Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Yes I Con

 - By The Yapinator (formerly known as Yappy)

This article topic started out with my repulsion of seeing Windsor's heartless post & photo of a homeless man in Missoula. It was painfully obvious Bill didn't care about the man, his plight or how much the man has to struggle on a daily basis for his basic needs. Most days, those basic needs are not met.

As Windsor rolls around in his 2013 fully loaded luxury model leather-interior Jeep (msrp $44,000) sleeping in his $160+/night room at the Marriott Courtyard (rm. 402 in Missoula), we read his endless whining online daily about the perils of living in such a deplorable & corrupt country like the USofA (his words, not mine). He keeps insisting he has no money whatsoever so who's bankrolling the roly-poly beast of Lawless if not his family? It's clear the man has no clue what it truly means to suffer or struggle in life.

The biggest life lesson Windsor could have is being dropped in the middle of a remote (and politically unrest) African village butt naked left alone to find shelter, food, water, clothing (yes PLEASE clothing) and safety. There's no way he could survive past day 3.

Bill's extreme narcissist need to post his every waking moment online provides us with tremendous insight into Bill's psyche. There's a couple in-depth fantastic articles on this blog where people wrote in detail about the narcissistic side of Windsor. Taking their lead, I decided to dig a little deeper and found further interesting information. In my opinion, I believe Bill Windsor to be a high-functioning sociopath with extreme narcissistic tendencies.

In the 10 traits listed below we can see Windsor come to life. 


How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job.

10 signs for spotting a sociopath 

#1) Sociopaths are charming. Sociopaths have high charisma and tend to attract a following just because people want to be around them. They have a "glow" about them that attracts people who typically seek guidance or direction. Watch out for over-the-top sexual appetites and weird fetishes.

Sexual deviant appetite; Seeks out the most desperate victims in our society who hit rock bottom often because they're easiest to charm

#2) Sociopaths are more spontaneous and intense than other people. They tend to do bizarre, sometimes erratic things that most regular people wouldn't do. They are unbound by normal social contracts. Their behavior often seems irrational or extremely risky.

drive around the USA stalking people he hates; sporting a bullet-proof vest while going onto a University campus

#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.

Stalking, divorcing without a second thought, suing people and enjoying it. Quote Windsor: When stalking his prey the other day, he was elated and proclaimed, "Such Fun!"

#4) Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time.

examples: Lied about the amount the courts sanctioned against in him in the MoM case. He owed around $100K but claimed it was $4 million. Lied about the SCOTUS voiding the supreme court to the point he paid up to $10,000 for a fake press release to be sent out to all media across the nation. He's a FLAWLESS liar to say the least.

#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.

Vexatious litigant - vexatious litigant - vexatious litigant. Need I say more? 

#6) Sociopaths tend to be highly intelligent, but they use their brainpower to deceive others rather than empower them.

one area that doesn't seem to fit Windsor unless you consider he's intelligent enough to use and re-use other people's idea's and put his personal take on it. 

#7) Sociopaths are incapable of love and are entirely self-serving. They may feign love or compassion in order to get what they want, but they don't actually FEEL love in the way that you or I do.

Washed his hands of his entire family and within 48 hours he was back on the road stalking people. He wouldn't allow his wife or family to tell him what to do and he didn't even bother to grieve for the loss of his marriage or give an appearance of grieving because he has no idea what normal people do or act in that situation. In fact, he seems overly relieved he no longer has to play THAT role in life 

#8) Sociopaths speak poetically. They are master wordsmiths, able to deliver a running "stream of consciousness" monologue that is both intriguing and hypnotic. They are expert storytellers and even poets.

He sure is able to tell quite the fairytales on about almost any subject he dreams up. 99% of Windsor's world are complete fabrications when fact-checked.

#9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.

I do not believe Windsor has ever apologized in his life.

#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!

Bill's words: "To the best of my knowledge, I've never told a lie or I've never knowingly told a lie."   

To see a phenomenal (and remarkably insane) insight into Bill and how he believes the world should run read his own words here: http://lawlessamerica.com/images/stories/GRIP/state%20legislation%20proposal-2012-09-26.pdf

The Internet is unlike anything any other generation has ever experienced. It's a fast and vast growing machine, tracking our every move, providing insight into all aspects of life from G-rated Leave it to Beaver world all the way down to the darkest glory holes of hell.

In the case of Bill Windsor (Lawless America) what's played out over the past 18 months online at this blog and elsewhere I believe has provided a great warning for the rest of society. Windsor, whom I believe is a prolific life-long con artist has been able to get away with his con's for over 40 years large in part because he moved frequently and there was no one keeping track. What troubles Bill the most about a blog like this exposing exactly what he is (with his own words and actions) is the fact he can no longer get away with what he's doing to others. That's why he's in a rage and is attacking everyone he can locate. His scams are exposed, the jig is up. He knows no other way of life but the con and to take his ability to con and scam away, takes away his entire meaning in life.

When we take a close look at Windsor - the conman - what do we see that fits with every other sociopathic-con man? Below is a great piece that describe's Bill Windsor, the career con man sociopath.

To read the rest, go here: http://goldengate.bbb.org/article/the-psychology-of-the-scam-34976

When we look at the common psychology of con men and scam artists,              what do we learn?

  •  First and foremost, most career con men are sociopaths. They are self-absorbed and believe that anything they say and do justifies a positive outcome for themselves. They can’t imagine or don’t care about the consequences their actions have for the people they may hurt. They rationalize away any concern that they are harming other people with any number of self-delusional discussions, if they consider the ethical side of their scams at all. What’s good for them is, by definition, what’s good…period. 

  •  A sociopath, according to Dr. Robert Hare in his book Without Conscience, is characterized by many factors, including a lack of empathy and guilt, an abundance of charm, an inflated sense of his self-worth, an inability to accept responsibility, difficulty forming deep relationships despite an accentuated ability to fake commitment, heightened skills for manipulation, and a parasitic lifestyle. Psychologically, you couldn’t formulate a better mix of traits to create a con artist, and someone who has developed to this mental point couldn’t find a more comfortable career fit. 

  •  Based on their personal experience and personality traits, they probably have cultivated the skills to be an outstanding con man before they hit puberty, and would gravitate toward a con man’s lifestyle whether or not it was a conscious choice. 

  •  Most career con men have above-average intelligence, and that may help them stay a step ahead of the law, concoct complex money-making schemes, or adopt new technologies to use as tools better than other folks. Studying the complexity of some scams would reveal that the con man has a vast array of skills, from a knowledge of computers to well-developed planning and organizational talents. 

  •  A con man’s “people skills” are off the charts. To be a good con man, you need to be manipulative, charming, and a flawless pathological liar. Being a successful con man often depends on your ability to persuade people to ignore common sense and their own best interests, and you have to be convincing to do that. Sociopaths have developed those skills to the point of instinct. 

other great links on sociopath/psychopaths & con artists for reference: 

None of us know how this is going to end but oh I'm so ready for an ending to this horrible fake life of the lawless man. In my opinion, there's no question we're watching a self-destructive mentally-ill man run around the USA continuing to hurt many people. As much as we'd wish Windsor would stop, pack it up, call it a day and crawl back to his wife and family begging for forgiveness, that's never going to happen. It won't happen because Windsor isn't wired like the rest of us. He's incapable of real love, real emotions and real connections. He is heartless to those he harms, in fact, he gets a sickening pleasurable high off of hurting others. The only way to stop him from hurting, stalking and harassing others is to take away his "drug of choice". To do so, we need law enforcement and his family to step in and stop this monster. We need a true selfless real American hero to step up to the plate and put an end to the insanity!

On a side note, I write a blog about a woman named Connie Bedwell. Approximately a year ago she was filmed by the great Bill Windsor. Bill eventually gave her the good ole C&D (no abate at that time because Bill didn't know the word existed). Prior to filming with Bill, she had Joey Dauben write up some very scandalous and untruthful reports about her EX-boyfriend.

She's one of the worst false accusers out there in the court system and has done a great deal of damage to real cases of custody and child abuse. She accused her EX of molesting her child many years ago but upon an extensive investigation it was proved untrue. Back in June 2011 all rights to her child were removed although she had not seen her child since early 2009. Since then, she's been in and out of court with DUI's, 2 felonies and 3 charges of breaking a court order.
Connie's father, Timothy Bedwell is accused of raping several young children over the course of many years. His trial started late last week. Yesterday, Connie was admonished by the court for her outrageous behavior during trial and breaking a gag order that was issued to her moments earlier. She was removed from the court property and not allowed to attend the remainder of her fathers trial.
The land of the lawless where people like her, Windsor and several others believe the rules and laws of the courts don't apply to them. They will act how they want and thumb their nose at the justice system every chance they get. As she and Windsor are learning, there are consequences to their repulsive behavior.
Here's a link to my blog for more detailed information: www.thetruthaboutconnie.blogspot.com


  1. Well Done, Yap...er...Yapinator (recall the robotic dog in the Piemageddon Special a week ago?).

    Sluggo on laptop

  2. "ability to persuade people to ignore common sense"

    I'd say Bill is pretty darn good at that one.

    Good job, Yapinator! I love the title.


  3. Good stuff, Yap, although it is a pretty scary place to get into the mind of a sociopath.

    Now I know what Agent Starling felt like...

  4. Good stuff, Yap, although it is a pretty scary place to get into the mind of a sociopath.

    Now I know what Agent Starling felt like...

  5. Awesome Yapinator! I agree with you 100% re: " I believe Bill Windsor to be a high-functioning sociopath with extreme narcissistic tendencies."

    So far the only people it seems with morals, ethics and character, are those he is stalking and harassing for exposing him. They have taken the lead in what his family should have done a long time ago. He will be exposed, continuously, and eventually, so will they. But, I guess they didn't think about that part of it.

    1. The Yappinator? ROFL funny
      Thank you everyone for all the feedback, I appreciate it. Everyone's doing such a great job pitching in on the blog!

      Thank Ginger for the title of the post and our great Ollie Reader for the photoshopping magic!

    2. "We need a true selfless real American hero to step up to the plate and put an end to the insanity!"

      Didyano... Our own resident crazy, Marty, went through his own personal "Hero" Jesus complex for the last six months...

      Maybe he'll step up to the challenge. He'll fail, of course, but that's a given.

    3. it's you! you made it! congrats!

    4. Surprised myself! :-)

  6. Anybody know what (still#2?) David Schied is up to lately?

    1. I wonder if he is even number two anymore. He might have been downgraded . Mary D has a lot of spunk.

    2. I wonder what the stats say the percentage is of these types of personalities and/or disorders becomes a "cult" leader? I bet it's a lot. What I always thought it was funny that he took a picture of Charles Manson as a "veiled" death threat. I mean could he have thought maybe someone was making a comparison to HIM?! I mean isn't it all about HIM?

      If you become Agent Starling and put yourself into that type of mindset of a Hannibal Lecter or a Bill Windsor... many of the things Vexi Bill's done or said make these 18+ months all the more sinister. I think about the rumors of hot tubs, lot lizards, divorce, glory holes there is some measure of truth that hasn't been uncovered...yet. As clever as Hannibal the Cannibal was he was stopped, he wasn't that smart, neither is BW...OBVIOUSLY.

      P.S. Great job Yappy on both articles.

    3. @ 5:53 - data I read said that not all of these types become cult type leaders but all cult type leaders exhibit these behaviors. I also read that these types, which are the mirror-hungry leaders, see other mirror-hungry leaders (i.e. Manson) as either some one to admire or a threat.

      Funny you should say that about more to uncover. You know how Zuckerberg is connecting us all to each other and advertising? Advertising on my FB page is usually related to horses and ranch equipment. When I searched for and opened up Bill's new FB page the other day, a bunch of ads for strip clubs in Box Elder, SD popped up on the page. Now, I've never to Box Elder or googled searched anything there. I'm not accusing anybody of anything, just something that made go, ummmmmm.....

    4. Re: FB advertising...Yes, they show you the "likes" and interests of your "friends" to see if you have stuff in common. It's what I call the Facebook Tattle tale feature. Bill clearly doesn't know about it, which is good, because it gives us all something more to laugh about.

    5. Yep and after you guys did the faux dating show I got ads for seniors dating sites. Of course, we find out now that Bill visits those so maybe it had nothing to do with the radio show.

    6. LMAO - NBTDT, thanks for sharing that about the ads, you too Ninja, I so needed that laughter tonite!

      Billy will freakin' throw a tantrum about FB ads soon. LOL

    7. "Ollie ReaderAugust 27, 2013 at 5:49 PM
      I wonder if he is even number two anymore. He might have been downgraded . Mary D has a lot of spunk."

      I think MaryD and MartyP should strip to the waist and wrestle for it!

    8. NBTDT 6:42 As fascinating as your theory sounds, I wonder if it's GoogleAds, zeroing in on certain content keywords such as Glory Hole, Pervert, Adult Book Store and maybe even BW's face (pretty pornographic right there).

  7. Bill says......

    hey everyone, i am going into hiding for a while. i can't schedule any more filming while i hide out and work on raising financing.

    1. What happened with the PO against Booshie? Wasn't there a hearing today?

    2. Why doesn't he just send all his crap to America's Funniest Videos?

    3. Why doesn't he just send all his crap to America's Funniest Videos?

    4. Tiny had to respond to Bill's PO by today. Had something to do with the appeal.

    5. He's 2 hours from the Canadian border and talking about hiding.

    6. Whatsamatta with Canada? It's shurrr purdy up there this time of year.

      If we're lucky he'll get lost in the Rockies and the sasquatch will kidnap him. <<< That's for our new in-house crazy Marty. He knows what I mean, right Marty? ;)

    7. Nothing wrong with Canada. I just had not put that together, sounds funny - Bill run out of Montana, heading towards the border of Canada, posting to his friends that he's going to hide out...

    8. He should just keep going. Hide away anywhere not in the US. No one would miss him anyway. He's completely irrelevant in all areas of life.

    9. Playing around with his physical appearance too.

    10. Ninja, you forgot to include Canada in the NOT category. We do not need him at all please and thank you. LOL

    11. LOL yes you are right. Anywhere BUT the US and Canada. :-)
      (Oh and not Australia either.)

    12. Since Australia is both a country and a continent, that's good! Can we include all of Asia and Africa, Europe, North America, Middle East, west, north and south, both north and south poles and South America?

      There, that should narrow it down for Billy.

  8. You know, Ollie, it seems like once a post hits the spam bucket, it double posts upon restore...

    Just an observation.

  9. You know, Ollie, it seems like once a post hits the spam bucket, it double posts upon restore...

    Just an observation.

    1. Isn't there some kind of setting you can make to keep out of the spam bucket? Or, how about setting up a profile with some other name besides Anonymous? There has to be something you can do so Ollie doesn't have to babysit you and we don't have to read posts twice. With settings & profile I have, I've ended up in spam bucket only once.

    2. I think the reason they double is sometimes the same reasin they get there. Somehow Google is receiving those twice. So it thinks, "this must be spam."

      Mine end up there pretty often even when I am signed in (as opposed to typing OReader). I contacted a Google forum and they said it should learn you, but it still goes in waves. I go great for months and then all of a sudden there is a rash of comments that end up in the bucket.

      So, no worries. I share the pain. I just can't promise I will always remember to check or that google won't eat your request for me to look in there.

  10. Just an update about the 2 year old that had been shaken and beaten. Sadly that child passed away to day from his injuries and murder charges were filed against the alledged killer and his bond was revoked and now will stay in jail until his hearing comes up. And thanks to who ever made the comment about Poppa Smurf. That damn cartoon song keeps popping up in my head. Does anyone remember the Judge from Florida who handled the Anna Nicole Smith trial? Did that Judge not remind you of Gargimal (not sure of the proper spelling). It is hard to tell from the one photo but the photo shopped picture.... I seem to recognize Bill Windsor but is that D. Schied with him? It must be an older picture as he looks heavier then I remember him and I met him only one time prior to Trish's death. And Gingersnap have you done a name change? I see comments from a Gingersnapthornoftruth and the IP addresses are identical so I presume you are that person as well. You were named in the lawsuit that was filed on 2/20/2012 and the case number was 416-00648-2012. Besides Colombo I also enjoyed watching Hawaii 5-0, McMillian and Wife, Banechek, Murder she wrote, KOJAK and McCloud growing up. And the best was MATLOCK. To clarify I have only met Bill Windsor 1 time in that was back in July of 2012 when I had my story filmed. Has anyone been brave enough to watch it without being brainwashed? And no I have not taken the time to watch all of the videos that have been posted on Bill Windsor page. I did check though and I am still shown as a friend on his fb page. Just not sure why I have not heard from him. I am going to open myself up here but I like a good laugh.... which character from the SMURF's would I be? I doubt that Papa Smurf is really Bill Windsor sense Papa Smurf has a cat and is not catless. Oh wait silly me that is Gargomal that had the can't wasn't it? lol NBTDT do you have any plans with your family for the Labor Day Weekend?

    1. I agree. With all the shopping I did at Target my scarf needs washing. Then I was able to bike ride in the rain before I left the house. After that I put the dog in the washer and walked my pants. What was I thinking because my pants were already wet when I went for that bike ride. When Lorrie gets back from the moon with the cow and the spoon I hope we can figure out how to untangle the dog. He has the same IP as Marty which I could never really figure out whatever happened to the dish, you'd think he was on the moon with the spoon. Those pesky little details some how get left in translation.

    2. "Has anyone been brave enough to watch it without being brainwashed?"

      Is that like the Dark Side of Oz? What drugs do we need for that?

    3. Kumbaya my ass, Marty.

      You said this blog is full of sickos and played a role in Trish's death. You were to report your findings to your friend Bill Schuette, Michigan Attorney General.

      You keep pretending you know who Ginger is.

      You keep pretending you're personal friends with everyone, for that matter!

      And...you're pretending you're the Regional Director of Lawless America!

      Yappy put together a pretty decent article today and your name is easily interchangeable with BW.

      Get help, dude. Get a family membership at a mental health clinic, while you're at it.

    4. Yep, same plans as every Labor Day week end.


    5. Kumbaya my ass, Marty.

      You said this blog is full of sickos and played a role in Trish's death. You were to report your findings to your friend Bill Schuette, Michigan Attorney General.

      You keep pretending you know who Ginger is.

      You keep pretending you're personal friends with everyone, for that matter!

      And...you're pretending you're the Regional Director of Lawless America!

      Yappy put together a pretty decent article today and your name is easily interchangeable with BW.

      Get help, dude. Get a family membership at a mental health clinic, while you're at it.

    6. Ok, I'll bite. What made up title does the SA after your name signify?

      Oh, I remember. Your Special Agent hat!

      How long did it take for you to replace "Education" with "Agent"?

    7. Maybe they can get a group rate discount for LA?

      P.S. Marty, you are delusional to the point of silly. You actually think you had something to do with the Berlin wall coming down, for your father no less. Oh my!

    8. Marty the MONGOOSE?
      The World's Worst Invasive Mammals
      Animals as common as goats, deer, rabbits, rats and mongoose have a devastating effect on their environment & other species, hence creating catastrophic consequences on other species & endangering ecosystems.
      Yep, Marty, you bestowed upon yourself an appropriate animal moniker.

    9. OMG MartyIsCrazy!!!! That is by far the funniest post I have EVER read. You get my vote for the number one funniest Joey. But for real though. This dude is just bein dummy right? There is no effin way this dude is serious. I won't believe it! Lol. No way!


    10. Marty is left in translation or is it right? He's an acquired taste isn't he and to answer your question, he's serious, oh yes, yes he TheTrooth. Time for your tinfoil helmet, I see you didn't get one yet.

      Listen, can you hear that?

    11. "This dude is just bein dummy right? There is no effin way this dude is serious. I won't believe it! Lol. No way!"

      Sista, you ain't seen nuttin' yet.

      Oh, he's quite mad. And people like that are allowed to drive...And Vote!

    12. Anon 12:49, Please don't repost the facebook comments. They include the name of a woman that is in no way related to this blog. It has been addressed. She the post from the sting. It's addressed there.


    13. NP, Ollie ... sorry ( just wanted to show how nut's that Marty is and what a liar he is when he tries to suck up in here )

    14. Yeah, it's cool. You wouldn't have known. Just trying to keep us neat and tidy. ;-)

      And yeah, pretty sure he thanked somebody for something and implied they spoke when that wasn't the case. He's faaaaar from truthful.

      I didn't think he was that damaging at first because he's obviously so . . uh . . . stunted. But, it appears I was wrong.

    15. Thanks for letting me know, Ollie, sorry I didn't realize or know the implications in his insane psychobabble post. I'm trying to catch up on the blogs ... there's just so damn many about the "Stunted" One ... I have experienced the Stunted One's insanity, personally ) and I'm not so sure he's as harmless as he seems.

    16. Dear Fellow Anon,

      I'll bet others would be interested in your personal experiences...

  11. AnonymousAugust 26, 2013 at 8:29 PM
    Uncle Marty,

    Please tell us the "Justice for Jean" story before bedtime.

    Pretty pleeeasee?

  12. 10:40 anon who posted from fb, that's been discussed at length in the post entitled "The Sting." Let's not bring that conversation over here. I don't think you've been around to witness all of the headaches, but believe me, you'll be happy if they stay away.


  13. @Attorney, Bill's latest postings.

    Bill Windsor

    It is simply a shame that Idaho is such an ugly state. Do yourself a favor, and just drive around Idaho and Utah some time.

    I had to change some plans this evening and work on some love letters to people I don't love. I hope they enjoy reading them as much I enjoyed drafting them.

    One of my fraternity brothers from Texas Tech is a world-famous guy whose company puts out oil well fires around the world. He went to a lot of trouble to send me a hard hat to wear with my bulletproof vest. Thanks, Abel. Photo coming soon. Now I am in search of a Duck Dynasty beard to cover up my unmistakable white beard. I need one so I can move around a bit more anonymously at times.

    I'm all tucked in for the night. I hope two 500-pound Sumo wrestlers are well-positioned outside my door.

    William M. Windsor

    Bill Windsor

    Sushie appears to me to be nuttier than a fruitcake, so I want a mental health expert to tell us.

    I have a LOT of Sushie news, but I'm going to wait a day or two before I spill the beans.

    William M. Windsor

    Bill Windsor Justice is rare...that's for sure. The key with Sushie is to get what I have with Overstreet: a jury trial that is virtually assured because she lost in trying to get the case dismissed. My civil action against Sushie will not be in Montana.
    6 minutes ago · Like

    @Bill Windsor? Since when do you have a jury trial against Allie? Lie much?

    1. I don't know what's funnier - that post or this episode of "King of the Hill" that's on right now...

      We'll call it a draw.

    2. This can only end good. Look what happened when he tried to get a PO on Boushie!

      That 5150 is almost as good as signed...

    3. Thanks, Anon—but I hope this is interesting to many people, and not just me.

    4. Somewhere in Spamland there is a reply about how the last time BW sought a court order against Boushie and how well THAT turned out...

    5. Bill Windsor

      I do a lot of quick stops and U-turns when I travel as I always want photos of quirky stuff. This is the World's Largest Range Bull in a field in Utah.

      I worked until 4:15 am on a secret project. I have more of that to do today, and I hope to see an eye doctor for an exam and get the bugs off the Jeep.

      William M. Windsor

    6. Secret project, eh?

      How exciting!

    7. Bill Windsor,
      If ever you should read this. We want to know what you have to say about the tragic death of Trish Kraus. However, as you are being investigated about it, I'm sure you'll keep silent and continue with the me me me blats.

  14. Why would it be a lot of trouble for "his friend" to send a hard hat? That doesn't really seem like some giant undertaking to me...

    And does Bill Abel really know what you are up to these days, Billy? You haven't exactly reached the status of your peers, now have you?

  15. If Bill were to Sue me first I would counter Claim. I would also Ask for his Mental Examination. I would also Deposition him for all evidence from his computer and more. He truly would not like forking over his laptop to someone. LOL Anyhow, I am thinking that The IRS who has been notified by myself about his fraudulent 501c3 is out there and also other law enforcement such as the FBI who have told me they forwarded his information to the Domestic Terrorism Group. So the issues for Windsor are getting bigger.

  16. Dearest Spamanon,

    See Google has us all figured out. You an I are spam, but voodoo priestesses are always welcome. I direct your attention here. Per Google, this is not spam.


    1. Oh, and there is also a link about for your $90,000,000 loan needs at only 2% interest! <--- also, not spam.

    2. Well, if the truth be known, I AM a Priestess and WAS going to hit the readers up for a loan...

    3. That explains it. You made one of the rival priestess angry, and she has cursed you to the spam bucket.

  17. Artistic recreation of when BW and Marty met in Detroit:


  18. Marty Prehn, October 27, 2012

    "Maybe I will go on a hunger strike in order to get some national media attention. When
    time permits I will share with you the roommate that I had and the promises that
    were made which sound too good to be true but it was / is interesting to say the least."

  19. Marty Prehn, October 4, 2012

    PS Since we are giving ABC the initial exclusive interview we have
    requested that either Diane Sawyer of World News Tonight or my new friend
    David Muir of World news tonight Weekend will have this story covered on the
    ABC national and international news stations.

  20. "Rudy I was more concerned that it was my ex wife wanting me to open a new credit card for her to use at the major department stores or my whacko sister trying to drain my veins of the blood I have left in them as the stress of knowing that I am coming after her legally has put her back into a drinking binge and wants everyone to believe that I am the one in need of mental intervention as she calls it. On fb search for Marty Prehn's legal defense fund and view her comments and fill free to add you own and let her know what you think about her starving my mother to death.
    As always,
    Marty Prehn"

  21. Marty Prehn, March 10,2013

    "Throughout this whole ordeal last year my motivating factor was one simole question. "What would Xxxxx Xxxxx do?" He set the example of how to fight for your loved one against fraud and corruption and greed. I have been invited by Xxxxx Xxxxx to attend the 1st annual Xxxx Xxxx Life and Hope Foundation Gala Banquet in Philidelphia, PA on April 5th. The featured speaker will be Sarah Palin and I am hoping to be able to say a few words and to share the Dr. Xxx Xxxxx story and to present a special award to Xxxxx Xxxxxx who is the brother of Xxxxx Xxxx. I am working now many hours a day to get the same national media attention they I was able to get for the Freedom of Speech event in Dearborn minus the riot police. My therapist says I continue to make improvements on getting over my shyness issues.. And yes my heart is still beating....irregular but still beating." — at Macomb County, Michigan.

    *****My therapist says I continue to make improvements on getting over my shyness issues*****
    Marty's shy. His therapist says so.
    Do you suppose Sarah can see Marty from her porch?

    1. Yeah, I remember that one. He said come "hell or high water, he'd make it to Philly." Kept soliciting donations for gas money, new suit, food, lodging and a haircut.

      Never made it. No one missed him.

    2. LA had a good size following in PA, so what could go wrong? One Nobody told me they were afraid to go to DC due to the significant infighting in the eldercare community. They mentioned there was jealousy and a need for some to have their story take precedence in the press, rather than the issue itself. They claimed there has been threats made on some members of the elder care community upon others.
      Marty himself is a bully and has very polarizing views on euthanasia that could get in the way of other issues in the elder care world. Not everyone sees a patient as starving to death when a tube is removed. Some people see a human being dying at their body's own pace. And not everyone sees tubes as medicine but as a prolonging of a painful death.
      Getting back to Bill, it's interesting that he lectured the public about the importance of Wills in Round America, yet over the last few weeks has asked us to believe that he does not have one when he begged the Nobodies to make sure he was autopsied. That must be a certain kind of hell knowing that the court system of a state where he is not a resident might, without a will present, decide it has more legal authority over his medical care than his own legally estranged family. Neither Bill nor Marty seem to be role models or understand the many social issues involved in geriatric (elder) care.

    3. "Maybe I will go on a hunger strike in order to get some national media attention."

      "In other news, village idiot stops eating and no one cares. Turning to sports..."

    4. ROTF snarffling! ~channel surfing to sports~

    5. MONT CODE ANN § 46-4-122 : Montana Code - Section 46-4-122: HUMAN DEATHS REQUIRING INQUIRY BY CORONER
      - See more at: http://codes.lp.findlaw.com/mtcode/46/4/1/46-4-122#sthash.gmmJuPhm.dpufhttp://codes.lp.findlaw.com/mtcode/46/4/1/46-4-122

    6. MONT CODE ANN § 46-4-122 : Montana Code - Section 46-4-122: HUMAN DEATHS REQUIRING INQUIRY BY CORONER
      - See more at: http://codes.lp.findlaw.com/mtcode/46/4/1/46-4-122#sthash.gmmJuPhm.dpufhttp://codes.lp.findlaw.com/mtcode/46/4/1/46-4-122

    7. Marty oversteps the law to decide that he will campaign to investigate a private citizen's death over any consideration of her family. To do so isn't justice, it's simply heartless.

  22. Anyone remember last month when Marty was going to have his friend Jesse Jackson march on the Macomb County Courthouse in solidarity for his jailed son?

  23. Or the candle light vigil in the jail parking lot to raise bond money?

    No one, and I mean not one person, showed.

  24. Wow, Ellen, Good Morning America and now, Dr. Phil want Marty on their shows ... = "Moments after his guardianship was lifted, Chism, 75, smiled as he walked out of Probate Court – but declined comment.
    According to Marty Prehn, a national elder advocate and NASAGA member, he was contacted by producers of the Dr. Phil show, interested in covering the story.

    1. NASAGA is actually NASGA - he can't even get that lie straight.

  25. There is no truth to anything Marty says. He is deeply ill and needs help and evil bloodsuckers like Windsor do not help Marty's illness.

  26. Now why didn't BW think of this?

    Marty Prehn
    National Elder Advocate and NASAGA member

    I will make myself available at the 7/11 parking lot at 9 mile road and Hayes if any of the Detroit tv nes stations what to do an interview and this goes for any of the newspapers as well"

    1. f you would like to help me fight Elder and Guardianship abuse in my mother's case and others and would like to donate to my legal defense fund the address to send check's, money orders, cash or debit cards for Walmart or Meijer's is;
      Marty Prehn Sr.
      PO BOX 80732
      St. Clair Shores, Michigan 48080
      If you want to send me a loan of $100.00 or more in order to help me fight the Fraud and Corruption in my mother's case please do so assuming it is a 0 interest loan but will be paid back when I prevail and am accessed punitive and compensatory damages awards for the financial and emotional damage that was done to me under predatory and RICO statute laws.
      These funds will also be used to pay for legal court filings, gas and air fair and utility bills, cell phone bills and of course lawyers fees.

    2. (Smarty made up the "National Elder Advocate" title. ... ) What is a Elder Advocate = He or she generally has an educational background in criminal justice, social services, or a similar field, in addition to experience in working with individuals going through traumatic circumstances. Advocates are usually available through local law enforcement stations or other state or regional government attorney offices.

    3. (Smarty made up the "National Elder Advocate" title. ... ) What is a Elder Advocate = He or she generally has an educational background in criminal justice, social services, or a similar field, in addition to experience in working with individuals going through traumatic circumstances. Advocates are usually available through local law enforcement stations or other state or regional government attorney offices.

    4. Hey, another Anon is getting duplicate posts!

      And I thought I was special...


    I've blown my diet today by eating a real dinner at a real restaurant, sharing a piece of key lime pie with a beautiful lady, and now I'm eating a Snickers. Back on the Healthy Choice Soup Diet tomorrow!

    I'm as safe as I can be tonight. All locked away.

    I have another long day of driving tomorrow!

    I did manage to get my eyes examined today, and everything is okay. I had surgery for a detached retina a few years ago, so I am supposed to be careful and have regular check-ups, and I have been delinquent on both.

    I am officially off the filming circuit until further notice. My efforts will be focused as exclusively as possible on raising financing.

    William M. Windsor

    Cherie Safapou Hi I been hacked but bill I need help with not paying a penny child support because they cut me so I said if I do not c the child top of that child been physical y and emotionally abuse u told me bill u will help me ! Hop u r doing well!
    32 minutes ago · Like

    Bill is never going to help you Cherie. He doesn't help anyone but himself.

    1. I've said before, visitation and support are entirely separate issues in Family Court.

      Encouraging deadbeat parents now, BW?

      Sounds about par.

    2. I've said before, visitation and support are entirely separate issues in Family Court.

      Encouraging deadbeat parents now, BW?

      Sounds about par.

    3. Oh here we go again. Doctor's appointments, sunlight and nutrition: 3 things not to neglect if you have eye problems. Things to nix: excessive time under artificial light (look for full spectrum bulbs and limit computer time) and contact lenses without doctor approval. Can you imagine fighting a tremor to put contacts on?

  28. Marty Prehn May 22, 2013

    "I am now working as a regional director for LAWLESS AMERICA with Bill Windsor and am exposing the fraud and corruption in our legal and Judicial system when it is uncovered."

  29. "I am officially off the filming circuit until further notice. My efforts will be focused as exclusively as possible on raising financing." Translation = Trying to drum up new lawsuits. And accepting donations for a fake 501c3. Gald I faxed the IRS almost 50 sheets of documents that is way short of Bills 6500 that he sent out.

  30. Where do you think he is now? And what happened to the fact that he has not paid taxes in 2 years? How can anyone get by with that? And I would think his ex-wife would be responsible too? Wouldn't she have know that since she would have to sign a tax return?

    1. He's probably headed back to Texas, where he is assumed to really "living" instead of South Dakota which is probably the mailing address for some shady scam reason.

      Windsor and Wife are neck deep in lies and manipulations over money, hidden assets, and such. (allegedly) Timing of things is always so interesting. Wife of Windsor puts Lawless in her name, during the M.o.M. case, when it appeared that LA was being brought into question for financial reasons.

      Also interesting is the non filing of those two years, because it may have been proof of fraud on the court about their assets, vs stated in court documents. Of course it probably could be taken back to court by the M.o.M attorneys, if the income for the two missing years doesn't match what they told the court, the moment it is discovered and Windsor could wind up back in front of the GA Judges he loves so much.

      So, we have a nifty quickie divorce right before he sues a mess of doe's (oh, is that the con for "damages") We have a quickie filing in a state none of them have lived in, (most of their companies are also there)to put a fraudulent 501c3 on paper, since the "stalkers and haters" had noted there wasn't any filed, and a trademark application, not an actual trademark issuance, for the same reasons. Oh those pesky haters, always exposing his lies!

    2. I think you have hit the nail on the head. Good job

  31. Speaking of "what happened to". What happened to all the criminal charges he pressed on 37 people? What happened to putting EHH in jail? What happened to suing L Wilson and stopping WTP FPR? What happened to the PO hearing against Claudine? What happened to tearing down the AMPPS? Lorraine Tipton? Diane Gouchin? Rik Little? Lisa Jones? What happened to the lawsuit against Allie and all the Doe's? What happened to making Allie homeless, penniless, and terminating her parental rights? What happened to interviewing everyone's ex's ? What happened to seeing Brannon in jail? What happened to Tiny's deposition? Tiny's wife? What happened to proving Tiny is a government paid stalker hired just to stop Lawless America? What happened to Allie's computer being seized? What happened to getting Mark back in the court? Brenda being found by a private detective? What happened to revealing who Ginger was? What happened to the million motions, filings, and appeals he's filed? Where oh where are the Lawless America Citizens Grand Juries, convicting all the nation's judge's of treason and putting them to death? What happened to the 501(c)3? What happened to the tens of thousands in donations? What happened to the movie? The TV show? The grand juries? The charges against Congress? The legislation changes? The Loryn and Connie expose? The nationwide protest? The walking the banner across the country? The state coordinators? County coordinators? The talkshoe shows? The filing charges en masse? ....wait....what happened to Bill Windsor saving America? Surely he's not a.....not a.....big fat creepy psychotic LIAR, right?

    1. To answer your questions;

      "It's a secret."

    2. I can answer this one:
      What happened to the lawsuit against Allie and all the Doe's?

      That's still going, currently in federal court in Kansas City. I've been checking PACER every few days, but nothing has been filed with the court in the past two weeks. I'm reasonably soon there will be action on Windsor's motion to kick the case back to state court; he might win that motion. Regardless of whether he does, there are various discovery activities going on right now, including attempts to subpoena major Internet corporations to try to uncover the identities of as many of Windsor's enemies as possible. It's unlikely that anything will come of those.

      Eventually I presume that Ms. Overstreet is going to move for summary judgment, and I suspect that she'll win the motion and therefore the case. If anyone is still paying attention at that point, they will presumably see Windsor whine and complain about the perfidy of corrupt judges... and then he'll appeal, and proceed to annoy another bunch of unfortunate judges and judicial clerks. Yawn.

    3. @ Attorney keep your eye on the MO lower court case. Things have been filed there, and Windsor just requested a document from that case. Not sure what game is a foot, but you might.

    4. Okay, thanks for the tip, Anon @1:26.

      It appears that, yesterday, Windsor filed a request with the Missouri state court for a copy of the federal court's May 13 order (as required by Georgia federal judge Thrash) permitting Windsor to file the case in the first place. The court granted the request and sent Windsor a copy of the order.

      I'm not sure what the point of that is, and he could have gotten that same order from PACER anyway. Maybe he wants to refile the litigation somehow? That would be pointless. Or maybe he thinks the order allows him to file some other kind of litigation in Missouri? I seriously doubt it. Possibly he just wants to make some kind of point about how the federal court already gave him permission to file in state court.

      It's difficult to predict the future moves of a crackpot.

    5. No kidding.

      "It's difficult to predict the future moves of a crackpot."

  32. Bill Windsor

    I am driving. I will be driving until about midnight tonight.

    I was contacted today by someone who may be able to provide financing.

    I will stop issuing these twice daily alive notices as I will not be in Montana where I evaded a bullet.

    William M. Windsor

    1. Oh, the drama...

    2. ...or, it's another"Super Sting Diversion" and he's really in Montana...

    3. Is there anyone left who actually cares about his well being?

    4. Send us an update from a 7-11 parking lot next time, BW.

  33. Sharon Anderson is running for AG of Minnesota, again. For the newbies: sorry, can find the old post - Ms. Anderson, one of Bill's most faithful followers, has run for public office several times. If I remember correctly, two times her campaigns were run from the mental institutions in which she was an inpatient at the time. In one election, she actually received a significant share of the votes. It appears she shared the name of a well known radio personality and people were confused (a good lesson on making sure you know your candidates).

    New blog and old blog links posted for those interested. The old blog has her "testimony" to Bill. If you enjoy Bill's court pleadings, Sharon's will be a real hoot for ya. But, format is like Marty's - blocks of rambling dialog. Oh, and she has her own Wiki page. Wiki describes Sharon as "eccentric".




  34. "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious."

  35. You people are a joke. This was something that was well established back in JANUARY that Bill is a Sociopath. Late on the bandwagon, no?

    1. Looks like you are the one late on the bandwagon. Bill has been one of the subjects of this blogger dating back to at least September 2012. Maybe if you'd been reading back then, you wouldn't have made it all the way to January not knowing he was already exposed. . . .

      Just sayin'

  36. NBDT certainly meets the criteria for Histrionic Personality Disorder

    1. hahahahaha - sorry I didn't find this comment until now.

      Don't give up your day job, if you have one, to become a shrink. You have absolutely no clue about the disorder you named.

  37. Yes your are wright and thanks for post a good topic . your post is

    top most in related post of Yes I Con .
