Thursday, May 2, 2013

Billy Just Can't Leave Dollywood

His first stop on his latest vacation tour is Sevierville Tennessee.  He went there to support murder's rights and he just can't stop talking about it, nor can he bring himself to leave and move on to his next scam.

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I am still in Sevierville Tennessee, the first of several stops in Tennessee.
I was on location on April 30 and May 1, 2013 filming background and witness interviews for the Jimmie Robinson story.
Sevier County Tennessee is a place where folks who live in houses like this won't get the same treatment by the police and courts as people who live in houses like this thats not exactly a luxury home there bill..compared say to your homes?...
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How many people have the clout to get the First Baptist Church in their town to erect a monument to their deceased son right smack dab in the front of the historic church (originally built in 1789)? probably people that are members of that Church do, oh what a conspiracy  A woman who lives in this house did does she have a name?
How many folks have the clout to get the local newspaper to publish inaccurate stories I guess you don't, you have been trying for years in your home-town?  How many folks have the clout to get charges covered up accusing their son of sexual abuse? this sentence needs a re-write but the answer is no one

In Sevier County Tennessee, it seems the rich folks you mean rich like the ones in that little house, or rich as in someone who has two million dollar homes? get what they want in court and with the police, and the poor folks are denied justice. Rich folks' kids don't get arrested, but poor folks' kids do especially when they murder someone. It seems rich folks' sons can sexually abuse their children, but a falsely-accused poor folks' son goes straight to the slammer yes, most murders end up there.
The story of Jimmie Robinson is one of the system failing no, its a story of vigilante justice to do what it is supposed to do, and in this case, it resulted in the death of a young man murder, not the death of.  In my opinion which no one cares about, Sevier County killed Jason Hicks.  Jimmie Robinson admits that he pulled the trigger, but it was after he and his family did everything they could possibly do to protect a three-year-old boy from abuse by his biological father so take the law into your own hands, this is how you get your country back isn't it bill?.  I have interviewed witness after witness and have reviewed reports that would cause any honest person lets just say you are not very in tune with how an honest person would think to conclude that Jason Hicks was a sick man who was abusing his son mentally and sexually.
The local newspaper refuses to print the truth coming from you thats the best verification they could have.  I look forward to telling the real story too bad I'm not really making a movie.  
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So you are in a trial a hearing. There is one witness against you, and he's an attorney and a liar so says you.  During a break from the trial hearing, the judge and the star witness for the prosecution are smoking together in an alcove beneath one of the entrances to the building.  The judge rules against you and sings the praises of the lying attorney.  How mad would you be in this case I would have expected it, there was no cause for a re-trial?  Wouldn't that be grounds for the judge to recuse himself and the judge's ruling to be vacated? no

That's exactly what happened at the hearing for a new trial hey, you just contradicted yourself in the case of Jimmie Robinson.  These are cigarette butts that I picked up from where Judge Richard Vance and attorney Bruce Poston were smoking did you contact CNN?.  Poston even bummed a cigarette off the judge oh wow, where there is smoke...there is...well smoking.  Now ex parte contact is a big no-no, but between the judge and the star witness in the middle of a trial HEARING remember?, I don't believe it gets any worse no it doesn't get much worse than Bill Windsor, American Terrorist.

And there's more no, there really isn't.  Star witness, lying attorney Bruce Poston, was also observed talking with other witnesses outside the courtroom after all witnesses were instructed that they could not discuss the case you mean after the HEARING was over and no one cares anymore?.

Mr. Hickman, Jimmie Robinson's court-appointed attorney, had better file a motion to get the judge disqualified and the order set aside or what, you gonna wait outside his home and murder him in cold blood?.  The ruling was an outrage to justice meaning justice was served.  I know; I was there, and I know the truth as always, thats the biggest lie you can tell about what happened and why.
It's Day 321 for Lawless America...The Movie and you are just as close to having a movie as you were on day 1.
A significant number of people are scheduled to be filmed in Sevierville, Knoxville, Jackson, and Memphis over the next few days, and I will be visiting four prisons to film stories fingers crossed that one gives you an extended stay.
Can you even believe that the State of Tennessee Prison System has decided it will not allow me into any of the prisons to film hell yeah I can?  I'm told it's for security reasons why would they want a domestic terrorist doing that?.  But others get to film inside thats because they play by the rules and ask for clearance like a year in advance.  It's clear to me that it's for the purpose of concealing as much as they can about the horrile INjustice in the state of Tennessee or its a prison, and they don't want some crazy perverted old man in their filming for his youtube clips.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Schied is Getting Fed Up with Leftover Pie

While Bill continues to complain about his toothache, the others, especially in Michigan, are growing tired of the never ending personal drama.  As Bill slowly resumes his youtube tour, David Schied  wants him to focus on the upcoming grand jury stunt.  For Bill, the idea is just a crazy stunt done to keep the focus on him and his every day tribulations, just like the fake movie.  For David and others, they really mean it as something they think can give them the desired results they are after.

For Schied, this isn't just a never-ending trip into complete narcissism   He really wants to "take his country back".  He is not playing games and from his latest post, he is getting tired of the pie as well, its time for the main course.

"We had our first formal Michigan state meeting last weekend. We were hoping that you would be on the Michigan LLA call Sunday to hear about our taping in the Grand Rapids public access studio. I hope that you feel better and can find the time to call me sometime, Bill. I sent you the template for forwarding to the nation on the letter-writing to U.S. Attorneys in demand for access to the federal special grand juries, but have not seen you pass it on. Are we still on for the national campaign deadline of June 1st for issuing these letters? You have my email and phone contacts. I will appreciate hearing from you soon."

If Bill thinks Allie is a threat, wait till he see's what Schied can do.  David can, and will take over Lawless America and put old man Bill out to pasture for good.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Only Time for Just a Moment of Silence

With his marriage and last remaining connection to his family about to walk out the door forever, all Bill can muster is one day of silence.  "Due to the news that I have lost my family, I postponed today's scheduled filming until April 30, 2013."  No rushing back home to try and salvage his marriage of 44 years to the woman he promised to be with 'till death, no "lets work this out, I can change, give me another chance".

Nope, none of that, just a simple "I had to delay my youtube filming for a day, while I threw myself a pity party."  But don't worry, he won't wallow in his grief for long as it's back on the road today as he gets back to his bread and butter:  a lonely, perverted old man driving around the country and filming people to upload to his own personal youtube channel.  Yes, this is how he takes his country back.  Lawless America, and its support of terrorism and murder is back on the road and won't be deterred.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Barbara Windsor Finally Steps Away From the Pie

She put in a admirable 44 years, but it was finally time to pull the plug on Bill, as Barbara has filed for divorce.  Extricating herself from his Maid of the Mist lawsuit was the final hurdle for her to finally unburden herself of the monster the world has come to know as Bill Windsor.  Bill can now officially add husband to his long list of failures.

In a long winded and highly delusional rant (even for him) by Bill, he blames his failures on his "haters", particularly Sean Boushie and Allie Overstreet.  He claimed she filed because she was in fear from these people.  But then in the same breath he turns around and mentions that he had been given an ultimatum to either choose his real family, or his fake one.  He choose his crumbling Lawless America, but still somehow blames everyone else for his decision. 

For all his fascination with founding fathers rolling over in their graves, there is little to no doubt that his father Walter would be grieved beyond words if he could see the miserable waste of flesh his first born has become.  

Lookout 501 c 3 as Bill now needs a new entity to hide and funnel his assets through.  His newly purchased RV "The Fugitive"  seems poised to become his new home as he indicates he will leave Georgia.   He tries to play the victim role as if he his sacrificing everything for this made up cause he created.  He says he will go after John Does 1-1000 because, as he says, he has nothing left to lose.  But many will be watching this divorce settlement to see exactly what Bill Windsor has left to lose.

Bill says that his wife ended the marriage because "she is so totally afraid of these sick people".  I think there is some truth in that as she is afraid of one sick person in particular.  And this also raises another question.  How is everything in her name?  It seems like every single monetary decision, even related to Lawless America, has to come through her.  Has Bill been ruled mentally unable to handle his estate?  One thing we see from him is that he always accuses everyone else of what he is doing like pathological liars, stalkers, bullies, and of course mentally sick.  We may find out the answer to some of this as, what could become, a very messy divorce case takes shape.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Lawless America Officially Endorses Murder

Just as I predicted the other day, Bill rides in to Sevierville in support of vigilante justice in the form of cold blooded murder.  He described the convicted killer as a "sweet 69-year-old".  He also left his million dollar home in Marietta Georgia to come up there and declare which officials were correct and which ones were corrupt including the defendant's own counsel.

Even though he calls for the complete abolishment of the CPS, he bases his entire argument on the findings of CPS in this particular case.  And as I said last time, that no longer is the issue anyway, the issue now is taking the law into your own hands.

Jimmy Robinson had a hearing yesterday to ask for a re-trial.  Even though he admitted to the murder and accepted the plea deal, he now feels he was wronged by the system and deserves a second chance.  He can count on the domestic terrorist group Lawless America and Bill Windsor for support in that endeavor.  But fortunately justice prevailed and he was denied a new trial.

So where are you David Schied?  Trish?  Judge Snooty?  Julia Fletcher?  PMA?  Naomi whatever your last name is this week?  I don't see anyone speaking out against this therefore you are in support of murder along with paper terrorism.  Silence is complicity.

"Lawless America spent April 26, 2013 at the Sevier County Courthouse for the hearing on a new trial for Jimmie Robinson. Bill Windsor arranged in advance to film the hearing. Gee, imagine my surprise when I arrived to set up and was told a local TV station had gotten permission instead of me. Then imagine my surprise when there was no TV station. I believe this corrupt courthouse didn't want to be exposed on film. I was allowed to take still photos. This is a long story, but sweet 69-year-old Jimmie Robinson was denied a new trial. Another TRAVESTY of the so-called justice system. Jimmie Robinson's attorney, Mr. Poston, was incompetent, in my opinion. He was most certainly ineffective, and that was the criteria by which Jimmie should have been given a new trial. Mr. Poston pressured Jimmie into accepting a 17 1/2 year prison sentence at the age of 67 -- what amounts to a life sentence. Jimmie was not told about possible defenses. Mr. Poston wanted his family to lie and claim daughter Wendi did it. He never interviewed a single witness. He lied on the witness stand today claiming he was told that the CPS worker who knew the biological father was a pedophile and more was not credible as she was fired and was a criminal -- none of which was true. Poston sat at the attorney's table with the prosecuting attorney! When Judge Richard Vance gave his opinion, he sang the praises of Poston. I believe Judge Richard Vance is a corrupt judge. This was an outrage. If "the system" had worked properly, this crime would have never happened. The biological father would be in prison for sexual abuse of his little boy. When it was clear that the Sevier County Courts were going to allow the pedophile to get unrestricted access to his victim, Jimmie snapped. He shot the biological father to protect his grandson. Jimmie was denied a jury trial. Poston indicated that the little boy (age 6) didn't matter. It was obvious to me that he didn't matter to Judge Richard Vance. Absolutely sickening."