Monday, February 18, 2013

Windbag Talks for Over 3 and a Half Hours Last Night

Too bad talking doesn't burn calories.  What a drastic difference in the two shows last night.  First, we have the clubhouse with yappy, brannon and petunia.  Its fun, energetic, its open to any and everyone, there are sound bites, parodies and even an intro.  We even had two of Bill's Bangladesh followers call in.

Then, immediately following that is the ultimate buzz kill in Billy boy talking until he literally passed out.  No fun is allowed on the Nazi Radio show as Bitler put the hammer (sorry Brannon) down early by banning everyone, except those that sent him a secret message, from participating.  I gave it a solid 2 hours, but that was my max, I had to leave to keep my sanity.

Now back to the fake followers thing, Bill read up on what we were saying and figured he had to start trying to explain away his sudden large new following in Bangladesh.  He bragged about his long winded show last night saying:

Record Audience for Lawless America Show about filing Criminal Charges against Corrupt Judges and Government Officials

  • PDF

Record audience tuned in for the February 17, 2013 Lawless America Show on TalkShoe.
So many people tuned in and were participating in the chat that TalkShoe's 250 people limit was exceeded and all newcomers had to be blocked from chatting.  And this was with all guests automatically blocked from chatting.  And to the best of my knowledge, not a one of the hundreds was from Bangladesh.  :-)

Well thats because they called in to our show.  Here is an example of how easy it is to fake your view's on youtube...this is from a Joey parody:

But this wont stop Billy from bragging about his fake followers, after all he paid for them so he might as well gloat about it.  This is the guy, after all, that brags about the 50 companies he has failed with.  Now that his old facebook page was shut down, he really has nothing else to point to so he has to play this out all the way.

He does now have an interesting new group of followers as he enters this new phase of judge, jury and executioner all from the comfort of your own home.  Once the word spreads, he will be attracting some of the most out there individuals you will ever see.  He can't even control his loyal lemmings, wait till he tries that with these folks.


  1. Ok off topic, but I have to give a shout out to Mary B!

    She just hit "LIKE" on the 'Lawless America is a Fraud' page!

    Yay Mary B!!

    1. yes, it took this former lemming a while, had the wolf in sheeps clothing's bag bulled over my eyes ( no pun intendend). what a dummy, scary how much one person can harness and gain so much and do so much as to what I know see as damage and fear future potential damage to those involved. Retaliation is fierce by the government enemies who far out number the poor blokes like me who want to stand and make a difference. some actually do, and i am not ever going to stop being one of them! Thanks Spawn, sorry i missed your talk show, i am going to try to make it next time- i'm not a big talk on the phone kind of person but i will listen in, i like this real group better than what was going on at LA! Mary B.

    2. Mary B,

      I am happy you escaped when you did. Many of us have been watching quite a while, and pretty much agree it's really going to get worse for those still involved.

      Keep your focus, and maybe start locally with your own group to make smaller changes and then work your way up to the bigger issues.

      I have read every note you have published on Facebook. I can see and understand the pain you live with, and I really hope your health improves, and that you find the strength and peace you need.

    3. You don't have to call in MaryB but if you want to make a statement directly to Bil, we know he listens and reads here too. Petunia would read it on the "air" if that was something you felt like getting off your chest.

    4. i don't think I have to say any more to wound bill than what he has already done to himself, although i am tempted to be spiteful, just by continuing to be me and print the truth, tomorrow will be telling, i hope i can resolve this without any further court involvement, i really do- but i may still be looking at life through rose colored glasses if i think HUD or the state or city or anyone else is all of a sudden going to decide to play fair and just be nice to mary bagnaschi- oh well. can't hurt to try. thanks again, folks! mary b.

    5. Your meeting is tomorrow? I will say a prayer for you Mary, and cross my fingers too.

      Good luck!

    6. Mary, I think the main effect you could have is speaking to those that are still in LA. I'm sure many of them saw you put your heart into this and how hard you worked at it. Then, just like that you are cast out and forgotten, no real explanation just that you are gone now and CEASE and DESIST.

      The last thing bill wants is for his current followers to hear from you. He wants you to quickly fade away and out of everyone's memory, while he tries to keep them focused on his latest scam. If you called in on one of the shows, I'm sure us along with AMPP and the other affiliated groups could make sure that the word got out in LA that Mary B speaks and hopefully, even if out of sheer curiosity, we could get some of the current members to listen to you.

  2. High-five MaryB!

    A bit o/t. I think the new video was buried in the mix. We'll call it our new theme song for the clubhouse, such a cheery little tune to sing along to. Puts a smile on your face... well, except for Billy's maybe.


  3. Dharma & Smeg rock!!!!!!!!!!

  4. So Blowhard says to the lemmings, 'if you are afraid don't file' basically. Then he says, 'I've got nothing to loose'.

    He is right, he doesn't have anything to loose. While they are busy hailing him for the false notion that HE is changing anything, he hasn't done a thing to expose corruption, bring change in the systems they are complaining about or anything helpful.

    Nope, it's just more smoke and mirrors. The lemmings are the ones who have to file for their specific causes. NOT BILLY.

    The 500 or so that were taped are the ones who will be slapped down by the courts. (He has about 1100 or so youtube videos, and everyone did a double. Their little 30 sec. take, and the longer testimony. Plus how many has Billy done? So, ya, there are less people in his 'movement' than he wants people to know)

    Anyway, my point is this. He failed at filing every single court action. Why should these people follow his lead? It is doomed to wind them up on a list of crazy people, who file frivolous lawsuits, and they will become targets of no credibility.

    This in NOT the way to make change.

    1. *sorry lose not loose

    2. last night, in the highly restricted lawless chatroom, lakesha actually said citizen's arrest. I'm telling you guys, they are all going to be pulling a Gomer Pyle before this is over.

    3. It is going to end badly. I have an uneasy feeling that keeps getting worse.

    4. I agree Ninja and Ginger. The train wreck is imminent. I just hope there are a few less casualties because we keep posting the obvious for the lemmings to find.

      It's making me sad to know how many people are truly being led into further hell in their lives by this man and his lies and false hopes. :(

      I am really hoping it doesn't devolve into actual violence. Although the emotional destruction is almost as bad, at least there is hope for a recovery and future.

      Gahhh- I am pretty morose today sorry.

  5. Somebody buy Bill a calculator.

    The topic was filing criminal charges against those who have committed crimes against us, and that has been perhaps the hottest articles ever posted on The original article about this was read by tens of thousands of people on and set a record with 7,933 Facebook Likes. So, there are a lot of people who want to join in this effort, and I am happy to help.

    Here are the numbers as I believe to be correct:

    total likes on FB = 6,519

    Likes for SOTU response = 76

    Likes for open letter to Congress = 30

    Likes for proposed legislation = 21

    Likes for you may have a criminal case against whoever = 26

    Likes for your right to file criminal charges by state = 28

    Likes for it's time to prepare criminal charges against everybody = 58

    1. lol@"as I believe to be correct"

      I'm gonna have to beat that horse a little more

    2. it kinda ties in nicely with ole Barbara Farris and her "that being said" preface

    3. It is so laughable how blatantly low these numbers are. The Actual, Factual numbers.

    4. Yeah, another irritating phrase Bill used last night "needless to say". If it's f'n needless, then why bother to say it?

    5. I'm trying hard to forget what I heard from his mouth.

      At one point he couldn't answer a question about the grand jury in their state and told the caller to stop talking about their specific case. He then referred them to his own lawless website for advice on how to handle their issue?

    6. I messaged him repeatedly from CT with an update on my several attempts to submit motions and pleadings to the courts in CT - Bill never said one word to me in writing or in person about my exhaustive efforts in CT- including two separate motions that both led to the state ordering competency to stand trial exams ( they said i was crazy for claiming that the police and judiciary were retaliating against me- despite having 0 probable cause for the police to arrest me in all 3 - and the state prosecuted me almost 2 years on perjured statements) all my motions, including two the CT Supreme Court in October, dismissed in January, I am filing a formal appeal, there are no known steps in CT for citizens to sequester a grand jury, and Bill Windsor offered 0 advice, support, nothing!!!!!!! mary b.

    7. Typical. He's done with you....hence you no longer exist, unless/until he feels threatened by you. I figure since you're over here at the Clubhouse, you will soon be the next victim of a WANTED poster or charged w/Treason.... Don't worry. I got your back! & your front. My tiara has super powers & if that Fatman & his AllieCat try to spin out on you? I'm gonna pounce like a rat on a stale Cheeto! Grrrrrrrrrr

    8. :) Thank YOU, Petunia!!! who ever you are, i sure 'like' you, too!!! and appreciate it a lot!!!! :) mary b.!


    9. @Mary B.: No state has a provision that allows a citizen to present charges to a grand jury directly. Can you even imagine how many people that don't know the law, would be trying to speak to the GJ if there was such a provision?

      All you can do is go to the your DA or State's Atty (whatever they call that position in your state) and ASK him to bring the charges. He reviews the case and determines if there are legal grounds to do so. If he decides you have grounds, HE presents the case to the GJ.

      Willy's understanding of what a GJ does is completely BACKWARDS. They are there, to make sure the DA does not prosecute people unless he has probable cause to do so. They are there to PREVENT unwarranted prosecutions. They are simply an obstacle the DA has to clear before he can indict someone.

      Willy believes if a DA says there are no legal grounds to prosecute someone, that the GJ can over rule him. It is true that the GJ can decide on it's own, to investigate something and in very rare cases, they do just that. BUT, if they decide to do so, they go right back to square one, with a court deciding if there are any legal grounds to force witnesses to come in or produce evidence.

    10. Let me clarify this: "No state has a provision that allows a citizen to present charges to a grand jury directly"

      There may be a very old statute on the books of your state that says any citizen has the right to speak to a GJ. The statute became obsolete when each state decided to assign a DA or State's Attorney the task of representing the citizens of the state. The current procedure requires you to go through that office. If it is still on your books though, you can DEMAND, as Willy did, to speak to the GJ regardless of what the DA thinks about the merits of your charges.

    11. MaryB, I don't wanna seem stalkerish, BUT, I wish you would consider unblocking me from your Facebook. I pinkie promise to never post on your page or like anything...I don't want Windsor to have cause to target you for anything...but I do have a few things, kinda personal, I'd like to share with can always re-block Petunia if I mess up....

      PS>>techies? I made a blogtalk of my own...I wanna change my display name though, how do I do that? I've wasted too much time already. If it is very difficult, I'm gonna start over...

  6. If he believes them to be correct, good for him. He's only off by what? 1100.

    His fake likes were outed a couple weeks back by Oreaders - fake LA FB celebrity name game. But true to a con artists form, they keep plugging away showing the world their truth.

    1. Did I read this article correctly? Isn't he saying that one article alone drew 7,933 likes on FB?

      The only 2 FB postings I could match up with the article he describes had 26 & 58 likes.

    2. Oh. Maybe that was from his now banned FB page with the 55000 fake likes he bought? It's such a shame he never ponies up the proof with that pudding he sloshes around.

    3. I think you read it right, its just when he said "original" article I take that to mean on his old fb page which no longer exists. He can make up whatever he wants about that page now

    4. Well whatever article he is lying about, he never provides proof.

    5. When did the old page go away for good? I think the article he's talking about was posted on & FB after the old page went down.

      Criminal charges you may have - posted on .com 2/16
      Preparing for charges - posted on .com 2/15

    6. Ya all these were posted after DC. His page went down Monday after the talkshoe DC went great show. We all questioned why he didn't mention on that show, that he was "converting" the page as he tried to pass it off.

      He had no problem telling his talkshoe listeners that SB got his page suspended right in the middle of the show before DC.

    7. Feb. 11th he posted it was being converted.

    8. Ya but I have to "terrorize" pie tard in order to get it done. According to nameless people.
      Just caught up after being gone, wow I was a busy boy all weekend...

    9. Yeah, I think Gingersnap was pointing out just how effective you are at getting Bill's attention. Terror, harassment, stalking, whatever you want to call it - gets a reaction out of Bill much more quickly than any of the Lemmings. While the Lemmings are wasting time trying to win Bill's favor and sending e-mail that Bill will never read, you go to the head of the line with the crap you pull. Very effective, I'll give you that.

    10. I guess you would know all about crap. AsI said. Put your money where your mouth is, prove it. Nothing from their sites is admissable, so just prove where Im terrorizing anyone. You cant.

    11. I don't have to prove a thing. I'm not trying to get you arrested nor do I anticipate presenting evidence in court. I'm just pointing out that you don't have everybody fooled.

      And, haven't you been paying attention? It's pretty clear I don't believe anything I read on Bill's sites without independent confirmation. I don't read anything Cox posts, unless it's by accident.

    12. @ Ninja: Sorry, I must have overlooked your post at 11:10 - Bill said several times over several weeks that the FB page as moving. He might not have said it on Talkshoe the night before the move. But, I knew it was going to happen - the only place I could have gotten the info was from Talkshoe, FB or the .com. After he said it, I checked the new page several times a week for 2 or 3 weeks as Bill asked people to start posting on the new page. I thought it odd because he was still posting on the old page and nobody was posting on the new page.

    13. NBTDT I also saw he was moving pages, I just don't think it was by choice to move it so quickly. I feel that had he planned on that Monday move, he would have said something Sunday night.

      I think it was a forced move- prematurely to the planned move he had in mind. I also believe this to be true since he wasn't able to 'move' any content from that page over. If it was by choice, in my opinion, I would think he could have moved stuff over, and brought the 50 fake people with him as well.

    14. "I feel that".... "I also believe this to be true"
      we can throw in "Im not an attorney or in my oppinion"
      that being said its needless to say

      I love all of Bill's BS sayings. Why does George Costanza come to mind telling Jerry that "its no a lie if you believe it"?

    15. @ Ninja: thank you for the explanation/clarification. I thought you thought Bill had not made any announcement.

    16. NBTDT you know bill Windsor must be taking lessons from George bush on Fuzzy Math.

    17. Credibility.
      I'm far from leadership material. I've never considered leading a group other than my own herd (family) & a few co-workers. I know my abilities & my limitations. My point is, just because someone is intelligent & has useable ideas, doesn't make them a good leader. I'm not certain if the Lawless America 'movement', movie/video testimonies was even Windsor's idea. We have labeled him many things~scammer, con, liar....I see him as a predatory opportunist. He uses his ability as a predator, then his talents as a scamming, conning liar to chose just the right opportunity to take advantage his victims. We've referred to those people as lemmings. To me, they're victims because they are each suffering some sort of personal trauma or crisis. Many have mental/emotional health issues, others are not well educated, most are on limited or fixed incomes. There are a few that much like Windsor, in that they too, are predators, some are even criminals.
      What I notice more than any difference in Windsor & those that follow him? Knowledge & research. Windsor KNOWS what he's doing. His victims either were unable, unwilling or simply didn't know how to research him & his past.

      I am baffled that even the dimmest of individuals cannot blatantly see day after day:
      the changing of stories/excuses
      the dis-organization of their chosen leader, HOW can anyone do anything, when they are on FaceBook 18-20 hours EVERYDAY? & then? CANNOT master the art of administrating a FaceBook page?
      blathers about the big (fake) numbers? who cares how many, when 1ONE cannot even get an email response?
      followers are discouraged from sharing their info/experience on TalkShitShow & told to "just listen to me, you can join chat IF you wanna talk about yourself"
      the crucifying publicly of Lawless followers that were already victims (hence LA members)
      There's other bs that I would see as ALARM-ing.... Windsor's continuous boohoo-ing over his butthurt of criticism here & continuous hunt for "the enemy/haters....I would think that IF I was doing well, staying on track w/my project & seeing results? I wouldn't give 2 rat's snits what a handful of 'haters' said! My success would stand on it's own....

      Anyone else catch the addition of bail bondsman to his college era resume last night? Yup. College student, frat member, army reservist AND bail bondsman~ I wonder if he updated his wiki today to reflect that? It's the closest he's ever come to jail....blah blah blah....

      Not a thing one can give another. It is much like trust. It's earned.

    18. Pie Man Zombie HunterFebruary 18, 2013 at 8:47 PM

      @Sean, sorry if I put you on the spot...

    19. apology accepted. I am just getting up to speed about this Bill Windsor Guy since he has declared himself a political party. I am going to put this out here. I heard about this movement from following the group on the west side of the state but, until now reading what I have I can see this the most dysfunctional group of people I've ever seen. I could write about it but if you want I can call into the Radio Show Next week about it. I am sure then those Michigan Lawless people would listen. They are the same parental rights advocates who have basically took over the Lawless America's Name. Some of the people in this group in Michigan supported and used under the Lawless America Name this guy here you can read it on your free time.

    20. Thanks for the info Sean. Lost of information to look at. First glance, yep, he's perfect for Lawless. Guilty people hide behind excuses, just like their leader.
      I think I have to go throw up, but I will be back to read more
      Read the comments we know some of these names.

    21. Pie Man Zombie HunterFebruary 18, 2013 at 10:41 PM

      you posted after a anon that was fishing for info, and I was not sure if you were helping... The sarah that post after is a paid troll for a lawyer in a very ugly custody battle were both sides used my blog to frame each other for some very sick things.. and I was not sure about I am sorry

    22. Pie Man Zombie HunterFebruary 18, 2013 at 10:47 PM

      that Sarah work for Mr. Waxman and his childhood friend has giving me rape threat, and they used my blog after posting crime screen picture of a Naked child and told the court that I was a witness and made a cut and paste fake from my blog that they gave to courts..... the whole thing was sick and I know she was helping Billy, and were you post was after that fishing so I was not sure

    23. Is this the guy, Michael Terpening, that Pie Man was defending in DC and admitted he has a convicted sex offender in his group? The guy that had a vasectomy therefor the seamen couldn't have been from him in the baby's diaper?

    24. Pie Man Zombie HunterFebruary 18, 2013 at 11:10 PM

      wow, no.... Mr. Waxman is a Lawyer that big with Teri stoddard (s.a.v.e Maine) he want to be the next Richard Garner, he was not in any of the youtube post but his fake profile is friends with the Pie Man....and Sarah gave him all the wrong info about me for his Hate List

    25. PMZH I know this gets confusing because I typed a comment above your reply to Sean. Sean put a link in there about Michael. That is who I was asking about. Read the link he posted and the two I posted ^^^^^

    26. Pie Man Zombie HunterFebruary 18, 2013 at 11:16 PM

      none of it is true, they even said my brother is my husband .....

    27. Ninja this is a different guy who parental rights of Michigan part of their members supported him and it became a lawless case somewhat when lawless came to Michigan they grabbed onto it and were stating corruption In the terpening case. Ninja I know a lot about things all I can say for now is that as an observer for 3 years Windsor is a beacon of light to people who believe they can resolve their issues and confront th gov. Who they believe have wronged them. The family rights group is large and I don't believe it went well for him because the family rights activists have issues because within itself there is a gender split. Inform me when the show is.

    28. @ Sean thank you. I am trying to figure out how many "falsely accused" convicted sex offenders there actually are in Lawless. I only knew of two, now there are three.

      Lawless bailed on Joey Dauben when he was convicted which would have been four. And with the article you presented, once again, the evidence seems undeniable that he is guilty.

      NBTDT has some awesome research skills, and finds "the other side of the story" which goes against those who say they are being falsely accused by the courts/govt in a variety of offences.

  7. Well thank you Gingers blog. Joey's old spoof video just shot through the roof!!! 7134 views since you posted this.

    1. *****clapping******

      I love that video. So glad 7,133 others do too!

    2. ROFLMAO - did we take our country back? Too funny.........

    3. Brannon, write a letter to Joey. let him know he's running neck and neck with Windsor's SOTU.

  8. Wow, it's only the 18th and it shows his Feb activity like this? It's right on the page, under the Converting post. HA!! He didn't start posting there until the 11th. Before that was in Jan. when there were 700 or so people. Over 5500 in a WEEK? PSH!!


    People Who Like This


  9. Yappy I lost your email so please email me.

  10. OMGosh. I accidentally booted Washingblog out of our blogtalk chatroom last night. This is why Yaps cannot mod a blog. I was just reading a copy of the chat and I saw that. smh SO SORRY!

    So area code 202 was on hold the entire time and didn't talk to us huh. *waves to DC* thanks for listening in whomever you were.

    1. aack Washingblog?

      "Washington state blog". It was an accident and I realize they didn't log back in or maybe couldn't? :/ can someone email them and let them know? thank you

    2. I think that was Stacy, and I emailed her

    3. and I will also say she is a very interesting one. She is exceptionally knowledgeable and bright. She was destined to be an ex-lemming

    4. Thank you Ginger & I agree. I had nothing to add after she spoke, she really knows her stuff.

    5. FYI - after speaking, I stayed on the phone and listened until almost the end, when I realized I probably should have hung up as to not tie up the line. All is dandy, and BTW, I didn't even notice I had been booted. :-)

      Also, thanks for the compliments!

    6. Okay, so now I see my Google account is pointing to the wrong google account - an old one which I no longer use. Gotta fix that. ~ Stacy

  11. in fact, if you want to read some of her stuff here is one of her sites:

    She is kind of a local community activist/watchdog. But what I really appreciate is if she makes an accusation, she is very specific with charges. Something sorely missing in the LA world

  12. I just want to express how much I enjoyed last night's radio show--
    what a brilliant effort by all--I can't believe it's that funny after two shows!

    1. It was GREAT hopefully the Bangleshers' will realize there is no pie but steaming piles of Bullshite. I laughed long after the show and replayed it for my husband and we laughed again.

      The michelin man windbag hates when people point out his flaws and especially when they're smarter than him and I am sure he's never had ANYONE by the likes of the clubhouse come after him and expose his scams like this before, besides his ceasing and desisting on the ripoff report site.

      Still laughing...can't wait until next Sunday!

  13. I just gotta say. For some reason I love uma thurman today.....

    1. See? I don't need to prove a thing. You provide enough proof for how much you terrorize Bill all by your itty bitty self. There is something seriously wrong with you. Have you sought help for your affliction? Are you taking any meds for your condition?

      Oh, wait - I forgot, there is no cure, no help and no meds for being a bully. I just wish you would take your sick little freak show somewhere else. Oh, wait - I forgot, you've been there, done that too.

    2. Hey. Shove it.
      Don't write checks your ass can't cover. if you want to make accusations be able to back them up. You are the one coming after me not the other way around, so shove off before I get nasty.
      If you don't like it don't read it, who was it that said that, hmmmmm. Let me think...

    3. ohhhh, shhhaaakkinng innn mmyy boooootsss 'caaaausse ittty bbiiittttyy seannn issss goingngg to geeettttt nasstyyyy.

      What accusations? You posted a Kill Bill video. THAT'S A FACT. You came here with your freak show, I did not come looking for you. Nobody else came looking for you either.

      I ain't shoving nothing except the crap you post, right back down your throat. Or up your ass, where ever you want, I'll shove it. You don't like what I have to say, either don't post and re-post terrorizing, harassing, stalking messages or don't come here at all.

      The last thing any of us want is for this site to be associated with you and what you are doing to Bill. You keep it up, I'll keep pointing it out until everybody here knows how sick you really are.

    4. Whatever, you are an obvious assrag. What you are doing now is stalking. I said prove it, you can't. Now you arehaving a tantrum just like billy when someone calls your bluff. Now go away. Cease and desist!!!

    5. @ Anon 6:14 - yeah, I'm ROFLMAO. The Uma post and those responses PROVE my point.

      Now I gotta go find yappy's laughing grandpa video.............


    7. @Sean, I mean John
      Ok wait....

      "john smithFebruary 18, 2013 at 6:10 PM

      Whatever, you are an obvious assrag. What you are doing now is stalking."

      Really? So are you and Billy brothers or related in some way? Maybe you just copied and pasted out of an email that was sent to you by Billy. Oh no, I got it, you're related to Webby!

      You can't compete with someone intelligent, so you resort to name calling. NDTDT is right. You are nothing but a bully just like Billy and Webby. Maybe you are all related.

      Another question, how is it stalking when you came here to post? Does that make me a stalker too? (ok that was two questions) I'm not understanding your logic here... help me out.

    8. @ Spawn: Thx. Better keep that link handy, I think we're going to need it.

    9. I'm all for calling Windsor out on his lying, scamming, backstabbing, sorry shit.
      I don't think taunting him w/video clips of a movie entitled KillBill is funny.
      I'd like to think that we're smarter than fussing among ourselves & insinuation of violence. I'd like to always stay far above anything remotely Windor-ish.
      I'm no goody-goody by any means. I just remember the intellectual ass whoopings way longer that I've taken than the physical ones...It's easy to bitch slap someone weaker, it takes real strength to outsmart a lifetime con artist. We're winning with just our use of facts (& humor), why the need to 'stoop'? (Rhetorical, I don't really wanna debate this. To each their own, I just don't wanna be associated with ANY threats of bodily harm. Ever.)

  14. don't miss tomorrow's article. It wont be like my usual crap. We are going to do some dot connecting on Billy boy.

    1. Ohhh intriguing. *sitting on the edge of my seat*

    2. I'm sitting on the edge of my pants.

    3. Oh, Im sorry, Mist just told Billy you weren't real. I know, you touch yourself, so you are real...what to do, what to do. Well, you are more than welcome to hang out here!! :-)

      (I posted it below)

  15. Sweet.. Don't terrorize the poor man now...

  16. Uh..."dot connecting"... is that a reference to Piehole's India connection?

    1. think domestic terrorism

    2. but, lol, you are right...he did get a lot of "dot" over there didn't he

    3. Does this song have anything to do with the dots?


  18. LMAO so, Mist finally decides to explain to Pie Boy, that the Bangladesh "likes" aren't real. NOOOOO You Don't SAY??? But she hasn't figure out that he bought them. SMH

    Mist Stilipec The Bangladesh likes are zombie profiles created by a bot. So we can either figure out how to get rid of it or wait for fb to clean up something that goes against theiir own policies.

    1. A BOT? STFU~ that's a good one.
      I'm using that.

    2. LOL ya they were generated by the BIG PIE BOT. LMAO

  19. Use it, Petunia, because it's real:

    1. Yeah, same with a company we used to buy likes for the Joey spoof video above. It was done to demonstrate how quick an old video with 114 likes could rise into the thousands in 48 hours. I cannot comprehend the lemmings not seeing it for what it is.

  20. yappy, That vid was so darn good I figured it deserved 7000 likes! ;-)

  21. I've been checking & LQuisha musta did ok with her fuzzy handcuffs & citizens' arrest of her DA.... I wonder if he/she (the DA) went willingly?
    No LQuisha bookings or mugshots so far. Iffy on DA.... Coupla maybes.

    1. NothingbettertodotodayFebruary 18, 2013 at 9:28 PM

      I fell completely in love with LQuisha last night. She reminded me so much of my good friend Petunia, whom I adore........

  22. Pie Man Zombie HunterFebruary 18, 2013 at 11:54 PM

    Bill Windsor

    1. Get a life whinebag

    2. lol Lorraine, he has a life. Unfortunately it's just a FAKE one.

      So Lorraine, he - for whatever bizarre reason, wants to know who the "leader" of the Australian ummm Hate Group is. LMFAO

      This is the same guy who wants to be President but can't manage to get 100 real people to watch his video so he BUYS the rest of the views. Only the truly demented would do that.

      laugh with me Lorraine baahahahahahahha

      Bill Windsor

      The Australian Mothers Political Party and the American Mothers Political Party are horrible hate groups. I have been libeled and slandered for exposing some of these women. I need to file criminal and civil charges against this group, so I really need a name and address for Petunia Pig or whoever the owner is. Bill Windsor,

      Please email me at

      Lawless America I just hope law enforcement gives these criminals what they should have coming.
      2 hours ago · Like

      Lawless America Dani Jarvis is obviously one of the scumbags who won't give a real name -- just joined Facebook an hour ago to make this post.
      2 hours ago · Like

    3. Look - Tammy is stroking --- Billy's ego!

      Tammy Stroud
      Bill I like YOUR ,,, "NUMBER" of the count of "LAWLESS AMERICA and photo. Lets face it the "countless number of American and even military personnel that are victims and voices that are not heard ... even ATT workers and former workers are victims!!!
      I have neighbors whom do not have TV, a cell phone, or even a car... robbed of "BASIC NEEDs" right here in AMERICA!!!

      K - Tammy. Last time I checked - those "NEEDS" are actually WANTS. lol

      Here's how you can tell. Long long time ago - people could still breathe, walk and talk on this earth for thousands of years -without a TV, Cell phone or even a car. Somehow those humans survived without those basic needs.

      But I have a feeling you may have been weeded out. Survival of the fittest n all.

      I HEART morning giggles.

    4. Me too! Yaps, I'm getting my basic needs now....
      I wanna know more about Tammy's theories on what's needed to sustain life. Brainiac radiates offa her like sunshine.

    5. yappy likes i-applesFebruary 19, 2013 at 7:28 AM

      hahahaha. Morning P *raises coffee cup and waves*

      Let me guess... an i-pad a day - keeps the doctor away?

    6. I agree with the morning giggles.

      Good morning all. *raises coffee cup and waves too*

    7. Do you think he was drinking when he wrote his email addy? LOL

      Please email me at

      Quoting fake Billy - "while you're at it, find me that Bangladesh caller and his wife uhhh
      (how would Billy spin her name?)...
      Barfma? I'm going to sue them and take everything they have, even their cows. They deserve to starve to death for going on the air and making fun of how dumb I am.

    8. Pie Man Zombie HunterFebruary 19, 2013 at 9:01 AM

      Tammy is a fake profile that has been around for a long time(2008)..... this old group that has not posted in years(2009)started(2008), came over to my group and shared a few picture about willy Hines.....and one about reason and did not understand what the pictures are about....I would bet that is Allie Cat or some other long time pie man follower, who knows he is a crook and is still helping him. I wonder if Allie Cat would like to get a taste of all the Crap Pie Man has done to us, and maybe, I should send a letter to her ex, HOW she is helping Pie Man with his fraud, the letter would start with a list of pedophile or pedophile supporter then a few of her fake profile were she is Gaslighting abusing people to talking about how the Pie man is some kind of god, were you put him ahead of your children

      ohh one more thing kiss my A$$

    9. Interesting Zombie. WOW ty, so many players in this mess.

      At this point Zombie - I believe Allie is knowingly aiding and abetting (and enabling) Billy to continue his scams.

      If she has anything to do with the $$$ or donations, solicitation, e-begging and handing it over to her Pie-lying Lover, it may be she could be held accountable.

      Those have given him money and are reporting it accordingly - may be the ones that take Billy down for the count. If Billy doesn't file (which we all know he cannot even recall who gave him what, when and where), he could be in serious trouble and so could she if there are witnesses she was handling $$$ in DC, etc.

      I don't know about USA laws much. There was a scammer in Canada where his accountant was fudging books to make the company appear to have a strong profit-margin so investors trusted the information, partly based on her 'sales' pitch. The guy stole in excess of $10million from investors. His accountant tried to place all blame on the scammer but she went down with him because she had previous knowledge of his actions and assisted in covering for him. While Allie does not play an accountant role, if she continues to help Bill seek out new victims, she's as bad if not worse than Bill.

      ALLIE reads here so she could not feign stupidity.

      One mom emailed me last night. Her story is something most of us couldn't even begin to imagine never mind surviving to tell her story. For Billy to attack her like he did, I can only hope his last stop will be prison for life. He deserves no less in my books.

      oh, and I think Allie is dumb enough to stay to the very end. Her success rate thus far is a good measure of what will probably happen with her future. But really, WHY would she be willing to go down with the Pie man? What the hell is the appeal? Ugggg yuck

    10. Pie Man Zombie HunterFebruary 19, 2013 at 10:09 AM

      the Mail order bride Pastor and Allie cat, know very well the Pie Man is a Crook....both are using fake profile and going to his page, making statement like he is a god, then a few more join in and said the same things.....this is all part of the con, it help in making people thing his soooooo important and give him money, and go out and find more victims

  23. " I need to file criminal and civil charges against this group"

    I thought he already blabbered that he did file charges before.

    "I just hope law enforcement gives these criminals what they should have coming."

    What they should have coming is a victory against your sorry, lying, slanderous ass. You started it pie boy, you posted their personal information, but you are such a complete narcissist you can't even fathom you the fact that YOU ARE GUILTY of everything you blame others for.

    Tic tock pie man, time is running out on your sick twisted, games...

  24. FYI the new article is up. I bet he wants to send me a CEASE and DESIST on this one
