Friday, January 11, 2013

The Jury Has Gone Into Deliberations

There really is no other drama and anticipation like when a jury, who hold the freedom of one man in their hands, goes back into their room to come up with a verdict.  That is where we stand now.  The longer they take, the better it is for Joey, at least in terms of a reduced sentence.

Apparently there was some last second drama as the Judge allowed the case to be re-opened and Bruce was asked to give more testimony, against the objection of the State.  Heh, maybe Jimmy really did stop the presses.  I think Joey's attorney is doing his best to pull a rabbit out of his hat, but either way its in the hands of the jurors.

The Jury Will Have a Tough Decision Today

First lets get a quick recap of where we are in the trial:

For the prosecution we have:
The boy's detailed emotional testimony
Joey's "shower waiting" reference well after the event
Professional testimony that Joey engaged in grooming the boy for sex
Brandy Owen's testimony which contradicted Joey's
Officer Bobo backing up Owen's version of events

For the defense we have:
Who bought the wild turkey
Did Joey give it to them or did the boy steal it from his dad
Why did his dad go missing shortly after this event
The boy made a hypothetical threat of accusing Joey's friend of sexual misconduct
Joey says he didn't do it and....its a big conspiracy aimed at him by the political machine in a neighbouring county.

Joey made several fatal errors when he took the stand against his attorney's advice.  One is he forgot which lie he was going with and contradicted a the one he told earlier.  The other thing he did is made the jury not like him.  He gets up there and right off lets the jury and everyone in there know just how insane he really is by saying he will one day run for President of the United States.  Then he goes on to demonstrate to the jury a consistent disregard for the rules of the court and then excusing it all because he was "passionate".  The problem is "passion" probably had something to do with what happened that night as well, and its not one of the approved excuses.  Then he goes conspiratorial and I can't imagine how lost that poor Navarro jury must have been at that point.

So today they will head back to deliberate Joey's fate.  I think the question for them will be where do the convict him?  To prison or to a mental institution, or one of those that does both?  But no matter how you slice it, last night was Joey's last night as a free man for quite a long time.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Joey Dauben Defiantly Puts on the Tinfoil Hat While Brandy Gets the Last Laugh

Wow, that's all I can say.  Joey, against his attorney's wishes, takes the stand and almost immediately goes into the "Powers that be in Ellis County orchestrated this" conspiracy.  The Dauben delusion and rage comes out as he has to be stopped by the Judge's gavel mid-sentence as he lashes out at everything he can think of.  This would include Joey saying he thinks the father of the boy set him up for some reason, even though he really didn't even know Joey.  Joey then says this set up was payback for his Kevin's House story, even though no logical person can see any connection.

Then Joey goes into a Connie IBedellesque rant about how the boy falsely accused him.  Joey said he only had a swig of the wild turkey and did go out on the boat but only because the boy wanted to so badly.  Joey said halfway out in the boat he decided to think "hey this doesn't look right, what am I doing out here" and then paddled back to shore and went to bed (notice he didn't say anything about the shower room).

So now here comes, OMG I just can't take the irony here, his former co-editor of the Ellis County Press, Brandy Owen herself.  Brandy was forced to appear, but once she did her testimony was devastating to Joey.  Brandy said:
"Owen said Dauben spoke to her about the allegations in late 2011, and that he told her he went out on the lake with the teenager and that they went to the restroom before going to their respective tents. Although she initially supported Dauben, Owens said she had doubts about the veracity of his explanation. "It just didn't sound right," she said."

Ooops, did everyone notice what Joey left out in his testimony that he did admit to Brandy?  Yes that's right, he forgot to mention his little excursion to the restroom with the boy.  I can just see Joey's attorney's face and palm meeting at this point.

David Webb mentions that Joey rejected 4 different plea's including 10 years probation (no prison time) but registered sex offender.  I think at this point just about no one can feel sorry for this impudent monster as he chose his fate, all the way to the ugly end.  Tommorow, his freedom will end as the jury will have their chance to tell Joey what they think of him.

Will Joey Dauben Make a Run For the Border?

That is the first question on people's mind, did he, last night, cut off his ankle bracelet and head for Mexico?  I dont think so because I think in Joey's head he thinks he is winning.  He probably feels he is going to come in today, take the stand and clear up this big misunderstanding.  But lets look at what we have learned:

-Joey is a hardcore sexual deviant.  The ease at which he put the full court press on this 14 year old virgin in one night leaves no doubt in my mind that he has been a part of a dark sexually perverse underground for some time.  What really scares me the most in this story is how Joey didn't seem that nervous, he didn't seem to be worried that what he did was wrong and said, as the boy testified Joey saying "everybody does it".  I think that might be true in the circles that Joey ran in.  We now have to look at Joey's relationship with Michael Messinger in a new light.  Not just as one monster and one curious confused blogger, but as two monsters involved in a dark underground world of sexual exploitation of young boys.  I think its pretty clear that Joey wasn't just a reporter in this, he was right there involved in it.

-The hard turn towards exposing child predators that Joey decided to take is pretty clear now.  No wonder Joey couldn't stop talking about pedo rings, he was obsessed with them.  Now we can see why he loved reporting every single sick detail in these pedo rings he just knew were out there.  Well of course he knew about them, he was very much a part of it.  Maybe he figured that if he could snitch out the others, his sins would be absolved.

-What blame do Mommy and Daddy Dauben share in this monster that roams in their midsts?  They were more than willing to give Joey all the aid he needed to continue living the lifestyle he did.  They might have disagreed with parts of what Joey did but never did their disproval equal a lack of support, either monetarily or by defending their son.  Cheri taking the stand yesterday to try and explain that Joey liked to do other things while the shower was running and while waiting for it to heat up, was an insult to everyone in the courtroom that day.  But it was classic Dauben.  These people live in a make believe world where any and everything they say must be true mainly because they said it.  Accountability for ones actions is never given, only excuses and blame shifting even if that means going conspiratorial.

-So far the defense has been able to get everyone wondering the big questions like "who originally bought the Wild Turkey, and was Joey drinking beer or Wild Turkey when he was with the boys".  I guess this is really all they have to work with and we might even go into the conspiracies today as Joey takes then stand, they have nothing left to lose at this point.  How will Joey go out, with all the mainstream media there for one last shot of the boy blogger, what will he say or do to leave a lasting impression of who and what he really is?

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Mommy Dauben Tries to Jump on the Bomb to Save Her Son

Now we have Webb's story, with more details.  Joey brought the raft that they ended up on together.  Joey left early the next morning before the boy got up.  Then we have this:
"David Stebbins, a licensed professional counselor for the University of Texas Medical System, testified he determined from the materials sent to him a year ago by the prosecution that Dauben had used the technique of "grooming" to seduce the alleged victim in 2007. That technique is used by sex addicts to gain control of victims, and it can be accomplished in minutes, days, weeks or months, depending upon the individuals involved, he said."

Joey's defense team then kicks in with the other two boys who were with them that night but had gone to bed before Joey and the boy went out on his raft.  They claim that it was the boy's father that had the wild turkey that Joey gave to the boy and that Joey was drinking beer (Joey always drank liquor, I don't ever remember him drinking beer).

Then we have the boy and Joey exchanging a message well after the incident with the boy:
"The next message shows that the alleged victim responded to the bulletin with the message, "That's awesome. What exactly are you doing up there?" Dauben responded that he was attending a public policy hearing and said, "Let's get together. I hear a shower calling my name."

So enter now Mommy Dauben, as Cheri tries to come to the rescue and explain away that shower calling reference as just a Joeyism that he used all the time.  Hey and who is to argue with her, she is after all a Dauben therefore she must be right.