Showing posts with label cult. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cult. Show all posts

Monday, May 13, 2013

A Stalking He Did Go

Bill celebrated Mother's Day the only way he knows stalking a young mother.  The creepy old pervert spent the day taking pictures of the former places of residence he suspects Elizabeth Hernandez to have resided.  He even got vexatious in local restaurant which he believed Elizabeth was fond of.

Windsor then went down to the Biloxi PD to have a "sit down" with the police and to file criminal charges against EHH.  He says the matter will now go before a judge, but he is forgetting a key step...the PD must go forward with those charges.  More than likely his charges went the way of the morning junk mail.  Another failure for Bill Windsor.

Of course this is really all about bullying.  Bill wants to stalk and intimidate anyone who dares speak out against him, but like everything else in his life, he isn't very good at it.  How the zombies at lawless america can still support this kind of pathetic behavior is a testament to their own character.

Next up is Texas.  Bill plans to spend a week and a half in the Lone Star State.  No doubt his stalking campaign will continue.  Meanwhile, what about the fake movie?  The grand jury stunts?  Congressional hearings?  Local public access TV?  Has he "taken his country back"?  All of that was just lip service to an old man who wants to stay on vacation for the rest of his life, forever in search of someone to give him unquestioned love and attention.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Lawless America Becomes a Cold Blooded Murder Advocacy Group

As always, there is the truth, and then there is what Bill says.  So here is what Bill said:


Gee, it looks so pretty in the photograph. It's a shame that what happens inside isn't pretty. When I exited the mens room, I heard people all over the courthouse talking about the Lawless America Jeep outside. I was quite the attention-getter all over this small town.

This is the courthouse where Stacy Ramsey and Theresa Deion Harris were found guilty of first degree murder and sentenced to life without the possibility of parole because they were riding in the cab of a pickup when a man in the bed of the pickup shot a boy. Felony Murder Rule -- if you are with someone who commits a murder, you are guilty of murder. One of our legislative proposals is to eliminate this outrageous law.

"Because they were riding in the cab of a pickup when a man in the bed of the pickup shot a boy" is how American Terrorist and murder advocate Bill Windsor sums up the case.  So lets consult the statement of facts that you can find here

Stacy Ramsey, Deion Harris, and Steve Smothers were riding in Stacy's truck to go over to Deion Harris' ex-boyfriend's house to beat him.  Ramsey's truck overheated and the three of them decided to carjack the next vehicle that came by and they agreed that they may have to kill the driver.  That unfortunate next vehicle,was operated by Dennis Brooks Jr., a 19 year old criminal justice student heading back home from his night job working at Subway.  Harris, the female in the group, was out by the overheated truck presenting herself as a woman in distress.  Brooks, being the good Samaritan that he was, stopped to help Harris.

All three grabbed Brooks and forced him into his truck and began driving.  They shot Brooks in his hip, a wound that would be fatal.  Screams of pain came out from Brooks and Smothers shot him in the head killing him instantly.  And the story doesn't end there, I will just cite the actual court records to paint the rest of the picture:

"Thereafter, the petitioner suggested that they bury the victim.
The trio decided to cut off the victim’s legs to make burial easier. Further, the autopsy revealed that
one of the victim’s arms and his penis were also amputated. At Harris’ behest, Smothers removed
the victim’s heart, and all three held the victim’s heart to their mouths. Additionally, they repeatedly
stabbed the victim post-mortem with a butcher knife. Next, they poured oil and gasoline on the
victim and his truck and set both ablaze. The petitioner was later discovered wearing the victim’s
shoes and possessing the victim’s shaving kit containing tools. The petitioner was convicted of the
first degree murder of Brooks, and he received a sentence of life without the possibility of parole."

The petitioner here being Ramsey.  So yeah, thats what Bill calls being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Ramsey and Harris have started this crusade to free themselves as they have both decided that they had poor representation and that they should get a re-do.  Of course Dennis will never get a re-do but Bill thinks these monsters should roam free.

This is what Lawless America is about.  As Bill becomes more and more unhinged and deranged, the more violent his rhetoric is becoming.  So too are the zombies that are following him.  We are no longer talking about mothers rights or family court, we are talking about some of the most extreme cases of violence in this Nation.  If you support Lawless America, this is what you stand for...ignorance is not an excuse under the law.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Lawless America Officially Endorses Murder

Just as I predicted the other day, Bill rides in to Sevierville in support of vigilante justice in the form of cold blooded murder.  He described the convicted killer as a "sweet 69-year-old".  He also left his million dollar home in Marietta Georgia to come up there and declare which officials were correct and which ones were corrupt including the defendant's own counsel.

Even though he calls for the complete abolishment of the CPS, he bases his entire argument on the findings of CPS in this particular case.  And as I said last time, that no longer is the issue anyway, the issue now is taking the law into your own hands.

Jimmy Robinson had a hearing yesterday to ask for a re-trial.  Even though he admitted to the murder and accepted the plea deal, he now feels he was wronged by the system and deserves a second chance.  He can count on the domestic terrorist group Lawless America and Bill Windsor for support in that endeavor.  But fortunately justice prevailed and he was denied a new trial.

So where are you David Schied?  Trish?  Judge Snooty?  Julia Fletcher?  PMA?  Naomi whatever your last name is this week?  I don't see anyone speaking out against this therefore you are in support of murder along with paper terrorism.  Silence is complicity.

"Lawless America spent April 26, 2013 at the Sevier County Courthouse for the hearing on a new trial for Jimmie Robinson. Bill Windsor arranged in advance to film the hearing. Gee, imagine my surprise when I arrived to set up and was told a local TV station had gotten permission instead of me. Then imagine my surprise when there was no TV station. I believe this corrupt courthouse didn't want to be exposed on film. I was allowed to take still photos. This is a long story, but sweet 69-year-old Jimmie Robinson was denied a new trial. Another TRAVESTY of the so-called justice system. Jimmie Robinson's attorney, Mr. Poston, was incompetent, in my opinion. He was most certainly ineffective, and that was the criteria by which Jimmie should have been given a new trial. Mr. Poston pressured Jimmie into accepting a 17 1/2 year prison sentence at the age of 67 -- what amounts to a life sentence. Jimmie was not told about possible defenses. Mr. Poston wanted his family to lie and claim daughter Wendi did it. He never interviewed a single witness. He lied on the witness stand today claiming he was told that the CPS worker who knew the biological father was a pedophile and more was not credible as she was fired and was a criminal -- none of which was true. Poston sat at the attorney's table with the prosecuting attorney! When Judge Richard Vance gave his opinion, he sang the praises of Poston. I believe Judge Richard Vance is a corrupt judge. This was an outrage. If "the system" had worked properly, this crime would have never happened. The biological father would be in prison for sexual abuse of his little boy. When it was clear that the Sevier County Courts were going to allow the pedophile to get unrestricted access to his victim, Jimmie snapped. He shot the biological father to protect his grandson. Jimmie was denied a jury trial. Poston indicated that the little boy (age 6) didn't matter. It was obvious to me that he didn't matter to Judge Richard Vance. Absolutely sickening."

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Domestic Terrorist Windsor rats out the USA to Al Jazeera, Visits Jefferson's Grave in Missouri

Last night on his talkshoe show, Bill admitted that he has sought out foreign media to cover his complaints about the United States Government including the Al Jazeera network.  Should we convene our own made up citizen grand jury and convict him of treason, punishable by death?  Well, by his own words, he should be, in fact it would be our patriotic obligation to do so, according to his own standards.  His number two, David Schied, agreed with reaching out to the foreign press and called for our Country to revert back to common law.

Bill then said he went to Columbia Missouri to film the "most important" Founding Father Thomas Jefferson at his grave site to see if he is in fact rolling over in his grave.  Bill said that he couldn't hear Jefferson actually rolling over in his grave, but he saw steam coming up from the ground implying that TJ was steaming mad.  One little problem with all of this is that Jefferson was buried at his place in Monticello Virginia.  The Jefferson Institute decided to move his gravestone to Columbia in an effort to preserve it.  Complete incompetence hasn't seemed to stop Bill yet, so I guess this incontinent truth won't deter him either.  But I have to wonder about Schied as he tries to play academic at a local college, is he fine with being directly associated with, and ruled by, someone so completely clueless about even the basics of American history?

Other notes to come out of the meeting is that he got the RV off an elderly gentlemen who I guess could no longer operate it (since Bill can't operate it either I guess we should qualify Bill as elderly as well).  Bill plans to be on the road (in his jeep) for 3 months on this new tour while he films certain places.  He kicks off the vacation by going to Dollywood Thursday.

The big surprise for us haters is that he may get a Federal Judge to allow him to file civil cases on those that he considers stalkers.

They still plan to carry out the citizen grand jury stunt, now in june, but with Bill out on the road it looks to be completely coordinated and run by David.  I'm wondering if paper terrorism will look good on his educator resume?  Schied also claims to be working with a congressman who wants him to help right a new grand jury related law.  He wont say who or what though.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Windsor Spits The Bit After One Day in the RV

Uhhhhh, yeah about that RV that I said was the most important thing to making my filming more effective, well it turns out that a large RV guzzles a lot of gas, its hard to keep steady with my shaking hands and a north wind, and I can't seem to get around in town in it.  So, just like everything else in my entire life, I quit with the RV thing, its back to the jeep.  Ohhh and while I was trying to lean my head out the window to yell CEASE and DESIST to an angry passing motorist, I chipped my tooth so I have to go to the dentist, I don't get workman's comp for this so I want to remind everyone of the pay pal link on the bottom of the page.  And I need some gas money too, why did you lemmings talk me into this?

So lets see, he has failed at over 50 businesses, he failed as a father, grandfather, husband, book writer, movie producer, facebook page owner, politician, at diet and exercise, Meet me in DC, pro se litigant, and now we can add RV driver to the list.  Oh well, its only someone else's money right?  If at first you don't succeed, fail fail fail fail fail fail again.

Austin and Chris of Olathe RV did a great job disconnecting the drive train on the Jeep so it could be towed, and then securing the Jeep to the tow dolly. Then all 54-feet of us was off. The first day went pretty well. Some learning to d...o. But the second day was miserable. Strong winds had me battling to keep the RV between the white lines. I was extremely uncomfortable towing the Jeep. While I have now taken an oath that I will try to avoid ever towing anything again EVER, I screwed up. The RV woiuld have been perfect for the first trip, but I believe it is wrong for thie second trip. Filming primarily outside on location requires the ability to maneuver and work in small spaces. The RV won't do that. So after all the attempts to get an RV, all the thinking and planning, I'm going to head to Sevierville and elsewhere in Tennessee this week for filming in the Jeep. I suspect I will make this entire Trip II in the Jeep. There are several reasons for this decision. I know it's the right decision; I just wish I had been considering all of the factors before I spent a week getting the RV. Sometimes we don't see the trees for the forest, and sometimes we only look at the prettiest part of the forest and ignore the rest....See More
— in Gardner, KS.

Friday, April 12, 2013

On The Road Again, I'm Not Sure He Will Ever Get Off the Road Again

Nested in all the Allie stalking and fact spinning, Bill said he is going to be getting his RV.  All RV's need a name, so lets just call this one The Fugitive.  But the bigger question is how is he getting this?  Is someone donating it as if this is a legitimate non-profit?  Is Bill financing it somehow?  Is he lying?

"It's Day 301, and this is the Lawless America Movie Road Trip #2 no its version 3.0 don't forget your fake book tour Report from Bill Windsor - April 10, 2013.
I'm still in the Kansas City, Missouri area I can't stop stalking, I'm addicted to it, once you start you can't stop.  I have had several law enforcement and legal matters to deal with in this area involving Allie Overstreet correction, I wanted to deal with because I'm a vindictive petty old coot.
I still have one legal matter to handle the morning of the 11th, and then I am off bill, you are always off...
RV News

It does appear that we are finally going to get an RV we, who, how what? -- a Thor Serrano 31V. 
The  bedroom in the back will be set up as a small film studio -- perfect size for the interviews yeah because thats been such a huge deal finding a room to interview people in.  I will install permanent lighting in the ceilng and a permanent backdrop you mean you will hire someone to install it, you can't do physical labor..  The side walls will have desk areas  built-in.
This particular model has much more storage space than most other models and thats good because its going to have to store you.  We have a lot of gear we?  All the voices in your head?, so this was a key factor in the decision what decision, are you buying this?.  It's a diesel built on an excellent chassis.  31-feet long.

I hope we can afford to paint it solid black ok, the "we" is starting to get creepy now, and then wrap it with our Lawless America road logo and messages Please Pass The Pie
I will have to head back to Atlanta with it to pack up the rest of the gear, set up the studio, and get it painted and wrapped.
This means I won 't do much filming before that is done ummm so what, you already have like 2000 hours worth of testimonies, how much do you need?.
Having the RV set up as a permanent studio will make me far more productive nope, you will still never accomplish anything, and it will make the work much easier on me.  For 200+ days, I unpacked the Jeep every morning, set up, tore down, and loaded the Jeep the next morning as I then headed to the next stop.  That's at least an hour of work every day, and a lot of lifting and carrying some relatively heavy stuff.  All of that will basically be a thing of the past.  Most interviews will be done in the RV, so I can drive right up to someone's house, interview them, and drive off an hour later. So in short, this RV will help me put on another 100 pounds as I plan to cut all physical exertion out of my life (it was my new years resolution)
This will make it simple to do location filming as well, because everything is always in the RV.  So, we go to a location, remove a camera, microphones, and anything else we need, and film I wont even have to roll out of bed.
Inside the mobile studio, we will have multiple computers operating so I can monitor the Joey's all day long, so we can convert film to video all the time I'm going for the guineas world record of youtube videos.  With our piece of equipment that turns the RV into a Wi-Fi hotspot, we can also be doing email blasts to victims, the media, and more as we drive or when we are filming so sort of like a mobile 24/7 terrorist command post.  We'll have a printer, copier, and high-speed scanner but I dont know how to connect the cables to them, so we can load 50 sheets at a time into the scanner and scan the evidence that victims bring some trees were harmed in the making of this sentence.
If all goes as planned and it never has (and I have been to the altar twice before on an RV only to be left alone there) well maybe you should go to an RV dealer instead of an alter, the RV will be ready either Friday or Monday.  I will probably go to Illinois to film as planned, then get the RV, and head to Atlanta.  I hope the work there will take no more than a week, and then I will be off for two to three months or 4 or 5 or hell why would I ever come back to reality?.
I am planning to travel alone I think that is one plan you can count on.  I don't know how comfortable I would be cooped up in a small space for a long time with one or more others thats why I prefer the lot lizards, once you are done with them you can kick them out.  But on the other hand, I could accomplish at least twice as much if someone was with me no, with another person you could acomplish 700X's as much.  So I'm going to think about this some more if you would like to apply, please send me pictures of you in your evening wear.  If you would like to be considered as driver and assistant you might want to turn off the shake assist option if you do drive it, please email me with TAKE ME FOR A RIDE sometimes I don't even have to say a word do I Bill, you make it a joke yourself in all caps in the Subject line."

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

In The End, Everything Was Dismissed

Late yesterday afternoon in a court room in Lexington Missouri, Judge John Frerking decided to toss out all motions except the one to dismiss the case.  After its all said and done the only thing that mattered was any evidence that directly related to a threat of physical harm.  Bill most definitely used the internet to threaten those that dislike him, but he was not specific with his threat and therefore skates by on that technicality.  Bill's motion for a protective order against Allie was also tossed on the same grounds, meaning they fought to a draw in Lexington.

I figured that the Judge would grant the PO just on principle alone after having to review all the voluminous and frivolous filings that Bill made in this case, in fact I thought the Judge might want a PO himself from ever having to read another filing of Bill's.  It turned out that Bills vexatious litigant approach may have paid off as the Judge refused to read any of it, including Allie's filings except for things that directly related to the statue needed in this case.  In short, Judge John Frerking decided to wash his hands clean from the entire circus and just focus on the specific letter of the law.

Even though this would be one of the thousands of judges across the Nation that Bill wants executed for treason, Judge John Frerking proved exactly why Bill's movement is a complete scam and waste of time.  Generally speaking, judges do adhere to the letter of the law and are not a respector of persons.  There are, certainly, cases out there where judges deviate from the letter of the law and inside the family court system, where just about everything is a gray area, its even more so.  But yesterday, Bill unintentionally highlighted exactly why the entire premise for Lawless America is wrong and doomed to fail.

But, as I pointed out from day one, this was never about the actual court case itself, this was a publicity stunt by Bill aimed at trying to give a shot in the arm to his struggling movement. Bill and the lemmings were on such a high from him "winning his trial" that the comments and activity spiked on Lawless America, including the calls for more funding for Bill.  Just like Hitler torching the Reichstag, Bill had manipulated his own little scam and used it to fire up his troops.

The online euphoria is in direct contrast to the 4 goons that made the trip out there with Bill. They spent hundreds of dollars to go all the way out there just to watch Bill's crazy antics.  Their facial expression says it all.  This is what it looks like when Bill's followers see him for what he is in the real world:

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, well this one is worth several thousand.

Bill will try and parley his big "win" into synergy for this pointless road trip.  But just like the euphoria after his made up award in DC, this will all wear off quickly as the reality of the situation sinks back in that he has nothing but a revolving group of followers.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Just Like in DC, Bill will be Exposed as the Loser He is Monday

Its all fun and games as the lonely old fat man hides out deep in his basement, posting away and attempting to control his own version of reality.  But like we saw in DC, where Bill has to actually show up for a big event, reality takes over and he is exposed.  This will happen Monday in Missouri.  Bill will do what he has done his entire life...he will lose.  Allie will get her protective order and he will get either a strong admonishment from the judge, or he may even earn contempt of court.  Either way you slice it, the court will act just like his own family has done and deny his request.

I'm sure he already has a scheme to spin his looming failure into some kind of "not guilty" verdict of a crime he wasn't charged with.  This will work on his especially stupid followers, but his exposure will cost him many others.  He will probably be able to swing a few especially koolaid drunk followers out to Lexington to stand with him.  None of this will matter as Allie will prevail and he will be dealt another blow, both legally and in the PR world.

Obviously then the question is what will he do then?  Go back to driving around to any state he can find to get new followers to swear their allegiance to his greatness?  Will he spend that time trying to track down his "haters" that law enforcement doesn't seem interested in listening too?  Will he go back and start to work on his grand jury stunt which is less than a month away now?  Whatever he choses to do, it will be stupid and ultimately fail.  For Bill Windsor, there is no other option.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Bitler Update

So Bill files a protective order against Allie

He says he rejected a contract from an agent, and now he has no options for the show/movie (possibly because he doesn't have a show/movie)

He claims to now have 100 affidavits in his "trail" against Allie, all of the un-notarized filings have a certain date with a wastepaper basket  (some tress were harmed in the making of this stunt)

Move over Bangledeshians....Lawless jumped 5,000 likes in one night and Bill is blaming it on the Russians.  Someone better tell Billy boy that you best avoid stiffing the Russians like he did the Indians, the mafia guys over there will take that pie off you one way or the other.

He blames the 5K Russian increase on Facebook.  Is this the new Cold War?

Asks for more donations before his new filming trip and then lays out his locations for Lawless America 2.0 (most of the places he has announced he plans to visit are locations thought to be were some of his "haters" reside)

But most of all he continues to harass Allie and the courts as prepare for his hearing in Missouri.  Bill does not miss a chance to take as many personal shots at Allie as he can in his filings (no matter how off-topic).  He even goes right in to her custody case as he tries to re-open those wounds and gladly offers help to her ex simply out of spite.  I really don't see any evidence of anything human left in the obese carcass legally known as William M. Windsor.

Monday, April 1, 2013

The Lawless Shipmates Are Getting Restless

They may have been mildly amused at first, but as Bill continues to spend all this time going after his made up haters, some of the followers are growing tired of the never ending tail-chasing Bill is engaged in.  They signed up for a movie, or a cause they thought was about changing the legal system.  Instead, it seems they are followers of an old man who happens to be a drama king.

Now Bill prepares to go back on the road for what he calls filming, but it really looks like an escape from his local problems with Maid of the Mist and a scouting trip to go do research on his "haters".  No more talkshoe lectures, haven't even heard much about the little citizen grand jury stunt and certainly no word on his fake movie.  They are starting to feel that they are hopelessly adrift at sea, and the only movement seems to be from the daily wind direction and nothing more.  You can start to see their frustrations coming out in the comments to Bill:

Sharon Anderson Why Promote adverse Hate Group Sorry delete I have more important Issues to Advocate4Bill

Naomi Gutierrez I agree. Hate groups should be ignored. Giving them attention fuels the fire. I have something more constructive one can do right here: Please Sign

Stephanie Lynn Bill I trust you... So.... Did you threaten to go to her hearing for her daughter? And work with her ex? And publish the address of her children? I know you have never threatened anyone with a gun. You stated a while back you bought one for protection because you were being threatened. But you never threatened anyone.

Rebecca Potter Please folks, understand the dance of the dysfunctional!!!! They always use threats, lies, intimidation and false scandals and false statements to divert the real truth. This is the dance of the psychopath. Psychopaths always unite to distort the individual who unmasks them. This is why so many who are fighting the "Crazy Courts" are targeted by the psychopaths in and out of the system.

Darin Karl I have been reading Lawless America posts the past couple of weeks, trying to follow along. 
I do have one question, Bill. Do you really think its a safe option to confront your haters at their own residences?

Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Joey's Are Coming!!!

Billy is coming after the joey's, and he means business.  He has already filed suit against us in a Collin County court.  Why Collin County?  I have zero clue, but I guess if you want to bring a lawsuit against a bunch of baby kangaroos and accuse them of sending out likenesses of you over the internet....Colin County is just as crazy as anywhere else I guess.  Ohh I can't wait to see the paperwork he filed on this one.

btw is "the joeys" the best you noobies can come up with to call us?  I liked gangsters better.

Lawless America Pat, these Joey Jokers think we should believe anything they say as true? Isacsam has libeled me again...right here for all to see. I am suing the Joeys in Collin County, Texas. I am also attempting to get law enforcement to pursue criminal charges due to violation of Title 7, section 33.07 of the Texas Penal Code. Sec. 33.07. ONLINE IMPERSONATION. (a) A person commits an offense if the person, without obtaining the other person's consent and with the intent to harm, defraud, intimidate, or threaten any person, uses the name or persona of another person to:
1) create a web page on a commercial social networking site or other Internet website; or

(2) post or send one or more messages on or through a commercial social networking site or other Internet website, other than on or through an electronic mail program or message board program.

(b) A person commits an offense if the person sends an electronic mail, instant message, text message, or similar communication that references a name, domain address, phone number, or other item of identifying information belonging to any person:

(1) without obtaining the other person's consent;

(2) with the intent to cause a recipient of the communication to reasonably believe that the other person authorized or transmitted the communication; and

(3) with the intent to harm or defraud any person.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Total Dram King

He just can't stop with his Allie thing:


Unfortunately, most of my time has been spent preparing for my "trial" as a would-be serial killer scheduled for April 8, 2013 in Lexington, Missour I guess if you went down to fight a traffic ticket you would say you are standing trial for capital punishment?i. I have filed motions and my vexatious black blood was really running at this point requesting to film and audio record and broadcast the hearing LIVE the circus is in town; for a court reporter and my own court reporter you know, one to actually record what was said and then another to record what I say happened; to allow affidavits to be presented in lieu of live testimony or, in the alternative, depositions or testimony by telephone; for a jury trial thats all fine and dandy except for that little fact that its NOT A TRIAL; for accelerated discovery anything but slow an methodical. I have also filed a counter-complaint against Allie L. Overstreet citing eight crimes committed I don't want anyone to forget how vexatious I really am. This photo is Lafayette Hall in Lexington, Missouri, where my hearing will be.

I still cannot access I've spent hours on the phone with GoDaddy, Enom, and AT&T and up to 5 minutes actually talking to them. I can't update the site, as I can't access it just in case you haven't caught on by now I'm not too bright. Once I can access it, I will post everything that I have filed it will almost feel like I filed them again....ohhh what a rush.

Thanks so much to the many people who have sent affidavits to be presented to the court you are all now my legal bitches. I've received approximately 40 so far. Six people have confirmed that they are coming to the hearing in Lexington, Missouri. If you can, Meet Me in Missouri lets make an event out of it.

I will be sending out news releases to all the media in Missouri you are never one to let a trash can get a day off are you?. Maybe some of them will show up to cover the "trial"heh notice how I put "" around trial, oh you didn't notice good little lemmings of a disowned grandpa  accused of being a would-be serial killer ummm no, accused of being a stalker which you are most definitely going to prove.

I hope I can squeeze out a day to go to Florida yeah isn't that just down the road from Missouri? to look at an RV before I head to Missouri you could probably look at an RV in Georgia Bill, they are all over the place and for you they are all the same...meaning you cant have one. I very badly want to have an RV that can be set up with a permanent film studio inside I'm going to call it The Fugitive. If I had such a set-up on the 241-day movie road trip, I would have saved at least 200 hours of set-up and tear-down and maybe you dumb lemmings might have a movie by now, not to mention all the carrying, loading, and unloading I'm fat and old, give me a break please. I also would have been able to stop anywhere along the route to film ummm I think you can do that with any vehicle that has brakes in it. Our second would-be RV provider appears to have fallen through, and I have no money, but I must figure out how to accomplish this buy a lottery ticket?.

I have to reschedule my film trip you mean the one no one understood why you scheduled in the first place? as soon as my status as a serial killer is resolved spoiler alert...I plead down to stallker. I hope to film a number of people on the way back to Georgia. I will probably go from Kansas City Missouri down to Dallas come get me Billy, Houston yappy is ready too, Biloxi and Gulfport Mississippi, Destin Florida, Birmingham Alabama, and back home in Atlanta. If you are anywhere near that route, please email with FILM TRIP in all caps in the subject line and I will be there to give you your life dream of filming yourself and uploading it to youtube.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Bully Bill Turns of the Heat With Intimidation, Judge Snooty Chimes in

Forget working on the fake movie, forget trying to help out in any of his followers personal cases, even forgot the fake grand jury stunt for the time being...the most important thing in America seems to be Bill stopping this restraining order against him.


This is where I will stand trial for allegedly buying a gun and threatening to use it on a group of people. Outrageous lie, but that's usually what courts are all about.

I'll be in Lexington, Missouri from April 4 to April 9.

Anyone who would like to be filmed should meet me in Lexington, Missouri. Email me at

So now if you want to be filmed, you have to show up to support my right to intimidate and harass others.  And by filming you, I mean I will film you along with everyone else as they protest on my behalf, because the first step in taking back our country starts with squashing a TRO in Lexington Missouri (I know, who would have thought).

Bill then goes on to not so subtlety intimidate Allie:
Lawless America I never threatened anyone. If there's any "evidence," it will be manufactured. I have a lot of exciting things in preparation....

Translation:  "just wait till you see what I have planned for you Allie"

And then the angels begin to sing from on high, the heavens open up and slowly descending down from the sky with her glasses pulled down to the tip of her nose is Judge Snooty aka Little Miss Cant be Wrong Sharon Kramer.  Good, now all things will be put in their proper order and everyone will finally be able to understand things once she sorts this out for us:

Sharon N. Kramer darlene kostelac hinman, while I agree w/your evalation that 2+2 does not equal five - meaning something doesn't add up here of how Bill suddenly became a vilian; the underlying problem is not that simple. Allie has every right in the world to make a video of what she perceives the courts are doing to harm her child. That is called a Constitutional right to freedom of speech. The courts have ZERO right to even threaten to remove her parental rights for speaking of it. is alot at stake here. It is the courts themselves that have caused this problem. Now that her videos are down, I fear the court will have a vested interest in going after Bill in an effort to cause all the videos come down. Wake up people. There is alot at stake here for everyone

Lawless America Sharon, there is no Constitutional right to libel, slander, and defame.

Sharon N. Kramer Lawless America Correct. You appear to be mixing apples and oranges of my statement. To my knowledge there is not evidence that Allie did not believe what she stated on video. That would be a right guaranteed under the Constitition, if that is a correct understanding. Conversely, it is not a Constitutionally guaranteed right to say and do some of the things I know she has said of you, that provably false. That would be slander and libel as I understand it.

There you have it, 2+2 does not equal 5, therefore Allie has every right to keep her LA videos up.  Thank God we have Judge Snooty here to clear up these complex issues.  Having her come in is kinda like Morgan Freeman coming in at the end of the movie to explain the plot to you.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Vexatious Bill Prepares for Court

So Billy is getting back to his roots, the thing he does best.....tie up a court room with frivolous motions and filings.  After all, this is his calling card.  Over the weekend, over 1,600 people received a surprise email from Billy.  Many of them might have thought they were finally going to get an update on this movie they thought they filmed for.  Nope, its a pleading from Bill to anyone who will listen to perjure themselves on behalf of Bill.  And you would figure the stakes must be pretty high for him to take a step such as this, right?  Well no its just for the temporary restraining order filed by Allie.  Ohhhh, so who cares?  Most of the nomral people would ask.  Well apparently its life or death for Billy and his lemmings and they have sent out a rally around the pie call all across the lawless nation.

Here is the avidavit Bill sent out pleading with his followers to fill it out:

I am writing to ask a personal favor.  There are a lot of people trying to interfere with Lawless America...The Movie.  I anticipate that I will be in court many times.  I definitely will be in court on April 8, and I am emailing to ask you to send me an affidavit for use at that time.

You may have read on Facebook that I experienced a first in my 64 1/2 years this week.

At 10 pm on March 20, 2013, a sheriff appeared at our front door.  I was served with an Adult Abuse/Stalking Ex Parte Order of Protection.

This is the first time I have ever had the police come to see me or indicate that I might have ever done anything illegal (other than traffic tickets) in my entire life.  I have never been arrested, charged with, or convicted of a crime.  I have never been in a jail or prison except as a visitor.  I haven't even had a traffic ticket or parking ticket in over 12 years.

The complaints against me by Allie Overstreet include that I have "bought a gun for use on a group of people."  She has made one lie after another under penalty of perjury.

The complaint against me is attached.  I also enclose a format that you can use for an affidavit, if you choose to provide one.  I have heard that Sean Boushie (the original stalker) is planning to be there to testify for Allie.  Two liars against one honest man can be devastating.  I don’t know that anyone will come to be there to testify for me, so I thought affidavits would be the next best thing.

If you want to provide an affidavit, please revise the template that I have provided to be in your words and address whatever you know about or feel.  Feel free to express your thoughts on whether I go around threatening people with a gun, what I do to help children and families, what you have read on the website or Facebook about threats against me, and anything else.

If possible, get the affidavit notarized.  If that’s a problem, just sign it and forget the notary page.  Please mail to: Bill Windsor, 3924 Lower Roswell Road, Marietta, GA 30068.  I will be leaving for Missouri as early as April 2, so please handle this right away.

If you have a scanner, I would also appreciate a scanned copy by email.  Please email to

If you are anywhere near Lexington, Missouri on Monday April 8, 2013 at 1 pm, please join me in Courtroom B of the Circuit Court of Lafayette County.

Thank you for your consideration,


CASE NO. 13LF-CV00289

Allie L. Overstreet                               §        IN THE CIRCUIT COURT
          Plaintiff                                     §
v.                                                       §        15TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT
William M. Windsor                            §
Defendant                                 §        LAFAYETTE COUNTY, MISSOURI

I, _______________________________________, the undersigned, hereby declare under penalty of perjury:
I am over the age of 21, am competent to testify, and have personal knowledge of the matters stated herein.  I provide his affidavit to be used in this matter and in any other legal proceeding.
I have been actively involved with William M. Windsor (“Mr. Windsor”) and Lawless America.
Lawless America’s website shows that it is a news outlet – magazine, radio, TV, and documentary films.  I believe Mr. Windsor has been involved in the media for most of his business career.
I have known Mr. Windsor since approximately ______________.
I know Allie L. Overstreet (“Allie”) through our involvement with Mr. Windsor and Lawless America.
I have read the complaint filed against William M. Windsor by Allie L. Overstreet.
I read the website, read the Lawless America and Bill Windsor Facebook pages, listen to the Lawless America TalkShoe online radio show, and I have been at events with Mr. Windsor.
I have never seen or heard anything from Mr. Windsor that in any way would be classified as “stalking” parents.
Mr. Windsor has informed me and others that he purchased a gun for protection.  I have read threats against Mr. Windsor that have been posted on Facebook and reported online.  I have never read or heard anything from Mr. Windsor that would be considered bragging about a gun.
Based upon my knowledge of the Lawless America and Bill Windsor Facebook pages, listen to the Lawless America TalkShoe online radio show, and events I have attended with Mr. Windsor, he has never threatened Allie L. Overstreet or anyone else.  Mr. Windsor has regularly made it clear that he and Lawless America are non-violent.
Mr. Windsor has stated online that Allie is a liar, and I know that she has lied as well.
Mr. Windsor did not “threaten” to show up at Allie L. Overstreet’s April 1 hearing, he simply said he was going to go there and try to film.  Mr. Windsor has expressed that he now knows that Allie is a liar, and he feels the court needs to know it.  Mr. Windsor has made it very clear to everyone that he has zero tolerance for liars.  One of his primary objectives with Lawless America…The Movie is to expose liars all over America, liars who have lied in court to cheat the opposing party.
Mr. Windsor has not asked me to stalk Allie, and I do not believe he would ever ask anyone to stalk another.  Mr. Windsor is the victim of terrible harassment and stalking.
I have read the Lawless America website very carefully, and Mr. Windsor has never published that he has bought a gun for use on a group of people.  I believe this is a horrible case of perjury by Allie in an effort to smear Mr. Windsor’s name and attempt to get him in trouble for something he never did.  I believe Mr. Windsor is way too smart and way too decent to ever threaten anyone with a gun.
I have never seen anything published by Mr. Windsor to show Allie’s kids address. 

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed this _____ day of March 2013.


   (Printed Name)


   Personally appeared before me, the undersigned Notary Public duly authorized to administer oaths, ______________________________, who after being duly sworn deposes and states that she is authorized to make this verification on behalf of herself and that the facts alleged in the foregoing VERIFIED COMPLAINT are true and correct based upon her personal knowledge, except as to the matters herein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters she believes them to be true.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct based upon my personal knowledge.
This ______ day of _________________, 2013.


Sworn and subscribed before me this _______ day of ______________, 2013.
