Friday, January 18, 2013

Be Careful You Never Get Caught in The Spider Webb

So yesterday and last night, a fight erupted on this blog between David Webb, close friend and confidant of Joey Dauben, and just about everyone else.  David was a friend of Joey's and covered his entire downfall from Joey's and only Joey's point of view.  Court observers report that Joey and David were very chatty and in fact Joey conversed more with David than he did anyone else in the courtroom including his parents.  Kind of hard to pretend you are some unbiased reporter covering a trial of a man charged with sexual assault of a child and do that.

Anyway, David wrote something that he should never opinion piece.  Especially if that opinion is coming out of his head.  His story was a wrap up of the Joey trial and conviction where he blames alcohol as the main factor in the rape.  So lets have some background info for all the new people.  Here is the boys testimony (and since Joey perjured himself on the witness stand on at least two key points, there really isn't any question about who's testimony was considered truthful  the jury took less than two hours to convict on all counts).  Now keep in mind this is the testimony from a then 14 year old virgin:

"The young man said he thought Dauben was an assistant to the Messianic church’s rabbi when Dauben arrived at the camp that day. The boy said he and two other teens ended up the evening talking to Dauben around the campfire, after all the parents and the rabbi had drunk heavily and gone to bed.

Dauben allegedly pulled out a bottle of Wild Turkey, poured red Solo cups of whiskey and challenged the teens to see who could drink the fastest. The other two kids went to bed shortly thereafter and Dauben asked the alleged victim if he wanted to go out on the lake on a raft. While on the raft, Dauben began describing sexual encounters and asking the boy about his own experiences. The boy told the court that he was a virgin at the time.

After being on the raft, Dauben and the boy went to the public showers at the park, where Dauben said he was going to masturbate. When Dauben walked out into the shower area naked, the boy said he felt “awkward. But I didn’t want to seem uncool.”

“I was doing what I thought was normal,” he testified. “I didn’t want to seem weird, so I went with it.”

The victim said Dauben initiated sex acts with him.

During this portion of the testimony, Dauben, who sat at the defense table farthest from the witness stand, took off his glasses and dropped his head into his hand, covering his eyes. Later, he shook his head as the boy continued."   from the Corsicana Daily Sun

So David Webb writes his opinion piece with the headline "Alcohol, underage companionship, lead to disaster"
In this article he has one very disturbing paragraph:
"It didn’t matter that the teenager, now 20, testified he willingly participated in the sexual activity, and that he came from a broken, troubled home that probably contributed to him being alone late at night drinking with an adult 12 years older than him"

That certainly sounds like he was making an excuse for Joey by blaming it on the booze and the kid having a troubled home as the reason he was raped.  So we gave David a chance to clarify himself on this blog and to our horror, he meant it exactly as we thought he did.

Here are some of his quotes from last night:

"He indicated that he went along with it, and he didn't object. He had many chances to have walked away from the situation and never did. There was one time that he said he was standing outside of the shower house and returned back inside where Joey was because he "didn't want to be alone." My guess is that it is possible if he had ever said no, nothing would have happened. Perhaps, it was the effect of the alcohol he drank. I don't know."

"He didn't have both a biological mother and father looking after him to prevent him from being out by himself at a lake park drinking alcohol. His father apparently was drunk inside a tent asleep with the teenager's stepmother, with whom the youth didn't get along with well. The youth and his stepmother regularly argued, including while they were at the camping trip, according to the testimony."

"I feel sorry for the youth. I also feel sorry for Dauben. I think that if neither one of them had been out there drinking alcohol that night none of this would have ever happened. That's my OPINION, which basically is what one imparts in a column."

"The teen was not raped. It was consensual sex by his own admission. He never said no. The only reason it was classified as a child sexual assault is that he was not old enough to give his consent. It is the adult's responsibility not to engage in sex with someone who is under the legal age of consent, but there was no force or violence involved."

"I do not excuse Joey Dauben of the crime. I wrote a column that was actually intended to remind people that they need to be careful about what they do when they are drinking alcohol in the company of underage youth. Your hysterical wife, the author of this blog and you and have turned it into something entirely different. Shame on you."

"If Joey Dauben had not been drinking alcohol, I don't believe that any of this would have ever happened. Even if he was drinking alcohol, if he had not been in the company of a 14-year-old alone it would not have happened. What is so hard to understand about that? I a not blaming the victim. I am blaming his parents for not taking better care of him."

I will let the readers come to their own conclusions I just thought it was important to let everyone read David in his own words.


  1. NotherbettertodotodayJanuary 18, 2013 at 2:50 PM

    Hello? Hello?

    Is there anybody out there?'s quiet in here.....

    1. I agree with Ginger's recap.

      I missed a lot last night & am trying to catch up.


    2. after last night I am surprised anyone is up yet lol.
      Hello NBTDT

    3. I ran out of words from last nights brouhaha. This guy webb makes me sick beyond words.

      David's words hung himself and left me (in my own opinion crybaby webbbby) wondering just how much IS he really relating to Joey and so way off base unable to relate to a rape victim. It's mortifying to think about it........

      How interesting Ginger writes about Webby was yapping with Jokey a lot? Wow - no shock there either. Unbiased balanced reporting, the guy is a mental case!

      - like I said last night webby when you were whining about me calling you names but YOU felt you were fully entitled to do the exact same?

      Take my opinions to the judge, butter my butt and call me a redneck obnoxious biscuit!

    4. Slimy, I left a few Jimmy references deep in there for you last night. I hope you like them

  2. There is no real conclusion to draw. His own words show a distinct lack on empathy for the victim. Everything else was stated last night.

  3. And yes alcohol lowers inhibition and raises desire. It does not make one a child molester.

    1. & @Curtis, I agree with a comment you made earlier. Alcohol consumption has NEVER made me consider changing from heterosexual to homsexual partners, nor has alcohol consumption made 14 year olds desirable to me sexually.
      Neither is there' not a lot of drunk rabble rousing, late at night at the church/religious retreats I've attended.

      There's no justifying any of it, to me.

      Nothing anyone says is going to change Webb's opinion or 'ours'.

      I keep hearing Jamie Foxx's rendition of "Blame It On The Alcohol" in my mind as read & re-read Mr Webb's comments. He likes Joey & he's going to blame anything, anyone & alcohol for the choices & actions of Joey.

      I just wonder how many others share Mr Webb's opinion, but would never dare utter it? The pondering of that question & having a 14 year old son makes me more over-protective than ever before.

    2. NothingbettertodotodayJanuary 18, 2013 at 3:17 PM

      @ Petunia:

      I just wonder how many others share Mr Webb's opinion, but would never dare utter it?

      Seems to me some men, especially ones that are confident and secure, do not comprehend why someone can not say "no". On the other side of the coin: When I served on a jury for a child sexual abuse case, the jury was 10 men, 2 women. There were 3 or 4 men that had the same trouble with the case as Jimmy because there was no physical evidence or force. That was an eye opener for me - I was left with the impression that they were reluctant to consider the girl's testimony because they were afraid that any little girl can make the claim against any man and the charges will stick.

    3. NothingbettertodotodayJanuary 18, 2013 at 3:55 PM

      @ Petunia: stupid syndrome. This was before the CSI shows.

    4. I am secure. No means no. In any book.
      Under the UCMJ one may be tried and convicted of rape if alcohol was involved. Even if the victim did not say no. The lack of the word "NO" does not in any way grant consent.

  4. NothingbettertodotodayJanuary 18, 2013 at 3:04 PM

    OK, since everybody is still hoarse and all talked out from last night, I'll start.

    From last night's thread:

    AnonymousJanuary 18, 2013 at 12:32 PM
    Rape is a type of sexual assault usually involving sexual intercourse, which is initiated by one or more persons against another person without that person's consent. , such as one who is unconscious, incapacitated, or below the legal age of consent.
    The act may be carried out by physical force, coercion, abuse of authority or with a person who is incapable of valid consent
    I too equated rape with force or violence but in the technical sense it merely needs the lack of consent. the only distinction that can be made is that there was no evidence of physical force which would have made it aggravated.

    This is a very good point. Rape does not always involve physical threat or force. Nothing outside of the fact that Joey used his positional power to pursuade the boy into sexual acts matters because the boy was underage of consent. Alcohol doesn't matter, the fact that the boy didn't actively resist doesn't matter - the event meets the definition of rape.

    Another point that I think has been overlooked, from the victims point of view is, that sex physically feels good. I heard Oprah make this point a long time ago in discussing the abuse that she suffered. She was underage, she knew it was wrong on several levels but it was hard to resist something that felt good.

    I have not been abused but what she said made perfect sense. She kept the abuse quiet because she felt guilty, embarrassed and thought she was responsible in some way. Self blame is something commonly heard from victims of sexual abuse. I have no doubt Joey's victim had similar responses during and after the event.

    1. The current legal definition of rape courtesy of the FBI “The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.” Also one cannot give consent if they are under the influence of alcohol OR underage...among other things. Perhaps that journalist needs to get his tail out of the court room. I am not finding the blog with this argument on it last night, would like to view it.

    2. the blog that this whole fight is over is the latest entry at:

  5. NothingbettertodotodayJanuary 18, 2013 at 3:05 PM

    Damn. Y'all got busy while I was out composing.

  6. NothingbettertodotodayJanuary 18, 2013 at 3:09 PM

    Hey Curtis! Glad to see the gang is all still here.

    1. ***waves to gang***

      Wow, there's alot of catching up from last night! I gotta start staying up later! You big kids were busy!

  7. Clearly David doesnt not buy the victims testimony. If you believe the boy, Joey introduced the booze as well as a game attached to it. Joey took the boy out on the raft late at night and started talking about sex with the boy. Joey then took the boy back to the showers and then Joey raped him. The booze played a factor, but not the way David is saying, it played in by making the boy easier to prey on. As David said, "he didn't say no", well part of that is because he was probably drunk for the first time in his life.

  8. Can't you not "buy" all of the kid's testimony and still believe JD committed a crime or the crime?

    1. sure, you could make up your own story in your head of what happened that night, but you would probably be better off keeping that to yourself.

    2. the only question about parts of what happened was the kid stole the alcohol from his dad. after that Joey's poor decisions come to light and then you have no choice but to see Joey's lack of credibility.

  9. 14! The Summer I was 14 I had yet to step foot in the high school. I was a virgin. I hadn't even kissed anybody or been on any real dates. I might not have been able to say no even sober had some older kid I looked up to done the same things Joey did. But I can guarantee you I wouldn't have been equipped mentally do deal with that experience. It would have forever changed my life. When I did make such decisions I was older and with a peer. Even then it wasn't the best decision I've ever made but we were both of age to consent.

    Joey STOLE that CHILD'S innocence. You can't get that back. I don't care if the boy felt pressured or not or even said no. Joey was an adult. Webb doesn't seem to understand the gravity of what Joey did to and took from a CHILD. In my opinion, it seems Webb only thinks it is wrong because Joey broke a law.

  10. My brother-in-law. "Curtis your not going to let him call you a 'Nancy' are you?" Me, "Well its not like I can say anything in my defense. Anytime anyone calls this 'boy-wonder' lover what he truly is he declares it hate speech and goes crying to the blog server host to have it shut down. I am tired of looking for new blog space.

    1. Brush it off Curtis, let him call you every girl name in the book. For a so-called journalist who has stated he is also gay, that's pretty pathetic isn't?! + Sorta sounds like an attempt at gay bashing in reverse. (or so he would claim).

      Like I said, its perfectly fine for Webby to cry wolf and whine and pout and call people names, defame and libel and viciously attack a raped teen and his family BUT don't ever say anything negative to Webby nor strongly disagree with his articles or how horrific he is towards children who are raped.

      He'll use his gay-card to smack us and then claim he's in fear for what 'we're saying'. All we're doing is challenging his own sick beliefs and wondering why he could come to such a ridiculous conclusion.

      Funny - last night - regarding Joey was convicted of the Ellis County article he wrote about a man who was falsely accused by Joey of child molestation and also said he should 'die' if its true.

      Webby yells FOUL about "JOEY"S conviction and says he should have every right to freedom of speech. REGARDLESS OF HOW revolting Joey was to that man..... BUT we questions Webby's ethics and morals and values and I call him a few names and WHAT did he do?

      Tell me I COULD BE CHARGED WITH A HATE CRIME??? seriously!! smh

      I never said anything remotely even close like his boyfriend Joey did NOR do I have 100 .coms and write up an article about Webby either and publicize it all over the internet .... BUT Joey should not have been convicted at all and yappy should be tossed in jail and out of the country and in a psyche ward?

      He cannot even see past his own sick stupidity. His love for Joey and defense of Joey has clouded every part of that sick man's psyche.

      As I said, let it slide Curtis.... let him continue to prove to the world exactly what his true nature is.

    2. Oh I know. One question is if I tell the world about the similarities about the chocolate factory down in Corsicana and David Webb would it be hate speech?

    3. lol yes that would be hating on chocolate ;) ha

    4. NO! yappy I trained you better. Think Fudge and a green and yellow football team

    5. sorry yappy misread your statement. But come to think of it yes I would be hating on chocolate.

  11. We need to set Bill Windsor and David Webb up together on a lawlesss america video date. Maybe Webb can keep Windsor happy with his pie and tossed salad skills


    2. Having fun Angelina?

    3. Keep up..wrong answer, however I did take the screen shot from the video she has up. It will cum to you, You shall remember who I am Curtis. On one of those long, 12 hour trips you've been making.

    4. Have not run 'Hot-shots" in a few weeks now. lol again to quote "WRONG ANSWER" thanks for playing.

  12. Relax, Curtis. I did not call you a "Nancy." When I said "Goodnight Nancy," I was referring to Yappy. I received an e-mail last night from someone observing the free-for-all telling me that she also goes by the names of Nancy and Melanie. I was also told she used to go by the name Pattycake.

    1. Actually I only go by yappy, pattycake and Melanie. The name Nancy baffles me. Stumped.

      and tell Erica Morse I say hi. I'm sure she told you all kinds of things. Not to worry, earlier in the day I TOO received info and forwarded it to some of the group on here how Erica already threatened to send you my info. Now how would they know that this morning and you just admit it now?


      anyhooo by you sick little disgusting Nancy

    2. Readers, isn't it nice to see Webb come back not to apologize nor explain how he dare abuse CHILD rape victims. Only to threaten to expose me? HAHA wow now THERE is a journalist you can trust :)

      Like I said, he'll hang himself with every word he writes.

    3. Well I am off to sleep. the toothpicks holding my eyelids open just broke.

    4. Oh and Webster... maybe you should learn to keep your mouth shut Webby. You've now exposed Erica Morse Bodorff who seems to be siding with you. I thought that was supposed to be a secret? Hmmmmm

      WOW what a sick game you two are playing. Have fun with your gang of 2. what a wonderful perfect pair. Eventually you'll both stab one another in the back.

      Come on and deny it. that's fine but then you'll have to explain to me how someone else this morning sent me THIS info that she sent you things about me. odd, so odd. I must have bible-coded it or sumthin

    5. I like how after not being able to make a point all night he goes to this:

      The audience for the column I wrote is an adult one, specifically gay adults, although straight people could take a lesson from it too. There is a legal age of consent to sexual activity in every state. Be aware of it, and don't get drunk with someone who is under that age. Alcohol tends to impair judgment, and no one needs to go there. I don't understand why this is such a controversial statement. But it has been on this blog tonight.

      Its a gay thing, we wouldn't understand. I'm sure the gay community likes being thrown under this bus.

    6. Brannon, Joey trusted Webb. How do you feel now that he's teamed up with Erica bitch? Huh, maybe let your buddy know that tidbit. I don't think Joey will be too happy at all... in the least


  13. This is what was written last night in regard to the name Nancy:

    David WebbJanuary 18, 2013 at 1:49 AM
    Oh, go to bed, Nancy.


    AnonymousJanuary 18, 2013 at 2:14 AM
    nancy who?

    is that a gay hating reference to Curtis?
    gay bashing hater

    David WebbJanuary 18, 2013 at 2:34 AM
    No, that is the name of a participant of tonight's discussion who is a woman posting under another name.

    1. No Webb I'm not Nancy nor have I ever posted as Nancy.

      AS YOU CAN READ I OWN up to everything, the good and bad. I am an accountable human being with a huge heart and will forever stand against revolting people like yourself who do not believe a child can be raped if there's no violence or resistance. Have your fun and make sure Erica Morse Boddorff gets my message. You see, I'm not into private emails, too much can be changed or altered. So anything I have to say to you or Erica or whomever I say out lout right here.

  14. I didn't throw the gay community under the bus. The column is being published in gay newspapers, Ginger Snap.

  15. That's funny, Yappy. You have a big heart. That line is going to have me laughing all night.

    1. huhhhahaha that's funny, you make fun of raped children . Wait, not funny at all. Yah I think those who read here regularly can see some of my hyper-ass smacking character flaws but you see the thing is - I"M always smacking for the good guys. I stick up relentlessly against sick pruckers like you that think its ok to libel and hurt children who are raped ( and their families).

      No worries, I don't think I'll lose any friends. They keep me around... for some reason. <3 bigg smoocher to THIS wonderful journalist who spills the beans on everyone and anyone. Isn't he so special in all kinds of ways?

      See ya goof. Can't wait for you to post pictures of me and my kids and just like Joey did to Scott Owens, you too can put a note underneath my kids pics and "WISH" They would get raped too. Oh and everyone can see the real yappy! SOooooo Exciting!

    2. Here's a link about 1 of the only articles I wrote about your boyfriend along with the Scott Owens pic. Ooopsie, damnit yappy.... she also uses the name Verita - tell the fine people what that means Webby.

  16. And I can't imagine why you think I have teamed up with Erica Morse, given my history with her. I despise her as much as I do you. You both are idiots. I'm getting lots of emails from people who really don't any of you. They especially don't like you Yappy. You come across as better suited for life in a barnyard rather than polite society.

    1. look at the denial. rofl

    2. oh and look at me cry. sum1 don't like yappy on the internet? Now you gone done and hurted my feewwings Webby. But I still think its hilarious you are denying Erica sent you that. Her and only 1 other person has the Melanie name. Funny how things work isn't it. LMAO

  17. I have no idea what you are talking about in any of your posts above.

    1. see how the poor guy is spinning Brannon? It IS true, swear on my babies lives!

      There are truly 2 people that have that name. 1 is Erica and the other has no ball in this game of revenge against yappy. That's fine, I knew you'd have to deny it. There's just no way in hell Joey would approve of that love-fest. There's zero reason I have to lie about this ALONG with someone telling me this morning Erica was going to send this to you.

      Again I ask. HOW IN ADVANCE did I know she would be doing that and then you come on here with that name?

      baffling to the nth degree

      K, I gotta run. Real life FUN happy things to do including make people LAUGH. kiss kiss

  18. I have never made fun of a rape victim. That is another lie. And I have no interest in exposing you or posting pictures of you. I don't have any, and you are a nobody. Why would anyone want to see a picture of you?

    1. are you insinuating that you are a somebody?

    2. der he goes attemptin to hurted me feewings again but another major fail.

      Does he NOT understand me Ginger?

  19. No, I'm not insinuating that, and that's why I'm so puzzled by your relentless attacks on me. What's the point? So I have some views you don't share. What's the big deal? Why do you continue to stalk me on this blog?

    1. how can I stalk you on my own blog? And hell, I just put your own words out there, just so everyone can read them. Hey, at least now someone is going to read what you say, right?

      You are more than free to go back to your little world, but you cant seem to take your eyes off our little "snake pit" can you?

    2. Rofl. He comes to your blog Ginger and we're the stalkers? baahahahaha

      Seriously, is he really for real? Lookameee whine sum1 keeps saying bad things about my article and I keep going back to their blog because NONE of them will come to mine!!

      where's my waaaaambulance

      Ok, really gotta go

    3. New Crime, reverse stalking..lmao

  20. You stalk me by continually writing about me and demeaning me on this blog. You distort most of what I write. I feel it is necessary to monitor it because you tell so many lies about me. I wish I had never heard of you. Initially you contacted me by email, and I was polite to you. That was my mistake in the beginning.

    1. How can it be distortion when Ginger posted your own words?

  21. It's not always my own words, and the comments made by Ginger Snap and the others are often distort ions and untruths.

  22. cyberstalking legal definition


    Using the Internet, through chat rooms and e-mail, to find, identify, and arrange to meet a person whom one intends to criminally victimize.
    Sending multiple e-mails, often on a systematic basis, to annoy, embarrass, intimidate, or threaten a person or to make the person fearful that she or a member of her family or household will be harmed. Also called e-mail harassment.


    Maybe some people should know a word or phrase means before they use it.

  23. Sending multiple e-mails, often on a systematic basis, to annoy, embarrass, intimidate, or threaten a person or to make the person fearful that she or a member of her family or household will be harmed. Also called e-mail harassment.

    Well, seeing as how the law regarding "fraudulent use of identifying information" was expanded from identity theft related to financial instruments to cover a story published about someone, maybe there could be a looser interpretation of this law.

    I've certainly experienced all of those feelings associated with such actions as a result of stories published on this blog about
    me. Just last night Yappy's husband came on to tell me how big he was and that he was going to defend his wife. I interpreted that a threat of physical violence.

    Thanks for the tip.

    1. a blog you keep returning to on your own free will

    2. Mr Webb already knew about Joe in great detail. Here's the post. I'm lacking the threat of violence portion.

      T A L K A B O U T D I S T O R T I O N

      Joe - Mr. YappyJanuary 17, 2013 at 9:46 PM

      This is Joe, Yappy's husband ( and proud of it ). Mr. Webb forgot to disclose I am 6'4, 245lbs and a former member of the Canadian Armed Forces.

      Mr. Webb also fails to disclose I was present for the entire phone conversation between himself and my wife.

      Mrs. Yappy has done nothing wrong and I will not sit by quietly and have you attack her under some assumption she disclosed your secret regarding Joey.

      I'd suggest you take a heart pill or calm things down, any attack on Mrs. Yappy is also an attack on me.

      Up until recently I respected your coverage of the trial but your article blaming the victim and alcohol for Joey's actions is repulsive. I can't help but think that you have some ulterior motive to defend Joey.

      Your reference to a 20 year old young man who willingly slept with Dauben does not reflect the fact he was a young 14 year old boy and a virgin at the time of the assault. Even if the boy feels he was a willing participant in his rape this does not abolish Joey of his crime. Joey groomed him, it's what predators do.

      While my wife is more than capable of defending herself I felt it necessary to speak up.

      Can EVERYONE SEE HOW Webb is NOW making himself A VICTIM

      Can y'all see how he distorts and diverts as distraction from the original issue?

      WOW, idiot. Call da police Webby, lol :)

  24. Because the blogger keeps targeting me, "systematically." Every time it happens someone sends me an email telling me about it.

    1. that's YOUR freaking problem isn't it??? BLogger doesn't send me ANY emails at all because that's how I set my settings up. HOW DARE YOU USE THAT PISS ASS EXCUSE TO IMPLY I AM REPEATEDLY EMAILING YOU??? i've never ever emailed you. WOW

      OMG you are so dumb. major . incredible. WOW what a spin. At this point I'M PRAYING YOU CALL THE POLICE. Please! I can't wait to have that chat and show them how much YOU are harassing us relentlessly.

      Go the FLUFF AWAY

  25. Yappy? I thought you went out to pursue real life? Who said anything about receiving emails from you? I think you maybe careening toward the edge, dear. If you people are going to feature me and bash me, I don't think anyone is going to view me as trespassing. You really aren't very smart, are you?

    1. I am. I have people at the kitchen table and my hubby brought me my laptop to read your smack-ass stuff. I'm pretty sure all that read here can see who the smart one is. Good bye creepshow

  26. So Brannon? How does Joey feel about Webby telling his little secrets to Yappy given you hate me n all, for obvious reasons? Now he received info from Erica too without question.

    The "someone" he speaks about that emailed him because they were watching this blog last night ... has the same IP as Erica. Even more shocking but I can still understand why he'd deny it also for obvious reasons.

    What a mess. Webby YOU alone created this atmosphere. Just because I'm ripping on your ass because YOU TRULY DID BLAME a child rape victim and his family... doesn't give you the right to keep this shit up and play as if you're some victim.

    Go the hell away and TRUST ME... we WILLLL STOP talking about you. But that's the big problem with you. YOU HATE it when we're not talking about you. You're so desperate for attention. GO AWAY and your fake allegations of stalking will end. trust me on this

  27. I think you are missing the point Webb.

    Let me break it down for you...

    No one on this blog, to my knowledge, is sending you anything. In order for you to feel, legitimately, that you are being stalked someone would have to actually be talking to you in the form of e-mail or message that is sent directly to you. Seeing as how a blog is a public forum, we were merely talking about you, not to you. Until you decided to join the conversation, publicly.

    I mean this in the nicest way possible. :)

  28. I receive emails telling me that I am being yet again. So I log on and I usually see distort ions of what I've said and a whole list of people bashing me for various reasons. With Yappy, it is always a homophobic remark. But I will gladly leave this site and never return unless I receive another email telling me you are after me again.

    1. Now Webb, I have yet to see Yappy make any sort of homophobic remark in this discussion. As far as I can tell the discussion was about your opinions and about how people view those opinions. I believe that you were the first one to turn the conversation into personal attacks.

      As far as "someone sends me an email telling me about it", my suggestion would be to tell whoever it is to stop e-mailing you.

  29. Webb is wrong on all counts.


  30. Ok Webb, here is the deal. You don't have to lose sleep at night wondering if this blog is going to turn you into its daily target and attack site. You are far far to boring of a personality for me to follow. If I were stuck in the same house as you and had to listen to you all the time I'm pretty sure it would dive me to suicide. I do, however, cover the stories you write as they relate to Joey. I take your words and I comment on them, and so do other people. If you stop writing morally reprehensible stories, no one will even know you exist over here.

    Now why did I post all of your quotes up on the big board? Well that really wasn't for you, or to draw you into another argument. No, it was for everyone else to read. He is the rub, while your take on what you wrote might be important to you, what really matters is how everyone else takes what you write. I want all your current and future employers, as well as the law enforcement officers that do read this site (and they do, you can believe that or not but they do) to have an opportunity to view who David Webb really is. I didn't doctor your quotes in any way, they are yours own them. If you think you have nothing to worry about, so be it.

    On to the "stalking". Well see you just can't use that word. We are not stalking you on our own site. There is no phantom person emailing you to come read this site when we mention your name. You read this site every single day, no matter if we discuss you or not, and I have the log to prove it. You are more than free to start your own blog and take the things I or someone else says and add your commentary to it. Welcome to America and that Free Speech you can't seem to understand.

    Finely, this site followed Joey Dabuen because, despite all his flaws, he was a fascinating personality. That's why you don't see me going after Brannon, Curtis, or Brandy. I will cut them slack, Joey was an incredibly interesting person. I could listen to him rant all day long. You are the exact opposite, so you have nothing to fear on us following you. I personally, and I highlight personally, wish Joey were not only free, but had full access to the ECO with his old band back together. While its not fair to society, for me its like the first time, and I mean the first time, you ever flipped on Jerry Springer and your jaw hits the floor as you say "this can't be real can it"? And you cant look away. That is what Joey is to me, so that's why I follow him.

    So you can take your pack off and crawl back into your spider webb and rest easy knowing we wont be by for a visit as long as you don't write any more stories about Joey that support his crimes (or can be taken by other people as that).

  31. I will write what I see and what I think. I will never allow anyone to intimidate me into silence.

  32. You have misrepresented me and what I've said repeatedly. You are a hate site and your minions comments reflect that. You've been shut down once for hate speech, and I wouldn't be surprised to see it happen again.

    1. uh oh, sounds like he is going to get the windsor's involved.

    2. "You have misrepresented me and what I've said repeatedly."

      I copied and pasted your own quotes. Anyway, run along spiderman, your "work" here is done.

  33. How you wrote your story today doesn't erase the injustices of your previous stories. You are a freak who cowardly hides in anonymity. As long as you continue to attack me, I'll be right here disputing your lies.

  34. He doesn't shut up does he Ginger? All he wants is to feel powerful and silence you once again. He believes in Freedom of Speech only when it serves his purpose otherwise he's the perfect candidate for silencing the rest he 'hates'.

  35. And by the way your statement that Joey spent more time talking to me than he did his parents was also a lie. The only time I talked to Joey in court was while the jury was out deliberating the punishment phase. Joey and I spent about 20 minutes going over some things regarding the story I would be writing. That occurred during two sessions. I was sitting in the middle of the courtroom alone. Joey was sitting with his parents and Brannon. He came over to me twice for about 10 minutes each. Your "observer" isn't a very good one. We all knew who she was. That's just another example of your untruths.

    1. yeah yeah, spiderwebb...we are done here. Go make your own blog or something but quite your whining on here, we are done with that. I know you are insulted by anything I say, that's a given, but no one asked you did they?

  36. Quit lying about me. There won't be any need to comment.

    1. I know you wont leave us, but I'm telling you buh bye. Not playing this game again.

  37. So why do you keep playing it, just quit distorting the truth and telling outright lies.

    1. What did I just say?

      I'm serious. We are done here.

  38. I'll never be through until you stop lying.

    1. Mr. Webb, I have given you the utmost courtesy I can. I may not always agree with Ginger, ypppy/pattycake, NBTDT, or anyone else on this blog. That does include you. Let me point out that "truth" is subject to perspective. Ginger posted direct quotes from your article and allows for discussion and speculation.
      Your perspective that these are somehow lies are truly troubling. They are your articles. Your statements broken down. They are yours and yours alone. We have merely taken what you said and broke them down through discussions and read them from a different perspective.
      As a journalist you know that there is only one true constant on planet earth. That nature is constant only through the constant changes.
      Mr. Webb did you not see my first comment on the story that Ginger wrote? I will repeat it as a summation "What were you thinking?" Any normal individual would have confiscated the alcohol. If you believe Joey's version of the events. As the witness for Joey and Joey himself stated. Yet you say if alcohol had not been involved that the victim never would have been victimized. Now that is passing the buck. Joey had as the ADULT the responsibility to ensure that the teens were in the tents with their parents. ALL OF THE TEENS NOT ONE EXCEPTION! Joey himself admitted on the stand that several parts of the victims story were true. the alcohol, and who brought it was the only part of contention, that could be believed. As for the rest I believe the victim. Alcohol removed Joey still could have and would have preyed upon this young boy.
      Much like the case I wrote about yesterday with Kent Sprouse.
      Even with chemical alteration to the brain, one is not innocent by those grounds alone. Alcohol and the privilege to consume it come with great responsibility. Joey failed in the responsible part of it. He used it as part of a larger plan.
      My kids live with me. I have never put them at risk. Much like yappy. I choose to be responsible enough that I don't drive anywhere. I don't consume it while I am fishing, and my kids are asleep while I am drinking.
      Allow me to repeat what a friend of mine once told me.
      "As a reporter you have an obligation that goes above your responsibility to get the truth. A truth YOU may not want to admit but the absolute truth that everyone else needs to know. It is not about political party truth, individual truth, but ABSOLUTE TRUTH! You as a reporter are not allowed , by moral obligation to present party chatter as truth, rather the truth that nature itself will change as opinions do. Yet you as a reporter are not allowed to influence opinions with your own, only the evidence that is there."

    2. Entire case(prior and after Joey Dauben) is full of twisted F*ck's. More stories are about to emerge..Coming to you youtube, folks.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. 420ville is Angelina Mitchel.

    5. would I be wrong in speculating that She is on Mr. Webb's pay role? I heard she needed a real job after Joey's incarceration.

    6. News flash! How many times do I have to admit that I am an alcoholic before this so called "woman" gets over her personal short comings? Will she admit that she herself was and still is a full blown supporter of a child rapist? Or will she simply just pound away at the fact that I told the truth about Bill N. Frye?
      I am sure that inquiring minds want to know!

  39. No Gun In This Fight But. . .I'm Rooting for oneJanuary 19, 2013 at 6:53 AM

    Why is a LGBT "journalist"/blogger been SO interested in this case to begin with? That has always perplexed me. If Joey is allegedly NOT homosexual-- not to mention do your LGBT or otherwise readers really want to hear about this case? Why? Because it's sensationalism? It has been my understanding, and I'm talking with experience and a total understanding on both of these subjects, as one of my parents is gay. This parent was born in 1946, in which when they had to surpress their homosexuality until past when I was born in the 60's when LGBT pioneers kicked open that closet door to allow us to bring us all to this day and if you want to measure the level of tolerance, LBGT rights have now surpassed even "women's rights" issues. In other words, gays have come a long way baby. But yet in this 21st century tolderance and acceptance of the gay community there is still those labels as "pedophiles" or "child molester" you are only further perpertrating that "stereotype". For the closed minded that do not understand homosexuality, e.g., right wing nutjobs, you simply are solidifying their beliefs in that label. Now you come out and say something that was told to you in confidence by Joey regarding his own alleged sexual abuse, is now public knowledge by your own admission and blog. Trust me Mr. Webb, that is also you solidfying that if you are sexually abused as a child you may have homosexual tendecies and subsequently blame it on the alcohol that brought these urges out in Joey. So wrong on SO many levels. Point is a person as yourslf who simply wants hits to your blog and uses the rape of child by a man/boy child. It's truly insulting that as a child of a gay parent and a survivor of child sexual abuse you are no better than the pedophile who showed me pornography at a young age during the grooming process. The poing is this, if you are sexually abused as a child you may grow up to be an sexual abuser yourself, which is not an excuse, there is a choice in that or you may grow up to be a homosexual, that is not a choice, correct sir? The variables are great on those two scenarios alone. To me, my opinion of your opinion, is that you're are nothing more than the Nancy Grace of LGBT blog world. As well as any person reading your opine be it lgbt, straight, sexual abuse survivor or the rape victim himself you are part of the problem of continuing stigmatization. It would seem you may need to check your moral compass as to which direction your writing and your legacy should go and that is to retract your ridiculous crap and come clean for the sake of future victims, the this specific victim in the case of Dauben future children, grandchildren or gay or otherwise that may read your shit and think what an asshole that gay man was and may say, "No wonder it took so long for LGBT to get any rights." Is that TRULY what you want your legacy to look like? Dig deep Mr. Webb and then come back with an intelligent, non victim blaming, truthful comment.

    1. I will say that I think that there is more to Mr. Webb's series than just a wrongly accused and convicted man. In a way Mr. Webb idolizes Joey Dauben.
      I am a "right wing nut job" I confess. I hold to the values I was raised by. LGBT rights affect me personally. I lost an uncle to AIDS. He contracted the AIDS by unprotected homosexual contact. I watched him be ravaged by it.
      @No Gun. I understand the human rights side as there is a great divide between the morality of human rights and the disgrace that is shown by those that would use a bible or other holy book to deny rights to those whom are viewed by others as perverse. While this country was founded on christian values and morals we were founded on the greater belief of an individual right to freedom and pursuit of happiness. We were also founded on a value of right and wrong and the ability to judge said right and wrongs.
      I was sexually abused by two neighbors growing up. one only fueled my hatred of gays one taught me about the female body. Neither gave me the indignation that "because it happened to me and I drink alcohol that its OK for me to repeat the actions committed against me." That is what I am taking from Mr. Webb and his comments. Because it "happened to Joey" it is somehow OK for Joey to repeat these actions.

    2. Actually look at how it was founded. Freedom of religion. Freedom to choose what to believe and where. Freedom of choice. Christianity was the first of any religion to take those into account before state run belief systems.
      Why do you think socialism and communism hate religion? Because it takes into account freedom of choice. Again thanks for playing.

  40. AnonymousJanuary 19, 2013 at 4:24 PM
    Sorry, I can't have dialogue with people that talk out of both sides of their mouth.

    Then why are you on here?

    1. Need to go back and quit skimming Read the full document. Thomas Jefferson was talking about the State sponsored or state run religions.

    2. Could someone post the show where she went full blown Joey Dauben on the world that was almost sure to have joey's bond revoked! Her voice is nothing more than fingernails across a slate board.
      I am sure that is why Joey had to drown her out. As he realized her voice was going to override "his" plight!

    3. I can't remember what that account was under since it wasn't Joey usual one.

      But yeah, Mitchell does not have a voice for radio, and she certainly isn't that smart.

    4. Well like I said in the friday episode she did joey called in on the guest line. on the next one joey was on the control operator line. guess she never figured joey would get caught.

    5. This was Angelina's account. She deleted her shows.



    7. I do find it funny that she is trying to put down an admitted alcoholic instead of trying to debate the real issues of this blog. But then again what exactly is she hiding from?

    8. Strange they kick you for having a medical addictiont but Mitchell is cool with all the pot she smokes.

    9. That is the reason she lives in Colorado. She is addicted to it. If she lived in Texas she knows shed get busted and end up in the same place Joey is. just going to have to see where she goes with this I guess.

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