Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Why Won't My Phone Ring?

After spending the last few days waiting by the phone for someone....anyone to answer his request to be recognized while fantasizing about glory holes, Bill has finally decided to make up his own terms and declare victory.  Yes thats turns out the whole purpose of Lawless America was to get Sean Boushie to stop emailing bill.

Has Sean Boushie been silenced for now?  no, not at all it seems
I think Sean Boushie is really running scared now it doesn't seem so but when was the last time you did some running?.  I believe he knows that he could be arrested any moment by either Ravalli County Sheriff’s Deputies, the University of Montana Police, or the Missoula Police I guess you can believe whatever you want, its never stopped you before.
Gee, for the first time in 18 months, I’m not getting emails from him well then someone needs to do a wellness check on a Crystal Cox.
I bet he is shaking in his little boots. but, but said you didn't bet any more, unless you come across a casino
According to our web logs "our"?  me myself and I?, he has been hitting this website once an hour all night tonight.  Eight visits. thats not even half as many as you do on this site
Can you imagine the conversation between his wife, Wynette Boushie, and him after they were both served with subpoenas to produce documents and give depositions? yes I can..."honey, we won't need toilet paper for the next few months"  “Hey Sean, what’s all this about you threatening to kill this man?”  “Does he really have Herpes and Syphilis? ask the escort services  How do you know that?”  “You didn’t make up Facebook pages for his deceased parents, did you?” nope  “It says here that you shot at him on I-90; is that true?” no...I shot at I-90 and he got in the way  “Did you really email him using as the email address?” yes, I use that email for spam only “What’s this about glory holes? Bill is obsessed with them  Have you been to places like that?” Bill wants an invite 
I believe at least one of these law enforcement agencies will arrest him. I believe I can fly My money you are out of money remember? is on the Missoula Police Department.
I don’t think they have Glory Holes in prison. hopefully you will get to answer that question personally in the near future. 


  1. Maybe he'll pack up the klown kar and go home now.

    Ah, the sweet smell of victory.

  2. Anita was talking about ringing her telephone right? Telephone, glory.... all the same to Bill.

  3. Isn't he entitled to check the website that bears his name?

    More right than the cyber-squatter who registered it, I'd say.

  4. Or maybe he will. stay and. harras Tiny for the rest of his lonely life. Bill get some help as in Head Doctor.

  5. Probably the craziest part is he doesn't realize that the beauty of prison is you don't need to bother with Glory Holes!

  6. I understand the mayor is giving him the key to the city and the Chamber of Commerce is giving him a plaque for all the great things he keeps saying about the local officials.

  7. LMAO @ " someone needs to do a wellness check on a Crystal Cox."

    Does he really think that people bought that crap? All the convenient fake emails just at the right times, and now nothing, so he can write that Tiny is scared? LOL that is just too funny. Now of course, he/they will probably overcompensate.

    Wonder how the filming is going at the University today. He advertised SOOOOOOO much for it, it would be sad if no one showed up. Oh, wait, he was going to go to the courthouse and stand there if he didn't hear from them by high noon. Oh, decisions, decisions, film no one, or wait for no court documents?

  8. Wow a fat man thinking he has cancer because he supposedly lost a few pounds. A psychologist might point to hypochondria, malingering, or even bipolar and/or binging and purging on carbs, and going long hours without eating as we have seen him do. More likely diabetes because he's blown his own pancreas. And if he's binging and purging on drugs or alcohol, that will affect this too. He claimed to the court not that he is a cancer survivor requiring careful checkups and preventative care, but as a man in excellent health. And now he wants us to believe that he is willing to miss these appointments and schedule with any old doctor, rather than the best his money can buy and someone who knows his own chart. So he's neglecting his health and we are supposed to care? Body wide swelling is a sign of potential and serious illness, and it is normal for elderly to lose weight, especially with illness. I do not have my certification yet, but I would strongly recommend he visit a doctor and get a full blood panel to include cholesterol,liver and kidney function.

    1. Where did you read this about cancer

    2. He's said it a few places. His FB has a few posts, but this one is on the Sean hate site.

      "It’s 9:30 pm on August 8, 2013, and I am alive and well. I do need to get to a dermatologist soon as I have two spots on my face that are troubling. I had malignant skin cancer removed a few years ago, so I’m supposed to play it safe. Unfortunately, my travel schedule had me miss all of my regular check-ups over the last year."

    3. This coming just a few days after he claimed he was in perfect health and that if he died in his it was Tiny's fault.

  9. I honestly would prefer if he made an appointment with a mortician.

    1. I think he did. As we anything, he cant commit.

    2. Stiff business. People are dying to see them.

    3. Yeah. We all should meet someday. Reminisce about "the summer of '13", when he self destructed.

    4. No NO!!!!! Death is way too merciful and easy. I don't want to see him dead. I want to see him have to live with what the universe will inevitably give back to him. Mental institution, nursing home, jail....those would all be much better than death.
      Think of all the fan mail we could write.

    5. and he wouldn't be allowed to write back or respond in any way!!!!!!!!!!

    6. I want him locked up in a cell with his hands cuffed behind his back so he can't put them over his head as he is forced to listen to his followers come to the cell and slowly go through each of their cases one by one

    7. +1

      *Handcuffs* (not the pink fuzzy ones)

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. Prisons overcrowded? It's all good. I hear there's plenty of room on Alcatraz Island.

    10. My fantasy punishment for Booby is that he suffers a speech paralyzing stroke also paralyzing half his body so he's stuck in a chair, and his wife, who's been sleeping with Sean Boushie this whole time, takes over full power of attorney and sticks him in the dirtiest, roach infested, poop smelling, shithole nursing home she can find and nobody cares. Of course the staff in this facility are all underpaid and extremely bitter and abuse and neglect the ones that have no one checking on them. The overnight CNA is one of the john does. At first, she doesn't recognize him, but when she does, you can SEE the revenge she's plotting in her eyes. One night, Booby makes a huge poopy in his diaper, and with his good hand, pushes the button for his call light. Nurse Doe pops in. "What can I do for you Mr winds......OH MY GOODNESS! Somebody needs to be changed!" Thinking he's going to be cleaned up and relieved from the horrible feeling in his diaper, Booby tries to smile at nurse Doe but can only use half his face so it looks like a glare. "DON'T YOU GIVE ME THAT LOOK MISTER POOPY PANTS! YOU SHOULD LEARN TO USE THE BATHROOM!" Then she pulls out the camcorder she had hidden in his room. " Mr Poopy pants, I'm making a feature length documentary on vexatious litigant stalkers that end up in nursing homes. It will be shown at Sundance, Netflix, and......."
      Booby realized who nurse Doe was and panicked. "CEASE AND DESIST ALL LIES OVERSTREET!" But it came out as unintelligible garble. Nurse Overstreet, throws her head back and laughs hysterically. Boobys eyes bulge in terror. Then she brings out the other suprise she had hidden just for him. Pie. Special pie. Made from scratch with ingredients found right there in the nursing home. All natural, made by the other residents. Poopy pie.........

      Yes guys, I apparently have too much time on my hands. Lol.
      Ya gotta admit though, it was a pretty rad story.


    my email exchange

    1. This is why I savored his last video I knew he would piss out. He builds you up to this thrilling bullshit and leaves you hanging like a bad glory hole.

      At least I'm giggle snorting at SF's video. I didn't know he C&D'd you.

    2. I'd love to see a Bitlerized version of the Sarah Palin campaign interviews. Press:"So Mr. Windsor if you were president how would you balance the budget?" Bill: "Beats me, I run porn sites and I'm still homeless. Let's sue Putin because he called us names." Press: "What do you read Mr. Windsor?" "I stay up all night cyberstalking." Press: "You do what??!!" Bill: "That was gotcha journalism, see you in court!"

    3. That's too funny. I like how Bill has an opinion about EVERYTHING he's read that Sean's written. And where would Bill exposed to anything Sean writes? LMAO at that thought.

      I guess all Bill's plans and that stuff he said sounded pretty good in his head. On play back from somebody else it all sounds a little crazy, eh?

    4. It sounds like he is suffering from Oldtimers (Alzheimer's) or something. Can't seem to even remember what he said yesterday that he would be doing today, let alone last year.

    5. Oh dear. Look at the names of the commenters in that.

    6. I must say that was one of your more cogent pieces, Sean.

    7. ...and that means a lot, since I generally don't like you!

    8. video has been removed.....dag nab it! Thumbody summarize please.

  11. LOL, so did you send him the link to his own video Sean ???

    Bill loves to talk, and ramble, and forgets that he does indeed say these crazy ass things. And because he litters the internet with his blogs and video spam, it's still out there.

    I guess he's just forgotten there are people who pay attention and remember.

    Billy boy lost that round big time...

  12. I just want yall to see it once. I have it back down because........... I am saving it for a later time. You'll see

    1. I don't get it, are you scared of Bill?

  13. I never saw it....ugh

  14. Does that JoP know that his plan is treason and death penalty for him?

  15. Agent Tiny. What is your report?

  16. Agent 30/06 reporting for duty.

    Same report as always. Bitler is a liar and a koward. Still driving around looking for the transvestite escort service I guess.

    1. Why didn't the University arrest him today?

    2. Rule #1.... He lies,

      He wasn't there. Se are working on his legit arrest though. I'd run if I were you bitler....

    3. 30/06. I like that.

  17. Hey SCUMBALL over here!!!!!!! While you're "driving past a homeless guy a dozen times a day", did you ever stop to talk to him? Feed him? Ask him how his day is?

    You're whiney ass stalking bullshit and vexatious crap is beyond selfish. If there's ever been a perfect specimen for a sociopath WILLIAM M WINDSOR is the perfect candidate!

    For those who have a heart, watch this, please tell me why Windsor is SOOOOOOOOOO coldblooded he stops long enough to take a picture of homeless people BUT won't go out of his way to lend a helping hand!!

    I know there's a special place in hell for you Windsor! Guaranteed!

    or non-FB people, link here:

    1. Sorry, this is the same youtube as facebook link above:

    2. If he were really homeless and broke then he would not make fun of people just like him. He's not homeless and he's not broke, just a liar hiding his assets like he's always done. And for all of you supporters lurking here, (David) THIS is what Billy really thinks of you. He despises you because you are not rich, but he is still lazy and greedy enough to steal from you. And make fun of you for being homeless while he uses your donations to sleep in luxury suites.

    3. Just so you know..David schied isn't homeless... its his x-wife that is homeless.

    4. Ya, because Shied, is a piece of Sheidt, and isn't any kind of man or father. scum of the earth that gives men a bad name. Small in stature, and even smaller in character.

    5. I was talking about BW.

  18. Here's the picture that Windsor published tonight along with his comment.


    Bill Windsor changed his cover photo.
    about an hour ago

    The sign is funny. I don't know if it works. I've driven by his corner at least a dozen times, and I've never seen him do anything but write in his book. My mother-in-law was fantastic, but folks love to talk about mother-in-law problems. — with Lawless America - Bill Windsor in Missoula, MT.

    Funny? His sign is funny? And then you make it all about you and your mother-in-law who no doubt hates you to the very core for all the pain you've caused her daughter and HER grandbabies! IF THERE'S A HELL, YOU WILL DEFINITELY SUCCEED IN TAKING OVER SATAN'S JOB!

  19. I doubt many here have experienced homelessness, or it's causes. There are many, not the least of which could be mental health issues.

    So many people do not realize how close they are to the edge. A job loss, or domestic violence, or many other sudden problems can land anyone there.

    It is so hard to escape from once you are on the streets. Be kind, and reach out, and do something as often as you can for those who are truly in a bad place like being homeless.

    It is a truly scary and hard place to be. I know.

    Someone as deluded and evil and self serving and self absorbed and twisted as Bill Windsor will never do what is right, Hell he doesn't even understand what he did wrong when he posted that picture and admitted to seeing this man at least a dozen times.

    The money he wasted on copying his bullshit could have given this man or someone else the help they needed to get back into a place where he could have a home and a normal life again.

    Bill Windsor is a waste of skin and a miserable excuse for a human.

    1. I tend to spew my disgust from the heart without thinking, but you take the time to use your head. You've always been the "good angel" on my shoulders Oceans, a class act! <3

    2. we make an awesome team girl!! <3 back at you...

    3. Yaps don't let him get to you. Oceans is right you have n awesome heart. I can attest to that. Little update to give you. The one (not bill lol - you know who I am talking about) has been arrested yet again. Twice in three and a half months. Same charge. Higher bond. One day they will figure it out. I am just taking care of the munchkin. All I can do. It will all fall in place. Oh, and I met a wonderful lady who has a knack for finding moms similar to me and i am trying to reach out to each of them. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. I still try. Hugs yaps!

    4. In the 1980's the number one cause for homelessness was mental illness, and this was due in part to the changing laws that prevented people from being locked away in asylums without due cause. If anyone should appreciate that, it should be Windsor. Theses days, the homeless is largely made up of families and children. Homeless runaways are often gay children thrown out by Christian parents. Bill is not sleeping on the street or in a shelter and he's not protesting against wall street. He is neither homeless nor a leader for government reform.

      His name is William M Windsor. He has driven around the US, begging for money. Now he is in Missoula, begging for the media to give him free press, to help bring more attention to him, his lies, and his con, via money/donations to fund the lies.

      Yes folks this is the most clever beggar around. Has managed to swindle not only cash, but an RV too. Although there is no non-profit, no movie, no proposed t.v. show, those are just the lures. He's such a pro, he doesn't use a cardboard sign, it's a wrap on a jeep, shirts, hats, and websites for this beggar! Also an internet pan handler, numerous way to beg for money!! Driving from town to town, not staying long enough in one spot to get caught. Now that is a pro!

    6. @Ninja! a perfect description~

    7. Agreed, Bravo!

  20. “Human trafficking is a worldwide epidemic that must be fought and eradicated on every level, from the suppliers on down. Because of Atlanta’s location, airport and infrastructure, the FBI identified it as one of the top sex trafficking hubs in the United States,” Gingrey said.

    "We are seeing that this is becoming more prevalent. When we find prostitution in Roswell, it usually is associated with an apartment complex or the [residential hotels]. They will set up in those types of locations and operate with cell phones," said Police Chief Edwin Williams

  21. Wonder when this "Piemageddon" will turn into "Karmageddon". Hopefully very soon!

  22. Just some fun tidbits about Bill's partner in Montana stalking & harassing crimes:

    "Spiritual Readings, Spiritual Counseling by Reverend Crystal Cox"

    "Alternative Medicine Counseling by Alternative Medicine Advisor / Consultant Crystal L. Cox"

    "Real Estate Reputation Management Services by Real Estate Consultant, Broker Crystal L. Cox."

    Those are just fun little extras on top of her Journalist, blogger, domain squatter/hoarder/extortionist, whistleblowjob, etc hobby.

    1. What a fricken hypocrite. There is nothing about "Light and Love" with what she is doing. No wonder her life is spinning and spiraling out of control. No one, who supports true healings of spiritual nature, works on hate and vengeance. All her websites, attacks on people, manipulative and hate spewing, is the exact opposite of what is taught.

      She will reap her karma. How disgusting! TROLL

  23. How's the depo going, Tiny?

    Did all those documents fit in the truck, or did you have to make multiple trips?

    1. Lol, nope..... Never made it to my truck. As usual, he's lying.

    2. Awe. Would have been a great opportunity to lob a pie at him!

  24. Wow. Not even an update to

    This party is petering out.

  25. OK all... your opinion here...

    Bitler just posted this:"

    Judge John Larson has issued an order requiring Sean Boushie to respond to my petition for a protective order by August 27, 2013. Case: DV-32-2013-0000899-AM.

    I assume he will not. When that happens, I expect the Judge to grant my petition.

    I'll post the order later once I receive the hard copy --"

    Judge John Larson, is a district court Judge, I have no problem responding, he dosent qualify for an order. How does the below order not apply? Its a district court... Discuss...

    By Order of this Court of July 15, 2011, Plaintiff was permanently enjoined from
    filing any complaint or initiating any proceeding, including any new lawsuit or
    administrative proceeding, in any court (state or federal) or agency in the United States
    without his first obtaining leave of a federal district court in the district in which the new
    complaint or proceeding is to be filed.

    1. I just read the hard copy. It looks like the judge just gave him an official piece of paper to go away. It doesn't speak to "reviewing any evidence", alluding that some event may have happened that requires the possibility of even considering a protection order may be warranted if a bunch of hypothetical cosmic occurrences happen to collide.

      Get my rambling drift?

    2. The 7/15/11 order is relative to civil complaints and proceedings. A protective order is a criminal matter. Bill is entitled to the same protection under the law as everyone else with regard to threats, harassment, stalking, etc.

    3. I think it's time for a true piemegeddon and get a couple of stalking claims for you and your wife.

      His obsession is stalking and it's involving your wife.

    4. @ Anon 1:56 nowhere does that order specify it is just for civil complaints. Is says "any". Since Windsor tried to also get PO's against the Judges in that case, it blankets that as well.

      Tiny, perhaps you should sent that order to the Judge, and let him interpret it for himself.

    5. That's not a bad idea. He might want to rescind it if he knew about previous orders.

    6. Plead the 5th. Show up to court, and when the judge asks why you didn't answer, respectfully read every word of every one of his filings, filibuster style.

    7. And as he is a VL, and his prior bad acts can be used to show he is abusing the court system, that would include reading every other court case. Only fair if he's going to illegally play a lawyer to other people to strengthen his non-case.

    8. Do you people really believe that Bill is fair game and has no recourse for complaint for any crime committed against him based on Judge Thrash's order? If so, quit screwing around with harassing and threatening him via e-mails, just go take his wallet and his Jeep.

    9. OMG really Anon 5:28, or is that Snoozan? No "crimes" have been committed against Windsor. If you really think that, you are as delusional as he is. The fact that Windsor has abused the court system by filing frivolous and vexatious complaints for the same exact shit he is trying here in MT is the exact reason he was ordered to obtain leave from a higher court. He has to prove that he has merit or "Colorable" claims to file.

      Just because he says "crimes" have been committed, doesn't mean they have. He does not have an absolute "right" to file, like normal people do, because he abused that right, therefore he is deemed Vexatious, to protect innocent people, tax payers and courts from his abundance of frivolous filings.

    10. He can go away anytime he wants.

    11. @ Anon 5:51: Bill has been the victim of threats, harassment and stalking by an individual in MT, as well as a conspiracy to harass him. Bill has every right, the same rights as you or I would have, to ask for protection from that person and/or group of people.

      Just because the MT individual said he didn't do it doesn't mean he didn't. If you believe everything that person posts, I think you are the epitome of the phrase "there is a sucker born every minute". Do you believe everything you see posted on a blog without critical thinking or investigation? Are you just going along with the group to be 'cool'?

      What I don't get about some of you people is why you have to resort to name calling and hostile behavior when someone disagrees with you or your position is challenged. I'm not about to get into a belly bumping contest on the internet with somebody living in a logic vacuum, - but consider this: where is all the proof that Bill made up the e-mails himself? There have been multiple posts that it was "proven in court" Cox sent e-mails to herself. Let's start there. Where's the proof? Post it, if it was presented in court, it should be public information right? I'll bet it's more likely the Judge's ruling was based on it couldn't be determined who sent what e-mail to who. Then, let's move on to several people have posted here they have proof Bill sent e-mails to himself saying they were from the individual in MT. Post it, let's see the proof.

    12. Show us proof of a conspiracy, otherwise by your own standards you are guilty of crimes against us.

    13. The burden of proof lies with the plaintif, aka Billy. We don't gotta prove nuthin.

    14. A 3" box full of e-mails, blog and FB posts ought to be enough proof, don't ya think? Seems it was enough to get judge to order a response.

      ROFLMAO re: I have committed crimes against you. I know it's not nice to laugh at folks that, disadvantaged, but that comment will have me laughing all night.

    15. @7:21 You are correct. There is one person here who admits to severe brain disorders.

  26. What are you supposed to respond with? Self incrimination?

    I'd personally be all over responding and demonstrating how Looney this crap is.

  27. Where's the video celebrating his so called success?

  28. Gotta love living in good ole South Dakoto!
    (not a typo, read the order)

  29. Maybe this judge, like in Crystal's case, will "turn a Blind I".

  30. Wynette Boushie had a chair waiting for her, but she was a no-show at 9:00 am when she was court-ordered to appear. She didn’t even call. Not a letter or an email, nada.

    It will now be up to Judge Dennis Rolf as to the action he will take on this violation of a court-order. He could do nothing, make her pay some money, or issue a warrant for her arrest.

    So now Windsor expects Judge Rolf, a state court judge in Lafayette, Missouri, to enforce a subpoena on a woman in Missoula, Montana? That will, er, be interesting.

    (Indeed, he thinks Ms. Boushie "was court-ordered to appear"? Um, no.)

    1. LOL, he gave them a cease and desist contacting him, and still expects them to contact him... oh billy, how many times have you been dropped on your head?

      Anyone who reads is ridiculous subpoena would have trouble reading it from laughing at the insanity of what he is requesting.

      Dude basically admits he has nothing and is fishing for help to prove he was teased to the point he is skeered. LOL- oh billy, go eat some more pie...


      Don't you love when he films his own psychological sessions?

  31. Whoa! The Missouri court filing database says Ms. Overstreet's counsel, Matthew O'Connor, has removed the case (last week!) to federal court in Kansas City—that is, taken it out of the state court's hands and brought it into federal court. If Windsor is aware of this, he isn't letting on.

    I'm not sure what the grounds for removal are; O'Connor must be arguing that one of Windsor's claims is a federal-law claim. Windsor will have a chance to dispute the grounds for removal (he's opposed removal of lawsuits before, in Georgia--unsuccessfully, of course).

    One big plus about this arrangement from the perspective of us spectators is that the federal courts, unlike Missouri state courts, post all filings online (on PACER). I think I'll just nip off and see what, if anything, has been filed in the federal court....

    1. Okay! Yes, Windsor is aware of the removal. Indeed, Windsor has already filed a written objection to removal, and O'Connor has responded to that objection. Reading them now....

    2. thanks Attorney :) I appreciate your looking this stuff up for us.

    3. Well, it's interesting: Windsor objects to the removal on the grounds that (1) the "forum defendant rule" bars removal and (2) there are no grounds for subject-matter jurisdiction in the federal courts.

      The rules for removal are complicated, and frankly I don't remember them well enough off the top of my head to be able to tell whether (1) is a legitimate argument here. (2) appears clearly bogus to me: if I remember the Complaint correctly, Windsor is suing for enormous amounts of money, which would mean that diversity jurisdiction (one of the legitimate grounds for federal subject-matter jurisdiction) does apply.

    4. Yeah that's been a hush hush thing for a while, those who knew were waiting for him to post publicly but he won't because there's no good spin he can put on it.

      We knew Windsor found out sometime last week because he was crying that he may have to fly out to Missouri and Allie's lawyer being a corrupt liar.

    5. Flying out to nowhere he wanted to talk about and no reason he wanted to talk about either, and then he quickly abandoned it. Welcome back Attorney!

    6. Interesting, Anon @5:40.

      Well, I'm all in favor of removal, given that it will allow the public (i.e., us) to read filings in the case as soon as they're submitted.

      But Windsor could be right about the forum defendant rule. We'll have to see what the federal court does with his request to remand the matter back to state court.

    7. Ahahahahaha Oh this is great! So, he made up this big, huge story that there were depositions and production of documentation, and fed it to the minions, when he knew the papers were void. And, to top it off, he even goes so far as to say, he had the room and paid for the reporter? When he knew it was one. big. fat. lie? Hahahahahaha OMG this is what's Priceless Fat boy! Your endless lies. Enjoy the Pie. on. your. face!

    8. Windsor will try anything and everything to stay out of Federal court. Look at one of his comments under the MT Youtube rant.

      "lawlessamerica 5 days ago
      Rock, the federal courts REALLY hate me."

    9. Ninja the topper is this. I personally called the reporters office. Bill was a no show. He called them and said that he could not find the place. Interestingly enough my question is whether or not he knew about the federal case before he issued the subpoenas to them meaning did he serve subpoenas out to them under fraudulent means. So if he knew about the federal case before and still had them served it could be an issue.

    10. Lets recap the last few weeks of what Bill has said that did not occur;
      1. Nobody is in Jail nor him nor Boushie.
      2. No depositions were taken nobody went not even Bill.
      3. No Protection order was granted.
      4. Not a person was interviewed on campus.
      5. Claudine Dombrowski case was never filed because he would have to shell out 50,000.

      I believe that Bill has less than 50 followers now if that and the rest of the advocates have returned back to whatever it was they were doing.

    11. Well done, Sean! Also, your writing skills have vastly improved from a month ago--GOOD ON YA!

    12. If you can prove he knew about the federal court case and was noticed of it before he served SB then let me know you can e-mail me info because that is a fraud i believe.

    13. Sean,

      No...$50K not necessary for Claudine (the bond is required only if Windsor wants to sue a judge or government official).

    14. Sean:
      If you can prove he knew about the federal court case and was noticed of it before he served SB then let me know you can e-mail me info because that is a fraud i believe.

      What leads you to that conclusion, Sean? How do you define "fraud"—and where are you getting that definition from?

  32. You guys are hurting more than helping, just sayin. Try shutting up so we can stop him. Not broadcasting to the world every move from every outlet you can find. It only gives him a leg up on what to do next.

    1. You're kidding, right? "Try shutting up....?" Maybe the people trying to stop him should quit leaking information they don't want discussed on a PUBLIC blog. Just sayin.....

    2. Your statement is vague, be more specific or none of us can help can we.

    3. I didn't realize this blog had rules

    4. @ anon 6:54 Maybe the people trying to stop him should quit leaking information they don't want discussed on a PUBLIC blog.

      YEP! Some people should shut their own pie holes if it's that big of a deal!

    5. @ anon 6:54, consider it done. Now the info here can goback to 75% false rather than 50%.

    6. @ anon 7:01, News flash for you honey: 75/50% doesn't matter - some of us trust 0% of the information posted here unless it's verified through several objective sources.

    7. LOL you overvalue your importance to the blog Allie.

    8. I love anon conversations They are always the best. SMH as I LMAO!

    9. @ Sean: Ditto - it used to frustrate me but I'm LMAO too, It's like one person if off meds, having a fight with all the voices in their own head! But darn it, we never know who wins :(

    10. I have to say this, I know that The things that go on in this blog here really do not have no affect on what bill does. Yeah he reads it but bill does what he wants as he sees it. Which is very skewed. He can complain that we comment about him as much as he wants. Furthermore, I don't see how anything here is helping him at all. I would like someone to point out where something that was said here has ever made the lawsuit against one person worse. I don't see it. it is My opinion that the attorneys move to federal court is good. But, at the same time if there is no motion to dismiss soon over the facts that it is really about someone having a right to make a police report and have an opinion verse saying things then. I would also say I would think that a counter suit should be filed. Then that might kick bill into reality. Just my opinion.

    11. How is it that the Joeys (what ever that even means) are guilty before being proven innocent, but Bill is innocent even after proven guilt?

    12. Since Attorney let us know now that everything is available on PACER because it's federal then we can post all the PACER documents asap.

      It is public information after all.

    13. We are not privy to all that has been done behind the scenes and that is what she is asking us to respect.

    14. If we don't know what's going on behind the scene's how can we talk about it? Lol come on, nothing on here was said that Windsor didn't know about. How stupid. Since when does Allie run the blog and tell everyone to shut up? lol

    15. Then there are some people like Susan who put their nose in everything.

    16. The only one who clearly didn't want this information public, is the one who would benefit by keeping it quiet. The one who has known for over a week and said nothing. Not sure how this is new news to him or would cause problems. It's new news to some of us, and of course we would comment on it. BW has been lying for the past week, that's something to discuss.

    17. Was this directed at me? I've posted about filings that are available on PACER. That means, as someone said above, that they're available to the public—but more importantly, all of the filings I've mentioned here are very clearly also available to (and well known by) Bill Windsor.

      If I knew anything secret, I'd certainly keep it to myself; that is, indeed, a central part of my day job. But I would much prefer to avoid learning anything secret about Windsor's legal dealings. I intend only to comment on publicly available information, such as PACER filings.

    18. @ Attorney, the comment right above your post was directed at Windsor. He is the one who benefits by keeping it secret.

    19. "BW has been lying for the past week..."

      Just is Bill not talking about his law suit in public considered lying?
      Seems to me maybe we've watched these wackadoddles so long we've lost sight of the fact most normal people do keep "secrets" about their law suits. Neither Bill nor Allie should be discussing it in public, IMO. But, anything that is public information is fair game for the rest of us.

    20. Lying for the past week as in stating this:

      "Wynette Boushie fails to appear in response to a court-ordered subpoena". He knew it was void. So, its ok then for him to write articles like that one, knowing that court doesn't have jurisdiction any more? Then also saying this:

      "It will now be up to Judge Dennis Rolf as to the action he will take on this violation of a court-order. He could do nothing, make her pay some money, or issue a warrant for her arrest."

    21. When a histrionic toddler stops talking it does appear dishonest in that he is silent to conceal the truth he lied about before.

    22. "Wynette Boushie fails to appear in response to a court-ordered subpoena". He knew it was void.

      Well, I think it's pretty clear that Windsor believes the subpoena is not void. His belief is heavily dubious—mainly because a Missouri state court has no authority to demand performance from a Montana resident who has no apparent connection to Missouri—but I'm less than convinced that he knew that the above-quoted statement is false.

      So, its ok then for him to write articles like that one, knowing that court doesn't have jurisdiction any more?

      Why would it not be "ok"? It's not illegal to make incorrect statements on the Internet. It's possible that, under Montana (or Missouri?) law, Windsor's act of serving Ms. Boushie with an invalid subpoena is some kind of tort—abuse of legal process or something like that—but even then, writing about it online is still pretty clearly First Amendment free expression.

    23. @ Attorney: great response and explanation, thank you.

  33. Attorney, what is your opinion on the this.. Even though Bill has filed alone is there a way you think to prove he is acting on behalf of the lawless america Association to where as all of the people who are the officers of the association could be liable for damages in the lawsuit in the case against Allie if she were to counter sue the association. Make note they are not an LLC but an association non profit

    1. I don't see the point, Sean. If Ms. Overstreet elects to do so, she can file a counterclaim ("counter sue" is not an actual legal term) against Barbara Windsor or anyone else she thinks she can prove has violated the law. I don't understand what Lawless America, insofar as it has independent legal existence, has to do with anything.

      "Association non profit" is also not a thing. I have no idea how Lawless America is or is not incorporated, but I have a hard time understanding how anyone could argue, much less prove, that Bill Windsor "is acting on behalf of the lawless america Association." To the extent Lawless America has a legal existence, it's obviously something that Bill directs and uses for his own purposes, no?

      I could imagine some kind of argument that the LA corporate veil should be pierced in order to assert that Windsor was liable for some alleged misconduct on LA's part—but why even bother to do that? If there are legal claims to make against Windsor, is the LA entity really getting in the way? I don't see how.

    2. @ Attorney: might there be a benefit if a D&O insurance policy is in effect?

    3. There is such an animal called an "Unincorporated Association", usually used for limited duration activities (fundraiser, subdivision groups, picnics, that kind of crap).

      LA, however, seems to really be stretching the intended use. I'd be curious if LA has a bank account, how it's captioned, and using what TIN?

    4. NBTDT: Yes, that could be relevant, if what's stopping Ms. Overstreet from counterclaiming against Windsor is the worry that he might have no assets. If, by contrast, LA has some kind of liability insurance, that might provide an incentive to name LA as a counterclaim defendant.

      I'm not getting a sense from Ms. Overstreet's filings to date that she's interested in filing a counterclaim, though.

      Anon @10:32:
      I'd be curious if LA has a bank account, how it's captioned, and using what TIN?

      Oh, indeed. In light of what Windsor is actually doing with the LA entity, there are plenty of open questions as to its organization and whatnot. They may or may not be issues that someone in Ms. Overstreet's position can exploit in court, though.

      I'm holding out hope that the Assistant U.S. Attorney who has been assigned to recover the $30K that Windsor owes the Georgia federal court will get to the bottom of those kinds of issues... and then file something explaining what she's done. (It's not exactly a sure thing that that will happen, though.)

  34. Attorney, What I am stating is that Bill windsor is the President of "Lawless America Association" incorporated in Delaware. The police report was made against the entire association itself AKA the revolutionary Party. Even though Bill is the one who individually filed a lawsuit, he is acting on behalf of the Association and on Pacer you can see that Lawless America Association has a financial interest in the matter because if he were to win the case and collect he would be putting the monies back into the "Project" that is truly a project ran by the lawless America Association. That is the facts.

    1. Lawless America Association is a incorporated Non-Profit. But not an LLC. Which I believe that the members are still liable in a lawsuit not just the company itself. So for instance if you sued the entity Lawless America Association which I would do instead of just windsor who is one of the officers who is acting out on his duties chasing down people and doing the "project" then every officer is able to be be named.

    2. In an Llc, liabilities are limited to the extent of the officers invested capital - like a partnership. However, it doesn't necessarily get them off the hook in a lawsuit.

    3. If LA Assoc is acting as a corporation and BW is the sole officer, then they are essentially one and the same in the eyes of the courts.

    4. I still don't see what the point is, Sean. If LA is incorporated, then it (presumptively) insulates its officers from liability. That's the basic function of a corporation; it doesn't need to be an LLC to do that.

      But, as more than one of us have intimated, it's seriously questionable whether the LA corporate form actually would protect Windsor from liability, because it's so obviously an alter ego for Windsor himself. As a result, if LA is liable for something, liability would probably attach to Windsor individually.

      I just don't see the point of suing LA to get at its "members." If Bill Windsor can be held liable for something, Ms. Overstreet (or whoever) can just sue him. If Barbara Windsor or their son did something unlawful, she can sue them. Other than the insurance issue NBTDT mentions above (which is at least a little dubious, because can we really imagine Bill Windsor being responsible enough to maintain insurance coverage for his absurd vanity project?), I don't see the point of suing LA.

  35. While everyone else is arguing legal shit, tell us something funny, Tiny...

    1. Bill in a dress:

    2. The Bill and David show:

    3. Bill and Bab's Escort Services
      The Promise:
      The Reality:

  36. ROFLOL!!!!

    Bill Windsor--"I am tempted to go around to adult bookstores and show a photograph and ask whether this guy frequents their establishments"

    Knock yourself out.. What law would that break anyway?

    1. oceans is laughing at you Billy...August 16, 2013 at 1:49 PM

      lmao- so he wants to have an excuse to troll those adult bookstores Oh Bill, you are such a can go in those establishments without having to make up reasons.

    2. That's the same way I always do it!

    3. The homework is to take a small photo of Bill into the closest porn shop to you and ask the employees if they have seen that man. Tell the employee he is a vexatious litigant and they should be very careful, especially if he comes in wearing a bullet proof vest!

  37. That's what his excuse will be when someone sees him there.

  38. I agree with Anon way up above , this is nothing more in Law Enforcements eyes with all partys tit for tat type bullshit. Gas lighting a mentally Ill crazy man is what this is looked at by Law Enforcement. Esp when I delt with his shit.If you really wanted to stop him you wld be doing this differently. Taunting isnt getting anyone anywhere .

    1. Hey Wiggles, good to see you haven't lost any of your typing skills!

    2. If you think it's just taunts then you haven't been paying attention. Not all that happens is reported here.

  39. This page is funny and great comedy , but the point of getting him to stop his antics and fraud and abuse and ...............has got lost somewhere with you .There is so much you have no idea of because you wont see it discused publicly as comedy

    1. Right! And your comment was pure comedy, but thanks for the laugh!

  40. Tiny - what's the latest?
