Tuesday, May 6, 2014

John Darash Rolls Out Educational Requirements

On the National Liberty Alliance (NLA or New Lawless America) weekly call, John Darash continued to chide this followers as it seems they are making no progress.  Darash decided to institute a curriculum which will now be a requirment to be one of the leaders in his group.  This is when Darash slowly moves himself out to pasture, the very same pasture that David Schied has been grazing in for years.  Both David and John are true believers and as such they have immersed themselves in to the study of the cause they believe in.  But what they fail to see is that they are the exception to this group of vigilantes that call themselves Me the People.  Most of these people are like Bill, they joined as a way to eventually right their perceived legal wrongs, they have no time for lectures and courses....this is vigilante justice, take it by hook, crook or default.  For them its personal, for John and David its corporate.

Darash explained that this new requirement will separate the serious folks from the pretenders, but I'm afraid he is not going to be happy with that result.  He feels the need to do something as he hears anecdotal stories of some of his followers convening a citizen grand jury at the local Denny's and convicting people.  Come on people, you have to rent out a conference room and send out at least 3 chain linked email notices two weeks in advance.  Jefferson must be rolling in his grave....and not the one in Colombia Missouri....Bill.

So on to the update, well the latest judge sent them back a ruling saying we don't play that game.....they indicted him and took those papers to the Sheriff.  The Sheriff said can you please take care of your own trash, I'm not accepting that.  Then its on the to clerk who says go talk to the DA who tells them he won't accept that but they can appeal.  Frustrated, Darash pulled the plug and decided to start all over now in the Federal courts.  So now he is hoping for a hearing on the 29th in a fed court in Albany.

The NLA is suffering from a lack of a dictator.  Darash had to spend a considerable amount of time trying to urge his fellow state coordinators to weed out the malcontents themselves as he didn't want to be the one getting involved in doing other States' yard work for them.  And so continues the cycle of all these vigilante justice groups, they invariably end up eating their own as they fall from within with a lack of structure while trying to destroy our current legal system.  The real damage, though, is to the people like Mary B who is clearly lost and needs guidance....and in fact is reaching out for that guidance, these groups poison her head even more so than it already is and then discard her like leftover trash when she becomes a nuisance to them.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

National Liberty Alliance Puts on its Tin Foil Hats

First lets cover our good ole Mary B.  Just like with her time in LA, she has worn out her welcome over at the NLA as her local Connecticut group simply can't tolerate any more of her rants.  So they voted to remove her.....ahh but by what authority can they do this?  Mary took to NLA's confusing message system at the bottom of the website to air her grievances.  John Darash even had to take a moment to chide the use of messages on the website as a distraction by "back biters".  Mary said this:

"I am going to find out the legal authority your web page had to go in and edit and delete my personal profile. what is the point of having a password if your admin simply goes in and alters what is written at random will. your actions have caused grave concern regarding your integrity and honor to support all of God's laws and people equitably and with the honor for which you speak but have not acted at all in this regard! Your biased discrimatory actions against me must find remedy from established leadership that is sorely lacking!"

I'm with Mary B....how can they?  This is the problem when you play children's games and then expect someone to reign people in when the get off the reservation.  Who are you to tell me my unicorn is any more far fetched than your magic dragon? 

Indeed, this is a bigger problem for Darash as he had to spend the first 30 mins of his show explaining how his group is different from the people trying to place liens against judges in the name of the universal commercial code or UCC.  You see that idea is just stupid, only made up citizen grand juries is legit, they have the youtube videos to prove it.

NLA is stuck in the mud at this point, they have not "constituted" any more states and it doesn't appear that any will be in the near future.  This is predictable as Darash missed his showdown with the court dates and now the infighting and finger pointing will commence. 

The interesting part of the show was how they brought out the trusty tin foil hats.  We heard about chemtrails, HAARP, and how smart meters are killing our bees.  Believe it or not, one of the key threads to being a member of the NLA is to be a deep seated conspiracy theorist.....show shocked face.  In the end, the NLA will become what Bill's suspended facebook page is now becoming, just a free advertising board for all these peoples crazy ideas.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Bill Windsor Files his Writ of Ignoramus


After reading Judge Solis' order to pay the $46 filing fee and hear what Solis thinks of him, Bill decided to protest paying the $46 by filing a $500 case with the US 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. That's right, Bill just dropped the legal equivalent of a nuclear bomb in his Texas case.  Bill needs this "emergency" motion because he claims that Judge Fitzwater and Solis' slow and then disheartening responses are damaging his vexatious behavior.

Windsor's convoluted argument seems to be based on his claim that Judge Fitzwater/Solis have no jurisdiction over him since State Courts and Federal Courts are separate (repeat that 10 times). The problem for Bill is that he seems to understand the authority when he wrote his two, if you don't say no I will take that as a yes, letters to Judge Fitzwater's office.  Then you have the additional factor of Judge Bob Carroll, in the State Court, saying that Bill had to get leave from the Fed.

No Windsor filing would be complete without a straight up lie:
"70.  Windsor has already had one party dismissed in the Ellis County lawsuit, and if Judge Fitzwater/and or Solis does not act, all will be dismissed.  This is an emergency"

No Bill, that's a lie.  Non-party Google was dismissed but no party has been.

If he pays the $46, Bill thinks that will give Solis personal jurisdiction over him, and he doesn't want to deal with that.  Instead, he spends the majority of his 41 page filling lecturing everyone on how Judge Thrash doesn't know the law, rules, and is corrupt because he wouldn't recuse himself. Judge Thrash has "foreclosed" on Windsor's ability to wield his paper terrorism across the Nation.You can almost hear Judge Thrash responding with a sigh "that was the point".

In the end, Bill is trying to paint himself as some kind of Constitutional martyr.  But too bad for him, no one cares.  Anyone that reviews his history will see exactly why the courts had to take the action that they did. Bill is always complaining about his rights but its the rights of everyone else that are being trampled in his vexatious fury.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

National Liberty Alliance Cancels Again

Me the People's take back of their country has been derailed again.  John Darash told his followers Monday that the big showdown this Thrusday in a NY court has been cancelled because the judge responded to their charges with "no thanks, I don't play games".  They have no standing, they have no injured party, but that is news to them because they are not sitting down and they feel hurt. So just when you think they are at their Writs' end, they plan to file another one...a Writ of Error and felony rescue against this judge.  So once again....wash, rinse and repeat.  Darash told his followers that he is way to busy to read any emails, he just simply can't do it, and he has lost many emails that he didn't mean too by being liberal with his delete button. He has invested everything into this endeavor and is broke, sorry family....kinda let you down on that one.

Darash then moved on to the problem of the subverter's in his ranks.  Even though they are an anarchist group, he thinks everyone should follow his rules.  Ideas like giving up your driver's license or not voting is just asinine to him and the NLA.  Only his crazy idea shall be followed and all others are considered a waste of time and the work of "subverters"   Thou shalt not have any other frauds before me is the basic order Darash is striking down here.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Bill's Trial By Facebook gets Stayed

Since he can't seem to get anywhere in court, Bill has decided to try his case on his facebook account as he libels and defames all kinds of people he doesn't know, and and they don't know him either.  Not only is his lawsuit against Facebook not going too well, now his trial by facebook has been suspended as he is locked out of his account. Yep, he did it again, he violated the rules and now he can't post anything for 30 days. This must be some kind of violation of his Constitutional rights.

Where will he go to stalk and harass people if he can't post it on the internet?  Will this bring about a new lawsuit against Facebook?  Will his victims find out about his defamation of them?  Is it time to pretend he is getting that skull surgery he has been threatening?  Is there even anyone left that will follow him?