Friday, April 25, 2014

Bill Windsor Files his Writ of Ignoramus

After reading Judge Solis' order to pay the $46 filing fee and hear what Solis thinks of him, Bill decided to protest paying the $46 by filing a $500 case with the US 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. That's right, Bill just dropped the legal equivalent of a nuclear bomb in his Texas case.  Bill needs this "emergency" motion because he claims that Judge Fitzwater and Solis' slow and then disheartening responses are damaging his vexatious behavior.

Windsor's convoluted argument seems to be based on his claim that Judge Fitzwater/Solis have no jurisdiction over him since State Courts and Federal Courts are separate (repeat that 10 times). The problem for Bill is that he seems to understand the authority when he wrote his two, if you don't say no I will take that as a yes, letters to Judge Fitzwater's office.  Then you have the additional factor of Judge Bob Carroll, in the State Court, saying that Bill had to get leave from the Fed.

No Windsor filing would be complete without a straight up lie:
"70.  Windsor has already had one party dismissed in the Ellis County lawsuit, and if Judge Fitzwater/and or Solis does not act, all will be dismissed.  This is an emergency"

No Bill, that's a lie.  Non-party Google was dismissed but no party has been.

If he pays the $46, Bill thinks that will give Solis personal jurisdiction over him, and he doesn't want to deal with that.  Instead, he spends the majority of his 41 page filling lecturing everyone on how Judge Thrash doesn't know the law, rules, and is corrupt because he wouldn't recuse himself. Judge Thrash has "foreclosed" on Windsor's ability to wield his paper terrorism across the Nation.You can almost hear Judge Thrash responding with a sigh "that was the point".

In the end, Bill is trying to paint himself as some kind of Constitutional martyr.  But too bad for him, no one cares.  Anyone that reviews his history will see exactly why the courts had to take the action that they did. Bill is always complaining about his rights but its the rights of everyone else that are being trampled in his vexatious fury.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

National Liberty Alliance Cancels Again

Me the People's take back of their country has been derailed again.  John Darash told his followers Monday that the big showdown this Thrusday in a NY court has been cancelled because the judge responded to their charges with "no thanks, I don't play games".  They have no standing, they have no injured party, but that is news to them because they are not sitting down and they feel hurt. So just when you think they are at their Writs' end, they plan to file another one...a Writ of Error and felony rescue against this judge.  So once again....wash, rinse and repeat.  Darash told his followers that he is way to busy to read any emails, he just simply can't do it, and he has lost many emails that he didn't mean too by being liberal with his delete button. He has invested everything into this endeavor and is broke, sorry family....kinda let you down on that one.

Darash then moved on to the problem of the subverter's in his ranks.  Even though they are an anarchist group, he thinks everyone should follow his rules.  Ideas like giving up your driver's license or not voting is just asinine to him and the NLA.  Only his crazy idea shall be followed and all others are considered a waste of time and the work of "subverters"   Thou shalt not have any other frauds before me is the basic order Darash is striking down here.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Bill's Trial By Facebook gets Stayed

Since he can't seem to get anywhere in court, Bill has decided to try his case on his facebook account as he libels and defames all kinds of people he doesn't know, and and they don't know him either.  Not only is his lawsuit against Facebook not going too well, now his trial by facebook has been suspended as he is locked out of his account. Yep, he did it again, he violated the rules and now he can't post anything for 30 days. This must be some kind of violation of his Constitutional rights.

Where will he go to stalk and harass people if he can't post it on the internet?  Will this bring about a new lawsuit against Facebook?  Will his victims find out about his defamation of them?  Is it time to pretend he is getting that skull surgery he has been threatening?  Is there even anyone left that will follow him?

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

National Liberty Alliance Prepares for Battle

In the weekly call for the NLA, John Darash announced that they have constituted 10 States now.  But his tone was decidedly frustrated as he lashed out at his listeners pointing out how they had no excuse not to constitute the rest of the Country in the next two weeks.  He even said you don't have to file the papers, just stick them in your desk.  He reiterated that they are holding to the April 24 date at the Green County Courthouse in NY.  Darash mentioned that they will take back their Country, or die trying.

Davash then moved on to the topic of donations, and broke down just how little $5 a month amounts to and that if everyone just did that they would have a much better website.  He was also frustrated with the low amount of orders for his jurist pocket handbook.  How can they take their Country back if they can't even get 10,000 orders of the $.65 pocket books?  Darash sounded like he was at the point Bill was in last year when he said "if only I had an RV this would be a lot easier".

The plan for the 24th was further ironed out as Darash said after their flooding of the courtroom on the morning of the 24th, they would then get in a couple of buses and drive up to Albany to meet up with Bob Shultz (of the Me the People fame) and team up with him in similar stunt he is trying in the court in Albany.

The frustration in Davash's tone is a key indicator that his movement is starting to slip away.  Once he backed out of his April 7th stunt, the air went out of his balloon.  Now he is trying to recapture it on the 24th but if he can't show his followers something tangible, they will all start to move on.