Showing posts with label rat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rat. Show all posts

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Remember The Hilton

First of all, lets take a quick moment of silence to remember the 45,000+ departed followers of Lawless America.  Has anyone sent out a missing person's report?  Its like they all vanished into thin air.

Second, we get dueling banjo's tonight as the weekly Nazi Radio Program is going to be shadowed by the AMPP's doing a show of their own dedicated to the victims of Lawless America

So Billy has decided to make his stand in defense of his Minister of Propaganda Allie as she battles for custody of her child.


Remember the Hilton in Phoenix? I was evicted and they called the police for the crime of photography. HUNDREDS of Nobodies called, emailed, faxed, and generally caused an uproar that Hilton Hotels said unprecedented.

Well, REMEMBER THE HILTON! It's time to crank up our combined effort to come to the aid of Lawless America Vice-President, Allie Allie Lorraine Overstreet. Her ex has filed actions to take away her parental rights, sanction her, and force her to take down her videos. This is an outrage on every level. First, no judge has a legal right to terminate parental rights as being a parent is a human right. Second, freedom of speech is a Constitutional right that this judge and no court has the right to infringe upon. Third, no pervert should get anything but prison.

We will post a sample letter below.

The hearing is March 4, and I will be there with six cameras. Meet Me in Missouri!
Even as he tries to rally the lemmings to intimidate the judge in her case, he can't help but to still make the whole thing about him by mentioning his eviction from a hotel.  Such a narcissist.  He goes on to name the judge and give out his address.  Billy assumes the role of judge in the case and explains why the case should be decided the way he see's fit.  Allie, so thankful for all the "help" she is receiving, reaffirms her undying love for her Fuhrer with this:
Allie Lorraine Overstreet My gag order expired And Bill is the best boss in all the land.
This is going to end badly for all those involved, you can book that.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Rut Roh!!! Billy is Coming After Me

First of all, congrats everyone who has made this day possible.  For a month and a half we have been doing our best to get on Bitler's #1 Most Wanted List, but we could never seem to get noticed.  But today, he promises to come and get me:

Bill Windsor <>
8:15 PM (16 minutes ago)
to me
Justin Thompson aka Ginger Snap aka Joeyisalittlekid:
Cease and desist the libel, slander, defamation, and cyberstalking.
I am filing criminal charges against you on Monday, and I will file one or more civil actions.
I am headed to Garland, Texas soon. 
William M. Windsor
Phone: 770-578-1094
PO Box 681236
Marietta, GA 30068
Please sign our petition:
First of all Billy...are you really going to leave this "sign our petition" link in a cease and desist email?  You know how stupid that makes you look?
Second...bring it on.  Why don't we just throw out jaywalking while we are at it?  Are you bringing your whittle gun too?  Are you going to be able to steal some more frequent flyer miles to make it down here, or are you going to fire up that poor jeep again?  I'm sure the City of Garland and the local lot lizards would love the economic "stimulus" your tourism might bring.  All I will say is bring it on fatty.  I'm willwy scared aka frightened aka startled

Friday, February 8, 2013

Bill Windsor is Trapped Like a Rat

After his massive Failure in DC, The Liar in Chief is making his lonely sad trip back to his empty home in Georgia.  Only a hand full of Nobodies even came and they couldn't get the attention of even one Somebody.  Well I take that back, they did finally get someone from the DOJ to look him up and they got to read all about it on this blog, so we thank you and your lemmings for that.

Once Bill walks into his empty, lonely home later on today, the reality of his situation is going to start to set in.  First, he and Lawless are being sued by a guy in Pennsylvania.  Whether or not the suit has merits, Billy has to be feeling like a 1.2 gpa student going in to a big exam, the thought of heading back in to a courtroom for Bill would probably keep him up at night.  It never goes well in there, and now he is thrown back in it.

But thats just the start of his problems.  This is an except from the judgement against him from his old Maid of the Mist lawsuit:

Having considered the character and magnitude of Mr. Windsor’s refusal to pay the Outstanding Sanctions Awards (totaling more than $75,000), the probable
Case 1:09-cv-01543-WSD Document 356 Filed 01/24/13 

Page 3 of 6
AO 72A

effectiveness of a daily fine in bringing about compliance, and the amount of Mr. Windsor’s financial resources–as evidenced by, among other things, Mr. Windsor’s continued ownership of a seven-figure investment and real estate portfolio–and consequent seriousness of the burden to him, see In re Application to Adjudge Trinity Indus. Inc. in Civil Contempt, 876 F.2d 1485, 1493-94 (11th Cir. 1989), Mr. Windsor is hereby ORDERED to pay a fine of $500 per day into the
Court’s registry, starting on February 1, 2013, and continuing until he has paid the Outstanding Sanctions Awards, together with all interest accrued thereon, to the Plaintiffs.

Every morning when he wakes up, another $500 flies out of his pocket.  My guess is he will ignore this ruling as he has all the others, but the next step for them is to start working towards his incarceration.  He knows his time limited, so I expect him to only ramp up his vitriolic attacks on any and everyone.  Much like Joey before his impending arrest, I expect Bill to try and make some bold and probably criminal moves against the Federal Governemnt as he tries a pre-emptive strike before daddy takes the t-bird away.