Showing posts with label fugitive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fugitive. Show all posts

Monday, October 6, 2014

Windsor's Time is Kinda Valuable

Inside the lawsuit of Windsor vs. the World, there is a fracas breaking out between Bill and Sean Fleming....specifically his attorney Barbara Hachenburg.  In short, she is making Bill look like a fool and he doesn't appreciate that.  In addition to her air tight argument that Bill is a public figure and her anti-slapp motion, she also made one that makes the case that Bill should be labelled a vexations litigant and put up $50,000 in security in the extremely likely scenario he loses and is charged with Fleming's expenses.  This is not a happy subject for Bill as he thought he already dodged that monkey by playing his "ohhh I forget to pay the fee on time" game.

So that starts this little email game that Bill likes to do "please advise me on your strategy to fight what I'm doing so I can prepare for it"

Notice her shut-down of him at the end....uhhh yeah what is the name of that business entity you are suing for damages again?  Crickets chirp, Windsor goes dark on that one.  She could have also asked him to show her that affidavit from Barbara Windsor where she claims she divorced him because of the "Joeys".  His entire suit is based on lies.

Anyway, back to the spat.....Bill thinks he wins because she filed this 4 days past his calculated deadline while she points out the court has the inherent power to do whatever it wants.

So, apparently it took bill 4 "long" days to come up with a response to the simple fact that he most defiantly is a vexatious litigant.  He could have spent that time filing additional frivolous motions and asking for discovery on defendants who have stayed all discovery.  Maybe if he had those 4 "long" days back he could have finally sorted the 37,000 comments on this blog by author (he says 96% of them are anon).  If Bill had paid for this tedious work which he performed pro se, he would have paid $15 an hour totalling $480.  Now, when we break down the math on that, it turns out that those 4 "long" days equate to 8 hours a day.  So now we know what a really long work day is according to Bill.

So in the "interest of economy"....lets just strike this whole motion altogether without having to make me try and argue against the merits of it.  And, even though the "court can't give me back my valuable time" can just pay me the $15 an hour I'm worth.

Notice #35. seems that some of these defendants are copying from their classmate's answers. This really bothers Bill.....if there is one thing he can't stand is for someone to just copy and paste duplicative charges and accusations against someone else without specific and unique evidence in each case.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Even the Nobodies Forgot . . .

Today he isn't a half, a quarter or even 3/8ths, he is just one old(er) geezer who is now eligible for probably on social security, that is if he ever had a real job in his lifetime.  It's the first second birthday he has celebrated completely alone and single in the last 40 years.  It's only fitting that he end this way since he has no room left in his heart to love anyone else but himself.

Bill didn't even check in with his lemmings last night saying that he experienced a convenient car burglary.   Some pesky kids happened to smash his windows and take his hard drive and files right before he was to produce his "proof" in front of the court in Missouri next week.  A likely story.  This is going to be his convenient excuse to cancel and weasel out of his hearing in Missouri that he filed for and he forced upon Allie.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Bill Windsor Walks Into His Own Trap

Bill has a major problem brewing in the Lone Star State and its probably the main reason he has gone quiet for the most part.  The problem seems to be the Citizen's Participation Act passed a few years ago which allows for Anti-Slapp (strategic lawsuit against public participation) measures to be taken against legal abusers like Windsor.  Several defendants in the Windsor vs. Common Sense case have anti-slapp motions pending.  Windsor seems to have been blind-sided by this law as he has now filed an appeal with the State contesting the constitutionality of this law (I wonder if he knows its employed in over half of the states in the country?).  The real scary part for Bill is its as if this legislation was specially written just for him as it stops his legal abuse dead in its tracks and forces him to do something he can never cause.

"One of the benefits of the anti-SLAPP statute is that it enables you to get the SLAPP suit dismissed quickly. After receiving your motion to dismiss, the court must rule on your motion within thirty days, unless the court's docket is overbooked. Once your motion to dismiss is filed, discovery proceedings on the claim will be stayed, or postponed, until the court disposes of the motion – that is, the plaintiff generally may not ask you to produce documents, sit for a deposition, or answer formal written questions."

You can hear the disdain flowing from Bill already on this as he would claim that harassing and terrorizing people thought overly burdensome, costly and abusive discovery is as American and apple pie or something or other.  Oh but it gets much worse for Bill:

"Texas courts follow a two-step process when deciding a motion to dismiss under the anti-SLAPP law. First, you (as the party looking to invoke the anti-SLAPP statute) must show “by a preponderance of the evidence” that the plaintiff's claim is "based on, relates to, or is in response to" your exercise of the speech/petition/association rights described above. Once you successfully show that your online writing involves the exercise of those rights, the burden shifts to the plaintiff for step two. The plaintiff must establish "by clear and specific evidence" a prima facie case for each part of his or her original claim; if the plaintiff fails to show this, the court will dismiss the claim."

Uh oh.....Bill is in big trouble now as it is most certainly Bill's political and anti-judicial statements and goals that caused everyone to follow him in the first place.  Bill claims anyone who speaks out against his public goals is guilty of defamation, but I think  court is going to correctly see it as free speech.  But of course the really devastating part for Bill is the second part where he must establish "clear and specific evidence" for each of his claims.  His little game of "upon information and belief" with a wink and a nod is no longer going to cut it  That's going to be pretty hard when he flat out lied/made up every singe one of them.  The fake movie, the fake business, the thanks to legislation he never knew about....his bluff is going to be called up front instead of much later in the process.