Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Presley Dauben Continues to Publicly Slander Her Half-Sister

While her old Fraudster in Chief is in jail and awaiting his next trial, her new one Bill Windsor is alive and active again.  Presley posted this on the Lawless facebook page

Presley says (and I'm editing out the child's name because unlike Presley I care about this poor girls future):
"Presley and minor child are survivors of their own father's abuse.  They are standing strong and speaking out about the truth.  They are a pillar of strength for the next generations youth.  Break the silence of the Amador court ordered sexual abuse."  then she links he illegal website and they have a pic of her and her half sister.

Here is the problem, her half sister isn't making those claims or standing up against them.  In fact its the exact opposite, the child has testified in court that her dad has not abused her and that she loves him.  This is what I cant stand about Joey and now Presley.  Yes, they are both unemployed losers in life, but way beyond that, they spend most of their life hurting other people with their online words.  You want to be a loser, fine go be one, my taxes will have to pick up your bill.  But don't take your vile hate and put it on other innocent victims simply because you want the world to listen to you.  Joey, most likely, sexually abused a boy.  Presley is going much farther than that in my opinion as she continues to psychologically scar this poor girl day in and day out.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Bill Windsor Reemerges from his Undisclosed Location

The Daubenistas new messiah, Bill "is that pie" Windsor has decided to come out of his self imposed exile, coincidently being the same week that was Thanksgiving.  He has emerged unharmed, refreshed, rejuvenated and carrying several more pounds on him.  

Bill has now announced that the March of the Lemmings is scheduled for Feb. 4-6 where he and his followers will hand their representatives a packet and say "here, can you throw this away for me?"  They will then invite any congressman or media person to their own private showing of their movie which will be about 8 hours worth of 3 minute testimonies of people all across America who didn't like the ruling they got in court.

This is going to be a fun train wreck to watch.  Bill knows he has to figure out something as he continues to amass a large group of nut-cases who expect him to lead them to the promise land.  Poor Bill, this started out as a simple con to get pie, but now he is stuck with a roving heard of angry people.  How much longer can he keep them from figuring out he is just a huckster?  What other tricks will he have up his sleeve after this Mr. Smith goes to Washington bit?

Joey Dauben's Navarro Trail, a Look Ahead

In some ways, things couldn't have gone worse for Joey.  At first it looked so promising, he had a mystery woman from New York come down and make his bail, but Joey couldn't control himself and ended up violating his bond.  His attorney gets the Navarro case delayed to the point where the Ellis County case ends up going first.  His new felony conviction gets him a double punch from Navarro, the first being that his Navarro bond (the one the mystery woman paid for) is revoked because he has been convicted of a felony, and the second is that if he is convicted in the Navarro case his sentence will no doubt be more stiff as he is already a convicted felon.

So lets look at the case.  Who knows what really happened 4 years ago, its possible Joey got caught in the perfect storm.  But its also possible he really did do it.  Either way, he has to be able to give the jury reasonable doubt that he didn't do it.  How is he going to do this?  So far the main attack that has come from team Joey including Daddy, is that the kid is a foster home kid and has a history of making those allegations. Now if this kid really did accuse others to the point of charges being brought and then found false, then he really might have something here.  But immediately after Joey's arrest, he had Brandy post on the ECO his own prebuttal to the charges.  Joey posted the kids name and left a long chat history of his sessions with the boy.  The parts Joey wanted us to look at were related to the boy saying he might accuse this other guy who was with Joey at the Navarro camp, of the same thing.  That may be something but late night online chat session is a far cry from actual charges.

On the other side, the DA is going to ask why he was still chatting with this boy and why did the have such an interesting friendship.  The DA is also going to trot in as much as 20 witnesses that were at the camp that can attest to Joey and the boy being alone on several occasions as well as having a special relationship between the two.  Then you bring in the boy who I'm assuming is going to give a pretty detailed account of what happened and I think the jury is going to be leaning his way.  I know the burden of proof is on the prosecution but I think they are going to make a strong enough case that the ball is going to be kicked back into Joey's court and its going to be up to him to prove he didn't do it.

Monday, November 26, 2012

David Webb's Biased Coverage of Joey Dauben, a Systematic Review

David Webb, who has now added "asshole" to his list of insults to readers of this site, says his coverage of Joey has been fair and professional, while I say he was biased.  Well lets don't just take my word for it, lets take his as we review all that he wrote about this in a chronological order.

The Beginning
The connection between Joey and David emerged before Joey was jailed.

So over at the Dallas Voice, David latches on to this story that Joey had been after for a while, going after the mayor of the barely a community Seven Points for hiring his partner to a police position.  They take down the mayor and then Joey appears to become David's main source for news in his next article.

David uses emails from tea party members to Joey to form the basis of this story which became a non-story as it never amounted to anything.  What we can clearly see emerging here is a little cabal where Joey goes out and makes the news while his buddy David runs the story under the guise of a legitimate news outlet.  Joey's entire adult life has been dedicated to forming these kinds of unholy alliances so there is no doubt about his intentions on this, one can only speculate as to if David really knew what he was getting himself into here.

The Arrest
After enjoying some moderate success with his first two stories with Joey, David then see's Joey arrested on the horrific charges of child molestation.  He was no doubt in shock as he didn't even cover the original arrest.  Not until after he had some time to go over everything with Joey did he decide to put his foot back into the Joey mess with this story:  This is where David decides to start drinking the conspiracy kool aid:

Now again keep in mind that the Daily Light reported that the reason Joey didn't have a public defender was because he never signed the form, something David was unable to find in his "investigation".  Instead, David tries to twist a conversation he has with the court coordinator into some kind of sinister conspiracy to keep Joey from representation.
"Melissa Butler, court coordinator for Judge Lagomarsino, said today that Dauben has been appointed an attorney. “I don’t know who you heard that from, but he has been appointed an attorney,” she said. When asked when the appointment occurred, she admitted that it had just been done Monday. She noted the request had just been filed recently. When advised that Dauben claimed he had filled one out in December, she had no explanation for why it had not been received by the judge. “It did not make it to District Court,” Bulter said. “I don’t know who he filled it out with, but the judge didn’t see it until yesterday.”
Butler said Corsicana attorney Steve Keathley had been appointed to his case, but a call to the attorney’s office revealed yet another surprise. At first, a member of Keathley’s staff said the attorney had refused the appointment. When asked for details, she revised her statement to say the appointment was never received. Finally, she transferred the call to another member of Keathley’s staff who said, “You’ll have to call the court. We decided we couldn’t handle the case” and quickly hung up when asked for her identity.
A follow-up call to the judge’s office failed to get anyone to answer the phone. A message left on voice mail has so far not been returned."
That story, the wording, the way he slants the answers and the lack of full evidence would lead the average reader to believe that Joey was a victim here of official oppression.  The rest of the article is a puff piece sounding like Joey wrote it himself.
Then we have this article:
Its pretty fair in its coverage but the headline is meant to sway.  
Then we get this story/non-story:
Here, Joey is going after the Justice of the Peace in Navarro for her threatening to throw away the key if inmates keep requesting a court appointed attorney.  This if a feeder article into the original one of Joey not being granted a court appointed attorney.  The conspiracy runs even deeper, again this entire article is fed solely on the words of Joey to David.
Then we get this article:
Another interesting headline, but the content of the story is astounding.  David still can't seem to comprehend that Joey is just a blogger and even though its clearly spelled out by the State in the charges against him, David doesn't even mention that fact.  Instead, he continues his conspiracy agenda.
"The case is odd because journalists charged with crimes in connection with their reports usually are working in foreign countries, not within U.S. boundaries. Civil lawsuits typically are the route disgruntled subjects of media reports take when they seek remedies, but in Dauben’s case the Red Oak Police Department filed criminal charges."
Whats really odd is how someone with his credentials failed to do even a basic investigation of what Joey was being charged with and why.  At no point in time, throughout this entire article did David get any other information other than what came from Joey either in the form of a letter he received or in quotes.  He, once again, let Joey write the article for him.
Here we have another story written straight out of team Joey.  Nothing from Wilson, Carroll, or the officers that did the investigation.  No reference to the incitement charges, just Joey talking about them criminalizing a civil case.
Then David gets subpeanoed in the Navarro case for being Joey's mouth piece.
Its at this point that Webb is no longer working for the Dallas Voice and we must follow his remaining coverage at just his blog The Rare Reporter.
David and Joey started a little media alliance where Joey could filter all the news he creates into a controlled media outlet in David.  Then Joey is arrested and eventually David signs on to become his mouthpiece for him while he is in jail.  David ignores all of his journalistic standards and begins writing the narrative that there is a conspiracy against Joey by the powers that be both in Ellis and Navarro Counties.  This is especially evident in his lack of reporting from the other side on those charges.  David's bias gets him canned at the Dallas Voice and now he has to finish his career trying to make something out of being a blogger.  I really wouldn't have seen this connection if David hadn't been so insistent on us looking into his connections with Joey.  They were always out there as clear as day, I just guess with everything else going on we didn't bother to check but thanks to David we now can see it.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

David Webb Continues to Beclown Himself, Threaten's to Shut Down the New Blog

I'm continually amazed at just how intellectually vapid Webb really is. He continues to bludgeon everyone over the head with his credentials because its almost at this point like a "I have this degree despite what you are about to read from me".

Last night he continued his staunch defense of Joey and all out assault on me and those that post on this blog. He took offense at anything and everything while playing the victim card profusely. He continues to defend Joey Dauben and still will not admit that he committed a felony only saying Joey "exercised poor judgment, failed to observe the ethics and and professional standards of journalism." He is now trying to defend Joey over at the site by saying "Anyone who puts a blog up on the Internet is legally a publisher. Why weren't there complaints about the terminology when he was arrested."

The poor guy, like Joey, can't seem to stay with one coherent thought and must resort to name calling and threats once his views are shown to be unsupportable. Last night, as he failed to understand a 2nd grade exercise of similar and dissimilar, I made the observation of: "have you ever heard the expression "don't bring a knife to a gun fight"?" To which he responds with: "This is just more bullshit and defamation. Was that a threat Ginger Sap? Are you planning on bringing a gun somewhere near me to settle an argument?" And "Well, I think I'll let you explain that to the police. You have been attacking me for days, and I think it's a good idea at this time to make sure you aren't planning something more sinister than verbal abuse." Hmmmm, I think the mystery of why did the old site get shut down in the middle of the night due to hate speech is solved.