Showing posts with label terrorist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label terrorist. Show all posts

Saturday, May 11, 2013

David Schied Announces Lawless America Failure

First, I would like to thank Life in Pierce County for finding this little nugget.  This is the most intellectually complete summation of Bill you can find (keep your dictionary handy)

So Schied sent out a secret email to all the Lawless America operatives, and unlike Bill, he doesn't mix words.

Sent: Sun, May 5, 2013 2:27 PM PDT
Subject: ** PLEASE READ VIP **

We would like to hold online workshops in order to empower you all:

-Assist in the composition of your letters to officials
-Obtaining updated video testimonies
-Submitting proposed legislation
-Effective lobbist effort in Lansing
-Coordinating our next state meeting
-Teaching how to download and burn your stories from YouTube
-Assist in teaching how to submit stories on public access
-Assist in raising awareness using news outlets of your individual cases
-Creating a distribution ad slick for "your" personal, state, and national
-Creating and implemnttion of a television series
-Creating a virtiual support group

David Schied and Trish Kraus met with an institute this past Thursday and
will be having at thair disposal an entire pre/film/post production
resources in the beginning of the institutes next term including graphics
just to name a few of the supports they are offering.
The institute is very receptive of the content due to it being a private
institute. David and Trish have been asked to speak on a panel of an
audience of the entire student body.

***Each and everyone of US are critical in solving your problem because we
a HAVE to work together***

Please email your feed back to:

David Schied
Trish Kraus
Bill Windsor
Lawless America
Lawless America - Michigan

Please hit reply to all and they will get the message and GIVE THEM YOUR
FEEDBACK don't let your stories die just because it has been filmed

The next Michigan State Meeting is Saturday June 8th.

Lawless America (Michigan) Show is going to be made and each and everyone
of your testimonies are going to be incorporated into the television
series. This will entail picking people or groups of common victims and
building a back story of your cases and EXPOSING THE CORRUPTION!

Cheers & Thank You All!

Lawless America - Michigan

David is taking over in this email.  He is correct, there is a lack of interest mainly because how could anyone follow all of this with the daily antics of Bill and still know what they were supposed to do?  Forget the fake movie, David says its time to focus on a television show, and by that he means local public access channels (nothing to do with anything Bill is producing).  Even though Bill just said that the grand jury is his only remaining hope for justice, David is trashing the entire stunt.  David is pragmatic, he is trying to salvage what is left, but this puts him directly at odds with his despot in chief.  But he cannot escape the blood that Bill has put on his head.  He is directly responsible for Bill and his antics.  Continuing to hide in the corner will no longer work, the spotlight is now on him, what will he do?

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Windsor Continues His Stalking of Women

A very lonely, single and perverted old man by the name of Bill Windsor has now opened up his stalking list to include even more women.  This time the target is Elizabeth Hope Hernandez and he is heading to Biloxi Mississippi to carry out his terrorist operation.  Once again, his weapon of choice is paper terrorism through law enforcement and the judicial system.

Bill, once again, posts this woman's name, address, phone number and even includes a favorite place of dinning.  Bill vows to be at that place of business on May 11th.  He then sends a call out to his terrorist network, Lawless America, to help him in his serial stalking attempts:

"I ask anyone with any information on this person to please email me at Please put ELIZABETH HOPE HERNANDEZ in all caps in the subject line. I would greatly appreciate it if anyone who is friends with a private investigator would ask for a little free help. I am told that it is possible that this woman has a prison background in another state, but that has not been confirmed."

He then goes on to explain to his lemmings why they must continue to be patient and to aid and abet him in his immoral activity.

"Unfortunately, part of the story of this movie and two movies or videos to follow is the serial liars out to destroy any attempts to expose dishonesty and corruption. I wish it didn't involve me, but it does, and I will be investigating each of the major players, and I will do everything I can to get them exposed and incarcerated as well as sued up one side and down the other. One major lawsuit is already underway in Missouri."

Now, a couple of points as I consult my pathological liar to English dictionary.  It has long been speculated that the only reason he had Biloxi listed on his vacation schedule is because he was after EHH.  That speculation proved to be dead on accurate as he admits he never had any other reason to visit that city other than to stalk EHH.  The second point is..notice the terminology, he has to find a way to file a criminal charge against her.  And while he would love to "sue her up one side and down the other" it doesn't look like he will get that chance as no judge seems poised to let him get vexatious in Mississippi.

Friday, May 3, 2013

The Vexatious Litigant Rides Again

Apparently, District Judge Fernado Gaitan doesn't mind turning his court room into an all out circus freak show.  If Bozo the Clown isn't booked yet, he could call the court in to session, and I hear they are trying to get the Blue Man Group to perform the opening act.  Yes, that's right, a judge whom Bill would like to see executed (along with his peers) for treason, is willing to hear just how vexations Bill Windsor really is.  Bill filed a lawsuit, after being given permission, against Allie, Mark, and John Does 1-1000.

Bill rattles off 220 statements of facts...of course none of which can be independently verified.  Its mostly a redo of the counter claim he tried last month against Allie when she filed for a protective order.  Around 92% of it has nothing to do with Allie or Mark, but I guess that's why he adds John Does 1-???.  Think of this lawsuit as Bill Windsor vs. A Civil Society, because that's really what we are dealing with here.

Among the mis-statements of fact, we have a cameo of Judge Snooty as Bill offers her up as an "expert witness", I can only assume she got that title by wearing her glasses down to the tip of her nose.  Bill says he has never operated a scam, swindled anyone, tricked or cheated anyone out of their possessions, never had a parking ticket (wth?), is not sexually attacked to children, isn't a bigot, paid his taxes, is a grandpa, only been to jail as a visitor, didn't have women sitting on his lap, doesn't get nude with woman especially in a hot tub, didn't have sex with animals, did not solicit or accept any investments to Lawless America, doesn't drink alcohol, only cusses on Wednesdays (I just made that up, but it seems to fit), and is stalked and harassed to no end by these "stalkers".....who also (gulp) put out his personal information such as his home address and date of birth (you know stuff he posts himself).   And much much much.....more.

So you can continue to keep quiet and sit in the corner and work on your karate chopping Schied, Bill has better things to do than play with your imaginary friends all day no, forget all that stuff, he is getting back to his bread and butter of being a vexatious litigant, its better than a sugar rush from too much pie.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Billy Just Can't Leave Dollywood

His first stop on his latest vacation tour is Sevierville Tennessee.  He went there to support murder's rights and he just can't stop talking about it, nor can he bring himself to leave and move on to his next scam.

2013-05-01-tennessee-sevierville-wendi-robinson-neighborhood 3-200w
I am still in Sevierville Tennessee, the first of several stops in Tennessee.
I was on location on April 30 and May 1, 2013 filming background and witness interviews for the Jimmie Robinson story.
Sevier County Tennessee is a place where folks who live in houses like this won't get the same treatment by the police and courts as people who live in houses like this thats not exactly a luxury home there bill..compared say to your homes?...
2013-05-01-tennessee-sevierville-leah-hichs-brackins-home 1-200w 
How many people have the clout to get the First Baptist Church in their town to erect a monument to their deceased son right smack dab in the front of the historic church (originally built in 1789)? probably people that are members of that Church do, oh what a conspiracy  A woman who lives in this house did does she have a name?
How many folks have the clout to get the local newspaper to publish inaccurate stories I guess you don't, you have been trying for years in your home-town?  How many folks have the clout to get charges covered up accusing their son of sexual abuse? this sentence needs a re-write but the answer is no one

In Sevier County Tennessee, it seems the rich folks you mean rich like the ones in that little house, or rich as in someone who has two million dollar homes? get what they want in court and with the police, and the poor folks are denied justice. Rich folks' kids don't get arrested, but poor folks' kids do especially when they murder someone. It seems rich folks' sons can sexually abuse their children, but a falsely-accused poor folks' son goes straight to the slammer yes, most murders end up there.
The story of Jimmie Robinson is one of the system failing no, its a story of vigilante justice to do what it is supposed to do, and in this case, it resulted in the death of a young man murder, not the death of.  In my opinion which no one cares about, Sevier County killed Jason Hicks.  Jimmie Robinson admits that he pulled the trigger, but it was after he and his family did everything they could possibly do to protect a three-year-old boy from abuse by his biological father so take the law into your own hands, this is how you get your country back isn't it bill?.  I have interviewed witness after witness and have reviewed reports that would cause any honest person lets just say you are not very in tune with how an honest person would think to conclude that Jason Hicks was a sick man who was abusing his son mentally and sexually.
The local newspaper refuses to print the truth coming from you thats the best verification they could have.  I look forward to telling the real story too bad I'm not really making a movie.  
2013-05-01-tennessee-sevierville-courthouse-smoking-scene 14-200w
So you are in a trial a hearing. There is one witness against you, and he's an attorney and a liar so says you.  During a break from the trial hearing, the judge and the star witness for the prosecution are smoking together in an alcove beneath one of the entrances to the building.  The judge rules against you and sings the praises of the lying attorney.  How mad would you be in this case I would have expected it, there was no cause for a re-trial?  Wouldn't that be grounds for the judge to recuse himself and the judge's ruling to be vacated? no

That's exactly what happened at the hearing for a new trial hey, you just contradicted yourself in the case of Jimmie Robinson.  These are cigarette butts that I picked up from where Judge Richard Vance and attorney Bruce Poston were smoking did you contact CNN?.  Poston even bummed a cigarette off the judge oh wow, where there is smoke...there is...well smoking.  Now ex parte contact is a big no-no, but between the judge and the star witness in the middle of a trial HEARING remember?, I don't believe it gets any worse no it doesn't get much worse than Bill Windsor, American Terrorist.

And there's more no, there really isn't.  Star witness, lying attorney Bruce Poston, was also observed talking with other witnesses outside the courtroom after all witnesses were instructed that they could not discuss the case you mean after the HEARING was over and no one cares anymore?.

Mr. Hickman, Jimmie Robinson's court-appointed attorney, had better file a motion to get the judge disqualified and the order set aside or what, you gonna wait outside his home and murder him in cold blood?.  The ruling was an outrage to justice meaning justice was served.  I know; I was there, and I know the truth as always, thats the biggest lie you can tell about what happened and why.
It's Day 321 for Lawless America...The Movie and you are just as close to having a movie as you were on day 1.
A significant number of people are scheduled to be filmed in Sevierville, Knoxville, Jackson, and Memphis over the next few days, and I will be visiting four prisons to film stories fingers crossed that one gives you an extended stay.
Can you even believe that the State of Tennessee Prison System has decided it will not allow me into any of the prisons to film hell yeah I can?  I'm told it's for security reasons why would they want a domestic terrorist doing that?.  But others get to film inside thats because they play by the rules and ask for clearance like a year in advance.  It's clear to me that it's for the purpose of concealing as much as they can about the horrile INjustice in the state of Tennessee or its a prison, and they don't want some crazy perverted old man in their filming for his youtube clips.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Only Time for Just a Moment of Silence

With his marriage and last remaining connection to his family about to walk out the door forever, all Bill can muster is one day of silence.  "Due to the news that I have lost my family, I postponed today's scheduled filming until April 30, 2013."  No rushing back home to try and salvage his marriage of 44 years to the woman he promised to be with 'till death, no "lets work this out, I can change, give me another chance".

Nope, none of that, just a simple "I had to delay my youtube filming for a day, while I threw myself a pity party."  But don't worry, he won't wallow in his grief for long as it's back on the road today as he gets back to his bread and butter:  a lonely, perverted old man driving around the country and filming people to upload to his own personal youtube channel.  Yes, this is how he takes his country back.  Lawless America, and its support of terrorism and murder is back on the road and won't be deterred.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Lawless America Officially Endorses Murder

Just as I predicted the other day, Bill rides in to Sevierville in support of vigilante justice in the form of cold blooded murder.  He described the convicted killer as a "sweet 69-year-old".  He also left his million dollar home in Marietta Georgia to come up there and declare which officials were correct and which ones were corrupt including the defendant's own counsel.

Even though he calls for the complete abolishment of the CPS, he bases his entire argument on the findings of CPS in this particular case.  And as I said last time, that no longer is the issue anyway, the issue now is taking the law into your own hands.

Jimmy Robinson had a hearing yesterday to ask for a re-trial.  Even though he admitted to the murder and accepted the plea deal, he now feels he was wronged by the system and deserves a second chance.  He can count on the domestic terrorist group Lawless America and Bill Windsor for support in that endeavor.  But fortunately justice prevailed and he was denied a new trial.

So where are you David Schied?  Trish?  Judge Snooty?  Julia Fletcher?  PMA?  Naomi whatever your last name is this week?  I don't see anyone speaking out against this therefore you are in support of murder along with paper terrorism.  Silence is complicity.

"Lawless America spent April 26, 2013 at the Sevier County Courthouse for the hearing on a new trial for Jimmie Robinson. Bill Windsor arranged in advance to film the hearing. Gee, imagine my surprise when I arrived to set up and was told a local TV station had gotten permission instead of me. Then imagine my surprise when there was no TV station. I believe this corrupt courthouse didn't want to be exposed on film. I was allowed to take still photos. This is a long story, but sweet 69-year-old Jimmie Robinson was denied a new trial. Another TRAVESTY of the so-called justice system. Jimmie Robinson's attorney, Mr. Poston, was incompetent, in my opinion. He was most certainly ineffective, and that was the criteria by which Jimmie should have been given a new trial. Mr. Poston pressured Jimmie into accepting a 17 1/2 year prison sentence at the age of 67 -- what amounts to a life sentence. Jimmie was not told about possible defenses. Mr. Poston wanted his family to lie and claim daughter Wendi did it. He never interviewed a single witness. He lied on the witness stand today claiming he was told that the CPS worker who knew the biological father was a pedophile and more was not credible as she was fired and was a criminal -- none of which was true. Poston sat at the attorney's table with the prosecuting attorney! When Judge Richard Vance gave his opinion, he sang the praises of Poston. I believe Judge Richard Vance is a corrupt judge. This was an outrage. If "the system" had worked properly, this crime would have never happened. The biological father would be in prison for sexual abuse of his little boy. When it was clear that the Sevier County Courts were going to allow the pedophile to get unrestricted access to his victim, Jimmie snapped. He shot the biological father to protect his grandson. Jimmie was denied a jury trial. Poston indicated that the little boy (age 6) didn't matter. It was obvious to me that he didn't matter to Judge Richard Vance. Absolutely sickening."

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Domestic Terrorist Windsor rats out the USA to Al Jazeera, Visits Jefferson's Grave in Missouri

Last night on his talkshoe show, Bill admitted that he has sought out foreign media to cover his complaints about the United States Government including the Al Jazeera network.  Should we convene our own made up citizen grand jury and convict him of treason, punishable by death?  Well, by his own words, he should be, in fact it would be our patriotic obligation to do so, according to his own standards.  His number two, David Schied, agreed with reaching out to the foreign press and called for our Country to revert back to common law.

Bill then said he went to Columbia Missouri to film the "most important" Founding Father Thomas Jefferson at his grave site to see if he is in fact rolling over in his grave.  Bill said that he couldn't hear Jefferson actually rolling over in his grave, but he saw steam coming up from the ground implying that TJ was steaming mad.  One little problem with all of this is that Jefferson was buried at his place in Monticello Virginia.  The Jefferson Institute decided to move his gravestone to Columbia in an effort to preserve it.  Complete incompetence hasn't seemed to stop Bill yet, so I guess this incontinent truth won't deter him either.  But I have to wonder about Schied as he tries to play academic at a local college, is he fine with being directly associated with, and ruled by, someone so completely clueless about even the basics of American history?

Other notes to come out of the meeting is that he got the RV off an elderly gentlemen who I guess could no longer operate it (since Bill can't operate it either I guess we should qualify Bill as elderly as well).  Bill plans to be on the road (in his jeep) for 3 months on this new tour while he films certain places.  He kicks off the vacation by going to Dollywood Thursday.

The big surprise for us haters is that he may get a Federal Judge to allow him to file civil cases on those that he considers stalkers.

They still plan to carry out the citizen grand jury stunt, now in june, but with Bill out on the road it looks to be completely coordinated and run by David.  I'm wondering if paper terrorism will look good on his educator resume?  Schied also claims to be working with a congressman who wants him to help right a new grand jury related law.  He wont say who or what though.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Hypocrisy in Action

Thanks to commenter "attorney" for updating us on Bill's Maid of the Mist proceedings.  In that update we have learned that Bill's wife Barbara forked over $100,000 to avoid discovery on her end.  In effect, this is her way of settling the issue at least as it relates to her.

This raises another issue, all along Bill has portrayed this as a fight against the corrupt courts who he said illegally ruled against him and took all his money and his rights away.  The entire premise of this movement is to not give in to the courts and bow to their wishes and instead fight them in the court of public opinion as well as attacking them with paper terrorism.  Well, while he is out and about stalking and harassing Allie in Missouri, his wife is, in effect, settling his big case back in Georgia, the very one that this entire movement was supposedly founded on (at least it was his driving force behind the movement).  Do as I say, not as I do is the classic mantra here as this man is leading a crusade to fight the judicial system while settling and bowing to them in private.

While Bill is out there on his never ending vacation, taking crotch pics of superman
stalking single mothers by doing drive-bys at their home, and consummating himself with an RV, David Schied is working behind the scenes to take over the movement.  David and Trish Krauss are working diligently to organize and assemble this citizen grand jury stunt and beyond.  It involves competency, foresight  leadership, and discipline, attributes that Bill does not posses.  It is clear that they are growing tired of their feckless dictator and its only a matter of time before these two
become fed up with playing Bill's silly games, and overthrow pie man once and for all.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

So Who is This David Schied?

As the terrorist network know as Lawless America enters its new phase of mock citizen grand juries, David Schied, whom Windsor calls the new #2, seems to be the main operative.  David understands the illegal course that they are on and wants to keep most of their plans quiet, so no more 3 hour talkshoe lectures from Bill.  But how did he get here?  Lets look at his story, and in it we will see the startling similarities between he and Bill as two men that can not accept the consequences of their actions, causing them both to become delusional and mentally insane as the fall deeper and deeper into conspiracy realm.

David's story starts in Montana where he was born (I think we can just about account for the entire population of the State by now in this Lawless saga).  He moved to Texas (check that one off too) and his life was changed on December 14, 1977 when a jury of his peers in the 183rd District Court in Harris County found him guilty of aggravated robbery and handed him a 10 year prison sentence.

The State of Texas showed him mercy as he was granted probation in 1979 and given a full pardon from the Governor in 1983 which included restoration of his Constitutional rights.  The United States Government gave David, as he puts it, a second chance on life, a decision they would no doubt come to regret. 

David went on to earn two degrees as he graduated with honors from USC.  He, like Bill, pursued a career in Hollywood but never made anything more than just a stunt double on a kids television show.  David became an accomplished black belt in karate.  David then says, "long story short, in 2000 I became married with a child".  He researched best places to raise a family and from that, decided on a small down near Ann Arbor Michigan. 

He was hired on at the local school district to be a special education teacher.  Shortly after his hiring he got into a dispute with the district over his salary level.  This triggered an intense background search on him and that is when the district discovered his felony conviction in Texas.  He was immediately terminated.  

Schied fought this terminated all the way up the latter in the court system.  He contends that his full pardon should erase his conviction.  But his argument failed every single time because he noted and signed a piece of paper from the district that specificly asked "have you ever been convicted of any crimes".  He simply signed it "no".  The courts ruled that while his full rights were restored, it never erased the act itself and therefore he lied on this application and his termination was valid.

Instead of owning up to his past, as well as his less than forthcoming disclosure to the district, David has made it his life crusade to fight the court system for this terrible injustice done to him.  Like Bill, he originally used attorneys to argue his side, but now goes only pro se as he claims they are all corrupt and part of the conspiracy.  David just wants to:  "bring these issues before a civil JURY or to be delivered to a GRAND JURY for criminal indictments against these government officials."

David even tried to take his beef to the ACLU, but they wouldn't help him because, according to him, he was a white male.

Today, David's rhetoric matches exactly with Bill's.  Both are full grown children who can't accept no and continue to act out until they get a different answer.  They are both hell bent on destroying our government and our way of life because they simply can't own up to their own failures.  Schied is a major threat, not only to society, but to Bill himself.  He is superior to Bill in every category, and when the time is right he will topple Bill and take over the movement for his own.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Terrorist Bill Windsor Increases His Stalking of Allie

Fresh off his "victory" in the court room yesterday, Billy decided to show everyone just how petty and vindictive he really is.  He couldn't just leave, he couldn't just let it go and move on with his pathetic life, he has to rub it in.  To continue to stalk and harass a single mother is just to good to pass up for Windsor.  This is what he posted just a short time ago:

Following the trial when Allie Overstreet was shown to have committed perjury, Judge John Frerking directed Bill Windsor to present his charges to the Sheriff of Lancaster County. And so he did, and the Sheriff's Deputy directed Bill to fi...le some of then charges with the Higginsville Police Department. So, Bill traveled to the rural town of Higginsville, saw the police, drove quickly by Allie Overstreet's house, and snapped a few shots around town.See More
— in Higginsville, MO.
And yes, he included a pic of Allie's home.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

In The End, Everything Was Dismissed

Late yesterday afternoon in a court room in Lexington Missouri, Judge John Frerking decided to toss out all motions except the one to dismiss the case.  After its all said and done the only thing that mattered was any evidence that directly related to a threat of physical harm.  Bill most definitely used the internet to threaten those that dislike him, but he was not specific with his threat and therefore skates by on that technicality.  Bill's motion for a protective order against Allie was also tossed on the same grounds, meaning they fought to a draw in Lexington.

I figured that the Judge would grant the PO just on principle alone after having to review all the voluminous and frivolous filings that Bill made in this case, in fact I thought the Judge might want a PO himself from ever having to read another filing of Bill's.  It turned out that Bills vexatious litigant approach may have paid off as the Judge refused to read any of it, including Allie's filings except for things that directly related to the statue needed in this case.  In short, Judge John Frerking decided to wash his hands clean from the entire circus and just focus on the specific letter of the law.

Even though this would be one of the thousands of judges across the Nation that Bill wants executed for treason, Judge John Frerking proved exactly why Bill's movement is a complete scam and waste of time.  Generally speaking, judges do adhere to the letter of the law and are not a respector of persons.  There are, certainly, cases out there where judges deviate from the letter of the law and inside the family court system, where just about everything is a gray area, its even more so.  But yesterday, Bill unintentionally highlighted exactly why the entire premise for Lawless America is wrong and doomed to fail.

But, as I pointed out from day one, this was never about the actual court case itself, this was a publicity stunt by Bill aimed at trying to give a shot in the arm to his struggling movement. Bill and the lemmings were on such a high from him "winning his trial" that the comments and activity spiked on Lawless America, including the calls for more funding for Bill.  Just like Hitler torching the Reichstag, Bill had manipulated his own little scam and used it to fire up his troops.

The online euphoria is in direct contrast to the 4 goons that made the trip out there with Bill. They spent hundreds of dollars to go all the way out there just to watch Bill's crazy antics.  Their facial expression says it all.  This is what it looks like when Bill's followers see him for what he is in the real world:

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, well this one is worth several thousand.

Bill will try and parley his big "win" into synergy for this pointless road trip.  But just like the euphoria after his made up award in DC, this will all wear off quickly as the reality of the situation sinks back in that he has nothing but a revolving group of followers.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Showdown in the Show Me State

Its ironic that Bill will be in the Show-Me-State today.  After all his wild claims, today he must show the evidence to back up his assertions.  The evidence is never on Bill's side.  He must feel like a 1.2 career gpa student going in to a final just never goes well.  Its all but certain that he will lose his "trial" today in Lexington Missouri.  But what will happen after his loss?

We learned last night that David Shied and several others are going to be with him today in Lexington.  That will mean several domestic terrorist will be in the court room today and, at lest for a while, be under the direct jurisdiction of a judge.  They will discredit the ruling as soon as they exit the building.  They will call the judge unfit to hold his position and void his ruling as such.

This is all an attack, not against Allie, but against our judicial system.  They don't want to reform it, they want to destroy it.  This is precisely why they are terrorist and enemies of all patriotic Americans.  We can all agree that our system isn't perfect and needs to be reformed.  But anarchy and mob rule are the ideas of those that hate this Country and our way of life.  Windsor and Shied want to take every opportunity they can to discredit our judicial system and thumb their noses at its authority.  That is why its critical that we continue to stand up against these enemies of the State and defeat them before they destroy us all.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Round America Version 3.0 Begins

You could almost hear a certain jeep in Marietta (with its axle slanted to the left) moan as Bill waddled out and got inside to start another pointless road trip.  Windsor has run out of followers and now he must embark on another trip to trick new people into liking him on facebook and following his never ending drama with messiah-like worship.  In exchange for their unquestioned loyalty, Bill will record whatever they want to say and upload it to youtube, a great deal indeed.

Also, this trip will have a duel purpose of intimidating Bill's "haters".  He wants to stalk his "stalkers" as he drives around their homes filming whatever he can. 

But what his trip really about, is a chance to feel like his has some sort of family.  Being home alone is not much fun for today's narcissists.  Bill just wants people to listen to him again.  He needs more hero worship.  That's why he can't stop pointing out how many miles and days he has spent on the road as some sort of public servant hero.  The "haters" seem to out number the lemmings at this point, and Bill is determined to change that.  He will follow his pie hole wherever it takes him, but we can be sure he won't spare any details (with plenty of lies mixed in) as he chronicles his road show.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Bitler Update

So Bill files a protective order against Allie

He says he rejected a contract from an agent, and now he has no options for the show/movie (possibly because he doesn't have a show/movie)

He claims to now have 100 affidavits in his "trail" against Allie, all of the un-notarized filings have a certain date with a wastepaper basket  (some tress were harmed in the making of this stunt)

Move over Bangledeshians....Lawless jumped 5,000 likes in one night and Bill is blaming it on the Russians.  Someone better tell Billy boy that you best avoid stiffing the Russians like he did the Indians, the mafia guys over there will take that pie off you one way or the other.

He blames the 5K Russian increase on Facebook.  Is this the new Cold War?

Asks for more donations before his new filming trip and then lays out his locations for Lawless America 2.0 (most of the places he has announced he plans to visit are locations thought to be were some of his "haters" reside)

But most of all he continues to harass Allie and the courts as prepare for his hearing in Missouri.  Bill does not miss a chance to take as many personal shots at Allie as he can in his filings (no matter how off-topic).  He even goes right in to her custody case as he tries to re-open those wounds and gladly offers help to her ex simply out of spite.  I really don't see any evidence of anything human left in the obese carcass legally known as William M. Windsor.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Billy Calls In Judge Snooty For Backup

As Bill continues to create drama and clog up the legal system in Missouri, his fellow co-conspirator Sharon Kramer descends from on high once again to deliver her unique brand of ignorance and condescension to the confused Lawless followers.

So with the backdrop of Bill mentioning this:

"My Motion for Continuance to obtain discovery was deniedMy Motion to Vacate the Order of Protection was denied.  My Motion to Film the proceedings was denied.  My Request for a Jury Trial was denied.  Other than that, I'm doing great. "

-Hmmm, maybe you are not quite the attorney you thought you were huh Billy?  If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result...well call him insane because he sure isn't going to stop or even change course.

Then, cue the angels singing as here come Jude Snooty (glasses pulled down) to report to bill what us "haters" have been saying about her Fuhrer:

Sharon Noonan Kramer Bill and All, 

This appears to be very telling. It seems that some of those who are attacking Bill have stated they are motivated to stop people who have exposed corruption in the courts from being able to succeed. They have stated they are here to support the government.

#1. First poster defending Bill and discussing that one has to stand up to corrupt courts: "Anonymous March 31, 2013 at 8:29 AM Get a grip on reality. PLEASE. Stand up for your self and be willing to do jail time for what you believe is RIGHT. If your court order is ILLEGAL ......BREAK IT..... what keeps you in bondage. Seems to me, that few and far between have the back bone to change the corruption. Bill Windsor can NOT fix everything. Your eyes are on the wrong person.......only JESUS can fix this problem. If the Judge and Attorney's are your own Attorney. IF your cause is not worth Jail or Dieing for..........Lay it down and shut up."

#2. A primary attacker of Bill, stating their motivation: Ginger SnapMarch 31, 2013 at 9:09 AM "Stand up for your self and be willing to do jail time for what you believe is RIGHT. If your court order is ILLEGAL ......BREAK IT..... what keeps you in bondage.' This is why you are my enemy. You are a terrorist, like Bill. You want to destroy the fabric of our society because you can't win in your own little cases. I'm standing up for our government against those like you....yes its not perfect and it does need reforming but blowing it up is not the answer. Self-centered anarchists like you and Bill are a clear and present danger to our way of life. I certainly hope you get a chance to do some of that jail time you are advocating for, one more of you people off the street is a win for society."

#3. The group think of the attackers: NinjaMarch 31, 2013 at 10:27 AM "Ditto Ginger!! That Anon right there, is proof positive they feed off anger, vengeance, and control. They will DO WHATEVER it takes, to control the situations, even BREAK LAWS. Bill has taught them well."

Lawless America Sharon, those nuts aren't worth a second's thought. They are terminally impaired.

-but somehow you have given us way more than just a second thought haven't you Billy boy, with our 24-hours a day website?

Sharon Noonan Kramer Lawless America, Right. I was just trying to understand their motivation for this wrath. As is stated above. "This is why you are my enemy. You are a terrorist, like Bill. You want to destroy the fabric of our society because you can't win in your own little cases. I'm standing up for our government against those like you." CLEARLY this is not just an attack on Bill. Its a heinous attack to stop court corruption from coming to public light.

-thats right you better explain yourself a little better and kiss the ring, your rhetoric is starting to wander.

Lawless America Sharon, I believe it's much simpler. I believe it's jealousy by people who wish they were in charge, and it's simply an attempt to cause trouble because I discovered dishonesty of people like L. Wilson, Diane Gochin, Connie Bedwell, Loryn Ryder, Claudine Dombrowski, and others.

There you go Bill, its just Connie and Loryn trying to get back at you.  You obviously have us all figured out dont ya?  Ok, echo, where is my echo?

Sharon Noonan Kramer Lawless America, yes. That has to be a big part of it. Why else would these people join to attack you w/people who are directly stating they think these videos "destroy the fabric of our society because you can't win your own little case." If they felt this way then why did they make the videos in the first place? Its not even a question if they are liars. The only question is "Were they lying then or are they lying now?"
-thank you for your forced agreement Judge Snooty....see lemmings, she agrees with me, we have cracked the code, all these people are just jealous because we called them liars and they can't be in the fake movie.  Yeah thats it...right Sharon?  Yes sir Bill that must be it, mainly because you just said that was it.  Good I'm glad you are here to help me think these things through.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Joey's Are Coming!!!

Billy is coming after the joey's, and he means business.  He has already filed suit against us in a Collin County court.  Why Collin County?  I have zero clue, but I guess if you want to bring a lawsuit against a bunch of baby kangaroos and accuse them of sending out likenesses of you over the internet....Colin County is just as crazy as anywhere else I guess.  Ohh I can't wait to see the paperwork he filed on this one.

btw is "the joeys" the best you noobies can come up with to call us?  I liked gangsters better.

Lawless America Pat, these Joey Jokers think we should believe anything they say as true? Isacsam has libeled me again...right here for all to see. I am suing the Joeys in Collin County, Texas. I am also attempting to get law enforcement to pursue criminal charges due to violation of Title 7, section 33.07 of the Texas Penal Code. Sec. 33.07. ONLINE IMPERSONATION. (a) A person commits an offense if the person, without obtaining the other person's consent and with the intent to harm, defraud, intimidate, or threaten any person, uses the name or persona of another person to:
1) create a web page on a commercial social networking site or other Internet website; or

(2) post or send one or more messages on or through a commercial social networking site or other Internet website, other than on or through an electronic mail program or message board program.

(b) A person commits an offense if the person sends an electronic mail, instant message, text message, or similar communication that references a name, domain address, phone number, or other item of identifying information belonging to any person:

(1) without obtaining the other person's consent;

(2) with the intent to cause a recipient of the communication to reasonably believe that the other person authorized or transmitted the communication; and

(3) with the intent to harm or defraud any person.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Bully Bill Turns of the Heat With Intimidation, Judge Snooty Chimes in

Forget working on the fake movie, forget trying to help out in any of his followers personal cases, even forgot the fake grand jury stunt for the time being...the most important thing in America seems to be Bill stopping this restraining order against him.


This is where I will stand trial for allegedly buying a gun and threatening to use it on a group of people. Outrageous lie, but that's usually what courts are all about.

I'll be in Lexington, Missouri from April 4 to April 9.

Anyone who would like to be filmed should meet me in Lexington, Missouri. Email me at

So now if you want to be filmed, you have to show up to support my right to intimidate and harass others.  And by filming you, I mean I will film you along with everyone else as they protest on my behalf, because the first step in taking back our country starts with squashing a TRO in Lexington Missouri (I know, who would have thought).

Bill then goes on to not so subtlety intimidate Allie:
Lawless America I never threatened anyone. If there's any "evidence," it will be manufactured. I have a lot of exciting things in preparation....

Translation:  "just wait till you see what I have planned for you Allie"

And then the angels begin to sing from on high, the heavens open up and slowly descending down from the sky with her glasses pulled down to the tip of her nose is Judge Snooty aka Little Miss Cant be Wrong Sharon Kramer.  Good, now all things will be put in their proper order and everyone will finally be able to understand things once she sorts this out for us:

Sharon N. Kramer darlene kostelac hinman, while I agree w/your evalation that 2+2 does not equal five - meaning something doesn't add up here of how Bill suddenly became a vilian; the underlying problem is not that simple. Allie has every right in the world to make a video of what she perceives the courts are doing to harm her child. That is called a Constitutional right to freedom of speech. The courts have ZERO right to even threaten to remove her parental rights for speaking of it. is alot at stake here. It is the courts themselves that have caused this problem. Now that her videos are down, I fear the court will have a vested interest in going after Bill in an effort to cause all the videos come down. Wake up people. There is alot at stake here for everyone

Lawless America Sharon, there is no Constitutional right to libel, slander, and defame.

Sharon N. Kramer Lawless America Correct. You appear to be mixing apples and oranges of my statement. To my knowledge there is not evidence that Allie did not believe what she stated on video. That would be a right guaranteed under the Constitition, if that is a correct understanding. Conversely, it is not a Constitutionally guaranteed right to say and do some of the things I know she has said of you, that provably false. That would be slander and libel as I understand it.

There you have it, 2+2 does not equal 5, therefore Allie has every right to keep her LA videos up.  Thank God we have Judge Snooty here to clear up these complex issues.  Having her come in is kinda like Morgan Freeman coming in at the end of the movie to explain the plot to you.