Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Pie Daddy Takes Evasive Action

Something, or someone scares him in Montana so he is going there tomorrow to dig up some dirt on whomever it is that scares him.  Here is his edict to his followers over at lawless America: 


  1. "Waves"..... And the paranoia would be directed at, me..... Should be interesting. He has already emailed all thousand or so people I work with...... What a sociopath....

    1. Wow you must have done a number on him if he is going to fly all the way out there for who knows what. Something tells me the weather isn't the best up there this time of the year.

    2. Do you work for/affiliate with AMPP John? Seems odd they would have a man working for them, man haters and all.

    3. No, no ailiation with. Ampp at all, none, zero, nada, never spoke with anyone from there. Mayb I should though.... The enemy of my enemy...

  2. Nope. 13 degrees today. I'm sure crystal cox has him all riled up. She filed a $480 million dollar lawsuit agaist us last week. We'll me and 40 or so others. Looks like the both run out of meds at about the same time. I can email you the 65 page bs ifyou want a laugh. Just don't need it public.

    Windsor emailed everyone I work with asking for filming victims. He's shown up at my house when I wasn't home last trip, we might have a surprise waiting this time....

    1. why would she stop there, why not go for 1 billon?

  3. Each personality probably wants $20. She thinks its real, its not... Just another extortion attempt.
    Looks like he has had anothe psychotic break. God help him if he's stupid enough to actually come near me.

    1. NothingbettertodotodayJanuary 6, 2013 at 12:14 AM

      I thought Bill must be referring to you. Are you working with AMPP? Why does Bill think you threatened him?

    2. Nope, never hear of ampp till I read it here. Because crystal cox told him so.... Looks like she is posting using my name in a few places also. All he's gotten from me isa cease and desist, which I knew he would freak out to, but was legally nwcessary. Since he said he's packing a gun now, might get interesting....

  4. From earlier today:

    Bill Windsor I'm at risk if I comment here about the group of corrupt people working against us, but I will identify those that we know about thus far in an article on
    12 hours ago · Edited · Like · 3

    Mary Deneen Bill are u still planning to go to U of MT? I also have had a death threat from S. B. who I have never met, nor ever any contact with. He slandered me w hate crime and cyberstalking on Lawless Utube Comment,"I am a liar, slanderer, extortionist and that he hopes I am homeless, pennyless and live in a cardboard box!" Have you filed Criminal Complaints w USDOJ against this U of M employee?
    12 hours ago · Edited · Like

    Bill Windsor Mary, yes, I am going to Missoula. Please email details of your dealings and proof with S.B. I have stuff coming in from several people.
    12 hours ago · Like

    Bill Windsor

    Movie Producer Bill Windsor and Crystal Cox threatened by Stalker Sean Boushie from the University o
    Movie Producer Bill Windsor and Crystal Cox threatened by Stalker Sean Boushie from the University of Montana
    12 hours ago · Like

    Bill Windsor

  5. How do you get a death threat from some one you have never spoken to an never had contact with...???? What an oxy MORON!!!!

    Mary is another cox supporter, off her rocker obviously.
    At this point I'm only worried about my coworkers, I can take care of myself. Law enforcement is a waste of time..

    Can somebody tell me how this is not harassment and intimidation?

    1. Un-freaking-believable. Billy has some serious mental issues, I'm worried for your coworkers as well JS.

      Really, this big ole 'teddy bear' had everyone calling him Savior n Hero a handful of weeks ago because he was making some fictional never-to-be- made movie for his own self-gratification. Now is in a tizzy because they called him some meanie names online? I'm beginning to feel like this is 'candid camera, the freakshow version' with us as the unknowing spectators.

      Where the hell was that release form I signed? I want out.

    2. Just think John, if you and AMPP would just go away and leave him alone he might start posting his meals and toilet habits. Once that happens this blog would go down the tubes. I suppose there is always another savior for pretty young things with a story to tell. Presley will find another Bill and Gingersnap can go on a vacation until that happens. My kid says we should all drive by the filming and toss fire crackers out the window.

    3. Lol, pie and poop blog... Might be better reading than his current crap...

    4. My kid says we should all drive by the filming and toss fire crackers out the window.

      lmao... sounds like something we would do. Thank God Billy films everything

  6. Bill's new youtube

    1. NothingbettertodotodayJanuary 6, 2013 at 9:48 AM

      Too funny.

      The song that's been running through my head about Bill et al, is Pink Floyd's Brain Damage. But, this one works......

    2. I've had this one playing all morning...

    3. NothingbettertodotodayJanuary 6, 2013 at 10:08 AM

      LOL. Based on what you've said, that one works very well. I don't care for country music but that song is on my Ipod.

  7. It might get interesting..... Given his mental status, the fact he states he's carrying a gun to protect himself fom me and others, and that he's rallying the psychos as "witnesses" I'm inclined to be in fear for my safety. No joking. Since he is bringing his fight to me all the way from Georgia, just because crystal cox told him the least he may end up as a resident at the local big house, or nut house.
    I suppose its time to get a lawyer involved and look atsuing his wife,who owns la, and his son, who owns alcatraz media.

    1. I would have to say I think that line of thinking is both reasonable and logical. I think bill is harmless physically but his followers might be violent.

    2. Thankfully montana has a vry good self defense law. I've notified law enforcement, hande of his latest ranting and told them I am in reasonable fear.
      Its all because cox has been stalking and trying to extort me for the last five years.

    3. NothingbettertodotodayJanuary 6, 2013 at 9:53 AM

      Well, that's my next question. Sorry if I've missed details of this drama. But, why is Bill coming to Montana?

    4. Apparently he wants to kick my ass..... He and crystal cox have been harassing. Me for years. Cox must have him worked up. Easiest thing to do is google crystal cox, and sean boushie. Get some popcorn first.

    5. NothingbettertodotodayJanuary 6, 2013 at 10:11 AM

      Thank you. My next question was to ask you for google data so I can figure out what's going on. Too early for popcorn, getting more coffee.....

    6. John, are they spelling your name correctly here? Bill seems uncertain.
      Sean Boushie has threatened me (Bill Windsor) with arrest for violating cyberstalking laws if I mention his name, Sean Boushie (Sean Boushie is his name, at least I believe his name is Sean Boushie. Sean Boushie is the name on the emails sent to me by a person claiming to be Sean Boushie. S-E-A-N B-O-U-S-H-I-E.)

    7. Ha ha... No its j o h n. S m I t h.....

      No comment.....

  8. @Yappy: I finally figured out what and where the J.J.'s is that you were mentioning to me the other night. I've never been there. It's only been open about a month. It is not a gay bar. It is however the site of the lake's old gay bar, Friends, that was open for 15 years.

    1. Webby! There's my princess. HUGS! So you figured it out finally? Why not join me at a heterosexual bar for a drink? I promise to kick anyone's hiney who attempts to poke at you.

      You know you love me Webby, come on, admit it. No one can resist a loveable loco chihuahua like me. ;) We'll have to chat soon and thanks for the Joey tidbits although I should correct you on one point. Joey still needs to use crayons since he's banned from any electronic device known to man that could access the internet unless it is for employment purposes. Since Joey is allergic to working, he is only allowed access to Crayola.

  9. Holy crap... Just posted on his Facebook la page......

    "Then it's on to Missoula Montana for what seems destined to be one of the more interesting days of filming as I attempt to get a University of Montana employee locked up for a long time as well as some government officials who have allowed this person to terrorize many people. Big guys with guns will be with me for protection. I invite this person (he knows who he is) to appear at 1 pm in front of the Missoula County Courthouse, 200 West Broadway -- http://­­listing/­categories_NET/­MoreInfo.aspx?ID­RRecordID=341&s­iteid=1"

    1. NothingbettertodotodayJanuary 6, 2013 at 11:19 AM

      So, what are you going to do?

      Seems like Bill solicited funds from you, initially. Then it appears you baited him with help if he gave you his filming schedule. Why did you want to know?

    2. ???? Where did you get that?? Only time I emailed him was to tell him to leave me alone.

    3. NothingbettertodotodayJanuary 6, 2013 at 11:55 AM

      You didn't write this? Posted on LA's site:

      From: Sean Boushie [mailto:]
      Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2012 3:10 PM
      Subject: Re: Sean Boushie, Will you help 750 Nobodies try to Save America

      If you are willing to tell me the exact time and place you will be "interviewing" crystal cox.

    4. No. Someone, probably cox using my nam to get him riled up. But he's not smart enough to figure that out.

    5. Reading Crystals other psychotic rants, I'd say JS is right. Crystal probably sent that email to Bill to rile him up, not Boushie. Cox has sent similar emails to the truthaboutconnie blog as well, under the guise of other people. She runs / owns the connie website. Flipping loon.

    6. Makes me wonder if the letter from kimberly wiggles is really true as well.

  10. cue the music...

    I hear he's going to wear his old Yosemite Sam look, cowbow hat and all.

  11. REALLY???!!!! This can't be real...I knew I should have not have taken that red pill!

    Lawless America
    32 minutes ago

    Please do not EVER step foot on anyone's private property. We will film only on the public right-of-way. We do not want to make a scene -- just film and leave. We will then drive to Grays Harbor County where we will film outside the bogus address he used to get on the ballot.

    1. I don't know who Judge Gordon is? Elaborate?

    2. NothingbettertodotodayJanuary 6, 2013 at 2:09 PM

      LOL. This was the 1st thing to pop up on google search:

      It seems Grays Harbor is getting some national exposure this week via facebook and the web. More specifically, local Judge Gordon Godfrey, along with some of his alleged busom buddies, has become the target of a wacko group known as Lawless America. Check out the group's page on facebook. Be sure to follow the links and run the videos. You can't make this stuff up!

    3. LOL wow, heading to a judges house and warning people not to step on his property. Hope the judge files harassment charges and he could have the police waiting for them when they got there, arrest ever darn one of them and take away their meds.

    4. non, they need to make them take their meds...not take them away...

  12. NothingbettertodotodayJanuary 6, 2013 at 11:13 AM

    Here's an interesting decision - nothing to do with the show down in Missoula, but relative to our discussions.

    Cox lost a suit brought against her for defamation, judgement was $2.5 million. Her defense was that she is "media" and subject to protection under the shield law and her target was a public figure/corp. The judge decided she is a blogger, not media and her target is not public.

    1. Doesn't that sound a lot like defense put forward by Joey so many times?

    2. lol if she tries to say Bill is a public figure I will bust a gut.

  13. Lawless America FYI: I received a message from facebook saying a post about this has been reported to violate facebook's standards. This would be from the University of Montana employee. So, please share this far and wide. I will write an article on If I get suspended, you should know where to find me.
    2 hours ago ·

    Spoof Video for Lawless America:

  14. roflmao, this explains her "don't you know who I am?!" comment! Oh yes NOW I do, but only that I remember hearing about some moron blogger in the Pacific Northwest. My husband read me the article but her 5 seconds of fame was over before it started.

  15. Loryn Ryder tells everyone why she's crazy & delusional. If I had 5 cents every time Connie said she was 'excited' for her next hearing, I'd have $4,343,256,432,677.95.

    Now Loryn keeps thinking this was going to be a real movie and her case would make Bill famous. Ahhhh so sweet to drink from the Connie koolaid.

    Loryn Ryder
    Here's the crazy part...if I am able to save Bella at my next hearing on January 15th I will have to thank Bill Windsor. It is because of the Lawless America website that we found out my entire case is void. How crazy is life!?! And that would have been great publicity for his movie. There is a reason all of this is happening the way it is and karma has a big role in it. I've never been involved in such a spiritual adventure in my life and I'm so excited to see the end is near for our suffering.

    1. NothingbettertodotodayJanuary 6, 2013 at 5:09 PM

      Too bad Bill isn't feeling it for Loryn again yet:

      Frank Kerleyposted toLawless America
      11 hours ago
      Bill, I have just spent the past 4 hours updating myself on the antics of Connie Bedwell-Tuma. I first became acquainted with her name about 3 years ago. I watched her "worm video" at that time. I respected Connie's creativeness. What an intelligent person, but not very wise. This very pretty young woman evidently has some deep-seeded psychological problems. It is quite obvious that she has so much hate for so many people, especially for the father of her child. If you folks want some very entertaining reading, google her name. I do not know where to begin telling you about her background and events leading up to her video. It's a must read. You are fortunate that she and Loryn Ryder have fallen by the wayside. Their stories appear to be the same; a scorned woman who will go to any lengths to insure that the loving father of their child will never see that child again"

      Lawless America Thanks, Frank. I am sorry to report that I have received numerous messages regarding both Connie Bedwell and Loryn Ryder stating that their claims are false. For starters, we have someone analyzing the worm video to see if it was edited. I have people who I believe are ready to go on camera with what they say are the facts regarding Loryn. If these young women are frauds, it very well may be exposed for all to see. 75% of our family court and divorce court stories are by mothers, so I want to be sure to expose bad mothers as well as bad fathers

    2. Basically calling the alleged RAPE of her child a spiritual adventure?

    3. Umm earth to Bill, Connie herself claims its edited. She states she has 27 minutes of the ENTIRE video showing the child 'speak' of the worm. 16 more minutes of the footage includes her eating a kosher hot dog in the hallway stalling not to go to bed. Riveting. But BIlly's on the case! Yes Billy, VET those people... OR use Google, it may be quicker and much less $$$ moulah wasted.

      Off to make some koolaid, I'm feeling mighty thirsty.

    4. NothingbettertodotodayJanuary 6, 2013 at 5:38 PM

      It's OK yappy don't drink the kool-aid too quickly, Annie can help Bill now:

      Annie Gonzaba Please analyze all of the testimonies that seem to be overly dramatic. Liars are so easy to spot. Please, or allow me to show what I see.
      3 hours ago

    5. Its too late NBTDT.... . I SHALT shunn you all! ....or is it Shant? Someone quick, call Webster.

  16. So she filed a motion to have the judge declare the previous order "void"? That sounds like the same rhetoric as her best friend. Then when that day comes, she will have another excuse as to why it didn't happen.

  17. Loryn, have no fear, Mary is here! HEY John Smith! Mary claims you are into biowarfare. I tried reading it 3x's but my brain imploded. I'll only post a piece, the rest is at lawless FB. LOL OMY LORD, the koolaid man is EVERYWHERE!

    Mary Deneenposted toLawless America
    34 minutes ago
    S.B. dangerous U of MT is contacted w/ federally-funded National Institutes of Health (NIH), Hamilton who uses serious tick born diseas(es) as biowarfare in MT, and globally. MT (DPHHS/CPS) tried to kidnap my newborn after she had a seizure 4 hours after birth while hospitalized in failure-to-thrive for (5) weeks, w/ cardiac, liver and kidney damage, medically documented by her "ethical" Montana Pediatricians, "most-likely due to transplacental Lyme and 3 other serious tick borne diseas(es.)" ........
    etc etc etc etc

    1. NothingbettertodotodayJanuary 6, 2013 at 6:11 PM

      I saw that one too, tried to read it - it was making ME crazy. Took a rest and tried it again. If I've got the gist of it, either the kid has tick borne diseases or the mother has Munchausen's by proxy. Doctors/state seem to have decided on the latter.

    2. yappy - without brains is still a smarta##January 6, 2013 at 6:34 PM

      S.B. dangerous U of MT is contacted w/ federally-funded National Institutes of Health (NIH),

      At least you're not connected with them, only contacted. That's a good thing right?

  18. Holy crap..... Wow.
    Believe it or not, I know who she Is. Bag lady witha shopping cart crazy. Actually that's streching it.. Crazier than cox.

  19. This bears saying again: YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS STUFF UP!! Attack of the Mutant Ticks, coming soon to a theater near you. Or the University of Montana.

    1. If this isn't your 'criminal death threat' email JS, then our lovely Crystal is stalking the blog then emailing people. I hear that's her favorite MO:

      Mary Deneen S.B. U of MT Dept. of Biological Sciences Criminal Death Threats -"She is a wackjob, a liar, slanderer, extortionist and I hope she is homeless, penniless and lives in a cardboard box."

      Can someone point out the criminal death threat please? All I see is wackjob, lying homeless without money living in a cat condo.

    2. She forgot to mention Delusional in her LA post:

      Mary Deneen shared a link.
      December 21, 2012
      Falsely accused of Munchausen's by proxy, a harm to my children, w/ double jeopardy, 'Delusional' a harm to myself, and others, with unconstitutional taking of: life, liberty, privacy and property, Held Hostage, denied rights of out of state (self-pay) US Health Care, prescribed serologies, evaluations, medications and treatment plan of care under (ADA) Federal law, jailed and incarcerated in solitary isolation w/ malicious, retaliatory solitary isolation in a Montana Mental Hospital w/ involuntary commitment, w/ assault, battery and damaging (IM) psychotrophic drugging.

    3. Like the same kind of stupid Kill Bill death threat? You're right, Yappy, you can't see what's not there.

  20. No kidding..... Apparently cox is somehow supporting this Mary. Turds of a feather and all.
    The death threat email cox spews about, well I've already proven in a court of law that she sent it to herself in order to harass me. I suppose its the basis of all her crap.

  21. JS, do I have Crystal straight in my head? IS she the woman who would write libelous blogs attacking business people & companies under anonymous names and then approach these people stating she's an expert on removing SMUT from the internet? Someone then discovered the one writing the smut and the 'expert' were both Cox?

  22. Correct. She lost one $2.5 million suit, and is about to lose a second now against marc randaza.

    1. We can all see that her integrity is obviously above reproach. Perfect fit for LA.

    2. NothingbettertodotodayJanuary 6, 2013 at 7:34 PM

      Don't let Mr Smith fool you and yappy - he had a little blog thing going on too. He likes to push buttons.

      Right John?

    3. I haven't read enough about any of it yet. My question was for clarity that I was thinking of the same person (Cox) being an actual extortionist. Which is highly clever but exceptionally stupid way to make money. I give her kudos for a creative idea and zero on the lack of ethics. Who does that? Someone who probably is batty.

      Not defending JS because I haven't read any of his blogs... - 'but' if Cox attacked this guy out of the blue for no reason then I may be on the defense as well. While I don't know if that's the case (JS pushing buttons), it appears Cox pulls this kind of crap on innocent people. She's on the truthaboutconnie blog trying to push all kind of buttons. It's driving her up the loonie bin I leave them all in moderation and not post them.

      What I see going on is no matter how many restraining orders are filed or civil lawsuits won against Cox, nothing is going to stop her. I'm actually surprised Windsor gives her the backing he does. She really appears completely off her rocker.

    4. Correction, prior to knowing what Windsor was about, I was surprised to see Cox on his team. Now understanding how Billy plays the same fiddle as Cox, I get it.

      The saddest thing about the internet are these kooks finding one another. It used to be the local town wacko just wandered the streets talking to themselves or screaming at the chickens. Now they have the ability to locate each other.

    5. NothingbettertodotodayJanuary 6, 2013 at 9:36 PM

      @ yappy: You are right about Cox, she is like Baron with a mean streak. And like Joey, she says whatever she wants about people without vetting, has a kazillion blogs to post the same stuff on and nobody can stop her.

      I'm not surprised Bill is backing her. She's not much different than some of the others in his group. When she loses in court, she cries that that the courts are corrupt.

      John told the truth, he took his blog down. But of what I read, it was mean spirited, it looked like a personal attack. There didn't appear to be any attempt to expose what Cox was doing in an objective, logical way.

  23. If you count a free blogger with about four posts that has been deleted for years. What is your name? Cox, stramer, or spreadbury. Either way, I'm ignoring you now...

    1. I'm just popping in for a min.

      John, NBTDT has been here long before any of us even had a clue before who you, crystal, windsor were. I'm with NBTDT. I think you've probably had your fair share of jabs in the fight. It's also quite possible and probable that they were all reactionary. If you've been driven to make some heated comments or emails or whatever, it's just important to own it. If I had to have direct interaction with Bill Windsor or Crystal Cox, I'm sure it would be very very hard to maintain my cool. NBTDT is just trying to get the WHOLE picture. You should be glad we aren't like Windsor's bunch, they just jump on the bandwagon of whatever sob story is most like their own. I'd rather get as much info on all sides before forming an opinion. So, don't jump all over NBTDT. You can look at the history of this blog if you doubt what I say.

  24. NothingbettertodotodayJanuary 6, 2013 at 8:38 PM

    Poor Mary, she really does have a problem. But she lost her kids the same way as some of our other favorite moms:

    1. Gosh NBTDT... , change the name to Connie, add in a handful more psychiatric reviews, a dozen child sexual abuse experts, 3 more lawyers for her, a former best friend providing video evidence proving Connie coached her kid and walla - you'd have HER case.

  25. I like how some of Bill's followers are trying to get people to focus on the chemtrail problem. It won't be long before they start covering the Bohemian Grove and the 911 conspiracy. At some point, as I predicted way back, Bill is going to lose control of his own group and they will push him out and move into a new direction.

    1. NothingbettertodotodayJanuary 6, 2013 at 10:29 PM

      Yeah, I think you are right about pushing him out. But I think the smarter ones will join up with the group that has the name copyright. The others will fade into oblivion. Some of the state LA FB pages are down already, the others little or no activity. Have you noticed since the AMPP attrition that, except for a few loyal supporters, there's been an entire fruit basket turn over of names on FB comments?

      Erna is concerned too:

      Erna E. N. Boldt I sent several e-mail, was registered to be filmed or interviewed in Oregon - nothing happened. Maybe the Organization is faulty?
      57 minutes ago

      Bill better hurry to find a safe place outside the US for his film, before the government finds out his group has found out the truth about the chem trials. Mary has an idea:

      Bill, have someone get hard drives to Russia. They oppose US Adoption due to alleged abuse and neglect of their adopted children at Montana Kids Ranch, Eureka, MT, under jurisdiction of Libby, Bernie Cassidy, Judge Jim Wheelis, MT DPHHS, and others.

    2. OMG NBTDT, you kill me. Safe in Russia? She better inform youtube since they are the 'official' sponsor of The Movie! lol

      Sometimes there's very little need to fully understand why some people are not raising their children.

      Oh *waves to Webby* if he's reading. Hi honey!

    3. NothingbettertodotodayJanuary 6, 2013 at 11:49 PM

      Oh yappy, you are killing me too, lmao:

      Sometimes there's very little need to fully understand why some people are not raising their children.

      I think you and Webb should check out JJ's and let us know if they have a decent burger. I take a trip down that way every once in a while. Never know when I might get hungry along the way.

    4. Dunno about the 9-11 stuff, but the Grove is messed up. Seriously messed up.

      There is even a book published by the Grove itself depicting the weirdness that goes on there.

      As for 9-11, there is so much surrounding that its beyond me. All I know is that before 9-11 I didn't get probed at the airport.

      Just be sure not to mix weirdness from people with stuff that has some fact surrounding it.

  26. Notice how Loryn doesn't deny setting her ex's house on fire? Why are these real mom victims spending their life online giggling at everything written about them? Loryn just gave birth AND claims to have a child that is endlessly raped every night. This is NOT normal behavior for anyone who believes their children are being abused.

    Anyone know who John Large is and how did he lose custody? That's not a name I've come across yet. Why did they toss a mans name in with these two dingo's? <<< oh oh ... another nickname for Loryn even though I'm not an abuser, only a blogger who doesn't really buy what you're feeding.

    Loryn Ryder
    Hmmm I wonder who wrote this lol. I love the new nicknames these abusers make up for me. Did you know I set people's houses on fire? I feel so special that they took time out of their day to think of me. What's even funnier is that they have to sign the petition to leave a comment :)

    "Lo-no conscience Ryder LANSFORD, PA 15 days ago Liked 0

    Why don't you tell everyone the facts of your case? Fabricated abuse is abuse and that is why you don't have custody. What about you trying to set your ex's house on fire when you lost custody? Nice choice of picking Connie Bedwell as someone to follow and look up to. What is sad is people who truly have suffered injustice get lost when people like you lie and make up crap because you are angry. I would think you ninkumpoops would verify her story instead of believing everything that she says. Not everything is a conspiracy and not everything is corruption. There are people like Lo Ryder that are their own worst enemies and don't deserve to parent children. Just like Bedwell. Then there are guys like John Large who will say anything because they think they can get laid. What a joke you are John Large...just like Loryn and Connie."

    1. Landsford PA is right about something.... Choosing Connie as a wonderful success story to follow by example is not the brightest choice Loryn could have made.

      Does anyone know a Realtor, I want to buy rental properties? I'd also prefer someone who's homeless. thanks

  27. John Large is Lori Hanarhan Lap Dog.

  28. Hey yappy. I never set Matthew's on fire. Leave my other child out of this!!! And please forgive me for finding something that makes me happy while I fight for the safety off my daughter. You think it's abnormal behavior to have another child when actually the abnormal behavior is you talking about someone and giving an opinion on a blog of all places about someone you've never met on your life!!!

  29. @yappy John Large has multiple convictions for stalking..Read an article online about him going to the home of the judge in his divorce case. ..He was also arrested for dismembering his neighbours cat and leaving it at hos doorstep in a dispute over bins. ..Last we heard he was under house arrest & under investigation for molesting his disabled daughter. He also follows these false accusers w/ stories of abused kids constantly. What a creep .I sent links with this info to Loryn as he seemed to interact w/ her a lot but what do you know, they were deleted an blocked. .Same as Lori Handrahan did..Now what mothers willingly interact with a man under investigation for molestation????
