Showing posts with label cult. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cult. Show all posts

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Billy Ups the Ante and Bluffs Again

So it seems that most of the week has been wasted on Billy uploading all the pics from his vacation and naming all the names of people who said meanie things about him.  The new twist in his latest bluff is he is claiming that it is the necessary notice in order to proceed with suing for damages.  I thought I was going to jail, now you are trying to scare me with civil court, an arena, I understand, you are not too skilled in?

"I, William M. Windsor, have been defamed, libeled, and slandered by many people. 
I request that each defamatory, libelous, and slanderous statement be corrected and retracted in as conspicuous and public a manner as that in which the statements were published, and that the retractions and corrections be accompanied at the same time by an editorial in which the statements are specifically repudiated.  
Please send proof of correction and retraction to Bill Windsor, PO Box 681236, Marietta, GA 30068.
A libel is a false and malicious defamation of another, expressed in print, writing, pictures, or signs, tending to injure the reputation of the person and exposing him to public hatred, contempt, or ridicule. Slander consists in:  (1) Imputing to another a crime punishable by law;   (2) Charging a person with having some contagious disorder or with being guilty of some debasing act which may exclude him from society;  (3) Making charges against another in reference to his trade, office, or profession, calculated to injure him therein; or (4) Uttering any disparaging words productive of special damage which flows naturally therefrom.  Malice is inferred from the character of the charge.  
This notice is being published on the Internet to qualify for punitive damages."

Notables on the list are:  Alfred Davis who, along with me, was a critic of Joey way back on the old ECO.  I don't think he has ever even heard of Bill Windsor.   Brannon, Brandy, Curtis and Joey (the old band makes a cameo)...poor Joey, for once he really is being falsely accused and he isn't here to enjoy it.  Presley Crowe makes the list, good for you Pres.  I'm on it 3 times and he names the entire blog as well.  Erica Morse (the woman who was after Joey, and vice versa, again I doubt she even knows who Bill is).  Erik Hatfield, the son of Charlie Hatfield Joey's old employer over at the ECP, again how they got their information is truly shocking.  Our Petunias made it, both pig and alpaca, so too did our cougar, NBTDT, Bob and I think he tried to put yappy on there, even Susan made it.  My condolences to ninja, sluggo and oceans, I don't think billy appreciates your fine work.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Nothing But The Best For Bill Windsor, While His Followers Suffer

I'll admit, catching Bill in a lie is like shooting fish in a barrel, but since I still think its funny I'm gonna keep shooting.  Lets go back to the Failure in DC.  Turns out that one of the nobodies thinks he is a somebody after all.  Here is what bill said about the issue Allie O raised about him getting an upgraded room:

"Largest Suite at the Crowne Plaza.  No, I did not change to anything, and I was not in a large suite.  I had the same style room used throughout the movie road trip, a room with a small adjoining "living room" that could be used for filming.  We filmed there two days.  My rate was $165."

Notice the semantics he is playing with the my room was $165 like everyone else.  Well that's true, but here is the whole story:

From: Johnson, Debra
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2013 10:51 AM
Subject: Room blocks

Good Morning Bill,

I wanted to let you know that we have extended your groups cutoff dates at
both hotels to this Friday, January 25.  So please let your participants
know that they can make reservations through Friday.

Thank you,

Debra Johnson

Regional Sales Manager

Description: cid:image001.png@01CCC564.A7BF5F00

Crowne Plaza National Airport

1480 Crystal Drive

Arlington, VA 22202 <>

 <> Description: Description:
Arlington Virginia Hotel

Holiday Inn National Airport

2650 Jefferson Davis Highway

Arlington, VA  22202 <>

703-842-1221 Direct Line

703-416-1651 Crowne Plaza Fax

703-684-3217 Holiday Inn Fax

From: Bill Windsor []
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2013 6:52 PM
To: Johnson, Debra
Subject: RE: Windsor Rooms

Debra, I called Reservations and added Sunday.

Will you be able to comp my room and upgrade to the largest suite you
have?  As a trade show and conference producer for 25 years (in the old
days), we used to get comped or at the very least, one room per x number of
room nights. With donations going so well and production costs below anticipated numbers, I want your largest suite.

From: Bill Windsor []
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2013 4:48 PM
To: 'Johnson, Debra'
Subject: Windsor Rooms

Hi Debra.

How many did we end up with?  It looks like it will be Standing Room Only in
the Arlington Ballroom.  The Senate gave us two 250-seat theaters for our
presentations the night of the 6th, and we added 60 speakers in a day.

When do you have me arriving and departing?

We have been speaking with the various police.  We have hired one officer to
be with us at the hotel all day three days.


From: Johnson, Debra []
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2013 8:26 AM
Cc: Barbara Windsor
Subject: RE: Windsor Rooms

Hi Bill,

Please see the pickup below at each hotel.  Yes, we have you arriving on
February 3 and departing on February 7.  I had already upgraded you to a
suite.  If you would be so kind to give us the name and number of the
officer you hired I will pass it along to our front desk and security.


Holiday Inn

Crowne Plaza














Yours in Hospitality,

Debra Johnson

Regional Sales Manager

Crowne Plaza National Airport

Holiday Inn National Airport

Direct:  703-842-1221

Fax:  703-684-3217

Anyone notice how his wife makes an unusual appearance as he copies her to his booking of the rooms?

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Nazi Radio Show Tonight at 8 central

So Billy had a very bad week, how will he spin it tonight?

I wanted to address this but the AllieGate scandal erupted, but lets look more closely at what our American Terrorist Bill Windsor has planned:

Bill Windsor feels no body cares what you feel Bill corrupt judges and government officials who ignore the Constitution should be charged with TREASON.

Treason is defined as violation of allegiance or duty to one's country or its government.  It is also defined as violation of allegiance or of faith and confidenceand it also has to do with siding with the enemy during wartime, you kinda forgot that part

So, in my opinion your ear lobe has more value in this world than your opinion, there is absolutely no question that these people are committing treason.

Federal officials, including Congress, federal judges, and every commissioned officer in our military take this oath of office:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."

Federal officials in the United States are bound by this oath to reject anything that violates the Constitution of the United States.  When Constitutional rights are denied, the laws are ignored, and government officials allow corruption to go unchecked, tht's TREASON to me. well its not treason to anyone else, especially those that know and understand the law  This is crystal clear to me.  again, who cares what you think?

Since we have federal government officials who have allowed the Constitution of the United States to be usurped you have not established this as fact, these people are domestic enemies of the peopleNO YOU ARE THE DOMESTIC ENEMY I personally would rather die fighting someone might arrange that against the domestic enemies that have usurped power in our country than live in a country where we think we are free.  then leave Bill, get out of my country if you hate it so much  I believe we must work to educate our fellow Americans about what has happened. you cant because you don't have the facts to back you up  The first step is to expose these domestic enemies at all levels of government, and Lawless America has begun that process. you have begun the process of revealing yourself to the country as a terrorist

Domestic enemies are those within our own government who pursue legislation and programs that are contradictory to the powers and principles embodied in the Constitution. yeah, you better pay attention to what you just said Domestic enemies are those who deny our Constitutional rights as a pattern and practice again, you just made that up out of thin air.  Domestic enemies are those who either refuse to acknowledge the Constitution at all, or speak praises about its importance in public, but in private act in a manner that contradicts its restraint. more magic air  Domestic enemies of the Constitution also include all those who support political officers who themselves are enemies of the Constitution.  yeah lets make sure we don't leave anyone out

Treason is the crime that covers some of the more extreme acts against our country.  A person who commits treason is known in law as a traitoragain, you are avoiding the definition of treason

Treason was specifically defined in the United States Constitution, the only crime so defined.  Article III Section 3 delineates treason as follows:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.  No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.  The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

The Constitution does not itself create the offense no; it only restricts the definition (the first paragraph), permits Congress to create the offense, and restricts any punishment for treason to only the convicted (the second paragraph) so maybe charge the constitution with treason?.  The crime is prohibited by legislation passed by Congress. Therefore the United States Code at 18 U.S.C. § 2381 states "whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States." The requirement of testimony of two witnesses was inherited from the British Treason Act 1695.  again, this has to do with wartime

I personally support elimination of the death penalty for all acts except treason well that's about the dumbest anti-death penalty stance I have ever heard, let the cop killers roam free but if they commit my made up crime of treason, they die.  I feel no one cares about how you feel this way for two reasons.  First, our criminal justice system is horribly broken opinion, and way too many innocent people get convicted opinion.  Second, treason is so dangerous to so many that I believe death must be retained as a deterrent. stupid opinion

I love America and our government liar, you hate it with ever fiber of your being.  What I hate is the USA are the corrupt public officials who violate their oaths and have broken America, the traitors who have committed treason. your made up definition of it  I do not in any way advocate overthrowing our government another lie, yes you do, its phase 3 of your Nazi solution.  I advocate ridding us of all the corrupt traitors.  potato patato

Friday, February 22, 2013

Bill Windsor Has Lost His Mind

Billy needs to get back on the road and start filming again for his fake movie.  When he spends extended periods of time in his dark, lonely, soon to be foreclosed home, his paranoia engulfs him.  One of the problems with being a compulsive liar is you honestly forget what the actual truth sounds like.  Late last night, Billy tossed away all his marbles in a vain attempt to try and capitalize on what he believed was a tragedy.

According to him, he received a facebook message last night from the mother of a boy named Noah whom he had previously filmed in Jefferson City Missouri.  The message stated that Noah, out of fear of being taken back into CPS custody, took his own life.

Without any verification whatsoever, Billy excitedly put the news all over his different facebook pages as a rallying cry for all his lemmings.  Windsor proclaimed that Noah was now a somebody in heaven.  He even brought up that he might have been sexually molested even though thats a claim that Noah never made, but Billy called it the "elephant in the room" in his post-mortem recap of the boy's life.

Well, not so fast.  Fortunately the story was false, but instead of owning up to his mistake, he starts to push the blame in the direction of his former Minister of Propaganda ms. Allie O.  Yes, thats right, apparently Allie has quietly been moving away from the American Terrorist known as Bill Windsor.  So this means she is back in the middle of the spotlight as this non-incident happened in her town with a family she convinced to go to Lawless in the first place.  Here is how Billy starts to paint the picture after he realizes he screwed up:

  • Bill Windsor Kini, there are only perhaps six people who could have written this Facebook message. I know it wasn't me, and I ruled out Noah. That leaves Brenda and three women. The messages and posts about the bologna came from Mark Supanich, Allie Overstreet's new boyfriend. So what are the odds that Mark, Allie, and Noah are sitting around eating bologna sandwiches at 1:00 am when a message is sent saying Noah is dead is sent to me...followed an hour later with messages from Mark saying it isn't true. Very strange stuff.
    6 hours ago · Like · 4
  • Bill Windsor For those who don't know, Allie Overstreet is in the Jefferson City, Missouri area where Noah, Brenda, and Allie were filmed. Mark Supanich is from Missoula, Montana.

See lemmings, this all must be Allie's fault, and maybe Sean Boushie while we are at it.  Allie comes on to give her defense of the situation and deny any part of charade:

Allie Overstreet pfft....I saw your "Noah commited suicide" comment and panicked. I know Noah and his mother very well in real life. I called her immediately because I knew something wasnt right with your story. I had just spoken to them three hours prior. Sure enough, he is alive and well and she is in shock that you would post that. Do not play like I had anything to do with this. That is just cruel. I love Noah very much and know him personally. Brenda and Noah aren't even your followers. I talked them into filming with you, and she has only had minimal contact since Jeff City with you. She is not on fb very much, does not read your wall, and is not known by your followers. She did not do this. And a man in Montana wasn't watching young boys in Missouri eating. I told him Noah was alive because your post caused alot of pdople to pray, cry, and mourn, including Mark in Montana. It was only right I let him know that Noah was not dead. And really, Bill, what if he was dead? You think it is okay to post that stuff without even knowing if it was okay with his mom ? She is crying herveyes out and cursing up a storm because you knew her son IS suicidal from CPS. My God Bill, have some compassion. And try asking people before you go saying their son is dead. I know Brenda and she did not send you that. I certainly did not send you that. You are out of line. I have done nothing to you, and have been kind in explaining why Icam not here anymore. Why would you put my name in a post suggesting I sent this sick piece of garbage? Say your sorry for Gods sake, instead of accusing everybody for YOUR mess ups. Noah Williamson is alive and well. Leave him alone.

Well that all sounds right and all, but the lemmings are well trained to avoid the truth and instead they start to gang up on Allie as their Fuhrer had inferred:

Sharon Noonan Kramer Wow! That is diabolical manipulation. Its interesting that they picked a friend of Allie Overstreet's for that horrid message knowing Bill Windsor would probably post it. Wonder if they did that on purpose to try to bring the recent rift into an all out public feud? Who would be so callus to send a false message that a troubled young man commited suicide and what were they trying to accomplish? Bill and Allie, both be careful you are not being manipulated. There are professional corporations out there who do this kind of stuff for a lving. See info on HGBary who the USDOJ put in contact w/the US Chamber. Bary wrote a proposal of how to infiltrate and cause desent among Chamber detractors. Annonmous hacked Bary and got the proof of what they were doing.

Patricia L. Adame @ Allie Overstreet You are a problem. GET OUT OF THE WAY, Bill is a good man doing whats right even through all attacks against the cause for justice. You probably wrote that letter and turn around and write your comments in attempt to discredit Bill and the cause and cause additional stumbling blocks to this quest for justice. Back Off.

The bottom line is Bill cares nothing about any of the families or stories he has filmed for his fake movie.  It pains him to even tolerate their existence as he must endure their endless postings and thoughts on his facebook page.  The only real value they give him is the exploitation and shock value he can use to try and leverage in his personal battle against the court system.

-oh and for more on this and everything else, tune in to the clubhouse radio show tomorrow night at 9 central time

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Billy Tries to Make a Joke, But the Lemmings Freak Out

So Billy boy, in the middle of all the what happened to our facebook page drama, decided (over on his personal FB page) to inject some humor out there for his followers.  Bad idea, as it only underlines just how especially stooopid his remaining lemmings really are.

Bill posted your usual Nigerian bank fraud scam where they offered him $3.4 million and all they needed was all his personal financial information.  Here are the comments that followed:

Bill Windsor Can you imagine the noise we would make with $3.4 million?

He is trying to be funny

Tammy Stroud Bill .... your too much!!! I almost fell for that one too!!!! Must be the same guy!!!

Tammy Stroud Well ... I must be honest with you ... I followed throught with someone who sent be a check ... I still have it ... I went to the bank to show it to them ... they did not want to get involved ... since I brought it to report it. I even wanted to get some one official to help expose it since I had other pertainant info that could maybe track it back ... no help to be found!!! Imagine that ... I have no respect for policenow ... because of the organized crime to citizens here ... and no one wants the "real Threatful evidence" see howw vulnerable we are!!!!

Brian Stripling this could be very useful to the cause

Then Tammy and Brian spend about 80 comments going back and forth about their conspiracies of the banking industry and how they need to fix it.

Then back to the original topic:

Ron Goodman Looks like the letter is a HOAX to me. I've received many just like it. Just sayin.

Tammy Stroud Scam or Not ... There out to hurt an unsuspecting person...or worse.

Ken Auman ive gotten those. a friend of mine got one and responded and got a certified check and deposited it. the bank gave her the money. then the check was found to be no good and the bank went after my friend for the money. if she had sent part of the money to the foreigner, the foreigner would have had some easy money.

its time for some new friends Ken

Ron Goodman Bill needs to be warned NOT to give them any information. Can someone do that?


Ron Goodman Anyone have his phone # or email? Try contacting him before morning.

Ron Goodman Why did he post this then? Makes no sense if he was on top of it...right?

Ken Auman Bill, in this version of who wants to be a millionaire, have you used your "call a friend" up yet. what about "most popular answer"? lol or are you testing your constituency for their knowledge level of scams!

Gail Denise Schumacher I have had plenty of those types of emails. Finally the scammers realized that they couldn't fool me. I even had a facebook friend that was one of those scammers looking for easy bate in my friends list.

Gail is always here to give us an especially stooopid take on the simple things in life.  Yeah they wised up and moved on.

Albert Fiorini Those emails are still going around? I guess the Chinese are still trying to get Americans to pay off their debt by having access to our bank accounts.

Those Chinese and their brilliant scams to get their money back.

Irene Holmes better look it into it and find out if it is for real. I have got some of these like this that want to give me money cause of someone died.

Irene Holmes i even gave my info to them, but nothing happe

Sharon Anderson Could be a Ruse?

Finally Bill has to chime in, realizing that he will never again try and inject levitty into this group of clowns.  He says this while secretly hoping he can get a new set of lemmings as these bottom feeders just wont do it for him.

Bill Windsor This little bit of humor has gotten more comments than anything lately.  Friends, if it sounds too good to be true, it almost always is.

The moral of the story is that only here at the clubhouse are you going to find thought provoking humor and satire.  You picked your poisen over there Bill, only anger, hate, paranoia and desperation are the acceptable moods for Lawless America.