Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Bill Puts Barbara Windsor Front and Center


Sean Fleming, of course from the Sean Fleming Show, has another great video where he shows the direct deception that Bill has engaged in.  As Sean points out, most scam artists choose the State of Delaware to incorporate their organization because it gives them a year to report specific information.  Well its been over a year now since LA was incorporated, and guess what?  No annual filings have been done as required by law.

Sean then goes on to discuss the Barbara Windsor connection as she is the only named director of Lawless America.  She claims in her divorce filings that she never had anything to do with LA, and then reiterates it in a recent email to Sean (or at least from an address appearing to be from Barb as it sounded very Bill-like in its response).  Bill is also putting Barbara right in the middle of every single one of his frivolousness lawsuits right now as he lists her divorcing him as one of the reasons he is due damages.  She also knows full well why Bill can't speak to his granddaughters and it has nothing to do with some blog  How much longer can she do the Windsor thing and hide from her obligations?  Will she forever be known as Mrs. Bill Windsor, or will she finally stand up to Bill and his lies and tell the truth?

Monday, March 17, 2014

Bill Windsor Defies Judge Carroll's Direct Orders

While Bill has gone quiet, at least in talking to his lemmings, he has stayed busy with his paper terrorism. First, in the Bill vs. The World case, there was the hearing with Google in which Bill was told not to file anything more until he got leave from Federal Judge Fitzwater.  Google correctly argued that they should be dismissed under the Communications Decency Act as they are not a responsible third party content.  Judge Carroll mentioned that this was the case and as soon as the case resumed, Google would be dismissed.

Well apparently this was one of those days where Bill had trouble hearing, kinda like how he can't read during tax season.  He then filed an 82 page answer to the objection by Google which was unobjectionable. It seems that Google and Judge Carroll can't quite understand the CDA the correct way that Bill does.  Then he files a 376 page affidavit all related to Sean Boushie and is simply a copy and paste job of his failed legal efforts in Montana.  You know, the one where the Appellate Court called him specious?

That got Judge Carroll's attention and he issued a stay as well as affirmed Google's special exception.  The stay would be in effect while the Court takes time to review the vexatious litigant ruling by Judge Thrash as well as all the legal ramifications related to it.  In short, if Bill's reputation didn't already proceed him, his actions quickly made it clear why he has this special legal definition behind him.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Bill Windsor Tries to Scrub His Past

Bill Windsor never lies, as he reminds everyone repeatedly.  But one important component to that statement is the ability to erase everything he has said in the past.  Late last night, Bill sent out a plea to his followers for spying, but this time its to spy on himself.  You see those over 100 talkshoe shows of him blabbering on and on may have statements in them that contradict what Bill has already sworn in court that he never said.  You see, all those "haters" are lying about me, but just in case I'm gonna need to review and edit all the shows that I did where I spoke about grand juries, 501 c3 non- profits, proposed legislation (I never did that did I?), donations....oh and I forgot all the different things I said about the fake movie.

If Bill Windsor never lied then he has no reason to worry about all those talkshoe shows.  But he did, and now he does have to worry.  Oh and anything anyone else said is not important, only what Bill says....but then again we already knew that didn't we?

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Lawless America a Non-Prophet?

I guess Bill should have seen this coming when he scrambled to sign up his Lawless America as a non-profit.  Sean Fleming, you know from the Sean Fleming Show, has a great video explaining Bill's shenanigans between trying to play LLC and 501c3 non-profit corporation. 

Bill, as usual, is trying to play both sides of the coin.  He registered Lawless America as a non-profit listing his wife as the Director.  But non-profits are not allowed to engaged in the political arena as that is specifically reserved for that is called PACs (Political Action Committees).  Beyond that though, both are to be set up with a committee and must track all donations and expenditures.  As a non profit, LA could have paid Bill's expenses and a "salary" for running his fake movie, but that would have to have been approved by the Board of Directors with a full accounting of all revenue and expenses.  As we know, Bill just took the donations and says he can't read when it comes time to file his taxes.  So Lawless America, the non-profit, engaged in political activity without a PAC and took in donations with no appropriate BOD approval and accounting.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

For Windsor, Its Always Someone Else's Fault

As we continue to look at the mountains of documents filed in the Maid of the Mist case, and appeal, we see a clear pattern of a complete lack of personal responsibility from Bill.  The judges are mean to me, I'm just a pro se litigant, the housing bubble popped and took all my money.  But what really drives Bill over the edge is when a judge uses a word that perfect describes his actions.

114. Judge Duffey even branded me as a “litigious plaintiff” in the order dated July 30, 2009 (attached hereto as Exhibit 2). “Litigious” is identified as “tending to engage in lawsuits.” (Exhibit 3 hereto.) A “litigious plaintiff” is a person who tends to file lawsuits.” Judge Duffey has no basis to say that. He would have no idea what I have and haven’t been involved with in terms of litigation unless he has false information obtained from some extra-judicial source. Other than Maid of the Mist’s totally improper lawsuit against me, the only lawsuits that I have been involved with personally for the last 15+ years were two legal actions involving real estate (one was an eviction in which my wife and I prevailed but never got paid, and the other was a small claims lawsuit by an attorney trying to buy our home that was dismissed because it was improper under the law). A third lawsuit was filed against me in California by a National Park Service employee who claimed his photograph taken by me at a National Park while he was on duty should not have been used on my personal travel web site. My insurance carrier paid the man $1,000 to go away. My 15-year history as what Judge Duffey describes as a “litigious plaintiff” is that my wife and I sued some people who bounced their rent checks on our unsold Ohio residence, stiffed us for $30,000 or so, and refused to vacate. Contrary to Judge Duffey’s presentation in the order dated July 30, 2009, that I am involved in “three cases,” the truth is that I am involved with one issue: Maid of the Mist and their attorneys. Maid sued me wrongfully. I have sued Maid. 115. The “litigious plaintiff” case that Judge Duffey cites in his order is Martin-Trigona v. Shaw, a case in which a litigant had filed over 250 lawsuits and used litigation as a cruel and effective weapon against his enemies, who are more often imagined than real. Trigona has reportedly sued literally hundreds, if not thousands, of attorneys, judges, their spouses, court officials, and other human beings. His lawsuits have been pursued with "persistence, viciousness, and general disregard for decency and logic." He has used legal pleadings to ventilate his contempt and hatred of persons of Jewish heritage and to level accusations which "have often been personal, have often emphasized racial or religious affiliations, and have often involved the members of ... judges' and counsel's families." The purpose, nature and effect of his resort to multiple litigation has been to involve as many persons in as many confounding legal processes as possible.

Judge Duffy hit the nail on the head, and Bill objected http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dx32b5igLwA. He then selectively choose 15 years because more than that would definitely prove the Judge's point. But what is particularly amazing is how Bill has an out of body experience as he characterizes the Trigona case as something far different than what he is doing. Unlike Bill, Trigona filed tons of lawsuits as a cruel weapon against his enemies, many of which are imagined. This monster even included "judges, court officials, their spouses and other human beings in an effort to involve as many persons in as many confounding legal processes as possible". Right, and we can all see how this Trigona monster differs from what Bill is doing?