Showing posts with label founding fathers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label founding fathers. Show all posts

Monday, February 17, 2014

So Playing Grand Jury is Illegal?

Gene Paulson was a founding father of Lawless America or its starter group GRIP.  You can see his "they done me wrong" video here Well Gene didn't get the the cease and desist memo from Bill about that citizen grand jury stunt Bill had planned last year.  He went ahead and tried it, and in Bill's (latest) home state of all things  Where is Shied when you need him?  I thought these stunts were fool proof?

Paulson now faces up to 7 years in prison for merely carrying out what Bill had told him and hundreds of people to do.  As you can read in the story some more Lawless lemmings pop up in the form of Stephanie Strong...another South Dakota resident (what do they put in the water up there?).  Stephanie, as we see here, is not a big fan of rules.  And like Bill, she is finding that seemingly everything she files gets dubed "frivolous and malicious" along with a consequence.  Have they taken their country back yet?  Why is it that their vigilante justice always ends badly for them?

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Lawless America Officially Endorses Murder

Just as I predicted the other day, Bill rides in to Sevierville in support of vigilante justice in the form of cold blooded murder.  He described the convicted killer as a "sweet 69-year-old".  He also left his million dollar home in Marietta Georgia to come up there and declare which officials were correct and which ones were corrupt including the defendant's own counsel.

Even though he calls for the complete abolishment of the CPS, he bases his entire argument on the findings of CPS in this particular case.  And as I said last time, that no longer is the issue anyway, the issue now is taking the law into your own hands.

Jimmy Robinson had a hearing yesterday to ask for a re-trial.  Even though he admitted to the murder and accepted the plea deal, he now feels he was wronged by the system and deserves a second chance.  He can count on the domestic terrorist group Lawless America and Bill Windsor for support in that endeavor.  But fortunately justice prevailed and he was denied a new trial.

So where are you David Schied?  Trish?  Judge Snooty?  Julia Fletcher?  PMA?  Naomi whatever your last name is this week?  I don't see anyone speaking out against this therefore you are in support of murder along with paper terrorism.  Silence is complicity.

"Lawless America spent April 26, 2013 at the Sevier County Courthouse for the hearing on a new trial for Jimmie Robinson. Bill Windsor arranged in advance to film the hearing. Gee, imagine my surprise when I arrived to set up and was told a local TV station had gotten permission instead of me. Then imagine my surprise when there was no TV station. I believe this corrupt courthouse didn't want to be exposed on film. I was allowed to take still photos. This is a long story, but sweet 69-year-old Jimmie Robinson was denied a new trial. Another TRAVESTY of the so-called justice system. Jimmie Robinson's attorney, Mr. Poston, was incompetent, in my opinion. He was most certainly ineffective, and that was the criteria by which Jimmie should have been given a new trial. Mr. Poston pressured Jimmie into accepting a 17 1/2 year prison sentence at the age of 67 -- what amounts to a life sentence. Jimmie was not told about possible defenses. Mr. Poston wanted his family to lie and claim daughter Wendi did it. He never interviewed a single witness. He lied on the witness stand today claiming he was told that the CPS worker who knew the biological father was a pedophile and more was not credible as she was fired and was a criminal -- none of which was true. Poston sat at the attorney's table with the prosecuting attorney! When Judge Richard Vance gave his opinion, he sang the praises of Poston. I believe Judge Richard Vance is a corrupt judge. This was an outrage. If "the system" had worked properly, this crime would have never happened. The biological father would be in prison for sexual abuse of his little boy. When it was clear that the Sevier County Courts were going to allow the pedophile to get unrestricted access to his victim, Jimmie snapped. He shot the biological father to protect his grandson. Jimmie was denied a jury trial. Poston indicated that the little boy (age 6) didn't matter. It was obvious to me that he didn't matter to Judge Richard Vance. Absolutely sickening."

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Domestic Terrorist Windsor rats out the USA to Al Jazeera, Visits Jefferson's Grave in Missouri

Last night on his talkshoe show, Bill admitted that he has sought out foreign media to cover his complaints about the United States Government including the Al Jazeera network.  Should we convene our own made up citizen grand jury and convict him of treason, punishable by death?  Well, by his own words, he should be, in fact it would be our patriotic obligation to do so, according to his own standards.  His number two, David Schied, agreed with reaching out to the foreign press and called for our Country to revert back to common law.

Bill then said he went to Columbia Missouri to film the "most important" Founding Father Thomas Jefferson at his grave site to see if he is in fact rolling over in his grave.  Bill said that he couldn't hear Jefferson actually rolling over in his grave, but he saw steam coming up from the ground implying that TJ was steaming mad.  One little problem with all of this is that Jefferson was buried at his place in Monticello Virginia.  The Jefferson Institute decided to move his gravestone to Columbia in an effort to preserve it.  Complete incompetence hasn't seemed to stop Bill yet, so I guess this incontinent truth won't deter him either.  But I have to wonder about Schied as he tries to play academic at a local college, is he fine with being directly associated with, and ruled by, someone so completely clueless about even the basics of American history?

Other notes to come out of the meeting is that he got the RV off an elderly gentlemen who I guess could no longer operate it (since Bill can't operate it either I guess we should qualify Bill as elderly as well).  Bill plans to be on the road (in his jeep) for 3 months on this new tour while he films certain places.  He kicks off the vacation by going to Dollywood Thursday.

The big surprise for us haters is that he may get a Federal Judge to allow him to file civil cases on those that he considers stalkers.

They still plan to carry out the citizen grand jury stunt, now in june, but with Bill out on the road it looks to be completely coordinated and run by David.  I'm wondering if paper terrorism will look good on his educator resume?  Schied also claims to be working with a congressman who wants him to help right a new grand jury related law.  He wont say who or what though.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Are the Nobodies of Lawless America “victims” or unwitting “volunteers”?

Part 3 

So, prior to 2010 we have a coalition of activists with issues that range from domestic to government corruption to judiciary corruption to sovereign rights to constitutional interpretation, to avoiding the IRS.    It appears leaders in the activist groups formed a think tank, of sorts.  

Around the time Restore America Plan was formulated, e-mail within the General Congress discusses steps to address common concerns.    The answer appears to be, rally a movement to oust government officials and judiciary by forming grand juries and/or through existing government.    

Clive Boustred:  The only remedy you have is to gather your neighbors together, form Grand Juries and your own courts and take back America one neighborhood at a time. For goodness sake, you are the government! 

All we need is for the masses to get off their asses.  

By the way, why file it in a private court?  You are the government, form your own Common Law court and jury.  You don’t need judges.  Besides all criminal cases must be prosecuted by jury only.
Sam Kennedy:  Those of you who have ALREADY JOINED ASSEMBLIES ARE VERY WELCOME to take the covenant of office for the Guardians of the Free Republics and the De jure Grand Juries. In this way, you can enjoy direct participation in restoring sovereign control 

The power rests with YOU, with all of the collective members of the sovereign People who make a simple collective decision… 

So in essence, YOU are the remedy 

…that the remedy lies within you. It is up to YOU to come together and reclaim your birth right in the presence of the Lord .

WD Duff
it is in all our interests to compell them to perform as designed......  and hold accountable anyone who would ignore that mandate.  that would include any act, statute or code by our agents that tended to block our ability to enforce that mandate. 

John Roland:  The people, acting collectively through constitutional convention or referendum, are indeed sovereign, and they may indeed choose to change the legal system, but they haven't, and you, as an individual or dissident faction, can't do it by yourselves…… I expect economic collapse, after which people might become more receptive to our message, if we organize ourselves to deliver it 

Copied in e-mail from Cynthia from Bastialaw regarding acting as  Private Attorney and forming Grand Juries:   If more people would do it, or combine their resources to do it, would be a more accepted practice and most effective in holding the Bench & Bar Gang, and all others we have given a sacred trust of honoring our Constitution, preserving its integrity, accountable to the Rule of Law with us as the Sovereigns, the Masters, over them, our servants. 

During this time Bill is tied up with his own legal issues.   David Schied is an activist in Michigan, busy with his legal issues, working to set up RSI and using his experience in the movie industry to tape stories of victims of government corruption.   After the failure of the Restore American Plan, all discussion goes quiet.    

Fast forward to February 2011.   Bill starts a blog about his legal filings and government corruption.    Bill tells his audience that he has researched many sites on various related subjects.   He launches a Face Book cause page called “I Support the Constitution and Bill of Rights”.   He needs and challenges 1 million people to join his cause.    

On February 27, 2011, the first conference of the cause is held.   It is announced as non- political, non-religious; all activist and cause groups are invited to join under the Lawless America umbrella with single purpose, address corruption.  Goals include generate 1 million supporters, “take matters into our own hands”,  get all government officials to sign an Honesty Pledge, get 3 minute videos of corruption stories .  David Schied volunteers first to be a State Coordinator.   Bill points out he has one state covered – 49 more to go. 
On March 6, 2011, the second conference was held.   David Schied participated in chat, Jon Roland appears to have been the phone guest.   The discussion was focused on Article V, with relates to citizen presentment to Grand Juries and organization of a mass movement.  The group discussed a march for July 4th , the event is called Meet Me in DC.   

Not much happened in April.   Then on May 3, 2011, David Schied provided Bill with the statute to present criminal charges to Federal Grand Juries.   Bill posted the information, instructions in how to file and said every victim “should do this”.  

 From May through September of 2011, Bill posts a lot of information and discussion on Grand Jury petitions, suing judges, RICO violations, government corruption, judicial corruption, filing criminal charges and death threats.   He pleads in several posts, urging   readers to go public.  Everybody should join the cause and prepare affidavits to present to Grand Juries on all corrupt government officials and judges.   RICO filing information is posted for every State.   

On November 15, 2011 Bill posted a lengthy endorsement of a candidate for DA in Texas from Jon Roland.   Then on December 7 and 11, 2011 Bill announces that he is regrouping, Save Our Constitution Konvention (SOCK) is taking shape.   He will produce videos, there will be a web blitz and links to GRIP and all cause groups.  SOCK will be held January 15, 2012. 

On December 15, 2011 the SOCK agenda is posted.   Special guests include Jon Roland, David Schied, David Grossack, Rev Freddie Pinkney (associate of David Schied), Jeff Lind and Jack Bauer.    Bill posts on January 2, 2012 that John Margetis (of joeyisalittlekid fame) and Carl Swensson have confirmed to their attendance.     In brain storming ideas to motivate and involve more people, the movie is first mentioned.   

  After SOCK is held, Bill posts the steering committee: 

The GRIP Steering Committee

The following people have agreed to be on the Steering Committee for GRIP: David Schied, Will Gallison, Sally Borghese, Wes Hoyt, George McDermott, Dr. Joseph Zernik, Arnie Rosner, David Grossack, Diane Gochin, Denise Loughlin, Eliot Bernstein, Joe Norman, Larry Hohol, Jon Roland, Phil Stimac, Professor Roger Roots, and William M. Windsor.
During February of 2012 Bill announces that the best way to get people involved with the movie to tell really good stories.   Also during the month, he announces his candidacy for US House and Chief Magistrate Judge.  

In early March, Bill announces that his trip may need to be delayed because there aren’t enough victims coming forward.   About mid-month Bill announces that he will draw more victims to be filmed through the promise to film and present proposed legislation in every State capitol and testimony will be provided to every member of states legislation, the US House and Senate.   He asks for those willing to be filmed to help by “identifying other people we should interview”.    
On April 5, 2012 Bill gives a seminar in how to “sneak” evidence into a Grand Jury.  I point this out as the methods Bill suggests got him banned from the court house and nearly got him arrested.    Similar methods of addressing a Grand Jury were written by Jon Roland on July 13, 2002 and can be found on his web site.   Mr. Roland cautions that the suggested methods may result in arrest.    
So, the movie road trip starts in June 2012.   With the help of the cause and activist groups, a data base of over 200,000 names has been compiled and 1,100 victims are scheduled to be filmed.    In August Bill extents the road schedule to accommodate the growing number of victims that want to be in the movie.   
In October 2012 Bill announces the Lawless America Revolution.   He says “we want our country back” and we no longer have our Constitutional rights.   Bill proposes that those that are aware of our loss of rights join forces to educate the masses.   “We simply need to educate our fellow Americans and remove all of the corrupt and dishonest people from office.”
As we watched the drama of the cause group withdrawals and were horrified that some of the stories presented were not factual, we missed the point.  The facts of any given story were never important in the “revolution”.   The individual causes and situations were never important.   This is about numbers, collecting people and creating a movement with a specific agenda.   And how do companies (and sometimes the government) advance ideas and indoctrinate the masses?   They advertise, they market the idea and the product.    How do you get your message out and capture the attention of a large number of people?   You offer them something they want, for free.   In this case:  you volunteer to tell your story of corruption to us, participate in our cause and in return we will present your story as testimony to the government.   

Bill did tell the truth when he said the thought nothing would be accomplished in the DC event.   He said that all along, from the very beginning.   The Nobodies did not hear him; they were focused on the hope and the promise of their testimony being heard by somebody that mattered, somebody that could do something to help them.    

The DC event is over, the government didn’t listen, nothing happened.  The Nobodies are asking “now what?”   Bill is guiding the Nobodies as he gently reveals the agenda through instruction in blog posts and seminars Talkshoe shows and videos.   Now they are expected to be more than just a victim.   Now, the Nobodies are expected to understand legal terms like Writ of Mandamus and statutes like RICO.    They are told how to ambush judges and Grand Juries.   They are told to complete extensive reading assignments and carefully study their state laws.    Bill has told them all, in bold print, to prepare but not to take any action until they receive further instructions from the Lawless America Revolution.    Did they realize they would become active participants in the “revolution” to jam up the courts and oust the government?   Did they sign up for this?   

As the “victims” and the cause groups have withdrawn one by one, who remains?  David Schied is in the number two spot.   Jon Roland is working quietly in the back ground; he
is also running as a Libertarian or a TX US Senate seat.    The Lawless America agenda is now in full view, should anybody care to do their own research.   Bill has linked to Jon Roland’s site. d-audience-for-lawless-america-show-about-filing-criminal-charges-against-corrupt- judges-and-government-officials&catid=130:grand-juries&Itemid=105

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Are the Nobodies of Lawless America “victims” or unwitting “volunteers”?


Part 1 
When Bill Windsor first came to our attention, with his trip around America to film victims of government, court and CPS corruption, the ideas appeared original.  We laughed and poked fun as we watch loonies stray from the path and Bill have bi-weekly melt downs,  never once taking the “movie” project or the “revolution” seriously.  But with the posting of Jon Roland’s video to Lawless America’s site, a sense of seriousness emerged and new questions were asked.   Who are these people and how are they connected to Bill and each other?
If you listened to Jon Roland’s video, you will have discovered that Mr. Roland is an expert on the US Constitution, how it was written, the intent and how the intent was changed.   Mr. Roland has constructed a new constitution; his solution to government corruption is to recruit militia for armed resistance and create a mass movement to replace members of the government and judiciary.
Mr. Roland formed the Constitution Society.   Members of Mr. Roland’s society include  Clive Boustred and Sam Kennedy.    Together Mr. Boustred and Mr. Kennedy formed a group called Guardian of the Republic. 
Mr. Boustred is from South Africa.   His complaints with the American government appear to have started with regard to an IT business venture and during his divorce.   It appears that in 2003, after an altercation with his ex-wife’s boyfriend, Mr. Boustred took his children from their mother, who had legal custody.    He was arrested, the boys were returned to their mother and Mr. Boustred was denied visitation rights.  After which, Mr. Boustred alleges the police attempted to murder him and CPS kidnapped his boys.
Mr. Boustred began a business called Copper Cards.   The purpose of the company is coordinate small groups people and teach them the “true” law, how to eliminate government from courts, forming vigilante courts and grand juries and how to win in court.   Mr. Boustred’s catch phrase is “Take our country back”.    Sound familiar? 

Mr. Boustred attempted to use his own methods in a 2010 criminal case brought against him, he was unsuccessful – he went back to jail.   In 2008 he brought criminal charges against a Judge in one of his cases and in 2007 he attempted to sue the State of California for $198,053,410,750.00. /~clive/coppercards/law/docs/CC-CC-indictment-quo-warrantoIrwinH.Josephv4SIMPLE.doc+&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESjLIUC wKE6_6TXM0MAFjdckR93cdNO30wWFOyZfJXr6eKibERobhpaCztGghjIAC- 1sAmpI9HXd2vu-WXeh2m0CNHqOcO-7uHErIX5YCvgksxTJwUczo8mC- eY1oJbIUnAHrBim&sig=AHIEtbRnMHL0NLMikhl9kWHJ850Aq_vX0Q

Sam Kennedy also sold packages which promised to help identify sovereign citizens and assist them is avoiding criminal charges, property liens and constraints of civil laws.  Mr. Kennedy hosted a radio show in which the Restore America Plan was broadcast.    The plan was not published and the web sites have been taken down.  Wikipedia provides this explanation: 

Restore America Plan: bold achievable strategy for behind-the-scenes peaceful reconstruction of the de jure institutions of government without controversy, violence or civil war." 

The group advocated the end of "tax prosecutions for resisting the transfer of private wealth to foreign banking cartels" and issuing "orders to the military and police powers to enforce the Peoples’ divine rights of birth."[5] The Guardian of the Free Republics stated that they wanted to accomplish their goals "Behind the scenes, lawfully, peacefully, without violence and without risking civil war." A section of their website titled "Rationale" laid out the ideas behind the group’s goal to "restore Biblical law to a devoutly secular population." The group believed its plan could act as a "vehicle for relieving corporate tyranny. In due time, the higher goal of salvaging the souls of mankind can be addressed."[8]

During the week of March 31, 2010, all 50 U.S. state governors received letters from the group, warning them to leave office within three days or be removed.[7] Governor Mike Beebe of Arkansas said, "It basically said, resign, ask for forgiveness and then we'll reinstate you, and if you sign this we'll consider you re-elected."

The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security stated that they did not believe the group was violent. Some investigators believed, however, that the letters could cause others to commit violent acts.[5] John Stadtmiller, who runs Republic Broadcasting Network in Round Rock, Texas, which broadcasts Sam Kennedy's weekly show, said that Kennedy was behind the idea of sending out the letters. The FBI interviewed Kennedy for two hours on April 2, 2010, but did not arrest him. The interview concentrated on two shows Kennedy did about the "Restore America" project, in which Kennedy set a March 31, 2010 deadline as the day to "begin to reclaim the continent."[1]

As of March 2011, the web site for Guardians of the Free Republics had been taken down.

Contrary to Wiki’s statement that the group is thought to be nonviolent, this statement was made by Sam Kennedy as people were recruited and the plan was put into action:

Some of these events will occur DIRECTLY THROUGH PUBLIC ACTORS, and others will occur through military liaison. If you study military history and publications, you probably understand that the military’s duty to obey proper civilian authority is an intrinsic part of their consciousness. The United States Army and Navy Manual of Military Government and Civil Affairs outlines military authority to recover domestic territory from enemy occupation, restore civilian government, retain proper civilian laws, high-ranking political officials from office, supervise civilian courts, protect money, promote banking and release political prisoners. So the military’s offer was not just happenstance. They understand we have been under occupation since 1861, and in a perpetual state of corporate national emergency since 1933 by declaration of every single CEO of the United States Federal Corporation since then, permitting those CEOs the luxury of unbridled powers outside normal constitutional limitations (Senate Report 93- 549). 

The Southern Poverty Law Center has this to say about Sam Kennedy:

Dr. Glenn Richard Unger, 59 Clifton Park, N.Y.
The host of the popular online radio show "Take No Prisoners," who uses the alias of "Dr. Sam Kennedy," Dr. Glenn Unger is one of the more secretive redemption leaders. In addition to using a false name, Unger doesn't keep a marketing website and doesn't allow followers to videotape his speaking engagements. He markets his "Beneficiaries in Commerce" program as a cure-all for everything from tax bills and debt elimination to what he calls "prison extraction." Unger was a founding member of the Guardians of the Free Republics and received some unwelcome publicity earlier this year when the FBI investigated the group for threatening state governors. In a recent coup by fellow sovereign Tim Turner, Unger was pushed out of the Guardians group. Despite his stealth, the IRS found Unger and hit him with a $116,000 federal tax lien last September. Furthermore, at least three of Unger's clients have gone to prison as a result of following his program; in a fourth case, the judge found the defendant mentally unfit to stand trial as a result of the nonsensical documents he filed with the court. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Bill Windsor Identifies Himself as an Enemy Combative of the United States

Last night, in his impromptu State of the Union response, Bill made it perfectly clear what he wants to do.  He hates the United States and warns all immigrants to stay as far away as you can from it.  He said the system is broken and that he will bring charges against all elected officials and put them on trial for treason.  He said he is non-violent...but that nothing would surprise him any-more   He then says that once he destory's our entire system of government, "we can then make it into whatever we want it to be".

Bill Windsor showed us all last night that the only difference between Lawless America and Al-Qa'ida is tactics.  He wants to abolish the death penalty but reserve it only for those convicted with treason (like all the government officials he plans to charge).  He once again affirmed that our men and women in the military died for nothing as it currently stands.  He also spoke about how many currently incarcerated were wronged because they were former foster care children.

To be clear, this is the next step in his Nazi revolution   The first was just fun and games as a few people went sight seeing in DC.  Now it gets serious as he makes it clear he is going to declare war on the current government of the United States.  Everyone associated with this monster, even loosely  better run away now before they go down with him.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Lemmings OD on Koolaid

So as he can't find anything to hang his hat on in his Failure in DC, Pie Baby has decided to drown his lemmings with koolaid.  He tells them he needs an RV that must sleep 4 (up to 3 lot lizards at a time), then he says he took a picture of secret service agents but they disappeared from his photo.  He later finds the picture only to show that they appeared to be the janitorial service waiting for him and his lemmings to finish their play time.  Then he gets on his high horse with his good buddy Glen Gilbellina.  This is under a long post mainly calling for the end to the VAWA:

"In closing, Lawless America The Movie has gained another 30,000 followers in just the past month. Should something happen to Bill Windsor, many of us will continue what he started."

-Yeah of those 30,000 there is the possiblility that 3 of them might be real.

Windsor even gives a shout out to himself for buying all his fake facebook followers:

"We just topped the 50,000 mark ...for Friends and Followers!"

-You just better hope none of the lemmings start to look into who all those followers you bought really are.

But then listen to the comments between him and Glenn G:

Glen Gibellina There are more animal shelters than shelters for men and THEY didn't use title 4 money like always, FOLLOW THE MONEY

-so you want taxpayers to pay for more male specific shelters, who I guess are fleeing from their overpowering spouses who someone beat them up?  Count me as a hell no.

Bill Windsor The right to be a parent is a fundamental human right. The government has no rights and no business interfering in any manner with parenthood.

-ok, which amendment is this?  I can't seem to find it but I know it must be in there since you never tell a lie.  You cant just make up your own rights.

Just because you call someone corrupt or a false accuser doesn't make them one.  It just means you accused them of that.  Just because you say this Nation is broken doesn't make it true, it just means you think this Nation is broken.  Just because you say you are speaking to 300+ people in a room doesn't make it true, it just means you said it.  Somehow, these very simple sets of logic are lost of Bill and the minions. 

Der Fuhrer then goes on to preforms his favorite practice of female-human sacrifice as he outs another mother whom he has decided to hate.  He names her, puts up a pic of her and her family and calls on his goons to go after her.  Deep in the "we need to get her" comments we get one lemming that accidentally gets out of line with this comment:

Liz McGovern just maybe it the ppl you allow to "help" with things. One wouldn't allow a drug addict to tend the pharmacy- a child molester to baby sit kids- a bank robber to be a bank teller, etc. I am not comparing anyone connected to Lawless- to the scurges of society- but just maybe, if you could find ppl who aren't emotionally invested in what this group does- to do all your footwork, you might have better outcomes. Only a suggestion & pls don't anyone take it personal.

Umm Liz, if he eliminated all the pedophiles, druggies and thieves there wouldn't be anyone left in his Lawless America.  You get a frowny face for the day with that kind of individual thought.  Drink some more koolaid please.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Joeyisalittlekid Declares: MISSION ACOMPLISHED!!

So Bill and his lemmings spend money they don't even have to descend on our nation's capitol to blame our government for everything wrong in their lives.  This is the big event of the year for them, they spend all this time money and effort trying to get those in authority to take notice of them.  Of course only about 60 lemmings even came and not one official came to their little pity party.

Well, it worked.  Someone in the Department of Justice binged that sh!t and typed in "Lawless American goes to dc" and they are taken to this site to learn all about this movement.  So way to go Bill and company, all your hard work finally got you noticed, its just on here that they learn about ya.

Critical Day 3 of Failure in DC is Over, Mission Accomplished

Wow what a day.  At least 60 lemmings were ordered to move up front and cram in around Bill so they could fill up half of of the 135 occupancy room at the Crown Plaza in Arlington Va.  After spending all morning distributing their packets and CD to trash cans all across the Nation's Capitol, they came back in for the "Phil Donahue style" show.  One of the participants was the infamous Rik Little who Bill said was banned from Lawless America for his violent anti-female sentiments.

The Liar in Chief called the meeting to order, and after looking over all the pies he had eaten and the new personal information forms and waivers he now had on his lemmings, he triumphantly proclaimed "Mission Accomplished".  Even though there was not even one Somebody in the spacious 135 occupancy room, Bill decided to address them anyway notifying them that they are the problem.  He was then, apparently, served some pie he doesn't like....a lawsuit against him and his minions.

The hero worship then commenced as Bill put on some military fatigues on a homeless man and had him come in and present Bill with a Presidential Service award.  You know, the same one anyone can buy for $4.75 a piece.  He almost sent Mary B and Paula into cardiac arrest when he also mentioned that he may be in the running for the publisher's clearing house grand prize.  And if that wasn't enough, he said that he just received an email from a rich exiled Nigerian banker who wants to invest his $10 million in assets into the Lawless America account, he just needed a lemming to send him their personal bank information to make the transfer.

Today, the remaining 15 of them plan to march on the Washington Post en masse to demand that the editor-in-chief give them an audience.  Once this fails, they will all head back home having failed in every single category.  But thats not going to stop Billy as he plans to start working on his next solution, bringing criminal charges against everyone.  As he promised yesterday  he will never stop filming (code from scamming), so until someone stops him (and no i'm not calling for violence), many future victims await this Liar in Chief.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Pie In the Sky is The Special of The Day

So they finally give us a live link to the Nazi Convention, and we thank you for that endless entertainment.  We watched as Bill said the room was packed with hundreds of lemmings, the cam quickly scanned the room and there were 56 people at most.  Bill grabbed the mic like it was apple pie and wouldn't let go.

First, Bill channelled his inner Bush and said "mission accomplished  (I guess he finished his pie)  For hours he rambled on and on about himself, mentioning that he can't use his grandkids names (giving us a little hint to what this is all about, not only does the state of Georgia hate him, so does his family).  Then he sets up his own award.  He spent the $5 and got a President’s Volunteer Service Award made out to himself.  He made sure his lemmings spent a good long time engaged in hero worship as they clapped on and on at his fake award while he claimed that this was proof that Obama is looking into their claims.  

Then Bill asked how many media and congressman and woman too, where in the room, of course no one was in attendance.  But he then went on to address them as if they were there pointing out that the media is the problem as well (for not listening to his whining) .  Bill said he was a multimillionaire but now doesn't have two nickels to his name.  

Bill then called the capitol police and informed them that he won't adhere to their rules and bring their camera's even though they are prohibited from doing so.  Then he turns it over to his lemmings but makes sure to grab the mic and ramble back into himself at every opportunity.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Day One of Failure In DC is In The History Books

Several dozens of followers gathered in a small room yesterday to start the movement that will change the this Country forever.  The group represents a diverse congregation of criminals, malcontents and psychopaths.  Billy rolled out a large "crime scene" tape all the way down the hall leading into their small room in Arlington Virginia, this would help the US Marshalls and other warrant officers to find them.

Billy then called the meeting to order and quickly showed all of them why they are really there.  "This Nation has lost itself.  It no longer adheres to the principles that our Founders intended it too."  The zombies nodded in agreement only to then hear what Billy really means..."I want to introduce to you the greatest lie that has ever been bestowed on this Nation....a SLICE of pie.  For too long corrupt politicians and judges have kept this lie going to the point where the American people just accept it.  Jefferson, Madison and Franklin all sought a country where one could eat an entire pie as they so pleased.  Never do you see any actual documented proof that the pilgrims, at the first Thanksgiving, ate slices of no, they all had their own pie. I am sick and tired of living in a Nation that gives me a dirty look when I try to enjoy my whole pie just because I dont do what the corrupt judges want and slice it up".  Billy then opened up his bag and brought out pies for everyone and ordered them to eat the whole pie like a real real American.