Friday, June 21, 2013

Even In Victory, Bill Loses

Windsor made a victorious 18 minute video talking about Connie Fielding being released from the mental ward.  Bill goes on and on about how she looks completely sane to him and builds his own straw man argument that she was put in there for thinking the government is corrupt.  But when did facts ever get in the way of a good recreation of history for Bill?

But the more interesting, and telling point, is how Connie got back her freedom.  Was it Bill's testimony that did it?  No.  Was is Bill's media exposure that did it?  No.  Oh yeah, thats right it was a professional, experienced, accredited and licensed attorney that brought about the victory.  Pro se?  No way.  "Media" and facebook exposure and or protesting?  Waste of time.  Nope, the lesson we are learning on this trip is that if you want to actually win a case that involves legal matters, you need to have those highly trained professionals that do this for a living on your side, not against you.  So enjoy your "victory" Bill, it came at the hands of everything you say you are standing up against.


  1. LMAO, and here it is. It is because of the stalkers that he hadn't been asking for money. Um Hell NO BILL, We just point out that you do ask, your dumb followers are just ignoring your requests. You have posted this same thing before, that you are out of money.

    "Lawless America
    3 minutes ago.


    I need to let everyone know that I cannot keep going as long as it will take. I simply can't afford it."

    But, true to your pathetic, narcissistic nature, you are spinning this to gain sympathy and CASH. You are a sick POS.

    "Because these criminal stalkers have libeled and slandered me telling people I ask for money; won't film people unless thy pay me; etc., I haven't even allowed donations to be discussed this go-round, and I have refused all but two who insisted. I've probably already racked up $20,000 on my credit cards on Trip II."

    So there it is. Guilt and blame. Now donate lemmings, he is after all YOUR godsend. SMH

    1. Holy FRICK!!!!

      S C U M B A G

    2. Ya it is really a pitty party post over there.

      Hey Bill, what about the money for the RV you just sold? HUM??? Had to fetch a pretty penny, and it was after all Donated to LAWLESS AMERICA and not to the sole property and cash rights of Bill Whiney Ass Windsor.

      Seriously the lowest form of human existence is being exhibited daily in that waste of skin.

    3. reads like a declaration of defeat to me

    4. He had no problem turning over $50,000 to his wife last month for the divorce. HIS divorce documents said he can keep his savings account AND his retirement fund account. The man has all kinds of money.

      Flip off you scumbag, go crawl into a hole, under a rock, in a cave, don't care. STOP scamming, stalking and hurting people! The amount of pain and heartache you've caused to so many people makes me SICK!

    5. I pray you're right Ginger :)

    6. The Army spends a billion dollars a year to move military families. Our stuff is packed, shipped and stored at the expense of tax payers. Our airline tickets are free and if we drive we get gas miles; and that's not to mention the per diem. So somewhere in there is a math problem for the number of families times family members to equal a billion dollars a year to move from one base to another, sometimes across countries. On the other hand we have Bill, who is just one person and who has not even driven from one coast to another, and by his own reckoning has already wasted an entire college tuition fee.

    7. Oh and let us not forget, it was HIS choice to do round 2. But for his own feeble producer skills, and lack of true film making. What professional forgets to do the back stories? As he says it's the backstories that make is so much better. A true professional would have done it right the first time.

      Oh but he will never accept responsibility for that blunder. Nope, now you can film it yourself and take the pictures. Meanwhile he will be kickin it somewhere, once he finds a place, cause wouldn't cha know, some ruthless person snatched up the home he wanted right out from under his nose. RIGHT! He said he had a place, now why say it, if it wasn't secured? My guess is so he can keep moving around, and blame someone else.

      Vagabond Vexi Boy rides again!

    8. Well if he chooses a state then he has to be licensed in that state as a "business" or "charity."

    9. So what is the status of his business license in Georgia and did South Carolina decline him based on a lack of residence there?

    10. LOL and this is where his lies, and bought likes will bite him in the arce.

      "Lori Brandt if all of us sent you one dollar would that help? Or more of course!!! You have over 45 thous. likes come on people!!!"

      Hahahaha no Lori, he'd probably only have a few hundred dollars, (I'm being generous) not 45000. oh, shitty Bill. Your followers are gonna figure it out. (LOL someone already asked about the RV DOH!)

    11. oceans laughs as Billy throws in the towelJune 21, 2013 at 7:19 PM

      "Unknown to anyone, I took the last $35,000 out of my retirement account, and it covered half of the costs of the first trip. The other half came from donations."

      So he admits to at least $35,000 in donations? Did he declare this income? That's some serious cash, I want to see the receipts - that's a LOT of pie there Billy.

      "I've probably already racked up $20,000 on my credit cards on Trip II."

      So you spent $55,000 of your own for this vacation across the country plus the $35,000 in donations? Dude you need a better travel agent!!

      "I pulled off the highway to type this as I want to keep everyone as informed as possible."

      Cos it's important that I just figured out I really can't afford this shit...and couldn't wait to share!

      Loved this tidbit:
      "There is a slight possibility that a famous actor who is very involved with a film festival may meet with me."

      Good thing you couched this with all those wonderful semantics. I know you just wanted to say you were going to meet Robert Redford, had to be tough not to just blurt that out!

      As far as the rest of his blathering post goes...
      He wants some rich person to support his travels to nowhere. Or these lawsuits to pay off so he can fund his lifestyle of motel movies. It's that or he has to "just stop somewhere, and do nothing but work on trying to find funding."

      LOL, and he is hoping for millions of dollars in damages from his lawsuits- particularly against the U of MT.

      "I can and will (if needed) produce the film with what I have now, but the backstory work makes it soooo much better."

      So go ahead and spend the rest of your angry life pulling those thousands of interviews and tens of thousands of hours of video into your 'documentary'. Too bad you sold the RV, you could have parked it somewhere and lived in it ya tool.

    12. all of the above is Billy math...there is no way he spent that kind of money (approx $90,000) doing his home movies.

      He also hasn't a clue how to put anything together into a movie. Dude just can't admit it will never happen. SMH and I love the comment where he is being asked what happened to the money from selling the RV

      LOL- I hope this signals the end of the Tour de Pie la deuxième partie

    13. More groveling in his new video in front of Salt Lake. Sounds like he's winding down this con and ready to settle back an enjoy his money. Pretty sure that's not what will happen though.

    14. Next time Powerpuffers reach into the screenshot vault they will look for donation screenshots. We still got about 30 gigs to go through, and we are getting tired of posting screen shots! Seems they are all valuable to different people in their bill issues. *~*Indego*~*

  2. I bet he knows that he will not be leaving MT because he will be detained by law enforcement. That is my outlook. It is a good remark that gingersnap put down here about getting an attorney. Most of the people who complain in family court that do not have custody were

    1. I have actually done better being pro se than when I had lawyers. My first one was good. But the ones after were not. This last year I have managed to get what I ask for. The reason I went to bill was because my ex took our child and kept her out of school for almost a month and they did not feel it was an emergency, and his county law enforcement would not get her for me and refused to even take my statement to investigate it. They also refuse to do what is known as a civil standby or keep the peace child exchange for me, but they will do them for him. Law enforcement even told me it was against the law (state statutes) for them to do civil standbys. Bull! I have had contact with at least a dozen different law enforcement agencies and this specific agency is the only one who refuses to do them and then that only applies to me, not him. I have it on video them doing a standby for him and also have dates, names, and cad notes of when they refused me.

      That is just the tip of the iceberg with this agency. They refused a report on a DV charge against him when he pulled a knife on me because it was a he said she said situation, but less then two months ago he was arrested for DV against his girlfriend, and she had only bumps on her head, he had cuts and bite marks. Mutual assault according to her now. My story is very very very long. Pietard said my case is the worst of cps cases he had ever heard. Been dealing with cps for almost 30 years now.

      But with the exception of cs which has been terminated on our sixth grader for over a year now due to his lies, I was represented at those hearings by a lawyer.

      It does no good to complain because i figured out a long time ago that nothing will ever change. I can tell people, but this crap system will never change.

    2. "They refused a report on a DV charge against him when he pulled a knife on me because it was a he said she said situation, but less then two months ago he was arrested for DV against his girlfriend, and she had only bumps on her head, he had cuts and bite marks."

      Oh snap...

    3. oh Gawd Sean, not sure where you get that crap. Most who have lost custody did so with an attorney. Many became pro se somewhere in the process or after the loss. I don't know where you get your info, but it is definitely the wrong places. ~Indego~

  3. I thought the Indian guy threw the water-thingy through the window?

  4. Fill out an irs fraud for for accepting 35,000 in donations to an alledged 501c3

  5. That is interesting isn't Allie? How would he know the financial background of anyone as he has no legal basis for performing background checks? Did he just make a Freudian slip that he chooses his victims based on their cash flow? Interesting also when we learn that the sovereigns like to place fraudulent liens on the homes of their victims.

  6. His posting of two hours ago indicates that he's throwing in the towel.

    Mission accomplished, Joey's!

    1. LOL, he isn't going to stop, this is just a prelude to a tantrum...and a fund raising attempt

    2. sounds more like he is talking about himself in the second part Yappy...

      and to hell with all you criminals and stalkers.

    3. There are folks who claim he's "judgement proof". Well, that's a bit of a misnomer because MoM clearly showed it's possible to get a judgment against Windsor--the real problem is how to collect on that judgement. Keven Trudeau is supposed go back to court this month for the judgement against him--all $37.6 Million of it. If he doesn't pay up, he may well be heading to the federal pen, and Billy may not be far behind. Oh the irony! Just think, Billy may well wind up as Alcatraz media!

      ~Sluggo on Laptop

  7. don't forget to add what happens when you eat so much pie you explode literally. Billy is looking mighty unhealthy these days mentally and physically.

  8. He'll probably choke on his own vomit tonight and that will be the last of it.

    1. Wandering around Motel 6's parking lot, looking a lot like Susan Boyle, while humming "I Dreamed a Dream"...

    2. "Comfort me, Ooga Boobies. I had a bad day. How did you handle your movie career failure?"

      "Can I touch your big American breasts?"

    3. grow up. enough with the ooga boobies

    4. "It's out of my system now, Barb. I'm coming home."

      "The Hell You Are! I'm dicking the pool guy!"

    5. Anon 8:52 - That's what she said!

    6. Yoel P Lawlor Bothering with American "women" is a complete waste of time AND money!

      Happy Summer Stolis Saturday All! This one goes out to Yoel and Billy:

  9. Explain something to me. How can those against Windsor's scams (like the Joeys) be to blame for this idiot driving around the USA blowing the money he's spending.

    An INTELLIGENT business person would solidify funding FIRST prior to setting out on a project such as this. OR THEY WOULD SELF-FUND the project as he's doing.

    Where does he get off flipping out on us with his rage?

    No one told you - Billy - to scam, stalk and hurt people. No one told you to run out there begging for attention and to have people tell you what a wonderful (blech) person you were after the Georgia courts & SCOTUS put you in your place!

    What have we being saying for a year? There is NO movie! and what have you proved? Exactly that. There's no movie. You're doing this for your own sick ulterior motives. There was never going to be a movie. Even your oldest and dearest friends (according to you Billy) refused to give you even 1 red cent. Why? Because they knew who you really were. A loser. A sicko. A scamming needy idiotic childish con man.

  10. "The other possibility is millions of dollars in damages from these criminals who I am suing. Sadly, several of them have histories of arrests for bad checks, so none of them except the University of Montana "

    What exactly are his damages? Who has harmed him and how?

    1. I'm going to check with Barry Zuckercorn on this.

      Take to the sea!

    2. You are either a criminal or a liabeler. There is not any duality between the two. He can go after and pursue the criminal filings which he has threatened. Or he can go after "damages" He can not however have his cake (pie in this case) and eat it to.
      He will void any ability to receive any damages by pressing any charges for stalking on anyone. By the same measure he can not after declaring that he is suing be able to press criminal charges. Both have been thrown around and both have been destroyed. Simply put Bill is his own worst enemy

  11. Lawless America the rv purchase was a loan, and it is repaid with the sale. who exactly are the MANY wondering? no one has asked me until now. i imagine the only people asking are stalkers.

    LOL sure it was Billy...sure it was.

    1. All I did, was ask one little question. I had seen many comments from various sites and Facebook pages of people that were wondering and speculating.

      I am now banned from the LawLess America Facebook page.

      ( ' ) ( ' ) - watch itgoby -

    2. @ Watch Itgoby....thank you sweetheart!

    3. Lie much Billy? Windsor doesn't remember all the times he mentioned his RV that was dontated ... and some of us love taking screenshots. Wonder if the IRS would be interested in the information. He'd have to prove his little loan to them ;) hehe

    4. DOH Liar liar, little boy shorts are on fire! (must have been what turned the pants into shorts...he better stop lying, we don't need to see that!)

      "It appears that a fantastic RV is being donated. Once it is in place, I will plan a B-Roll Road trip. This is where we will go film locations that are part of the stories that we choose to feature."

      Hahahaha ya, about that loan!

  12. [T]he lesson we are learning on this trip is that if you want to actually win a case that involves legal matters, you need to have those highly trained professionals that do this for a living on your side....

    Thankyouthankyou, we aim to please. Or at least not to look like idiots in court.

    1. Attorney no offense to your profession, but since my final decree in my divorce (all post decree filings) that i have filed on my own, I have won. Those with which I have had assistance with a lawyer have been lost.

    2. Anon 12:54: In that case, I gather you're a fairly talented advocate in court. Good for you.

      I haven't lost a case in a little over five years now*—but my most recent defeat was to a 72-year-old grandmother with no legal training who was acting pro se. She mauled my star witness on the stand in her cross-examination; it was a slaughter.

      Meanwhile, the opposing counsel I've faced the most frequently (I'm 8-0 against him, though he's currently trying to get the U.S. Supreme Court to hear his appeal from his most recent federal-appeals-court loss to me) has a B.A. from Harvard and a J.D. from the same high-ranking law school I attended... and he's an incompetent buffoon. The 72-year-old grandmother is a vastly better litigator than he is.

      So I'm aware that pro se laypeople can certainly out-perform experienced attorneys.

      Still, we're usually the best bet. Idiots like my archnemesis aside, the education and experience that my kind has is frequently very valuable.

      (* I don't intend this to be bragging: that winning streak is at least as much about luck (I've mostly been up against weak opponents with bad cases) as ability. And I had an oral argument in appellate court in early May 2013 that went pretty poorly; my guess is that my winning streak ends when that court's decision comes out a month or two from now... at least until I can get a higher court to review that case.)

    3. I have studied law, had attorneys represent me in court where they won and lost, and I have won and lost pro se. I have had a few attorneys that I absolutely adore! What I have learned via my experience is that a GOOD attorney can win using the law as it was meant to be. Someone who is Pro Se knows their opponent (often, at least in DV and custody issues) much better than the attorney. If something comes out in court and a pro se can think in their feet, they will run circles around the attorney if that issue did not come out in discovery. If I have my druthers when I go pro se I would still have an attorney to advise me in how to do it. ~Indego~

    4. @ Attorney: Sounds like you were beaten by a Pro Se opponent with education and wisdom acquired in 72 years in the School of Hard Knocks. Hardly a fair fight.

      Thankfully, I don't have any DV or Family Court issues. Maybe that's a different game all together as Anon points out. Otherwise, I don't understand why anyone would go into court without any attorney. From my point view, it's worth the money to have the deck stacked in my favor. Sometimes just showing up with counsel is enough to end the matter.

  13. Have to love the comment from Antonio Rolli: ridammi i miei pantaloni!

    Makes for an interesting image....

  14. Poor me. Poor me. Pour me another drink.

    And I'll take a hunk of pie.

  15. lol Attorney, didn't notice that.

    Bill will be ok since he only wears little boy style khaki shorts.


  17. Life in Pierce CountyJune 22, 2013 at 12:31 AM

    Hahahaha - "give me back my pants"

  18. Does anyone recall about 3 or 4 weeks ago where BIlly BOASTED about turning down one or two contracts for his fake movie? I know I have that screenshot in the mess of my files somewhere.

    Yeah I'm thinking Billy was lying then too eh given his latest statements today. Who in their right OR WRONG mind for that matter would turn a contract in hand? LMAO Billy your lies always find you.

    There is also the chance that the TV pilot may be well-received, and if I get a contract, that should fund us."

    1. Saw that tonight while I was digging. Remind me to look tomorrow.

    2. You mean this one?

      Lawless America
      April 2 .

    3. lol YEP Ninja... that's the one :)

  19. "I haven't even allowed donations to be discussed this go-round, and I have refused all but two who insisted"

    Oh really? LIAR


    Are you rich? We could really use a rich person to help finance the movie. I wish I had the money, but I don't."

    You are a pathological liar Bill. You said we lie? No, you just don't like that we point out YOUR lies.

    "Jaime Mills These people are truly nuts, they really believe their own lies. They think they can stop Bill from tell the truth NOT!"

    "Lawless America They know they are lying. They don't believe a word of this stuff."

  20. Pie Man Zombie HunterJune 22, 2013 at 11:50 AM

    Is lawless America facebook page down?

    1. Pie Man Zombie HunterJune 22, 2013 at 12:48 PM

      Look like every thing that was shared off that page is gone too.....

    2. I guess someone has a guilty conscious and wants to hide the evidence. Too Late!

    3. Could it be Facebook removed Lawless America?
      Some of the Lawless America state pages are still in Facebook search, but the links to the main Lawless America page are GONE from all the state pages I looked at & the link to the main page is also gone from Bill Windsor's personal page as well.
      Bill Windsor has not posted anything on his personal page since he posted the single and available pictures with women kissing his cheeks.
      Perhaps, Facebook finally enforced their Terms of Service?
      Facebook addict that Bill is, this could cause him real and debilitating physical withdrawal symptoms, I hope! I hope!
      OR? it could be Facebook issues that have it temporarily unavailable?
      Keeping my fingers crossed that Facebook removed Lawless America as a hate site! Finally! That would be terrific! It would be a BONUS if Bill was grounded from posting on his personal page, too!
      How will he mooch for money during these dire financial times?
      What will Yowel, Nick, Connie and Mary Deneen do now? Panic will set in soon!

      ( ' ) ( ' ) - watch itgoby -

    4. I don't know why it is down, but every minute it is is a victory for those who abhor the cruelty and abusiveness of Bill Windsor. It is one less minute for him to sucker the desperate into his empty promise of help.

  21. Pie Man Zombie HunterJune 22, 2013 at 1:27 PM

    and the part about DV was another slip, after Barry said he was the enemy for supporting men that abuse women and think they should get a pass

  22. Pie Man Zombie HunterJune 22, 2013 at 1:34 PM

    the best ending to Bill Windsor would be Sean B, has him put in jail and someone from the clubhouse wins powerball....

    1. I like the mental picture of this Susan Boyle lookalike choking on his own vomit scenario.

    2. bad mood, because Billy the con man is losing this war

  23. Some great "catches" there Allie :)

    The 401K was a doozy. I guess I better go back up that video before he takes it down.

    Awww & I wonder if Billy's lawless FB page is gone or did the little weasel take it down again?

  24. More than just a bit creepy and stomach churning in his latest video @ 6:30, he ACTUALLY LAUGHS while saying he has no wife and can't talk to his grandkids anymore and says "naturally brings you down just a lil bit...."

    Really Billy? JUST a little bit?

    Talk about the biggest piece of scum on the face of the earth. I hope he never ever gets to see those grandchildren again. I sure the hell wouldn't let a monster like that see my babies. He is the worst case scenario of a role model / grandfather a child could ever have.

    1. How dare she divorce him? He'll show her that he can have a good time with the ladies. But much for the emotional damages he wants to collect from us all that he could so quickly get over his wife of 44 years.

    2. Ya those pictures are worth a 1000 words, um lies. No emotional distress on that face. Oh, and the other pictures that look exactly the same of him hugging and the kissy facing pics...all prior to the divorce, no difference. No distress, just a fat, lonely old man getting his jollies, posing in front of the camera for his ego fix.

    3. Hey folks,

      Haven't been on much this week--working on getting the next episode of "Windsor Unleashed" done. Until then, this article may
      help in figuring out why Billy has limited affect:

  25. Yep great catches. Oh, and the Box Elder thing, he posted that someone snatched the home he wanted out from under him, so he doesn't have a place. (not that he ever did, he said so, but since he's a pathological liar and all, unless he can squeeze his big fat butt into that PO BOX, he's got nothing)

    Oh and it was so nice of him to once again mention the family he was specifically told not to mention, in that video. What's that, like the 5th time since the divorce papers went public?


    *high five* *fist bump*

    There were quite a few who filed with the IC3 :) WTG

  27. SNOOPY DANCING!! Great news!! Thanks for sharing!
    Turning into a great weekend.

  28. Cannot get on Lawless America Facebook, or Lawless America

  29. Good work, Team!

  30. It is nice to see these things finally being looked into, to protect all the people he has hurt, harassed, slandered, libeled, and placed in danger.

  31. Life in Pierce CountyJune 22, 2013 at 3:58 PM

    Awesome! Whooohoooooooooooo!


  33. Anon 6:39 called it!

  34. Not quite...Billy's not "throwing in the towel" yet, but the towel has been taken from him temporarily for inspection.

  35. Posted at

    Lawless America Tennessee
    2:02pm (25 minutes ago) near Pikeville, TN

    Lawless America Facebook page has been removed, shut down. Appalling to say the least.

    (post from Bill Windsor)


    There is no nudity, pornography, or solicitation of sex.
    Like · · Share

    Carla Johnson likes this.
    Carla Johnson Nothing of the sort of the thing!!
    2:11pm (16 minutes ago) · Like · 1Reply

    Lawless America Tennessee It's the Bill haters sabotaging because they have nothing better to do with their time, they have no life & are simply trying to destroy Bill's. Once these false claims are found to be lies they'll reinstate the page. Karma will come back around to these individuals & I hope they get it full fold.
    2:16pm (11 minutes ago) · LikeReply

    1. Screenshot -

    2. I'd bet everything I own Bill's ex-family has a very different take on who is responsible for Bill's "problems". KARMA is here, dumba$$!

    3. REALLY? This is the LIE he is telling them why the page is down? What about all the HATE . COM'S you have Bill? All the personal information you posted? Not to mention all the other potentially illegal crap?

      This prick makes me sick. Says whatever the hell he wants and they fall for it hook line and sinker.

      I agree Sluggo, this IS HIS KARMA!

    4. LATN,

      We have nothing better to do with our time, and yet, according to Billy, we're "professional cyberstalkers". Uh, you know, you really can't have it both ways.

  36. Susan Boyle puking time!

    "I dreamed a dream in time gone by...RALPH! Whew..."

  37. Billy may have reached a record of most lies in one statement. LOL

    He is such a vile bit of pond scum,

  38. His facebook page is probably down because he took it down to stir the drams pre-fund raising...

    What a used douche bag he is...a stinky smelly one..

    Disclaimer- I may have had a cocktail due to the impending heat wave here...Sat. 110, Sun. 111, Mon. 108, Tues. 110, Wed. 114, Thurs. 117, Fri. 121, Sat. 121, Sun. 119

    So I am not my usual cheery self LOL

    1. BW's favorite cocktail is vinegar and water. Douche bag, that he is...

  39. oceans is laughing at you Billy...June 22, 2013 at 6:35 PM

    LOL- ^5 for Freudian slips.

  40. As of right now, both sites are alive and well....
