Showing posts with label mental disorder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mental disorder. Show all posts

Friday, May 3, 2013

The Vexatious Litigant Rides Again

Apparently, District Judge Fernado Gaitan doesn't mind turning his court room into an all out circus freak show.  If Bozo the Clown isn't booked yet, he could call the court in to session, and I hear they are trying to get the Blue Man Group to perform the opening act.  Yes, that's right, a judge whom Bill would like to see executed (along with his peers) for treason, is willing to hear just how vexations Bill Windsor really is.  Bill filed a lawsuit, after being given permission, against Allie, Mark, and John Does 1-1000.

Bill rattles off 220 statements of facts...of course none of which can be independently verified.  Its mostly a redo of the counter claim he tried last month against Allie when she filed for a protective order.  Around 92% of it has nothing to do with Allie or Mark, but I guess that's why he adds John Does 1-???.  Think of this lawsuit as Bill Windsor vs. A Civil Society, because that's really what we are dealing with here.

Among the mis-statements of fact, we have a cameo of Judge Snooty as Bill offers her up as an "expert witness", I can only assume she got that title by wearing her glasses down to the tip of her nose.  Bill says he has never operated a scam, swindled anyone, tricked or cheated anyone out of their possessions, never had a parking ticket (wth?), is not sexually attacked to children, isn't a bigot, paid his taxes, is a grandpa, only been to jail as a visitor, didn't have women sitting on his lap, doesn't get nude with woman especially in a hot tub, didn't have sex with animals, did not solicit or accept any investments to Lawless America, doesn't drink alcohol, only cusses on Wednesdays (I just made that up, but it seems to fit), and is stalked and harassed to no end by these "stalkers".....who also (gulp) put out his personal information such as his home address and date of birth (you know stuff he posts himself).   And much much much.....more.

So you can continue to keep quiet and sit in the corner and work on your karate chopping Schied, Bill has better things to do than play with your imaginary friends all day no, forget all that stuff, he is getting back to his bread and butter of being a vexatious litigant, its better than a sugar rush from too much pie.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Is Anyone Happy?

Shirley Manson of Garbage hit the nail on the head with the song "Only Happy When It Rains" in describing the followers of Lawless America.

I'm only happy when it rains 
You want to hear about my new obsession 
I'm riding high upon a deep depression 
I'm only happy when it rains...pour some misery down on me 

Those that join Lawless America are already desperate, they are in different forms of fear and trepidation.  They join LA to give them hope and encouragement that in the end, it will all work out.  Instead, they are inundated with more fear and hopelessness as they must follow the daily drama of Bill.  Everyone is out to get them, we can try this and that but in the end it wont matter because everyone is corrupt.

This is exactly the opposite of what these people need to hear.  They need to laugh, they need to think about something happy if for no other reason than to give them a chemical balancing inside their own head.  We see the results of this through many of the lemmings such as Mary "the ticks are coming" Deneen, the crazy woman in Rhode Island, Judge Snooty and the mold monsters, and many others.  We saw the visible damage it was doing to an already tormented Mary B while she just couldn't cope with the daily upload of fear and hate that Bill requires of his followers.

You don't ever see the simple post from Lawless followers like:  "my son just got all A's", "we had a beautiful day at the park", "I'm so excited for our upcoming trip"....obviously those details would be mundane to the rest of the group, but they serve a big purpose in helping everyone stay balanced mentally.  If you constantly surround and swallow yourself with fear, anger, and hopelessness you will go mentally insane.  We are witnessing this all over the Lawless world.  Its sad to watch this kind of self-destruction when, sometimes, all they need to do is stop and smell the roses.