Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The eyes and lies of Bill Windsor, the narcissist

Last week, while researching something I was going to write about Bill, I found a series of essays regarding narcissism that completely floored me. There was article after article that described nearly every aspect of Bill's personality. I shared the website with several people, and we all agreed that there were soo many interesting facets. Some of the articles were very dry and academic in tone, so as a group we set out to highlight some of the best points in our reading. The plan is to give Gingersnap the week off and let us delve into these topics from several different perspectives. 

This first post is from a writer who prefers to remain anonymous rather than face possible retaliation from Windsor. 

The eyes of a narcissist who boasts about being part of a special 2% class of people
(poorly photoshopped by the narcissist himself)

Narcissists typically display most, and sometimes all, of the following traits and signs:

  • An obvious self-focus in interpersonal exchanges
During interpersonal communication there is message sending and message receiving. This can be conducted using both direct and indirect methods. Successful interpersonal communication is when the message senders and the message receivers understand the message. Bill Windsor’s communication is generally one-sided, and in his world, cannot be disputed. He spouts out whatever message he decides upon, no matter how outrageous. He does NOT want anyone to return a comment unless they 100% agree with him. If he gets any “Atta boys”, he gets as giddy as a child, but if anyone voices even mild disagreement with him, Bill Windsor generally attacks them, adds them to his growing list of people he falsely accuses of stalking him, files suit against them, then sets out to stalk them online and in person--often driving thousands of miles and spending thousands of dollars to do so. 
  • Problems in sustaining satisfying relationships
Bill Windsor appears to have (perhaps zero) real-life friends. When he refers to “friends”, he is generally referring to someone he met online, yet has barely communicated with—or, occasionally, he refers to some friend he hasn’t seen in years, or decades, who he claims to have worked with during one of his many other failed business ventures. Additionally, his wife of 42-years has divorced him, he is prohibited from any and all contact with his grandchildren, and he is even prohibited from speaking about his now-ex family members in ANY medium--but he does it anyway, and often.
  • A lack of psychological awareness
Bill Windsor appears to lack even the pretense of an aim beyond conscious desire. He lives in the grip of symbolic physical urges, and is absent of the capacity for self-examination, self-observation and introspection. Absent too is his ability to recognize the links between current problems within himself and with others.
  • Difficulty with empathy
Bill Windsor has demonstrated this hundreds if not thousands of times. Many people have begged him for help in emails, on his facebook walls, during his online “radio shows”, and he either completely ignores them, or, when he can’t get away with ignoring them, he tells them that ‘now is not the time to talk about their personal stories’. In other words, if it isn’t about HIM, whether it be attention or empathy for his self-manufactured problems, he could not care a less.
  • Problems distinguishing the self from others
Bill Windor often refers to himself in first-person and third-person in the same short post—as well as sometimes adding “Lawless America” as if it something other than a name for a now miserably failing “movement” he created. Here is a recent example from a post on one of his hate.com sites:
“This sick bastard, Xxxx Xxxxxxx, continues to cyberstalk and harass Bill Windsor.  Here’s his latest email.  I think this is about five from him in the last 24 hours.  he is impersonating me in his email name.” 
  • Hypersensitivity to any insults, real or imagined
The most simple question or comment made in response to Bill Windsor, or about him, is met with righteous self defense, and when that doesn’t satisfy him, he does things like search the internet for photos of those who he falsely claims to be stalking him, and, for example, when finding a photo of one of them on a hunting trip, Bill Windsor then shouts from virtual rooftops that his stalker is a “killer”, and is loaded with “killing tools”, and intends to use them to kill Bill Windsor.
  • Haughty body language
One example of many of Bill Windsor exhibiting this behavior can be found here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQ68Za_LEGo. Bill Windsor is pompous and self-absorbed, and it shows in everything he does. 
  • Flattery towards people who admire and affirm them (narcissistic supply)
The few people who still “follow” Bill Windsor, and who offer praise and kudos to him, are met with flattering responses from him, where he attempts to reel them in even further into his charade. He needs people to praise him, to worship him, as much as he needs oxygen.
  • Detesting those who do not admire them (narcissistic abuse)
He not only detests people who don’t admire him, but he so detests them that he’ll go to great lengths to try to exact revenge on them by falsely accusing them of wanting to (and trying to) kill him, stalk him, ruin him, take away his family, etc.
  • Using other people without considering the cost of doing so
How many people has Bill Windsor gathered as “followers”, only to discard them when he deems them non-valuable to his self-serving mission? How many has he recruited as volunteers? He cares not about them, or the problems they have faced which ultimately led them to him--and he certainly doesn’t care what happens to them after he discards them.
  • Pretending to be more important than they really are/bragging and exaggerating their achievements
Much of Bill Windsor’s auto-biography has been debunked as fiction on this blog and elsewhere. He is NOT the “Grandfather” of the apparel-printing industry. He did NOT publish a book. He has NOT managed large companies. He appears to have lost every lawsuit he filed or had filed against him which made it to the courts (dozens of them). He failed at two runs for elected office. His self-proclaimed “founding” of “The Revolutionary Party” was a complete failure. His ‘founding’ of the cult-like group he calls Lawless America has bombed. And as of recent, Bill Windsor has become obsessed with his own green eyes, touting that it makes him special, as he’s a member of a 2% class. Yet Bill Windsor demands to be recognized as superior and special.
  • Claiming to be an "expert" at many things
Bill Windsor professes to be an expert at Judicial Corruption, Grand Juries, Journalism, Movie Production, and so much more. He is not, by any stretch of the imagination an expert at anything—except, unfortunately, avoiding being punished for the harm he intentionally causes others.
  • Inability to view the world from the perspective of other people
It is estimated that 1-6% of the general population suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Thankfully that leaves 94-99% of the general population living in somewhat harmony, with joy, hope, love and promise in their lives, and Bill? Well, he has a jeep, some electronics, a hidden bank-roll, and a growing list of people he wants to destroy.


  1. Outstanding and terrifying at the same time! Bravo!

  2. Absolutely spot on! Standing ovation!
    As we watch now, and wait for the next BIG news story spin tomorrow by Windsor, keeping all the above in mind, knowing it's his way of manufacturing a reality that is only his.

    1. I already know what it is... its no big woop...

    2. Would that be a tiny woop?

  3. http://www.cnn.com/2013/08/20/us/georgia-school-gunshots/index.html

    Georgia gunman fires several shots on school grounds. Friend of yours, BILL?

    1. "Once inside, the man told a clerk to call Atlanta TV station WSB. The clerk told a WSB assignment editor, Lacey LeCroy, that the gunman wanted the station to "start filming as police die.""

  4. http://m.sapac.umich.edu/article/320
    On mobile but quick link

    In line with the above post ... if you google "types of stalkers" you will see that there are 4 distinct types.

    He fits the most deadly type. Predatory Stalker. It has all the above traits as well as sexual incompetence traits (all stalkers have sexual issues traits) but the one that fits the fatboy stalker from hell is the 4th one.

    Thanks O'Reader for the above post.

    1. https://www.stalkingriskprofile.com/what-is-stalking/types-of-stalking

      This one has the basic 4 types.
      The other one had broken the basic 4 down.

    2. Great Links Claudine. Thank you

    3. And while I appreciate the thanks Claudine, it's our special anon writer that did all the hard work on this. I really appreciate it, and am so glad we have such awesome people around so that we can really take an in depth look at who we are dealing with in Bill Windsor.


    4. Awesome job anon writer. As you said O' Reader in depth look. After awhile the laps keep over lapping eventually the picture becomes clearer.

      I just replied via gmail to your comment.
      Its my pleasureb to assist.

      The post above is spot on but that is sadly just the overall cover. It can go deep as the rabbit hole in the matrix.

      Keep up the great work everyone!

  5. "Just remember, it's not a lie if you believe it."

    - George Costanza

  6. Have to share this story. The other night I was babysitting my grandchild. It was later in the evening and we were settling down for the night. So before bed I check out my #1 news source on Billy the Koward right here. I don't remember the exact post but my grandchild turns and looks up to me with big blue eyes and asks me "who's that guy?". What could I say? How do you explain this asshole to a 4 yr old when it's hard enough to explain to adults or law enforcement or attorneys or anyone?
    I kept it simple and explained that, "This guy honey, well, he rides around all over and 'bothers' people". Again, "Where does he live?" Then still, "He doesn't have a house sweety". So now, this kid cracks up so hard and had me giggle snorting he falls off the couch laughing and he doesn't even know the HALF of it all!!
    Out of the mouths of babes, when even Whinesore explained in the simplest terms to a child is really anyone needs to know what a joke he truly is.

    "He drives around bothering people."-John Doe 1-1000

    Now who's the professional stalker?

    1. LMAO, "Out of the mouths of babes." Children are more intelligent than Windsor! He wants to keep playing 'victim' while actually being the stalker for sure!

  7. He's definitely this one too!

    The Resentful stalker (click to expand)
    Resentful stalking arises when the stalker feels as though they have been mistreated or that they are the victim of some form of injustice or humiliation. Victims are strangers or acquaintances who are seen to have mistreated the stalker. Resentful stalking can arise out of a severe mental illness when the perpetrator develops paranoid beliefs about the victim and uses stalking as a way of ‘getting back’ at the victim. The initial motivation for stalking is the desire for revenge or to ‘even the score’ and the stalking is maintained by the sense of power and control that the stalker derives from inducing fear in the victim. Often Resentful stalkers present themselves as a victim who is justified in using stalking to fight back against an oppressing person or organisation.

    1. Yes indeed! Maybe that was one i was reading. On another site awhile back. Again the one stalker trait shoe is not a fit all. But gives pretty distinctive direction.

      Somewhere it shows that the stalker most likely has criminal record for sexual crimes. Of course rich boys could wiggle out of it and more so if and is highly probable the crimes were against family members such as daughters, nieces, granddaughters....etc.

      That would IMO be something to look into further. As on its own is extremely high. The closed clost doors of family secrets can be quite hideous.

  8. Oh Mary D finally stopped playing her broken record on Bill's FB page, and found someone to give her legal help. Oh My Gosh! Really right now? Feeling left out, had to join in? If one nutty mc nutterson files, they all file. SMDH

    Mary Deneen I have legal help, getting an Exparte OOP served on Sean Boushie across state lines.

    1. It's not funny to make fun of Mary! She's sick! Right nbtdt?

    2. LOL, that is probably the shortest post she has ever made. Tic-bit Mary just wants to belong to something so bad that she joined in on this 'I need a Protection Order too' train ride. She cracks me up until I realize how truly disturbed she is.

  9. Billy's Diet Book: How to Eat like a Geo-bachelor on the Cheap:

    "I'm proud and just a little bit humble. As long as I continue my plan of not going to restaurants and limiting my calorie intake to under 1,000 (Healthy Choice Soup and Snyder's Sourdough Pretzel Nibblers with an occasional granola bar and apple), I should be down to college weight before long."

    A diet of under 1,000 calories is not sufficient nutrition in seniors, and as Bill is also deficient in sunlight and exercise, he should be aware of the dangers of osteoporosis. The pretzels and any noodles in the soups make up a processed and high carb diet which will send his blood sugar through the roof. There is some fat in the soup which can make it filling but may not contribute enough fat overall to slowdown that sugar rush. This is also a high sodium diet which will contribute to water retention, although the broth may be his lone colon cleanser. Granola bars, it depends on the brand, but they may be high in sugar, low on fiber, and some may be fattening. Absent from this "diet" are vitamins, efa's, fiber and other essential nutrients, along with fresh produce which should make up the bulk of our diets. This is a starvation diet that leads to binging in many people. It is a diet devoid of nutrition that can lead to body wide health problems to include mental, dental and other physical ailments. This is a diet that will starve the immune system, which can leave him vulnerable to the many colds, flus and now cancers that he has claimed. It is also a diet of a careless and/miserly person for whom food is a burden.

    1. That is great information LNM. I do have to question his honesty in his new diet stories. All the close-ups he's taking, he looks extremely bloated in the face and neck.

      I would say this is yet another narcissistic spin to get some kudos from those ever so blind and dumb lemmings. And since he loves taking pictures of himself, there are plenty of them to review over the last few years to verify he is lying.

    2. Billy Windsor lying? The world hasn't seen that size pants fire since the Texas State Fair.

    3. If I had to guess, he's eating food from the hotel lobby/vending machine. Though it is nice of him to confirm what we had guessed all along that he was eating in restaurants daily as some Nobodies are homeless. The man who went Round America rating American diners apparently can not cook for himself.



      But DOES he have a Secret Decoder Ring??? Inquiring minds want to know douchebag.

    5. I was going to make a smart a$$ remark, like Bill had to investigate to know that? But then I looked at the post. You failed to mention this is escalating to STALKING Booshie's truck. This is getting really scary. His truck???? Really?


    6. IKR? That is like the 5th photo all up close like that he has posted of the truck. License plate numbers and all shown. Not to mention he went (what appears to be two times) to his work to photograph Tiny's door. (It might be the same day, and his stupid photo shop "dark hallway" dramatic spin, but the other one was well lit. There is a line here that Bill proudly crossed two weeks ago.

    7. The other pics I've seen were from a more safe distance. The shot of decal is up close and personal. I feel violated.


  10. Marty Prehn
    4 minutes ago via YouTube
    A special thanks to the blog Joey is a little kid who unknowingly helped to get the message out for Bill Windsor and LAWLESS AMERICA as thuis you tube video has now been seen by8,252 people or views. Thanks Guys.

    1. This one. It hasn't been seen that many times for the reasons Marty thinks.


    2. Um Marty, Marty, Marty. When the lawless boat sinks, are you going to float or sink? It is going down, how stupid are you?

    3. Now that's narcissism, regardless of NBTDT's persistent defending of him.

    4. LMAO, now we've scrapped the bottom of the barrel that he's bragging about a fake movie update from almost a year ago! Whatcha done since, Smarty?

    5. Err, that would be the blog that relentlessly harassed Trish to death?

    6. I'm not defending anybody. I'm speaking out against your bullying and antagonistic behavior.

      Couldn't you have pointed out whatever fault there is with the post without adding the smart a$$ tag line at the end?


    7. If you want to cut off the head of the snake, you've got to follow this slime.

    8. Let's look at this logically. Marty indicated they need us to advertise for them. In a year, they've managed well under 10,000 views. Bill can't even go viral and he's talking about tv shows and Oscars.

    9. That's Marty being Marty. Assigning fake credit to fake causes.

    10. After all, he is responsible for the Berlin Wall coming down.

    11. I'm done before the censors shut me down, or the resident bully, NBTDT, chimes in.

      Good night.

    12. It's clear to the rest of us the only bully is you Sean, so sick of your bs on here. Enough is enough.

    13. Try again, nbtdumass has more than one critic.

    14. Get over yourselves. NBTDT has been on this blog from the start, we know her personally and she's a wonderful and kind person. These attacks need to stop.

    15. Nbtdumbass should shut her mouth and stop spreading lies and rumors she get off of google if she dosent like being called out. So should you. Dont like it, dont read it.

    16. Grow up. She's not spreading lies, Tiny does harass Bill. He does it right in front of us on here too. There's no question he's emailed Bill. I also believe Bill emails himself fake things. You don't like my defense of NBTDT, don't read it. We stand by her and who she is, you don't like it, get off this blog.

    17. Ditto sweetie. Or should I call you nbtdumbass?

    18. No Lorraine there are many on here who support NBTDT

    19. Try again... Not Lorraine.

    20. It doesn't matter who you are, we (those of us who have been here for years) support NBTDT. We don't have to always agree, and we still support NBTDT.

      Your childish name calling leads me to believe you are a fool, and have nothing to say that matters.

      Grow up. Get over it, or move along.

      As far as Boushie, I agree, he loves to taunt Bill, and has enjoyed the notoriety of being his target. While Bill is known to manufacture his 'proof' and Cox has taught him about faking it(ewww)...

      Personally, I wouldn't be pushing buttons or harassing a person as mentally ill as I believe Bill to be. But Boushie seems to be into it. He has kept this going just as much as Bill.

      So go ahead and keep posting your digs at NBTDT as an anon.

    21. And thats why NBTD can gas light and you others say nothing to her.but if someone says crap back ohhh boy. Exactly what is this blog for. Anyone of us whom has info sure wont share it here.

    22. that's your choice. There isn't any gas lighting here. And yeah, if I have an opinion that is contrary to NBTDT and I have posted it before. We don't always agree, but we respect each others right to an opinion. We post backup to our reasons.

      What is this blog for?? LMAO- the same thing any other blog is for- to talk about common interests and share what we think. There is no movement here, or big conspiracy. There is no reason to be here if you don't like it. The internet is a crazy big place, so many choices.

      Share whatever you want if you want, and quit your bitching about NBTDT (or any other poster here) not agreeing with you. We all have our own opinions, and don't always agree. Post yours or don't but get over the need to be so snarky to someone. Please.

    23. Gas light, another stupid "psychological" term and it doesn't seem anyone has information out there. So please feel free to act like a child and threaten to keep your toys away simply because someone here is supporting someone you don't like. When you decide to grow up, come on back.

    24. I know nbtdt personally, you know - the real world? She's a wonderful person and she does not gaslight. High majority of her information is true and if it isn't, it's an error, a mistake. Definitely not done on purpose.

      Why can't any of you moms see Boushie is abusive. He says the same things here that Bill gets in emails. So why is it too much to realize what Boushie is willing to say here, he's willing to email directly to Bill? Why is it ok for Boushie to be abusive to one woman but not the rest? Or are there times in your book when it's ok for men to abuse women?

  11. Lets take bets on what the big announcement will be.

  12. I bet its a lawsuit

  13. he is switching from the Courtyard at Marriott to the Holiday Inn Express so that he can officially be an expert in everything he does.

    1. lmao GS

      I bet he's going to try and make up something of deviant sexual in nature in hopes Boushie's wife leaves him just like Barbara left Billy. (probably for the same reason too)

    2. He and Crystal Cox decided to get married, since their partnership in defamation, harassment, and stalking is going so well?

    3. Im going to bet it has something to do with the Montana supreme Court...... Ahemmmmm

    4. @ Gingersnap: Thanks for the giggle. I needed that.

  14. baaaaaaaaahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    ^^^^ me laufin at you Billy! ^^^^^

    1. gloat gloat gloat

      His news is a big ole NUTHIN! Absolutely nothin!


  15. Dumb ass thought the police would arrest Sean or what? LOL

    Bill, your last reply on your FB is proof it's nothing but a pissing match. The biggest thing that bothers you is how Boushie will gloat? I thought your mission was about justice. LOL you continue to prove it's all about YOU and your own personal feelings about those who hate you crybaby Billy, nothing more, nothing less!

    Here's Billy's big baby announcement. FLOP FAIL AND FUNNY AS SH*T

    1. Title of this post, "The Eyes and Lies of Bill Windsor, the Narcissist" sums this whole BIG story up. His fake reality, him trying to make "Crimes" where there aren't any to gain sympathy and support. He didn't get his "feeding" today. GO HOME BILL! Get help.

    2. roflmao- so that was it- the B I G announcement was another fail?


      what a LOSER you are Bill- nothing you try to spin off today's failure will work...another epic failure gets added to the list of waste that will be Bill' legacy.

      And as a side note- I really hope no one here wrote that email billy the pie posted that suggested he film himself committing suicide. That isn't funny, isn't just sick, it's fucked up.

      Suicide happens, but especially to those who are mentally ill. It is never okay to bully and taunt someone into taking their life. NEVER.

      Anyone who does so should have to get counseling along with those who have suffered a suicide of a loved one. They should have to explain why they think it's okay to say that to someone they are abusing verbally or emotionally. They should have to look into the eyes of the ones left behind and tell them it's 'funny'.

      whoever wrote that is scum worse than Bill.

    3. I agree Oceans. Sean is emailing Bill, there's no question.

      Bill couldn't come up with (we Joey's rule #1) he's too dumb for that. The only person that uses that term here is Boushie and he's not a joey and I resent him including us in his stupid harassment and games. Sick of your crap SB.

    4. Shut up nbtdumbass.

    5. Yeah, I didn't appreciate being included in those idiotic emails either anon 12:28

      I have been watching Billy for longer than most on this blog- and I know he is enough of an ass on his own that he doesn't need help.

      These emails to Bill are pretty stupid, and only intended to extend this pissing match. I'm bored with it, and see no point. Right now, I don't like either side. They are both acting like they need their diapers changed.

      Bill is still just a waste of skin(lot's of it) and has pretty much devolved into a puddle of sludge and pie by products. The sender of the emails (be it Bill, Boushie or someone else) is playing in the puddle and has reached Bill's level.

    6. Frankly, making up emails to "get" somebody is one of the oldest tricks in the book and it is easy to do. Until I see IP addresses(and even those can be faked) or evidence on computers, I can't be sure Boushie is in fact sending the emails Bill claims he is. For that matter, how do you know it isn't Sheid himself? I'm not saying that Boushie didn't ever send him emails, but Bill's a drama king. Anyone in their right mind wouldn't read the emails or would just block somebody harrassing them. Instead, he's posting it on the internet? Seems fishy to me. But I've been dealing with my own personal stalker for a decade now. I've seen way too much and I know how they work...

    7. I agree Anon, that's why my posts say whoever is emailing Bill. But I also believe that Boushie has admitted to sending Bill emails. As have others here.

      I know we can never be sure who is sending what email that is being posted online. But some of these match up pretty well with what Sean is saying here. Others not so much. Even based just on what SB writes here, he seems to keep the interaction going either with emails or responses online.

      Bill isn't more than a drama princess, he is on full time whine. And yeah, any adult would just block the emails and not read them. I have always found being ignored because you don't matter is better than giving you my time to respond LOL.

      Sorry about you being stalked, I understand completely, probably more than you know.

    8. Thanks Oceans. These situations are so complex!

  16. Dumbass tried yet again for another restraining order. Judge threw the phone book at him this time...

    1. Oh no, the judge should have never gave him a phonebook, now Bill will have names and addresses to make his suing easier.

  17. It appears sushie is in jail. He should have atleast got bill with the banana in the tailpipe.

    1. Nope... Free and alive... Whole tube of caulk works much better...

    2. LOL where is your proof he's in jail? Big assumptions based on Bill's stupid blather? Link please?

  18. Bill Windsor I'M WATCHING HIM AS I TYPE.---> how so?

    1. So glad he is documenting himself illegally recording and stalking, I am sure it will make is so much easier this way, for an arrest.

    2. yeah, there is plenty of Billshit out there all over the internet to prove he is a vindictive vexatious villian.

      No way can he stop himself from ranting and posting his stalking achievements to anyone who will listen. I can't wait for the day that he only talks to himself and no one listens. Then he can make more fake profiles to respond to himself, or maybe buy some more followers that never say anything.

  19. It's still very ambiguous—at least to me—what's going on today. Clearly Missoula officials (court and/or law enforcement) have done something that Windsor doesn't like, but what that is is very unclear. Did police and/or prosecutors refuse to bring charges against Mr. Boushie? Did the district court reject Windsor's appeal of the ruling on the protective order? Or is it something else?

    I gather that Windsor scheduled his "major announcement" because he learned that a decision of some kind was forthcoming from Missoula officials, only to find out this morning that that decision was in favor of Mr. Boushie. And thus "THERE WILL BE NO ANNOUNCEMENT,,,AT LEAST NOT AT THIS TIME."

    But that still leaves a lot of ambiguity about what the decision was. "DAMN AUTHORITIES AREN'T COOPERATING" isn't exactly crystal clear.

    1. @ Attorney, it appears the above statements by Bill were, in his words a "set up" to make Boushie think he had lost. He is on to a more sick kind of game now.

  20. Sushie he's saying the police have swarmed you. What's really going on?

  21. So the univerisity police have jurisdiction off campus to enact a search warrant?

  22. He needs to take baby steps, sort of like exposure therapy.
    A: Admit that today's announcement was a failure. Study it. Live it. Get comfortable with it. Make it your friend.
    B: Come to grips that his marriage was a failure. Live it. Get out and go Hogging at the local bar.
    C: Come to terms with the fact that LA was a massive failure and the only few left supporting you are advanced ticket holders for a movie that will never be. That's not the end of the world, now is it?

    Get you deposit back for the vest, fill up the tank and have a microwave burrito or two, and hit the road. Nothing left to see in Montana.

    1. LOL

      He really needs to do all these, but we all know he won't be able to. I'm thinking after all the sweating in that vest, he won't get the deposit back. Now maybe if you suggested a couple pieces of pie instead of a burrito...

    2. Geotagging glory holes is a hell of a way to answer the question "What did you do all summer?"

  23. what is Billy posting on his FB?

    1. He's claiming he lied about authorities not helping in order to set Boushie up this morning for something. The campus police swarmed Boushie (aka 1 campus personnel showed up) and Bill has it all on video. Sounds like a bunch of Bill fluff but until Boushie responds otherwise, who knows what Bill pulled.

    2. They both belong behind bars.

    3. LOL- sounds like Bill. A master in his own mind.

      Has anything Bill ever promised come true? NO

      Has Billy ever really been in danger? Only from himself.

      Can we believe it if Bill says it? Not usually more than a word or two.

      Is Billy into conspiracies and does he really believe the cops need his help with anything? Y E S

      Yeah, typical billcrap and spin cycle. No matter what happens/happened.

  24. can someone post the Billbabble? thanks...

  25. Marty Prehn The curtasin has been pulled back and the person who heads up the Joey is A Little Kid Hate Blog group has now been revealed and this person is a very sick and mentally disturbed person who lost her child and why the Women's groups have been on the attack against Bill Windsor and Lawless America. FYI We will be having our own Memorial Service for Trish and it will include members of the film industry thaty Trish knew and worked with and people from the Karmanos Cancer institute. A date and time yet to be determined. The Wayne Mecial Examiner's office has a time of death as being 7:14 pm which is when they declared her dead. I assume she had died prior to this time but what will be put on her Death Certificate.
    Like · 3 hours ago

    1. Put that in your crack pipe and smoke it, NBTDT...

    2. lol nbtdt is working today, she's not on the blog. Who are you Anon 2:58?

    3. That remark was addressed to, not by, NBTDT.

    4. She's not here so what's up? Ginger isn't that woman Marty posted about so your comment doesn't make sense. And if you're implying NBTDT lost her kid, wrong wrong wrong about that too. lol damn what is everyone smoking? Gotta love stupid internet rumors.

    5. You stupid or sumptin? Who cares where NBTDT is or is not. And no one implied NBTDT lost her kid. No one implied anything, except perhaps Marty Prehn (and then all bets are off because he's so detached from reality).

      Defending Marty Prehn, no matter how slightly, is aiding the crazy machinery that is LA.

    6. Where and who is defending Marty? You really have some issues LOL

      I called Marty a stupid lemming. The support part is?????? where????? Still looking, can't see it. LOL

    7. 3:19 - You really are giving the Anonymous moniker a bad name.

    8. OMG now that is funny- I love it when they try to figure out who Ginger is, Marty is wasting his time- but that seems to be his thing, so it's all good.

      The only part I take issue with is the hate blog descriptor. There aint no hate here LOL

      And yeah, slamming NBTDT for having an opinion is ridiculous. I'll back NBTDT over a silly anon any day. But I love your comment Anon 3:22 !!!!

    9. Points taken, but just because someone prefers to remain anonymous online, they don't always deserve to be dismissed as silly.

    10. whoops, posted before I finished typing LOL

      I meant Love your comment Anon 3:22 but it applies to Anon 2:58 not Anon 3:19

      I agree with anon 3:19- no one is defending Marty- not even NBTDT- just calling out people being bullies IIRC

    11. Sleep well, Ginger. The day Marty Prehn can even figure out what he ate for breakfast is when you should start worrying.

    12. @ All the "Joey's": Thanks y'all. for having my back and giving me a laugh.

      @ BKO: Marty's post is a perfect example of why I view him as harmless. Picking on him is every bit as cruel as picking on picking Mary B or Mary D.

    13. You sure about that? Your back seems like a lot of real estate.

    14. Harmless, NDTDT you dont understand his hate for muslims wgo are islamic and how he has interventions with them a few cities away from where i live at.

    15. Agree, Sean. He was calling for a new crusade. Very ugly period in history.

    16. Yet claims to be a voice for others, and advocate for free speech.

    17. I don't think she realizes just how harmless he isn't. Maybe she'll come around.

    18. http://www.freep.com/article/20130517/NEWS02/305170101/arab-festival-canceled-dearborn

    19. @ Sean: Harmless was probably a poor word choice. But he's not all there and he's kind of your issue, like Joey Dauben was our issue. And no matter who he is or what he does, I'm not going to go along with bullying him.

    20. So basically what your saying is that your only interested in bill and not all of the encompassing lawless america people?

    21. "...head of the snake, follow the slime".

    22. With all that he accuses the Joey's of doing and whoever he thinks our "leader" is AND his devout LA propaganda blabber, when does/should his role be taken serious and personal?

    23. @ Anon 4:49: thank you, those are the words that escaped me. All that and with the bigotry, why should we take him seriously?

    24. NBTDT 4:22, you want to crush the revolution, sometimes you have to break it apart one state at a time.

    25. Marty is not a revolution on his own. There are more out there just like him. Is it possible Bill's 2 head goons are at war with each other? Wonder what Bill thinks about them fighting to replace him.

    26. @ BKO - I ain't biting. LA was dead months ago, MI just doesn't know it yet. But go ahead, you just keep working on it. Come back and let us know when you have something of value

  26. off topic,

    they are now reporting that 12 year old Audriaunna Horton has been found dead.

    Bobby Bourne a family friend is in jail for kidnapping this child already.


    1. omg no! I was just reading about her 20 minutes ago

    2. that sob! They found him 90 mins after he took her. All for a moment of sick sexual pleasure. Hope they have the death penalty there.

  27. Speaking of narcissists, anything going on with the Piemageddon saga?

    1. Bill set up Sean for something and is having a super fun day slugging back Pepsi while his video loads. I guess we wait and see.

  28. one who does horrible things to people and has no conscious is a psychopath and they can also have narcisistic traits....but so what. Why do we need to analyze him? If he is mentally sick does that excuse the harm he has done?

    1. I fail to see where anyone is excusing anything he is doing on his condition. Its good to understand his condition fully, to understand what he is doing and what he will most likely do in the future.

      I run this blog and it will go wherever the hell I want it to. This blog isn't required to do anything or cover anything. You can like it, love it, hate it or think its boring and move on, but stop bitching about it. Feel free to leave suggestions in my comment box (I dont have one).

    2. Amen, Ginger.

    3. There is a difference between mental illness as a diagnosis and being found criminally insane in a court of law. As of now, we have enough to show that he may not qualify for an insanity plea, nor would he accept it. It is reason to understand he is no hero, he is dangerous to himself and others, and those police officers responded to the scene knowing that he may be unstable and dangerous.

    4. When BW holds up in the University of Montana book repository, this blog will be famous.

    5. Then contact campus security and inform them. I agree law enforcement and judges need to be informed about this monster Windsor.

    6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IclmVdWNbI

    7. If Bill does anything on a school campus, the press and public will have more questions than have ever been asked here and Bill will know true hate for the first time. Let's have patience for law enforcement, but damn could you imagine what the public will say? Please hurry up!

    8. Doubt it'd be the first time...

    9. What is wrong with campus security anyway?

      More than once they've permitted a nutjob with body armor on campus?

      Were my kid going there, I'd be all over them.

  29. LOL- so the PIEster's big setup was to catch Tiny at work? On a weekday? Oh my- that is so incredible.

    yeah Bill, your cloak and dagger skills are just so amazing...did you think this all up by yourself?? Wow - impressive.

    Adding this to the list of your failures. I suppose next will be an announcement of another lawsuit.- oh wait, you are already threatening someone new on Youtube.

    1. Y'all ever catch Billshit's play on words about someone's place of employment?
      As with the Justice of the Peace & now with Tiny? "This is where this criminal likes to hang out" & he'll pan his camera around an office or a building where actual people go to their jobs!
      Some of us actually havta work Billshit! We don't just 'hang out' there 'cause they have free wifi & chairs.

  30. Replies
    1. Sluggo, i want a rebate because my defensive tools broke, I think it had something to do with that all so powerful carpal tunnel grip.
