Friday, January 11, 2013

Joey Dauben, Ellis County's New Face of Evil

Its no longer charged with, its no longer we think he will be, he is now a convicted sexual predator on young children.  Presley Dauben choose to connect her life to this monster, she is now literally known as a pedophile lover, by technical definition.

I must admit, even I was blown away by the details in this case.  Joey blitzed this poor innocent, unsuspecting boy with cold calculation and callous.  Joey had a plan, executed on it and before the boy really knew what was happening, he was being raped by a man who seemed exhibiting all the signs of a professional and seasoned sex predator.  Its the sad end to the story of Joey Dauben, whatever he goes on to do, this will be what he is remembered for.  All those that were slandered by him can now rest in the fact that they were slandered by convicted felon.  In a way they are forever exonerated, at least in the online world.  Mommy, Daddy, and all the Daubenistsas are left holding the bag as their blind faith in all things Joey is now backfired on the very things they said they were against.  Its a bitter-sweet ending to a fascinating story.


  1. I feel so bad for the victim....

    Despite what Bruce said (and I believe him) obviously the jurors who listened to the entire thing, saw everything (even not covered in the news), and deliberated very quickly.

    This is disgusting. Horrible..... Why not just get a freaking hooker? Freaking 14 year old kid at church camp and a 26 year old man confuses him and anally violates him in the bathroom...


    1. you feel bad? Bullcrap! Last night you called that RAPE VICTIM a liar countless times. I don't buy what you're feeding Jimmy, not one bit.

    2. Yappy again, I said Bruce's testimony paints the accuser a liar. The Jury could see him as a liar.

      Obviously the kid threatened Bruce with the same thing, so in that way, he showed that he could lie. There's nothing wrong in this logic.

      HOWEVER, a JURY found Joey guilty. Joey's guilty! The kid obviously did not lie about it.

      I ate crow several times now, I was wrong on the prediction.

      Hey, I'm a working taxpayer, and the very fact that I'm willing to eat crow like this shows I'm not in that "tribe". I was wrong Yappy. I made a mistake based ONLY on text I read off Webbs site.

  2. No lightning? No earthquakes? Fires? Floods? Guess the "higher being" has aided the jury in finding that the future wannabe president of the USA is not fit to be near ANY children (including Presley). These God fearing women have ruined their own reputations and were warned by several individuals to stay away from him. But they think yahweh was gonna come save the day. Little to they know he/she did. AMIEN!

    1. Sure there is! BOOOM! The lightning HIT Joey. Connie always said it would strike the guilty down. BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM

  3. Dauben's parents NEED to print him a prison survival guide. Heck I would.

    If he runs his mouth in prison, they'll get him...

    1. NothingbettertodotodayJanuary 11, 2013 at 5:12 PM

      @ Jimmy: after my cop kid read the first 2 paragraphs of Webb's report last night, the kid said "Joey is f**ked". Then went on to say things similar to what you have said and Joey will probably not survive prison. The details of his predicted future are too graphic for me to repeat, I just wanted to support your comment.

  4. NothingbettertodotodayJanuary 11, 2013 at 5:06 PM

    It is a sad day. As tempting as it may be to gloat, there are a lot of innocent people hurt by this decision and in their realization that Joey is not the person they thought he was.

    Personally, I feel that we, the victim of this crime and Joey's other victims are vindicated and validated but I can't do a happy dance right now. This is the end of Joey's dreams and may be the beginning of the end of his life.

    1. I'll tell you this much. My friend in Dallas area will not be doing any happy dance because this person has suffered irreparable pain and agony because of Joey. There's no happy ending here, but there is TREMENDOUS relief that this friend and their family can move on and never have their horrific wounds re-opened over and over again.

      What Joey did to them was the equivalent of taking a knife to their hearts. Those wounds will take a long time to heal. Relief - huge relief - their MONSTER has been silenced.

    2. If he makes it out of prison, he'll have 5 felonies and be a registered sex offender.... Only choice then is self employment...

      Uh oh.... :oE Seen that before.

      Somebody needs to facebook his mother to print him out several prison survival guides available for free online. Hopefully they'll convince him to keep his mouth shut.

    3. NothingbettertodotodayJanuary 11, 2013 at 5:35 PM

      What is that Ron White says? He as the right to remain silent but not the ability. Joey is a case in point.

  5. Well, serves him right. The Lord's work was done today!!

  6. Connie Bedwell, your dad is up next and I hope you get all the media coverage you desire.

    1. Wow you are a big man Anonymous, you must be Brandon, Joey's little f-buddy from the Ellis County Observer.

    2. Good or bad happy or sad. Luke 14:14 " thou shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the just."

  7. There goes those political aspirations. I seem to recall- ya cant run for office if you are a convicted felon....

    Anyone want to start a pool on sentences??

  8. Chief among his victims, after the legal victim, is his mother. She didn't find a warm welcome here, because she was defending her son as any mother would, but she is truly the nicest lady and I'm sure is destroyed by this.

    1. She is nice, her problem is that she never really stood up to her husband's stupidity which slowly became the stupidity of her firstborn son. She parented Joey by emotion, she knew what he was doing was wrong and even told him so but she could never bring herself to cut the chord and force Joey out of the nest.

      If she would have gone through with the divorce that she filed many years ago, I can't help but think that Joey would have been better off. The last person in the world he needed to listen to was his dad. Joey is one of the rare cases where no father is better than the one he has. David Dauben poisoned his son's mind with all those conspiracies at a young age. Joey believed his dad and this slowly created a mental disorder resulting in the 1st class nutcase we now see today.

    2. NothingbettertodotodayJanuary 11, 2013 at 7:16 PM

      Next to the victim, I feel very sad for Cheri. I truly believe that she did everything she knew to do to help Joey. I can't imagine the pain she feels right now, my heart goes out to her.

      As regards her defense of Joey on this blog, we were not mean or disrespectful to her. She was trying to defend behavior that was indefensible in discussion with Joey's victims and a parent of one of Joey's victims. We were just the wrong audience for her attempt to protect Joey.

    3. Here is what makes me mad about the parents, Joey, and all the daubenista's for that matter.....

      long back story:
      I am a friend of Joey's, I have known him since about 2004 I think. I have had lunch with him many times. I have tried to counsel him, I can understand Webb on that one, to no avail.

      Joey kept getting worse and worse in terms of what he wrote and how blatant he was about it. So instead of trying to continue to counsel him face to face, I decided on another tactic. I made up the name gingernap and went on his blog to criticize that which I thought he was doing wrong. By using that means I was able to be more direct and forceful in my critique of Joey then I could face to face.

      Now Joey and all his followers think I'm just some old bitter former target of his trying to get back at him for something. That's not true at all, Joey has not hurt me, my family or anyone I'm close to. If only Joey could consider, just for a second that maybe he really is wrong. But the deeper I get into this, I see that problem flowing from both parents.

      Cheri loves her son, but the most loving thing she could have done is cut him off, early on. Made him stand up for his actions, and most importantly, show him what it really means to adjust your behavior when you are in error. They don't do this, they continue to prop up Joey. Look at the two excuses they give. "Joey can't work at walmart because he is banned from passing the children's section, therefore we are going to pay for all his living expenses". And then we have this joke of a testimony she gave the other day about the shower waiting excuse. Her own credibility took a major blow with that, and for what?

      Look I'm all for Joey being rehabilitated, but it must start with the parents. He is still a child that still lives with his parents at age 31. Most kids would have had to grow up by age 23 at the very latest.

      I guess my point is that, just like Joey willfully turned down probation and took the stand at his own suicide, so too did the parents have a hand in how this monster evolved to the point that he did. I know they feel terrible, and I'm sure so does Joey, but for the first time in Joey's life (and I mean the very first) he is going to face the consequences of the choices he made in life. And after sheltering him from consequences all those years, look at what the ultimate price he must pay when he finally faces the music?

    4. NothingbettertodotodayJanuary 11, 2013 at 7:55 PM

      I agree completely with you on the tough love thing, it took both parents to enable Joey.

      My point is that she did all that she was capable of doing. She obviously didn't have the ability to let Joey sink or swim all on his own. Her inability to effectively parent Joey does not diminish the pain of watching her son self destruct in full view of all his critics.

    5. Oh I agree with you on that, that's why I'm not going to be doing any celebrating or anything like that, this is justice but its a sad ending to a terrible story. I'm just angry that it got this bad.

    6. NothingbettertodotodayJanuary 11, 2013 at 8:02 PM

      Yeah, I feel like I've been shot in the gut. I knew we were right about Joey but confirmation and the reality of it all is very sad for everybody involved. There is nothing to celebrate.

    7. I'm not certain Joey can be rehabilitated. I thought it may be possible IF he was not guilty of raping a child. At this point, I think he's going to come out of prison (if he makes it to the end) a very hardened even uglier hate-filled older man who's never worked and has no valuable skills to offer society. By then mommy and daddy will be retired or maybe one of them passed away.

      There's nothing to celebrate, only reflect and learn from.

      For some parents to sit out there and wash their hands of their adult children's actions and choices in lives frustrates me to no end. IT IS our job to ensure we are raising, guiding, teaching and shipping out a productive morally grounded human being into the world. That is OUR contribution to society, God / Universe and for our future grandchildren.

      Every one of these people we speak of, joke about, or find unbelievably odd has a past - generally a very abusive one - that made them who they are today. (Barbara Farris, BIll Windsor, Connie Bedwell, Loryn, Presley, etc)

      Cheri came on this blog once proclaiming David Dauben was the greatest father known to mankind. YET more than 1 person (people that do not even know one another) have told me similar stories Joey told them. His father was / is an emotionally & mentally abusive man. Because of their similarities, at the very least JOEY has been telling the same tale to anyone who would listen to his sob stories. So Cheri stomps off in a huff instead of 'wondering' MAYBE her husband was an abuser and she choose to keep the blinders on for her own self protection. Or perhaps because she's one of those women who have to keep this 'perfect' family picture to the rest of her world at all costs even though she knows its a living hell.

      Could it be that Joey is so emotionally stunted that he "related" as if he was the same 'age' as the boys at the bible camp? Perhaps. BUT Joey DOES know right from wrong AND he was the adult.

      What I see Joey do - as it appears what he's always done to his mommy - is play the poor helpless Joey card. He used it on the stand today, attempting to take accountability for actions then denying he did anything wrong. Wanting the jury to think - wow this young man has potential. He see's the errors of his ways. He's learned from it. He's 'found' jail house religion, blah blah blah. What grown man cries like he did on the stand?

      its' too bad the jury doesn't have any background to this scammer crybaby's history. They may go easy on him, then again maybe not. If the victim and his family have the opportunity to speak as well, they can demonstrate how badly this rape has affected the teen and his family.

      I don't believe Joey has the brain capacity to comprehend true accountability. I don't believe Cheri did much of anything to hard-wire that section of Joey's brain. He may be in fact, emotionally retarded and does not know how to survive on his own without coming up with excuse after excuse. Making others to blame for everything HE is living.

      He would be a fascinating subject for a research psychologist. Unfortunately people like Joey never admit or are forthright with the truth. (Same goes for Connie Bedwell and her own father). They keep digging a deeper hole looking up from the bottom of the hole not understanding WHY their scams, excuses and conspiracy stories do not jive with the rest of the world. They also eventually really believe some of their own bullcrap.

      I'm not sure there's much else Joey's parents can do for their monster other than give him a few dollars a month in his canteen and pray he makes it through. It's just way too late to have that 'big boy' talk now. Prison for people like Joey are generally 100x's harder and just like he was bullied in high school, prison bullies will not be merciful to the pleas of a CHOMO.

      The endless yapping yappster signing off........

  9. NothingbettertodotodayJanuary 11, 2013 at 7:05 PM

    @ Jimmy: I hate to kick a man when he's down, but I'm still concerned about comments you made last night about the lack of proof in a sexual assault. While we are waiting for the other shoe to fall, I was cruising the news and this article caught my eye. I've posted it for you in case you have the misfortune to be in a situation to follow another sex related crime.

    This is related to BBC star Jimmy Savile, who apparently got away with at least 214, maybe as many as 450, sexual assaults. The prosecutor said that police were unjustifiably cautious in investigating allegations of sexual abuse of girls as young as 14 and he made this statement:

    "Many people feel that for sexual offences, where it is 'one person's word against another's' and there is no or little scientific or other evidence to support the allegation, no prosecution should be brought. But this is to ignore the reality of many sexual offences which, by their nature, do not usually take place in front of witnesses and result in no meaningful scientific evidence. Taking a cautious approach to all complainants, on the ground that some might be making a false allegation of a sexual offence, can have the consequence that a prosecution for a true complaint may not take place."

    Mr. Savile died in 2011. There was no justice for any of his victims.

  10. NothingbettertodotodayJanuary 11, 2013 at 7:26 PM

    OMG!!! Look what Joey said during the punishment phase today:

    "Dauben testified that as a publisher he had criticized the Ellis County District Judge and District Attorney for giving child sex offenders probation. Instead, Dauben had urged giving sex offenders an automatic death penalty. He said he’s since had a change of heart."

    It got worse, see for yourself, deliberations resume on Monday.

  11. Nothing, I guess I just didn't see it from what was written. Made a mistake.
    If I had been in court, seen the actual accuser, heard the tones of the testimony, I may have thought different.... I was wrong.


    Sorry I've been AWOL for most of the interesting stuff lately, and I'll likely be without connectivity tomorrow also.

  13. curious.. he deserves protection in prison?

    1. deserves or needs it? two different questions with two different answers
