Sunday, April 7, 2013

Round America Version 3.0 Begins

You could almost hear a certain jeep in Marietta (with its axle slanted to the left) moan as Bill waddled out and got inside to start another pointless road trip.  Windsor has run out of followers and now he must embark on another trip to trick new people into liking him on facebook and following his never ending drama with messiah-like worship.  In exchange for their unquestioned loyalty, Bill will record whatever they want to say and upload it to youtube, a great deal indeed.

Also, this trip will have a duel purpose of intimidating Bill's "haters".  He wants to stalk his "stalkers" as he drives around their homes filming whatever he can. 

But what his trip really about, is a chance to feel like his has some sort of family.  Being home alone is not much fun for today's narcissists.  Bill just wants people to listen to him again.  He needs more hero worship.  That's why he can't stop pointing out how many miles and days he has spent on the road as some sort of public servant hero.  The "haters" seem to out number the lemmings at this point, and Bill is determined to change that.  He will follow his pie hole wherever it takes him, but we can be sure he won't spare any details (with plenty of lies mixed in) as he chronicles his road show.


  1. He should chronicle the water over
    Niagra Falls, as almost an omen of
    his own fall, an illustration of
    how film clips, are only superficial , and
    context is more than his bad camera shots.
    The irony is Bill is not the judge,
    His misjudgements in life are leaving him
    in his own heap pit.
    Yap, has even retorted on his
    underwear, does it get and deeper.

  2. Why did Bill go ape on Maid of Mist ?
    Do any really know ?

    1. Frag, because he was making big money off THEIR business and Mist wanted to put an end to his 'secondary' marked up sales of their tickets.

      It was their company, not his and they had every right to tell him to stop selling their tickets at a higher price no less to consumers. It is my understanding he was also lying customers that if they bought tickets in advance through him, it would give them a place in line for the tour which wasn't true. Billy felt he had every right to earn easy money off the hard work of others successes. It's what he's always done in every area of his life. He's a user and a loser.

    2. To add to this, he had no authorization or contract through Maids to be a reseller of their tickets. He's basically a "scalper" charging people higher fee's when they could have purchased at lower prices AND he would never tell the consumer they were marked up = scam.

    3. Good point, Y.
      Google Alcatraz Media and Windsor.
      A Media even sued Yahoo.

  3. Peace, deuces, fist bumps Brannon!!

  4. With all the BIG buzz and hype surrounding the Documentary some new info has been released. What a total and complete let down for those who thought it would actually be done, let alone, something worthy of winning some kind of award.

    (IF he even follows it through) It will be just a glorified DC CD/DVD. It too will have links to YouTube. HOW MUCH DID YOU DONATE FOR THE CAUSE? CAUSE YOU WERE DUPED.

    Lawless America 90 to 120 minutes...but it will be unique in its links to YouTube.

    1. This would be a good time to remind lurkers that a film isn't just submitted to Sundance and placed on the screens. It has to meet submission requirements, AND THEN it has to be selected for release.

  5. I thought of bill when reading this...

  6. Great Conversation from Bill to his follower just proves there will be no movie just youtube. Furthermore there will be no DVD's just youtube.

    Q: Naomi Gutierrez Hey Bill, how are you? I was curious about something. Average Documentary films are 90 minutes. How long will your film be when it appears at the film festival?

    A: Lawless America 90 to 120 minutes...but it will be unique in its links to YouTube.

  7. Bill has now expanded his plan to include individual state legislators to be sent the DVD's so that he can put them also on trial for Treason by Grand Jury.

    1. Yep, and within this, any person he speaks to in their offices as well, who doesn't comply, or he feels is interfering. They will become the "Does" of treason. No one is immune here. NO ONE!

    2. Life in Pierce CountyApril 7, 2013 at 2:40 PM

      Sean - got a link to him saying this? I could go look, but spare me if you already have it. :-)

    3. Yep Sean, I think this SOB wants to wipe out anyone and everyone even remotely connected to the court system and the government combined. His hatred towards so many is extreme.

    4. @LIPC here is the link I think Sean was talking about. See where he says, "It is time for us to gear up our effort with the state legislatures. We have no money for producing DVDs for every state legislator."

    5. I'm sure someone has pointed this out before, but if you click his donate link it says you are donating to "Round America, LLC"

      Never even bother to change the name of his scam

    6. Life in Pierce CountyApril 7, 2013 at 4:39 PM

      Thank you, Ninja. :-)

    7. Didn't know that GS. He really is that lazy.

  8. Allie I would stay home and wait to see what happens. If they come by your home call the police.

  9. I would call the police and tell them your concerned about them protesting your home and that you would like 1 patrol car to be outside on the road or to be added to the patrol list at least.

  10. Allie he is supposed to stay clear of you within how many feet? If he shows up, have his ass arrested.

  11. Allie, I say do whatever the heck you need to do to keep yourself safe. I'd do exactly what you are doing. Be safe and good luck in court! AND, for those who don't know--and I guess Sean and Yappy have no clue, no offense intended--RO or PFA's mean very little. If you need to get one in the first place...well....and yeah, I tried the stay home and see what happens with my psycho. I called the cops and they were friggin clueless. OH? A PFA? Really? Gee, we'll look it up and see but we've got hundreds here....and yeah, it doesn't work like if they violate the PFA, you get to arrest their asses either. Don't know how many times my ex violated the PFA. The cops kinda shrugged and went to the nearest donut shop. This went on until basically the PFA expired and then when I tried to get it extended, they said that they had conveniently lost all the paperwork. He got I think a few hundred dollars fine and 6 months of probation for all of that.

  12. On the plus side, LE is involved. BW is not a resident and he is not there for good reasons.

  13. Well, I agree he is a pussy but I am pretty concerned he or his nut cases will harrass my kids or worse. Maybe if I didn't have kids I wouldn't be so worried, I don't know, but he is a whack a doodle and I don't wanna be the one he crosses that line with.

  14. @Anon, I agree. Allie should do whatever necessary to protect herself. She should also find a way to have a camera pointing out to her street to see if he drives by. If he's blatantly breaking the PO order, contact the police. Maybe they wouldn't arrest him but she could provide more evidence to the judge that this psychopath is NOT afraid of her and he's the one doing the stalking. That's all I meant.

  15. I think he is already there. He was really quiet the past few days, and now he is supposedly on the road, and he's chit chatting away on FB comments. NAH I don't buy it.

    Do what you feel in your gut is right Allie, to protect yourself and your kids. It's clear his "drive by" comment was to intimidate you further.

  16. I agree he is probably already hear. He always shows up days early , anywhere he goes, and he published last week he would be hear April 4 then changed it to 7.

    My kids aren't at home but it's a tiny town and they are older so they come and go playing. 15 & 11. All I have told them is to stay away from a white jeep that says Lawless America on it and that it's a guy who isn't safe for them to be around. I did tell their dad though. I don't want them knowing anything about pie boy or being worried about me.

  17. Ninja post a link to the driveby comment tnx

  18. Life in Pierce CountyApril 7, 2013 at 2:35 PM

    Safety first. Always. Bill Windsor and his extremist followers should be viewed as dangerous. Anyone who wants to, or who supports a self-created "leader" of a movement who wants to hold en mass grand juries and citizen grand juries, en mass citizens arrests, followed by execution of everyone he and his followers deem to have committed treason, is capable of anything. In the name of the "movement", any one of them could decide to be a martyr for the cause.

    A 24/7 camera facing toward the street is a good idea. Review only after you know he's gone. Also, if you are friendly with your neighbors, you may want to forewarn them and ask them to keep an eye out while you're away. Live witness I.D. could prove valuable later. Then again, it would possibly scare your neighbors.

    Which brings about the core of the issue - Bill Windsor needs to be stopped from growing his numbers of people willing to join him in terrorizing others, and orchestrating absurd attacks on individuals, the towns and neighborhoods they live in, their court systems, and their law enforcement agencies. He is stoking a very dangerous fire.

  19. @Sean I had to go find it. I just saw the posting on the other page from someone else. But here it is...

  20. @LIPC Amen. You said that perfectly!!

  21. IF Mr. Windsor IS the saint he thinks he is, why isn't MRS. Saint standing next to her man? Why didn't she supply an affidavit, or his children? Why don't they want him speaking his grandchildren's names? Where are they in all of this, to support him?

    I think the missing people are the key points here about the lack of true character that has become the new face of impending terroristic threats to our Government and Judicial System. I think they are staying out of this because they know it's wrong, he is wrong, and he is dangerous to be associated with. My two cents for the day.

    1. On the other hand, if they are telling the truth as they would have us believe, then there should be no reason for them to give their John Hancock's. And remember that term came from a man who knew that signing his name would put him in significant danger, so he signed in extra big letters. If his followers are too chicken to do what they are doing in the light, then it is a clear sign that they know what they are doing is wrong.

    2. Well, of course, on April 1 Barbara Windsor did pony up $100,000 to pay (some of?) Bill's court debts. If I'm Barbara, I tell my husband that that's more "standing by my man" than he deserves already.

  22. Life in Pierce CountyApril 7, 2013 at 3:07 PM

    Speaking of, I was surprised to not see Mrs. Kramer's name in the list of those who provided affidavits.

    1. I thought her blah blah was already provided to the court about the hoax. Isn't it in his declarations or whatever filings he supplied as evidence?

    2. Being quoted and providing a signed affidavit are 2 different things.

    3. Ya, I know, I just thought since her name is in his papers already, why over do it? He may still have some affidavits to be handed in to the court still.

      (I actually kind of thought she'd be one to show up in person)

    4. Snooty is way to busy fighting her own windmills to bother with Bill's right now

    5. Well that's a plus. She doesn't need to stick her snooty into this anyway.

    6. she sent me an email and copied Bitler wanting us to please make up, communicate with each other under the PO, and wanting bill 2 attack the court that took my daughter instead of me.I replied (to only her) with a leave me alone email explaining that I wanted nothing to do with him whatsoever and told her to not contact me again. She replied (doh) with an its such a shame and an as you wish.

    7. She is seriously stupid. Bill made the attack against you, with HER FRICKEN HELP. Her moronic deduction of time lines is part of his ammo to label you falsely a pathological liar. (or whatever he said) How can she act like the ref, when she was throwing dukes herself? OMFG

      Like I said on the other thread, this is all on her now. Her hands are NOT clean, as she professes to be a peacemaker. NOT!!! (and after reading her backstory that yappy found, she has zero credibility)

    8. I guess we have to remember that Barb, Jan Smith (who claims to be a former drug counselor and should know better), and Sharon are all from the "stand by your man" generation when women were not permitted to address domestic abuse for what it was.

    9. Her "account" of how the suicide bit must of gone down, was stupid at best. I know she probably believed it to have happened like that but Gawd, she was so far off base and so convinced that she was right because, well, she thinks she's smart. And that kids mom? Yunno, the one who he claims loves him and is going to be his witness that I wrote that suicide thing? Not. She thinks he's a dumbass liar and wants him to stop lying about her and her kid for props.

    10. She is just bitter because she put all her eggs into this killer mold craze and now that most people recognize it as mostly a hoax, she now is looking for some kind of meaning in her life. No one who is legitimate would ever vouch for any of the things Bill is doing, that's why he relies on fellow scamsters to back him up.

  23. Thank you, Ninja.

  24. So now Bitler says he is going from Missouri, to Illinois then to Cali....? Anyone else smell BS? What happened to stalking the Ginger crew in Texas??? I hope he dosent bring his judge thru illinois, that's a no no.

    1. Arkansas too....Illinois and Arkansas border Missouri. Hmmm.

    2. Big Bill had better not come here either. My R.O. is a 12 ga. SBR.

    3. Ruh Roh....driving through Illinois packing is a no no. Did he bring the judge with him? He should maybe remove the Illinois pics.

  25. Dennis Lawrence:
    Those that may be interest in our Michigan call. We are hoping to have a update from Trish Krause and David Shied in Missouri at 7 pm. You are welcome to join us.

    1. Thanks Anon
      This is playing right now for anyone who is interested.

    2. I guess they might be funneling info through the "revolutionary party" pages. This is one.

    3. Shied is the 501c3 vice president of Lawless America International (or something like that. She was talking too fast for me to catch it)

      Shied and Kraus will be with Bill at the hearing in the morning BTW

      They also said he isn't doing the talkshoes to distance himself from them, since they are in the "belly of the beast".

      The US Attorney letters are going out across the Nation, to stop or inform them of "gate keeping" around May 1st. They are on target to set up their own citizen grand juries.

    4. Gates are very popular in many different genres right now from new age to sociological. It can refer to what the media decides to print, or else immigration issues. Judging by the sovereign connection and what BW's associates have said recently, they will probably argue that the court has no jurisidiction due to their version of U.S. history.

    5. The "gate" comment was, they were saying something about many of the current sitting judges haven't taken the "oath" in years, and they are all operating illegally. Thus get them all served and kicked out through their very own grand juries.

    6. Oh and in case ya'll missed it, the reason Shied didn't send an affidavit, is because he's there. He may have one for Bill to give the Judge, but more importantly, he is in town right now.

    7. Shied is there with Bill? Jezuz, no wonder Allie is in hiding.

    8. Thanks Ninja for listening in and giving us an update.

      Yeah this is disturbing that Shied would go there, I did not anticipate this at all. I'm glad Allie is taking precautions. The fact that they told him not to do any more talkshoe shows and go more covert is because they are hiding some sinister and probably criminal.

    9. Its ok, I'm there as Allies armed bodyguard. According to bitler anyway.....

    10. Sure thing. I was shocked when they said they were at the hotel and would be talking to Bill. I hope Allie reads this and takes extra precautions.

      Yes, they are serious about their plans, and it was kind of unnerving listening to them. Next Sunday they are doing another show.

  26. This is interesting, he picked up 4000+ "talking about this" today. I don't think I have seen that number over 550 or so.

    Lawless America
    50,314 likes · 4,691 talking about this

  27. It looks like they are turning Bill into a mascot. Just send him on the road to keep him busy & keep interest up. While he's doing that,they can take care of the real agenda.

    1. Yes that is what it looked like from the beginning, those of us who warned the ones who wanted to film were concerned with the groups and individuals who supported him early on. His backbone and framework were created with hate groups.

  28. After the recroded portion of the Talkshoe ended, the host and someone using the moniker of ‘Granny’ stayed on and talked candidly for a while. The host said something about people getting frustrated and shooting up prosecutors. Granny laughed aloud, saying maybe the prosecutors should shake things up so they won’t get shot.

    The host also made numerous negative comments about Windsor. This after-talk didn't get included in the recording, so here's hoping someone else who was listening was smarter than me, and recorded the stream. Anyone?

    1. hmmmmm, man that would be the ticket if we could get the hard core sovereign guys fighting with Bill

    2. Sean is recapping the talkshoe MI show a little right now. He also discussed the Lawless comment about the drive by thing. Pretty good.

  29. RSI’s other co-founder is David Schied, a former movie stuntman who claims to be working with longtime radical tax protestor Bob Schulz to establish “Constitutional Lobbies” in each state.

  30. I am going to go live on youtube in a min

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. LOL oh I forgot about the microwave frequency guy. No proof, cause, you know, those machines are 16000 to 25000 to track who's stalking you, and inputting subliminal info in your head. I think they were trying to push him off on Windsor. Ya, just send him your story, he'll investigate, while she was holding back the laughter.

      Ya, they are kooks, but they are crazy kooks. Just be safe.

    3. the show is done and will loaded in a bit. But, We see what kind of Whacka Doodles are flocking to Bill Windsor. No Offense to anyone but there are lots of AMPP and PMA Whacka Doodles who are just as worse as Microwave Guy. The all subscribe to a notion of some sort of Globalist Plan with the New World Order being involved with their custody cases and much more. They are paranoid.

    4. is the link

    5. Sean, good run down on what is going on especially with the whackos up you your neck of the woods. These Michigan operatives seem poised to take over Lawless America.

    6. Ginger like I said, they have taken over Lawless America whatever basis it started on if it was exposing Judicial Corruption it has now become the forefront of the revolution Party which bill has created also. I guess the people who are not paying attention if they don't understand this is now a political movement that has threatened with calling the rest of america a mutiny and to be charged with treason.

    7. The scary part is...unlike Windsor, Shied isn't stupid, lazy, self absorbed and unorganized. That makes him a lot more dangerous in terms of actually getting people into and involved with this domestic terrorist operation.

    8. Name one whackadoodle from AMPP

    9. Exactly Sean. That was not very nice for one and for two, you know nothing about any of us aside from what Windsor types and what you might have read online, what little that is posted. I have shared my personal story with several on this blog along with my real name, so my facts are verified. You know what is that term that everyone used about BW that he did not do? So please don't ASS U ME anything about me or any of the other AMPP's. I could tell you stuff about PMA but as far as AMPP goes, I can vouch for the moms in AMPP as well as myself. And others on this blog can vouch for me too.

      Not just the other AMPP moms. Claudine is a party to a lawsuit with IACHR (would they follow through with that if she did not have proof). Lorraine went to jail for her child and that child does not want to be with dad. I am close to jail for my child, and she has witnessed dad being arrested this past weekend for oh gee of all things, domestic violence battery. Exactly what I have been saying for almost NINE years now that they (law enforcement and CPS) have ignored. IF IACHR was being filed right now, I would add my name to it and I imagine I would be accepted as a party.

    10. People may not like our language or how we approach things but I would tell anyone to step into my 45 years of life and live my entire life and not come out with the worst thing being a curse word or two (or two hundred)? But who the hell cares if I curse? What does it matter in the scheme of things? I say the f word, the h word, the b word? Good God who cares?!?!?!?!!?!

      I am angry dam it and I am going to make sure people know it.

      Okay now GS sorry and here is a twenty for the curse jar.

    11. Oh and I am speaking with a lawyer about filing a lawsuit against law enforcement for ignoring me, for lying in reports, for much much more that when you see the news stories it will ring a bell and you will be like wow, I know her from joeys.

    12. Ok Lets have a survey... Just to sort out the clubhouse peoples stand points....

      I want to know this.
      Q: Do you believe that there is some conspiracy from the United States Government, The United Nations, or The New World Order that is affecting your case?

      I don't have a case but my belief is that these conspiracies do not exist.

    13. He(SEAN) is a hypercritic; he has double standards for women..... Then Boo Hoo because he works and cannot do any research but has strong Opinions on things he admitted to knowing nothing about

    14. no one in Ampp think that The United Nations, or The New World Order ....

      But here is a PBS talking about how the state make Decisions base on what make them the most money not what is the best for the children

    15. Q: Do you believe that there is some conspiracy from the United States Government, The United Nations, or The New World Order that is affecting your case?

      A: NO
      I believe that family court is set up exactly the way it was intended. It makes money from BOTH mothers and fathers, no conspiracy. But when you put a DV victim in family court it's fucking DEADLY. You haven't a clue about family court.

      Q. Do you have children and/or have you ever been in family court?

      THINK before you speak

    16. that why we have this mess with Fostercare

      DEC 5th 2012 Loryn Ryder

      I’ve been saying all along that it's the United Nations that are handing down the orders to destroy children and families. It’s all apart of the New World Order. Please watch this!
      The UN Agenda 21 plans on breaking up families and controlling all children by the state just like the former USSR. The Agenda for the 21st Century has been given approval by George Bush senior, Bill Clinton and most leaders of other countries.
      UN Agenda 21 for Dummies: Depopulation of Planet Earth
      The objectives for Agenda 21 are:
      At 1:28 mins the abolition of private property, the restructure of the family unite, restrictions to individual freedom

      At 2:18mins undermining of the family
      At 5:40mins children will be cared for by the state
      At 5:50mins a generation of children will be stolen by the state to
      indoctrinate them into accepting this new way of living as being normal At 6:25mins a transfer of loyalty from the family to the government At 7:40mins children will be intentionally under educated to dumb them down because educated people consume more resources which is bad for the environment.

    18. AMPP is not her, or me..... wow, you are simple to think she thinks like all of us.... go to AMPP and find something dumb like that or my Page

    19. She's not AMPP but thanks for playing try again.

    20. Loryn is not AMPP. Do you even know who the original AMPP moms are? No? Then I would STFU (some more money GS for the curse jar) if I were you. AMPP started as a few (not going to say how many) moms who blogged about these issues. We then took it nationwide then global (with Australia). And I do believe since it was several years ago that we started AMPP, that Australia came before us and we are an offshoot of their group. Not much after but some. Now to answer your stupidity - do I think the federal govt or UN or any other global group plays a part in my simple custody/dv/divorce case? Hell no!.

      But do I think there is major corruption going on with law enforcement where my cases originate? Yes I do. I have researched them over the last few days or the sheriff in this particular county is covering up massive sex abuse complaints in a certain institution. Also he has been instrumental in sweeping officers bad behavior under the rug (documented by several websites and blogs as well as through local press. This sheriff is facing 5 or 6 lawsuits right now, the latest one being a wrongful death suit. The lawyer handling that case goes after corruption in law enforcement, and I am speaking to his firm. In speaking to two attorneys at this firm with the information I have provided, they both believe they can make an excellent case against this sheriff.

      Now, the million dollar question I would love to have the answer for is this: wth did I ever do or did my child ever do to have this agency come down on us like they have? Why do they "hate" me? Because that is the only thing I can see to explain to explain their blatant disregard for my rights as my child's mother and CUSTODIAL parent.

      My ex now has TWO arrests for domestic violence related incidents, he is being investigated by another state attorney for a third case. He should not have any rights to this child, and we should be allowed to move where we need to move in order to have a fresh start, but eh he is daddy and has rights.

    21. "You haven't a clue about family court" Here is the deal Here is what I know about court. This is why this dufass is in prison cause I made sure he was there. Not all prosecutors are willing to press charges. Now, instead of blaming money for lack of a prosecutor going after someone because of whatever reason. I say this... They are all elected officials use that as leverage. Same as the police chief who is appointed by the Mayor and the Sheriff who is elected. If you feel your case is not being looked into as you would like and you feel your being ignored I suggest going to the News paper or call the people up and let them know your a voter. It will probably change their minds. To put the blame on something else is ridiculous.
      A minimum 15-year prison sentence was handed down Monday to the Warren man arrested in June for allegedly sexually assaulting a 5-year-old girl during the summer of 2008.

      Twenty-seventh Circuit Court Judge Anthony Monton sentenced James Michael Mitchell, 28, of 2709 Capital, Warren, to serve 15 to 22.5 years in prison. Mitchell pled guilty Oct. 5 to criminal sexual conduct, third degree, and habitual offender, second offense. He was initially charged with criminal sexual conduct, first degree, and habitual offender, second offense.

      Oceana County Prosecutor Terry Shaw previously said the victim, her mother, and Mitchell were visiting some of the mother’s relatives in Hart Township when the alleged incident took place.

      The complaint was initially filed with and investigated by the Michigan State Police Detroit Metro North Post. Because the incident allegedly happened in Oceana County, the case had to be prosecuted here.

    22. Loryn rider, Connie and Presley have publicly stated they are not part of AMPP. It would appear, Sean that you are doing exactly what Bill did as far as putting all those who have ever "liked" the AMPP facebook page as a "member" of AMPP, which would make Bill Windsor a member.

      I have seen a little corruption in the courts, the Sandusky case for example. I don't think it is a huge issue...except for the few families affected.

      Corruption in general that affects a court case? HELL YEAH. CPS lawsuits about all over the US, they are placing children in the homes with registered sex abusers. Men who want to abuse and control women and who have money pay under the table for swayed psych evaluations and also pay to sway unliscensed volunteer or low paid workers. Many states have guardian ad litems who are nothing more than volunteers and there are CASA workers who are volunteers too. They do not face losing a license like an attorney. The corruption I see that affects family court stems from hate groups and those who follow them. Scattered positions within the system which may include some court workers.

      Why are you so down on women Sean?

      Going to the newspaper? REALLY? What if they are friends of the abuser and skew the story? AMPP filmed and did radio shows of mothers stories at one point to get them out there without editing. Sometimes going public like that gets the mother and children killed. *~* Redd*~*

    23. @Sean I think you are missing the point in that if a person, a stranger, sexually abuses someone, it is a criminal matter and usually swift action by authorities. (however, there is always exception to that rule if the perp(s) is someone affiliated with a large group, such a Sandusky or the Catholic church, or even the boy scouts. Drag the case out = more money for the attorneys)

      However, the problems in "family" abuse case, is they are not automatically heard in Criminal Court (where they should be) but in front of a Family Court Judge. Not all evidence is supplied. Why? Because if it was, the case would end, and so would their paychecks. This is a growing problem that people shackled into the Family Courts have been complaining about, and thus, want reform of.

      As far as AMPP, they aren't flocking to Windsor. They were concerned about his actions, thus, he labeled them "haters" and you know the rest. PMA however, the Cronin story, Maria Melin (sp), Janice Levinson, and the like have not been labeled by Windsor as haters. They support him,& he likes them. Those are the Windsor whackadoodles. Those women including the Marlene Debeks of the world are the reason children are a profit center. High powered FR's used their kind of fake stories to help the label ANYONE reporting abuse as a liar first and foremost. Meaning, it should stay in Family Court, appointing anyone and everyone to come take a piece of the money pie, and bury any truth so far under false reports it is impossible to find it. Again, $$$$ is the driving force, not truth, not justice and not protection.

      IF all cases of Child abuse went to the DA, and directly into Criminal Court, this issue wouldn't be one. (Here is one last point. In no other case, does a victim have to defend themselves, except in Family Court. WHY?)

  32. Ok so rephrase my deleted comment, as to not give anyone the wrong idea.....THOSE PEOPLE ARE KOOKS IN MY OPINION.

  33. no matter what happens tomorrow, Shied and Windsor will quickly state that this judge has no authority and they will ignore the PO that Allie will be granted tomorrow.

    Hang in there Allie, you will do well tomorrow and this traveling circus will move on to a new target.

    1. GS, I hope the crazy doesn't get too theatrical. I keep picturing Captain Kirk and Dr. Spock with Kirk waving his arms making a huge scene and Spock trying to reign him in.

  34. Insane the emotion inflicted. Scared, disgusted, nervous, confident, shocked, freaked out, humored, pissed, fearful, ....what the hell , was I close to a crazy extremists group of cult type dangerous wacks, and didn't know it? I'm glad I took precautions for my fam now.

  35. Will say a prayer for you to find peace and strength Allie, I hope things don't get too crazy. Hang in there, and stay safe.

    Keep a camera (I used to carry the disposable kind) with you at all times until the lard pie leaves town.

  36. Thnx O, I will try to get some peace before I go in there. Sounds like I'm going to need it. I've never been fond of clowns.

  37. Soap, is the one who runs
    " Among the Wolves", Blog going to
    testify for Bill in Mossouri.
    She has a lot on those she claims are like
    monkies throwing poop, and further notes
    GS, Petunia, Etc etc( the screen- named )
    Anyway, Bill claimed he bought a gun
    because he was in fear for his life, according
    to all on the WWW.
    Today, the families of the New- Town Victims
    testify before Congress.
    They were on 60 Minutes last night.
    Any happen to watch CBS on that.
    Bill says he is in fear for his life, the reason
    he bought a gun, and the WWW site
    " Among the wolves", purports to advocate that.
    So, here it is 4/8/ 13...

  38. According to the Missouri district court's website, there were two filings in Ms. Overstreet's case on Friday, April 5.

    One is titled "MOTION FOR THIS COURT TO TAKE JUDICIAL NOTICE," and the other "WINDSOR CONTEMPT FILING." Both are filed by "Petitioner," who I believe is Ms. Overstreet herself.

    It's a little difficult to tell without being able to see the documents themselves, but it appears that these filings may amount to Ms. Overstreet attempting to bring the judge's attention to (1) Windsor's ugly prior dealings with courts, and possibly specifically (2) the order from the Georgia federal court stating that Windsor isn't allowed to file cases in court without the permission of a federal judge.

    If those guesses of mine are correct, these are fairly smart filings—presuming that the Missouri judge doesn't mind having this stuff brought before him/her... rather than just being sick-and-tired of this case after the avalanche of paper Windsor buried him/her with. Certainly there's plenty of information about Windsor's history, including his dalliances with contempt of court, that ought to interest a judge.

    Anyway: there's no need to explain yourself here, Ms. Overstreet; please concentrate on that hearing this afternoon, and on keeping yourself safe. Hope it goes well.

    1. It is very disheartening to see Dr. Fine submit anything in support of Windsor. He doesn't KNOW the man. He interviewed with him. Fine should have known better than to submit anything to the court based on little to no actually knowledge of his character beyond a short meeting.

      I know Dr. Fine is probably relying on his own feelings of court corruption, and not about the man behind this fake movement. Had Fine actually researched Windsor, I highly doubt he would have ever gotten involved.

    2. I don't know anything about Fine, though I see he's filed a "declaration" (i.e., a sworn but not notarized written statement) today; are we certain that he's filing in Windsor's favor?

    3. Yes, there is also an affidavit filed by Fine in the latest set from Windsor.

      Fine was jailed on contempt charges (I think it was called, indefinite solitary coercive confinement over 18 months) by Judge David Yaffe, when Fine discovered illegal payments being made to California Judges. It was a retaliatory action by Yaffe. SBX211 was signed over a sneaky weekend granting retroactive immunity to these judges for taking the illegal payments.

  39. @Attorney,

    I've got a question for you. Last week we determined what one ought to do if sued by Windsor: Given Thatch's order, one should notify the federal district court in one's area. How then would you do that? Would you file and amicus curiae brief? I'm extremely "amicus curious" to find out. Thanks!

    1. amicus curiae brief

    2. Again: please don't anyone take this as legal advice. Please consult your own counsel.

      Amicus curiae, as you no doubt know, means "friend of the court." It's a method by which third parties (not the plaintiff and defendant themselves) express themselves to the court. It's only allowed in certain fairly narrowly defined circumstances. As a result, if you yourself are a party to a lawsuit, you can't file as an amicus, because you're not an amicus; you're a(n "interested") party.

      If I were a defendant in a lawsuit filed by Windsor, I'd probably mention the Georgia federal order in, and attach a copy of Judge Thrash's order to, (1) my Answer to his Complaint, (2) my Motion to Dismiss his Complaint or, if neither one of those two applied, (3) a letter to the judge pointing out the important procedural fact from Georgia.

      And the point would be to notify the judge in my case of the fact that Windsor is violating the law, not to "tattle" on him to the nearest federal court. (Of course, if Bill is suing me in federal court, there's no difference between those two things.)

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