Friday, May 17, 2013

What Bill Says Vs the Truth

Yappy made a great, point blank, factual video using the most damning thing out there on Bill Windsor...his own words.  So for all those new to this never ending stalking vacation of Bill's and need a quick run down, here you go:

Bill Windsor: "I Hate to Sound Vindictive, But I Guess I Am"

So Bill says he has to cancel the filming of his fake movie yesterday because of the weather, even though it was partly cloudy and nice all day.  So instead of fake working, he spent the day doing what he planned all along, hunting all over the area for a certain spicy cookie.  He was able to locate, after being pointed to the break room in several of the local police stations, several chocolate chip and peanut butter cookies, but not what he was looking to file charges on.

Well then its back to the tried and failed method of trying to file charges against someone in your address book.  So Bill waddles up the steps to the Ellis County Sheriff's office to whine about Brannon making videos.  As the deputy continues to point out the front door to Bill, he finally relents and says well you can take all this crap to the DA if you want, oh and feel free to fill out one of our comment cards in the suggestion please, exit the building.

Windsor then takes his shifty eyes, shaking hands, and overly swollen neck on in front of his camera to do a video to document his stalking activities.  He also releases the video he did in Biloxi while he was stalking EHH.  He blames the "haters" for the loss of his wife, his daughter, and the reason he can't speak to his granddaughter.  He attacks Brannon and this blog and took a swipe at Joey Dauben as a way to gain leverage against Brannon (will David Dauben be liking this post as well?).  He may have forgotten the history, but we have not.  While this blog was always against the slandering and liable that Joey did, he Bill Windsor went down to film Joey while he was held in the ECSO detention center awaiting his trial.  This is how, and why, Joey's particularly stoooopid father painted up his beloved blazer to the Lawless America paint to match his new messiah Bill Windsor.  Once Joey was convicted, Bill dropped him like a hot potato as he was now a pr liability.  But Brannon, as a true friend, did not.  Brannon doesn't support or stand for any of the actions of Joey, but he won't abandon his friend just because its no longer advantageous to claim you know Joey.

Another interesting facet of both of his videos, which also shows his unbridled vindictiveness,  is how he goes into detail about how he wants Brannon and EHH to be incarcerated   He even hopes that EHH is moved to a prison he filmed earlier in Mississippi so she can fight of the rat infestation while she serves her time.  This is no doubt a lonely, perverted old man who has allowed his jealousy and rage literally eat him alive.  He also mentions, for the first time, how the "haters" are harassing not only him but "others".  This new wrinkle is a shout out on behalf of is little shrimpy friend David Schied who is still quietly hiding in the corner trying to karate chop some wood.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Billy Stalks the Clubhouse Looking for the Hammer Man

He had said that he was going to spend the day taking care of personal matters, but of course he lied.  He spent the day stalking our very own Brannon, both at his residence in a late night drive by, and at his former place of employment in Italy Texas.

Bill also managed to squeeze in time for his other favorite hobby of manufacturing his own drama.  Bill posted this:  "The mother of all thunderstorms hit here this evening. Cars pulled off the road. It was severe. It's still storming as I type this."
Thats not true either, the "mother of all thunderstorms" hit about 30-40 miles west of him, but why let facts get in the way of a "look at poor me out here braving the elements all for you lemmings..worship me"?

His website is down once again (its that time of the month), and Bill again blames his abject failure on someone else.  " is down because the tech guy I have used is more than worthless. He's had months to complete the move from GoDaddy to BulkRegister, and GoDaddy finally zapped the site again."
He is worth exactly what you pay him, nothing.  That is also what your entire 64 3/4ths years on this earth has amounted to.  Once again, for those scoring at home, you failed as a son, a father, a husband, a granddad, a student, a businessmen (many many many many times), a terrorist, a webpage owner, a facebook page owner, a networker, an RV driver, diet, victim's advocate, a member of the press, a protest organizer, a book publisher, a movie producer, a pro se litigant, a bully, trip organizer, radio show producer, a home owner, politician for office, and much much more.

Bill did his late night drive by of Brannon's home and said this on his facebook page:  "He's a guy who threatens to beat me with a hammer in a series of videos he does to stalk me. I drove by his home, and I visited his place of employment. Both are as strange as he is. I'm hoping I can help get Brannon Bridge committed to a mental institution."
Thats funny because most of society is hoping for that very outcome for you.  You can also read between the lines when he talks about wanting Brannon to be committed to a mental institution, that means he was run out of the local law enforcement office. 

So what's next?  More of the same, more stalking and support of murder as the terrorist network know as Lawless America will ride again, and riding shotgun right there with Bill is his fellow co-conspirators:  David Schied, Trish Kraus, Nikki Hannavig Cary-Andrew Crittenden, Mary Deneen, Naomi Chambers, Julia Fletcher, Stupid David Dauben (stuipid was his parental given name), Angie Gilmore, Nick Marrs, Kevin Brady, Matthew Orames, Dottie Lafontaine, Dennis Lawrence, Glen Gibellina, Sharon Anderson and many others.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

David Schied Can't Hide From His Involvement With Bill Windsor

He declared Mission Failure in a secret email to his followers regarding the citizen grand jury ploy.  He has expressed his dissatisfaction with the direction Bill is taking the movement.  He has stopped doing his weekly shows and updating his Lawless Michigan page.  For all practical measures, it looks like he and Trish want to quietly fold up their tent and camp elsewhere.

But thats now how this is going to work.  Bill publicly announced David as his number 2.  David and Trish came down to the hearing in Missouri to both directly and publicly stick their necks out on behalf of Bill.  David Schied is a co-conspirator to any and everything Bill is doing.  If you google his name, this blog comes up on the first page and will soon be number 1 on any searches for his name.  Schied publicly put himself into this and if he wants to remove himself from Bill Windsor he must publicly state it.  Nothing short of that will suffice.  Until we hear a very public statement of disassociation from Bill, he will continue to be tagged with any and everything that Bill does.

Monday, May 13, 2013

A Stalking He Did Go

Bill celebrated Mother's Day the only way he knows stalking a young mother.  The creepy old pervert spent the day taking pictures of the former places of residence he suspects Elizabeth Hernandez to have resided.  He even got vexatious in local restaurant which he believed Elizabeth was fond of.

Windsor then went down to the Biloxi PD to have a "sit down" with the police and to file criminal charges against EHH.  He says the matter will now go before a judge, but he is forgetting a key step...the PD must go forward with those charges.  More than likely his charges went the way of the morning junk mail.  Another failure for Bill Windsor.

Of course this is really all about bullying.  Bill wants to stalk and intimidate anyone who dares speak out against him, but like everything else in his life, he isn't very good at it.  How the zombies at lawless america can still support this kind of pathetic behavior is a testament to their own character.

Next up is Texas.  Bill plans to spend a week and a half in the Lone Star State.  No doubt his stalking campaign will continue.  Meanwhile, what about the fake movie?  The grand jury stunts?  Congressional hearings?  Local public access TV?  Has he "taken his country back"?  All of that was just lip service to an old man who wants to stay on vacation for the rest of his life, forever in search of someone to give him unquestioned love and attention.