David Webb is the Joey apologists that stuck by Joey's side all the way to the end. Yes he did cover the trial itself in a balanced manner but leading up to it, he acted as the mouthpiece for Joey as his stories always reflected the Joey Dauben slant. He even went along with the Joey/Presley "we are about to get married" lie and watched it blow up in his face as she didn't even bother staying for the trial. Anyway, he makes a few good observations, but on the whole he still doesn't understand who Joey Dauben is.
David's opening statement says it all: "After sitting through a surreal, six-day child sexual assault trial recently I came away with the knowledge that the least likely of people can fall victim to disaster if they are foolish enough to consume alcohol with a minor who legally cannot give consent to sexually activity."
-least likely? fall victim? Its alcohol's fault?
"It seemed impossible that the youthful, charming Dauben who came from a humble background and seemed so driven to be someone someday could succumb to a fate so sinister that it would destroy his life."
-humble is an understatement. Why was this impossible?
"To the best of my knowledge Dauben was straight, but apparently anything can happen late at night when two people are drinking alcohol alone."
"It didn’t matter that the teenager, now 20, testified he willingly participated in the sexual activity, and that he came from a broken, troubled home that probably contributed to him being alone late at night drinking with an adult 12 years older than him"
-ummmm, what a horrible statement. If we are to believe the victim's testimony I would not go as far as say he "willingly participated", I would say the boy wanted out of there but he just didn't say no loud enough to stop Joey. At no point in time did I hear anything that sounded like the boy wanted this. What the hell does the broken home have to do with him being alone that night? IT WAS A CHURCH CAMP!!!!! It was the responsibly of the organizers to oversee the boys that night, not the parents.
"The Texas youth did not make an “outcry” about the sexual contact with Dauben until the summer of 2008, a year after it happened, when he told a friend, who told a pastor, who told the youth’s father."
-yeah but he did tell someone shortly after the event, and actually this is fairly common in most rape cases that the victim, especially a young boy who had a hard time understanding what happened,, would be scared to come forward.
"Another peculiar element of the saga emerged when I learned a sizable number of people had complained that the blogger unfairly and unjustly accused them of sexual assault and other crimes and improprieties. A group of people went so far as to start a blog where they could support each other and vent their rage about Dauben’s outrageous reporting."
I and I alone started this blog and I have never been accused by Joey Dauben of anything, much less sexual assault Can you get anything right David, I mean anything?
"When Dauben took the stand against his lawyer’s advice, the jury obviously saw a deeply troubled man who might be suffering from paranoid delusions and denial. He repeatedly broke down and cried on the stand. It was unclear whether Dauben’s mental problems began prior to the crime he committed six years ago or if they began later, slowly festering afterwards as fear enveloped him about the crime."
-Ahh, finally a sentence we can all agree with
"It’s hard to make sense of Dauben’s relentless, reckless pursuit of villains unless his fear about being discovered led him to it in an effort to divert suspicion from himself. In turn, the subjects of his reports and others in the community probably became fearful of him, leading to complaints to law enforcement authorities and the Ellis County charges. It became a vicious cycle that eventually ensnared Dauben."
-the first sentence is true, the second has no evidence to support that claim.
"Some of the last words Dauben said to me in the courtroom before the bailiff led him off in handcuffs were, “I’m going to take responsibility for this.”
-Joey has no idea what the world responsible means, so how can he take it?