Friday, February 15, 2013

Windsor Blames His Failure on His Followers

Yesterday, the Pie Baby decided that someone at the DC trip was a plant from this blog.  So Bitler asked whom he should purge and when a guy was fingered for the hit, Mary B tried to defend him.  Well that was it for her as Billy has been itching to cut her loose for months now.  She was cast off the island and given the standard "Cease and Desist".

Mary, as we have been following on here, was just a woman looking for some help in this crazy world.  She thought Bill was whom he said he was.  While Bill kept ignoring her and running around trying to track down the "hater of the day", Mary quietly waited for him and Lawless to get back on track towards their stated mission.  This made Bill grow impatient with Mary.  I noticed at the live broadcast in DC, before Bill started his 3 hour look at me show, when Mary went up to the camera to talk about her case Bill said "oh don't let Mary get going, she will never stop".  It was sort of a joke, but Billy really meant it.  He tolerated Mary, but she had real issues and wanted real help which meant that she would become an outcast of his at some point.

Now, after casting out Mary and several others, he has come back with this:


As exciting as the progress we have made is, we have maybe a 20% success rate with volunteers. I have spent an inordinate amount of time asking for volunteers and organizing projects only to have very little get done. So if you are serious about helping, please email Email even if you've emailed before because someone hacked that email account and deleted all previous emails.

If we don't have volunteers who will actually work, we will have to shelve many of our plans.

Yeah thats right, all you lemmings are worthless.  You won't even help me track down the Ginger Snap.  Even though people like Mary had volunteered profusely to try and help out, Bill never gave them any specific tasks.  He asked for help, but would never accept it.  As we can now see, the only reason he ever asked for help was so he could blame his followers for his own failures, and thats exactly what he is doing now.  He is going down in flames, he keeps trying to buy more "likes" on his facebook page but he can't get more than 40 real likes on any of his posts.  At this point, there really isn't much left to purge, but that doesn't seem to stop him.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Mary Mary Quite Contrary

Greetings from OReader.

So, our last Clubhouse post is getting a little crowded, and Ginger had something better to do today.

I promised her I'd make this a good one. 

She suggested I round up all the Mary B stuff and make a little summary/timeline. Well, uh . . . Have I ever mentioned I'm A.D.D.? 

So, without further ado:

Mary B


about those documents, uh . . . still working
here's music while you wait:

***Removed by OReader***** ha ha

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Bill Windsor Identifies Himself as an Enemy Combative of the United States

Last night, in his impromptu State of the Union response, Bill made it perfectly clear what he wants to do.  He hates the United States and warns all immigrants to stay as far away as you can from it.  He said the system is broken and that he will bring charges against all elected officials and put them on trial for treason.  He said he is non-violent...but that nothing would surprise him any-more   He then says that once he destory's our entire system of government, "we can then make it into whatever we want it to be".

Bill Windsor showed us all last night that the only difference between Lawless America and Al-Qa'ida is tactics.  He wants to abolish the death penalty but reserve it only for those convicted with treason (like all the government officials he plans to charge).  He once again affirmed that our men and women in the military died for nothing as it currently stands.  He also spoke about how many currently incarcerated were wronged because they were former foster care children.

To be clear, this is the next step in his Nazi revolution   The first was just fun and games as a few people went sight seeing in DC.  Now it gets serious as he makes it clear he is going to declare war on the current government of the United States.  Everyone associated with this monster, even loosely  better run away now before they go down with him.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Time For Another Clubhouse Movie

Even thought Billy has yet to release even one movie (and for the sound if it, he doesn't even plan to work on it), we are ready to spit out another one, this is "A Round American"

Tonight Is the State of The Pie Address

Well first let me proclaim, I'm still here!!!  The big bad Pie Baby didn't get me like he promised.  So yay, we can continue to play in the clubhouse.

Bill is continuing to try and change over his facebook page to the new one, which looks a whole lot like the original one.  Is he trying to clean up his 50,000 fake followers now that facebook has been notified of his fraud?  Who knows.  He then wants to find a PI in Califronia, Montana (going after Sean) and Texas (going after me and us).  Would you like fries with that?

Then, as one never to miss an opportunity to put his fat mug in the middle of everything, he has proclaimed a State of the Union response tonight for his fake revolutionary party.  Act as if seems to be his plan of action.

Lawless announces that they have joined forces with a group called Stop the Silence.  They will look to use the credibility and and following that this Stop the Silence group has built and exploit it for their own agenda. Billy gave a hint of his next solution of his Nazi agenda as he said they are going to free 80% of those currently incarcerated and replace them with our duly elected officials.  Literally, he wants the inmates to run the asylum.  Once he realized he has this new group watching him and not just his mindless lemmings, he decided to pull that little titbit and hold it for a later time.  But no matter how you slice it or how many times he says "we are non-violent", he is quickly going to move up the ranks in domestic terrorism as he moves closer to his final solution.