Monday, April 8, 2013

Showdown in the Show Me State

Its ironic that Bill will be in the Show-Me-State today.  After all his wild claims, today he must show the evidence to back up his assertions.  The evidence is never on Bill's side.  He must feel like a 1.2 career gpa student going in to a final just never goes well.  Its all but certain that he will lose his "trial" today in Lexington Missouri.  But what will happen after his loss?

We learned last night that David Shied and several others are going to be with him today in Lexington.  That will mean several domestic terrorist will be in the court room today and, at lest for a while, be under the direct jurisdiction of a judge.  They will discredit the ruling as soon as they exit the building.  They will call the judge unfit to hold his position and void his ruling as such.

This is all an attack, not against Allie, but against our judicial system.  They don't want to reform it, they want to destroy it.  This is precisely why they are terrorist and enemies of all patriotic Americans.  We can all agree that our system isn't perfect and needs to be reformed.  But anarchy and mob rule are the ideas of those that hate this Country and our way of life.  Windsor and Shied want to take every opportunity they can to discredit our judicial system and thumb their noses at its authority.  That is why its critical that we continue to stand up against these enemies of the State and defeat them before they destroy us all.


  1. Poor Billy, not feeling well? Who the hell cares scumbag? Oops I meant, boooo hooo so sad to hear that.

    Lawless America
    18 minutes ago

    I am preparing for court at a motel in the Kansas City area. It is about a 45-minute drive to Lexington, Missouri.

    It was a rough night. I was sick with stomach problems all night while glancing at the computer each time I got up to then deal with some extremely troubling emails. I will share some MAJOR NEWS later in the day after the court, etc.

    If only this sign were true.

    1. He is full of it. Shied said he was there yesterday. I have a feeling he's been in town for about 2 days already.

      Cue the drama, and sympathy...oh, damn, I am just not feeling it today, sorry Billy. No sympathy for you, and as for the drama, STFU. You are here today due to your fake drama and stories. So, if your tummy hurts, maybe it's because you can't 'stomach your own lies' anymore either. HA think about that Pie Jerk.

  2. Allie!!! Allie!!! Allie!!! Allie!!!

  3. this might be a possible preview for the circus Shied and Windsor have planned after the ruling:

    Marsha Maines hopefully you will not CONSENT to the alleged jurisdiction of any alleged "court" or black robe who doesn't first present his Oath and Bond for the Record. ???

    1. Ya the whole "no Jurisdiction" thing and now the "Oath" thing. SMH

      Here is Sharon today, she just doesn't get it. He has been in contempt since he was served. Why do these people only see HALF of what is going on?

      Sharon Anderson Stay out of Frerkings Court 13LF-CV00278 Allie has filed Contempt Order without Serving YOU,

    2. They are on their way...

      Jet Trish Kraus

      Heading to court for Lawless America! — with David Schied.

    3. will believe that when I see it, pardon me if I don't believe much of the hype until after the fact. Showing up and being allowed into the court and/or allowed to speak in court are two different things. *~*Redd*~*

  4. Who is Marsha, a Texas actress ?
    Who ..?

  5. I wanted to make this known here. I am not for one gender or another. Point here is this and just that. Man or woman, if your child and or yourself are being abused at all and it constitutes a crime the matter needs to be filed with the police department. When your in the middle of a custody case or have an ongoing case to where as you can still file motions in the family court to change custody then you can file a motion but when you say that the other person has “abused you” then it must be proven. If your judge will not change custody to you I would then keep your child safe and I am certain that the police are not going to arrest you for not taking the child back. They do not enforce “Civil matters” . I would hire an attorney. Fighting on a matter of this nature is probably not good pro-se and when an attorney is speaking on your behalf it cuts down on things that sound like Hearsay until there is an actual abuse charge. Don’t wait any time after the abuse to report it to the police go there right away with your child.
    I get it AMPP is for mothers meaning all their issues will be with men. If there were a MMPP it would be against females. Thing is abuse is not one a one sided street here. I stand with my thoughts on that people can be held responsible for the safety of your child when making orders. An unsafe order is one I would not follow personally.
    “the problems in "family" abuse cases” Why are you talking about abuse in a family court. DV is a crime. If the person is beating you up that is assault. You need to deal with the police and getting the other person charged. Protesting and harassing the judge about your own abuse and or your child’s abuse will not get the person charged. Furthermore your “evidence” is not what the police want unless they take the picture of it themselves and or come there and can have enough info to make a charge stick. As I said above if there is child abuse report it to CPS against the other parent. Yes your child will possibly be temp award of the court while the investigation is ongoing or a criminal case and you will be checked out by the government and will have to meet their standards. It is a government game that is in place that you have to adhere to regardless to if you like it. To change the current rules you need to get with state personnel and get rules changed but for now your stuck like that. Furthermore you do not have to abide by any order as I stated. At worse you’ll be in contempt of court. I would say hire an attorney and let them show up for you in court.
    This notion that “the case would end, and so would their paychecks” that is why custody issues go on is false. These judges have plenty of cases to keep them busy. That is just another idea that has no merit
    Per red “AMPP filmed and did radio shows of mothers stories at one point to get them out there without editing. Sometimes going public like that gets the mother and children killed”… Why would you expose your case in public about your child with the name and all of that. See a case in the newspaper would be maybe the same or could be strewn differently if written from the perspective of the police not doing their job.

    1. You obviously have absolutely NO friggin clue what you are talking about.

    2. they do loss a paycheck if they go against the State wishes to Maximizing Federal fund

    3. You aren't comprehending anything Sean.
      "This notion that “the case would end, and so would their paychecks” that is why custody issues go on is false. These judges have plenty of cases to keep them busy."

      Not just the Judges SEAN, you didn't read.
      Do you have any idea how much money is made by, Minor's counsels or guardian ad litems, 730 evaluators, "expert" type therapists such as "reunification" or any other so called professional the court appoints? YEARS they drag these cases out. Making up all kinds of shit for $$$$$. Never addressing the real issues. Nope, there is BIG money in excuses.

      NO, Sir you don't get it. It isn't like a stranger being attacked, raped or beaten. It should be, but it's a completely different beast. IF you don't follow the court orders as you say you would not, then they issue an arrest warrant, accuse you of kidnapping, or custodial interference, and bam, now there is a whole other list of crap you have to deal with.


    4. Sean, if you yourself have not been thru the system, then I would suggest you listen to those who have before you make snap judgements. No it isn't a gender issue, as they use the same crap to gain $ for broken families, and you have no idea how many laws they break, how many laws they exploit and how many rights they trample to deny parents their rights in court.

  6. Who will issue the first Press( P R releases)
    from Mo...?
    Or Bill.
    Or the Kansas City Star.
    The fateful day in the heartland, and
    justice @

  7. Domestic violence is not heard in criminal court Sean, it is a civil matter. If it were a crime it would be assault. An assault by a family member is called domestic violence and in most states it is not a crime or has to be near death to be considered a crime.

    I finished my last statement in a rush and apologize for that. To clarify, sometimes when a woman goes public they get killed because the abuser gets angry. Other women find it much safer in a public eye. The point I meant to make was suggesting they go to the media if the courts don't help can get some of them killed. For those who chose to go to the media, the story often gets skewered. AMPP offered the service for mothers to go public sharing their stories on the radio show in their own words. As far as I know, Claudine and Lorraine will still blog mothers stories that are sent to them, in the form they are sent in. The words should be the mothers.

    I am not in favor of publicizing children's names or pictures. AMPP believes that a mother knows what is best, and I would have to agree. If a mother believes having her child in the public eye helps to keep that child safe, then that should be her choice. Personally I don't like that, as I see things change and that pain will always be recorded on the internet for that child, especially a female child with sexual abuse issues.

    I sit in FAMILY court every week with victims of domestic violence. If they break the protective order and seriously injure they MAY wind up in criminal court charged with criminal domestic violence, but I have only seen one of those. Each state is different on that but most states treat domestic violence much more lenient than they do the assault and battery of a stranger. It has not been that long since marital rape and incest of a child was legal. Times change slow.
    (post was to long will continue

    1. In line for some of the stupidest things ever said here and that is an achievement !!! anon 12:26 Assault Family Violence is the criminal charge and every reported and filed domestic violence charge is a crime moron!!! there are civil aspects of the crime in family law court or via protective orders but in all states a family member that assaults another family member commits a crime, moron, you fit in well here!!!

    2. You never been through it you don't know. You're a little slow on the uptake anyways and since you can't form a valid argument you start calling names? smh Here's a ditty for you and a FACT, most DV goes unreported. When a victim goes into family court and reports DV, even with a documented history of abuse, the judges don't want to hear about it. Usually they substantiate that upon that "he's not abusive to the kids". Yet in MI, it is NOW a crime for a child to witness abuse, thanks to Dominicks Law. You would think that is a good thing except that abusers threaten if you report them. You don't know the mind of a battered woman. Corrine Baker was beaten along with her child Dominick and used her body over his to protect him. The abuser did not allow her to leave and her child subsequently died. The mother is now in prison because she didn't do ENOUGH. Again, you have never been a battered woman then you should not make judgements on those that have. So who's the MORON now who speaks without any knowledge or experience?

    3. Umm.. Your the moron... It's always been a crime everywhere and if it is reported it will be prosecuted

    4. Lorraine : My problem with that is , Corrine Baker left the apartment during Dominicks torture. ...Why didn't she come back with police?
      Whatever about a woman not being able to leave someone who abuses them, but to stay and allow your child to be abused? That's a different story and women/men who allow their children to remain in that environment need to be held accountable. It wasn't the first time he beat Dominick..What kind of parent stays with a partner who batters their child. .And not even his biological child in this case?
      Who had Dominicks best interests at heart? Not his mother. Still upsets me to write this thinking about how he suffered. His mother could have prevented it..She didn't. .End of.


  8. In family court or civil court where these cases are heard, there are no free attorneys. Women have to pay for their own attorney or represent themselves. Locally we currently have a volunteer attorney showing up to assist those who don't have an attorney. Most of the time the women represent themselves and the men have attorneys. When these cases escalate, and they often do, the attorneys stick with the men. Women often mess up in the domestic violence hearing and it can later cause them to lose their children in family court. CPS does not always get involved, they are not always an option, and on the flip side of that sometimes they step in and create a problem where none existed.
    In family court there is no time limit for contempt in many states. If you do not follow the order and are in jail for contempt it could be for a long time. Women who allow their children to go into temporary foster care for reasons of domestic violence rarely get their children back. On the other hand, if they lose custody because of drugs, something they chose on their own, they can get custody back when they get cleaned up.

    There are not too many attorneys who will take these types of cases, and the retainers are extremely high. This is a very specialized area and the rules for criminal court and civil court are very different. Family court is an offshoot of civil court and follows civil procedures and the rules for civil court.

    As for me Sean, I realize there are women who abuse and take kids from great dads. There are different issues from the mothers view and the fathers. As far as domestic victims go, there are different issues between men and women.

    To do a great job I had to chose a spot and I chose it. It is indeed a gender issue. At minimal the court is biased toward men because they make more money, and biased toward women because in most divorce cases women get custody and society has accepted those facts. I feel I can help more people by choosing a side and servicing that side. I feel women need more help, and I can relate to them because I am one.

    This does not make me anti male, I love men who treat women with respect.

    Often when police respond they separate the people, take one to a shelter if need be and inform them how to file an order for protection. They tend to try to not get too involved with domestic issues.

    I hope this makes sense. If you need the statutes on DV and where they are heard in civil court I can find you those (boring stuff) but one of the things we try real hard to do is have DV considered a crime and have it heard in criminal court. That is one of things we are working on locally, and I understand other states are trying as well. Peace *~*Redd*~*

  9. anyone else out in the clubhouse, think Bill fake alot of the names in the letters to the courts?

  10. Ginger ginger is not a sur name.
    I was eating Ginger Snaps, the other day.
    From a box, of course, but not in Texas.

  11. Order in the Court.
    It starts in 5 minutes.

  12. Where is Bill ??
    Oh oh !

  13. Did you hear about Rick Warren's
    son .....?

  14. In the State of michigan DV is a crime
    I am sure it also is elsewhere.

  15. Mary Gunn Where is he I'm worried?
    13 minutes ago via mobile..

    1. Give me a break Mary. Holy hell, it's been an hour. Mmmmmmaybe your grand lllllleader is bbbbbehind bbbbars. Sniff sniff. What will you do? Who will save America? Damn Allie, how dare she protect herself and her babies from psychotic domestic terrorists.

      Wtf is wrong with these people? Sure looks like a "massive" group of supporters on your FB checking in to see if you're ok Billy. lol

    2. anyone knows if he is really in Jail? this would be a great day if he is?

    3. I was joking, I'm in a snarky mood. It's very unlikely but that would be a WONDERFUL DAY indeed :D

  16. Looks like MI is one of 3 states that has their own DV court, that is great! I question if it is still treated differently than assault and battery by a stranger. My guess is that it is but would have to research that first. Keep in mind there are civil "crimes" as well as criminal. In Topeka Kansas domestic violence was decriminalized and I am not sure what the status on that currently is.

    In most places it is a crime, but a civil crime and treated differently. Here we have civil and criminal court, but it looks like in MI you all hear a mix of cases in those courts.

    In KY it is handled in family court. They can move it to criminal court, as I said, if they break their order at some point. Bummer for the women who gets beat to death the first time, or the first time after the order is in place.

    There is a vast difference in each state. There is also a difference in the protection the orders supply. MO order looks pretty good in the protections they offer.

  17. ""How to survive the Second American Revolution""

    Reviews of Secret to Sovereignty
    The Secret to Sovereignty is secret no more! Michael Badnarik has written the book that desperately needed to be written. No magic bullet; it promises nothing, yet delivers everything you need to know. If you are ready to throw off the shackles of slavery, Michael shows us how.
    Robert Scott Bell Syndicated radio host

    I proudly bear witness that Michael Badnarik personifies each of the "secrets" now fully revealed in this latest book, which I never wanted to put down once I started reading.
    David Schied MA, Education; co-founder, Sherman Institute;
    book/multimedia author, Streetwise and Safe At Last!

    Another website:

    With that we can see there is a new revolutionary party taking place with Bill.

  18. Is Bill still in his show em State. ?
    Where are the daily Bill Mo reports on
    the big hearing..?
    It has bee 2 hours, after Bill was
    scheduled to appear.
    So where is Bill, etc ..

  19. I'm a little surprised: we're now past 3:30 P.M. Missouri time, and still no word from the court, Windsor, or Ms. Overstreet.

    I suspect that the Windsor/Overstreet hearing may have been part of a "cattle call," a judicial proceeding in which several (say, somewhere between three and thirty) hearings in different cases are scheduled to take place at the same time in front of the same judge. The judge then takes them one-by-one, in whatever order he or she pleases. The parties and attorneys for hearings that are late in the order simply sit in the gallery section of the courtroom and wait.

    If you're a party or an attorney at a cattle call, everything depends upon the judge's desired order: if you're up first, the whole thing is over very quickly; if you're up late in the order, it can take FOREVER.

    I'm guessing either this is a cattle call, or it's one doozy of a hearing. Two-and-a-half hours and counting? Yowza.

    1. thats a good point, its also possible since the judge knew the circus was coming to town that he ordered all recording and cell phone devices to be turned off

    2. That's what I was assuming, a cattle call. I've sat in countless family hearings all day waiting for their turn. I can't imagine a judge giving a lot of rope to Bill to babble on.

    3. Somehow, the fact that this is a small rural county (pop. 33,000) had me thinking that the hearing we're interested in would be the only thing on the docket today. That's probably big-city bias/ignorance on my part.

      Ginger: sure, lots of judges hate recorders and cell phones and demand that everyone in their courtrooms turn ’em off. But it seems very unlikely to me that the judge would (or possibly even could) slap a gag order on everyone after they leave the courthouse. So you still need a cattle call or a shockingly long hearing to explain why we haven't heard anything yet.

      Which suggests a thought: could you imagine Windsor abiding by a court order not to discuss the case after the hearing? Even if that happened, I suspect we wouldn't notice, because we'd be so distracted by all of the flying pigs.

    4. ohhh I agree, I was just pointing out why no one inside was doing any updates, assuming the court is still in session. I have no doubt that the word will be out as soon as billy gets out of the doors.

    5. I assumed ANY proceeding featuring Bill Windsor would be a cattle call...once you factor in his BS.

  20. Did Bill come down ILL, &
    is in Mo hospital, ?
    It seems odd, the limbo zone
    on matters.
    Bill reported he was sick in the middle of
    the night ..?
    A Bill report, then ...... No words from ...?

    1. He is a 64 and a half old man who does not take care of himself. I can't count the number of times over the past year he has claimed to be sick, whether it was actual sickness or faked because he didn't want to do work that day. This is probably just him 1) knowing the law is due to catch up with his lies and 2) he needed to get sympathy and didn't care what heartache he has caused everyone else. His followers have more than told him how to eat, drink, sleep, and act healthy, so at this point maybe he needs to listen to his symptoms and decide to eaither put up or shut up. All that sugar will give him diabetes, if he doesn't have it already, Sheesh.

  21. it would be funny, whoever can still post on the LA facebook page...if someone just posted "verdict is in, he is guilty"

    1. ok why not? Everyone ready?

    2. and the cool part is no matter what happened, its true

    3. Now, now: by definition, a verdict is a decision made by a jury, not a judge. Windsor clearly wants a jury trial on every silly notion in his head, but he's not getting one.

      The best he and Ms. Overstreet can hope for here is a judgment in their favor.

      [/anal-retentive attorney]

    4. I know, we are just screwing with the idiot followers of his that actually think he was on trial today. Sometimes the lemmings need a little tap on the glass to get going.

    5. Okay, now someone under the nom de Web "Mel Mel" has posted "They are now entering sentencing phase!" on the LA Facebook page.

      That's pretty funny: despite Windsor's posturing, of course, he's not actually on trial; there is no "sentencing phase." (...Unless someone has actually been found in contempt of court, in which case the "sentencing phase" would consist of the judge hollering "I'm fining you $100," or "You can cool your heels in a cell tonight." Some "phase"!)

      Will "Mel Mel" drive the LA Facebook denizens wild? Does (s)he know something we don't? Inquiring minds want to know....

    6. well you know, when the cats away the lemmings will stray

  22. Mel Mel They are now entering sentencing phase!

    ohhh I can't stop thats funny I dont care who you are

    1. LMAO!! Wow... sheep they are.

  23. Who brought a tooth- brush to court ?

  24. Gag rulings, what ?
    Silence Dot dot !


    Lawless America

    3 minutes ago.
    LAWLESS AMERICA UPDATE -- APR4IL 8, 2013 -- 5:30 pm Central Time:

    I won! Alley Overstreet had absolutely no evidence that she had sworn under penalty of perjury that she had. The judge, who was very good, granted my motion to dismiss after he gave her every opportunity to find some evidence.

    At the end of the trial, the judge told me that I should see the Sheriff's Deputy in the courtroom with the details of my criminal charges against Alley Overstreet. I did just that, and I spoke the Prosecuting Attorney's Office as well.

    Stay tuned for the video because it has an ending that will probably shock you as it has me. I will post the video tonight.

  26. LAWLESS AMERICA UPDATE -- APR4IL 8, 2013 -- 5:30 pm Central Time:

    I won! Alley Overstreet had absolutely no evidence that she had sworn under penalty of perjury that she had. The judge, who was very good, granted my motion to dismiss after he gave her every opportunity to find some evidence.

    At the end of the trial, the judge told me that I should see the Sheriff's Deputy in the courtroom with the details of my criminal charges against Alley Overstreet. I did just that, and I spoke the Prosecuting Attorney's Office as well.

    Stay tuned for the video because it has an ending that will probably shock you as it has me. I will post the video tonight.

  27. LAWLESS AMERICA UPDATE -- APR4IL 8, 2013 -- 5:30 pm Central Time:

    I won! Alley Overstreet had absolutely no evidence that she had sworn under penalty of perjury that she had. The judge, who was very good, granted my motion to dismiss after he gave her every opportunity to find some evidence.

    At the end of the trial, the judge told me that I should see the Sheriff's Deputy in the courtroom with the details of my criminal charges against Alley Overstreet. I did just that, and I spoke the Prosecuting Attorney's Office as well.

    Stay tuned for the video because it has an ending that will probably shock you as it has me. I will post the video tonight.

    1. Now, I'm anxious to hear the TRUTH from a real human.

    2. That would be about as much proof of judicial corruption as I would need.

    3. Right let's see if the lemmings didn't just return the favor?

    4. & this fuktarded POS, NickMars from Cleburne, TX in the comments?
      He's a brainiac, about the average LA lemming IQ-ness hanging out all over his Fb profile page.

  28. Nick Marrs Next time she thinks of Pie She better Think Sara Lee! LMBO DON'T MESS WITH BILL!

  29. Nick Marrs Now Hang Allie for her lies and sue her in a CLASS Action Suite She has done detriment to USAll


    1. Yep, Nick's also an expert on all aspects of AllieO.
      Typical lemming...lead him any direction><

  30. Did Allie have lemming- sheep ?
    She is not going bah bah, after
    the hearing, but Snod is blowing
    a cork.
    What no Champage served after the
    hearing, any Pet- Rita's ..

    1. TABC won't allow me to serve Frags~ step away from my bar~

    2. & yeah Fraggle, little man NickMars from Cleburne, TX feels Allie should not only be hung, but then have a class action 'suite' (his spelling) filed on her, for her 'detriment' to the United States. Then NickMars blathers on to thank his God & proclaim knowing of her mothering abilities (& says she'll only be eating SaraLee from now on)

      NickMars is obviously a lemming of epic proportions or he may have over-served himself, but it wasn't on Petun-aRitas. & yeah, Fraggle, talking about hanging people, especially when those doing the blowing about it, haven't ever even met who they're suggesting be hanged. That does tend to piss me off.

      Don't you have a Fraggled, riddle/poem to compose?

    3. Restraining orders can go either way. In RI you have to be in fear if eminent physical harm. It will be interesting to see how the little man gloats. This "victory" will buy a little time for the lemmings to ignore the fact that his movement is ill conceived and he's a scam artist.What a PETTY LITTLE MAN. I bet he'll ask for money for well deserved pie.

    4. It's a Pyrrhic victory because Windsor has now lost all inhibition in curbing his vexatious and vindictive tendencies.
      If he carries out his threat to file a suit or further charges against Allie, he will be subject to the wrath of Thrash or another federal judge.

    5. If were her I would hire an attorney and file an ex-parte order served to him blocking him from her custody case. Then call it a day. Point here is that neither one no matter what they did to each other amounted to more than a flame argument of children on the internet. Take note. It was my opinion that there was never anything substantial on either side that meant a threat from what 10 states away. You should had stayed at home last night in your own home and what not.

    6. Sean, not everyone can afford to 'hire' an attorney.
      Your opinions are brash & offensive to many.
      *~Redd~* tried very articulately to explain to you the situations of many. Obviously, to no avail.
      Empathy. In my opinion, you need study up on & begin to practice some empathy.
      Being right & superior from your seat in the bleachers is terrific & all...but it is off putting. These people are just trying to keep their families safe & together w/ a roof over their head & meager groceries on the table.
      Just try putting yourself in some of these people's place in life, while juggling (with little extra money) kids, jobs, former partners threatening them, court dates looming, CPS scrutinizing visitation (or not scrutinizing enough) & then Bill & his attack ants slinging online snit every chance they get.
      I'm fortunate enough to not be one of those & your pious ramblings grate on me! & if you can't be empathetic? Just don't keep rubbing in how much more superior you are to the rest of us.
      The Clubhouse once was a happy place for the exchange of ideas & information, (while giggle snorting) not a place for a pissing match about who predicted which disastrous & disappointing outcome the very best or first.
      Oftentimes, you come across as the male counterpart to KnowNothingSusan.
      This how your words come across my screen, "told you so! told you so! If you'd just watched my videos, I already outlined all this. You shoulda/woulda/coulda...but didn't." Even if that wasn't how you intended, that's how it comes across.
      There's no prizes being given. (I already have the tiara & you ain't getting it)

      K? Thanks~
      *taking tiara to bed*

    7. Thanks Petunia. Much appreciated! You said very eloquently what I have been wanting to say.

    8. I do think Sean means well...I think. He just takes in so much information & has his own inside jokes we aren't privy to, that he comes across tacky.
      Leaving out 3 or 4 words & no punctuation, no paragraphs also may factor into this...

  31. they all look mad, and bill is all smiles

  32. So were back now to the real question at hand. Grand Juries and Revolutionary Party's versus normal elections. Oh yeah and the use of the 2nd amendment to form a well armed militia to defend your constitution. Thoughts anyone?

  33. How about defending against bitler and his wackadoodles? Its all fun and games until they come to arrest you on a fake conviction, believe me I know.... Do a little research on Sherriff richard mack, the alaska militia and their 3 4 1 program.

  34. Unfortunate that Ms. Overstreet's protective order was dismissed. That's the way litigation goes sometimes; the better person certainly doesn't always win. It's impossible to say without knowing the facts on the ground, but this was quite possibly the correct outcome under the law.

    (Did somebody call me a "Calif attorney"? I mean, I've visited California a handful of times; parts of it are very pretty, but still....)

    1. yeah I'm hearing both Bill and Allie's protective orders were dismissed for lack of evidence.

      Yeah frag anon thinks you are from Cali.....but he is always rocky mountain high.

    2. Just remember...King Harold "won" just before the Battle of Hastings in 1066.

      Also, "Good fortune is often more fatal than adversity,"
      ~Frederick the Great

    3. So...Allie is 1 win, 1 loss, and Windsor is 1 win, 36 losses
      (however many of his TRO requests got thrown out)?

    4. functionally, nothing happened as Bill would have ignored the PO even if it was granted. But now bill will use this PR stunt as a shot in the arm to try and raise the spirits of the lemmings.

    5. and what this really shows is just how important our role, and others, is in fighting Bill. Unless you got the goods to turn over to a DA to prosecute him criminally, its pointless to go at him in court. Exposing him online is really the only way to combat him.

    6. Ginger Snap, this has turned into more of a political party fight verse sticking up for peoples individual cases in court. Schied and Kraus are definitely the same as Bill when it comes to the revolutionary party. They have read the same books and taken the same classes on the constitution. Basically they are lemmings of another dude who ran for office of the President and lost. Unfortunately This will never go away.

    7. yeah except they all agree that they will never win at the ballot box. So that's why we are talking about "alternative" methods to gaining power...and that's why I call them domestic terrorist.

      I remember reading the stuff from Shied and Roland and the both admitted that lobbying Congress or trying to win elections is a waste.

    8. I agree with you there on that. It is what I call a concern especially when they talk about treason and execution. My question is do they feel they are justified by their own Grand Juries and then the 2nd amendment. I believe the FBI is watching for them to make a dumb move.

    9. I think that would be this point they are only talking about going there but until they actually do it, there is nothing to charge them with.

      But at the same time I think we need to continue to sound the warning sirens as they prepare to cross the line which they say they plan to cross.

  35. Hate to say I told you so... No I don't I told you so!!!! Billy was never in trouble of going to jail Protective Orders are for when there is actual violence. Allie please let this go Billy will sputter out and unless he knows something about your parenting he will be no factor in your custody case

    1. It is so sad that Americans think violence only comes in the physical form. It is people like you who create a violent world by excusing it in its smallest forms and allowing a violent world to evolve where people desensitived to violence as you are, begin to excuse bigger actions of violence. This is the wrong time in American history to ignore that we live in a volent country.

      Now admit that I did tell you so. The biggest news to come from the world of entertainment was not the faux trial of a faux director whom the American public has already forgotten about. It was the burial of a Hollywood insider and the death of an icon. The public won't even know BW's name when he dies.

    2. That Anon who's gloating up above is probably SH.

    3. Exactly.
      Bill Who?
      Never heard of him...they'll say. If they speak of him, at all.

    4. And I can say that truthfully because when I talked to people about LA before, I always started with an intro about "BW from MOM fame." The response was always: "Who?" "What?"

    5. In reality its people like you LMN that couldn't see the Billy sham in the first place. You people are just another form of lemmings Billy is a nut i was gloating that when a reasonable person gives reasonable analysis you gingy lemmings go nuts and LMN i merely went with the law not saying right or wrong it was just a fact jack

    6. Excuse me? If you knew anything about me, you would know that I just suffered one of the most tragic losses a woman could ever suffer. Then I was repeatredly victimized by people I asked for help, because I didn't know that they profit off the sale of human infants. And if you must know it was either DEB JUSTICE OR JAN SMITH, supposedly respected family rights activists who referred me to the faux hero. I was never a lemming. I trusted people and I needed to be able to trust that my life could make a difference and I could make sure that what happened to me would never happen to another mother. I never ignored a reasonable person, but no reasonable people ever took me aside and told me what they knew. And what we know about Billie's pals, was not known to the detail it is today. If I turned away someone whose every word from thier mouth was disrespectful as you just were, or cussing---well that is why healers have to learn gentlness. Fire fighters do not walk into people's homes yelling "F U YOU F IN LEMMING GET OUT." Do they? Disrespecting the victims is one more defense of Bill and its one more way to shame the victim instead of holding the rapist or abuser accountable for their own actions. I had no reason to believe that Bill was lying but once I saw the red flags I spoke up. I am sooo not sorry that certain lemmings such as Susan want to be hateful towards me because they were too stupid to ever hide their red flags from me.

    7. I have apologised to those I needed to apologise to. I have accepted the clubhouse members. I never asked for nor did I deserve to be lied to by a group of domestic terrorists who did not care a snit about democracy or my life or anyone else's. Don't gloat too loudly becase you just sound ignorant. Who gloats over something like this? Especially as Billy didn't win. A spoiled rotten child obsessed with his own fame thinks he got away with being abusive. He will continue to be abusive and LE will catch up with him. Rather than gloat you really ought to think about that spoiled rotten child who has grown into an adult monster.

    8. I agree LNM about your statement, "A spoiled rotten child obsessed with his own fame thinks he got away with being abusive. He will continue to be abusive"

      That is the most disappointing part of this order being denied. It's not that he wasn't found guilty, it just didn't meet the requirements of the court. He is abusive, and now he thinks he can do whatever he wants to people and get away with it.

      It would have been nice for him to have had that little red flag follow him, so it would be easier for the next person. I sure hope while he's doing his victory dance, he doesn't slip and fall on his fat ass and choke on his loose meat sandwich.

    9. Oh and seeing as the court denied his "affidavits" it also would have been nice if he would have at least been slapped with a contempt or something for disregarding the court, and submitting them anyway.

    10. Above anonymous is Susan who enjoys abusing people like LNM.

    11. And those who enjoy abusing others are all the same. Where was Susan when I could have used someone cluing me into what she claims to know better than anyone else? In a corner feeling smug and superior and enjoying the fact that she knew Bill was hurting people. If that doesn't scream plant/enabler then what does? She pretends to hate him, but her soul is just as sick as his.

    12. SusanKnowNothing always hateful snit to spew. Slithering on the fringes. Unaccepted by any. Reminds me of a copperhead, striking at anything that moves.
      You know some Anon is repugnant when they spew at LNM~ If Bill would have her? She'd be dragged behind his little Jeep, waving like she was in parade, just proud to be included.

      Everyone go wash your hands w/antibacterial soap & spray Lysol.

    13. I agree LNM. I am like you in that aspect, suffering a loss and trusting the wrong ppl. :-( Those things suck.

    14. That's the M.O.~ harvesting 'supporters' during the most desperate & traumatic times of their lives, while they're vulnerable.

    15. Susan? The party of 1 blogger? She's still spewing her crap somewhere? WOW! I totally underestimated how deranged she really is. How is someone that obsessed with a blog who kicked her out? Forgive me Petunia & LNM but I actually am starting to pity Susan who is obviously very ill.

    16. Well, stop.
      She's unworthy.
      There's plenty of others before her.

    17. I know, I know. Forgive me P. I'm over it.... It just takes a whole lot of darkness to be that fugly. Very hard for me to imagine she has zero compassion for people like LNM. Really hits home how ugly this world can be when you come across the likes of Susan.

    18. Again with the fixation on who people are behind the pseudonyms. Lol. I have no idea who "Susan" is. And if you could read you would see I think Billy is a dope. It's just that you all are too

  36. He appears tickled pink & they appear to be suffering severe hemorrhoidal discomfort.

  37. Psychologists look at that. He's claiming he was accused of being a serial killer and yet he is smiling. Psychopaths can't feel genuine emotion so they tend to get it wrong when they act out what they think people would feel in such a moment, and for him this was all just another way to get attention.

  38. Well, he's not exactly telling the truth. He's taking half of it and running. I work midnights so I've been awake way too long and I'm not in the mood to answer all the messages. Just know he is (and yes I swear) telling only partial truth and adding his usual lying spin on it. Plus a little jump up and down fake acceptance speech bullshit.

    1. Of course he's spinning and twisting Allie. There's no question what he's doing, we've seen it for months. I'm sure you'll update as soon as you can.

    2. yappy did you ever get around to responding to me via gmail?

    3. No I haven't Sean, sorry. WIll check in the am. I forget to log onto my gmail because it's not my usual account. thanks for the reminder.

    4. We all knew he would twist the truth. It's what he does.

  39. ...and that's not the guy I thought was David. Damn, who was the other guy?

  40. Should have known...Billy jumping up and down yelling I won! I won.
    On the Titanic he would have been yelling, "'s FREE ICE!"

    1. HA! He would have bagged it and sold it, or asked for "donations". Windsor telling someone it was free...Baahahahahah

    2. He would tell you it was free..then recant and tell you to come up with $500 as a charitable contribution to his imaginary 501(c)3. :-)

    3. Then he'd try to convince them they could use it as a special floating device in the event of an emergency.

    4. Sluggo hits it squarely every time.

    5. He does hey Petunia? I'm actually wishing for a new SNL role for our Sluggo nailing "Bill". Maybe we should submit it for real. Stranger things have happened. :P

    6. Well Petunia, I have to give credit to one of my ancestors who was a famous philosopher; I think his name was PLAY-DOH™.

    7. Ah I'm blushing and turning as red as my eyes...

  41. Ok, so there were more cops than supporters and there were a few cases before ours. My ex's lawyer was there. Bill walked in all smiles with his 4-5 followers and sat at the lawyers podium and judge told him no, you sit back there until I call you.

    Right off the bat judge calls out "Overstreet vs Windsor" and says he's calling other cases before ours and for us to take that time to re read the statute on stalking because our case was way over the top with filings and he didn't even read them. That it was obviously a case of over filing and not understanding the law and pretty much a waste of his time to file frenzy like that.

    Then a few hours of some three way protection order case of a lady, hubby, and boyfriend.

  42. Ya...the lies are getting bigger again. At my lunch hour in a few I will tell you the truth you will here if you buy the transcript.

  43. Judge calls us up. He explains we need to simplify and not waste his time. He quizzed us on the statute of stalking, threats, harrassment. He explains he didn't read our motions. Bill near 100, Allie 2. He has me proceed.

    He stops me at all the lies, defamatory type threats. It's Bills first amendment right to say whatever he wants about me. He tells me to focus only on the gun threats. I fumble around getting them, pull up his webpage, etc. Judge dismisses mine because he didn't see direct threat of bodily harm with the gun naming me. I explain its over several articles but it didn't meet the requirement . Before he dismisses, I called Mark Supanich to the stand and then I took the stand and then I questioned Bill. We all got reprimanded for getting off topic. Judge seemed fair. Hard nosed but fair.

    My exs lawyer was there coaching Bill and laughing. I asked to have her leave but was denied. Mark and I got some stuff on record but it was just put on record, not taken up by judge. Like dozens of others being harmed, my kids and boss being harmed, ne being harmed, his lying, his threatening to sabatage my custody, etc.

    Judge was polite and gave both of us extra patience for not being any good at it and for being pro se. He laughed a few times at Bill. He admitted being entertained.

    Mark explained a lot on the stand. I cried on the stand and asked Bill to stop hurting my family. To take my address and my daughter's words down. And stop writing lies about me.

    I got three affidavits and the police report on the record but judge said they held zero weight to him because they couldn't be cross examined. I was just happy to get them on record. The affidavits were Mark Supanich view of personal witness to Bills abuse to all who try to peacefully leave his group. KA view of personal witness of Bill promising not to ever post my videos without bleeping out my kids name and info first. And Brenda the mom of the boy Bill said was dead view on Bill harrassing her, lying about her son, harrassing me, and that I never had her login to her personal facebook, etc. The police report was long, but ended with no crime just harrassment and borderline stalking. Bill agreed to my four things being on the record. Then I objected to his 80 affidavits being on the record and judge sustained my objection.

    Bill tried to get a protection order on me. He tried to show a video of his family feeling scared. The video was denied. He was given a speech about what's good for the goose is good for the gander and asked for specific proof I stalked or threatened him. Like me, he could not come up with anything the judge allowed.

    Bill told judge if the court didnt see I was a pathalogical liar there was no sense in continuing or showwing any of his evidence. He admitted his evidence was boxes of his whole website and fb printed out to show he didn't stalk or threaten me. He kept asking me for a document that he'd published saying he was going to shoot me or he was a serial killer etc.


  44. Bill asked for a continuance but judge said he could do that but he didn't have sufficient evidence and it'd get denied anyway. Judge gave Bill the choice of withdraw or continuance or denial.

    At the table Bill seemed confident but on the stand he sucked just like I did. His hands shook so bad his whole arms moved. He sweat through his shirt. He stammered. He said I am a pathalogical liar. He said I belong to hate groups who have threatened him. I objected maybe 5-6 times. Judge sustained about half and overruled about half. He said I lied about my daughter's sexual abuse. I objected and said prove it. Judge sustained. I asked him to name the hate groups I belong to. Judge agreed. Judge said we both should leave each other alone. I agreed. Bill said no, he was suing me and making me a star of the movie as a liar.

    Bill kept asking me over and over where's the post he wrote that he was a serial killer or said he'd shoot me. I kept saying there wasn't one, it was a combination of his lies, the gun bragging, and coming to visit a particular group of people.

    Bill told the judge to arrest me for ten crimes. Judge asked what crimes. He said perjury. Judge laughed and said if he thought I'd committed crimes, he should tell the Sheriff not him.

    Bill told judge he was a good fair judge and that he wasn't anti government or against judges. That I was a liar. He thanked the judge. He tried to joke with judge but judge laughed.

    Bill was given more chances to produce evidence but just like me he couldnt produce anything the judge accepted. His motions for me to pay were denied. My motion for contempt and judicial notice were denied. His affidavits were denied. My affidavits were accepted but held no wright.

  45. Lawless America
    I told the judge that I believe she is mentally ill. No one in their right mind would say what she said in writing under penalty of perjury. She committed MANY crimes under Missouri law. I cited about seven for the Court.

  46. Case involving charges against Bill Windsor of Lawless America was dismissed by the judge - Nothing but outrageous lies
    Monday, 08 April 2013 00:00 William M. Windsor

    Bill Windsor went to trial in Lexington, Missouri on April 8, 2013 charges by Allie Overstreet (ALL-LIES Overstreet) that he was a would-be serial killer or mass murderer.

    The charges would constitute multiple felonies in most states.

    Bill Windsor represented himself, and on his motion, Judge John Frerking dismissed the complaint when ALL-LIES could not come up with an iota of evidence....NO, BILL ASKED BUT JUDGE DISMISSED BECAUSE I DIDN'T SHOW DIRECT THREAT OF BODILY HARM, NOT BECAUSE BILL SAID SO.
    The charges were a complete total, outrageous lie by ALL-LIES Overstreet...I DIDN'T LIE.   ALL-LIES swore under penalty of perjury that "William M. Windsor repeatedly published that he had bought a gun to use on a group of people.  I am one of the people."...YES I DID, EXPLAINING IT WAS OVER THREE POSTINGS.

  47. Case involving charges against Bill Windsor of Lawless America was dismissed by the judge - Nothing but outrageous lies
    Monday, 08 April 2013 00:00 William M. Windsor

    Bill Windsor went to trial in Lexington, Missouri on April 8, 2013 charges by Allie Overstreet (ALL-LIES Overstreet) that he was a would-be serial killer or mass murderer.

    The charges would constitute multiple felonies in most states.

    Bill Windsor represented himself, and on his motion, Judge John Frerking dismissed the complaint when ALL-LIES could not come up with an iota of evidence.
    The charges were a complete total, outrageous lie by ALL-LIES Overstreet.  ALL-LIES swore under penalty of perjury that "William M. Windsor repeatedly published that he had bought a gun to use on a group of people.  I am one of the people."

    I asked again and again for her to produce proof of this, and she came up with nothing.  Judge John Frerking finally gave her five minutes to find some proof from somewhere -- anywhere.  She had nothing after eight minutes.  I moved to have the charges dismissed, and my motion was granted.

    Mark Supanich was there to lie his a$$ off for ALL-LIES Overstreet. MARK DID NOT LIE. AND HE GOT SOME KEY THINGS ON THE RECORD, EVEN THOUGH THEY HAD NO WEIGHT BECAUSE OF FREE SPEECH. He's a real scumbag, in my humble opinion.  The people in the family court area and Washington state and Missouri need to distance themselves from these two.

  48. t the end of the hearing, the judge referred me to the Sheriff about my criminal charges against ALL-LIES Overstreet.  I also have a civil action for libel, slander, defamation, and more against ALL-LIES Overstreet, Mark Supanich, and I may add Brenda Williamson....NO, HE TOLD JUDGE TO ARREST ME FOR TEN CRIMES. JUDGE SAID WHAT CRIMES . HE SAID PERJURY. JUDGE LAUGHED AND SAID IF HE THOUGHT I'D COMMITTED CRIMES TO TELL THE SHERIFF NOT HIM.

  49. I asked again and again for her to produce proof of this, and she came up with nothing.  Judge John Frerking finally gave her five minutes to find some proof from somewhere -- anywhere.  She had nothing after eight minutes.  ..TRUE, THE EVIDENCE I HAD DID NOT MEET THE JUDGES REQUIREMENTS OF DIRECT THREATS OF PHYSICAL HARM. I moved to have the charges dismissed, and my motion was granted....NO, HE ASKED BUT THE JUDGE DISMISSED LATER DUE TO LACK OF EVIDENCE NOT BECAUSE BILL MOTIONED IT.

  50. And special thanks to attorney Kelly Rose, the attorney for the biological father of ALL-LIES Overstreet's daughter who sat right behind me in the courtroom.  ALL-LIES asked the judge to exclude her from the courtroom, but he said no. YES I ASKED AND JUDGE SAID ITS PUBLIC COURT. She apparently didn't like the idea of her adversary observing her lie repeatedly again under oath. NO DUMMY, I DIDN'T WANT HER IN THERE BECAUSE SHE HAS PENDING COURT ACTION AGAINST ME TRYING TO TAKE MY CUSTODY DUE TO BEING INVOLVED WITH WINDSOR. It seemed like Kelly's presence unnerved ALL-LIES and could have changed her game plan.  If she falsified some documents to use, Kelly may have given her a change of "heart."..UNNERVING YES, CHANGE OF PLAN NO.

  51. ALL-LIES looked to me like she was going to puke the whole time she was in the courtroom...I WAS.   I didn't get a look at her face when the judge directed me to present my criminal charges to the Sheriff, but she sure vanished from the courtroom quickly....I WAS ROLLING MY EYES AND PFFFFT-ing AND MARK HUSHED ME UP. I LEFT BECAUSE COURT WAS OVER DUFUS.

  52. I told the judge that ALL-LIES Overstreet will be the star of one of my films.  If I said it once to the judge today, I bet I said ten times that "Ms. Overstreet is a pathological liar." ...YEP HE DID. I fully expect the claims she made to me on camera about the father of her daughter were all false.  HE has custody....WE HAVE JOINT CUSTODY.  HE passed a polygraph....YEP, BUT THEY LOST THE RESULTS REPORT AND DENIED A SECOND TEST.   SHE has proven herself to be a pathological liar....NO, YOU HAVE SAID I AM.

  53. In response to the complaint filed against him by Allie L. Overstreet, GRANTED EX PARTE, DENIED FULL ORDER.. Bill Windsor filed a Petition for a Protective Order against Allie L. Overstreet...DENIED.

    Bill Windsor has also filed these procedural motions:

    Request for Jury Trial..DENIED

    Motion for Accelerated Discovery..GRANTED IF HE SUBMITTED IN TWO DAYS. HE FAILED TO DO SO.

    Motion for Recording in Courtroom..DENIED.

    Motion for Court Reporter..GRANTED BUT HE DIDN'T HAVE ONE.

    Complaint for Damages against Allie Overstreet, Mark Supanich, and John Does...NO CLUE, I'VE NOT BEEN SERVED ANYTHING AND ONLINE ITS DATED MID MARCH.

  54. He can make fun of Mark all he wants, but the sad truth was he was there without any family and had to be coached the entire time. The man who claims the whole system is corrupt had to steal time away from a lawyer he didn't pay and rely on a court system he claims not to like, and then lies about things that the public can find out. Another name for the long list, what a sick man. And people take note that BW's lifestyle is completely unhealthy. He doesn't eat or sleep, and he is a very angry person. He does not listen to those who tell him how to take care of himself. He is old and many of his complaints are just because he is old, but mostly because he does not take care of himself. Ignore his bellyaching because he does still have the power to care for himself and refuses. He may be one of those seniors that goes down hill rapidly because he will not thrive and will finally face the consequences of a lifetime of eating pie. Let's hope it is that because it is very dangerous for someone with his symptoms to be driving, especially alone. He may kill someone yet on the highway and that is a danger that his family can prove to the courts that he is to himself and others. Where are they?

  55. Allies report explains the glum faces on the picture Windsor posted outside the courtroom. Bill is all smiles but the rest are not. It sounds to me that one of the major issues of he said/she said - the origins of the suicide announcement- went Allie's way with the testimony of Brenda Williamson. That was not likely lost on Bill's witnesses. Also, I imagine they were surprised to hear that the LA movie is now just a revenge flick to attack Allie rather than expose alleged court corruption. Lastly, If there was a court reporter, I would consider taking up a collection and getting a copy.

  56. @LNM many puffers are not happy with Deb Justice, we would love info and/or screen shots to do a day of shining the light onto her darkness so others are warned. Feel free to pm us with that info if you want to help.
    *~* Redd*~*

  57. I think the "glum" faces were supposed to look like "bad asses" or "tough guy" faces. They were posing, because well, they are posers.

    Bill's whole recap of this makes me sick. HE is the one who said the "mass murderer" or "serial Killer" crap. No where in anything he has posted with Allie's complaint, were HER words to that effect. These morons DONT read anything. The just follow blindly, attack at will, without one shred of truth or evidence. (they believed him about Brenda, but here, she supports Allie. Proves he lied, but it will never see the light of day)

    Bill has now been revitalized in his lies. Now he has been empowered even more, to write whatever he wants, out of spite and vengeance. I have a feeling it's this ignorance, arrogance, combined with whatever mental issue he has, that will be his demise.

  58. With respect to Windsor's propaganda, the last time the world saw someone spinning a story to this degree was from Leni Riefenstahl--she was promoting the comfortable and new "relocation camps"...
