Friday, August 15, 2014


Bill Windsor doesn't understand concepts, words, definition of words or reality.  Some might think that this has come about as he ages, but lets go back and look at his past.  Bill can't stop talking about his misguided view of copyright.  He thinks every stupid mundane picture he posts is copyrighted simply because he said so.  For that matter he didn't even think to register Lawless America in the first place as a WTP group beat him to the punch.  It turns out that this is a lesson he should have already known about.

So here we are, 34 and 1/2 years ago and someone working for Bill (its never actually Bill himself that comes up with an idea) says why don't we publish a magazine called Texas Sports?  Great get to work on it and I'll start bragging about it says Bill to his employee.  Well it turns out some other guy already thought of that but not only had the thought, he took the effort to go register the name as a trademark.  Well don't let that stop Bill from a long drawn battle over something that isn't hardly worth anything in the first place. Forget that he had no legal grounds whatsoever, even back then Bill got his sick legal thrills by wasting the courts precious time as this Easterly guy offered a reasonable and cost effective (for both sides) settlement to end the madness.  Once a vexatious litigant, always a vexatious litigant.


  1. I would guess, that if we could go back 35 years, the amount of litigation Bill has produced would be mind boggling.

    After losing so many cases, no wonder he thinks judges are corrupt.

  2. When you look at what happened with Texas Sports, the fact that a university ended up with the domains, makes one wonder if Windsor was just late to that ball game, since we all know how he likes to register domain names of other people's names and businesses.

    1. And judges. For example: In the 40th District Court, In Ellis County, Texas. That same judge that he has a lawsuit filed and pending before.

  3. There are court records available on the Harris County clerks page. There are a few related suits and counter suits there, and some on the Dallas page. From what I gather, it looks like it was eventually dropped. But the spy vs spy comments in the D magazine article make me wish more was available. It sounds a lot like the same attitude he had with Maid of the Mist.

    Oh, and I found these:

    The first link is is family obituary. It's kinda sappy, but it sounds like they really loved him.

    The second link is a press obituary. It's also very positive.

    I bet Bill is jealous.

    1. I'm sorry that Mr Easterly had to waste a moment of his life with Windsor. He sounds like a wonderful man and was obviously very well thought of in the business community.
      I seriously doubt Windsor would get an obituary in any newspaper unless it is included in his pre-paid funeral expenses, that he wrote himself. #selfpromoter

  4. He's seriously a litigious junkie.
    He should be on that show "My Strange Addiction".

    #Truth #VexiAndHeKnowsIt #VexiVexiVexi #HowManyLegalWins #SovCit #LoserInLifeAndCourt

  5. What is happening with the Ellis County lawsuit? I notice BW has again posted pics and details about people he alleges to be JIALK contributors.

    1. He won't leave it long.
      He scrubs, deletes, edits & blocks with the speed of light!
      Most of early July? Poof!

    2. @ 10:43 PM - so, are there any new faces/names?

  6. Oh my goodness, he's busy chopping down trees. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at the sight of 202 entries on the "pleadings" tab.

  7. He's busy baffling with his bulls$#%.

    1. He's trying to scrub the Internet of all the stupid stuff he's said that can now be used against him. He doesn't understand it's too late.

    2. Way too late.
      Windsor loves to scream and holler about 'evidence'? There's plenty.
      He's still junkie high from his Vexi filing week.
      He best buckle up. That filing? Goes both ways.
      Hope his followers can help him. He's going to need it.

    3. "I don't know whether to laugh or cry at the sight of 202 entries on the "pleadings" tab."

      "Oh Boy! Hot water soup!"
      ~Eb Dawson
      Green Acres

  8. Too bad John Darash didn't come before Bill. Bill could have learned a thing or three. Somebody from Fogbow is listening to NLA's conference calls. One of the NLA members noted comments about NLA on that blog. When the comments were read to Darash, he had a good belly laugh about it. Darash said NLA is not interested in indicting bloggers, they only want to indict people that block access to the courts. At the end of the call, Darash says he's going to make a trip to Fogbow and hopefully recruit new NLA members.

    1. LOL well, Darash seems to be more professional in his mission. No surprise there considering it appears Windsor has never been professional in any business dealings he's ever had. Throw a tantrum and sue. Lose because he was wrong the whole time.

      From the looks of it, Windsor is still attempting to gain mass public following by filing frivolous lawsuits all across the Nation in hopes of finally getting his 1 Million followers for his "Revolution" which he mentioned needing in DC. Seems Windsor thinks it's easier to get people to join in his Revolution if they believe his lies by hyping up frivolous tales of "Defamation," than his original tales of Judicial Corruption. Maybe because there was no corruption in his MOM suits, and all the tall tales he told can be proven false. IDK, just an opinion. He's got no case. Anywhere. Why keep going when he will lose them all, if not for the hopes of gaining more people to help him take over with the majority party?

      (Oh and of course his side fix--stronger than heroin--of harassing people)

    2. Another big distinction between Darash and Windsor. Darash isn't interested in public opinion, where Windsor lets it define him completely. He can not stand one person's opinion that differs from his. Much like the followers of Windsor. Whining and crying when people just don't see it their way. They should be thankful he hasn't made his little "movie."

      Oh, and Snoozles failed attempt in thinking Darash would be as easily distracted and offended as Windsor. Another lemming Epic Fail.

    3. Do you seriously think any thought went into that? It cost nothing to give it a shot, lol.

    4. That's because you are just an evil troll who likes to cause problems when there are none. Opinions are still free speech Snoozie. Darash understands that, while Windsor wants to abolish it. Aint gonna happen.

      Your bitterness because you aren't capable of leading anyone--in any medium-- due to your overly bloated sense of self-worth and entitlement issues are very apparent. Your "voice" means nothing because everyone sees right through you. Even if you can't see it yourself--you know, being face-blind an all.

    5. Nope, we've already got you figured out. Interesting you left out your more glaring deficiency-- and that is anything court related. Your lack of understanding of the basic principles in litigation, shines right through with your typical "vexi dazzle 'em with b.s. and way more information than was needed-- to hide the lack of merit." You're all the same Snoozle. Loud, lame, vexatious and frivilous.

    6. Blah blah blah. When do the individual dismissals begin? Sept 18th or shortly there after.

    7. That's not exactly what Carroll said, but whatever. It's actually better for the defendants that the stay was lifted. Now Bill can go ahead and bumble his way to a dismissal that he'll have no grounds to appeal. We all know he'll appeal anyway but it'll be a waste of his and your time. And I'm sure he'll earn a vexi status in the state of Texas in the process.

    8. Susan, feel free to discuss your incredible legal knowledge on your bulletin board. That's probably the only place you'll find anyone who can debate you. You are still the only one on that site correct?

    9. ya, please do go talk to yourself on your blog, you could even create a name on there like "GENII" and you could act like it's over here

    10. She left that "bulletin board" because no one would argue with her.

    11. I'd like to entertain self by reading your #spin of those stipulations Windsor was given.
      Don't delude self into believing the #Stay was "lifted".
      Which #strictlyworded #stipulation would you care to examine?

      #Nuances? Wanna insert #nuances into the judge's #stpulatuons? Or the #Nuances of ThrashOrder used as reference by the judge in Texas?

      Windsor's legal interpretations and his paralegal, Sharon Galloway's assistance in the most recent filings! Her Willy certainly didn't follow rule 1) taught to first year law students! Keep It Simply Short!
      Bwahahahahahahaha! 40+ Motions filed I less than four days? Just wading through all that? Will go over like a fart in a space helmet!
      Tell your Willy at least one defendant really appreciate his #Vexi flooding!!

      sniff? sniff?
      Yes! That's #VexiBacklsh that not only I'm getting a big whiff of!
      Again, thank Windsor and YOU! Making it so simple! #HelpHimToKeepFiling
      Please? The ever-growing paper pile? Just as a junkie that never intends to quit, #VexiCrack #KeepHelpingAdvisingWithYourLegalExpertise Between the 2 of you? Especially your armchair cheering is just a bonus! History of court bitchslapping Windsor will be a re-run worth wating and watching from him? Terrific!


    12. That Sharon has a blog? Really?
      Who knew?

      *waving* at P (it's August & after so many years, everyone that has sense God gave grass? Knows P is in Peru)

      #WindsorSeesHatersEverywhere #NancySeesMike #MaryDis AlwaysCheckingForTicks
      #KPatIsNowIsRightWhereHeBelongs #HeadLemming #NeckToNectWithhis kind

  9. Ummm hmmm, Jim is hilarious! I like him!

    And Windsor is too busy for Facebook, sure he is, hence his post!

    What's funnier is KPat!

    Kpat Brady Nevertheless, Facebook is thinking about you Bill
    23 minutes ago
    Not a doubt in my mind that counsel, Julie, in particular, has not forgotten about Windsor. I seriously doubt he'll ever forget her or the other female attorneys bitchslapping his #Vexi ass all up in front of the Judges in several courts!

    Nancy? Spinning unsupervised as usual. God love her crazy ass. She cracks me up! If Bill's got it bad? She's had it worse & longer. Bill knows something? She's an authority on it!
    #SNL will a re-run, this lemming insult lobbing should get good as the night goes on. Or if it gets too mundane? We can read through the reams of paper Windsor bombarded the court with just since Monday! I skimmed through and he's got some whoppers!
    Multiple screen shots and Zip drives saved what he's attempted to scrub in the past few days. #toolateWindsor #epicfail

    1. Hell hath no fury like a crazed Figat...

    2. Lmfao @ Spammy!
      I Love me some Nan Nan too!
      Without her I woulda had no idea my name was Mike or that Michelle Obama was really a man.
      Pay attention world!!!
      She's on to something big!

    3. She's a keeper...

    4. My favorite is "Michelle Obama is a man"

    5. Mona Starr
      Michelle Obama is a man. PERIOD!
      2 · 1 hour ago

      Leonard W. Giddens Jr.
      It's real name is Micheal.
      19 minutes ago

      Mona Starr
      Yup, Leonard. Michael LaVaughn Robinson.

    6. Michelle is really Mike.

    7. WOW, that whole FB thread is a doozy! Can you believe the people siding with Nan Nan? That everyone who's a woman is really a man, and the men are also the same man that married her pretending to be Mike, but not? Hahahahaha OMG That is some funny stuff right there, and that--Good people-- is LAWLESS AMERICA right fricken there, in all the cray cray glory.

    8. Nancy represents a pretty good cross section of the remaining lemmings...

    9. Where's that brainiac Susan Harbison aka Sharon Galloway when Nancy is rolling into the 120+ comments on one thread?
      She call commenters her GENII? What little batshit crazy label has she got for her comrade Nancy?
      I am really counting on affidavits from Nancy and Sharon/Susan to be attached to this week's #Vexi onslaught that Windsor files!
      Shitfire! Even the judge needs a laugh! (Like the BillShit wasn't laughable enough!)

      #MikeInKempTexas #ThankYouNancy #ProvidingProofWithMaryD #LawlessLemmingsRemaining #dontforgetcreepyMarty

    10. I just wanna hang out with her.
      Where does she live again?

    11. After the revolution, she's a shoe-in for Head of Intelligence...

  10. Speaking of which, the Lawless America facebook page that was recently returned to Windsor that had 50,000 likes is now at 39,979. Lots of his former followers who found out the page is back up have unliked the vexi litigant and more surely will.

    1. I think that could be Facebook deleting fake profiles.

    2. Nooooo! Julia? And the Facebook Legal Team?
      That would funny!
      I heart Julia!

      #peskyTOS #FacebookHasEverythingWindsorHasDeleted

    3. But, but, but...Windsor doesn't lie. They all have to be real. He said so. He also said he had over 10,000 emails, one week after the "Constitution is void" paid press release went out, and he has over 50,000 people wanting to be filmed. Those must be the "likes" on his page. He wouldn't lie now would he? He surely wouldn't "puff" those numbers as a sales tactic? Nah, they are all real.

    4. Exactly. Windsor's likes are as real as a click farm in Bangladesh.

      Anyone else watching NFL pre-games? Now that they've changed the rules for pass interference, there's a flag on nearly every's what you would imagine a football game to be if Windsor were officiating.

  11. Replies
    1. LOL!! Good one Sluggo.
      Anyone else think the "help" Snoozie might be tossing Windsor's way is her revenge on him for not listening to her way back when? She always did have such a large chip on her shoulder for his naming "GRIP" and made her little "Reformer" group to discuss the failures and frustrations of Windsor's self proclaimed leadership. Things that make you go hummmmm.

    2. Have any of you ever known Windsor to listen to anyone about anything?

    3. Uh. Bill did listen to a few people who pushed him information. He clearly doesn't care if the information is correct and he might be selective in what information he uses. But it appears he is also listening to someone helping him with his amended TX pleading and what parts of his history he needs to hide. He was also listening to someone that told him to STFU.

    4. True. He does listen a little bit. But for the most part he does his own things, usually against the advice of others.

    5. Good point - he does not listen to people that may be looking out for his best interests. Seems he listens only to the information that fits his agenda or he can twist to fit.

  12. "James Lico Bill, have you ever wondered why these psychopaths are doing this to you. It is happening to me and tens of thousands of other people. The psychopaths are getting paid to harass you . The government is trying to neutralize you. You were being to effective at getting the word out. I know they have psychopathic solutions, but you have to admit that you have stopped. From their standpoint, it was a success. Psychopaths are very good at keeping secrets. They are in every town. I am one of the targeted individuals you may have heard about. The handlers are like bounty hunters. They do experiments on us for their overseers. You are an activist and you got put on the list. I would be glad to talk with you about it. Corruption is a much bigger problem than we thought.
    1 hour ago"

    1. I wonder if Bill ever has a "WTH was I thinking?" moment when he reads these comments.

    2. where's the money?

    3. If folks were actually employed by the government to harass Windsor, you'd expect their employer (the government) to provide them with lawyers, but that's not the case. The fact is most of the named parties are pro se.

      See there, James, that's called logic and reason. You're now free to breath though your ears.

    4. I'd like to know what makes any of these clowns so important that the government pays people to harass them...

    5. "Nancy Evans True. It is like fighting a substance. That got holdof you. I have turned to my higher power. Using 12 steps.
      26 minutes ago"

      "Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity."

      I wouldn't count on it...

    6. I still say the petri dish of mental illness over there on Windsor's FB is a sad tribute to our mental health system here in the US. These people need help.

    7. He's essentially throwing a Grow Light on the dish to exacerbate their problems...

    8. For anyone new to JoeyIsALittleKid, Bill continues to engage in his addiction to sue without actual causation after many, many years, an addiction that he will never admit he has. He was always out looking for prey to victimize though the courts to establish himself as the ultimate alpha male, as opposed to doing anything honorable like actually making a movie about true official misconduct/malfeasance as in the cases of convicted judges and other public servants, though he so wants to look like the good guy. He baited victimized innocents who lost their children either through the irony of greed in family and juvenile courts or through actual death, not to mention others including true crazies with different issues who repeatedly post blather on his facebook page. He drew people in through the promise that they would be heard. But Bill has traveled far and wide to inflict his brand of pain. Bill has victimized truly good people to get his jollies, most of whom stay werry, werry quiet so they don't have to deal with his persistent abusive crap. The only recommendation any wise person could give is to stay as far away from him as possible.

      Anyone who has stopped to read the pleadings he has submitted can see that he has no basis for his actions whatsoever. His whole ploy in traveling to the 50 states to expose judicial and public corruption was ONLY to support his own unfounded beef with the courts in his own matters. He has a very long history of making and escalating conflict in courts for no good reason.

      Because he has been so spoiled in his lifetime, he doesn't understand the dynamics of money in that no money is being exchanged to harass him and, in fact, as a public figure, he is not being harassed at all. Sure seems delusional to me. IMO

    9. One only needs to research one or two of their stories, starting with Marty Prehn, to know that a good chunk of them are wackos.

    10. LOL. Although it appears he's more like "Windsor All-up-tighty"

    11. Perfect!
      Also...I was thinking he was more in to booty than putti.

  13. Replies
    1. Resplendent Bump! ^^^

    2. Dang, I was going to bump Sluggo before Spammy did this time. I like that one.

      But I got to wondering if there even is a Kinkos in Ellis County. So I wandered off to go look. Yep. There is one. In Waxahachie, only 2.73 miles from the court house.

    3. Just following the smoke billows from exploding vehicles...

  14. i cant wait until it is time to deposition bill windsor. what about when he has to answer his interogatories. He'll have to turn over his computer to the foresnsic person of choice for us to look at. Discovery is a two way street. I even know that Onstar can be of help to get all of his driving history off of the Jeep. WOOHOO!

    1. That's when he'll drop it. Just like in MO.

    2. Yes 10:37, that is all going to happen.

  15. All of us defendants had better file for production of documents and all discovery from vexi boy. In fact, let's consider this notice to WillyBill that he's going to get notice to produce his mountains of paper and all of his other discovery to each and every one of us, including all information from all other law suits he's been involved in so that the court can enter into evidence all german information to this case.

  16. someone should ask bill if he thinks Michelle Obama is a man or a woman. This is important because if he thinks she is a woman Mary can say he is not a true American

    1. Heck, let's just integrate that topic into the deposition for Bill to answer himself and we can make our own movie from the video, a real movie.

    08/20/2014 - 9:00 AM DEPT. PJLM

    - -

    1. Goodbye CA lawsuit. Two down one to go. Then all he'll have are his doomed appeals. Shouldn't be long till his last suit gets killed.

    2. Snoozie, needs to go and talk to the judge, apparently he doesn't know how to read it, and thats according to her

    3. Hahhahaha!! May the Schwartz be with you!! Awesomeness x 100.
      Sounds like the Judge was a bit irked by the fact Windsor didn't even bother to show up. Why file a suit, and then not show? I guess the impending foot in the ass wasn't as appealing as one in the ear. Probably held it up to the one he's deaf in. Bahahaha


    Huh. What do ya know, another state judge that decided to consider an order from a federal court that is void. Instead of telling us what should have happened, I think Snoozie ought to just call up Judge Foiles and tell him what he did wrong.

  19. Yup. Those durn judges! Who do they think they are?
    Do they even know Sharon/Susan aka Snoozie is THE foremost authority all things legal & judicial? She knows about #nuances!!! Wtf? That Julie chick FB has? Better buckle up! When Windsor and his armchair get done dr-ing their red ass? Ooooo ooooo ooopo! They're gonna zap her & the judge with some real #VexiPaperWaste

    Bwahahahaha! Bawahahahahaha!

    That was Facebook! When does AT&T, CraiigsList & all the others begin?
    We gotta get more popcorn!
    Somebody ask Michelle/Michael Obama to bring it. They're man enough to tote the amount we're gonna need, right?


    1. Does this mean Julie is making it impossible to obtain financing and other certain contracts with his business associates?

    2. So then some of you still believe Thrash's order is valid? What part of Carroll's order are you having trouble understanding?

    3. A judge in CA sure seems to think it is.

    4. LOL oh Snooze, you'll just have to wait and see what happens next. You're just too vexi to get it. You're all proud of yourself thinking you were right, but it's just not that cut an dry. Hahahahaha Oh, so fun!

    5. "What do ya know, another state judge that decided to consider an order from a federal court that is void."

      Numerous judges have/are playing along with Thrash's order. That does not mean the order is valid. It means that they are willing to play dumb in order to give Windsor another hoop to jump through.

    6. Carroll lifted the stay because he wasn't comfortable dismissing the case over the technicality of an unpaid fee. He's going to dismiss individuals instead.

    7. @ 8:21 I have never read that Judge Carrol said that thrash's order is not valid.

    8. @8:26: It is exactly that cut and dry. By all means, ask your "attorney" about it. Go to any of the free legal sites and ask whether a USDC can interfere with a citizen's right to file state court claims in a state court. Go to the lawl ibrary and find a single case where such an injunction has ever been upheld. Oh wait, you don't want to do any of that do you? It would be most un-GENII like to actually consider the facts wouldn't it?

    9. Carroll is going to dismiss one at a time using the Anti SLAPP. Then he'll award them money out of Bill's $1000 bond. As Bill replaces the money, Carroll will dismiss the next one. He'll keep doing it until Bill stops replacing the money, or all the defendants who filed anti SLAPP are dismissed.

    10. Susan, read the all writs act.

    11. Hahahaha Snooze-- no you're completely wrong as usual. You are focusing on the lift, and not the real reason. Feel free to pull your head out of your vexi ass, and crack open a book on Federal court rules, and laws regarding Jurisdiction. Don't just skip through the parts you don't like, pretending they aren't there like Windsor does.

    12. "Carroll lifted the stay because he wasn't comfortable dismissing the case over the technicality of an unpaid fee. He's going to dismiss individuals instead."

      THIS is why the stay was lifted without waiting for the TX USDC to grant leave:
      1. The blanket extension of the entire injunction and all its terms to every state in the United States is overly broad, and not per se necessary to protect federal court constitutional jurisdiction or other federal interests;
      2. The injunction contained no exception for allowing Windsor to defend himself in a criminal action or seeking affirmative relief, such as in the instance of filing a writ of habeas corpus; and
      3. The injunction contained no exception for allowing Windsor access to appellate courts.

      Judge Carroll took the time to identify THREE fatal flaws in Thrash's order. It had nothing to do with the fee.

    13. Again HAHAHAHAHAH see, you are so focused on those little things, you can't see those don't apply to this particular suit.
      1) This isn't an appellate case
      2) This isn't a criminal case
      3) you and Windsor are easily distracted from the actual reasons by anything sounding like your broken record whining.

      You didn't write the main point the other Anon was stating, because you choose to focus on the wrong stuff. HAHAHAHAHAHA

    14. I'm quite familiar with the All Writs Act and I tried to explain it to you before. How can you miss the following LIMITATION: The statute authorizes the United States federal courts to "issue all writs necessary or appropriate in aid of THEIR RESPECTIVE JURISDICTIONS and agreeable to the usages and principles of law." Emphasis added.

      The "respective jurisdiction" of a federal court is limited to certain subject matter. In other words, federal courts only have power over certain types of issues. Federal courts do not have the power to say who can or cannot file state court claims in a state court.

    15. OMG 8:40..."little things". Those are the three REASONS CARROLL gave for lifting the stay in spite of the fact that Windsor did not obtain leave from the USDC.

      You are correct that items #2 and #3 are not even relevant to Windsor's case. The fact that Carroll bothered to acknowledge those two flaws was a slap in Thrash's face.

      The flaw that is relevant in Carroll's court is that the "The blanket extension of the entire every state in the United States is overly broad..." Do you know what that means? It means that Thrash had NO POWER to interfere in the state court's business. "Overly broad" was a nice way to put it. The fact is, Thrash exceeded his authority, which is a rather BIG DEAL.

    16. No Snooze those aren't the "REASONS" those were opinions about Thrash's order. You seriously are so vexi you will jump at the chance to chant a "win" when it's not even close.

      And again, you are completely wrong about Thrash's order, but as stated before, you just don't get it, because you don't want to.

    17. How long until Bill starts crying corruption to the lemmings about the CA suit? Or is he going to treat it like MO and pretend it didn't happen?

    18. @8:45: I'm sure the GENII don't care. They have no idea what any of it means. All they know is that they like Thrash's order therefore they choose to deem it valid!

      You are a little bit right though. I do want to jump up and down because at least one of the six or seven judges that have dealt with that injunction has done the right thing with it.

      None of you have the faintest idea of what it means for an Article III judge to issue an unlawful order like that injunction. Even if you did realize how outrageous such conduct is, you would condone it because it worked in your favor. That is the difference between the GENII and people who actually have brains.

    19. Only vexatious litigants are worried about that order. It protects the public from people exactly like you.

    20. Oh, and Snooze, while you and Vexi boy were busy fit pumping the air thinking you were getting a leg up, you completely missed Judge Carroll verifying Windsor is Vexatious. Again HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
      missing the whole picture is what you vexi's are all about after all.

    21. @8:51: "No Snooze those aren't the "REASONS" those were opinions about Thrash's order."

      What exactly do you think a judge's "opinion" is? A judicial opinion indicates the facts and the law that led the court to make a given decision.

      Let's try it again, this time with the text that preceded the three fatal flaws in the injunction. THIS IS THE REASON Carroll lifted the stay:

      "[t]he following LEGAL PROBLEMS associated with the injunction make it IMPERMISSIBLE for the state trial court judge to fully enforce the injunction." Emphasis added. This means the injunction is not LEGAL and therefore it is not enforceable in a state court. Then he listed the THREE LEGAL PROBLEMS in the injunction:

      1. The blanket extension of the entire injunction and all its terms to every state in the United States is overly broad, and not per se necessary to protect federal court constitutional jurisdiction or other federal interests;

      2. The injunction contained no exception for allowing Windsor to defend himself in a criminal action or seeking affirmative relief, such as in the instance of filing a writ of habeas corpus; and

      3. The injunction contained no exception for allowing Windsor access to appellate courts.

    22. @9:00: I didn't miss a thing. I was very impressed by the restrictions judge Carroll has imposed. He has taken on the burden of supervising certain aspects of the litigation in an effort to prevent defendants and witnesses from incurring needless expenses. The restrictions will be beneficial to Windsor as well. I believe judge Thrash is taking the case quite seriously in spite of Windsor's history.

    23. If the restrictions are beneficial to Windsor, why has he already filed a motion for Carroll to reconsider them?

    24. It's Windsor. He does not know what is good for him, that is why the judge is restricting him, lol.

    25. Carroll sent a clear message to Windsor. Bill won't be allowed to play his usual games and that's all he's really interested in. He won't play by the rules and will try to get around them any way possible. He'll end up with sanctions, contempt, dismissal, or all of the above.

    26. @9:00: "Only vexatious litigants are worried about that order. It protects the public from people exactly like you."

      Really? So far, has it protected ANYONE?

      That injunction has been a disaster. How many USDCs have been forced to take their time to deal with that injunction so far?

      Let's not forget that the Missouri USDC enjoyed double the work because Allie's idiot atty tried to have the case removed to the USDC.

      The TX USDC has also enjoyed far more work than a simple motion. The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals got dragged into that one.

      Has a single USDC denied him leave to file? Nope.

      Thrash has merely created a lot of extra work for the federal court system, which has done nothing at all to limit Windsor's litigation activities. The injunction is not protecting anyone, and it is pointlessly costing the taxpayers.

    27. Wow! You're really going to complain that the thrash order is costing the taxpayers money?? That's hilarious. So when are you going to start complaining about your precious Willy wasting the taxpayers money for the last 4 years? His waste of court resources is the reason the thrash order even exist.

    28. @9:39: I agree that the message is clear. I believe Carroll is interested in hearing exactly what this blog has been doing. He is doing all he can to keep it under control and the thousand dollar bond is brilliant. Let the games begin!

    29. This blog has been exercising it's right of free speech. And it looks like Carroll isn't going to allow any games. Can't wait to see who the first person is that gets a slice of Bill's $1000 pie.

    30. @9:51: "His waste of court resources is the reason the thrash order even exist."

      There is humor in the situation. Windsor doesn't know what he is doing (he is getting much better though), accordingly he wastes a lot of Thrash's resources.

      Thrash purports to address this problem by issuing an unlawful (FRIVOLOUS if you will, lol) order that only EXACERBATES THE PROBLEM and wastes the resources of numerous other federal courts!

    31. I am seriously LMAO here at Snoozies comment about costing taxpayers. Just the other day, she said Windsor's suits were a boost to the economy. Holy cow, the crazy nut just can't stick with one opinion and stick to it.

      Windsor is a frivolous man who files frivolous suits across the US costing taxpayers tons of money they don't have to throw away on litigation to defend themselves against some tyrannical dictator public figure. It's not amusing, it's not funny it's pathetic.

      Windsor will get his ass handed to him in every court he's currently involved in. It's all just wasted money, time and resources. Thrash knew Windsor would become a menace to the entire Judicial system, Judges, Attorney and litigants alike, which is why his orders were written the way they were. SMDH @ the constant excuses and justifications you spew Snooze.

    32. That's funny. I guess only windsor's suits help the economy.

    33. Just another example of Susan's complete love and devotion to her Willy. Any court action other than her crush is a waste of taxpayer money, but his frivolous crap is good for the economy. Blinded by love I guess.

    34. Uh, the "helps the economy" thing was only half serious.

      "Windsor is a frivolous man who files frivolous suits across the US"

      True. But even a stopped clock is right twice a day. He is right to be suing some of you. My interest in his litigation is limited to those claims.

    35. Who do you believe he's rightly suing. This should be really entertaining?

    36. Now? She's concerned about actual licensed and practicing attorneys "clogging" courts!
      Bless her little black, shriveled up heart. Lol lol lol lol! Silly Susan/Sharon!

    37. LOL watching this display from Snoozan and her back peddling and sidestepping from things she said in the past sure does make it seem that her "help" for Windsor might actually be her way of setting him up. This whole "helps the economy" thing she was trying to sell so hard last time? Now with the she was "only half serious"...yes, well, when Windsor is ordered to start handing money over to the defendants he's so clearly harassing, then yes, it will help the economy. Maybe that's what she was really alluding to.

    38. That would explain why she feels the $1000 bond is such a good idea.

  20. Susan, are you an attorney? if so what state and what is your real name. Until your willing to answer those questions you coming here and giving us your opinion is just that another opinion without merit.

    That is why I am not giving an opinion here. I leave it up to the Courts and Judges that I have faith in. Verse you and Bill Windsor who would rather put them on Public Trials AKA Common law Grand Juries or Citizen Grand Juries and get Jurors from Craigslist and Charge them with treason and give them the punishment of the Death Penalty and resume their positions and changing the law Retroactively.

    Won't it be awesome when and if I had Judge Carol actually listen to a Talkshoe from 2012 where him, Jeff Barron, and David Schied talked about such a thing.

    1. Oh Lawd.
      That'll be entertaining! Hope I can attend that day!
      Sharon Galloway, aka Susan Harbison will you be traveling to accompany your Willy? Flemming's attorney is GOOD. Worth a trip! You might take notes and learn a few pointers from her.

    2. @Fleming: Surely you know by now that I am not going to identify myself or give any information out about myself. What a silly question.

      I'm telling you what I know. Take it, leave it, scroll past it, whatever. Btw, what good did it do you for your atty to file that crap with the TX USDC? None. Because that court never had the authority to stop Windsor from suing you in the state court. All she did was clog up the USDCs docket.

      I have never condoned the ridiculous idea of citizen grand juries, lol.


      For the common good.

      You know who you are...

    4. Oh? And, lol lol lol lol! You do make us laugh daily! Thank you Susan/Sharon. You're laughable, just as your Willy.

      Anything new you might have?
      Nope. You don't. Troll along now. Those NLA folks probably need your great wisdom. Lol lol lol lol.

    5. @11:24: Please show me where I ever condoned the idiotic idea of CGJs.
