Sunday, December 1, 2013

Those who can, do. Those who can’t, bully.

By NBTDT (Title by Tim Field Foundation)

The beginning purpose of this blog was to give people interested in the activities of an on-line bully a place to sort out fact from fiction through factual discussion of related events and sharing opinions. Over time our cause evolved into discussion to find the truth about other on-line personalities that claim their activities serve the public’s interest and the greater good. In searching for the truth, it is necessary to voice your own and consider the opinions of other people. An opinion is defined as:

 1. A belief or conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof

 2. A judgment based on special knowledge or given by an expert

 3. A judgment or estimation of the merit of a person or thing

 4. The prevailing view, i.e. public opinion.

 5. Law A formal statement by a court or other adjudicative body of the legal reasons and principles for the conclusions of the court.

Those contributors that are interested in nothing but the truth of a matter always separate fact from opinion and always support their facts and the basis for their opinions. As always happens when there is more than one person involved in anything, differences of opinion arise. The ability to handle an opinion different than our own is necessary for finding the truth and for personal growth. Contributors interested in the truth and personal growth can be identified by these behaviors in addressing differences:

 · Stays focused on the issue, not the other person

 · Keeps an open mind, seeks to understand different views

 · Never says the other person is wrong based on his/her personal perspective

 · Seeks a way to learn from the difference

 · Avoids arrogance and stubbornness

 · Thinks critically and re-thinks a position

 · Patience, makes it easy for the other person to re-think position

 · Respects the other person, leaves emotion (especially anger) out of it

 · If there cannot be agreement, parties agree to disagree then walk away from the topic

Those contributors that can manage different opinions do so and have become valuable members of this group. Contributors and personalities we’ve followed that cannot support their statements and/or lack ability to manage different opinions resort to bullying. The bullies will not recognize themselves in the information provided below. The information is to assist potential victims in recognizing bullying tactics so that a bully can be spotted more quickly and engagement avoided more easily.

The Tim Field Foundation published a paper in which one of the rules of dealing with bullies is to understand why people bully. According to an article in “Yourself Series”, there are 4 basic reasons why people cyber-bully:

1) Revenge. In this case, people who bully feel they are righting wrongs or protecting other people. Usually these people do not see themselves as bullies.

2) Power. In this case, people who bully are trying to show others how powerful they are. They want to make others do what they want and have control over them. They want others to be fearful of them.

3) Entertainment. Sadly, some people find bullying others entertaining. They think embarrassing others is funny. Usually these people Cyber-bully in groups, such as at a slumber party, or on a sports team outing. Having an audience is part of what makes this type of Cyber-bully fun.

4) Stupidity. Did we really just write that? Stupidity in this case means being unaware of your actions. Bullies in this category just respond to emails and postings without thinking, and thus, often inadvertently hurt other people. They click before they think.

Next it’s important to identify common traits and behaviors of a cyber-bully, which according to the Tim Field Foundation, are:

 1. Jekyll & Hyde personality:

-charming with peers and superiors, vicious and vindictive in private and to victims

 -possessed of an exceptional verbal facility and will out maneuver most people in verbal interaction, especially at times of conflict

 -unusually skilled in being able to anticipate what people want to hear and then saying it plausibly cannot be trusted or relied upon

 -highly manipulative, especially of people's perceptions and emotions (eg guilt)

 -often has an overwhelming, unhealthy and narcissistic attention-seeking need to portray themselves as a wonderful, kind, caring and compassionate person, in contrast to their behavior and treatment of others; the bully sees nothing wrong with their

2. Exploits the trust and needs of organizations and individuals, for personal gain

 -self-opinionated and displays arrogance, audacity, a superior sense of entitlement and sense of invulnerability and untouchability

 -take risks that others would regard as foolhardy

 -often act out of gratification and self-interest only

 -As leaders they are autocratic and dictatorial. Most of their actions, most of the time, are dictated by self-interest, self-aggrandizement and self-preservation

 -If crossed or unwittingly criticized, bullies can hold grudges for long periods and act on them late

 -behavior and chooses to remain oblivious to the discrepancy between how they like to be seen and how they are seen by others

 -has a deep-seated contempt of clients in contrast to his or her professed compassion

 -is a control freak and has a compulsive need to control everyone and everything you say, do, think and believe; for example, will launch an immediate personal attack attempting to restrict what you are permitted to say if you start talking knowledgeably about psychopathic personality or antisocial personality disorder in their presence - but aggressively maintains the right to talk (usually unknowledgeable) about anything they choose

 3. Convincing Liar

-Makes up anything to fit their needs at that moment; excels at deception and should never be underestimated in their capacity to deceive

-using gossip, back-stabbing and falsehood to undermine and discredit targets and others

-Background checks may reveal that their qualifications, experience, titles, entitlements or affiliations are ambiguous, misleading, or false.

-distorting, twisting and fabricating criticisms and allegations to justify implementing a disciplinary procedure

-criticize someone for doing something, and then do it themselves

4. Damages the health and reputations of organizations and individuals

-holds deep prejudices (eg against the opposite gender, people of a different sexual orientation, other cultures and religious beliefs, foreigners, etc)

-Serial bullies detest anyone more competent or popular than themselves, serial bullies despise anyone who enables others to see through their deception and their mask of sanity

-undermines and destroys anyone who the bully perceives to be an adversary, a potential threat, or who can see through the bully's mask

-is adept at creating conflict between those who would otherwise collate incriminating information about them

-A serial bully will not consider any boundaries when it comes to attacking his target. If the target does not bend to the serial bully’s will, the serial bully will go after others who matter to the target including the target’s children. When this happens, the serial bully sees nothing wrong with his or her behavior

-where a serial bully sees opportunity for himself or herself, he or she capitalizes on issues in order to gain attention for himself or herself. In other words, the serial bully thoroughly enjoys exploiting others’ misadventures, suffering and/or grief as a vehicle for personal gain. Examples would be misappropriating Twitter hashtags to attack someone the serial bully has targeted for cyber mobbing.

-provoking a target into giving an emotional or irrational response, and then seizing on it as evidence of the target's impropriety

5. Reacts to criticism with Denial, Retaliation, Feigned Victimhood
-refuses to be specific and never gives a straight answer

-is evasive and has a Houdini-like ability to escape accountability, when called to account, immediately and aggressively denies everything, then counter-attacks with distorted or fabricated criticisms and allegations; if this is insufficient, quickly feigns victimhood,

-may pursue a vindictive vendetta against anyone who dares to hold them accountable, perhaps using others' resources to attack his target, and will be contemptuous of the damage caused to other people and organizations in pursuance of the vendetta

-sometimes displays a seemingly limitless demonic energy especially when engaged in attention-seeking activities or evasion of accountability

-Those with average or below average verbal skills will still attempt to get out of trouble by lying or deliberately missing the point

6. Blames Victims

 -When something goes wrong, the bully will instinctively blame someone else before accepting responsibility.

-Bullies will make (or persuade others to make) decisions that are extremely damaging to other people, without the slightest concern for the effects of the damage on the person affected; any damage incurred is the fault of the target who would not yield to the serial bully’s demands

Common Intellectual traits are:

-is emotionally retarded with an arrested level of emotional development; whilst language and intellect may appear to be that of an adult, the bully displays the emotional age of a five-year-old

-exhibits unusual and inappropriate attitudes to sexual matters, sexual behavior and bodily functions

-Some have been described as being like a real life "Walter Mitty" (an ineffectual person who indulges in fantastic daydreams of personal triumphs)

-loudly profess some religious belief or affiliation, but have none of the requisite qualities of a believer or affiliate

-The bully may be unable to maintain confidentiality, but breaches it with misrepresentation, distortion and fabrication

-They are emotionally untrustworthy

-Their writing style may be disjointed, lacking flow and consistency, tending to be filled with contradictory statements.

-They seem unaware that listeners do not all appreciate lies, ridiculous propositions, tasteless comments, malicious gossip and sick jokes that come out in the process

-typically have poor interpersonal and social skills, and miss even the most obvious social cues

-Important and urgent tasks can be jeopardized while the bully fusses - and forces others to fuss - over trivia.

Introvert Bullies, the most dangerous types:

They tend to sit in the background and recruit others to do the bullying for them. Become alert to provocation. It could be called "The Baiting Game". A provocative comment is made and those who respond spontaneously in irritation (eg non-assertively) are then encouraged to engage in conflict with those who respond without irritation (eg assertively). The provoker watches, waits and stirs the pot with the occasional additional provocation.

Ok, now that we know why and how a bully behaves, how do we avoid them and what do we do about them to preserve our right to peace in discussing relevant events and issues?

The number one rule is: don't respond, don't interact and don't engage. It's a natural response to want to defend yourself, and to put the person right. However, never argue with a serial bully; it's not a mature adult discussion, but like dealing with a child or immature teenager; whilst the serial bully may be an adult on the outside, on the inside they are like a child who's never grown up - and probably never will. Serial bullies and harassers often have disordered thinking patterns and do not share the same thoughts or values as you.

The sixth rule in Mr. Field’s list is the second on mine. Become an observer. Although you may be the target of the cyber-bully's anger, you can train yourself to act as an observer. This takes you out of the firing line and enables you to study the perpetrator and collect evidence (keep copies of all e-mail and posts). When people use bullying behaviors they project their own weaknesses, failings and shortcomings on to others. In other words, they are telling you about themselves by fabricating an accusation based on something they themselves have done wrong. Whenever you receive a flame mail or hate mail, train yourself to instinctively ask the question, "What is this person revealing about themselves this time?"

And finally, the lesson Bill Windsor should have learned: Sometimes refusing to respond and engage will result in the cyberbully losing interest and going off to find someone easier to torment. Sometimes though, especially if there has been interaction in the past, the cyberbully is so obsessed that s/he cannot and will not let go. You will have to make that person let go, but only through swift, hard, legal action, and only when the time is right. Don't deal with the abuser yourself (this encourages bullies and stalkers), use a third party such as a solicitor.



  1. I'm so glad to finally see Betsi admit she has a problem.

    1. hey now boushie boy, lets try and control your tiny hands and fingers or else you may ruin your wife's restraining order against the big bad billy. Plus you are dead wrong.
      Lets just stay quiet like we were doing and focus on your big day rinsing out test tubes, we sure don't want to lose that now do we?

    2. * may pursue a vindictive vendetta against anyone who dares to hold them accountable, perhaps using others' resources to attack his target, and will be contemptuous of the damage caused to other people and organizations in pursuance of the vendetta

      *distorting, twisting and fabricating criticisms and allegations to justify implementing a disciplinary procedure

      Damn, I was going to copy paste the lines that apply to Boushie. Then realized THE WHOLE THING applies.

      Boushie and others have been told repeatedly that they have guessed wrongly. Their Betsi has nothing to do with this blog. But the truth doesn't matter much, the only thing that counts is hurting people. Problem is they are hurting a person that doesn't even know any of us exist. SMH

      *Bullies will make (or persuade others to make) decisions that are extremely damaging to other people, without the slightest concern for the effects of the damage on the person affected; any damage incurred is the fault of the target who would not yield to the serial bully’s demands

      *using gossip, back-stabbing and falsehood to undermine and discredit targets and others may pursue a vindictive vendetta against anyone who dares to hold them accountable, perhaps using others' resources to attack his target, and will be contemptuous of the damage caused to other people and organizations in pursuance of the vendetta

      *undermines and destroys anyone who the bully perceives to be an adversary, a potential threat, or who can see through the bully's mask

    3. I have never seen such a group of liars, stalkers and delusional idiots all grouped together in one place for the sole purpose of spreading lies, false and flat out wrong information, for the sole purpose of stroking their own overinflated egos. Sad, very sad.. Don't you have to report on the local high school football game there Justin? Get back to work.

    4. no I don't Sean....but dont you have some beakers and frogs to clean?

    5. If you want to shut Sean up just tell his wife!! Or threaten to send Bill back to his office parking lot. That worked great the last time.

    6. Work? We're all rich and enjoy a life of leisure, I thought you knew, huh, oh well.

      Get back to work little man.

    7. Poor Boushie, shows how bad he's all butthurt.

      Funny how much you used to post on this great blog with all the wonderful people here until you were caught by Billy being a bad bad boy. How come you're not using the UM IP internet like usual, afraid of getting caught?

    8. Why am I not surprised the biggest bully of them all comes crawling out on this article to point fingers. Boushie, you're lucky the courts believe you have never harassed Windsor because many know otherwise that includes your UM IP.

      If you are so desperate and sadistic to want us sued by Billy, I think there's some Christmas goodies that could be handed over to him.

    9. So it's desperate and sadistic to help Willy sue you?

      When you contacted Willy's relatives and anyone that you knew he was trying to work with, I suppose you would characterize that as "public service"? How can you criticize others when you are guilty of even worse behavior?

    10. Who contacted Bill's family? I know I sent his daughter a message saying that her mom's personal info was online and they might want to remove it so she wouldn't be harassed. Yeah, I am a terrible person, huh? That was almost a year ago. If lawless and his harassment was soley him, I didn't want her dragged in.

      Now, that's the extent of the family I contacted. So what the heck are you talking about?

    11. Snoozan @ 11:40 - I think you maybe thinking of comments made by Booshie, who threatened to sue Bill's family. And possibly several of his gang members. Please try and keep up rather than making stuff up.

    12. Yack! Gag! Hurl! Spit! Dry heave! Vomitrocious!
      Snoozan ALWAYS refers to him as 'Willy'. That? Is right up there at the tippy, tippy top of the creepy meter! A close 2nd to the stalking shit he does, IMO!
      I unknowingly read her Anon posts & then? Bam! (☣ disclaimer/warning alerts ☣ should designate her posts)
      Yikes & Eureka! 'Willy'! Make her stop!
      It's just cruel!
      ℗ ♛

  2. Who is Betsi? I don't see anyone by that name.


  4. Bravo! Excellent NBTDT!

  5. Great article NBTDT!!!

    What caught my eye the most on your article was this:

    -Serial bullies detest anyone more competent or popular than themselves, serial bullies despise anyone who enables others to see through their deception and their mask of sanity

    So very true!!! It shows with Bill or others we've come across online how deeply they despise those who can see right through them.

    Agreed with the number one rule!! Ignore, don't engage.

    The more they're ignored, the more they go on their little freak out meltdowns like a toddler tossing a tantrum. It's quite humorous to sit back and watch when they're not getting the attention they desperately crave.

    1. That is the same part I was going to highlight yappy.

      Amazing amount of information NBTDT, thank you. Explains the recent flooding of FB posts and comments on various pages, spreading lies, misinformation, blatant false information, ignorance, and hatred.

      Bill won't understand any of this. His wall of narcissism is way too thick, and thus, he is a bully himself because of.

  6. Yappy is at home enjoying my Monday morning laughing at the idiots checking on the blog LMAODecember 2, 2013 at 9:07 AM

    Waving to the idiots watching! MORNING!

    Here's a current photo of the news on CNN at 9am sharp Texas time. *gasp* shocking I know eh?! smh

    1. omg, I'm here too, how is this possible?

    2. Don't we all have to be here together since we're the same person? Whose job was it to make sure we went to court this morning. If we leave now we can still get there we'll just be late. Can we use the HOV lane even though we're all inside one head???

    3. I just couldn't find the right shoes to wear

    4. Oh no what am I going to do? Yappy's reflection is in the photo I took of CNN this am. The crazies are going to know what I look like now damnit!

    5. LOL I'm here too, a little late, I had to run out and get a gingerbread latte. Yummy.

    6. @ Ninja: LOL, gingerbread latte.

      @ Bob: Darn it, I forgot about the HOV lane. If I'd have remembered, I might have made an effort to get up early to go see Bill.

    7. yappy is still here at home enjoying a wonderful peaceful Monday morning at 9:34 am. This is the good life!!!December 2, 2013 at 9:34 AM

      Wonder if Bill really went there? I can't believe he'd be that stupid to fall for that info.

    8. I bet he did. Sitting there all red faced, irritated, hands shaking, ready to pounce on an innocent woman. You know, because he's always right and all. *eye roll*

      Wonder when he's proven wrong, if he will turn on his informants, and put them on his naughty list.

    9. @ Ninja - my guess is his informants are already on the naughty list, probably at the top. He just doesn't know it yet.

    10. This might be funny, if it wasn't about so wrong. He's been played like he's never been played before. His vindictiveness has blinded him to the point of stupidity. Oh, maybe that was the plan, to make him look even more insane than he appears to be. Giving him the wrong names on purpose.

      LOL I bet that's it! Well, bravo on that plan, it worked like a charm.

    11. *about being so wrong*

    12. yappy laughing at the loonsDecember 2, 2013 at 10:19 AM

      That would be hilarious if it was planned to give Bill misinformation!!! hahaha It's not like we deny chatting with MVZ, just not on this blog, which is a fact. So anyone who keeps saying it is libeling.

      I guess Bill will have another "sting" video posted later on we can laugh at.

      Ok lemmings and crazies, I'm going outside for an hour to do my yoga just in case you're still lurking.

    13. By Susan's process of elimination, it must be me/Windsor Sluggo.

      The sting is a success!

  7. Does this sound like a case that's getting dismissed? Oh Marty, you are such a schmuck. Focus on self and spawn of self, jerkoff.

    12/02/2013 HELD: HELD: ADJ TO 12/3/13 AT 8:30AM
    The following event: MTN TO WITHDRAW AS ATTORNEY scheduled for 12/02/2013 at 8:30 am has been resulted as follows:


    Certificate #: CSR-6444

    The following event: MTN TO WITHDRAW AS ATTORNEY scheduled for 12/02/2013 at 8:30 am has been rescheduled as follows:

    Date: 12/03/2013 Time: 8:30 am

  8. Pie Man Zombie HunterDecember 2, 2013 at 11:18 AM

    I talk to SPLC today, if anyone want to send info pleace do.......

    I do not know who Besti is, But NBTD has bully people online here..... She told me to take Bill abuse and lies about my family and let Sean F think I was in the Movie scam... Just saying, I told people not to attack her because she is just splitting, she feel like a big shots when she is making people feel small.....

    1. Really? I don't believe I said any such thing. Re-post what I said that offended you. That way everyone can see that you are lying or have twisted something I said to fit your need.

      As for "I told people not to attack her", appears all your friends don't pay much attention to you either.

    2. you are going to need to get an adult to translate this for you in to some form of English

    3. Pie Man Zombie hunterDecember 2, 2013 at 11:43 AM

      NBTD did with Sean F telling the world I waited to take my son to the hospital and made a big deal to losing children to DCF which is also not true, which all came form ST to Bill Windsor.

      Sorry Ginger I know I am the wrost blogger, I have issues with writing, if you knew how hard it is for to write then you would understand

    4. Pmzh my spelling and punctuation is not always the best. You though have wrote here and to the court motions that will be dismissed because they are as if someone jotted down a bunch of thoughts randomly onto a paper and sent them in. You have to start making sense if you expect not just is here but more importantly anyone in any court to understand and make sense to what it is your trying to explain to them in writing.

      I suspect some of your issues have been caused by this same issue. I am not here to be mean but I keep reading yours and other supposed advocates pages and many of you can't form anything into any understandable material that doesn't appear to be a strange rant of weird nonsense

    5. I'm writing in a cell phone pardon my writing

    6. Pmzh is a liar I have never said anything about your case at all nor do I know about it at all. I do know you support others that have cases that are very questionable. Furthermore NBTDT and I are not swapping pmzh stories. Lol what a joke. I say you come up with a new jig or conspiracy it does not exist.

    7. @ Sean: good post.

      @ PMZH: I don't know or recall anything about your case, don't care enough to know and it wasn't important enough to remember. If somebody posted facts, I may have offered an opinion. It's OK if you didn't like it or disagreed. I disagree with just about all of your opinions. Disagreement does not give you, or anyone else, leave to make stuff up and call me names.

      As for taking exception to and speaking up against specific behaviors, yup. All day long. Take it or leave it.

    8. Pie Man Zombie HunterDecember 2, 2013 at 11:57 AM

      yes you did, but it was in the comment here after my tile 9 to the feds.... you said that prove I hate men and then went on to repeat things n the Bill Post about me that came from ST .....

    9. If it was in the comments, you shouldn't have a problem finding it and copy/pasting it. Try google.

    10. @ NBTDT @ PMZH We're back to this again, REALLY? Kim, I did NOT give any of your information to Bill W.

      I responded to a post in relation to AMPP (before I was aware of the truth about Bill) and it was unfortunate that when he copy/pasted it onto that blog,your details were directly under it.
      It is CLEAR where my paragraph ended as it ended with "Rant Over".
      That info did NOT come from me.
      But it suits you to think that as we have butted heads many times re your inability to research facts before posting exploitative/defamatory material all over the web.
      I don't know whether you're a manipulative liar or you just misperceive and misinterpret EVERYTHING.

      @NBTDT : I really like this post. I think I'm still growing and learning about how to deal with people like that.
      I'm far too hotheaded for my own good.
      See how I am trying to respond reasonably to Kim when what I really wanna do is call her a fecking eegit?
      Sorry sorry.
      Really though, I may plagiarise some of your work for a paper I'm doing....
      Kidding! :D

    11. @ Sarah: Thank you. I didn't view your post as arguing with PMZH, I saw it as an explanation to us of your experience. You touched on 2 key issues.

      1) "I don't know whether you're a manipulative liar or you just misperceive and misinterpret EVERYTHING." Whichever it is, there is no response from you that will help the facts of a matter get through to her, or any other person that behaves in such a way.

      2) "research facts before posting exploitative/defamatory material all over the web". Without research and validation, the "material" is nothing more than malicious gossip, which this group finds objectionable.

      All of the data I posted can be found in publications by The Tim Field Foundation. Tim Field was English, there should be a lot of his work available to you. The most important thing in dealing with bullies is realizing it's not about you - it's about them meeting their needs and you are not obligated to give them what they want.

    12. @NBTDT - EXACTLY.....On EVERY count.
      I don't think I've ever disagreed with a single post you've made on here.
      Lovely to find decent, rational people on the net.. There are but few. Teehee.

  9. Ollie she's doesn't like me and keeps on trying to make something of me because I disagree with her friend Lori handrahans case but also that pmzh also support other very questionable women who have cases I which have put their children's photos on the internet for others to examine and make opinion on the case about the alleged abuse by the men. I don't think it is right to put the kids photos up there Sarah Tyrrell was posting on twitter that Lori put it out a photo of the child's private parts. I suggest that if your child is abused keep the photos off the damn internet why make a infomercial campaign using the photos you took to make a case.

    I also know that pmzh supports this bullcrap that 70% of men who have custody are pedophiles and a users this is what I have seen melinn and handrahan put out. I also watch videos of mother of lost children on YouTube and they are really what I call man haters. They dislike men. Melinn and company to include pmzh campaign against the Obama fatherhood initiative that is suppose to help urban fathers carry on as fathers. Though pmzh and her people are against it. I suggest google that all up and read it because you will see support on other pages where wigglesworth aka pmzh supports these other mothers groups.

    I myself and advocating for nobody just against people who want to be hateful

  10. I will no longer respond to pmzh jibberish. She is clearly in my opinion just as stupid as bill and my opinion here is that the ampp vs bill lawsuit is like dumb verse dumber suing each other.

    1. Dumb Vs Dumber...TeeHee..I agree...Shhh..

  11. ok Boushie, be specific......what are we supposed to defend?

  12. I think we are going to have to wait a while why he calls he wife to ask her how to help him get his foot out of his mouth

  13. ROFL hahaha @ Tiny's wife. I'm betting he has to answer to her for everything.

    Back to work little man!

  14. no one ever plays after I ask them to be specific, its like the kryptonite in the online world

  15. It might be because the pond scum that floats here anymore isn't worth wasting time on.

  16. Ok well I'll take that as a no on giving specifics. Back to your hole little man

  17. He has no specifics because we've done nothing wrong.

  18. Speaking of bullies, does Bill Windsor know Sean Boushie posts and is admin on that puffer page? They make fun of Bill all the time.

    1. The Montana courts wouldn't like that.

    2. Boy, two dumb anon's do you even read what Montana Courts had to say? It's not about the words they exchanged it was about who really came over from 6 states away. SMH

    3. SMH, a restraining order goes both ways. Boushie isn't allowed to stalk or harass Bill. If it can be proven he did and does unlike how Boushie lied to the courts, the PO goes out the window Anon 10:57

    4. Boy, one dumb anon. Key word in the last sentence is "exchanged". Did you even read that the MT courts did not act with full and complete knowledge of "words they exchanged"? They were missing a key component to why Bill was there in the first place.

      I don't know the law in MT, but in TX lying on a petition for a PO is grounds for automatic denial.

    5. Isn't lying on a court document criminal as well NBTDT? That would be an interesting turn of events.

    6. Anon @ 11:02 again... the only reason Boushie's order even stands is the mere fact bill drove there. They already know the both of them are lovers on the internet who want to meet up on both sides of a glory hole. SMH

    7. Glory holes and Bill's stupid moves aside, I would like to have seen how the court ruled with knowledge that for 2 years Bill had received messages saying things like "Come and get me, koward. You have my address".

  19. LOL- so we are all still here, and the blog is still running...guess Billy and Marty had some more bad information. *feigns shock*

    Let's think back, how often has Bill been right about anything?

    Joey is still in jail, we are all still here, courts keep dismissing him, and some even refuse to take his calls.

    1. BW would try to subpoena the tomb of the unknown soldier.

      Marty? Well, Marty Prehn is just plain mentally retarded.

  20. The funny thing is that none of you recognize yourselves in the description of Bullies, ROFL But each of you fit the characteristics you describe and not the good ones

    1. ok, lets see if you can play specific. Cite from the article above what trait you are talking about and go get something that was posted on this blog that fits what you are saying

    2. I deleted Susan here because nobody was speaking to her, and as always, she made sweeping generalizations with no facts.

    3. As their own article stated.These bullies project their bullying behavior onto their victim.They do not see themselves.Never look into a mirror.

    4. I don't go to Susan's little forum and talk crap to her. She is uninvited and unwelcomed here due to her past attitudes. If an abusive unwelcomed guest came to your home would you let them in because it would be "bullying" to turn them away? Go waaay waay back in the archives and you can see just how many opportunities were afforded to Susan so that she could engage in normal adult conversation.

      Susan wanted to run the blog, change the format, set the agenda, and when she was respectfully told that we weren't interested (but she was welcome to start her own). She started her meltdown.

    5. If you're going to attempt to flip your own behavior provide specific examples please otherwise your comment is meaningless and oh so laughable.

      How's NY. Cold?

    6. 10:42 was for anon 10:03 in the event there's a comprehension issue.

    7. I keep waiting for someone to say " I know you are but what am I ".

    8. Perfect analogy.

      "If an abusive unwelcomed guest came to your home would you let them in because it would be "bullying" to turn them away?"

  21. Marlene Nelson-RhoadesDecember 3, 2013 at 10:09 AM

    Marlene Nelson Rhoades

    8 hours ago via YouTube


    I am sharing this video, which is very personal to my life and the lives of my precious family and friends. We are so grateful, that we were able to care for my Momma, in our home. My Mom gave us so much, JOY...I am so grateful the truth came out . Side Note... I had noting to do with this Video... Truth always prevails..

    Martin Prehn The Advocate FOR Abused Elderly Con Man. Marty Prehn. The Prehn Family
    Uploaded by TeamX
    Marty Prehn claims to be a national advocate for abused Elderly. In fact he is a wolf in sheeps clothing; a con man. This video provides a

    1. I can confirm we've never met, spoke or communicated with you or anyone close to you in any manner Marlene. We knew conman Marty would make that libelous allegation against you which is why the disclaimer is put at the end.

    2. Agent Farty Douche "FuneralStalked" again last night .. showed up at the bar where Donny's friends were celebrating his memory .. drank & ate FREE (because he never kicked in when the tab came) Nobody knew who he was & were too polite to ask in the event he was one of Donny's friends from Gaylord .., had his Obamaphone (the olf Flip-Type) out all night taking pictures of all the women whenever he could sneak a shot in ... who he also tried to hit on & perv out on whenever none of the men were around ... never talked to one of the Male "actual" friends of Donny .. then photobombed pictures by running (waddling) behind the group & centering himself in the center of the photo. Everyone is scracthing their heads today, saying "Who the hell was that FAT perv that crashed Donny's memorial !!!!

    3. Sounds like the usual Marty act. Until someone actually calls him out instead of letting him just continue this act, it's never going to change. Why are people so afraid of him??? Even the people on the SCS Lakeview site are to scared to call him out on his BS. As long as people let him get away with it why would he stop?

    4. Did he "say a few words" at the eulogy?

    5. Lol, Spammy ... He never opened his mouth to anyone but the girls when the guys were not around ... just lurked in the background, drinking and eating on thier tab & diddling with his BamaPhone ...


    6. Marty Prehn - A great service and great time with his friends remembering Donny Nowak and listening to all of the stories of him and how he had a love of life and how he loved his family and friends from Lakeview and the Gaylord area. Many toasts were given to Donny Nowak. RIP 16 hours ago via mobile · 2

    7. Anon 3:49. Were you actually there?

    8. Sir Cook, No, I couldn't make it but my close friends who paid for Marty Douche's evening of food & drink, were there & gave me the play by play inc. tagging in photo's that Agent Douche photobombed. I unlike Marty the Sick Scammer have known Donny & these guys for over 20 yrs ...

    9. Why do they continue to allow him to 'join' & even foot the tab?
      I don't understand. Are they trying to be kind, because they pity him or to avoid an uncomfortable confrontation?
      After reading Eva's description of Aagent DoucheCanoe's practices, it seems someone should stop allowing his access to 'join'. These gatherings just give him the opportunity to scope out vulnerable individuals, especially among the females.
      That part about him taking photos w/his flip phone creeps me the frack out! Windsor lurked around with all his cameras snapping photos of unsuspecting victims, too!
      Does Aagent DoucheCanoe have an automobile or access to one? How does he get to these functions? Is he clean? Dressed appropriately? I just can't imagine how uncomfortable he makes those around him feel!

    10. Hi Petunia, the picture taking thing is totally creepy ... I'm female & he did this all night to my GF's there ... to the point ... some of the guys were telling my GF's " he's taking pic's of your ---- "what a freak" ... "who is he"? My understanding was because it was a funeral-memorial for a old friend, they were afraid to confront Marty as to who he was not knowing if he was a old classmate, friend or friend of Donny's that they did not recongize after 20 years .... His photobombing their pic's is what is really freaking everyone out ... he was not supposed to be in the shots and is ... standing dirwctly behind them .... ...Really CREEPY!!!! I can't give out too much info as to who I am, as Agent Fatty will stalk my GF's & I .... AGAIN ... he's a creepy, PERV !!!! PS: I heard the Fat Perv is driving and living out of a broken down old van .. and, this was the 3rd memorial-funeral that Marty attended this week, that he found posted on his High School page ... so I know he ate and drank Free at leat 3X this week .. the disgusting PORKER !!!!

    11. From your lips to God's ear, Petunia...

    12. The sad part is the next funeral that gets posted, he'll be doing the same thing. Apparently either the admins on that page protect him or nobody really cares.

    13. I agree Sir Cook ... But, some of those guys that run that page that are Marty's friends are better friends with the guys Marty leeched off, last night ... and hopefully now that I have made them all aware of who Marty is and what he's all about, they will start to call him out on his "Funeral- Stalking" for free food and beer.

    14. What the fu&k was he doing there if he didn't know him and "wasn't paying tribute to a fellow soldier"?

      'Marty Prehn Does anyone know if either Richard or Donny served in the military and if so what branch?
      Nov 29 at 6:17pm"

    15. "Marty Prehn James I am at Gee Willies with Al Melfi and friends of Donny Nowak. Where will the Lakeview Palooza be?
      Yesterday at 9:17pm
      James Pierowich The Detroit Pub, on Harper near 13 1/2 mile. Sunday, Dec 29th, 6pm
      Yesterday at 9:33pm"

    16. Spammy, he was there to eat and drink for Free !!!! They were buying rounds of beer, drinks & shots last night & food ... .. everybody just threw in for the tab .. well, except for Marty.

    17. Spammy ... Marty kinda knows Al and kisses his ass 24/7 .. claiming to be best buddies (which they are not) ... Al actually was a friend of Donny's ... Al is who Marty is slipping into events, funerals etc with.

    18. @Anon 5:23 Please contact Bob Cookout on Facebook.

    19. Al Melfi is a realtor. His association with Marty Prehn can't be good for business.

    20. No it can't Spammy, I know Al, too ... he and the friends - classmates of Donny's that were there last night are all younger than the Fat Old Perverted Agent .. they all graduated about 5 years after the Pig Agent ... Marty just tries to suck up and act like he's part of the "Group"

    21. Again, please get ahold of Bob Cookout.

    22. Just did Spammy,@ Bob Cook III

    23. Thanks Anon. Wow! That is just bizarre! I've heard of party crashers & wedding crashers, just never funeral crashers.
      I'm glad he's up yonder with y'all, here in the South, we all take a dish/casserole or dessert to the family's home. Then, usually the day of the service, a bunch of folks will have a meal ready & served either just before or after the services. Sh*tfire! Can you just imagine his big ass waddling off in Mr or Mrs So&So's home? Letting the little church ladies & neighbors serve him & him whooping out his little flip phone? One time he might get away with it, but twice? & one of the So&So's would stomp the far offa his sorry ass! Makes shudder to even think of him wallering around in a grieving family's HOME!
      I was wondering about Al Melfi, too! Dang! How many funerals is Al gonna "plus 1" Aagent DoucheCanoe around to? If Al's known him all this time, he's bound to know he's a lying assrag, right?
      This funeral/wake hopping thing is just to infinity & beyond CREEPY! JeezaLouise AND Thelma! Somebody's gotta stop him!
      You should rally your gfs & y'all start snapping pics of him! Y'all can have a guess where Aagent DoucheCanoe is mooching in this photo contest!

      ℗ ♛

    24. Sorry! Stomp fat* not far*
      Using phone, not typing too well.

    25. Lol, Petunia .. Hugs to you ... I'm loving the "Agent Mooch-Douche" photo contest .. my keys are sticking so disregard my mis-spellings, too .... Latest Lie from Marty .. !!! = .

      Marty Prehn - The way that I honor my parents is to help others and that is what I have been doing since their deaths.. Dad in 2007 and mom in 2010. Working on the Dr. Jim Chism case and saving his life and bringing him back from the dead was VERY rewarding. There is a fb group page that is in the process of being made into a Hallmark movie for television. It is called Saving the Life of Ary Vet Jim Chism. We have many of the news articles and television stories that were done by the Detroit news media which utlimately saved his life because of the national news coverage that we got. His adult children Steve Chism, Laurie Chism and Susan Lucier went to hell and back with me in order to save their dads life. about an hour ago

    26. Sure does a lot of funeral hoping lately.

      He certainly didn't bother to go to his mother's funeral...

    27. Bam! Nailed it, Spamanon!

      I be liking Anon! ***waving***
      ℗ ♛

    28. That Marty comment might be his biggest lie ever and we all know there have been some big ones. The truth on that subject will come out soon as well.

    29. That's a doozy, even on the Aagent MoochCanoe scale.

    30. Laughing & waving back at Petunia and Spammy and Bob !!!

    31. Hi back, Anon 8:01!

      If you stop by often, feel free to pick a pseudonym so we can separate you from the trolls here.

    32. Anon, you need a cute little nickname to match your snarky sense of humor:) or Anon is fine~ whichever you're comfy with~ you're a hoot! I ❥ to giggle snort & you're funny!
      ℗ ♛

    33. Marlene Nelson-RhoadesDecember 4, 2013 at 12:57 AM

      Petunia.... you are the very Bestest ... I am speechless, Anon. I am so sorry for all those that have been victims of MP. I am a Lakeview Grad of 76. I stay in touch with many of my classmates. Sadly, several have been bullied by MP...He continues to do what he does... taking advantage of good people and so much more. Saddens me...

    34. Tee Hee .. I want so badly to put a name up, Petunia ... I'm just afraid that Marty will track my IP or something & stalk me (seriously) and Dear Marlene, what Marty has done to me is only a pindrop in a bucket of evil crap compared to what he has put you through. I just hope word gets around SCS about what a freaky, MEAN ... pervy, evil greedy SCAM, Marty is .. I'm doing my share of spreading the word Marty not only bullies people on Lakeview's site ... he threatens & holds stuff he has on people over their heads. Very very Sick and twisted like a Fat Pillsbury Dough Boy .... Oh, I thought you Joey's would want to hurry & vote for Marty as Michiganian of the Year 2014 Lol ...

      Nominate MARTY PREHN as a Michiganian of the Year..
      Public · By Marty Prehn.
      January 13 at 12:10pm until February 14 at 6:10pm.
      It's that time of year when the Detroit News seeks nominations for Michiganians of the Year. Since 1978 honorees are Michigan residents who have set and achieved big dreams, are leaders in the community or workplace, or have made a difference in the lives of others in some way. To submit Marty Prehn as a nominee outline his accomplishments and or contributions on a one page e-mail and include his name MARTY PREHN and his e-mail address which is Send your e-mail nomination to the Detroi...See More
      Marty Prehn - BREAKING NEWS my filmed 35 minute interview with my dear friend and movie director Bill Windsor and LAWLESS AMERICA has just been released.Google YOU TUBE and in the search box put Martin Prehn and hit enter and then play once the video comes up. PLease let me know what you think and if you agree or disagree with what I have to say. Make sure to see the credits and the villians at the end of this interview. This video will be going viral with over 1,000,000 hits. Let's see how long it takes to get there.

      Like · · Share · January 17 at 11:00pm Marty Prehn likes this.

    35. "This video will be going viral with over 1,000,000 hits. Let's see how long it takes to get there."

      Umm, no. Let's not. The only way it will get any appreciable attention is if it becomes required viewing for some advanced course in sociopathic psychology. Until then, it's just you and Florence Iverson, I guess.

      But that TeamX is certainly making it's rounds with triple your video full of lies, Marty.

      Good triumphs over evil again. Ain't that a bitch...

  22. PMZH I hope that your latest Kansas filing made sense and was not some loosely put together random thoughts.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Good news, everybody! Bill has another shot at his Dallas sting. MVZ' hearing was continued until 12/30/13.

    1. Hmmm since we're all the same people I thought we'd already know that. Thanks to me for letting me know.


  26. NBTDT, isn't it interesting that the bullies have proved themselves by their actions and words the past day on here? I think most of what drives them is sheer jealousy.

    We have a unique position having some insight to who they are. When I look at their lives, their lack of morals & values, the poor examples they are for their children, what they do with their lives in general, I realize I could never be friends with any of them in the real world.

    I think these bullies prefer not "really" knowing our real identities. It gives them the option to invent their own make believe world about us so they can fabricate whatever their little hearts desire and feel superior, feel important, feel like they have one up on us. Sad really when you think about it.

    Problem for them is, they're wrong on every count in their imaginary world. Given I know most of the "Joeys" I can honestly say I've never met a more loving, genuine, giving group of people.

    If the bullies knew the truth of who we are and what we do (and have achieved) within our lives, I can only imagine that level of jealousy would increase 1000'x's over. In turn we all know they would ramp up their hatred and attacks for that's the only way they know how to live.

    And people wonder why we protect our privacy when there's so many disturbed people online who would be so hateful to attack people that are not even us. They don't care who they hurt as long as they have something or someone to kick.

    People here have stood against con men, criminals and those who prey on others. If it means we've all gathered a few bullies who hate us with a passion, then we're doing it RIGHT!

    Hateful bitter people attack because they are insanely jealous so they try hard to keep kicking in hops it'll hurt so they don't have to look in the mirror to see what complete failures they are.

    The more I see these attacks against us, the more I realize we're all on the right path.

    It's become very very easy to turn my back and walk away from them with a huge S M I L E. Their negative hate-filled energy belongs with them not with us. There's zero reason to get drawn into their ridiculous immature drama and chaos.

    I much much prefer to smile and laugh the day away and enjoy all the great things life has blessed me with.

    I could not imagine being on the outside of this blog looking in knowing how much I'd be missing out on with so many genuine people here who contribute to the betterment of our society!

    Remember every time they return here to attempt to kick or try to get us to lower ourselves to their level…… SMILE because we know none of us remotely resemble anything to what these bullies and haters so desperately try to convince themselves of.

    1. Thanks for that, Yappy.

      Looking for that darn like button...

    2. @Yappy, Awhh that's a great attitude to have.I will try adopt that.. Dealing with these (un)"protective mothers" tormenting me online daily & making up stuff about me from thin air can get to me at times & make me regret not using an alias to go up against them.
      But ultimately, I *kind of* pity how pathetic their lives are.

    3. Some of the "criticism" we've heard lately relates to censorship and controlling content. This seems to be coming from people that were blocked for choosing one or more targets and making vile, vicious, vindictive personal attacks just to "provoke an emotional or irrational response". In accusing us of censorship, these people are blaming the victims. They failed to realize we just flat don't have to put up with that kind of behavior.

      I get a smile on my face every time one is blocked & deleted.

    4. even though they have been notified that they were banned here, they continue to troll and stew on this blog day in and day out. Its flattering that they are so obsessed with a simple blog, but its time to move on. Go out and smell the roses, go to the park or something. You don't have a constitutional right to express your opinion on my blog. If you want to start your own...go for it, but stop with the eternal trolling. We get it, you are obsessed, move on

    5. Yappy is happy and smiling even moreDecember 3, 2013 at 11:46 PM

      Guess I missed something huh. My words must have hit a few nerves but hey not surprised they just have to attack because they're so filled with nothing but rage and hate. They actually took the time to prove yet again what they are, so so soooo sad and pitiful. It's ok, their jealousy is so out of control, I get it and I'm smiling too NBTDT. Whatever their ugly words were, it has zero to do with us. :)

      Gnite my friends. It's indeed a good life !! :)

    6. yappy is happy smiling and off to bedDecember 3, 2013 at 11:49 PM

      BTW my words weren't for the insane raging bullies, it was for the sweet and kind people on this blog to let them know how much they mean to me because of who they are deep inside.

  27. What Yappy said. ^^^

  28. @Ginger "It's like Kryptonite in the online world" Teeheehee..Yes it is! That and "Prove it!"..

  29. Amen nothingbettertodotoday!!!

    nothingbettertodotodayDecember 4, 2013 at 12:07 AM

    ... The most important thing in dealing with bullies is realizing it's not about you - it's about them meeting their needs and you are not obligated to give them what they want.

  30. Marlene Nelson-Rhoades (Prehn)December 4, 2013 at 1:26 AM

    I agree...Anon.... Amen and Amen... I am so Thankful for my friends and family that have stood up , beside me ... and you all , finding the truth and getting it out... joy to over-flowing... my heart is full of gratitude. Momma, Dad and Nicky smiling down from Heaven <3

  31. Marlene Nelson-RhoadesDecember 4, 2013 at 3:59 AM

    Good triumphs over evil again. Yes, it does... Spammy , be patient.It will... not sure what your story is .. but ,all will be revealed. My sweet, precious Momma said to me , many times.. This too, shall pass.... and it will... I do not hate or wish for revenge.. ever. I know that is faithful and I trust in Him <3

    1. Marlene Nelson-RhoadesDecember 4, 2013 at 4:03 AM

      oops, God is Faithful and I Trust in Him...

    2. Amen Marlene, God bless you always!

  32. "Revenge. In this case, people who bully feel they are righting wrongs or protecting other people. Usually these people do not see themselves as bullies." speaks volumes

    1. If you are projecting that at me, there is zero revenge factor with any of these people involved. Absolute zero

    2. Revenge? For speaking out against criminals and cons? Where has anyone here ever took revenge on someone, please post specific examples.

      The only revenge I've seen is Allie and Boushie giving Windsor our names simply because they feel we should be sued because they are being sued. None of us here want anyone to be hurt by Windsor but it SPEAKS VOLUMES when others would be happy to see more people hurt by him.

    3. No one here has ever taken revenge on another, quite the opposite, they have the biggest hearts in the world. Must be an awful life to be filled with so much hate, thank God it's something I'll never experience.

    4. Pffft Anon, there is no need for revenge. No need to actually interact with the likes of Bill or Marty at all. If they choose to come here to read what I say, they are doing it to themselves.

      If they were not out there spreading the hate and being vengeful, I would ignore them completely. They delight in attacking, threatening and litigating(and failing) against so many people for what? For having an opinion they don't like?

      What a sad life they have. I have found many people in my lifetime who did not agree with me all the time, we moved on and agreed to disagree if need be.

      Revenge is just something to waste your time and life with. It consumes you, and Bill is living proof of this. Seriously, how long is his hit list- last I saw it was over 500 people. The man does not want this to end, he want it to continue until he inflicts enough pain to satisfy his insatiable need to destroy enough lives. He will never be done...there will always be more to hate because it is self sustaining, it is all he knows now.

    5. Just wait for the movie. Or TV series. Or book.

      BW will have the last laugh when he is surrounded by beautiful women in bikinis at his Hollywood mansion and sipping Mai Ti's while the Joey's all rot in prison.

      In his wet dreams...

  33. Allie and boushie never gave windsor the right names. They are wrong on all counts But doesn't stop them from hurting people, in their minds they justify their sick actions. Allir is smart enough to get others to do her dirty work.

    1. But not smart enough to cover her tracks.

    2. Don't bring up her countless other spelling errors Spamanon I am sure she intended those too.

    3. Yeah, I am sure she knows the correct way to spell y'all too...

    4. LOL, Ollie - I started to mention that as well.

    5. Have a grate day, to...

    6. She is so polite on here and a foul mouthed back stabber in private. Will the real Allie please stand up.

    7. LOL, I noticed one particular FB group (where Boushie hangs out) who thinks she lies down. So, not so much on the stand up part.

    8. That group stabs Allie in the back, makes fun of her but play's with Boushie. They are all the same, there's no loyalty between any of them.

    9. She's on that page, today, liking their recent posts, but she must not have scrolled down the page to see a picture of herself with BW and the comments to that post:

      Xxxxxxxxxx what a loving embrace
      November 28 at 10:09pm · Like · 1

      Xxxxxxxxx I think, in my humble opinion....
      she f*cked him.
      November 29 at 9:43am via mobile · Like · 2
      real interesting name on one of the 2 Likes

    10. Good for you, that you let it go. But it bothered you enough, or you wouldn't be compelled to explain and defend what you were doing with Bill.

      I think Anon's comment came from surprise that you would support people that would maliciously spread gossip about you. Whether you laughed at it or not, that kind of behavior is unacceptable.

    11. Gottcha.

      Makes perfect sense that you would explain the photo here instead of on the page that posted it.

    12. What someone is saying about your personal life? rofl It's what you're telling others about your life Allie, the words came from you. Whatever. Keep on keeping, it's a leopard/spot thing with you.

  34. That signal doesn't look strong enough, let me help...


    Sluggo needs you to check your e-mail. Hurry, it might be important!

  35. Sluggo? Don't you mean WS Spamanon Outcook Bob?

  36. How funny that Windsor gets denied for his subpoena's in MO, and turns around and gets them anyway in KS. Just can't stop a vexatious litigant when they are on a mission!

  37. Yes I do.

    No we don't...

  38. Why doesn't PMZH Kim W. get some subpoenas and send them to the Windsor Family members for Depositions?

    1. Good question.
      I'd love to take a poll and see what everyone would ask them to produce, if they were sending the depositions to the family members.

    2. What medications is he supposed to be taking

    3. - Is Barbara in control of Bill's inheritance, and why?
      - Where did Barbara deposit the Lawless America money, and how much.
      - What accounts did Barbara use to pay for Bill's stalking ventures, con trips etc. since the beginning of Lawless America, and a complete accounting of all money in and out for Lawless America.
      - Why did the family REALLY disown Bill, or did they?
      - Why is Bill still Admin of the Alcatraz Facebook account if he is estranged from them?
      - Why did Ryan allow Bill to use Alcatraz to purchase domain names in his "haters" names, and a complete listing of all domains under Bill's name from Alcatraz, before he switched them out.

    4. When Bill posted the "Government hit" piece and said that Barb's family told her to leave and take the cat, was that true, and how many times has she been told to leave him? And why?

      For Ryan, how much control does Bill have in Alcatraz? Why does Bill respond to complaints about Alcatraz and not Ryan, if Bill is not speaking to Ryan?

  39. In other news off topic sorry Deanna kloostra posts.. "Can't wait to hear what my internet stalkers have to say. Sean Flemming, Robin Renee, Hanny Melinn, Sarah Tyrell AKA Sean Flemming, I know there are more, but I can't remember them all." This woman ran for public office. I have told her as long as you post your information in public and run for public office I will comment anywhere.

    1. Sean? she thinks you & Sarah (& those others) are all one person?

    2. Petunia, I once had a Alias of Sarah Crocker. The reason was to prove that these advocates when you go as a new person into the group with a different person then disagree they all pounce on your and say things like your an agent of the government and or on the other side. They even said my alias was Sarah tyrrell and also said that she was the Judges of their cases. Weird paranoid people. It was fun having an alias in which they roasted for not believing in their conspiracies. I remember those like Maria Melinn, Deanna Kllostra, and Kim Wigglesworth and others like Loryn Ryder and the others in these groups thought Satah Crocker my alias was Judge Cronin. They thought she was Tyrell also. It was hilarious. these women are clearly Delusional.

    3. If tell you they knew who I was before I came out and let them know they were duped with my alias that is all BS They had no idea. They called my alias a woman a pedophile and a host of things. Just like they did Bill

    4. Yes they are delusional Sean. But people with illness are unable to realize how troubled they are no matter how many others can see it plain as day.

      Of course in order to discredit you, you ultimately get the pedophile label. When they cannot provide proof for their case, that's what they resort to.

    5. One of the best interest of the child clauses is how they are mentally and secondly if they have good morals and a fit mind. T

    6. Well, I do know Sarah, so I know you certainly aren't her. That's wild they thought you were some judge.

    7. Yes but Sean they will flip that comment and falsely state the "best interest of the child" was a Hitler thing. Anything to get the focus off of them being incompetent, mentally ill or immoral.

      Naturally the mentally ill scream from the roof tops how social workers or psychiatrists are against them and being paid out by a massive world-wide pedophile group.

      They neglect to state how the majority of mothers still get full custody (successfully) and these women / false accusers are far and few between. But those who falsely accuse take to the internet to use it as another weapon.

      They don't get how transparent they are nor how disturbed they prove themselves to be when they go down that road. It gets old fast.

    8. @ It's ok Sean...I'm Waxman now.Lori even had a detective subpeona Twitter for my info. LOL....As for Deanna calling us stalkers...Strange as I have no interest in her. I DID read up on her case though ,another false accuser loon whos websites contradict the actual court orders/transcripts....Also - why did I get an email from Disqus notifying me Deanna was now following me? .Yet I'm "stalking" her.
      All you have to do to earn that title from these loons is disagree with them...Or worse...Read up on their cases.

    9. @Anon 10.54 . AMEN!

  40. Things to make you go ummmmmm...

    Looks like Booshie's 2nd motion to dismiss the case Windsor vs Boushie is not a slam dunk either. Maybe the MT Supreme Court is looking at ALL of the evidence, like the stuff the lower court judges might have over looked. This handed down yesterday:

    Order - Appellee's Motion to Dismiss will be held in abeyance and considered with other pending motion during classification and decision process.

    1. abeyance?
      is that kin to ABATE?

      @Attorney! @Attorney! @Attorney!
      (now we wait)

    2. Missed the memo!

    3. I haven't seen the filing, but it sounds like the Montana Supremes are just saying they'll decide the Boushie motion later, once they've got all of the relevant information in front of them.

      I wouldn't call it either a good or bad sign for Boushie's case. The court is still going to consider his motion, whatever its merits.

    4. *waving*
      Thank you @Attorney! (I knew you'd show up)

      ℗ ♛

    Nov 3, 2012

    ~I will be going to Washington, DC to testify before Congress and be part od a national rall to expose the FRAUD and Corruption that is going on in our Judicial system and will be looking for donations to help with the expense of the trip and get me some new damn clothes that fit. Working with Florine Mark to be the newest person to be the national spokesperson for Weight Watchers and make $100,000 like Jessica Simpson. She only had to lose 60 lbs. I need to lose between 100 and 150 lbs."

