Showing posts with label David Schied. Show all posts
Showing posts with label David Schied. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Bill Windsor Show

There will not be a movie, tv show, or even a book, but we are all getting a 24/7 look at the ugliest kind of person..a self absorbed, self centred, egotistical tyrant in Bill Windsor.  He hates his country, he hates his followers, hates his family and is obsessed with his critics.

Bill tried to apply some humor to his usual deception.  He made a news headline-like report that he was rushed to the morgue on his facebook page.  Well none of his followers know what humor is nor have the time to even look it up, so they freaked out.  They censured Bill for this little stunt and he tried to explain his way out of it by saying "hey it was technically true, I did go there", but none of the lemmings were buying that.  Then he goes out and posts a generic photo and then comments underneath it that his account was hacked and he didn't post what he posted.  Ironically, that post he claimed was hacked got more likes than any of the ones he claims.  Anyway, this was all part of his scheme to create plausible deniability with his lemmings.  If he says something you like....that was me.  If it was something you didn't like, that was this mysterious hacker.

He then sticks his rapidly ageing body back in front of his unmanned camera to attack Sean Boushie once again.  He then takes shots at all his other "haters" and vows to continue his stalking of us.  He scolds his followers for not waiting all day for him to arrive for their big youtube filming and chides them to not waste his time like that.  He even tells them that they will be removed from his imaginary movie.

The more he allows himself to be consumed by his hate of us exposing him for who he really is, the less time he has for ruining other people's lives.  This blog, and others will be what writes his obituary, at least in terms of the internet.  And as Bill knows, it doesn't really matter what is said on your tombstone its what google says about you in the end.  He has literally destroyed the Windsor name and reduced it to trash, and some of that falls on the rest of the family for not publicly distancing themselves from this monster (and its not like they can pretend to be a private family).  Bill knows he is losing this battle, and the more he tries to lash out, the more we can cement his legacy as to what it really is...not the windsor spin.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Bill Spends All Weekend Travelling, Can't Seem to Get Anywhere

Talk about spinning your wheels, Bill continued his Texas vacation and stalking tour all through the weekend.  After taking two days to go after Brannon, he then tried to find me and then it was off to Austin to do a prop with 5 hippies who don't like laws.

Bill doesn't really hide the fact that he is just on a never ending vacation as he keeps posting up all his site-seeing pics including the places he likes to eat.  He is an attention whore who no longer has any real family whatsoever so he is using the zombies that follow him as his captive audience.  He even uses his facebook page as a venue to do his creepy old man flirting that he apparently is unable to contain:  Lawless America Bambi, I would be delighted to have you as my bodyguard. 

Beyond all the jokes and non-stop hilarity that Bill provides, the truth is that this is a rabid psychotic on the loose and until he ends up either behind bars or institutionalized, more people are going to be harmed by him.  At this point it really doesn't matter why he is the way he is, since he won't seek a remedy for his condition society must do it for him.

We also get more of the same in his constant contradictions.  He continues to point out how he has no money, but then gives us a screen shot inside his fully loaded jeep with his own mobile terrorism command center.  The man (or man-like creature) has to be burning at least $200 a day while he begs his lemmings to donate $300 for a stupid $50 banner that says "crime scene".  So at day 330 or something, he has had to burn at least $60,000 just on gas, food and lodging alone.  This doesn't count the crazy RV that is sitting in his driveway.  Yet he has no problem taking donations from people who don't even have enough gas money to get back home.  This ridiculous story needs an ending.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Bill Windsor: "I Hate to Sound Vindictive, But I Guess I Am"

So Bill says he has to cancel the filming of his fake movie yesterday because of the weather, even though it was partly cloudy and nice all day.  So instead of fake working, he spent the day doing what he planned all along, hunting all over the area for a certain spicy cookie.  He was able to locate, after being pointed to the break room in several of the local police stations, several chocolate chip and peanut butter cookies, but not what he was looking to file charges on.

Well then its back to the tried and failed method of trying to file charges against someone in your address book.  So Bill waddles up the steps to the Ellis County Sheriff's office to whine about Brannon making videos.  As the deputy continues to point out the front door to Bill, he finally relents and says well you can take all this crap to the DA if you want, oh and feel free to fill out one of our comment cards in the suggestion please, exit the building.

Windsor then takes his shifty eyes, shaking hands, and overly swollen neck on in front of his camera to do a video to document his stalking activities.  He also releases the video he did in Biloxi while he was stalking EHH.  He blames the "haters" for the loss of his wife, his daughter, and the reason he can't speak to his granddaughter.  He attacks Brannon and this blog and took a swipe at Joey Dauben as a way to gain leverage against Brannon (will David Dauben be liking this post as well?).  He may have forgotten the history, but we have not.  While this blog was always against the slandering and liable that Joey did, he Bill Windsor went down to film Joey while he was held in the ECSO detention center awaiting his trial.  This is how, and why, Joey's particularly stoooopid father painted up his beloved blazer to the Lawless America paint to match his new messiah Bill Windsor.  Once Joey was convicted, Bill dropped him like a hot potato as he was now a pr liability.  But Brannon, as a true friend, did not.  Brannon doesn't support or stand for any of the actions of Joey, but he won't abandon his friend just because its no longer advantageous to claim you know Joey.

Another interesting facet of both of his videos, which also shows his unbridled vindictiveness,  is how he goes into detail about how he wants Brannon and EHH to be incarcerated   He even hopes that EHH is moved to a prison he filmed earlier in Mississippi so she can fight of the rat infestation while she serves her time.  This is no doubt a lonely, perverted old man who has allowed his jealousy and rage literally eat him alive.  He also mentions, for the first time, how the "haters" are harassing not only him but "others".  This new wrinkle is a shout out on behalf of is little shrimpy friend David Schied who is still quietly hiding in the corner trying to karate chop some wood.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Billy Stalks the Clubhouse Looking for the Hammer Man

He had said that he was going to spend the day taking care of personal matters, but of course he lied.  He spent the day stalking our very own Brannon, both at his residence in a late night drive by, and at his former place of employment in Italy Texas.

Bill also managed to squeeze in time for his other favorite hobby of manufacturing his own drama.  Bill posted this:  "The mother of all thunderstorms hit here this evening. Cars pulled off the road. It was severe. It's still storming as I type this."
Thats not true either, the "mother of all thunderstorms" hit about 30-40 miles west of him, but why let facts get in the way of a "look at poor me out here braving the elements all for you lemmings..worship me"?

His website is down once again (its that time of the month), and Bill again blames his abject failure on someone else.  " is down because the tech guy I have used is more than worthless. He's had months to complete the move from GoDaddy to BulkRegister, and GoDaddy finally zapped the site again."
He is worth exactly what you pay him, nothing.  That is also what your entire 64 3/4ths years on this earth has amounted to.  Once again, for those scoring at home, you failed as a son, a father, a husband, a granddad, a student, a businessmen (many many many many times), a terrorist, a webpage owner, a facebook page owner, a networker, an RV driver, diet, victim's advocate, a member of the press, a protest organizer, a book publisher, a movie producer, a pro se litigant, a bully, trip organizer, radio show producer, a home owner, politician for office, and much much more.

Bill did his late night drive by of Brannon's home and said this on his facebook page:  "He's a guy who threatens to beat me with a hammer in a series of videos he does to stalk me. I drove by his home, and I visited his place of employment. Both are as strange as he is. I'm hoping I can help get Brannon Bridge committed to a mental institution."
Thats funny because most of society is hoping for that very outcome for you.  You can also read between the lines when he talks about wanting Brannon to be committed to a mental institution, that means he was run out of the local law enforcement office. 

So what's next?  More of the same, more stalking and support of murder as the terrorist network know as Lawless America will ride again, and riding shotgun right there with Bill is his fellow co-conspirators:  David Schied, Trish Kraus, Nikki Hannavig Cary-Andrew Crittenden, Mary Deneen, Naomi Chambers, Julia Fletcher, Stupid David Dauben (stuipid was his parental given name), Angie Gilmore, Nick Marrs, Kevin Brady, Matthew Orames, Dottie Lafontaine, Dennis Lawrence, Glen Gibellina, Sharon Anderson and many others.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

David Schied Can't Hide From His Involvement With Bill Windsor

He declared Mission Failure in a secret email to his followers regarding the citizen grand jury ploy.  He has expressed his dissatisfaction with the direction Bill is taking the movement.  He has stopped doing his weekly shows and updating his Lawless Michigan page.  For all practical measures, it looks like he and Trish want to quietly fold up their tent and camp elsewhere.

But thats now how this is going to work.  Bill publicly announced David as his number 2.  David and Trish came down to the hearing in Missouri to both directly and publicly stick their necks out on behalf of Bill.  David Schied is a co-conspirator to any and everything Bill is doing.  If you google his name, this blog comes up on the first page and will soon be number 1 on any searches for his name.  Schied publicly put himself into this and if he wants to remove himself from Bill Windsor he must publicly state it.  Nothing short of that will suffice.  Until we hear a very public statement of disassociation from Bill, he will continue to be tagged with any and everything that Bill does.

Monday, May 13, 2013

A Stalking He Did Go

Bill celebrated Mother's Day the only way he knows stalking a young mother.  The creepy old pervert spent the day taking pictures of the former places of residence he suspects Elizabeth Hernandez to have resided.  He even got vexatious in local restaurant which he believed Elizabeth was fond of.

Windsor then went down to the Biloxi PD to have a "sit down" with the police and to file criminal charges against EHH.  He says the matter will now go before a judge, but he is forgetting a key step...the PD must go forward with those charges.  More than likely his charges went the way of the morning junk mail.  Another failure for Bill Windsor.

Of course this is really all about bullying.  Bill wants to stalk and intimidate anyone who dares speak out against him, but like everything else in his life, he isn't very good at it.  How the zombies at lawless america can still support this kind of pathetic behavior is a testament to their own character.

Next up is Texas.  Bill plans to spend a week and a half in the Lone Star State.  No doubt his stalking campaign will continue.  Meanwhile, what about the fake movie?  The grand jury stunts?  Congressional hearings?  Local public access TV?  Has he "taken his country back"?  All of that was just lip service to an old man who wants to stay on vacation for the rest of his life, forever in search of someone to give him unquestioned love and attention.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

David Schied Announces Lawless America Failure

First, I would like to thank Life in Pierce County for finding this little nugget.  This is the most intellectually complete summation of Bill you can find (keep your dictionary handy)

So Schied sent out a secret email to all the Lawless America operatives, and unlike Bill, he doesn't mix words.

Sent: Sun, May 5, 2013 2:27 PM PDT
Subject: ** PLEASE READ VIP **

We would like to hold online workshops in order to empower you all:

-Assist in the composition of your letters to officials
-Obtaining updated video testimonies
-Submitting proposed legislation
-Effective lobbist effort in Lansing
-Coordinating our next state meeting
-Teaching how to download and burn your stories from YouTube
-Assist in teaching how to submit stories on public access
-Assist in raising awareness using news outlets of your individual cases
-Creating a distribution ad slick for "your" personal, state, and national
-Creating and implemnttion of a television series
-Creating a virtiual support group

David Schied and Trish Kraus met with an institute this past Thursday and
will be having at thair disposal an entire pre/film/post production
resources in the beginning of the institutes next term including graphics
just to name a few of the supports they are offering.
The institute is very receptive of the content due to it being a private
institute. David and Trish have been asked to speak on a panel of an
audience of the entire student body.

***Each and everyone of US are critical in solving your problem because we
a HAVE to work together***

Please email your feed back to:

David Schied
Trish Kraus
Bill Windsor
Lawless America
Lawless America - Michigan

Please hit reply to all and they will get the message and GIVE THEM YOUR
FEEDBACK don't let your stories die just because it has been filmed

The next Michigan State Meeting is Saturday June 8th.

Lawless America (Michigan) Show is going to be made and each and everyone
of your testimonies are going to be incorporated into the television
series. This will entail picking people or groups of common victims and
building a back story of your cases and EXPOSING THE CORRUPTION!

Cheers & Thank You All!

Lawless America - Michigan

David is taking over in this email.  He is correct, there is a lack of interest mainly because how could anyone follow all of this with the daily antics of Bill and still know what they were supposed to do?  Forget the fake movie, David says its time to focus on a television show, and by that he means local public access channels (nothing to do with anything Bill is producing).  Even though Bill just said that the grand jury is his only remaining hope for justice, David is trashing the entire stunt.  David is pragmatic, he is trying to salvage what is left, but this puts him directly at odds with his despot in chief.  But he cannot escape the blood that Bill has put on his head.  He is directly responsible for Bill and his antics.  Continuing to hide in the corner will no longer work, the spotlight is now on him, what will he do?

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Windsor Continues His Stalking of Women

A very lonely, single and perverted old man by the name of Bill Windsor has now opened up his stalking list to include even more women.  This time the target is Elizabeth Hope Hernandez and he is heading to Biloxi Mississippi to carry out his terrorist operation.  Once again, his weapon of choice is paper terrorism through law enforcement and the judicial system.

Bill, once again, posts this woman's name, address, phone number and even includes a favorite place of dinning.  Bill vows to be at that place of business on May 11th.  He then sends a call out to his terrorist network, Lawless America, to help him in his serial stalking attempts:

"I ask anyone with any information on this person to please email me at Please put ELIZABETH HOPE HERNANDEZ in all caps in the subject line. I would greatly appreciate it if anyone who is friends with a private investigator would ask for a little free help. I am told that it is possible that this woman has a prison background in another state, but that has not been confirmed."

He then goes on to explain to his lemmings why they must continue to be patient and to aid and abet him in his immoral activity.

"Unfortunately, part of the story of this movie and two movies or videos to follow is the serial liars out to destroy any attempts to expose dishonesty and corruption. I wish it didn't involve me, but it does, and I will be investigating each of the major players, and I will do everything I can to get them exposed and incarcerated as well as sued up one side and down the other. One major lawsuit is already underway in Missouri."

Now, a couple of points as I consult my pathological liar to English dictionary.  It has long been speculated that the only reason he had Biloxi listed on his vacation schedule is because he was after EHH.  That speculation proved to be dead on accurate as he admits he never had any other reason to visit that city other than to stalk EHH.  The second point is..notice the terminology, he has to find a way to file a criminal charge against her.  And while he would love to "sue her up one side and down the other" it doesn't look like he will get that chance as no judge seems poised to let him get vexatious in Mississippi.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Bill is Moving to Texas

The State of Georgia had a day of celebration as Bill announced that he has ceased and desisted his residency in that State.  The Lone Star State is the unlucky recipient of the walking caucus known as Bill Windsor.  His turn-key divorce, which he just announced last week, is nearly finalized if you are stupid enough to believe anything he says.  So he is ready to move on.  Tell someone to ship his RV (The Fugitive) to an undisclosed location in North Texas:

I've been busy filming in Tennessee, a state filled with wrongfully-convicted people. yeah as we have been following you really found some innocent little lambs up there didn't ya?
Filming the backstories for interviews previously conducted is taking longer than I expected. you could grab any idiot off the street and they would know that you are supposed to film the back-stories for a documentary the FIRST time you roll through
I did take some time for myself over the weekend and managed to break my primary lens. I'm going to just try and forget I read this.
I went to see Music Row in Nashville a lonely old man on vacation, and I had to make a sudden stop, and the camera fell from the passenger seat to the floorboard. you should tie that down, have you ever travelled before?  It had to have hit funny, and it no longer focuses properly. you no longer focus properly A replacement is coming Thursday, and this one heads to Canon for repair. you know, you could just use your smartphone cam to do all this youtube filming
Despite the frustration with the lens, I did enjoy seeing the various record company locations and studios. ohhh how you wish you could be a somebody like them  I have been to Nashville many times, but Musc Row was something I had never seen.
There was excitement at the Bledsoe County Correctional Complex when I visited there. fresh meat  I was denied the ability to film interviews with two inmates.  In fact, the State of Tennessee has banned me from filming at any state prison.  
It seems they don't like the idea that they might be out of jobs if we get the truth out about our corrupt legal system. or...they just don't like you If we let all the inmates out who are wrongfully convicted or who were found guilty of victimless crimes, I believe something like 90% of the people in prison would be released. should that be the campaign theme for your Revolutionary Party? Trillions of dollars would be saved in prison costs alone. while crime rates would sky-rocket And if we changed the laws about victimless crimes, tens of trillions would be saved in legal expense. unemployment would shoot through the roof
We need to ask our fellow Americans if they would prefer to have social security benefits assured and have lower taxes now. but be murdered when they step outside? If so, they need to jump on the Lawless America legal reform bandwagon.  I think there will be plenty of room on that bandwagon
I have visited several crime scenes on this trip, with many more to come. you are a crime scene Twenty years ago, Walter Smothers murdered a 19-year-old boy in cold blood in the back of a pickup truck just down at the end of the road in this photo.  The boy had been accidentally shot.  When he cried out in pain, Walter Smothers put a shotgun under his chin and "blew his brains out."  He then mutilated the body. they all did
Walter avoided the death penalty by claiming the two people in the cab of the pickup truck were involved.  they were They weren't.  But the truth didn't matter. thats exactly what mattered  Based upon Tennessee's felony murder rule, Theresa Deion Smith and Stacy Ramsey were guilty of first degree murder simply because they were there. ummm no  They've been in prison for 20 years, and they will be there for the rest of their lives unless someone looks at the evidence and the law enforcement, attorney, and judicial wrongdoing.  yeah well I looked at it and they are right where they should be
I certainly stirred things up at the Carroll County Courthouse in Huntingdon Tennessee. yeah and try and remember to check in at the front desk next time
Gee, it looks so pretty in the photograph. It's a shame that what happens inside isn't pretty.  When I exited the mens room, I heard people all over the courthouse talking about the Lawless America Jeep outside.  I was quite the attention-getter all over this small town. yea its not everyday you see someone declare themselves lawless and drive TO a courthouse
This is the courthouse where Stacy Ramsey and Theresa Deion Harris were found guilty of first degree murder and sentenced to life without the possibility of parole because they were riding in the cab of a pickup.  thats a lie Felony Murder Rule -- if you are with someone who commits a murder, you are guilty of murder. thats another lie  One of our legislative proposals is to eliminate this outrageous law. murder's rights...thats what you are about
It's Day 326 for Lawless America...The Fake Movie.  I am now starting to worry about having the film edited in time for submission to Sundance. its nice that it finally dawned on you that at some point you will have to actually edit this fake movie.  This is much more than a one-man job and you aren't even one man, so all I can do is do the best job I can. meaning you won't do anything We do not have funding.  Money would cure everything, but we simply don't have have lots of money...but you are hiding it so you can fleece more from your followers I will set aside a day in the next week to contact agents, film companies, TV networks, and celebrities.  meaning you are going to watch the E network all day  I could edit the film, but I am a novice at editing. omg did we just have a moment of honesty?  We need a great film editor. 

Atlanta Federal Court Corruption

The crooks in the federal court system in Atlanta continue to rape me. I don't think they like you in that way  I just received word of an order from the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals dismissing my appeals filed 17 months ago claiming I did not provide all of the information needed.  well provide it  The order denied me the right to file a motion for reconsideration or refile the appeals.  So, they sat on everything and blocked my totally valid appeals with no valid justification. like..totally  This was a lot easier for them than issuing ridiculous orders denying totally valid appeals. ohhh totally
The federal judges in Georgia are the scum of the earth -- an absolute criminal racketeering enterprise. I bet they would have a few choice words to say about you as well
Then I just learned that federal judge William S. Duffey has filed a judgment against me for $27,000 as well as liens on my wife's property.  when are you gonna tell everyone your wife already settled the original claim? Is that TMI for your lemmings?
This is a contempt of court sanction of $4.5 million in fines about which I was not notified, I thought you said it was for $27,000, is that what penalties and interest takes it up too?  was thus denied any and all due process rights, and it is a sanction that requires criminal due process, including a jury trial.  when did judge sanctions require a jury trial?
I received no rights whatsoever.  did you call the whambulance?
I will fight this sick bastard's illegal actions every way I can.  and lose in every way
He is the most responsible for my divorce as he absolutely terrorized my soon-to-be ex-wife. I thought you said it was the haters like Sean Boushie, can't you keep your story straight?
The only way I will ever see any justice is if I can reach a grand jury again. and you have a much better shot at winning the lotto

Itinerary Plans

As of today, I plan to do photography only in Memphis you going to graceland now?, and then it's on to Jackson and Biloxi Mississippi, New Orleans and Baton Rouge Louisiana, and then Texas. sounds like a nice vacation  I will have a replacement lens in Jackson Mississippi on Thursday. ohhh good that will make a big difference  Lynda Pearson Barnett will be joining me at a death scene in Pearl Mississippi. yours?  Her story is one that was rated by Facebook Friends as perhaps the top story that I have filmed. is this the new source of creditability in our world?
After Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas, I plan to visit New Mexico, Arizona, California, yeah thats all those states that you will run in to if you keep driving west Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, and Colorado.  That's as far as I have planned so far.  I will then head back East visiting many more states, but I haven't decided the order yet.  and I forgot their names  If your story takes place in any state as opposed to the moon?, please email me with BE IN THE MOVIE in all caps in the Subject line, if you want to be filmed or have me film locations important to your corruption.
I am keeping my schedule flexible, so I don’t have to push myself so hard. thats how all vacations are I will be in Jackson Mississippi on May 9 and 10, Biloxi Mississippi on May 11, New Orleans on May 12 and 13, Baton Rouge on May 14.
I will try to schedule myself to visit any town where there is a good story or location that is important to a good story. or pie I need  names and addresses as I must enter all of this data in a trip routing software, and then that will be loaded into one of the GPS units. SS numbers, bank routing info, close contact lists, passwords ect..

Medical Report

My mouth seems to have healed.  I will continue the two medications until they are gone. and then I will get more because I LOVE THOSE PILLS


When I left Georgia two weeks ago, I ceased and desisted to be a resident.  I am relocating to Texas.  Central North Texas to be precise. what if you are not welcome?  The location is as central as possible to enable me to head in any direction with the least amount of travel to film stories and try to help folks. thats the stupidest reason I have ever heard to move somewhere 
I will not be disclosing my exact location. cuz I'm a coward I will have a private postal service address. As soon as that is finalized, I will publish it.  Facebook says Dallas, Texas, but that is not where I will be. I say only fits
I will be in Texas in a few days.  I will take a day or two to make some necessary arrangements by day, while filming at night.  yeah it doesn't matter what kind of lens you have when you film in the dark
I lived most of my life in Texas -- elementary school and junior high in Texarkana; high school and college in Lubbock; then my wife and I lived in Dallas for 18 years of our marriage.  I have always considered myself to be a Texan. but I don't think the feeling is mutual 
Some have speculated that my relocation announcement is a ruse to protect my family. no its a ruse to try and hide from all your legal responsibilities  It's not; it's real.  Part of the motivating factor is protection for my family as they have been terrorized by threats that we have received.  They will feel safer if I am not around. there is no doubt about that in anyone's mind, getting rid of you was the best thing they have ever done  Central North Texas is also an ideal location from which to travel to film stories and help people. when do you plan to start helping people?
My wife and I are separated, and as I understand it, the divorce should be final soon. you fought admirable to save her


The Springhill Suites on Airport Center Drive in Nashville is the nicest hotel for the money that I have ever stayed in.
Don't ever eat at Chili's late at night.  I have loved Chili's for 40 years, but everything was bad last night at 10 pm'ish.  and something tells me that poor waiter heard all about it too, they should have spit in it.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Lawless America Becomes a Cold Blooded Murder Advocacy Group

As always, there is the truth, and then there is what Bill says.  So here is what Bill said:


Gee, it looks so pretty in the photograph. It's a shame that what happens inside isn't pretty. When I exited the mens room, I heard people all over the courthouse talking about the Lawless America Jeep outside. I was quite the attention-getter all over this small town.

This is the courthouse where Stacy Ramsey and Theresa Deion Harris were found guilty of first degree murder and sentenced to life without the possibility of parole because they were riding in the cab of a pickup when a man in the bed of the pickup shot a boy. Felony Murder Rule -- if you are with someone who commits a murder, you are guilty of murder. One of our legislative proposals is to eliminate this outrageous law.

"Because they were riding in the cab of a pickup when a man in the bed of the pickup shot a boy" is how American Terrorist and murder advocate Bill Windsor sums up the case.  So lets consult the statement of facts that you can find here

Stacy Ramsey, Deion Harris, and Steve Smothers were riding in Stacy's truck to go over to Deion Harris' ex-boyfriend's house to beat him.  Ramsey's truck overheated and the three of them decided to carjack the next vehicle that came by and they agreed that they may have to kill the driver.  That unfortunate next vehicle,was operated by Dennis Brooks Jr., a 19 year old criminal justice student heading back home from his night job working at Subway.  Harris, the female in the group, was out by the overheated truck presenting herself as a woman in distress.  Brooks, being the good Samaritan that he was, stopped to help Harris.

All three grabbed Brooks and forced him into his truck and began driving.  They shot Brooks in his hip, a wound that would be fatal.  Screams of pain came out from Brooks and Smothers shot him in the head killing him instantly.  And the story doesn't end there, I will just cite the actual court records to paint the rest of the picture:

"Thereafter, the petitioner suggested that they bury the victim.
The trio decided to cut off the victim’s legs to make burial easier. Further, the autopsy revealed that
one of the victim’s arms and his penis were also amputated. At Harris’ behest, Smothers removed
the victim’s heart, and all three held the victim’s heart to their mouths. Additionally, they repeatedly
stabbed the victim post-mortem with a butcher knife. Next, they poured oil and gasoline on the
victim and his truck and set both ablaze. The petitioner was later discovered wearing the victim’s
shoes and possessing the victim’s shaving kit containing tools. The petitioner was convicted of the
first degree murder of Brooks, and he received a sentence of life without the possibility of parole."

The petitioner here being Ramsey.  So yeah, thats what Bill calls being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Ramsey and Harris have started this crusade to free themselves as they have both decided that they had poor representation and that they should get a re-do.  Of course Dennis will never get a re-do but Bill thinks these monsters should roam free.

This is what Lawless America is about.  As Bill becomes more and more unhinged and deranged, the more violent his rhetoric is becoming.  So too are the zombies that are following him.  We are no longer talking about mothers rights or family court, we are talking about some of the most extreme cases of violence in this Nation.  If you support Lawless America, this is what you stand for...ignorance is not an excuse under the law.

Monday, May 6, 2013

David Schied Has to Remain in the Kiddie Corner

We are just three weeks away from the big grand jury stunt that will set in motion the means to "take their country back", but there was no talkshoe from Bill or even David, no one knows what to do or even if its still on.  They are supposed to be coordinating with their followers in every county of every state as they put the Nation on notice, yet its complete chaos.

While Bill is still popping pain pills in Tennessee and finally discovering (320 something days into it) that he is going to need to paint a visual story not just non-stop personal testimonies for his fake movie, David has been relegated to kicking rocks over in the corner.  David even tried to reach out to Bill on his facebook page with this:  David Schied Call me ASAP.  but until he becomes a "hater" he will continue to get the cold shoulder as he is simply a nobody inside Lawless America.  He will not get the coordination and support he needs from bill to set up this grand jury stunt..but guess who will get the blame for the impending failure?

And, to make matters worse for David, while he is sequestered over in the kiddie corner, it looks like his know the one he "became married to with kids", is ready to speak out and shed some light on this former convict.  His ex posted this on the Lawless page of all places:  Barbara Iserman Schied
what was done to me was wrong!!!!! and I am going to start speaking up now!!!

I guess David and Bill can commiserate together about the pitfalls of marrying a Barbara.  I gotta go make sure I have plenty of popcorn on hand for this one.

Friday, May 3, 2013

The Vexatious Litigant Rides Again

Apparently, District Judge Fernado Gaitan doesn't mind turning his court room into an all out circus freak show.  If Bozo the Clown isn't booked yet, he could call the court in to session, and I hear they are trying to get the Blue Man Group to perform the opening act.  Yes, that's right, a judge whom Bill would like to see executed (along with his peers) for treason, is willing to hear just how vexations Bill Windsor really is.  Bill filed a lawsuit, after being given permission, against Allie, Mark, and John Does 1-1000.

Bill rattles off 220 statements of facts...of course none of which can be independently verified.  Its mostly a redo of the counter claim he tried last month against Allie when she filed for a protective order.  Around 92% of it has nothing to do with Allie or Mark, but I guess that's why he adds John Does 1-???.  Think of this lawsuit as Bill Windsor vs. A Civil Society, because that's really what we are dealing with here.

Among the mis-statements of fact, we have a cameo of Judge Snooty as Bill offers her up as an "expert witness", I can only assume she got that title by wearing her glasses down to the tip of her nose.  Bill says he has never operated a scam, swindled anyone, tricked or cheated anyone out of their possessions, never had a parking ticket (wth?), is not sexually attacked to children, isn't a bigot, paid his taxes, is a grandpa, only been to jail as a visitor, didn't have women sitting on his lap, doesn't get nude with woman especially in a hot tub, didn't have sex with animals, did not solicit or accept any investments to Lawless America, doesn't drink alcohol, only cusses on Wednesdays (I just made that up, but it seems to fit), and is stalked and harassed to no end by these "stalkers".....who also (gulp) put out his personal information such as his home address and date of birth (you know stuff he posts himself).   And much much much.....more.

So you can continue to keep quiet and sit in the corner and work on your karate chopping Schied, Bill has better things to do than play with your imaginary friends all day no, forget all that stuff, he is getting back to his bread and butter of being a vexatious litigant, its better than a sugar rush from too much pie.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Billy Just Can't Leave Dollywood

His first stop on his latest vacation tour is Sevierville Tennessee.  He went there to support murder's rights and he just can't stop talking about it, nor can he bring himself to leave and move on to his next scam.

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I am still in Sevierville Tennessee, the first of several stops in Tennessee.
I was on location on April 30 and May 1, 2013 filming background and witness interviews for the Jimmie Robinson story.
Sevier County Tennessee is a place where folks who live in houses like this won't get the same treatment by the police and courts as people who live in houses like this thats not exactly a luxury home there bill..compared say to your homes?...
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How many people have the clout to get the First Baptist Church in their town to erect a monument to their deceased son right smack dab in the front of the historic church (originally built in 1789)? probably people that are members of that Church do, oh what a conspiracy  A woman who lives in this house did does she have a name?
How many folks have the clout to get the local newspaper to publish inaccurate stories I guess you don't, you have been trying for years in your home-town?  How many folks have the clout to get charges covered up accusing their son of sexual abuse? this sentence needs a re-write but the answer is no one

In Sevier County Tennessee, it seems the rich folks you mean rich like the ones in that little house, or rich as in someone who has two million dollar homes? get what they want in court and with the police, and the poor folks are denied justice. Rich folks' kids don't get arrested, but poor folks' kids do especially when they murder someone. It seems rich folks' sons can sexually abuse their children, but a falsely-accused poor folks' son goes straight to the slammer yes, most murders end up there.
The story of Jimmie Robinson is one of the system failing no, its a story of vigilante justice to do what it is supposed to do, and in this case, it resulted in the death of a young man murder, not the death of.  In my opinion which no one cares about, Sevier County killed Jason Hicks.  Jimmie Robinson admits that he pulled the trigger, but it was after he and his family did everything they could possibly do to protect a three-year-old boy from abuse by his biological father so take the law into your own hands, this is how you get your country back isn't it bill?.  I have interviewed witness after witness and have reviewed reports that would cause any honest person lets just say you are not very in tune with how an honest person would think to conclude that Jason Hicks was a sick man who was abusing his son mentally and sexually.
The local newspaper refuses to print the truth coming from you thats the best verification they could have.  I look forward to telling the real story too bad I'm not really making a movie.  
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So you are in a trial a hearing. There is one witness against you, and he's an attorney and a liar so says you.  During a break from the trial hearing, the judge and the star witness for the prosecution are smoking together in an alcove beneath one of the entrances to the building.  The judge rules against you and sings the praises of the lying attorney.  How mad would you be in this case I would have expected it, there was no cause for a re-trial?  Wouldn't that be grounds for the judge to recuse himself and the judge's ruling to be vacated? no

That's exactly what happened at the hearing for a new trial hey, you just contradicted yourself in the case of Jimmie Robinson.  These are cigarette butts that I picked up from where Judge Richard Vance and attorney Bruce Poston were smoking did you contact CNN?.  Poston even bummed a cigarette off the judge oh wow, where there is smoke...there is...well smoking.  Now ex parte contact is a big no-no, but between the judge and the star witness in the middle of a trial HEARING remember?, I don't believe it gets any worse no it doesn't get much worse than Bill Windsor, American Terrorist.

And there's more no, there really isn't.  Star witness, lying attorney Bruce Poston, was also observed talking with other witnesses outside the courtroom after all witnesses were instructed that they could not discuss the case you mean after the HEARING was over and no one cares anymore?.

Mr. Hickman, Jimmie Robinson's court-appointed attorney, had better file a motion to get the judge disqualified and the order set aside or what, you gonna wait outside his home and murder him in cold blood?.  The ruling was an outrage to justice meaning justice was served.  I know; I was there, and I know the truth as always, thats the biggest lie you can tell about what happened and why.
It's Day 321 for Lawless America...The Movie and you are just as close to having a movie as you were on day 1.
A significant number of people are scheduled to be filmed in Sevierville, Knoxville, Jackson, and Memphis over the next few days, and I will be visiting four prisons to film stories fingers crossed that one gives you an extended stay.
Can you even believe that the State of Tennessee Prison System has decided it will not allow me into any of the prisons to film hell yeah I can?  I'm told it's for security reasons why would they want a domestic terrorist doing that?.  But others get to film inside thats because they play by the rules and ask for clearance like a year in advance.  It's clear to me that it's for the purpose of concealing as much as they can about the horrile INjustice in the state of Tennessee or its a prison, and they don't want some crazy perverted old man in their filming for his youtube clips.