Tuesday, May 14, 2013

David Schied Can't Hide From His Involvement With Bill Windsor

He declared Mission Failure in a secret email to his followers regarding the citizen grand jury ploy.  He has expressed his dissatisfaction with the direction Bill is taking the movement.  He has stopped doing his weekly shows and updating his Lawless Michigan page.  For all practical measures, it looks like he and Trish want to quietly fold up their tent and camp elsewhere.

But thats now how this is going to work.  Bill publicly announced David as his number 2.  David and Trish came down to the hearing in Missouri to both directly and publicly stick their necks out on behalf of Bill.  David Schied is a co-conspirator to any and everything Bill is doing.  If you google his name, this blog comes up on the first page and will soon be number 1 on any searches for his name.  Schied publicly put himself into this and if he wants to remove himself from Bill Windsor he must publicly state it.  Nothing short of that will suffice.  Until we hear a very public statement of disassociation from Bill, he will continue to be tagged with any and everything that Bill does.

Monday, May 13, 2013

A Stalking He Did Go

Bill celebrated Mother's Day the only way he knows how...by stalking a young mother.  The creepy old pervert spent the day taking pictures of the former places of residence he suspects Elizabeth Hernandez to have resided.  He even got vexatious in local restaurant which he believed Elizabeth was fond of.

Windsor then went down to the Biloxi PD to have a "sit down" with the police and to file criminal charges against EHH.  He says the matter will now go before a judge, but he is forgetting a key step...the PD must go forward with those charges.  More than likely his charges went the way of the morning junk mail.  Another failure for Bill Windsor.

Of course this is really all about bullying.  Bill wants to stalk and intimidate anyone who dares speak out against him, but like everything else in his life, he isn't very good at it.  How the zombies at lawless america can still support this kind of pathetic behavior is a testament to their own character.

Next up is Texas.  Bill plans to spend a week and a half in the Lone Star State.  No doubt his stalking campaign will continue.  Meanwhile, what about the fake movie?  The grand jury stunts?  Congressional hearings?  Local public access TV?  Has he "taken his country back"?  All of that was just lip service to an old man who wants to stay on vacation for the rest of his life, forever in search of someone to give him unquestioned love and attention.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

David Schied Announces Lawless America Failure

First, I would like to thank Life in Pierce County for finding this little nugget.  This is the most intellectually complete summation of Bill you can find (keep your dictionary handy) http://mamaliberty.wordpress.com/tag/vexatious-litigant-bill-windsor/

So Schied sent out a secret email to all the Lawless America operatives, and unlike Bill, he doesn't mix words.

Sent: Sun, May 5, 2013 2:27 PM PDT
Subject: ** PLEASE READ VIP **

We would like to hold online workshops in order to empower you all:

-Assist in the composition of your letters to officials
-Obtaining updated video testimonies
-Submitting proposed legislation
-Effective lobbist effort in Lansing
-Coordinating our next state meeting
-Teaching how to download and burn your stories from YouTube
-Assist in teaching how to submit stories on public access
-Assist in raising awareness using news outlets of your individual cases
-Creating a distribution ad slick for "your" personal, state, and national
-Creating and implemnttion of a television series
-Creating a virtiual support group

David Schied and Trish Kraus met with an institute this past Thursday and
will be having at thair disposal an entire pre/film/post production
resources in the beginning of the institutes next term including graphics
just to name a few of the supports they are offering.
The institute is very receptive of the content due to it being a private
institute. David and Trish have been asked to speak on a panel of an
audience of the entire student body.

***Each and everyone of US are critical in solving your problem because we
a HAVE to work together***

Please email your feed back to:

David Schied deschied@yahoo.com
Trish Kraus trishkraus63@gmail.com
Bill Windsor bill@nobodies.us
Lawless America nobodies@att.net
Lawless America - Michigan lawlessamericamichigan@gmail.com

Please hit reply to all and they will get the message and GIVE THEM YOUR
FEEDBACK don't let your stories die just because it has been filmed

The next Michigan State Meeting is Saturday June 8th.

Lawless America (Michigan) Show is going to be made and each and everyone
of your testimonies are going to be incorporated into the television
series. This will entail picking people or groups of common victims and
building a back story of your cases and EXPOSING THE CORRUPTION!

Cheers & Thank You All!

Lawless America - Michigan

David is taking over in this email.  He is correct, there is a lack of interest mainly because how could anyone follow all of this with the daily antics of Bill and still know what they were supposed to do?  Forget the fake movie, David says its time to focus on a television show, and by that he means local public access channels (nothing to do with anything Bill is producing).  Even though Bill just said that the grand jury is his only remaining hope for justice, David is trashing the entire stunt.  David is pragmatic, he is trying to salvage what is left, but this puts him directly at odds with his despot in chief.  But he cannot escape the blood that Bill has put on his head.  He is directly responsible for Bill and his antics.  Continuing to hide in the corner will no longer work, the spotlight is now on him, what will he do?

Friday, May 10, 2013

Its Friday In The Clubhouse!!!

Neither Vexi-boy or anything else will ever bring us down.  Thanks to all the hard work at Joeyistalittlekid Fake Production Company in producing our official Clubhouse video (where is your movie Bill?)


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Windsor Continues His Stalking of Women

A very lonely, single and perverted old man by the name of Bill Windsor has now opened up his stalking list to include even more women.  This time the target is Elizabeth Hope Hernandez and he is heading to Biloxi Mississippi to carry out his terrorist operation.  Once again, his weapon of choice is paper terrorism through law enforcement and the judicial system.

Bill, once again, posts this woman's name, address, phone number and even includes a favorite place of dinning.  Bill vows to be at that place of business on May 11th.  He then sends a call out to his terrorist network, Lawless America, to help him in his serial stalking attempts:

"I ask anyone with any information on this person to please email me at nobodies@att.net. Please put ELIZABETH HOPE HERNANDEZ in all caps in the subject line. I would greatly appreciate it if anyone who is friends with a private investigator would ask for a little free help. I am told that it is possible that this woman has a prison background in another state, but that has not been confirmed."

He then goes on to explain to his lemmings why they must continue to be patient and to aid and abet him in his immoral activity.

"Unfortunately, part of the story of this movie and two movies or videos to follow is the serial liars out to destroy any attempts to expose dishonesty and corruption. I wish it didn't involve me, but it does, and I will be investigating each of the major players, and I will do everything I can to get them exposed and incarcerated as well as sued up one side and down the other. One major lawsuit is already underway in Missouri."

Now, a couple of points as I consult my pathological liar to English dictionary.  It has long been speculated that the only reason he had Biloxi listed on his vacation schedule is because he was after EHH.  That speculation proved to be dead on accurate as he admits he never had any other reason to visit that city other than to stalk EHH.  The second point is..notice the terminology, he has to find a way to file a criminal charge against her.  And while he would love to "sue her up one side and down the other" it doesn't look like he will get that chance as no judge seems poised to let him get vexatious in Mississippi.