Showing posts with label scams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scams. Show all posts

Friday, April 12, 2013

On The Road Again, I'm Not Sure He Will Ever Get Off the Road Again

Nested in all the Allie stalking and fact spinning, Bill said he is going to be getting his RV.  All RV's need a name, so lets just call this one The Fugitive.  But the bigger question is how is he getting this?  Is someone donating it as if this is a legitimate non-profit?  Is Bill financing it somehow?  Is he lying?

"It's Day 301, and this is the Lawless America Movie Road Trip #2 no its version 3.0 don't forget your fake book tour Report from Bill Windsor - April 10, 2013.
I'm still in the Kansas City, Missouri area I can't stop stalking, I'm addicted to it, once you start you can't stop.  I have had several law enforcement and legal matters to deal with in this area involving Allie Overstreet correction, I wanted to deal with because I'm a vindictive petty old coot.
I still have one legal matter to handle the morning of the 11th, and then I am off bill, you are always off...
RV News

It does appear that we are finally going to get an RV we, who, how what? -- a Thor Serrano 31V. 
The  bedroom in the back will be set up as a small film studio -- perfect size for the interviews yeah because thats been such a huge deal finding a room to interview people in.  I will install permanent lighting in the ceilng and a permanent backdrop you mean you will hire someone to install it, you can't do physical labor..  The side walls will have desk areas  built-in.
This particular model has much more storage space than most other models and thats good because its going to have to store you.  We have a lot of gear we?  All the voices in your head?, so this was a key factor in the decision what decision, are you buying this?.  It's a diesel built on an excellent chassis.  31-feet long.

I hope we can afford to paint it solid black ok, the "we" is starting to get creepy now, and then wrap it with our Lawless America road logo and messages Please Pass The Pie
I will have to head back to Atlanta with it to pack up the rest of the gear, set up the studio, and get it painted and wrapped.
This means I won 't do much filming before that is done ummm so what, you already have like 2000 hours worth of testimonies, how much do you need?.
Having the RV set up as a permanent studio will make me far more productive nope, you will still never accomplish anything, and it will make the work much easier on me.  For 200+ days, I unpacked the Jeep every morning, set up, tore down, and loaded the Jeep the next morning as I then headed to the next stop.  That's at least an hour of work every day, and a lot of lifting and carrying some relatively heavy stuff.  All of that will basically be a thing of the past.  Most interviews will be done in the RV, so I can drive right up to someone's house, interview them, and drive off an hour later. So in short, this RV will help me put on another 100 pounds as I plan to cut all physical exertion out of my life (it was my new years resolution)
This will make it simple to do location filming as well, because everything is always in the RV.  So, we go to a location, remove a camera, microphones, and anything else we need, and film I wont even have to roll out of bed.
Inside the mobile studio, we will have multiple computers operating so I can monitor the Joey's all day long, so we can convert film to video all the time I'm going for the guineas world record of youtube videos.  With our piece of equipment that turns the RV into a Wi-Fi hotspot, we can also be doing email blasts to victims, the media, and more as we drive or when we are filming so sort of like a mobile 24/7 terrorist command post.  We'll have a printer, copier, and high-speed scanner but I dont know how to connect the cables to them, so we can load 50 sheets at a time into the scanner and scan the evidence that victims bring some trees were harmed in the making of this sentence.
If all goes as planned and it never has (and I have been to the altar twice before on an RV only to be left alone there) well maybe you should go to an RV dealer instead of an alter, the RV will be ready either Friday or Monday.  I will probably go to Illinois to film as planned, then get the RV, and head to Atlanta.  I hope the work there will take no more than a week, and then I will be off for two to three months or 4 or 5 or hell why would I ever come back to reality?.
I am planning to travel alone I think that is one plan you can count on.  I don't know how comfortable I would be cooped up in a small space for a long time with one or more others thats why I prefer the lot lizards, once you are done with them you can kick them out.  But on the other hand, I could accomplish at least twice as much if someone was with me no, with another person you could acomplish 700X's as much.  So I'm going to think about this some more if you would like to apply, please send me pictures of you in your evening wear.  If you would like to be considered as driver and assistant you might want to turn off the shake assist option if you do drive it, please email me with TAKE ME FOR A RIDE sometimes I don't even have to say a word do I Bill, you make it a joke yourself in all caps in the Subject line."

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

In The End, Everything Was Dismissed

Late yesterday afternoon in a court room in Lexington Missouri, Judge John Frerking decided to toss out all motions except the one to dismiss the case.  After its all said and done the only thing that mattered was any evidence that directly related to a threat of physical harm.  Bill most definitely used the internet to threaten those that dislike him, but he was not specific with his threat and therefore skates by on that technicality.  Bill's motion for a protective order against Allie was also tossed on the same grounds, meaning they fought to a draw in Lexington.

I figured that the Judge would grant the PO just on principle alone after having to review all the voluminous and frivolous filings that Bill made in this case, in fact I thought the Judge might want a PO himself from ever having to read another filing of Bill's.  It turned out that Bills vexatious litigant approach may have paid off as the Judge refused to read any of it, including Allie's filings except for things that directly related to the statue needed in this case.  In short, Judge John Frerking decided to wash his hands clean from the entire circus and just focus on the specific letter of the law.

Even though this would be one of the thousands of judges across the Nation that Bill wants executed for treason, Judge John Frerking proved exactly why Bill's movement is a complete scam and waste of time.  Generally speaking, judges do adhere to the letter of the law and are not a respector of persons.  There are, certainly, cases out there where judges deviate from the letter of the law and inside the family court system, where just about everything is a gray area, its even more so.  But yesterday, Bill unintentionally highlighted exactly why the entire premise for Lawless America is wrong and doomed to fail.

But, as I pointed out from day one, this was never about the actual court case itself, this was a publicity stunt by Bill aimed at trying to give a shot in the arm to his struggling movement. Bill and the lemmings were on such a high from him "winning his trial" that the comments and activity spiked on Lawless America, including the calls for more funding for Bill.  Just like Hitler torching the Reichstag, Bill had manipulated his own little scam and used it to fire up his troops.

The online euphoria is in direct contrast to the 4 goons that made the trip out there with Bill. They spent hundreds of dollars to go all the way out there just to watch Bill's crazy antics.  Their facial expression says it all.  This is what it looks like when Bill's followers see him for what he is in the real world:

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, well this one is worth several thousand.

Bill will try and parley his big "win" into synergy for this pointless road trip.  But just like the euphoria after his made up award in DC, this will all wear off quickly as the reality of the situation sinks back in that he has nothing but a revolving group of followers.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Showdown in the Show Me State

Its ironic that Bill will be in the Show-Me-State today.  After all his wild claims, today he must show the evidence to back up his assertions.  The evidence is never on Bill's side.  He must feel like a 1.2 career gpa student going in to a final just never goes well.  Its all but certain that he will lose his "trial" today in Lexington Missouri.  But what will happen after his loss?

We learned last night that David Shied and several others are going to be with him today in Lexington.  That will mean several domestic terrorist will be in the court room today and, at lest for a while, be under the direct jurisdiction of a judge.  They will discredit the ruling as soon as they exit the building.  They will call the judge unfit to hold his position and void his ruling as such.

This is all an attack, not against Allie, but against our judicial system.  They don't want to reform it, they want to destroy it.  This is precisely why they are terrorist and enemies of all patriotic Americans.  We can all agree that our system isn't perfect and needs to be reformed.  But anarchy and mob rule are the ideas of those that hate this Country and our way of life.  Windsor and Shied want to take every opportunity they can to discredit our judicial system and thumb their noses at its authority.  That is why its critical that we continue to stand up against these enemies of the State and defeat them before they destroy us all.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Round America Version 3.0 Begins

You could almost hear a certain jeep in Marietta (with its axle slanted to the left) moan as Bill waddled out and got inside to start another pointless road trip.  Windsor has run out of followers and now he must embark on another trip to trick new people into liking him on facebook and following his never ending drama with messiah-like worship.  In exchange for their unquestioned loyalty, Bill will record whatever they want to say and upload it to youtube, a great deal indeed.

Also, this trip will have a duel purpose of intimidating Bill's "haters".  He wants to stalk his "stalkers" as he drives around their homes filming whatever he can. 

But what his trip really about, is a chance to feel like his has some sort of family.  Being home alone is not much fun for today's narcissists.  Bill just wants people to listen to him again.  He needs more hero worship.  That's why he can't stop pointing out how many miles and days he has spent on the road as some sort of public servant hero.  The "haters" seem to out number the lemmings at this point, and Bill is determined to change that.  He will follow his pie hole wherever it takes him, but we can be sure he won't spare any details (with plenty of lies mixed in) as he chronicles his road show.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Just Like in DC, Bill will be Exposed as the Loser He is Monday

Its all fun and games as the lonely old fat man hides out deep in his basement, posting away and attempting to control his own version of reality.  But like we saw in DC, where Bill has to actually show up for a big event, reality takes over and he is exposed.  This will happen Monday in Missouri.  Bill will do what he has done his entire life...he will lose.  Allie will get her protective order and he will get either a strong admonishment from the judge, or he may even earn contempt of court.  Either way you slice it, the court will act just like his own family has done and deny his request.

I'm sure he already has a scheme to spin his looming failure into some kind of "not guilty" verdict of a crime he wasn't charged with.  This will work on his especially stupid followers, but his exposure will cost him many others.  He will probably be able to swing a few especially koolaid drunk followers out to Lexington to stand with him.  None of this will matter as Allie will prevail and he will be dealt another blow, both legally and in the PR world.

Obviously then the question is what will he do then?  Go back to driving around to any state he can find to get new followers to swear their allegiance to his greatness?  Will he spend that time trying to track down his "haters" that law enforcement doesn't seem interested in listening too?  Will he go back and start to work on his grand jury stunt which is less than a month away now?  Whatever he choses to do, it will be stupid and ultimately fail.  For Bill Windsor, there is no other option.

Monday, April 1, 2013

The Lawless Shipmates Are Getting Restless

They may have been mildly amused at first, but as Bill continues to spend all this time going after his made up haters, some of the followers are growing tired of the never ending tail-chasing Bill is engaged in.  They signed up for a movie, or a cause they thought was about changing the legal system.  Instead, it seems they are followers of an old man who happens to be a drama king.

Now Bill prepares to go back on the road for what he calls filming, but it really looks like an escape from his local problems with Maid of the Mist and a scouting trip to go do research on his "haters".  No more talkshoe lectures, haven't even heard much about the little citizen grand jury stunt and certainly no word on his fake movie.  They are starting to feel that they are hopelessly adrift at sea, and the only movement seems to be from the daily wind direction and nothing more.  You can start to see their frustrations coming out in the comments to Bill:

Sharon Anderson Why Promote adverse Hate Group Sorry delete I have more important Issues to Advocate4Bill

Naomi Gutierrez I agree. Hate groups should be ignored. Giving them attention fuels the fire. I have something more constructive one can do right here: Please Sign

Stephanie Lynn Bill I trust you... So.... Did you threaten to go to her hearing for her daughter? And work with her ex? And publish the address of her children? I know you have never threatened anyone with a gun. You stated a while back you bought one for protection because you were being threatened. But you never threatened anyone.

Rebecca Potter Please folks, understand the dance of the dysfunctional!!!! They always use threats, lies, intimidation and false scandals and false statements to divert the real truth. This is the dance of the psychopath. Psychopaths always unite to distort the individual who unmasks them. This is why so many who are fighting the "Crazy Courts" are targeted by the psychopaths in and out of the system.

Darin Karl I have been reading Lawless America posts the past couple of weeks, trying to follow along. 
I do have one question, Bill. Do you really think its a safe option to confront your haters at their own residences?

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Please Don't Pass the Pie

So yeah, any and everything is a threat if it comes from us, while nothing is a threat if it comes from him.  So Billy the Kid responds to being called a kid by throwing a temper tantrum and running to mommy to tattle on us.  Once again the point is awarded to the Clubhouse.  At least we are back in his crosshairs where we belong with our "24 hours-a-day" coverage of Bill and his traveling circus.

As billy the kid threw his tantrum, he decided to drink the hemlock that old man Webby has been serving up for a while now.  He goes on to name some of those that post here:  Brannon, Mist, and Curtis but then adds MVZ.  Since this blog has been effective in combating internet frauds and hucksters, we have accumulated quite a following of roaches and spiders and other vermin.  These pests, in their hatred and rage against this site have collaborated and come up with some theories that are categorically incorrect, but that won't stop them from continuing them.  MVZ has absolutely nothing to do with this blog in any way shape or form, she does not come here or post here.  Any continued harassing of her will result in my aiding her in litigation against said vermin.  Take that however you want, but if you actually know MVZ you would know she would gladly jump at a ready made case such as this.

Then Bill goes on to repeat vermin mantra number 2.  "A number of these people are said to use dozens of aliases to make it seem like people actually read the site and comment."  You can believe that if you want, but its asinine in every way.  All the "aliases" and even real names of those that post on here are all different individuals entirely.  Not only that, but those that post represent about 1/20th of those that read this site.  Again, believe what you want but that's the cold hard facts.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

When the Lawless Lemmings Attack

Ok, so in case you guys missed it, down at the bottom of the "Billy Sets High Noon Showdown" blog we had an attack by a lemming.  In comes this Debby Reagan
who seems to be a conspiracy theorist in the highest order, along with a Windsor Koolaid drinker.  She has been the best example yet of what a lemming sounds like outside of her little cult.  She hasn't got the slightest clue what this blog is about or who is who, but that's not going to stop her with spewing her premade koolaid all over the place:

You said "In his mind, the only move to get all that back is to head out to Missouri and try and ruin Allie face to face"....and an anonymous asked "Why is Bill even traveling to Missouri ?".... and my comment/answer would be because it's a court order to go answer before a judge to answer the temporary charges against him. If he doesn't, then he could be charged for a longer stretch of time. So, he's going there to protect himself, just as anyone would. If Allie hadn't charged him, he wouldn't be going. 
Anything else that may be going on, as both sides claim....has nothing to do with my answer here. I have purposely kept out of things because in my mind, it's just a big pissing contest between both sides. But, here....I can see that you all have lost sight as to the fact that in THIS instance, the reasoning behind Bill having to travel to Missouri is because Allie has made it that he has to answer in court by filing what she did. Not saying it's right or wrong, not even arguing the points/merits of her claim....just saying that he's doing what anyone else would properly do if served with charges to go before a judge...and that's to appear and answer to the charges before a judge! So, it's not that he's going to ruin her face to face, it's that he was forced to go to court to answer to a judge because Allie has charged him with something. And naturally, he's going there to defend himself. It's that simple. Just as Allie will most likely go to defend herself against any claims/filings against her. 
I think that all of this is just a big shameful situation. We ALL have had our government abuse us in one way or another and they have managed once again to divide a big group of us who got together to expose them! They always manage to infiltrate and cause problems that end up fracturing, dividing and causing hate & discontent within, so the group fights amongst themselves instead of completing their original goal...which is to fight the governmental abuses upon us! This is really sad. And I mourn for us all. Because the ONLY victor through all the government! *BIG SIGH*
its a restraining order, not like he is standing trial for a felony. Any normal human being would say "fine ok I will leave her alone" and leave it at that.

He is going all the way out there for the right to continue to harass and stalk Allie. Thats why you fight a TRO like this when there is no family or any other kind of connection to each other, there is no other reason but that.

This life lesson has been brought to you by you are welcome're wrong. It's called defending yourself! He lives in Georgia....she lives in Missouri. It's not like they are neighbors...or even within 100 miles of each other! And if he doesn't stand before the judge, the restraining order will go onto his record because he didn't show up in court and the judge will take his silence as agreement. So, he has his right, just like anyone else, for his day in court. And I'd say the same thing if it was the other way around! She has charged him with something which gave her a TRO....and he has the right to defend himself and tell the judge HIS side of the story. And no, if you think most normal people would stand by and let someone put a RO out on them, when they felt they were wrong and just say...I'll leave it be...then you are delusional! He's fighting it because he sees it differently and unneeded. Whether YOU agree with him or not, isn't the point. He has the right to defend himself...and if I were him, and thought I was right, I'd fight too! Just as if I was Allie, and I thought as she does, I'd have done the TRO too! That's why we have it can be hashed out there!
But I can see that there'll be no reasoning with you because you already have him tried, convicted and sentenced, cause you are the rightful judge! And that's why we do have a lawless America now....cause there's too many tunneled visioned and short sighted and narrow minded biased people who refuse to see that there are 3 sides to EVERY story....his side, her side and then the truth somewhere usually in the middle! 
No where in my previous statement, did I EVER say that Allie was wrong....or that Bill was right. All I said is that BOTH of them need to stop it! THAT simple! And get back to what matters....and that's stopping the abuses done by our government!
I never said Bill doesnt have the right to defend himself, I just said its not worth defending. Who cares if she gets a TRO, if he doesn't plan on harassing her what difference does it make?

And let me reiterate again, I dont believe in your cases. I dont believe in Laweless America. I consider you and Bill both mentally insane, I know you think I'm a sheeple but on the flip side I think your are a nutcase
-And now, on this last one, I gotta do my bold over writing this is maybe the dumbest post ever put on this blog-
Well NOW who's being libelous/slanderous ummm Bill, unless you are going to claim that me saying bill should stay home in my opinion is libel? You whine and complain that Bill has done this I laugh and make fun of...but yet you have no compulsion huh? in doing it yourself again, if stating my opinon on my blog that he should not go to Missouri is liable then I guess you are right? And who are you to decide what is worth defending on anyone else's behalf well ummm on my blog I'm Ginger Snap, and I call the shots? Apparently, you don't realize the gravity of being accused of threatening people with a gun no I guess I don't especially in this case where its barely even an aside in terms of the whole TRO? So OF COURSE it's important to show up and defend himself! Don't know what planet you're from earth...but here on this one no tell me which one are you on?, you better show up and speak to the judge when someone accuses you of criminal threatening its a restraining order, you leave them alone, who cares after that?! So, if you don't believe it's important to defend one's self about that, then you're the nutcase! well now I know where the nutcase line is
And I have NO cases! I have had NO involvement in Bill's adventures. I do take care of the Maine's lawless page ummmm so you are the state coordinator for Maine but you have NO involvement with Bill's adventures?...making sure that there's no bickering or swearing...etc wow that's a big job, I can see why you are under so much stress. So, don't even know me well now I do, yet you call me mentally insane uh huh. You don't even know me I think we just covered this...yet you say that I think you're sheeple. Lady who's a Lady?, I don't know you to even say such a thing well now you do. And I could NOT care less to, either! I have never called you anything...cause unlike you....I don't prejudge someone BEFORE I know them I just check with Alex Jones to tell me what conspiracy you are involved in before I speak!
So, let ME reiterate again reiterate again and again and again? How about re-establish? have absolutely no right to do what you complain that Bill is doing I got my rights, and you don't know my complaints....libelous and slanderous comments, because it could be used by Bill...or anyone discredit you and your groups efforts to prove your claims sure, if it were true. Ever heard of...clean hand doctrine I don't need a doctrine to tell me to clean my hands? If not...look it up! that's ok, I'm washing them again just in case
You seem to think that it's ok for you to do mean things and it's ok ok, and again I say ok. But let anyone else do the same...and you scream foul what the hell are you talking about?! Be careful...what is good for the also good for the gander they are both geese, and I'm a person so I'm good on that one! And believe me, I'm one of the most sanest and intelligent people you would ever meet right next to Billy huh?. but then again, maybe not yeah, then again maybe I have a sneaky suspicion that I wouldn't want to meet you you have no idea how mutual that is. You just seem way to over the edge for my liking yeah I'm over the top, to the extreme, I need to calm down. HAGD Ginger ummm is that a derogatory term aimed at women?....try to educate yourself more before jumping into any more conversation with me you do realize you came on to MY blog to tell ME what I should be doing?. NM...nix aren't worth my time. I have better things to do ohhh I doubt fighting governmental abuses of all include theft of children I'm Batman. Have a nice life. so you promise to leave?
And to this site crap she is still talking... I do apologize for this chat line of negativity ummm what?. I shouldn't have allowed Ms. Negative Snap to bring me down to her level. I wish you all the best in your endeavors with your fight for Joey That's right guys chin up, remember Joey, we fight for him, don't ever lose sight of this fight we are will be in my prayers mine too! I lost 2 grandchildren to DHHS ummmm, you did say "grandchildren" didn't you?... I fought for 2 1/2 years to keep them from falling into their hands...and lost well umm, wouldn't the actual parents have a key role in all that?. I know your pain...I'll pray for you ohhh we are so on the same page here Debby, keep fighting the good fight!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Billy Sets High Noon Showdown With Allie

Yesterday Bill put up a post about being served for the restraining order from Allie.  He only disclosed a few details to his lemmings, but this got them all fired up, especially the head of his gustapo the evil Julia Fletcher.  She, like the good little terrorist her Fuhrer had trained her to be,  called on all the lemmings to email and call the court in Missouri and intimidate them on behalf of Bill.

The logical move here is to just leave Allie alone.  He has kicked her out, he has told his followers she is bad, and at this point there really is no further need to be involved with her.  But Bill isn't logical, he is consumed by hate and vindictiveness.  Not only that, but he has been exposed by us and others as completely feckless. His threats no longer have any teeth in them.  In his mind, the only move to get all that back is to head out to Missouri and try and ruin Allie face to face.  Despite all the talk of having a gun, and being a good shot, its another kind of shooting that may prove to be the most disruptive.....his youtube camera being on the whole time.  He will do anything to wreck Allie's personal life, and if it means going to extremes to accomplish that, then he is willing and able.

Hopefully, Allie and the authorities can stop him before it gets that far.  Don't forget about the P B & Y show tonight at 10 cnt

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Billy Starts to Feel The Heat Coming Down on Him

After his criminal charges backfired, and with the Maid of the Mist lawsuit getting close to asset seizure, Bill Windsor feels the urge to get back on the road film some more, yeah thats its film.

After sending out the call for donations, errr I mean, buy these T-shirts that I'm going to forget to mail you, Billy knows he has to skip town.  He does need a new group of lemmings, that much is clear, but other than that there really is no other reason to go back on the road other than fleeing the authorities.

In the meantime, in a move old Joey would be proud of, Billy has decided to take some pre-emptive strikes against judges.

Who is the WORST JUDGE in America?

Lawless America is conducting a Best & Worst in Lawless America Contest, and nominations are now being accepted for Worst Judge.

So here is your opportunity to name your judge THE WORST....

Nominate the corrupt judge or judges in your case. Email the name, address, and other contact information for your judge along with an explanation of why you feel your judge is worthy of this infamous title. please email a photo, if possible.

Send your entries to with the subject in all capitals: WORST JUDGE IN AMERICA. Deadline for entries is May 1, 2013.

The Worst Judge in America will be recognized with a special award certificate (suitable for framing) and a special music video guaranteed to obtain an extremely high search engine ranking.

Additional Best & Worst Contests will be held -- Worst Attorney, Worst Court Clerk, Worst So-Called Social Worker, Worst CPS Worker, Worst Court Employee, Worst Elected Official, Worst Company, Worst Prosecuting Attorney, Worst Public Defender, Worst Guardian, Worst Child Abuser, Worst Pedophile, Worst Liar, Worst Law Enforcement Officer, and much more. — in United States.

Well thats cute, I'm sure this is exactly where your followers expected you to be a this point.  Notice he says he will hand out the Best and Worst awards but when he lists them its only the worst that get an award.  Ok, lets just go ahead and call the time of death...Bill Windsor is completely out of ideas

Monday, March 18, 2013

Billy's March Maddness

So its been a rather dreary March for Bill and Lawless America.  Nothing has been accomplished.  He has lost a good portion of his followers.  The authorities seem to be putting the clamps down on him at every end.  Blogs are springing up all over the place now exposing Bill for what he is.  While he did have some talented followers initially  the only ones left spend several hours a day yelling out "THERE IS NO ANYKEY" at their computers, so he can't expect much help from them.  And, once again he can't seem to work a facebook page.

Here is the latest edict from Der Fuhrer:

Bill Windsor provides an update on the Lawless America Movie and Lawless America Revolution

  • PDF

I'm alive and well  well maybe the first part is true.  I posted earlier in the week that there would not be a TalkShoe Show tonight, March 17, 2013. so stop the presses, I actually told the truth
Instead, if you have specific questions for me about May Day - Grand Jury Criminal Charges Filing, please email me with the subject in all caps PHONE CALL. even though I don't read my emails
I had planned to call people tonight but then I realized I don't like people, but I need to delay that a bit.  Please email me with your name, address, and phone, and if possible, list your key questions.  I will call you.  yeah lets do email, at least that way you can't dominate the conversation and I have to listen to your voice
I have been working all night for the last two nights adding photos to the Movie Listing Pages. so now have we taken our country back?  I have finished through the letter I (alpha by first names) somehow with you, it seems that the letter I is the only one in the alphabet.  I want to finish this before we begin distributing to the state legislators. huh, what is this you speak of?  What happened to the movie?
There are many Movie Listing Pages without a summary of the victim's story.  This is terrible after all the work we all have done and guess who's fault this is? (spoiler alert:  not Bill's).  PLEASE check your page, and if there isn't a summary of your story, please write something and email it to me at nobodies@att.netwith the subject in all caps -- MOVIE LISTING.  I will add everything sent.  I won't be featuring anyone in the movie who doesn't have a summary on their Movie Listing Page because failure to meet this fundamental requirement indicates to me that those folks aren't as serious about this as others. you stupid lemmings, you can't do anything right, why do I have to spend my time with you dolts, I'm so much better than this
The judge who I am waiting for an answer from on the Criminal Warrant Applications that I filed advised me to take some lessons at a firing range ummmmm how do I say this...BS.  I had a class this afternoon.  I feel much better prepared to defend myself as a result.  Using the instructor's 9 mm pistol, I never missed in an 18" x 24" rectangle set at 21-feet.  The instructor rarely strayed from a 3" x 3" 50-feet!  hear that everyone, even though I got the shakes I can shoot.  Thats not a threat, but it was meant to be.
If you want to seek justice in your case, please read this article about our effort to file criminal charges against judges, attorneys, perjurors, government oficials, and others nationwide.  Then prepare and begin issuing the letters needed. and while you are reading this, let me go back to the restroom to wash my hands clean of you
There is a lot of really strange stuff happening with Facebook some people want me to fertilize their crops, someone poked me, I was "tagged" in a photo.  The number of likes varies by several thousands down and up with no explanation for why maybe I should have read the contract I signed with my fake facebook followers.  Facebook suspends me for several days at a time because others post things on my page that they claim are objectionable.  No one can control what someone else posts huh?  You delete 80% of everything posted on your page, so this is an outrage.  It's past time to give Facebook the old heave ho.  Heave ho, lets go.....where?
To the thousands who have requested to be filmed who have not yet been filmed, please find a computer with a webcam, and record yourself and it really doesn't matter if its good or not since it was always a con anyway, just make sure you feel emotionally invested in my fake movie.  Use our Lawless America Self-Filming Instructions.  
I'm not sure when I can hit the road, but I need to make another film trip it may end up being a fugitive trip.  I need to visit Stafford County Virginia, New York City, Ilion - Elmira - and Vestal New York, Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania, Sevierville Tennessee, Grand Rapids Michigan, Jefferson City Missouri, Dallas Texas, Houston Texas, Biloxi Mississippi, Destin Florida, and a few other stops most of these have to do with the "haters" and not fake movie related.  I have very specific places to go court dates to meet and people to see in these towns.  If you are along this general route and would like to be filmed if I happen to be driving by your house and you offer me pie, I might get the cam out for ya, please email with the subject in all caps: APRIL FILMING.  
I've been procrastinating you could end the sentence there on signing the contract that I have been given by a motion picture/television agent.  Steven Spielberg hasn't called, so I guess a bird-in-the-hand is better than an empty hand.  you are so funny, pardon me while I chuckle
Stay tuned.  oh you know we will

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Are the Nobodies of Lawless America “victims” or unwitting “volunteers”?


Part 1 
When Bill Windsor first came to our attention, with his trip around America to film victims of government, court and CPS corruption, the ideas appeared original.  We laughed and poked fun as we watch loonies stray from the path and Bill have bi-weekly melt downs,  never once taking the “movie” project or the “revolution” seriously.  But with the posting of Jon Roland’s video to Lawless America’s site, a sense of seriousness emerged and new questions were asked.   Who are these people and how are they connected to Bill and each other?
If you listened to Jon Roland’s video, you will have discovered that Mr. Roland is an expert on the US Constitution, how it was written, the intent and how the intent was changed.   Mr. Roland has constructed a new constitution; his solution to government corruption is to recruit militia for armed resistance and create a mass movement to replace members of the government and judiciary.
Mr. Roland formed the Constitution Society.   Members of Mr. Roland’s society include  Clive Boustred and Sam Kennedy.    Together Mr. Boustred and Mr. Kennedy formed a group called Guardian of the Republic. 
Mr. Boustred is from South Africa.   His complaints with the American government appear to have started with regard to an IT business venture and during his divorce.   It appears that in 2003, after an altercation with his ex-wife’s boyfriend, Mr. Boustred took his children from their mother, who had legal custody.    He was arrested, the boys were returned to their mother and Mr. Boustred was denied visitation rights.  After which, Mr. Boustred alleges the police attempted to murder him and CPS kidnapped his boys.
Mr. Boustred began a business called Copper Cards.   The purpose of the company is coordinate small groups people and teach them the “true” law, how to eliminate government from courts, forming vigilante courts and grand juries and how to win in court.   Mr. Boustred’s catch phrase is “Take our country back”.    Sound familiar? 

Mr. Boustred attempted to use his own methods in a 2010 criminal case brought against him, he was unsuccessful – he went back to jail.   In 2008 he brought criminal charges against a Judge in one of his cases and in 2007 he attempted to sue the State of California for $198,053,410,750.00. /~clive/coppercards/law/docs/CC-CC-indictment-quo-warrantoIrwinH.Josephv4SIMPLE.doc+&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESjLIUC wKE6_6TXM0MAFjdckR93cdNO30wWFOyZfJXr6eKibERobhpaCztGghjIAC- 1sAmpI9HXd2vu-WXeh2m0CNHqOcO-7uHErIX5YCvgksxTJwUczo8mC- eY1oJbIUnAHrBim&sig=AHIEtbRnMHL0NLMikhl9kWHJ850Aq_vX0Q

Sam Kennedy also sold packages which promised to help identify sovereign citizens and assist them is avoiding criminal charges, property liens and constraints of civil laws.  Mr. Kennedy hosted a radio show in which the Restore America Plan was broadcast.    The plan was not published and the web sites have been taken down.  Wikipedia provides this explanation: 

Restore America Plan: bold achievable strategy for behind-the-scenes peaceful reconstruction of the de jure institutions of government without controversy, violence or civil war." 

The group advocated the end of "tax prosecutions for resisting the transfer of private wealth to foreign banking cartels" and issuing "orders to the military and police powers to enforce the Peoples’ divine rights of birth."[5] The Guardian of the Free Republics stated that they wanted to accomplish their goals "Behind the scenes, lawfully, peacefully, without violence and without risking civil war." A section of their website titled "Rationale" laid out the ideas behind the group’s goal to "restore Biblical law to a devoutly secular population." The group believed its plan could act as a "vehicle for relieving corporate tyranny. In due time, the higher goal of salvaging the souls of mankind can be addressed."[8]

During the week of March 31, 2010, all 50 U.S. state governors received letters from the group, warning them to leave office within three days or be removed.[7] Governor Mike Beebe of Arkansas said, "It basically said, resign, ask for forgiveness and then we'll reinstate you, and if you sign this we'll consider you re-elected."

The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security stated that they did not believe the group was violent. Some investigators believed, however, that the letters could cause others to commit violent acts.[5] John Stadtmiller, who runs Republic Broadcasting Network in Round Rock, Texas, which broadcasts Sam Kennedy's weekly show, said that Kennedy was behind the idea of sending out the letters. The FBI interviewed Kennedy for two hours on April 2, 2010, but did not arrest him. The interview concentrated on two shows Kennedy did about the "Restore America" project, in which Kennedy set a March 31, 2010 deadline as the day to "begin to reclaim the continent."[1]

As of March 2011, the web site for Guardians of the Free Republics had been taken down.

Contrary to Wiki’s statement that the group is thought to be nonviolent, this statement was made by Sam Kennedy as people were recruited and the plan was put into action:

Some of these events will occur DIRECTLY THROUGH PUBLIC ACTORS, and others will occur through military liaison. If you study military history and publications, you probably understand that the military’s duty to obey proper civilian authority is an intrinsic part of their consciousness. The United States Army and Navy Manual of Military Government and Civil Affairs outlines military authority to recover domestic territory from enemy occupation, restore civilian government, retain proper civilian laws, high-ranking political officials from office, supervise civilian courts, protect money, promote banking and release political prisoners. So the military’s offer was not just happenstance. They understand we have been under occupation since 1861, and in a perpetual state of corporate national emergency since 1933 by declaration of every single CEO of the United States Federal Corporation since then, permitting those CEOs the luxury of unbridled powers outside normal constitutional limitations (Senate Report 93- 549). 

The Southern Poverty Law Center has this to say about Sam Kennedy:

Dr. Glenn Richard Unger, 59 Clifton Park, N.Y.
The host of the popular online radio show "Take No Prisoners," who uses the alias of "Dr. Sam Kennedy," Dr. Glenn Unger is one of the more secretive redemption leaders. In addition to using a false name, Unger doesn't keep a marketing website and doesn't allow followers to videotape his speaking engagements. He markets his "Beneficiaries in Commerce" program as a cure-all for everything from tax bills and debt elimination to what he calls "prison extraction." Unger was a founding member of the Guardians of the Free Republics and received some unwelcome publicity earlier this year when the FBI investigated the group for threatening state governors. In a recent coup by fellow sovereign Tim Turner, Unger was pushed out of the Guardians group. Despite his stealth, the IRS found Unger and hit him with a $116,000 federal tax lien last September. Furthermore, at least three of Unger's clients have gone to prison as a result of following his program; in a fourth case, the judge found the defendant mentally unfit to stand trial as a result of the nonsensical documents he filed with the court.