Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Meet Bill Windsor's Lawless Mom

It's been pretty boring in Windsorland. Yeah, he's trying to get out of court with a medical excuse. I'm not sure which is more impressively dumb, holding off on surgery just to use it as a scheduling conflict or actually going under the knife for surgery to avoid a court hearing. Either way, he's a giant coward. And, it was totally expected right down to the excuse. So, that's pretty much no news.

However, I did find an interesting piece of reading last night. There's so much, that all I did was skim, but I'm pretty sure I've got the main idea.

In some ways it's kind of no news because again, it's exactly as expected. However, sometimes it's nice to gloat a little. 

Meet Lawless Mom:

There's really a ton of reading there, not just in the documents themselves but in the notes from the court. The major victory was really quite the opposite. When did it begin, and how do I know this is Windsor involved? Well, on February 10, 2016 Hathaway's attorney is finally let off the hook and she's free to go back to being a pro se party (as she began the case). But, somehow, her new filings in February 2016 are different:

She forgot how to spell her name? Hardaway instead of Hathaway? Weird, right?

Next, I suggest you read the 146 page document that is 

In all honesty, I didn't read it (but you totally should. I'm sure there is a lot of interesting stuff).
 After item 1, any doubt I had regarding Bill Windsor's involvement was erased.

Hoodwinked, ha. Yep, I'm convinced this has Bill written all over it. 

Still not sure? Check this out:

There is it. Right there. Undeniable proof that Bill was helping prepare documents for her hearing. Flip through the filings. 


Oops. I was doing so well with being entertained for a few minutes, but there are entirely too many pages of boring filings. I was going to try to summarize and point  you to a few that I skimmed, but I fell asleep. You'll have to wander through them on your own. Same 'ol Bill.  


  1. Here's the link to the Writ of Mandamus.

    Writ of Mandamus

    Oh oh oh! I forgot that she filed multiple "motions to squash." Seriously, not kidding.

    1. Not Friends Of Bill WindsorApril 13, 2016 at 7:47 AM

      Squash? LMAO

      Ok, so I am now looking through this web of mess, and find that since Windsor's interference started, things seem to be extremely hard to make heads or tails out of.

      In the Writ of MadManDumbass filed on 3-18, he is claiming on her behalf, that there is lack of Jurisdiction as the main part I guess. I read one thing where he is claiming he filed (I'm just going to say he from now on like this is now his case because, well, I can) in the divorce case another motion raising this issue, and it is "pending."

      This appears (from what I can tell) to be a lie, just like he does in all his other cases. Just writes lies to make the courts scramble to go back, look at the filings and orders, just to be a nuisance. Stall tactics. He must think that if he files it, it will delay other rulings from happening because it's buried so deep, surely it will take a long time to go back and look. Thus, why he earned his Vexatious title in the first place. Bury the courts under mounds and mounds of frivolous pleadings, filings, appeals and other crap, just like a good little Sovereign Citizen does, when proving he is a paper terrorist.

      Filed on 3-4-16

  2. [IMG]http://i67.tinypic.com/wmc6dw.png[/IMG]

      Document Available (#1032791357)

    2. Frank Lee BillsadickApril 12, 2016 at 10:28 PM

      Wait? What? Didn't he say in his own "Please don't make me show up to court, I'm skeert you'll arrest me" paper work that he was hospitalized on the 27th?

      Also, if the Respondent is so afraid of going to court, then why on earth is she allowing this idiot to file, file, file, when it appears her case was just about wrapping up for the most part.

      Just because she wants to "un-do" things she did willingly prior to the marriage, because Windsor's in her ear telling her things like "That PPO is violating your rights. I know, mine was violating my rights..." blah, blah, blah, just STFU and pull up your big girl panties cause you've got nothing.
      If she's going to allow him to get vexatious on her behalf, she better be prepared to be in court a lot. And he won't go to support her, he's terrified of courts. That's where they arrest him. Remember Windsor? LOL

      Also, how come some of "her" arguments sound just like his? Same lame games. Didn't he learn from falling flat on his own face with these same failures? Now he has to get a sideways court bitch slap through hers? Dude? You are just flat out stupid.

      I knew he sounded a tad bit personally pissed at the Judge. Which tells me, this Judge is a stand up guy, and every nasty thing Windsor said, was his own butthurt because he couldn't billshit his way around that courthouse!

    3. Yep Frank, you are right about his interference causing her to be called into court. Look at this, SHE requested a jury trial. Uh, helllloooo! Anxiety and Panic attacks be damned, Vexi boy is asking the court for a jury trial! That means, you have to show up! (he has done this himself, and when bluff is called? in comes the "uh, just kidding...we need a stay filing.) LMFAO

      "03-07-2016 CTFREE



      Backfire? Yep! What he hoped the jury trial would be for, turned around and bit her in her own ass. HAHAHA! Boom!

    4. So, Windsor is acting as attorney now? And admitting it by requesting a stay because he can't help with frivolous filings or attend her hearings?

      He should be charged since he's not an attorney, and the mounds of filings increased 400% from the date of that email in Jan up until now. That's all him IMO.


  3. Whoop, whoop, whoop - you guys rock!!!!

    Here are the Texas Penal Codes for Bail Jumping that we were passing around in private FB messages - right before my FB page was hacked...

    Windsor's FB Page [03272016] "I blundered across a Texas Penal Code statute that tells us that what Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson has been doing in pursuing me... "




    1. Not Friends Of Bill WindsorApril 12, 2016 at 10:57 PM

      Probably why he really, really, REALLY, doesn't want to show up on Friday. I don't see any indication on the court docket that his new excuses worked to get him out of it. The previous order to get his tankass in there appears to still stand.

      Oh, and if he's now noted as "helping" someone else's court case, he has plenty of "spare time" to work on his own. DOH!!

    2. NFOBW - Yep, immediately after "blundering across" [plundering] the Texas Penal Code, is when Windsor had that emergency surgery [ahem]. What he really needed though, was probably a change of underwear when he read the Penal Code section in regards to accessories being criminally charged also. Hullo, Wendy Windsor from Florida - as in Windsor's all cash Jeep purchase while he was on the run.

    3. Not Friends Of Bill WindsorApril 13, 2016 at 8:59 AM

      Just checked the court docket again. Nothing showing up, getting him out of it. 2 days and counting down. I bet he feels the heat. I also bet he's frantically typing up his excuse to the court when they have the hearing without him, about how he was "denied the right to the hearing" and "his motions to not show up were pending, so he figured he didn't have to show up" or perhaps he'll claim a "jurisdiction issue" because he loves those. Who knows, but whatever he files will be frivolous, cite codes or statues or something that has nothing to do with anything. The more I watch what he files, the more I know he doesn't really believe anything he's saying. He just does it to attack them.

      Plain and simple.

  4. Oh man...the Vexatious litigant rides through more courthouses, by and thru (c)(TickyD)another person. Just like he promised he would do in DC. Interesting. I guess his love and passion for being a Paper terrorist, and the fact that his own cases are dead in the water, this was the only option to continue on doing what he lives and breathes for.

    Although, I do have to wonder why he chose this particular woman to shack up with, when all the others that have been begging him for help over the years, he's blown off. Whelp, I guess he's got to start somewhere right?

    Look out Courthouses across America! The Vexi asshole is headed your way, deeply "hiding out" in someone elses paperwork! LMAO.

    1. ^^^^ Two words. Stripper/escort

    2. Bahahaha OMG, you're right!! I found the other Dr. Phil clips. OMG HAHAHAHAHAHA snort HAHAHAHAHA!!

      This just keeps getting better and better!
      First Jenny, then the woodland creature who's husband didn't know, and now this one? HAHAHA

      Oh, I guess she likes being #3.
      You know, from the Dr Phil clips, she was this man's #3, and now she's Windsor's.

      This is so comical.

  5. Public Service Announcement:

    Dale Nathan, the attorney Windsor just posted that passed away, was a kind and gentle man, pure of heart.

    Windsor? Manipulated him, just as 20/20 did recently. Windsor is a douche beyond measure. This has been proven repeatedly by the way he called out people from his "filmed" spots, and called them every sick name under the book because he couldn't "hoodwink" them any longer. They saw through him and before he could allow that to happen, he had to turn on them.

    Anyway, Dale was affiliated with numerous people that Windsor has publically humiliated, lied about and defamed to save himself from truly being seen by the rest of those terminally stupid people following him, and the fact that he is now trying to use Dale's passing like they were good friends is just one more disgusting attempt to use a true story about a great man, for his own advantage.

    May Dale rest in Peace,
    May Windsor rot in hell.

    1. I saw this and laughed. Windsor is violating his own cardinal rule. He claimed he wouldn't support anyone who "was friends with" or "liked" anyone he didn't.

      Windsor is so stupid, he can't remember who he's cut off and who is on his Windsor Naughty list.

      Yes, he just loves to post anything he can, that he wants to use to highlight himself in some way to make himself look a smidge human, but those who know the truth about what a deceptive, disgusting, slimy POS Windsor really is, just laugh even more at him.

      Perhaps this was an attempt to divert away from his "Mom" affiliation and now, proven court loss "help." Anyone who has hopes of winning in court should steer clear of any advice, help, or "smoking gun" theories he has to offer.

  6. Robert Cookout IIIApril 13, 2016 at 8:27 AM

    Now that Tanya has been ordered to vacate the house she is currently living in by May 5th, and the order says that date cannot be delayed by an appeal, do you think she realizes how bad Windsor screwed her over? Do you think Willy is helping her pack (sorry baby, I can't lift anything because of my stiches)? Is going to let her come stay at the Marriott with him? What about poor Kitty?

    1. LOL we were thinking alike.
      Yep, I wonder the same. Is she facepalming yet? Or is she so terminally gullible she's still buying into Windsor stale story about "Court Corruption."

      I've read through some of Windsor's excuses. He's really fixated on this Jurisdiction thing. Comes up with statues that once again, are Irrelevant. Then, he even throws in the excuse that Tanya simply missed things back in 2014, otherwise she would have argued. No, it doesn't work like that. She signed over her rights for Jurisdiction back then, and it matters not what Windsor tries to spin now to undo it.

      Windsor IS a fool. Flat out, class A (for asshole) Idiot when it comes to finding a "smoking gun" defense. Dude? All you got is a water pistol, and it's aimed at your own big, fat, ugly mug. Pull the trigger and wake yourself up!
      (Disclaimer to dumbass Windsor -- this is not a threat. I clearly said "WATER PISTOL" and to squirt yourself in the face. As in Splash water to wake yourself up from your demented state of whatever la la land you're in)

    2. Frank Lee BillsadickApril 13, 2016 at 8:47 AM

      I think Tanya should sue Mega Rich Windsor. Multi Millionaire in "hiding."
      Or perhaps she already knows this, and she thinks she's going to play him like she tried to play Winston.

      tisk, tisk Tanya...just ask Jenny how well that worked out for her. Sure, she got a few trinkets, but she eventually got the boot for a better pole dancer.

      You should sue if he mislead you about being able to Vexi his way to keep the house, or any other verbal promises he failed you on.

  7. Alrighty then. I have exhausted myself this fine morning, briefly going down the list of Frivolous panic filings by Windsor to help his new MOM.

    Take away? He earned her the boot out of the house she's been squatting in, on May 5th, WITHOUT the ability to appeal. HAHAHAHA Good on you Judge! Cause that IS the Windsor way...appeal, appeal, appeal! Stall, delay, drag out, and attack the court through paper bombardments.

    Note to whoever on behalf of Winston:
    If they continue filing frivolous crap as they have for the past few months? Seek Vexatious order and or Malicious Prosecution/ Abuse of Process.
    Understanding Windsor hates the Government, courts, etc, and his stated mission to attack them from a few years ago, will save you all time, money, and stress. It's all a game to be annoying and a nuisance. He gets much satisfaction just trying to make people miserable, using the court process as his weapon, including and not limited to, harassing the courts themselves.

    BTW, make sure all of you have purchased your full names, and any nic-names, (all variations basically) as .com's, .nets, .whatevers because Windsor's other harassment tactic, is to buy domain names of those he doesn't like, and put up a trash site.

  8. Windsor's latest hissy fit:

    Bill Windsor updated his cover photo.
    17 mins ·
    Corrupt Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson (left) and corrupt Ellis County Texas Judge Cindy Ermatinger (right) have been plotting to have Bill Windsor of Lawless America (center) arrested and unlawfully incarcerated yet again.
    The plot has been to force Bill Windsor to appear in a civil case in Waxahachie, Texas on Friday, April 15, 2016. When Bill Windsor leaves the courtroom after the no-nothing hearing, he will be arrested. Same song second verse. They did this to him the first time on October 28, 2014. The corrupt Ellis County Texas officials are trying to stop Bill Windsor from receiving a $100 million judgment against Casey P. Hargrove, Clyde Hargrove, and the lowlife scumbag members of the Joeyisalittlekid Gang.
    But Bill Windsor hasn't committed any crime, and he won't be showing up in Waxahachie, Texas. Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson and Ellis County Texas Judge Cindy Ermatinger are on the payroll of the Joeyisalittlekid Gang. Bad Suit Wilson has claimed in court filings that he is not a member of the Joeyisalittlekid Gang. Patrick Wilson is a crook - plain and simple. He needs to be tried for treason and locked up for life. Judge Cindy Ermatinger has quickly proven to be just as corrupt as the other corrupt judges of Ellis County Texas.
    Bill is far away from Ellis County, Texas, and he will not be going there. The genuses of Ellis County Texas do not have a clue where he is. Only one human being other than Bill knows where he is, and he'll be somewhere else tomorrow. He might go to Indiana next.
    Hey, Ellis County Texas Officials, Bill Windsor says get...


      What a total tantrum! DUH!! Did he just pull his head out of his flatulent ass and realize the hearing was on Friday?

      1) I thought we were on the Government payroll, so when did we start paying Wilson?

      2) There is no plot nor has there ever been. He owes a 100K bond he failed to pay. Plain and simple. Then, on top of that, he failed to appear to the hearing for the bond. Now, he has two issues. How is that their "Plot?" Had he paid the 100K? No Judgment. Had he appeared at that hearing instead of being "on the run?" No failure to appear. Simple.
      But -- You certainly can't make a Windsor World Drama Post explaining the TRUTH is there?

      3) Since when in Windsor World does "Treason" equal life in prison? The idiot said "Treason = Death."

      DUDE??!!! You're so spun you can't remember your lies and stories.

      4) If he didn't want to risk going back to court, then WHY THE HELL DID HE FILE THERE???

    2. Not Friends Of Bill WindsorApril 13, 2016 at 6:09 PM

      Windsor edited his post -- Again

      "5:34 pm April 13, 2016 -- Judge Cindy Ermatinger canceled the hearings because she lacks jurisdiction. LMFAO! But they'll keep trying to get me on manufactured charges.

      Hey, Ellis County Texas Officials, Bill Windsor says get...

      Image copyright Friends of Bill Windsor"

      I'm not sure why he's so excited about this. He was never going to show up. The first part of his post was scaredy cat Windsor ie real life coward, and now the internet bully jumps bad when he was saved by the bell.

      He is the one who filed in the case to get it opened again. Now, because he's short bus special when it comes to laws and stuff, I do have to wonder if the real "Jurisdiction issue" was because Windsor filed in a case that had already been adjudicated a year prior. There were time restraints for him to filed in right after the order for the Judgment, if he wanted to dispute it, but he failed to meet them. He failed to even appeal it within the allotted time, so sure, while he would like to claim victory for this? I say it was simply a Dumbass trying to pull some shenanigans again -- they called his bluff and he freaked out, tried to cancel it short of calling in dead, and they re evaluated whether or not he should have even been allowed to start filing in there in the first place.

      There is another thought too on this, but I will just keep it to myself because I know this is his "go to news site" for updates on himself, because as I've already expressed my opinion -- he's a moron.

  9. It's all pathetic. Looks like the attorney thinks she can notarize her own pleadings. The very first one they filed. Well, just like stripper girl is hoping to be saved so is the attorney by her husband attorney nonetheless! ...check out the filing in the appellate court. Wonder if that will catch up to the team of attorneys? Pure stupidity.

    1. Can you post the law code that says the notary is illegal please?

      If not, then you're comment is irrelevant, and speculative.

    2. Easy! I.just think it's pretty stupid..You her?

    3. No, I am not her. I just need a little more proof than you just think it's stupid. You're alleging there is some illegality, so prove it.

      why so defensive?

    4. Ok 6:55 I'll spare you some embarrassment. It is not illegal and stupidity isn't an actionable crime, otherwise Windsor would be in for life.

      "An attorney is not necessarily disqualified from notarizing a client’s signature just because he prepared a legal document and received attorney’s fees for its preparation, as long as the attorney is not named in the document and does not have a vested interest in it."

  10. It's all pathetic. Looks like the attorney thinks she can notarize her own pleadings. The very first one they filed. Well, just like stripper girl is hoping to be saved so is the attorney by her husband attorney.nonetheless! ..lmao....check out the filing in the appellate court. Wonder if that will catch up to her? Pure stupidity.

  11. Oklahoma notary statues. Even I'm not that stupid. I'm not going to bother figuring out the link for you but it's right there. I'm just saying that's a stupid way to blow it.

    1. Oklahoma notary statues? I tried Google, but I couldn't find any specific Oklahoma statues. Best I could do was this:


      Notary Sculpture by Honore Daumier. Daumier had been familiar with the world of notary ship ever since his youth, because for some time he worked as a clerk at a solicitor's office.

      I'm not really sure how this applies though.

    2. Oh dear, it just occurred to me that you might not have meant "statues."

      It's alright, I sometimes err as well. In reading your comment, I thought it said "I'm not stupid." But, then I realized the subtle wording difference really has an entirely different meaning. Coincidentally, that's when I picked up on the error between statues and statutes.

      Could you have been referring to the Oklahoma Statutes Title 49. Notaries Public §49-112 that defines an Attorney's Verification (the thing Bill says was improperly notarized)? "Verification upon oath or affirmation" "In a representative capacity" "as an attorney-in-fact for a principal?" Yeah, all those things are defined right there in the Oklahoma notary statute, you are correct.

      However, what you (and Bill) fail to understand is that the attorney wasn't notarizing her own signature, she just verifying that the petitioner's application is supported by evidence and her own knowledge.

      Does this make a little more sense to you now?

      Just in case, really simple.

      His testimony + her verification = OK by OK Statues.

      Yay! (Jazz Hands)

    3. I just love Jazz Hands. Especially if you're wearing white gloves!

  12. 4:40 looks like the "online don juan" has joined the joeys.

    1. and 9:20 smells like a lemming. You do know that is against the Windsor world rules to post here right? Now, scurry back...

    2. What the hell is "the joeys"?

    3. All I'd say is- Ask Tanya how all that top notch legal advise from Windsor worked out for her. She might be to busy packing her shit to answer though. May 5th will be here soon.

    4. Well the chubby Don Juan is now being named by Bill, so I guess he is now officially on the enemies list along with the court,the judge, the attorneys, former attorneys, sheriffs, court personnel, EMT's, court house hot dog vendors and anyone else lawless mom came in contact with during her brief stay in T town....check out the court files in the days to come for more of the misadventures of Bill and lawless mom as they try to get her "undivorced"....not a real word, but then again where else but in "Windsor world", do you go back and try to undo the divorce? Lemmings take note that Bill may be a bit busy trying to unravel things for a woman so honest she once told her real estate agent "I am a Gold digger" but the question is who is playing whom ? Bill will find out that the 100k his lady fair got after the parties separated was spent in less than 4 months on something other than the house she didn't own and the house she did own is now in foreclosure...after 7 1/2 year ...aren't court records fun?

    5. Frank Lee BillsadickApril 14, 2016 at 7:48 PM

      Wow, Windsor is full blown jelly of Winston isn't he? I mean, damn! Obsessed kinda jelly!

      Someone send him some peanutbutter, and he can live on sammiches while he's fake on the run, really at Tanya's.

      Oh, and hey, about those court records? Yeah, they are fun. I found a few tid bits in Windsor's own documents that seem to point to, well, some interesting "connections."

      Windsor wants to talk about a liar? Bahahaha there isn't a bigger one than him as far as I'm concerned.

  13. Lawloveslaughs haha.Tulsa lawyer. Speak up bro.

    1. Eye roll. You're a special kind of lemming aren't you? And you're wrong about your theory about the notary, but I noticed you just ignored your ignorance.

  14. "Deb Conley Germann -- Bill Windsor do u ever feel the interviews & recordings will do anything for the people that are wrongly convicted or will this corrupt bunch of states , will keep u So BUSY covering ur butt. ?"

    Well Deb, since Windsor hasn't answered you in 11 hrs, I'll share my opinion. No. None of your precious little youtube videos will accomplish anything, except for possibly giving "evidence" to the other side of your issue to use against you, IF you lied. Since many of those youtubes have been fact checked against court records, by various curious souls, referred to as "Haters" by Windsor, and have been found to be nothing more than disgruntled litigants crying on tape to a giant tantrum throwing man child himself. Also, his "Issues" and "Butt covering" are self made because he is just simply "butthurt". He is the King of Con, and you're still buying into it.

    "Lynn Maris -- Sending prayer... We are all watching and documenting what is happening!"

    Documenting what Lynn? Exactly? The fact that one sided Windsor lies out of his ass? Paints a warped picture that you all eat up and spread around as fact? And this is also why those "Video testimonies" are irrelevant too. One sided, baseless allegations that can not be backed up by court documents or evidence. And by evidence -- that is the real, factual evidence, and not the Windsor version of "Because I said so, and/or wrote it down, and/or swore to it, and/or convinced some less than bright individuals who refuse to use google searches or read actual court documents."

    And one more thing Lynn, why don't you ask Windsor why he because so enamored with one particular "MOM" when all you other MOM'S have basically been blown off, unless you're kissing his ass and praying for him. He can't check emails because he's SOOO busy, but ^^^ in the court records is an email he did take the time to read. Windsor makes time for the things that are personally important to him, feed his ego, allow his Narcissistic/sociopathic side to feel "loved." Seems Tanya knows how to feed that. Just look at the last line of her email...^^^

  15. "Resonant Bastard".... I see you changed your handle. Resl slick.

    1. and you still haven't explained what in the world "the joeys" is

    2. Discordant Illiterate @ 3:02, I have not "changed my handle." If you think, I'm the attorney that you so eloquently sparred with earlier, you are mistaken.

    3. Yes-The public filings are quite entertaining.... Lawlovenlaughs...I see you have plenty too..The..how many lawsuits in CA???? And that maybe Tanya is pretty gullible but it looks like you're pathological... From the court records and the dirt thats pretty easy to find on you. Maybe you and your new public enemy are one of a kind...lmao

    4. Are you on drugs? Who are you talking to? Neither of the comments above say a thing about entertaining public filings. I haven't so much as visited California since the 90's. I certainly am not involved in any lawsuits there. Again, crazy lady, you are mistaken about identity. As you'd see if you looked hard enough, I've commented here at least a few times before and well before Windsor was talking about the Lawless Mom he was/is probably shacking up with. Sorry to be the bearer of bubble bursting.

    5. Frank Lee BillsadickApril 14, 2016 at 9:57 PM

      Maybe Tanya isn't gullible at all. Maybe it's her that's a predator. Maybe it's her that set everything up to fail so she could swindle and con Winston.

      I've read the court documents, and she's a fricken L.O.O.N! Contradicting herself left and right. One minute the house he purchased before marriage, that she claimed he promised her before they got married that he would put her name on, she later claims -- or Attorney William M Windsor claims -- was something she asked him to do right before the divorce.

      I mean, O.M.G. Hellooooo, do you not read Windsor? Or do you, but you figure if you write so many irrelevant delusions down, you'll bore everyone to death and they won't catch it?

    6. He's a rantin' and a packin'.

      He earned little pole girl a one way ticket out of town, and here she was running such a great little B&B. How does someone who's SOOO disabled or hurt or whatever, collecting Social Security from that accident have the stamina to run a B&B?

      That's a lot of work...
      And hopefully she didn't set up any appointments for guests, she'll have to return their money.
      Good Job Fat Boy.
      Rant and pack, rant and pack!
      Post on FB, slander and defame...but just don't stop packing! You're Out. Of. There!

    7. "Resonant Bastard"
      Didn't mean to stay on the same string. Sorry about that. I hear ya.

    8. "Resonant Bastard"
      Didn't mean to stay on the same string. Sorry about that. I hear ya.

    9. "Anonymous"
      Got it.

      Got it.

  16. So Bill gets winstonfrost.com I suggest Bill you get ready. I am going to engage them tomorrow and see if they are interested in a class action with others who you have domains with. Buckle up for losing your domains. Just think you purchased mine using the joint account with Ryan. SMH. I might enjoin him also. I will be shopping for a class action attorney.

    1. Not Friends Of Bill WindsorApril 14, 2016 at 8:36 PM

      Ah, Pre-dick-ta-bill.
      Like no one saw that shit coming?

      He's seriously the oldest old fart to act like such an immature toddler. His money allows his tantrums to do some pretty low things, but someday, that Karma train will run his tankass over, and he'll lose all his play money.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. kids should be left out of the blog. If they are minors...that's trouble..let the adults be the ignorants if they insist..both sides have kids. No one should go there man.

    1. What was said about kids? Are you offended that the "children" are in the photo? I didn't take that off a personal blog, facebook, or anything similar. It's plastered on her commercial bed and breakfast listings.

    2. Wait, that's the other post. I guess I really don't know what you are talking about. ??

  18. Point is the kids were posted by Mom...she has the right.
    But a bunch of haters probably shouldn't and especially given the tear down of her. Area of caution.

    1. Read both posts again. I haven't said anything negative about her. Zero "tearing down."

    2. Read both posts again. I haven't said anything negative about her. Zero "tearing down."

  19. 5:54 "gold digger" statement" upload it lawlaughs. If yer gonna say it prove it cuz it looks pretty bad for you on your search. Ya always a victim. You're saying a lot here but looks like Tanya isn't the only one you've been victimized by. She's got lots against you. Despite her nee advocate...matbe she's got something there.Is it possible you might have some of that narcopathy in you? I mean really. . . There's a hell of a pattern here. And hard to ignore. So far you're full of hot air and accusing but.you did some pretty scumbaggy things with your filings and your history with Julie your other x looks.like.you sponge. Are.you a big baby too? Do you ever arand uo for yourself or gide behind your potential victims. Are you really a
    coward? You're so smart. You.an attorney. Maybe you dragged someone else into.this to.save your fat ass because she velueved you and went on the line..just a theory. Had enough.of this drama..need a dose away from this sick twisted scenario.

    1. Who are you talking to? Trying to provoke something? What? You're posting like a lunatic, rambling about irrelevant things, and the last few are way out there with accusations. Oh, that's right, you think "stupid" should be a crime.

      If you have difficulty following along on a simple blog, chances are you can't follow this story either.

      Are you personally involved and feeling the need to defend the stripper or something? Anyone can read the court documents, and see the rulings. Just because Tanya appears to be a pathological liar, and switching up her stories (excuses) because the first few didn't fly with the courts, doesn't prove anything you simply say is true, because you said it. SMH

    2. Again, it is I that wrote the posts. I put the photo up. I thought about putting one of just mom, however, I was posting about the B&B rental page and that photo is her profile photo. Anyone who follows the link will see it anyway. Nobody has said anything about the boys other than Bill & Lawless Mom who talked about their height and basketball skills.

      As far as 5:54, that's not a post. That's a comment. I posted nothing negative about this woman although it looks clear to me that she's pretty well matched with Windsor. She's also put herself specifically in the public light regarding her divorce case. I'd say the comments about her on the Dr. Phil forum are a lot more rough than anything that's been said here.

      Additionally, I don't think you understand this blog. People are able to read and find media here. All of the information in the 5:54 statement looks like it comes from the Dr. Phil program and the court filings. Your assumption that Winston is speaking on this blog is pretty far fetched. Seriously, it's just a little blog that took note of Tanya 2 days ago.

      If you pick up on some hostility, it's probably because most of the people here are smart enough to hate people like Windsor. And, at this point, anyone that chooses to associate with him hardly deserves any sympathy. His anger and self absorption are written all over his own facebook page.

      I'd suggest you get a grip. Crazy rambling doesn't really punch buttons like you think it does. It is good for a laugh though.

    3. Yeah, this "anon" wants someone to post proof, yet, when asked to post the Notary code proving the "crime" they were alleging, they just diverted to a snide insult as if that validated their allegation.

      It's easy to spot internet trolls...

    4. I'd be angry too if I'd been dumb enough to let Windsor help. I read the notary statutes too, and it spells out when it can be used and by whom. Nothing was improper. The statutes even spell out how minor error like leaving off a stamp really have no bearing on validity. Windsor's claim that it's fraudulent is absurd. He's grasping at straws, and he clearly can't read. He picked one line regarding not being able to notarize your own statement and totally misapplied it. Why? Because he's not an attorney. Oklahoma case law would easily support that he's broken the law and crossed into giving legal advise that he has no business giving.

    5. I'd be angry too if I'd been dumb enough to let Windsor help. I read the notary statutes too, and it spells out when it can be used and by whom. Nothing was improper. The statutes even spell out how minor error like leaving off a stamp really have no bearing on validity. Windsor's claim that it's fraudulent is absurd. He's grasping at straws, and he clearly can't read. He picked one line regarding not being able to notarize your own statement and totally misapplied it. Why? Because he's not an attorney. Oklahoma case law would easily support that he's broken the law and crossed into giving legal advise that he has no business giving.

  20. I'm poking around a bit. Whether you want to call it a troll or not...isn't everyone here sorta trolling? So I'm a little interested in the truth and balancing the scales if need be. Trying to see both sides. Looks like a pretty sad state of affairs. There's no doubt online don juan is posting when he uses.. (Or used til the lightbulb went on) his twitter handle (law love laughs and mr charming continues to reel em in ..."how tweet it is") lol. Maybe he really does do it in the dark. Maybe all those other women were just the right type for him. And they fell for it...to reel in..let's face it a "Christian Professor doesnt make lots of money but there is a feeling that one would feel safe. There's no gold ro dig wirh frosty. Maybe he met his match...he was after her settlement money and suped her..like he duped Julie and his ex...a possibility ya think? Maybe I didn't see any true accounts from other men coming after these women.. Just stories about them. Maybe Tanya and her affiliation with windsor was her only chance bcz she looks like shes been pretty.ganged up on anf the attys slid things by the inexperienced first judge. Lots of reading..bigger picture. Maybe Tanya is scared shi#less when all she was doing was standing up to a real psychopath and whatwver chances she had are now in rough seas bcz of her affiliation ..man there's a lot of maybes here.

    1. I guess Windsor and I don't have the same taste in women. His wife was very pretty,the women since have look, um, cheap? Maybe Windsor and Frost had the same ideas that they could doll them back up and wash away the dirty exterior. Frost probably figured out that it was a lost cause. Windsor won't ever really care as long as he can play in court vicariously through her. Just look at the looney bin that is his facebook page.

    2. Uh, no. The information points to a failing stripper, turned failed realtor, who was in foreclosure, and contacted someone in the hopes of helping her dig out of the mess she was in.

      Perhaps the more accurate opinion is that she saw a man, who appeared wealthy, owned multiple properties, saw an easy target, and turned on the pole charm, using the "realtor" profession to help him find a property -- conveniently near her, that she figured if she could manipulate him enough, she'd eventually move into, all while hoping he would feel sorry for her, and get her own home out of foreclosure.

      That tiny bit of history of her inability to balance finances on her own, tells me she had a need to find someone to glom onto. If her "settlement" was so great and enticing, then why was she in foreclosure? Why if she was so well off, was her main profession that of a stripper, but she used "Realtor" to promote herself? Again, being broke?

      Here's another interesting thought. He new Vexatious buddy? He listed in court documents that he couldn't find certain things because they were lost in a "flood." In Tanya's documents, she also claimed of some "flood." When Windsor was released on his personal bond in TX, late Dec 2014, he wrote in his Criminal appeal petition that he left before the late Dec. hearing and was in OK. Well, one part is a lie. He didn't leave until Jan 2nd or 3rd, after he purchased a new get away vehicle cash. Tanya was also in OK at the same time for a hearing.

      Now, if her history is that of a manipulative predator for rich men, perhaps she saw another easy target in Windsor? Perhaps he saw and easy target in the stripper? Point is, Tanya here, that you want to pretend your spiffy internet investigation skills will help you "balance the scales" is really very much the opposite of "trying to see both sides."

      All you've done is trash Winston without any proof of your allegations, and feel sorry for the stripper, who's own testimony shows she's was a broke ass bitch with a vendetta because she didn't get the chance to get a free house.

  21. I see nothing of realtor other then long ago in her history. Looks like dancing -not sure if stripping...so big deal...are you all orudes here...really?... was long ago and frosty drooled over it based on his revealing erotica (I think he missed his calling...) and he pretends he didnt know b.s. Haha) to her in the court records. Her background check reveals she was with new york life for a decade and did well enough. Car accident...bam...single mom...small settlement sniffed out by frosty. Two sides guys.... People dont just make this stuff up. If u persecute her for affiliation with windsor then anyone affiliated with frosty should be too. Google frosty...dare ya. Online dating schemes ...money for leave of army boohoo ...haha. Using letterhead without permission to promote himself for school board and had to redact...forced to apologize to girls team for his bad behavior as a coach. Alleged fraud scheme in canada..it goes on and on...I don't know who's more fun to read about frosty or windsor lol.

    1. $200,000 isn't a small settlement.

      She seems awfully busy for someone who can't work. Seriously, my office had a blind technical writer in a wheelchair with a seeing eye dog. For freaking real. I'm pretty sure mom could find a way to make money. In fact it looks like she's got some side money coming in .

      Why in the world would she spend a reported $170,000 to repair a house for a marriage that was obviously known to be doomed after 4 months?? Why would she spend $170,000 on the "marital residence" as she calls it when she has her own house in foreclosure? I just can't wrap my head around these priorities. Why did she get really expensive lawyers (I googled them) and then drop them to go with some old dude who has lost pretty much everything and been labeled a vexatious litigant? Has she made any good decisions in her life? Sure, maybe Winston was a bad one for her too. Of course we've all Googled him. Maybe they're a match made in Hell. But, he isn't dumb enough to take legal advise from anyone remotely as ridiculous as Bill Windsor.

      So yeah, say what you want about Frost, anybody can go look at the records and draw their own conclusions. We don't really need that balance. It's already a forgone conclusion because it seems this "victim" mother only makes bad decisions about her future. Scratch that, it's not about the future. It's about the now. There doesn't seem to be a plan for the future.

  22. keep reading. She was in school to start a new career she wanted to work and hell yeah it doesn't look like she's giving up and she's trying to make a living again. doesn't look like she's trying to hide that fact either does it. saw an obituary about her father and the family seems pretty stand up to tell you the truth. Yeah he's made a hell of a lot of bad decisions and went on trust instead of using her head it looks like. .. maybe it's too late for her but it doesn't mean that she asked for it...other than stupidity. And if you read all of the information in the affidavits and yes police complaints Frosty convinced her their marital home was a priority and then they were going to fix up the other home for an investment. Remember he did the same thing to Julie and was kind enough to pay for her U-HaulPERIOD. So yeah she atty got to.. one big happy family over there in Tulsa I bet . Tanya screwed up especially because she has kids to support. But she trusted that bastard. I don't think she had money to spare after she gave it all up to someone who meant to take it away from her. She had attorneys without balls that frostys atty.gotand it just wanted to take the money that's what it looks like to me read into it because it snowballed into this huge mud pile. This.is all.messed up.but.gotta go.back to.work.. question is how many layers of corruption are there in Tulsa if there is

    1. For someone like her to try now, to claim it was Winston after her money, if she was so worried before she would have gotten a prenup. Nope, she, from her own testimony, lies and contradictions appears to be a bitter, vindictive gold digger, who's shovel broke before she struck that gold.

      Boo fricken hoo.

      Let it go, and move on. Everything else you're trying to paint is really irrelevant, and frankly, makes her look even worse instead of better. You might want to rethink your line of justifications.

    2. She certainly has adopted Bill's annoying habit of talking about herself in third person.

    3. I did read. Quit assuming I didn't. Yes, she was 9 months into an 18 month program. I do wonder if it was an accredited program. She's had way more than 9 months since to finish. People can do more than one thing at a time. It still bothers me that she's taking money from social security for a "disability" when I bet the average working 65 year old has more physical issues holding them back than she does.

      If I were going to find somebody to con out of their money, I wouldn't pick somebody who has a house in foreclosure and no other source of income. That seems like a bad investment just to get some house repairs.

      If I had a psychology degree, I'd guess that Frost thinks he can "fix" women. He likes poor pathetic strays because he has a lot of self doubt and internal turmoil. He probably likes the idea that he can be a "savior" and they'll look up to him. Then he finds out that he can't polish them up and that the whole foundation of the relationship is built on a persona that really isn't who he is. They likely aren't attracted to who he is, and he's not attracted to who they are. Bingo Bango the whole thing explodes and all the big plans they made together (like manic teenagers) are in shambles.

      That's just my read on the whole thing, you know, if I had an educational background in psychology from a ranked university . . . you know, if.

    4. Sounds to me like Tanya thought she'd found a Mac Daddy and then tried to keep his house when she figured out he was just a Big Mac. Just sayin.

  23. You forget that Frosty is allegedly the second richest man in Mass, and a most evil X-man character....haven't you done your homework or attended comic con?

    1. Now that would be a good place to find attractive girls who have daddy issues. If you're inclined in that direction.

      Those get-ups take a lot of time, money and creativity. That bodes well in a lot of future activities. . .

  24. Just remember we wear our own shoes and from what I learned about Tanya she seems a bit of a person who winds up.trying to.fix people...bad.miarake right there. Fix yourself girl. They all.meed to.deal.with their own issues. This just seems a bit one sided here. disablity comes in many ways and kills the confidence too. If she was trying to milk it...she wouldn't be trying to make money and a new career for herself..how the heck the heck can one go forward with all this b.d. "healer" needs to heal herself and steer clear of ALL monsters and not be an.easy target she seems to be. Move on...people need to move on. All of them.

    1. speaking of wearing shoes and such....I'm just wondering who is taller, Tanya or Bill? My money is on Tanya

  25. Lol..mine too..She's tall no doubt. But she looks short next to her sons! Do you really think they're involved ....(that way) though? What do you think.the age difference is? Maybe she just needed help. Height... Anyone could have been crippled yesterday...or could be tomorrow.

  26. 200k IS indeed a small settlement if you lose 20 years of going forward with an established career /pension building...one worked hard for. Dig deeper. So much more than meets the eye just because she knows the Windsor fella. Looks like the Winston fella sucked her dry like he has others; and her attys were either lazy or ineffective. Pretend it's someine you care about. You just might see things differently. Again I'm trying to balance the scales and show up both sides. Seems one might be lacking.

    1. OMG really right now?

      Look, Tanya had zero interest, legally speaking in Winston's house. If she chose to put money into it, that is her fault. She had absolutely no guarantee, other than assuming her conning skills were in peak performance.

      That is like putting money into a rental. Who does that? No, what she did was malicious. She must have thought that the court, based on her whine sob story (which changed several times over the years re: alleged verbal agreements) that they would take pity on her for "upgrading" it.

      If she got any money from Winston's investment, then she should be thankful. If it went to a jury? I would have told her to get bent.

      I would tell anyone I cared about the same thing. Don't ASSume something is your "property" unless you have legal vested interest/contract. Now, here's another BIG OLD DUH!! She, alleges she was a Realtor. What moron wouldn't know about the legality of contracts regarding Real Estate? Clearly a dumb blond bimbo who was a "realtor" on paper only.

      She did this to herself, and wants people to feel sorry for her. Here's another thing. She turned Winston's house into a B&B and was making money. Did she share that income with him? It was his house. NO, no, no! She lied her ass off and claimed it wasn't a B&B. Well, then how does she explain the raving reviews about her full fridges, and brownies baking just last month then? And the month before? And the month before?

      She's a fricken liar, and she makes women look bad. She's the typical one, that people use as examples to paint "All Women" as lying, manipulative, bitches, and that is a disservice to hard working, honest, ethical women.

  27. I kind of doubt it was his plan but he can't stay away from his DARK SIDE....AND she's not the kind of person who's going to put up with his #!(@ even if it means eating Humble Pie. She doesn't show to have duped any men or has any kind of questionable record or done this before.... I bet aS screwed up as she is or at least is by now the last thing she's going to do is that involved with someone but she just wants a way out.... From the sounds of it this guy can't stay out of his own way and this lady doesn't know how to pick them that's for sure.. Julie said he had 37 other women he was courting in one way or another when they were engaged and when he was traveling across country with his daughter to see Tanya. You really want to keep defending this guy? Or is every woman a liar . Just sayin.

    1. Give it a rest Tanya. You might want to go ahead and log off the internet and start packing. Or looking for a place for you and Willy. May 5th will be here soon! Or even better, let Bill keep defaming Winston and his lawyers in direct violation of the protection order you have against you and Oklahoma will provide you with anew place to stay.

    2. OH! Well if Julie said...it must be true.

      Yeah, this "Anon" has tried way to hard to trash Winston, and pity Tanya not to actually BE Tanya.

  28. I kind of doubt it was his plan but he can't stay away from his DARK SIDE....AND she's not the kind of person who's going to put up with his #!(@ even if it means eating Humble Pie. She doesn't show to have duped any men or has any kind of questionable record or done this before.... I bet aS screwed up as she is or at least is by now the last thing she's going to do is that involved with someone but she just wants a way out.... From the sounds of it this guy can't stay out of his own way and this lady doesn't know how to pick them that's for sure.. Julie said he had 37 other women he was courting in one way or another when they were engaged and when he was traveling across country with his daughter to see Tanya. You really want to keep defending this guy? Or is every woman a liar . Just sayin.

    1. Last line in the clip!


  29. How does one get others to back up their lies when they are just that... Unless...hmmm if she was a stripper...then where's that proof.."Skank" is whoever posts this stuff with bias...trying has to shove lies into peoples heads...lies or assumptions because all you have is words...little else.

    1. Generally all you have on a blog is words. Brilliant deduction

    2. LMAO SHE said she was a stripper on TV!! f that is a sore spot? Then why go on Dr. Phil, and proudly boast about it? For 18 (or something years no less) she said that is what she did.

      LMAO oh, someone is way too defensive!

      Maybe you should saddle up with Windsor and sue the movie, who put the joke in there!

    3. Well, in all honesty there -- Defensive Anon -- the comment with the movie clip didn't say anything about Tanya did it? Specifically? I'm reading it, and it says "Last line in the clip."
      You're the one jumping all bad for some odd reason over it. It was funny. Great movie.

      Another one that's great is "Intolerable Cruelties." It's about this gold digger that sought out a rich philanderer and stalled long enough to think she could take all his money. But, plot twist, they proved she sought him out, and didn't marry out of love. Gasp! Wow!

  30. I don't think she cares about defending DANCING 20 YEARS AGO. She wanted help. The whole show might might have been about defending LIES had she done that. IT SEEMS that the whole legal "team" a/k/a."the craigslist lawyer" concentrates on deflecting and smoke and mirrors. You might be saying technically that you arent calling her a skank..that is a pretty cowardly way to get your opinion out but have at it. No clue why I might have expected more from this group..Nasty and mean people suck.

    1. Anon? What is mentally wrong with you? I mean, in all seriousness?

      You say mean people suck, yet you've done nothing but trash talk Winston, his attorneys.

      If you feel people's opinions of Tanya are harsh, then that's too bad. People watch Dr. Phil, people read court documents, and can search the internet. It's a free country as long as Windsor's not running it. We're all allowed our 1st amendment rights -- of which Windsor and the lemmings don't seem to like, because they don't like people who can't be swayed to whatever they want to sell.

      You, are a lemming. Lemmings follow, they don't lead. You? Seem to be unable to understand simple, basic laws. Whether or not people are mean, suck, or are stupid? Again, as already mentioned to you, that's not actionable as a "crime."

      Pull up your big girl panties, and go find something else to do. You'll never convince me that Tanya is a victim. And since you can't handle that, why keep reading? You can't handle anything that rocks your fragile little delusional world.

  31. And Ninja keep on watching your movies...and live through them vicariously as you seem to do so well...maybe you're assuming others respond to the world the way you do. Dear Lord I hope

    1. Tick tock tick tock. 20 more days. Maybe you can stay at the Marriott with Bill while he continues to "help" you.

    2. Oh, was that supposed to be insulting? I guess I missed it.

      You're the one who keeps taking things so personally. I just mentioned a movie I saw recently that was good. Who said I was living vicariously through it? Seems to have hit a nerve with you for some strange reason...hum...

  32. Two sides for a change...are finally being told not one bullied out by smoke and lots of it and mirrors and yet you still know so little. But yes at least you have your first amendment rights...someone elses were taken away..did you read about that? What about Civil Rights that were grossly violated just last week...you have no idea but maybe you'll hear about it if you can get yourself beyond your own little worlds of predetermined notions because of an affiliation out of desperation . You might have too. If you heard this story without it...maybe you'de be doing similar stories on frosty which I far from advocate so clearly I'm in the wrong place. Peace and love and I truly mean it...somehow that's gotten lost...not blaming you. I have worn out my stay here. I apologize and will move on. I brought too much negative into this and for that I am ashamed regardless of the truth as I see it. Again Peace.

    1. I truly hate the way perpetual victims communicate. There's just this underlying passive tone. Hi, guess who is in control of your life? You. Shit happens, and we move forward. Seriously. Have you ever heard of cutting your losses? That's what successful people do. They move on. They assess the situation, figure out potential gains and losses, and proceed accordingly.

      Most people have been in various situations they could have litigated, but they look at the financial cost, time, and emotional cost and see they'd be happier and wealthier moving on.

      Pick your battles. You've lost two stupid years, or is it 3? Windsor has lost his family, 3 grandkids and what is it 8 years now because he's a vindictive narcissist vexatious megalomaniac? What a waste for you to becomethe same. It's even less attractive for women. Double standard maybe, but true.

    2. I'm glad this one sided Anon has left the building. Two sides being told? Hardly. Lets take a look shall we?

      Tanya's been blabbering HER side all over the internet for years, and was ordered to STFU. She violated that repeatedly. So much so, that she had her little Vexi boyfriend take over on her behalf, to continue trashing and airing HER side.

      I haven't seen anything done to her like that from Winston. What I do find, is the court records that repeatedly dispute Tanya's internet libel and defamation.

      So, this anon, gets ass hurt when a blog, who is laughing at Windsor and his failures, picks up on the one sided bias story, that only Windsor knows how to highlight and spin into "Court Corruption" for his standard Billshit Anti Government flaming, and boom! Out comes the forces to make sure that only that bias one side is told.

      Smoke and mirrors? That's hysterical. That is all Windsor is known for. And this Anon chose to make it appear that it's coming from Winston? All while spewing repeated jabs to refute the opinions and court documents that aided in those opinions?

      Maybe little Anon should pay more attention to the bias, libelous, and defamatory FB posts Windsor's been putting out on HER BEHALF for months.

      Passive Aggressive seems to be the issue here with this Anon.

    3. Not Friends Of Bill WindsorApril 16, 2016 at 6:40 AM

      "Out of desperation?" Is this to excuse herself from having Windsor act out on her behalf?

      "But yes at least you have your first amendment rights...someone elses were taken away..did you read about that?" Well, yes, I did read about that. Do YOU know why "someone elses" 1st amendment rights were taken away?

      Perhaps that "Someone" should have taken the time to research what is and is not considered "1st amendment rights." Instead of listening to Windsor, who already knows what he does isn't protected under the 1st amendment.

      Perhaps the "Someone" didn't learn from her mistakes in the past, and acted out once again, against court orders, out of "Desperation" for being completely unable to accept her own responsibility and accountability within her own actions? Having a convicted stalker, who was labeled by a Judge in MT as an internet "Bully" as well as a vindictive asshole who has several websites that bully people. That are not protected "free speech" and are not considered "News."

      Oh yeah, this "Someone" knew damn well what she was doing, and it wasn't out of "Desperation."

      IMO, there is NO possible way she didn't know what she was doing by helping Windsor while he was a fugitive from Justice, and there is no way she hasn't read all his other libelous and defamatory posts he's written about others. This was a conscious decision on "someone's" part.

      It sounds to me like "Someone" is afraid the pieces of the puzzle will fall into place, and she'll be held accountable once again, for her own poor choices and decisions, and she's trying to pre-empt being held accountable.

  33. It really worries me that I can recognize a Bill Windsor "legal brief" at first glance.

    In 5 years the guy hasn't improved at all.

  34. Looky here!

    1. Kinda old news don't you think?

  35. Speaking of old news,did anyone catch page 11 of Lawless Moms third motion for a new trial? It seems she has "Georgia on her mind"s as she cites Georgia law in support of her Oklahoma motion,does anyone recognize which one of Bills cases the motion was originally filed in? or is this just one of the form motions from his website?
