Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Bill's Blogs Are Trying to Attack Us

***Rolls Eyes up and back***
I have avoided this blog, but I guess we can no longer do that.

"Sheri Westover, a protective mom was recently attacked on Facebook…this is truly horrific, the Joe-PPers (Joeys + AMPP) actually write a letter to the children she has not seen in years, bashing their mother, calling Sheri a racist and openly supporting her alleged abuser and telling the children “we hope you are placed in a good home“."

Ummmm, what?  No we didn't.  We don't even know who she is....or care, much less start writing letters to her children.

"On Feb 23, 2013, Sheri visited the “Slanderfella” page, another video project by Bill Windsor to expose men who lie in court to harm their ex, as well as men who slander, libel and stalk victims.
We at ATW can only speculate what Sheri felt as she witnessed Bill Windsor being publicly called names, taunted and made the subject of vulgar videos by a gang of bullies from the Joey blog & from AMPP that includes: Justin Thompson/Ginger Snap/Gingersnapoftruth, Allie Overstreet, Nome Travels, Petunia Snodgrass, Laura Pfister, Jay Roland, Candl Tipton/Lorraine Tipton, Kimberly Wigglesworth, Kimberly Harrington and LordBrannon Bridge. Many of the people involved in this attack are included in Windsor’s criminal complaint."

She was called a lemming and told to put down the koolaid, but there were no vulgar videos and bullying done to her at all.
But most of all, let me reiterate something that both Sheri and the author of that blog are deeply confused about.  Unlike AMPP, we here at the clubhouse are not involved with any public causes.  We are not going to solve world peace, hunger, or even cancer.....hell we are not even going to try.  The Clubhouse is made up of a bunch of individual internet personalities (obviously backed by a real person).  We do our own thing, we march to our own beat, and if we happen to only want amusement sometimes in the Clubhouse...well then thats what we might do.
I asked the boys at Weezer to do a little music video for all the Clubhouse critics and haters, so they might have a better understanding of us:


  1. Re-posting this here:

    1. And it`s still immature and lacks any real talent.

    2. awwwwwwww *I giggle on that*


      Thanks for the shout-out!

    4. Yep you do a real good job on your blog and bring a whole another dimension to it so had to give a shout out to you

    5. Another great one Brannon and if anon calls it immature, at least Billy will understand it since he tosses temper tantrums like a 3 yr old.

      @ahhh pork n beans.... Time for hotdog roast at the clubhouse!

      and beer!

    6. *GIGGLE SNORT* Brannon.

    7. HOLLA!!! G-Snap 4 LIFE yo!

    8. Yep Yep! G-Snap 4 life! *throws duces*

    9. ***Spawn***
      How's my favorite cougar?

    10. Ah, Spawn: did you forget to make a phone call?

    11. Is Spawn in trouble again? Maybe his parents should tune him in. What was he supposed to phone about? Curious minds ..... lol

  2. I have Sheri on my fb page and to my knowledge she's never said anything about this at all. C.S.

    1. I guess part of the perks for being a Blog for Billy is you get to make up whatever you want and pass it off as true

    2. lol Yea really... I never asked her but I doubt he's telling the truth.


    3. C.S. - You understand Connie Bedwell is a lying scam artist as bad as Bill.

    4. Oh Lord. Bedhell? Ugg yes, stay away from Miss psycho lightning queen, if there ever was a false accusing mother, she's the queen bee. Speaking of Connie, her daddy is up at bat to start the 36 counts of child rape trial at the end of April.

  3. LOL oh, ^^^^ this is the Dog Blog, barking away, chasing their tails, looking for bones to bury. Pretending to be watch dogs, but not so much. They are as transparent as the Pie Guy. All bark no bite.

    Hope they have their licenses and collars on when they step out into the streets of Lawless America. I hear the Dog catchers are pretty mean to strays.

    BTW I won't go there again, I don't want fleas. And they look kinda sick with all that drool hanging from their mouths.

  4. This blog is a bit more fun to read then the Dog Blog...

    "Bill's reaction to those who are fucking with him shows the kind of a man he is. If you're not smart enought to see it, then I am truly sorry for you. You do need a thick skin to be in any movement that exposes government corruption. I don't think that Bill Windsor has that. Instead he has a vindictive streak and his reaction to all of this is making it lots of fun for those who oppose him and very difficult for those who he blames for it all..."

    1. yeah they want billy to turn in his crown. I wont hold my breath on that one

    2. Wish he would though.


    3. Thank you for acknowledging me. I'm truly honored. Been following you for a while.

      A lot of people had put a lot of hope into what Windsor was doing. He has proven to be a big disappointment. And to tell the truth, I was kind of hoping more for a hostile take over of Lawless America rather than him handing in his crown.

  5. I thought the same thing Anon@11:50 how nobody knew about that until she pointed it out ****ROLLING EYES*****

  6. LOL I remember a long time ago the funeral stuff being posted on here. It was way before Snoozan started posting here. And her again WRONG ASSumption someone here was hitting below the belt...I will repeat your comment "maybe next time Susan".

  7. Is it not true, that most, if not 99.9 % of the people here are not involved in any of the legal actions of the subjects, Bill Windsor put on film...
    Subjects is the term that Bill uses towards those he puts on film.
    Actually, I don't know any of the people here , and don't cavort around COBB County or the Spots in Texas where Lord Bannon is at.
    Susan is where on the Walter Coffin, PIC...?
    Surely, SUSAN and OREAD are not teaming up to do a "BILL Knew", long before Walter handed over his power of attorney to Bill that a medium would pop up, and messages would come from the divine

  8. As the Executor of Walter's estate, Bill is entrusted to handle things Walter.
    So, what does that mean ?
    Bill is not the Executor of the estate of those 100's and 100's of people he put on film.
    So, is some one sending Bill a message that he screwed up visa via Walter ?

  9. Well, on the theme Song posted up by Ginger: it was that: DON'T CARE refrain.
    But, some divine event popped up after Bill got Walter's power of attorney, and, and a medium sent a message, and the coffin motif sprung up.
    None buy that Ginger don't care.
    She would not be doing this Blog, if she did not care.
    In some ways, she hit Bill's nerve, the one in his glutus Max, his butt, that runs down the
    from the spinal cords, and she lives to trigger a spinal cord response from Bill

    1. Perhaps if Bill could learn a little respect for all things ginger, he might be sick less often. But yeah, that's what I meant when I said the clowns will be happy to stuff BW into his own cannon and light the fuse.

  10. This is directed at me I presume cause I thought you guys had only just been made aware of the burial, when it was only that you had been made reaware. So nice of Susan to make a big deal of a minor point as I try to get caught up with yah. But I still wonder why a 65 year old man needed everyone to be aware this week of his father's burial. With everything else going on, my guess is that you guys are getting closer and closer to the truth that Bill doesn't want anyone to know just yet.

  11. Ahh, pay no attention to Susan, LNM. She just likes to start problems, pretends she knows everything and we just make it all up. She is so desperate for people to talk to her, she'll post anything to get a reply.

  12. No, please don't be offended lawlessnomore. It was directed at Susan who believes most others here knew nothing until her appearance. Unlike yourself lawlessnomore, she's never added anything of value to the clubhouse, only enjoyed hurting people on a daily basis.

    Bill sure does act as if his father's death was something most don't experience. I believe he always sought his father's approval but never lived up to anything close to Walter's achievements.

  13. Thank you, no I'm not offended, just offering somewhat of an apology though it's not my fault for her. Susan just promoted me to being a journalist, and I let her know that I am not. I am a writer and not all writers are journalists. I reminded her that I am aware of her reputation over here and directed her to a library to learn more about the written word.

  14. I love your blog. I don't like Know nothing Susan. This quote one of the many reasons why, "So when I know that what he is doing is protected by the First Amendment, rather than jumping on the bandwagon and saying he should be arrested, I remind people that in this country he has rights"

    Posting personal information on DV victims who have restraining orders is not protected by the 1st amendment. She is such a loser, and really has no idea about what is allowed and what isn't. He has NO rights to post this information ANYWHERE. And to top it off, he knew prior to his filming just exactly who was a DV victim and he didn't care.

    Contacting the ex's of whom he filmed in an further attempt to attack them is not about the 1st amendment, but a further attack on his already illegal postings. Double whammy Susan. Blind, bias bitch.

  15. I love your blog too Lawlessnomore.

  16. This just makes me so sad. Why these people think that Pie boy is going to make calls or do anything in regards to help their cases. He isn't, hasn't and won't. He isn't an attorney, and he hasn't done anything for each individual cause. He has made a DVD with nothing more than links, written some lame proposals, and told each and everyone of them how to file criminal charges.

    Why aren't they paying attention? His agenda isn't to represent them, he keeps telling them they have to do it themselves. OMG this is so frustrating to watch.

    "Dear Mr. Windsor,

    PLEASE, I am pleading for you to take a moment and read my story regarding the kidnapping of my precious little girl. Mr. Windsor Sir, you are my last and ONLY hope.. I am aware of how terribly busy you are in your work, and I know there must be THOUSANDS of people begging you for help also, but please sir, my child is suffering SO terribly, and I am literally drowning in my grief... I am praying that you can find it in your heart to take a look at what Family Court Abuse and an evil and corrupt judge has done to an innocent child and her mother.
    God Bless You,"

  17. Respect for all things Ginger, Waaah.

    (Kiss the ring waaaah, Huh....?)
    Where is the "Don't care" rock rap song refrains.
    Bill is into film, because Walter was a film guy.( a real collector)
    But, what has Bill got on film ? His VOYAGE into the HEART of DARKNESS @
    I mean this is not some Gone With the Wind, footage.
    Why was Ginger looking for Bill ?
    Why do so many purport to speak for Ginger, and Ginger for others ?
    It looks like Ginger digs pushing Bill's buttons.
    And, Bill likes to try and push the buttons of the Judicial COUNCIL in COBB County.
    Bill is not Oliver Stone, but if push came to shove , if Bill finds out who Ginger is, then
    he will go ape on pleadings, ...@, irrespective of a cause of action, or a real actionable complaint.
    However, none of that is our problem.. NADA.
    As to the clowns and cannons, most here are into, neither on that score.

    1. Did you forget to take your meds again?

    2. Oh you misunderstand, by clowns I meant none of the Joey's, and cannon was just a metaphor.

  18. @Anon 12:57, I think Susan enjoys hurting women and has her own style of abusing women not dissimilar to Windsor, just more subtle. Have you ever heard of a female misogynist? She's never stood against what Bill is doing to the DV's.

  19. Begging for help, the person says....
    Bill set himself up (his P R dupe jobs) for people to come begging to him, and he can do NADA...
    Yes, this is a sad saga to watch......

  20. Are you annon(1;16 ) addressing that to Ginger ?
    She digs pushing Bill's buttons, like toying with a rat in a cage, her own analogy.
    Why, can you answer why, annon(1:16), nobody is a junike(here) asking you for help, you got nothing over them like some cheap extortion con -man.(or GRAND DAME)

  21. Lawless America The number of likes has increased by 28 in the last hour or so yet not one new person is listed in the "New Likes" admin section. I wonder if this is where likes from Bangladesh come from....
    3 hours ago

    well go review the contract you made with those guys when you signed up. Maybe next time you will be smart enough to buy likes from real people.

    1. It seemed to me that he was toying with his followers by playing dumb. Notice the "....".

    2. LOL THIS is what he is concerned with, his fake numbers? Your people know you only have a handful of real followers, why not answer some of the people asking for help you useless, pathetic POS???

      Lawless America now it dropped by over 1,000 in the last few minutes. ???

      20 minutes ago

  22. This just in from pie man re: hunt this person down pic yesterday. (never mind all the people on his page that tried to share the photo but said it was a copyright violation, and he posted it anyway)

    Bill Windsor The person has been identified. Thanks everyone about a minute ago

  23. I think there is a fare bit of enabling going on here. If she isn't a plant then she has a love/hate relationship with him that makes me wonder what her real relationship with him is.

  24. So the pie man needed his ego stroked. And guess who was ready, able and willing to lend a hand.

    This isn't news worthy, I just don't like her two faced, back stabbing pretending to be a victim, while throwing victims under Bills bus. Oh, yes, Julia/Marlene STFU and pay your 3.5 million dollar judgment. You are such a perfect match for Vexy Boy.

    Julia Fletcher Like spaghetti thrown at the wall, something's eventually going to stick.
    4 hours ago

    Lawless America Sadly, people believe all these lies. Stuff sticks that shouldn't.
    4 hours ago

    Julia Fletcher You know, when I saw the photo, I wasn't even thinking of the hate groups! I thought it was just a graphic of chaos in general. Good thing their barrage of rumors and insults didn't stick enough for me to even remember what they tried to do to you and the project. I think it's because I've been focused on all the potential we have again now that we're on track again
    4 hours ago

    Julia Fletcher The FB "block" function probably has something to do with that
    4 hours ago

    Julia Fletcher By the way, is that a Jackson Pollock?

    1. LOL yep. Oh and about the "lies," these people think anything is a lie, unless it comes from them. Too bad two separate courts found them both guilty. One malicious and the other one vexatious. Both liars. HA!

  25. I just peeked at the blog link she sent me. It's a very BW friendly and easy to read database of all things related or talking about Bill. Who would so such a thing? Especially one who brags they know him better than us and who sheds equal parts rage and disrepect, but leans apologetic. Won't surprise me any if we find out this enabler is a family member, wife, gf, or business partner.

  26. I am offended! At least Bill threatens me with a lawsuit! I dont even get an honorable mention on that blog!

    1. Even after I said Bill was in need of a Brain Canal and not a Root Canal

    2. again no threat intended just stating the simplistically obvious

  27. Hello to all and a great big tassle squishing hug to Brannon! This is Redd, and I wanted to toss in a few words about the Powerpuff girls. All of the Powerpuffers were affiliated with Lawless America, that is how we were born. 3 of the admins are affiliated with PMA, or were when we met up. I met AMPP when it became the "forbidden fruit" so to speak. When we were forbidden to associate with them I promptly explored what they were about. My case was not about custody issues or domestic violence, but I do find AMPP's info informative.

    As I said, we were all duped by Bill and in googling him, trying to verify the comments he made regarding AMPP and especially Connie and Loryn's posts regarding AMPP we became very interested. Anyone who has ever liked AMPP page was a target, we were targets too, so there was a common bond.

    We were also targets of Allie, who is a protective mom and covered under AMPP's policy. They advocate for all moms.

    We don't like Allie, and believe after what she did to us, she is probably a lousy mom. As a group of Windless America Survivors, we are our own entity. We are flattered to be assumed to be involved with AMPP, but truth be told...AMPP told us to be nice to Allie. We backed off temporarily but did not pull our posts.

    It is not really fair to AMPP to blame our hatred for those who have harmed us on them, our voice is not that of AMPP. Our bad feelings toward Bill, Allie, and others in the LAWLESS group who have harmed us belong to US! We own that kaka! Because of our roles with lawless we too have information. Letters were sent to judges in various cases, at this point we want to get even AND expose them for others. That is our purpose. We are a growing group and we are extremely pissed off. Bill knows who we are. We believe after this little "anger therapy" is over we will move onto forgiveness, healing and move on. Too much damage was done to let it go.

    We love the Ginger Snaps and we also enjoyed Claudine's new post, Bill's not so much.

    We will leave you something for Bill's root canal. *~* Redd *~*

    1. In addition, let me stress, that we are angry with others in the group and will be exposing them. We have posted some screen shots of Allie. Julie Fletcher is on our list, so is Gail S and others. There were a lot of rotten apples in that group, not just Bill. Feel free to post any dirt you get on Julia on our page. *~* Redd*~*

    2. I don't know about Loryn but Connie is the biggest con of them all.

    3. I 'liked' AMPP's page right after the Loryn/Connie 'like' scandal so I am surprised he never mentioned me in THAT. lol


    4. I LIKED the AMPPs as soon as I saw Bill & Julia slamming them! I knew right then & there I was gonna LOVE the AMPPs! & viola! I just hung with them & found the Puffer Chicks, too! Booyah! A two-fer.

  28. That has been my guess all along... Susan=Barbara

  29. While it has been eloquently stated by another, it is
    worth repeating:

    Bill set up a dupe ploy (inducement to sucker the desperate) to have people come begging to him as he let his ego go on over- drive as a reputed GEORGIA somebody, and then he mocked those who came to him on bended knees, as nobodies, and he can do nothing constructive for anybody. All he did is have some sign over to him some claimed exclusive property to Bill, his film, shots.
    Some who are desperate issued up, God Bless, Bill.
    Do any recall the quote of General Patton on this matter.
    I urge you to google it, as it is indeed apt.
    Post it up if you think you have a clue.
    Also, did any google Bob Hurt, and the Ring of FIRE, in his circles.
    Also, who is the biggest hot dog in the BILL circus who is claiming stardom in the film Glitzy Star @
    Is it Bob Hurt, or who.... ?
    Well, you decide, the gap between reality and Bill's show grows ever wider.


    1. LOL you tell 'em Curtis. Hot air, and butt hurtness does not make a lawsuit, no matter how many .com articles are written.

      I like Gingers idea of "I survived..." t-shirts. LMAO someone (c) that quick!

    2. I did infringe on Brannons (c) of the letter "c" I hope he dont sue me

    3. don't matter to me, anyone can infringe on it accept Bill

    4. I dearly love the lowercase c. I (c)-ed it, I loved it so much! & as LordB says, anyone is welcome to it as long as it isn't Bill.
      I'll be needing a size Small t-shirt. & can we order extras? My herd wants to know. I'm making a list. Spreadsheet, really.

    5. Hey I think I can get us a discount for bulk orders lol

  31. When it comes to the LADY troopers, who have weighted in her visa BILL, it is obvious they have adopted the Patton, salute, as Hard core, hard charging Pink Panthers, to wit:

    May God have mercy for my enemies because I won't.”

    ― George S. Patton Jr.

  32. LNM, I've wondered if Susan might be Mrs or a gf of Windsor. Some days Susan was very anti-Bill & some days, not so much. Susan came off as VERY territorial of ALL topics/aspects Bill Windsor, a creepy kinda pride, for lack of a better word. I looked at the link Susan posted on your blog. A database for ALL things Bill! & you were NOT NOT NOT kidding when you described it as a spreadsheet! & she supposedly "created" this database/spreadsheet site to prove to Sharon Kramer that she, Susan, knew far more about Bill than Mrs Kramer knew! If that isn't a pissing match? I dunno what is! (in case Susan is reading, this is where you can insert a fence post & begin arguing with it, because you will)
    Your version of how time was spent in DC, from your perspective, was so heartbreaking. I can just put myself in your place. I'm so sorry for your disappointment in Lawless America. Your telling about your trip made me really empathize with you & the others.

    LNM, Thank you for sharing your experiences. You are a very gifted writer.

  33. May God Have Mercy On Your Soul - YouTube

    Really, you got to tune, it google it up.

    This you tube seems to sum up the posture as to Bill from those who are not under some cult like spell, which he weaves, and weaves, endlessly.



  36. Lots of Blogs are giant trackers, some even have warning provisos buried in TOS, the below is just a sample.
    Of course others have cross tracking nets, across ISP, and Networks.

    A sample on another BLOG, not this one, but just illustrative:, Bill must have the top bells and whistle tracking gizmos. this was on another BLOG:

    Why not a warning law that calls for BLOGS to disclose in BIG LETTERHEAD, what data or info is collected as to any who hit the ENTER KEY, he is one BLOG and its COLLECTION DRAG-NET.

    Device information

    We may collect device-specific information (such as your hardware model, operating system version, unique device identifiers, and mobile network information including phone number). Google may associate your device identifiers or phone number with your Google Account.

  37. Sheri Westover Well said Ej Perth. Just ignore them, they r a waste of time. They claim to represent victims of DV, but the language they use here n on their page shows what filth it is. Don't get me wrong, I swear, I'm no saint, but this is definitely not a way to represent victims of DV. There r plenty of other DV groups out there to join n they have a lot more class. A lot of u guys were all for being a part of LA until he called u out on being against fathers n grandparents rights. U r right, we can definitely get a good laugh from u guys, I'm laughing at how foolish u guys make yourselves look. Go ahead n attack me Idc, just proves who u really r
    February 26 at 8:48pm via mobile · Like · 3..!/permalink.php?story_fbid=144733862354839&id=144531579041734&comment_id=309977&offset=0&total_comments=138

  38. There are many people who have gone in for a look, on Bill Pages, and Joey pages, and the Mothers pages.
    However, not all are part of some war of the roses.
    Justice issues are not the same for all.
    However, there is probably not many persons who have not encountered some form of corruption, if they have lived in American and are not holed up in a cave in Montana, and are over 28 years, old.
    However, Bill is not the St Patrick of America, or are some
    MAMMA Political Party Sorts.
    Alex Baldwin, expressed his views on the divorce racket in a book.
    However, who really represents your interests, with:
    Honor, and CODES of conduct....?
    In about all matters here, there etc... it is NOT BILL.
    IS he bound by what CODES, or Duties toward you ? ZIP
    Some can do the: GOD BLESS you BILL.
    Bill is not a Minister, a RABBI a Priest.
    Some are very confused who Bill really is, and what he deep down stands for, and stands for via you... YEAH: U, and via U where it COUNTS... REALLY COUNTS...

  39. I think it's Marlene Debek aka Julia Fletcher

  40. Janice Levinson is pure evil. Someone finally did an open blog on her.
    Thx to this blog you all rock. So many of us have been terrorized by those who claim to help us.
    You all are my hero's! Thank you!

  41. hmmmmm....veddy interesting...Julia is such a deleter & not usually very articulate or even attempts to be factual w/links....hmmm...I dunno. *mulling*

  42. Well, she( J L) is in FL, S of Tampa, Bill is in Cobb County Georgia.
    It is unclear if both tried to use the other for P R spins, but then,
    P R spinning seems to be their forte.
    Oh by the way, J L uses the FB platform, so is that interesting, but then
    wolves and the food chain is something that Bill must profess to be
    an expert on. After all, he gets people to sign that, release on his exclusive property,(his film gig) and then shoves it down their thrown, like he has a hammer over their head, like he is so clever.
    But, was it all arms length...?
    yeah, like Bill the vulture capitalist with the donate buttons and,
    and ORGS, and non-profits, and shell entities, and his command at the EMPIRE: Walter's lil Winkopp, marching to the drummer boy and
    the PRINCE in the Forest.

    1. Looks like she is a "female" version of BW.

      "After having some communication with and researching Janice Levinsons background - she is a fraud. Her only communication with Lundy is very brief. She runs a fake blog and fake facebook profile of Lundy Bancroft. This was uncovered when she used his name to promote a mothers movement and made demands on several mothers with very little respect in return. She had also revealed the personal details of mothers that she perceived as a threat to her "climb" in the lime light, consequently exposing them to danger. Most of the work carried out on the PMA were solely based upon the hands of those whom she perceived as, "underneath" and within the nine months she claimed to be working on this movement PMA is:
      Still not registered as a legal entity
      Does not have a non profit status
      Does not have a registered trademark
      Has has not made any submissions to any law reviews
      Does not even have its own website.
      What Janice has spent most of her time doing with this org is enjoying the image of being a director, socializing with others and continuing to mislead the public to believe that she is Lundy Bancroft. In fact if you email her, she will respond with, "Lundy and I".
      Her recent activities include "saving face" and attacking the people who challenged her about this. The more I have found out about this person the more complaints I hear from mothers about her behavior and attitudes. It was then no surprise to find her featured in the following article and intriguing association with a criminal fathers rights org:",nunez,plansunderground,7,3,03.htm

    2. if you look at Janice Levinsons,she is following this woman,who is paid by a lawyer to get this Woman fired

    3. Handrahan is no different than the Connie woman.

    4. Melinn in the mix in above link?
      talk about batsheet crazy

    5. ok, I agree that Handrahan and Melinn....are full of Shit .... but that Sarah T was paid by a lawyer to frame Handrahan with the Naked picture of her Child. In Handrahan case, the Lawyer Waxman, Father and Lori should all be sitting in Jail for what they are doing to this little girl.

    6. In Handrahan case, the Lawyer Waxman, Father and Lori should all be sitting in Jail for what they are doing to this little girl.


    7. Is Janice the one in love with Lundy? She and Connie I think would have a cat-eye scratching competition for Lundy's (non-existent) love. They both seem so obsessed with the man.

    8. OMG yappy you are the bomb diggety!!!! I luff you even more lmao.

      I never knew Connie liked LB too?

  43. But, does she have penis envy ?
    Look the Oedipus complex came up on Bill, and deeper questions are being raised given, how things are unfolding.
    A female version of Bill. OMG how icky.

  44. Stumbled onto this blog in doing research. Is everyone on all of these blogs mentally ill. It sure seems it

    1. Call me what you want I have been called far worse

    2. Yup. Me too.
      I got a certificate from an institution making it a certifiable fact.
      Thanks for asking.
      What does label shall we give to those anonymous commenters that just stumble on these blogs during research & decide everyone on them is mentally ill? Farckles. We shall refer to them as Farckles. I (c) the word Farckle.

    3. ooops. xxx on does ^^^ What label shall we give...

    4. LMAO.... Gotta love the 'anonymous' drive-by posters who makes such a claim while 'briefly' researching. Going to go with someone recently 'banned'. There's only 2 of them so I have a 50/50 shot at being right :P awwwwwww sniff sniff sniff

      If it comes from them, I thing we all UBBER HEART the compliment immensely!!

    5. Anon should change to his real name Petunia Snodgrass then his comment will have some veracity. So. I think he is right. You are all mentally ill. Roflmao

    6. Meow~
      Pissed you off, huh?
      You must like it or you wouldn't have came back to see who responded~ & then several more times:) & you ROF often, or so I was told~ & you weren't LAO those times~

  45. You can call me mentally ill.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Be on the "Lookout" for an comment snatcher, maybe Billy was here and ceased and desisted BOB! Help, someone! How do we file Billy's fake police reports? Hello, Efff Beee Eye ? We need a bolo for Bob. :)

    2. I saw Bob at Curtis's place earlier...I think.

    3. Whew! Ok as long as someone has seen him. Billy n his gang have their lego police dept in full force so you never know.

    4. I was just making sure my new Google account was working. Got tired of not being able to post from my mobile. Curtis suggested something and it worked.Thanks Curtis!!!!

    5. Yippeeee!! Bob is MOBILE!
      Lookout! Here comes Bob!!
      (get it? Lookout? Bob?) Giggle giggle snort....mentally ill, I know...wtfever.
      ****WAVES at Bob!! did you see my NEW sneakers for running the blogsphere Bob?****

    6. I must have missed the new kicks but I'm sure they are the "bomb diggity"! I've got to stop talking to teenagers.

    7. I've got to stop talking to teenagers.

      That's a shame Bob, I was thinking of sending my teens to see you for the remainder of their Spring break. :/

      whattodo, whattodo....

    8. Luff all yall. Bob good to see the suggestion worked.
      Going to Texas Friday. My grandmother passed away today so I will be in town for a few days.

  47. Well, Susan is even more out to lunch than that. I think OReader and I found Walter's memorial site last summer when we were researching the MoM stuff.

  48. You're correct NBTDT. Oreader &/or you both shared that a long time ago.

    Oreader and I chatted about Walters bio in emails and several of us had found info on a great deal of others including Ryan's ex-girlfriend in detail I'd rather forget. I know Ninja spoke about it the other day.

  49. NothingbettertodotodayMarch 13, 2013 at 10:06 PM

    Thanks, yappy. It really doesn't matter in the scheme of things. Just pisses me off Susan wants to limit US to what she knows.

  50. Ok I hunted down the posts about Ryans girlfriend from before that I was referencing the other day. I remember reading and researching her. NBTDT even said, she researched her a few months prior.
    (Not that it matters, I just wanted to prove again Susan was wrong)

  51. ^^^^^ LOL ^^^^^^ Careful Ninja, you may suffer Susan's 'full wrath' when she replies to herself at her blog, party of 1.

  52. OMG! Gingersnap - they figured out who the woman in the photo is........they posted her name.

    1. Crap, Curtis - it was some friend of yours that gave her up.

    2. talk about sticking your nose into a hornets nest

    3. who was it? I am blocked and cant see wahhhhhh someone please have pity on a former very short term lemming pwetty pwease?

    4. Jennifer, can you email me please? I lost your email addy :)

    5. Yikes, I posted this up above earlier when he said they identified her, but there was no name then.

    6. Whomever Chris is, they should go back and delete it. Geesh I mean WHY give Billy ammunition to stalk and attack more women? wth?!

    7. Well there is no love loss there. I am sure he is not looking to attack her as much as he is going to try and pie bribe her.
      He is looking for info on the club house and will go to any lengths to get it. Even bribery (Did I mention it would be with pie?). I am sure SHE will take Bill up on his offer as he is even threatening to sue Joey. That should make her very happy indeed.

    8. No, I disagree. It's wrong Curtis. Flat out wrong, I am certain he is looking to attack her like all the rest.

      Chris as bad as Billy for doing that. How could he or you or anyone possibly know Bill's motive? EVERY name he's got, he attacks and threatens.. Can't you see what he's doing to people? I don't care who she is, I wouldn't want anyone I like or dislike on Bill's list.... giving the guy any name after all the harm Bill does is not ok. Bill is a very sick demented man who hates women with a passion. We knew who it was the other day and none of us stepped forward for obvious reasons. It was the right thing to do.

    9. oh, wow, ummm eeeee oh my, eeeee ...I'm speechless on that, ummmm and eeeek

    10. yappy we gotta talk get to fb

  53. LOL I know yappy right? Well she can kiss my (_!_)

    Yep, I said it, and I proved her wrong, and damn, I know it's gotta hurt, but hey, what do I know. I just post insignificant stuff, I can't own my shit, and my reading comprehension is low. (per her)

    Bite me Susan.
    A) This post isn't insignificant
    B) I can own my shit, it's you that can't
    C) I remembered where that post was.

  54. Poor Billy, I'm pretty sure he's wrong about this one. I hope Pacific Blues nails his ass :)

    Pacific Blues Normally I don't post here, but this story was all over the local news here, before your interview. This is a wonderful story,and I recommend everyone read about it. It makes up for a lot of the sadness in the world.
    about an hour ago · Like

    Lawless America No, this story was not on the news before my interview.
    56 minutes ago

  55. Ditto NBTDT & Ninja! lol

    Just so Susan doesn't worry herself to sleep, we know the entire alphabet.

    Here, watch:
    abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy and zed (or zee).

  56. Billy's little "empire" is crumbling as we speak. It is AMAZING the amount of trouble he has gotten himself into. He is a narcissistic PIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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