Friday, January 25, 2013

Joey Dauben Sentenced To 30 Years In Prison

I guess this is one last little lesson he learns after its too late....don't piss off the judge.  Joey Dauben was sentenced today and they will stack his sentence instead of running them concurrently.  "At the end of the day what this court has to look at is Mr. Dauben is like any other pedophile,” Wolf said. “There’s nothing special or unique about him.” from the Corsicana Daily sun.  How truly sad it is that Joey finds out that the rules do apply to him in such a devastating way.

This ruling is vindication for many of the victims Joey has attacked through his Ellis County Observer, but its a sad day all around.  Most sex offenders are not granted parole until 80% of their sentence is served, so Joey will be a 55 year old man before he gets out.  He was also given 10 years probation once he is released.

First and foremost, we should all thank this brave witness who’s actions and testimony ended countless future crimes by Joey.  And no, the lesson of this trial isn’t about not drinking alcohol, its about a demented mind.  If you think you have even the slightest urge to have sex with a child, please do the right thing for yourself and society and get treatment before your story ends in tragedy like Joey’s.  Tell a trained doctor in private about your problem before everyone reads about it on the front page.

Joey Dauben had everything at his fingertips.  He started out so young and energetic, he was willing to work hard at his job and he loved doing it.  His enthusiasm was certainly an asset to the Ellis County Press, at least initially.  Joey would get in his car and drive all around the county to track down leads wherever they took him.  He especially liked the political election season, as his boss Charlie Hatfield would take the handcuffs off Joey and he would be allowed to write political hit pieces on certain candidates.  This was what Joey really loved to do, and the buzz he generated county wide as a result of it only fueled his ego.

Pretty soon he just wanted to do the shock jock stories.  All the others seemed boring and mundane.  This caused friction with him and Charlie as Hatfield was trying to run a business, not a gossip site.  Eventually they parted ways and there was bad blood on both sides.  Joey took his Ellis County Observer and turned in into a 24/7 gossip site.  He started to get into the missing children and pedophile ring coverage and decided to not limit himself to just Ellis County, but go nationwide instead.  This is what led him to Barbara Farris, Presley Crowe, and Connie Bedwell.  The more he got into this the more unhinged he became, perhaps knowing that he would be accused of this very thing all along.  Even his friends would admit that they don’t really know the Joey Dauben of today, they just remember the fun optimistic Joey they first met.

Joey Dauben will now fade away from the lime light, but he will never be forgotten.  Some will remember him as a political activists, an advocate, a slanderer, a gossip whore, a friend, and now as a convicted child rapist.  There are so many lessons that his life should serve as a warning to us.  I think one of the biggest lessons is for parents in how tragic an ending you can have if you never allow your child to face the consequences for his actions.  If Joey had to pay in full for some of the lesser crimes he committed early on, he may not have had to pay this devastating price now.

Un-American Pie?

Last night, the Pie Baby posted this on his facebook page:


My father was a World War II veteran. He worked at radio stations and with the USO tours, and he returned alive and uninjured. Sadly, those who have died in the U.S. military have not died to protect our liberties and rights as those have been stolen from us by dishonest and corrupt government officials."

First of all, screw you fat boy.  I don't care what little squabble you have with the courts or whatever, you have NO RIGHT to speak of our fallen heroes that way.  This Country is far from perfect, but its infinitely better than the Nazi regime that we fought against in WWII and the kind of regime you want to establish.  Those heroes spilled their blood so that fat worthless pos like you have the right to say the awful things that you do.  Way to piss on your fathers grave like that, I'm sure one of his biggest regrets was ever spawning such a miserable waste of skin of a son.  At first, I was just making fun of you because you are a liar and a fraud, but now you just made it personal.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Bill Windsor Gets Owned

So Windsor goes on his page and posts a pic of the Jefferson Memorial and then makes a failed attempt at humor in a direct response to me on this blog when he says:
"This wonderful photo was taken at the Jefferson Memorial in Washington, DC. I have been there. I have many photographs. But this is not my photograph, and I haven't been in DC for seven months. I don't know who took this photograph, but we own the rights to use it, and we thank them. :-)

Oh, and Thomas Jefferson is dead, so you won't actually be able to meet him. There are some folks out there with AMPP who aren't smart enough to know things like this."

Quit trying to use the AMPP's as your shield.  We threw that pie, we also threw the one that cost you your facebook privileges.  Don't blame others, come and stop us, we are right here.  Come tell us what you really thing of us, give us some more history lessons, don't worry, I don't moderate comments so you are free to say whatever you want the only catch is so is everyone else (what a concept huh?).  So come here and address us directly, bring a lemming or two, but quit using AMPP or Sean as your shield......fight like a man.

After all, this is where you need to be anyway.  This is where people from around the world are coming to learn about you.  I'm not kidding.  Just two hours ago someone from Cardiff UK came here to read all about the Pie King.  And you want to know what search phrase they put in that got them here?  "old white fat man"
Yep thats right, people all over the world are seeing what an old white fat man really looks like.  Just like you think you own those stock photos, we are owning your name all over the internet.

The Bully Takes A Punch

Well it looks like the showdown between Windsor and Zukerberg is not going well for the Pie Man.

"Lawless America continues to be stalked by criminals, professional cyberstalkers like Sean Boushie and semi-professional cyberstalkers like the American Mothers Political Party.
So, we will probably leave Facebook because the website caters to criminals like these."

What is a "semi-profesional cyberstalker"?  And more importantly, what do we have to do to get on his bad pie list?  I think he knows better than to pick a fight with us directly since we are armed with WMD's (satire and humor).
This Facebook deal is going to hurt Bill like flaky crust under his pie.  His lemmings were already confused over which Lawless page is real, now they can't link everything to his posts.  How are they going to "google" down their enemies?  How are the lemmings going to have an open dialogue with Der Fuhrer so that their fears can be alleviated or sparked depending on the goal?  Will there be more than 25 people in DC?  Now that Windsor has shown all his enemies exactly how to defeat him, what is going to stop them?  The facebook news is really damaging to our girl Mary B, she writes this:
Mary Bagnaschi I have been posting massive government corruption-naming names and direct accusations against big wigs for over 2 years and I have Never been blocked, banned, or any other problem with face book. What is the problem with the Lawless America site, exactly, that is cause for the ban. I'm confused.
Translation:  I have been making threats and posting BS on my page for 2 years now, why can't you keep doing it?  Do you want me to write a "Dear Obama" letter?  Too late, I already did.

Then, Windsor gives us a little hint of what will happen after the "Failure in DC" event is over.  He hints at the next step of his "final solution":
"Sadly, experience has shown us that our elected officials ignore information like this, BUT they have never experienced such a massive opresentation of evidence on such a fundamental issue.  So, we could see action.  But if we don't see immediate action, we move to the next phase of our Lawless America Revolution, and that is bringing criminal charges against all of the corrupt players and those who aid and abet them.  A little April No Fool's Day Surprise."
So, lemmings, in case you weren't paying attention and we know you were not, he just said that the DC thing will fail, but thanks for playing.  After the event, he plans to go back into his dungeon and write up a bunch of criminal charges against whomever he wants.  That should be fun, huh?

Update:  We have received information that points to us here at joeyisalittlekid as the culprits in Billy losing his facebook playtime.  How about that Billy, we did it, come and get us.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Happy National Pie Day!!!!

Yes thats right, today is Windor's birthday, sort of, its the national day of pie.

So after telling his lemmings that he was going to spend the day talking to police, lawyers and judges about all us bad people, he has been able to update his facebook page continuously.  But as we have come to learn, if he told the truth he wouldn't be Bill Windsor.

Then we have this email from the Pie Man himself:

Subject: Patti, I am not posting your comments because they are stupid 

From: "William M. Windsor" (Add as Preferred Sender) 

Date: Tue, Jan 22, 2013 3:10 pm 

From Subject (Thread Messages) Date Size 

I just saw them for the first time, but they are stupid. How utterly ridiculous to claim that photos used throughout the trip to show where I was (when I was always in a hotel room filming with rarely ever a chance to go outside) is somehow wrong. Get a life! None of those photos ever claimed I was at that point at that time. They were simply provided as a supplement to an ongoing story about a trip to all 50 states.

Nancy L. Goates is a lying, dishonest, miserable excuse for a human being, and I will sue her.

Now go away. You are hereby advised that any use of my website by you is unauthorized and a theft of bandwidth.

William M. Windsor

Ok, I'm going to pick out just two things to talk about from this (there are many others), but this first one is "theft of bandwidth"?  Did he just invent a new crime?  Is this new crime applicable to anyone who emails him, wasting his time and keeping him from his pie?

The second part is where he say he won't post someone's comments on his facebook page because they are stupid.  Well lets take a little look at some of the lemmings that post on his page on a daily basis:

First, we have Gail.  She appears to be some kind of homeless woman that has internet access.  This upcoming swingers convention in DC is the highlight of her year.  Anyway, she goes on to remind the group about how important it is to protect yourself:
"Just in case anyone has any problems with the cops in D.C. there is an insurance that you can get that covers you with attorneys all over the country for $17 per month, if you would be arrested. The attorneys get you out of jail. The lady that knows more about this service will post this information tomorrow, or I will."
" Well, I was arrested once and had no family here in NM and I was totally stuck in jail (a false arrest). If they only give you one phone call that is an option of someone to call. They can do more for you than anyone else. The lady that told me about it said that she is going to send me the info tomorrow, or she will post it on this page."
Gail Denise Schumacher So important: If you buy the service remember to memorize the number to call, so that if you don't have your purse you can call if you get stuck in jail."

And then we have Mary B.  She really deserves her own reality show.  She posts her daily "Dear President" letters on Lawless America.  She is the one that got into trouble with the minister of propaganda Allie for seeking witness protection for everyone at the DC trip.
Well she posts this:

The Rouse Family has been wrongfully convicted and held as illegal prisoners as kidnapped hostages in a political corruption scandal that is the tip of the ice burg that the Lawless America Revolution just Hit, I anticipate that by February 5, 2013, the day of Infamy when WE The People, Hundreds of True American Patriots and Heroes such as these Men whose names will be known to President Obama on that day as I, Mary Ellen Bagnaschi, Pro- Se Attorney, Patriot in The American Revolution Party, Government corruption whistleblower and PROUD U.S. Army Disabled Veteran, will hand deliver a petition to the White House for President Obama to order the U.S. Justice Department to immediately commence investigation (s) into this and ALL other complaints that WE The People will hand deliver to Congress and to the Senate and the entire world will here our pleas. WE are taking OUR government back and JUSTICE will be restored per the EQUAL rights of EVERY Citizen- The Constitutional rights of these and ALL Men shall be protected and preserved by the blood, sweat and tears of ALL Americans who have shed them in sacrifice to the foundation for which We stand- The Constitutional and God Given rights of Every Human Being! This is the Nation of My For Fathers and All of the Grandmothers and Grandfathers of these and ALL Native Americans are carrying heavy swords on the other side of the thin veil, Truth and Justice Victory is assured!

She then proceeds to put up 4 pictures of these individual and I could swear I saw them on America's most wanted, or maybe it was death row inmates i'm not sure.  She then says:

"Just look at the faces of these innocent, terribly falsely and illegally convicted Men! And to hear the horror stories of the children who were molested and also taken as illegal prisoners- kidnapped and held hostage by the State, also for the evil, corrupt 'State's gain! Not on MY Watch! There is a NEW Sheriff in Town!"

I'm serious, the woman needs her own TV show.

So anyway, its good to see that Bill does his best to Nazi out any "stupid" postings on his lawless page.  Now I better shut up before I get caught stealing bandwidth.