know - 35 years? LOL

  12. "Rejected stalkers pursue their victims in order to reverse, correct, or avenge a rejection (e.g. divorce, separation, termination).
    Resentful stalkers pursue a vendetta because of a sense of grievance against the victims – motivated mainly by the desire to frighten and distress the victim.
    The vengeance/terrorist stalker. Both the vengeance stalker and terrorist stalker (the latter sometimes called the political stalker) do not, in contrast with some of the aforementioned types of stalkers, seek a personal relationship with their victims but rather force them to emit a certain response favourable to the stalker. While the vengeance stalker's motive is "to get even" with the other person whom he/she perceives has done some wrong to them (e.g., an employee who believes is fired without justification from their job by their superior), the political stalker intends to accomplish a political agenda, also using threats and intimidation to force his/her target to refrain and/or become involved in some particular activity, regardless of the victim’s consent."

    1. That should be linked to Bitler's wiki

    2. W O W LNM!
      & yeah, ditto what Anon @2:32pm suggests!

  13. I amuse myself sometimes by imaging different scenarios for Mr. Windsors trip. I come up with some pretty good ones too. For example, one night, while stalking, I mean, "collecting evidence" for the charges he's pressing on one of his haters, Billy got himself into a bit of a mess. The hater he was stalking lived out in the country and in order for Bill to expose them properly, he had to trespass on their private property. That's the only way he could get a decent pic of the haters home and in the name of justice, by golly, Bill has no boundaries. Plus, it was late at night and pitch dark there. He could just turn off his headlights and creep on by. Take a few pics and be back in his comfy hotel room, stuffing his face, posting the pics and his plans to have a sit down with the local PD in no time. He tried to make a phone call to tell one of his followers where he was at but, OH NO! There was no signal where he was. All the more reason to take the pics and get out quick. So he turns the lights off, and slowly drives down the gravel road towards the haters house. He couldn't see a thing. There were no lights on in the house except for a dim one in one of the windows. No cars in the driveway. He took a few shots but it was too dark without a flash. And he couldn't get close enough with the jeep. So he parked the Jeep off the side, grabbed his camera and walked toward Villa de Hater and started taking pics. MUCH better with the flash! These were gonna be good! Now he could tell people how eerie the place was and accuse him of devil worship and animal sacrifice. Right as Bill took his final pic, the light in the haters garage turned on. Just by itself. Bill tried to sneak back to the jeep.

    1. I imagined that one too. Hopefully sooner than later LE and FBI will realize that someone is really going to get hurt or even killed. I imagine that most that are on his list of people to stalk are very well prepared in case this insane man comes to our residences. I know I am. In fact, if you really look at all the scenarios he's already played out he's escalating and getting more brazen by the minute. When it comes down to blows I will guarantee that it will be him not me. There will be no questions, since this Tour de Stalk has been well documented online everywhere. Can't say he wasn't warned. This is not a threat but a promise that if you dare to come to my state, my town, my home you will be dealt with by MY 9mm.

    2. Who knows what could happen when a man prowls the country in the dead of night intent on revenge. Let's ask Reba:

      Windsor family: we don't need anymore sad country songs. Please work with LE to get him off the streets before anyone gets hurt.

    3. @Jane Doe 5 At least have a .40 caliber, something to poke that crusty pie crust of his.

  14. Replies
    1. lol, so true...and the harder he tries to shut us up the more we mock

    2. ***thumbs in ears, fingers spread & wiggling! Tongue out in perfect raspberry blowing position. Shoulders & hips shaking quickly to the left to the right to the left to the right.... Chants of "Nanananana Boobooboobooboo, now? Whatchya gonna do? We're over here!"

      Btw~ GanderMountain has badass inexpensive & easy to use 'trail cams' that can be positioned perfectly AND monitored remotely from your smartphone, tablet or PC!

      **say "Cheeeeeeeese!"**

  15. APB BOLO for Mel Mel wanted for meanie name callingMay 17, 2013 at 6:06 PM

    Mel Mel said Billy's a MOFO!

  16. ATTENTION WILLIAM M. WINDSOR, Ellis County Sheriff's Dept & Waxahachie Police

    1. BRILLIANT!!!!


    2. *Standing Ovation* Yappy. That is awesome, full of the truthful facts Windsor omits. Booyah!

    3. Thank you, appreciated you guys. I'm sick of his roaming the USA stalking innocent people who publicly posted their opinions about Windsor. He's the criminal.

      I have no doubt Windsor deliberately neglected to inform the police of his own direct involvement with Joey. This is how Billy ended up on our radar to begin with.

      Ginger made a new article post for the video btw.

  17. LMAO! Love that Mel Mel!

    Gotta copy what Petunia said ^^^ cause it is priceless

    "***thumbs in ears, fingers spread & wiggling! Tongue out in perfect raspberry blowing position. Shoulders & hips shaking quickly to the left to the right to the left to the right.... Chants of "Nanananana Boobooboobooboo, now? Whatchya gonna do? We're over here!"

  18. Great post, Gingersnap.

    Looks like Bill is out of Ellis County now. Another failed effort. He left without putting Brannon in jail or finding a cookie and I know for a fact he did not find the diner with the best homemade pie in the county.

    Oh well, there's always the next stalking trip........

  19. Hmmm yah? lol

    Does anyone know the real identity of a sicko using the Facebook name Mel Mel? Law enforcement is interested to know because of crimes in Texas.

    How does this work Windsor? Law enforcement IS INTERESTED? Really now? Sooooo law enforcement said Billy, please get on your facebook and find out the identity of someone called Mel Mel because Mel Mel committed crimes in Texas?

    Hmmmm ok the last I KNEW, law enforcement DID THAT THEMSELVES! They have the incredible ability to go file a warrant with the judge to order facebook to provide them identifying information on this Mel Mel. I find it incredibly doubtful they asked YOU for help.

    Man you sure do spread that bullshit around. Too bad it's not convincing enough to be believable. What a dumbass

  20. And precisely what crimes will they be committing at 2am for which they plan to get a beating from cops???

  21. @Ninja?
    Wanna do it wif me? C'mon over here by NEVER sit by me....we gotta buddy up. Get your raspberry ready~
