Showing posts with label terrorist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label terrorist. Show all posts

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Der Fuhrer Purges His Minister of Propaganda

There is sooooooo much going on right now that the best I can do is give a cliff note's version of the run down.  We have all heard at least some of the story by now, but the truth to the story is vomit inducing.

Apparently, leading up to and certainly after the DC event, Allie had started to really pay attention to this blog and the questions we were raising (such as the fake fb profiles).  She even began to ask bill some questions about them, and as a dictator he expects blind loyalty and nothing else.  So they quietly parted.

Well, the problem is, she was too big of a figure in the movement to just fade away into the sunset   Many of the followers started asking questions and thinking that Bill banned her.  At this point, it became clear to Bitler that he had to make a public exaction and example out of his former number two.  So he devises a plan only Satan himself could come up with much like Hitler and his Reichstag Fire.

He decided to choose a story he covered in the same town as Allie, in fact it was someone who was brought to Billy by Allie, and this story involved a troubled teen.  Since Bill hadn't had any real hero worship from this family since his filming of them, he figured he would throw them into the purging as well.  So late in the night, bill receives a facebook message from someone he believes to be (translation:  I'm lying) the mother of the child saying that he had committed suicide.  Bill runs with this story all over his plethora of facebook pages and tried to use the story to rally the troops to his cause.

Then he stated to receive messages back that the story was bogus.  Instead of taking responsibility for posting the story and apologizing, he then moves to phase two of his plan, blame it all on Allie.  He bans her and everyone involved in the story from facebook so that he can control all information given to his lemmings.

But there is a reason you never out your number two, because they have all the goods on you.  And that is certainly the case here as Allie has enough to bury Bill once and for all.  Before she was banned, Allie posted the greatest post in the history of Lawless America, as she shot a hole in everything:

Allie Overstreet That's it? This is your big public ousting? A simple trace on the computer that sent that suicide message, would clear things up. Although I doubt that gets posted. Unblocking me so I can watch the train wreck, yet blocking me from commenting to defend myself is a bit juvenile I think. Tell them, Bill, of the donations receipts. Tell them of the movie and Sundance fiasco. Tell them of the thousands of emails you copied me on. Tell them of the one where you are calling them stupid. Tell them of Homeland Security list Bill, and the filming at the capitol. Tell them how Stacey did send your hard drives back and how you gave permission to use the banner and camera. Tell Dottie what you really think of her. Tell them about Montana and the cops chasing you out of the state. Tell them how many social security numbers you have. Tell them about your database Bill. Tell them about the emails you DONT publish. Tell them about the tv show Bill. Tell them of your bad guy list and why they are on it . Tell them how many times you were in your basement when you you said you were on the road. Tell them about the death threats, or rather, the lack there of. Tell them about the trademark and copywrites Bill. Tell them how you sent me every email you ever sent any of them. Tell them about the meetings with movie agents. Go ahead, tell them. Tell them about your precious spreadsheets with all their personal info Bill. And while you are at it, tell them how to track IP's and proxy's, and how you never should have trusted a woman with brains enough to keep everything you ever said. ...You have made a grave mistake jerking innocent people around for your own midlife crisis. Haters aren't causing you to fail, YOU are causing you to fail. Lying about stupid shit trying to ruin peoples name, just because they dared to not bow correctly to you. Go ahead, trace the computer. I dare you. Tell them where all these criminal charges you have filed are. Tell them that you knew two weeks before DC we couldnt film in the capitol and that no legislators were coming. Tell them about the two under cover FBI agents in the Senate theater Bill. Tell them how you changed from a regular room to the biggest suite the Crowne had. Tell them how you told me there wont be any movement and you are going to back out. Tell them the timing in which this suicide message appeared. won't do that, now will ya. Tell them how many letters you have written to congress Bill. Tell them who actually wrote them . Tell them who does all your work for you. Tell them why your son won't associate his company with Lawless. Tell them how you didn't renember Noah until I told you who he was. Tell them who got Stop the Silence to endorse you. Who got Washington Families United to endorse you. Who got you conference calls with media. Tell them how you forgoymt to copywrite Lawless and asked me what to do. Tell them how you have tens of thousands of unanswered emails. Tell them who did what Bill. I do dare you to sue me and file charges on me. I cannot wait. I will expose the real corruption within Lawless America gladly, and not on faacebook to a bunch of people who believe in you. I hope you do go to the cops, but I know you won't because they already know you well. You are the sick one, for not giving a shit about these peoples stories unless it is good PR for you. You are good at talking sweet but suck at covering your tracks. Bring it on Mr. Windsor, we will see where that suicide message came from and we will blow you wide open for all your lies and using these folks vulnerabilities to your advantage. I am not your average lemming and lying about me to publicly and maliciously discredit my name was a big mistake.

Bill made a fatal mistake in choosing to purge Allie.  He also made a major moral error in choosing this boy as the crux of his made up story.  He exposed himself to the world as a monster, and a stupid one at that.  Now, as the vultures are swirling above, the final chapter of Bill Windor's lawless america has begun.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Bill Windsor Has Lost His Mind

Billy needs to get back on the road and start filming again for his fake movie.  When he spends extended periods of time in his dark, lonely, soon to be foreclosed home, his paranoia engulfs him.  One of the problems with being a compulsive liar is you honestly forget what the actual truth sounds like.  Late last night, Billy tossed away all his marbles in a vain attempt to try and capitalize on what he believed was a tragedy.

According to him, he received a facebook message last night from the mother of a boy named Noah whom he had previously filmed in Jefferson City Missouri.  The message stated that Noah, out of fear of being taken back into CPS custody, took his own life.

Without any verification whatsoever, Billy excitedly put the news all over his different facebook pages as a rallying cry for all his lemmings.  Windsor proclaimed that Noah was now a somebody in heaven.  He even brought up that he might have been sexually molested even though thats a claim that Noah never made, but Billy called it the "elephant in the room" in his post-mortem recap of the boy's life.

Well, not so fast.  Fortunately the story was false, but instead of owning up to his mistake, he starts to push the blame in the direction of his former Minister of Propaganda ms. Allie O.  Yes, thats right, apparently Allie has quietly been moving away from the American Terrorist known as Bill Windsor.  So this means she is back in the middle of the spotlight as this non-incident happened in her town with a family she convinced to go to Lawless in the first place.  Here is how Billy starts to paint the picture after he realizes he screwed up:

  • Bill Windsor Kini, there are only perhaps six people who could have written this Facebook message. I know it wasn't me, and I ruled out Noah. That leaves Brenda and three women. The messages and posts about the bologna came from Mark Supanich, Allie Overstreet's new boyfriend. So what are the odds that Mark, Allie, and Noah are sitting around eating bologna sandwiches at 1:00 am when a message is sent saying Noah is dead is sent to me...followed an hour later with messages from Mark saying it isn't true. Very strange stuff.
    6 hours ago · Like · 4
  • Bill Windsor For those who don't know, Allie Overstreet is in the Jefferson City, Missouri area where Noah, Brenda, and Allie were filmed. Mark Supanich is from Missoula, Montana.

See lemmings, this all must be Allie's fault, and maybe Sean Boushie while we are at it.  Allie comes on to give her defense of the situation and deny any part of charade:

Allie Overstreet pfft....I saw your "Noah commited suicide" comment and panicked. I know Noah and his mother very well in real life. I called her immediately because I knew something wasnt right with your story. I had just spoken to them three hours prior. Sure enough, he is alive and well and she is in shock that you would post that. Do not play like I had anything to do with this. That is just cruel. I love Noah very much and know him personally. Brenda and Noah aren't even your followers. I talked them into filming with you, and she has only had minimal contact since Jeff City with you. She is not on fb very much, does not read your wall, and is not known by your followers. She did not do this. And a man in Montana wasn't watching young boys in Missouri eating. I told him Noah was alive because your post caused alot of pdople to pray, cry, and mourn, including Mark in Montana. It was only right I let him know that Noah was not dead. And really, Bill, what if he was dead? You think it is okay to post that stuff without even knowing if it was okay with his mom ? She is crying herveyes out and cursing up a storm because you knew her son IS suicidal from CPS. My God Bill, have some compassion. And try asking people before you go saying their son is dead. I know Brenda and she did not send you that. I certainly did not send you that. You are out of line. I have done nothing to you, and have been kind in explaining why Icam not here anymore. Why would you put my name in a post suggesting I sent this sick piece of garbage? Say your sorry for Gods sake, instead of accusing everybody for YOUR mess ups. Noah Williamson is alive and well. Leave him alone.

Well that all sounds right and all, but the lemmings are well trained to avoid the truth and instead they start to gang up on Allie as their Fuhrer had inferred:

Sharon Noonan Kramer Wow! That is diabolical manipulation. Its interesting that they picked a friend of Allie Overstreet's for that horrid message knowing Bill Windsor would probably post it. Wonder if they did that on purpose to try to bring the recent rift into an all out public feud? Who would be so callus to send a false message that a troubled young man commited suicide and what were they trying to accomplish? Bill and Allie, both be careful you are not being manipulated. There are professional corporations out there who do this kind of stuff for a lving. See info on HGBary who the USDOJ put in contact w/the US Chamber. Bary wrote a proposal of how to infiltrate and cause desent among Chamber detractors. Annonmous hacked Bary and got the proof of what they were doing.

Patricia L. Adame @ Allie Overstreet You are a problem. GET OUT OF THE WAY, Bill is a good man doing whats right even through all attacks against the cause for justice. You probably wrote that letter and turn around and write your comments in attempt to discredit Bill and the cause and cause additional stumbling blocks to this quest for justice. Back Off.

The bottom line is Bill cares nothing about any of the families or stories he has filmed for his fake movie.  It pains him to even tolerate their existence as he must endure their endless postings and thoughts on his facebook page.  The only real value they give him is the exploitation and shock value he can use to try and leverage in his personal battle against the court system.

-oh and for more on this and everything else, tune in to the clubhouse radio show tomorrow night at 9 central time

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

William M Windsor: An American Terrorist

So I have been doing some reading up.  First, on the latest over at Quatloos about Billy:

As you can see, these guys have been following him along with a hoard of other characters they all call a part of the Sovereign Citizen Movement.  This got me to really thinking back to when Windsor devoted an hour of filming to his buddy Carl Swensson of the Birther Movement.  Then I ran across this article:

Did you catch that?  He pulled this citizen grand jury on the very day, April 1st, that Billy has announced he will do his own version on.  Obviously Carl is advising him on this.  Windsor is trying to learn from the mistakes Carl did in limiting it to just the Birther movement.  The Why isn't important, its the end result that matters.  This is why Windsor is allowing any and everything into his fake movie.  We can go from a guy who wants his cybersquatting rights, to mothers trying to get their kids back, to a guy trying to make his own currency and then to a slum lord trying to put up big billboards wherever he wants.  There is nothing that connects these people other than they agree with Billy's preamble that the court system is broken and needs to be fixed.  As long as you agree to that tenant, you are on his team.  Your particular issue matters not, just the end goal.

But lets get back to this Sovereign Citizen Movement that all these characters seem to fit under.  The FBI considers the SCM a domestic terrorist group and a growing threat to law enforcment.

"They could be dismissed as a nuisance, a loose network of individuals living in the United States who call themselves “sovereign citizens” and believe that federal, state, and local governments operate illegally. Some of their actions, although quirky, are not crimes. The offenses they do commit seem minor"
"However, a closer look at sovereign citizens’ more severe crimes, from financial scams to impersonating or threatening law enforcement officials, gives reason for concern."

And they conclude with this:
"Although the sovereign-citizen movement does not always rise to violence, its members’ illegal activities and past violent—including fatal—incidents against law enforcement make it a group that should be approached with knowledge and caution"

Lets look at what the Anti-Defamation League has to say about this movement and the similarities we can see in Billy:

"The key distinguishing characteristic of the sovereign citizen movement is its extreme anti-government ideology, couched in conspiratorial, pseudohistorical, pseudolegal and sometimes racist language. Many extremist movements in the 20th century have been anti-government in the sense that they opposed governmental policies, but few have been so purely anti-government that they challenged its very legitimacy"

This sounds like our guy doesn't it?

"Members of the Posse Comitatus believed that the county was the true seat of government in the United States. They did not deny the legal existence of federal or state governments, but rather claimed that the county level was the "highest authority of government in our Republic as it is closest to the people." The basic Posse manual stated that there had been "subtle subversion" of the Constitution by various arms and levels of government, especially the judiciary."

Uh huh, this is why he wants people in all 3,300 counties across the nation to bring the charges at the county level.

Paper Terrorism

"Yet despite a pattern of violent activity, the preferred weapon of members of the sovereign citizen movement is what has come to be called "paper terrorism." Paper terrorism involves the use of fraudulent legal documents and filings, as well as the misuse of legitimate documents and filings, in order to intimidate, harass and coerce public officials, law enforcement officers and private citizens"

There is our boy Billy to the T.  And don't forget his illegal use of a 501c3 non-profit.

"One of the first tactics of the resurgent sovereign citizen movement was the formation of vigilante "common law courts." Members of these courts used them as a forum for grievances against the "de facto" government or for assistance in attempts to harass their enemies"

Yep, this is exactly where we are headed with this next phase in the Lawless Terrorist Network.

"The filing of frivolous lawsuits and liens against public officials, law enforcement officers and private citizens, on the other hand, has remained a favorite harassing strategy. These paper "attacks" intimidate their targets and have the beneficial side effect of clogging up a court system that sovereign citizens believe is illegitimate."

OMG, just stop it, this is way to accurate and telling.

So, as you can see, this is who Bill Windsor is, and this is also where we are headed.  When the lemmings file their made up charges against law enforcement officials, they will be engaging in domestic terrorism along with Bill.  And it needs to be overstated that everyone involved with Lawless America is connecting themselves with terrorist activities specificity delineated by the FBI.  Ignorance is no excuse.  You either wake up now, or finally figure it out when you are behind bars.  The Pied Piper is leading you down a patch of certain destruction.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Windbag Talks for Over 3 and a Half Hours Last Night

Too bad talking doesn't burn calories.  What a drastic difference in the two shows last night.  First, we have the clubhouse with yappy, brannon and petunia.  Its fun, energetic, its open to any and everyone, there are sound bites, parodies and even an intro.  We even had two of Bill's Bangladesh followers call in.

Then, immediately following that is the ultimate buzz kill in Billy boy talking until he literally passed out.  No fun is allowed on the Nazi Radio show as Bitler put the hammer (sorry Brannon) down early by banning everyone, except those that sent him a secret message, from participating.  I gave it a solid 2 hours, but that was my max, I had to leave to keep my sanity.

Now back to the fake followers thing, Bill read up on what we were saying and figured he had to start trying to explain away his sudden large new following in Bangladesh.  He bragged about his long winded show last night saying:

Record Audience for Lawless America Show about filing Criminal Charges against Corrupt Judges and Government Officials

  • PDF

Record audience tuned in for the February 17, 2013 Lawless America Show on TalkShoe.
So many people tuned in and were participating in the chat that TalkShoe's 250 people limit was exceeded and all newcomers had to be blocked from chatting.  And this was with all guests automatically blocked from chatting.  And to the best of my knowledge, not a one of the hundreds was from Bangladesh.  :-)

Well thats because they called in to our show.  Here is an example of how easy it is to fake your view's on youtube...this is from a Joey parody:

But this wont stop Billy from bragging about his fake followers, after all he paid for them so he might as well gloat about it.  This is the guy, after all, that brags about the 50 companies he has failed with.  Now that his old facebook page was shut down, he really has nothing else to point to so he has to play this out all the way.

He does now have an interesting new group of followers as he enters this new phase of judge, jury and executioner all from the comfort of your own home.  Once the word spreads, he will be attracting some of the most out there individuals you will ever see.  He can't even control his loyal lemmings, wait till he tries that with these folks.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Bill Windsor Identifies Himself as an Enemy Combative of the United States

Last night, in his impromptu State of the Union response, Bill made it perfectly clear what he wants to do.  He hates the United States and warns all immigrants to stay as far away as you can from it.  He said the system is broken and that he will bring charges against all elected officials and put them on trial for treason.  He said he is non-violent...but that nothing would surprise him any-more   He then says that once he destory's our entire system of government, "we can then make it into whatever we want it to be".

Bill Windsor showed us all last night that the only difference between Lawless America and Al-Qa'ida is tactics.  He wants to abolish the death penalty but reserve it only for those convicted with treason (like all the government officials he plans to charge).  He once again affirmed that our men and women in the military died for nothing as it currently stands.  He also spoke about how many currently incarcerated were wronged because they were former foster care children.

To be clear, this is the next step in his Nazi revolution   The first was just fun and games as a few people went sight seeing in DC.  Now it gets serious as he makes it clear he is going to declare war on the current government of the United States.  Everyone associated with this monster, even loosely  better run away now before they go down with him.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tonight Is the State of The Pie Address

Well first let me proclaim, I'm still here!!!  The big bad Pie Baby didn't get me like he promised.  So yay, we can continue to play in the clubhouse.

Bill is continuing to try and change over his facebook page to the new one, which looks a whole lot like the original one.  Is he trying to clean up his 50,000 fake followers now that facebook has been notified of his fraud?  Who knows.  He then wants to find a PI in Califronia, Montana (going after Sean) and Texas (going after me and us).  Would you like fries with that?

Then, as one never to miss an opportunity to put his fat mug in the middle of everything, he has proclaimed a State of the Union response tonight for his fake revolutionary party.  Act as if seems to be his plan of action.

Lawless announces that they have joined forces with a group called Stop the Silence.  They will look to use the credibility and and following that this Stop the Silence group has built and exploit it for their own agenda. Billy gave a hint of his next solution of his Nazi agenda as he said they are going to free 80% of those currently incarcerated and replace them with our duly elected officials.  Literally, he wants the inmates to run the asylum.  Once he realized he has this new group watching him and not just his mindless lemmings, he decided to pull that little titbit and hold it for a later time.  But no matter how you slice it or how many times he says "we are non-violent", he is quickly going to move up the ranks in domestic terrorism as he moves closer to his final solution.