Showing posts with label failure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label failure. Show all posts

Monday, February 16, 2015

Windsor Disowns Windsor

Another lonely valentines day has hit the American terrorist/fugitive Bill Windsor hard.  He rants, rants and re-rants but it still won't satisfy that empty feeling inside him, that feeling that can only be satisfied by vexatious litigation.  He even tried to retell his Maid of the Mist escapade....even though no one was listening or cared.  It seems that no matter where he goes or whom he meets, corruption, dishonesty and unethical behavior seem to surround him. And while he continues to hash out several outlandish conspiracy theories as to why that is.....he still can't seem to put his finger on it.

In a weekend where Bill was obsessed with yoga pants, chocolate candy, and continuing his trial by facebook (which now includes terroristic demands to the governors of Texas and Montana)....we get this interesting little post:

I am publishing this here so there is a public record somewhere in case something should happen to me. I did not use an attorney.
I have left 50% of whatever I have to each of my two granddaughters. I have specifically disinherited my two children in recognition for what they have done to me.
I want to be cremated and scattered as quickly as possible because of my claustrophobia. I have named one of my siblings as executor.
And if I die anytime soon, expect foul play. The list of suspects will be a mile long.
And I want my granddaughters to know that I love them soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much, and I never wanted to be removed from their lives."

Now, we know he must love his granddaughters because he put sooooooo many ooooooooo's after his "s".  That of course is called incontrovertible evidence of sincere love.  Now, once you brush aside his usual hyperbole about being killed and scattering his ashes, I would like to suggest the unthinkable....I think he's actually telling the truth about the disinheriting of his offspring.  Yes, I know I can't believe I'm actually saying I think something Bill posted is actually true, but in this rare case....I think he really did it. He of course would be summoning his Power of an Attorney here, but I think he did change it. So what should we take from this?  Well, his daughter had pretty much cut Bill off quite a while ago as even before we knew who he was he wasn't allowed to even say the name of his granddaughters. So that's not new, but it is new and a big deal for Ryan who hasn't stuck up for his dad but hasn't stood up to him either. When Bill says he has named a new executor of his will (most likely his sister Wendy)....that also is probably Bill taking that away from Ryan.  Maybe paying all the bills for a known fugitive became Ryan's line in the sand.....but what ever it was has caused Bill to retaliate....and to do it the only way he knows how......loud and online.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

"The Joeys" Dunk Windsor!!! Case Dismissed

What a bad day for the multiple felon/fugitive/vexatious litigant/national terrorist named Bill Windsor.  First, the South Dakota Federal District Court said your fee so we can rule on it. Bill finally paid, and they said this:

"pro se baby".....real smooth move there Bill.

Then today, in front of Judge Joe Grubbs in Ellis TX, the case of Windsor vs. The World was dismissed for want of prosecution.   You know, this was the case where Bill said everyone he decided to name to the case would be writing him a "big fat check" that would no doubt bankrupt each defendant?    Well as it turns out it will be Windsor that must open his checkbook (involuntarily) as he must pay dearly for his frivolous and vexatious litigation addiction.

The essence of this lawsuit boiled down to one thing....a nation wide huckster/defamation artist wanted to shut down, through intimidation, any and everyone that would dare speak the truth about his immoral/illegal activities on a public stage.  Lawless America was a fake movie/scam where Bill would go state to state filming any and everyone who would be willing to say something negative about our current judicial system.  This served to create two kinds of victims.....on one side you have his film subjects who were unaware of the fraudulent nature of all that is Bill Windsor.  They poured their heart out on film for that they thought would be some kind of documentary movie...instead Bill used their stories as leverage against them.  Then, on the other side you had judges all across the nation being slandered and defamed with zero evidence or proof to back up any of the crazy claims. As Windsor set up domain names under each and every one of these judges it was clear that his goal all along was retribution to a judicial system that rendered him justice......a justice he was unable to swallow.

In the end though, truth, freedom of speech, and justice reign supreme.  The United States of America has defeated Bill's Lawless America.  Windsor wanted to live in a nation of double standards, he wants everyone to do as he says....not as he does.  But, in the end, the rule of law applies to everyone....even Bill Windsor.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Windsor Breaks Down in Jail

After one week in County lock up, Bill is at the breaking point.  This is someone who has lived his life on the upgraded plan.  He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and it was ripped away from him for the first time in his life, last week.  As he continues to wait for his no frills ride up to Montana, Windsor now knows that his life as he knows it could be coming to an end.  Frivolous lawsuits, stalking, harassing, defaming people online must take a back-seat as he now must find a way to rebut the very serious charges the State of Montana is charging him with.

His lawsuit against Facebook was dismissed last week and his crazy Joey lawsuit is hanging by a thread as he has a hearing Thursday morning and I'm guessing this won't be an excuse that will fly. Will he even be here Thursday?  Will the County let him go to the hearing if he is?  If he can't copy and paste his motions....what argument can he come up with?

And then lets think ahead to his looming Montana case.  Remember how all Bill ever wanted was a chance to be heard in front of a jury?  He may get that chance.  Will all of his past sins and victims come together to testify against him?  I think a DA could make just about any jury hate Bill with his long established pattern of behavior.  Will he be offered a plea?  So much drama yet to unfold, and we will be glued to our keyboards in anticipation.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Halloween Eve For Bill Windsor

For most children, Friday is the day they will put on a costume and go out in public and pretend to be something they are not.  For Bill, that day will be tomorrow afternoon in court.  The hearing in Ellis County sets up to be a day of doom for Windsor as he must show cause as to why he isn't to be considered a vexatious litigant as well as fend off Anti-Slapp measures.  Bill's legal defense to both of these is the "thats not fair" defense.  If that fails, he has already indicated he wants to ask for leave to pursue his challenge to the State on Anti-Slapp.  If, for some reason, Judge Bob Carroll isn't in the mood for a side show circus, Bill could be in real trouble Tuesday....legally speaking.

Because of his impending date of doom, Bill has been on full spin cycle on his facebook page for almost a week now as tries to project the fear he is experiencing on to those he arbitrarily decided to attack in court.  At first, the lemmings loved it as they thought he was trying to talk to them as real human beings again.  They soon found out he still doesn't care about them and was simply trying to relay a message to the "joeys" of "be scared, be scared dammit".  Finally realizing this, the lemmings simply stopped trying to understand what it was that Bill was saying and just joined hands in a circle to recite their prayer:

"Hail Windsor, full of mace,
The Lord is with Thee.
The Lord is Thee?
Blessed art thou over women,
and blessed is the fruit of Thy labor,
Lawless America.

Holy Windsor,
pray for us lemmings,
now at the hour of our hearing.

Well, Bill's full spin cycle culminated into one of the most insane
posts I think he has ever made late last night:

After a few of the things that I have posted have been send you forgot to edit by Joeys what is a Joey?, I can only imagine that the Joeys are going nuts speculating about where and how I found out certain things I don't think even you know what you are talking about anymore. And whether I actually know anything you don't, we already cracked that code almost two years ago. They are probably pointing fingers at each other. LOL.yes, the second one.....laughing out loud
I guess they are unaware that IP addresses were provided to some folks in some legal matters and you are unaware that I had a pretty tasty hamburger last night. I guess they are unaware that sometimes the walls have ears no, they don't, walls are just walls you can't fool me. There are actually some people in Ellis County who aren't Joeys well how the hell can anyone tell the difference? but seem to know some of what goes on with Joeys I bet they could tell you what the Easter Bunny does in the winter too. Hey, I should spend more time in the finest barber shops what is a "fine" barber shop?, beauty shops usually men don't go to those, nail salons see previous response, and saloons saloons?  Back in the wild west are we?  Just how many drinks for you until the bar becomes a saloon? in beautiful Ellis County. And heaven forbid if there is a divorce or such things involved, because there's nothing quite like a scorned ex, be it woman or man hey watch it are scaring your lemmings again, saying scorned ex is like yelling bomb on an air-plane to them..
It does bring a smile to my tired face I hope you are as tired of your face as the rest of the world is to know these guys probably turn on each other in a nanosecond no one can resist your big $10,000 reward offer......ok, the Joey's did it, now pay up. Hey, I'll let you all in on a little secret:
"Joey did it."  Even in jail?  Its still all Joey's fault?
Photo Copyright 2013-2014.  its almost 2015

Well, suffice to say Bill is worried.  Bill is hoping his Anti-Slapp is killing my right to paper terrorism defense holds up somehow, because if it doesn't he must open his check book in a very painful way. A good night sleep tonight will be hard to get in Windsorworld.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Bill Windsor Phones It In

After a string of embarrassing defeats in both Michigan and Missouri, Bill is desperate for some good news in the form of a favorable ruling in the legal world.  Yesterday, his attention turned to his show trial in California of Facebook.


It looks like Bill knew this was doomed as the coward didn't even show up to the lawsuit he created. But then again, showing up in court these days runs a high risk of contempt for Bill. Facebook's attorney Julie Schwartz had been schooling Bill in her legal briefs before the court and he was clearly scared of facing her mono y mono in front of a judge. So he phoned it in.

Judge Foiles gave Bill 10 days to do the unthinkable.....get leave in accordance with Thrash's order in order to proceed. At this point you can just hear that phone vibrating as the crazy man on the other end of it starts screaming out "THAT ORDER IS VOID!!!!!!". As always, he can't get leave, his lawsuits are frivolous, in fact he is incapable of filing anything but. I guess he can kiss his dream goodbye of taking a slice of Facebook's "multi-billion dollar" pie. And, once again, Bill is legally destroyed in court by a female attorney which is especially rough on someone like him. Now Bill's vexi tour of frivolous lawsuits in Cali, MT, SD, KS, MO, MI, and TX is now just down to TX where the State motto is "Don't Mess With Texas". Its probably time to find another hobby as nationwide vexatious litigant isn't working out too well.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Everyone is Out to Get Bill

First it was Google, then Craigslist, Ripoff Report, the AMPPS, the Joeys, Facebook, now its Ma Bell who is out to get Windsor.  AT&T through its Yahoo email site has pulled the plug on Bill's nobodies account. And of course that means they must be in on the conspiracy too.  Maybe this is all part of Judge Thrash's plan.  Bill sees $$$$ in his eyes as he continues to add muliti-billion dollar companies to his lawsuit roster. His cable provider better watch out as they may be next in line after a late night infomercial "lures" Bill into buying a knife that can cut through shoes.

Then again, maybe there is a simple explanation.  Maybe enemy of the State Bill Windsor really is the horrible person everyone says he is.  He did violate the terms of service and has been justifiably shut down....the better question is how was he able to use those conduits for his stalking and terrorist activities all that time?

Bill is also back to bashing Facebook as he claims to have received a message from their legal counsel:

"Then today, I received an email from the attorney for Facebook saying: " an active Facebook user you have agreed to Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, which provides in part that Facebook may stop providing all or part of Facebook if you violate the letter or spirit of the Statement or otherwise create risk or possible legal exposure for Facebook."

Now the first question is.....if Bill Windsor said it, can it be true?  I would maintain that its not possible. We have read, through court documents, just how these email exchanges go between FB's legal team and Bill. Just about every email he sends is laced with several scurrilous tirades followed by more threats. 
Facebook's attorney's respond with a professional, tempered and topic specific response.  But more to the point....why would Facebook continue to allow this monster to operate a page?  He is already suing them, while using their very service to slander and defame the company to his fellow zombies.  Case in point, he is currently using FB for some kind of countdown till Friday with bloody red background that could be construed as a threat for violence.

All of this is simply another attempt to distract his followers from his utter failure.  Even now they are sounding off their praise for their Führer, as they thank him for all that he has done (none of them can list one single tangible result, however).  But this little foray into his made up Lawless America world is only a brief exit from reality....and reality has pushed him into a corner he can not escape.  Even a slightly sane person would give up at this point knowing when he was beaten, but Bill has lived his evil life on not taking no for an answer so we can expect him to continue his hopeless endeavour of being a 65 and 2/10ths year old bully.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Bill Windsor Exploits Mentally Handicapped People for his Own Evil Plans

Bill was called out on his facebook page for his continued stalking and harassing of innocent people, oh and the fact that he is a fraud.  He then went into full meltdown as a coward always does when confronted with the truth.  Bill decided to try and change the topic by downloading a bunch of year old video clips from his nobodies doing a "promo" for his fake movie.  You know, its that stupid clip where they hold a mask up to their face saying I'm a nobody...and then removing the mask as everyone screams "ohhh please no put it back on".  Bill did this to rebut a claim that he doesn't even have a trailer for his fake movie.  But the main reason he did this was to drown out the dissent and truth telling that was going on with his page at the time. But bringing up all his old clips and showing all the different people he exploited brings to mind some other videos of his....

This poor woman was part of his "targeted individual" group...yes he did more than one of these. She believes the government is sending her messages in her head by microwave or whatever other big words she can think of. She even suggested that they (the government) control her casino card and allow her sister to win just to make her jealous.  As you can see in the video, this woman has a very clear mental deficiency and anyone who cared about her would try and get her help. Bill most certainly doesn't care, he just wants to exploit her and toward the end of the video you can hear him interject and even lead her on.  Instead of helping her, he is feeding into her mental disorder and making it much worse.  This is why Bill is a monster, he isn't a human being and isn't capable of compassion outside of his own self, thats why he is divorced....can't say his wife's name in public and is banned from contact with his grandchildren.  Pain, despair, destruction and hopelessness follow whatever he touches.  We have obviously touched on his legal woes, but the most despicable act he does is to those who believe in him and actually think he is working for them.

Of course Bill also exploited the truly evil people in this world as well.  You can read about some of those cases here:

Windsor is due in court in Missouri tomorrow and the big question is will the coward even show up for his scheduled beat down tomorrow?  Will he fake another injury, will he skip it or will he storm into that courtroom with all his anger and fury?

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Windsor Again Gets Caught With His Hands in the Cookie Jar

And the hits keep coming.  In the same week that he takes a true beatdown from the Federal Court in Montana, Bill then takes another blow out in California this time from the attorney for Facebook. After Bill played games with FB's demur motion, Julie Schwartz did the most damaging thing anyone could do to Bill....she made that court aware of his horrific past.  Thats right, she Thrashed him:

Uh Oh, Bill got caught with his dirty hand in the cookie jar once again.  He tried to play the same game in Cali as he did in Texas by sending a letter and assuming that no response means a yes.  Well that dog wont hunt and now they are filing an exparte order, and it was granted, to obtain the leave he never got.  The emails from Schwartz to Bill serve as the perfect example of who and what Bill is.  He is a liar and a bully.  He says the Thrash order is void and he will provide proof....but never does.  Of course the order is very much not void despite what he and his partner in crime "susan" claim it to be.  Bill's little game of semantics between "seek leave" and actually obtaining leave are exposed.  His third grade antics won't work here.

Another interesting thing to come out is Bill demands, in the email exchange, that Schwartz tell him who it was that alerted her to the GA order.  How dare she, or someone else bring up his paper terrorist history into this case.

The irony is that just like in the Texas case where Bill played this sneaking little "if you don't say no that means yes" game with a letter to the Federal Judge in that district, the FB case now backfires on him as he has already demonstrated to the court in California the exact behavior that mandated the ruling in the first place.  Had he gone in and obtained actual leave right off the bat...before anyone really knew who this monster was, he might have pulled it off similar to what he did in MO and KS. But as always, the biggest enemy to Bill is Bill himself.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Windsor's Empty Threats

While Bill racks up a long list of legal defeats across the nation, he continues to check in now and then on his facebook page....not to talk to his brain dead followers, but to try and scare those who speak the truth about him.  If the definition of insanity is repeating the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.....Bill is completely insane.

TURN OUT THE LGHTS, THE PARTY'S GONNA BE OVER oh its been over for well over a year now are just a little slow to catch on.

My cyberstalkers aka truth tellers will be like this old sign on an abandoned building. They won't even have a bulb left I have to say, thats a pretty lame analogy even by your standards.

I'm sorry that I haven't had time to be posting things I just haven't had any good news to report. I've just been burning the midnight oil on legal matters maybe you should try "working" during the day instead of internet stalking all night long.

Mark your calendars not again: July 24, 2014 nope, I'm busy that day, we will have to cancel. That's the day that I hope a court compels Facebook to produce documents, IP addresses, server log information, and more you do realize you have a much higher chance of being knighted by the Queen of England by that date?.

I don't know how much longer it will take for me to organize all the evidence that I already have given your mental inabilities I would say never, but as soon as I do and again that date is never, I'll pursue a full-court press on getting people suboenaed, etc ummmm, its been over a year now that you have been trying to pull this pathetic scare tactic.....why don't you admit the obvious, you can't and you wont.

By piecing together a lot of information you mean random guesses, I continue to identify the actual identities of the many fake pages on Facebook you actually haven't been able to identify even one. I wonder if there are thousands, tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands at least a gazillion. I've identified dozens of fake identities most of them are my followers who have posted defamatory comments about me on Facebook. I reported each of them to Facebook, and surprise surprise, the fake pages have never been removed maybe they are real and you are fake?. That's against Facebook's terms so is buying fake followers. But perhaps even more important, I am asking the court to hold Facebook liable as the publisher of that defamation because there isn't a valid agreement with a fake identity, so that makes Facebook the publisher kinda like if someone was publishing that they were filming a movie but were actually just deceiving people. There's no question that Facebook needs to be held accountable for all that they've done oh there are several questions and you won't be able to answer those questions in usual, especially for removing the Lawless America Facebook page which was for a fake movie claiming it contained nudity, pornography, and sexual solicitation when it never had any such thing it did have your porn surfing link on there.

The dishonesty in America is mind-boggling especially for a mind that doesn't work. I think we all need to be concerned abut a big fire or a giant flood what no earthquakes, asteroids?. And it will either start in Silicon Valley or Ellis County Texas if the winds get high enough you may see a few grass fires but no reason to get your panties in a wad.

Photo copyright William M. Windsor, 2014 because I said so. All of William M. Windsor's photos and videos are copyright William M. Windsor because....I said so. Unauthorized use will be charged $1,000 per day per unauthorized use payable in Confederate or Monopoly money. — in Texas 

Thursday, June 12, 2014

You're A Nobody Till Somebody Loves You

Bill Windsor is still hard at work with his vexatious lawsuits and ground zero seems to have become the Missouri court.  Among the multitude of frivolous motions he has filed there in just the last week, one in particular is worth exploring.  Bill says he isn't a public figure, or even a limited purpose public figure......because he says so and thats all you need to know.

Bill's entire argument seems to boil down to two made up points....he says he hasn't gained mainstream media attention and there isn't any public controversy.  Of course he has told us over and over that he is a card carrying member of the press and he publishes his online newsletter.....but lets just let that slide for a moment and go back to his assertion that he hasn't gained any mainstream press coverage:

So once again Bill Windsor is calling Bill Windsor a liar.  And who can forget that opening line he had in his letter to every elected member of Congress:

"My name is Bill Windsor. If you don’t know who I am, you should. I am leading a new American revolution, and we have formed a new political party – The Revolutionary Party. It is our goal to become the dominant party in America, formed from the 99% of us who currently have little or no power.
If you are honest, we ask you to step up and expose the corruption of your colleagues and other government officials."

Doesn't really sound like a quiet private citizen to me.  He is claiming to be leading a party to take over the Nation and if you don't know him should.

Bill says, repeatedly, that there is no public controversy.  Afterall, what could be controversial about claiming that virtually all our elected officials are corrupt and need to be replaced...hook or crook?  He goes on to explain how these "haters" have created blogs and sites that are against him and his movement....yet there are no controversies and people were not discussing it.  Bill says he has no access to the media, therefore he isn't a public figure.  This is the same individual who has claimed, in his other lawsuits, to be a card carrying member of the press.

One thing that we can all agree on is that Bill has been an utter failure in his attempt to gain attention.  For instance, he decides to agree with me on his failure in DC when 300 people (only 48 ever showed up on cam or in pics) show up but nothing happens.  He claims its the haters fault because by that time we had killed the movement by making fun of it on a blog. The problem for Bill is no one would dare claim he is a successful public figure....far from it, he is a disaster.  But that he "thrust himself into the arena" of public debate.  He did so intentionally.  That fact cannot be disputed by any sane individual.....Windsor of course being disqualified because of that disclaimer.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Windsor is an Expert, And He Can Verify that With His Own Testimony

With all his frivolous lawsuits caving in on him across the Nation, Bill is now claiming that he will sue everyone for copyright infringement.  And he should know, after all he was sued for doing that exact needless to say he is now an expert on the issue.

Speaking of that, here is Bill's "expert witness" document he submitted to court in his Medieval Times case. The only person that could back up his claims was himself, but that doesn't stop him from trying.

Ok, so to sum up, he says he can explain how it was that Alcatraz had about $112,000 net annual profit from the sale of Medieval Times tickets, but because MT didn't allow Alcatraz to participate in some of their direct marketing promotions.....they caused Alcatraz a $4.4 million loss.  But the real fun starts on page 14 when he gets all nostalgic about his "life's work".

He explains how he got started as a flunk out student from UT who started selling credit cards to poor college kids who couldn't afford it, what a noble endeavour.  He was accepted to law school, but he wont say where, but since he was making so much money he decided to invest all of his savings....$3,500 into his new company.  Well its gets even crazier from there....the whole thing should have had the preference of "A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away".  Spoiler alert..Ryan discovered the internet.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Bill's Trial By Facebook gets Stayed

Since he can't seem to get anywhere in court, Bill has decided to try his case on his facebook account as he libels and defames all kinds of people he doesn't know, and and they don't know him either.  Not only is his lawsuit against Facebook not going too well, now his trial by facebook has been suspended as he is locked out of his account. Yep, he did it again, he violated the rules and now he can't post anything for 30 days. This must be some kind of violation of his Constitutional rights.

Where will he go to stalk and harass people if he can't post it on the internet?  Will this bring about a new lawsuit against Facebook?  Will his victims find out about his defamation of them?  Is it time to pretend he is getting that skull surgery he has been threatening?  Is there even anyone left that will follow him?

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

John Darash Moves His Own Goal Post

On last night's call for the National Liberty Alliance, John Darash revealed that he had a little chat with the local DA, and it seems now that the date of the 22nd needs to be moved to the ??th.  The NLA tried to prosecute the local clerk for not letting them take their country back, aka you didn't file my made up documents in time.  It seems an anarchist group can be stopped dead in their tracks by a technicality of a court clerk.  The DA told them that he couldn't prosecute because there is no law or statute on the books that she which Darash told him that "there are lots of laws that are not on the books".  Anyway, leaving the meeting, it dawned on Darash that even if he gets the local Sheriff to make arrests, he is never going to get the DA to prosecute them. This 4th grade level revelation to John of our legal process led him to proclaim to his followers that this is a game of chess.

So now, they don't know what to do, or at least John is not going to discuss his plans on air.  One caller said this must end with citizen arrest to which John's co-host quickly said "exactly" before John cut him off. Gerard, the co-host, confirmed that the NLA had been advised by authorities that what they are proposing is considered paper terrorism to which he responded that it was the authorities that are the terrorists.

Darash tried to reassure the audience that all wasn't lost as he had two huge announcements to make:  1.  He has changed the jurist oath to a jurist vow, and 2.  They had secured their Jurist pocket booklet that can be purchased for $.65 a piece.  This little booklet would help free the people into realizing that they are all Me The People.  Darash tried to incentivize his followers by pointing out that if they purchased 1,000 copies, the price would lower to $.60.

The main problem now for John and the NLA is that they are quickly becoming Lawless America II. Just like when Bill was setting dates a year ago, now John is having to back off and change his.  If he wants people to continue to join and hit the donate button, he is going to have to show them he isn't just the flavor of the month.  Everyone was showing up and giving him attention because he was standing at the edge of the cliff about to jump but claiming he had mastered human flight. Now he is saying "hold on, I don't like this wind direction" and much of his audience will move on to the next big flash in the pan.  Windsor's followers started dropping in droves when he kept pushing back his big dates, starting with April Fools day and then on to May Day.  Now Darash, and his NLA are on the same path to irrelevancy.

Friday, February 21, 2014

First Rule of Fight Club?

So the phrase of the week seems to be citizen grand juries.  It seems that Bill and David Schied were both contacted by the FBI and asked about their involvement in the Sovereign Citizen movementand specifically their plans related to citizen grand juries.  And with this coming on the heels of Lawless member Paulson being arrested for trying to carry out the stupid stunt, Bills' and David's answers differ quite a bit.

Bill is only playing games and he can change his story in mid sentence without batting an eye.  When asked if he was a Sovereign....he adhered to the first rule of being a Sovereign  He then brought in a new phrase to his lexicon by saying he didn't propose citizen grand juries but rather "Special Regulatory Grand Juries" despite the mountains of documents and videos where he did propose citizen grand juries.

Then we have ole David Schied who really is a believer.  He isn't playing games and he refuses to lie.  This puts him at a great disadvantage in this world of underground anarchists and makes him a liability to the them. David recaps all the details and more in this article:

Incredibly long story slightly FBI agent contacted David because of his connections to both the late Trish Kraus and Bill Windsor and that they "were somehow involved in a "domestic terrorist" organization called Lawless America".  Will Bill now be adding the FBI to his lawsuits?  Well, instead of following SOP, David like a boy scout went right ahead and gave this agent a long lecture about the sad state of our Country, particularity the legal system. Then when asked about the buzz word of the week, citizen grand juries, instead of denying it or making up a new word like Bill, David went full speed ahead.

"In addressing Agent Brand’s concern about independent grand juries springing up in Michigan without the authorization of these very same (corrupt) judges (and their counterparts in the executive branch), I reasoned that I and others across Michigan and the United States have enough evidence to show that We The People have no other means of accessing any other state or federal grand juries for reporting these government crimes. As case-in-point, I referred to my own numerous case demands to both the judicial and executive branches of both state and federal government for access to the real government of “the People,” by way of either petit or grand juries, and as both a civil “plaintiff” and as a bona fide “crime victim.” I also described how I have thereafter been repeatedly denied such access to anyone outside of government (i.e., “the People” of a petit or grand jury) by both the courts and the prosecutors. I pointed out that I have had so many denials of grand juries by the judicial branch that the latest responses to my demands, at both the state and federal levels, have been to threaten me with sanctions if I file such a court action again clarifying and redressing my demand of this all-important recognition that government crimes are being committed…in spades."

So there you have it mr. FBI agent in an unusually open, honest and transparent way.  Agent Brand goes on to articulate the whole platform of this blog and why we have been following bill and his appointed number two guy Schied:

"I doubt that Agent Brand was taking notes, though he was likely recording our conversation as he further elaborated upon his characterization of the classic sovereign by his definition. He described the person as one who locates a single code or statute and uses it to justify one’s own exemption from being subjugated to the chain of other written laws. This is the person who propagates wrongful information while relying upon just that one statute and a limited interpretation of the law, even though such an interpretation might be entirely correct. His concern was the disregarding of the greater context of other laws, either leading up to or encompassing the one being referenced by the sovereign; and that they were encouraging others to join in on relying upon such a limited interpretation of the law while breaking other laws. In regard to those who are undermining and circumventing the laws to form their own grand juries, Agent Brand insinuated that some of those involved in this movement appear to be people who might have fought numerous court battles and emerged as “disgruntled litigants” (like Bill Windsor) who simply did not like the results of the judicial rulings against them."

I give a standing ovation to our brave public servant FBI agent Brand in articulating exactly what is going on here.  Bill, David and Lawless are not about exposing real government corruption, its about revenge against a system that rendered a ruling they didn't like and they simply refuse to abide by the ruling of the court. Instead, they want to destroy the very fabric of our society.  No evidence, no due process, no actual democracy, just pure vigilante justice at its most primitive form.

The rest of the piece is Schied putting on his reading glasses and giving the agent a long....long.......loooong lecture filled with the usual Sovereign Citizen propaganda with the all caps word TREASON littered throughout the dissertation.  The main point being that when asked by a man with a badge, David didn't run from the Lawless America dogma, he reiterated it.  Bill Windsor, when put in the same spot, ran from his previous initiates.  For all his faults, and they are many, Schied sticks to his guns as a true believer in what he espouses.  I can at least respect that.  Bill is just simply a vindictive baby hell bent on getting back against any and everyone who dared to speak out against his self serving goals.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Bill Windsor Vs Boushie

While the lemmings continue to send out distress signals for an answer to why their messiah has seemingly left them (no Merry Christmas or happy new year) , Bill continues to double down in his fight against a protective order from Boushie against him in Montana.

One quick check of the docket at we can see that Bill is certainly alive and up to his usual horseplay in the courtroom.  In this great showdown between Bill and Sean one might ask the question "what are we fighting for?"....oh yeah, a stupid protective order is all. Boushie is trying to get the appellate court to ignore Bill's appeal of the PO because he is a vexatious litigant. But that doesn't really have anything to do with things like a protective order.  Meanwhile, Bill is saying hey...while I got you here and after all this talk of me being a vexatious litigant, could I please be allowed to sue Sean Boushie in civil court?  Thats right, Bill is desperately trying to figure out a way to parley his appeal of Sean's PO in to civil litigation against Sean.

Sean has his own problems as Bill has raised the flag to the court that Sean's hands are not only tiny, but they may also be unclean.  Boushie's claim of never emailing Bill could prove to be his undoing if Bill is allowed discovery on that particular point and known IP's can be traced to those emails.  The old saying of if you play with the pigs you are going to get dirty comes to mind.  Sean made a mistake by taking action, having learned nothing from Allie in her attempt to get a PO, against Bill.  He then compounded his mistake by misleading the court in saying he has never emailed Bill.  Because of that, a long costly court battle may be on the horizon as the court may see both sides with unclean hands.  In the end this is how Bill wins.  If he can get you to spend money to defend yourself against his allegations, that alone will bring this lonely old man joy.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Bill Windsor's Tall Tale Gets Him A Stay of Execution

Even though his life was supposedly in danger as he had cracked his skull and was bleeding from his ear, Windsor was still somehow able to rush his version of the dog ate my homework excuse up to the appellate court in Montana.  Yes, never mind that all the roads were icy and shut down. Never mind that he was supposedly in the hospital as they performed multiple cat scams to check from brain damage.  No no, that can wait, first thing is first he must submit his lie to court so that he can get extra time to develop his new lies.

The reality is that Windsor has so many vexatious cases going right now he can't keep them all straight. While he was busy trying to subpoena a cookie in Kansas, he forgot that his answer to Boushie's motion for dismissal was due.  That is when it became imperative to hit his head on the ice.  And his lie paid off, he was able to buy an extra two weeks in Montana which is now due on the 20th.  Its funny how kids break in to his car and only take his laptop, or his slips on ice right before he is due to answer in court.  Once we look at his life we can see that this is only par for the course.  Windsor has been lying to take advantages of loopholes in our legal system all his adult life.  In fact, that may be the only thing he is really good at doing.

But reality won't be delayed forever.  Extra time won't give him that hidden cookie recipe he so craves. Even with the extra two weeks the clock will run out and he won't be able to give the Montana court a compelling reason not to dismiss the case.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Marty Prehn in Medically Induced Coma. In Protective Custody

Fresh off his "I'm Dying" campaign, Marty Prehn is now claiming to be in a coma due to injuries sustained after being brutally beaten at a recent dust up with Rev Terry Jones in Michigan.

However, and there are always plenty of howevers with Marty, Terry Jones was not at any Michigan protests in over a year.  In spite of Marty trying to get that Purple Heart for being the vanguard of Free Speech, it turns out that the above claim is another complete fabrication - apparently to silence a potential whistle blower.

Claiming to be an investigator "working the crime scene", Marty repeatedly sent texts to a woman's cellphone stating that Marty listed her as next of kin and then chastised her for hampering an investigation by inquiring about his wellbeing on Facebook.  Marty then informed her that if she reported this to the authorities she would be arrested.

This is serious business, folks.  Marty's psychosis has rapidly accelerated past his infamous Special Agent hat.

If this one victim came forward - on this very blog - how many others are out there?

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Windsor Comes Back From his Made Up Condition

Fresh off his scathing rebuke in Montana, Bill makes a showing to his lemmings who still couldn't figure out that he was just flat out ignoring them.

Bill Windsor 11 minutes ago
BILL WINDSOR REPORTED TO HAVE DIED FROM HEART SURGERY. our first clue that it wasnt true was when it was you that reported it
Yes, that's among the latest reports out there. well now it is, and thanks for that
No, I'm still alive. but not well
I felt I had to take time off from Facebook seems like facebook thought they same thing too to be able to focus. Facebook is quite a distraction. being a vexatious litigant is such hard work
I have been writing and editing, working on the movie what movie?, the pilot for the proposed television series what tv series?, and a Lawless America book oh oh, I know a great name for the book, how about Round America?. I have also moved from Box Elder to Madison, South Dakota it was a pretty easy move since you never actually moved there it was just a lie, and I am still awaiting surgery for the giant tear in my abdominal wall stop eating so much, you ruptured your stomach. The surgery had to be delayed once till a quarter past never, and it will likely have to be pushed to January along with my movie date. I will be unable to drive, think clearly, carry, finish my vegetables, lift, etc. for three weeks following surgery. and certainly well beyond that
In April, I plan to complete the filming of the remaining backstories for the stories that will be featured in the movie. yeah better let that brutal winter get through before you venture out of your hotel room
I plan to publish the Lawless America book in 2014 you mean Round America...and I shall commence holding my breath starting now . I hope it will be effective in providing promotion and potentially some funding for the film. Billy needs $$$$$, thats why he is back
I haven't been updating the various websites some of them you are now court ordered to remove, but I will try to get back on this. It simply isn't as important as the film so why were you so obsessed with it?, TV show, and book. If I can get some revenue generated Billy needs $$$$$, there will be money for people needed to help. No guarantees because he takes his $$$$$ first, but that's the goal. yes, the goal is $$$$$ for Billy
I have drafted my lawsuit against Facebook for removal of the Lawless America website for "nudity, pornography, and solicitation of sex" that the site never had. well I just twiddled my thumbs and guess who's time was better spent?
The lawsuits is rolling along against Allie Overstreet how many lawsuits against her do you have?. There will be a trial you promise?, and I expect to receive a massive award jail time?. Her attorney told me she doesn't have any money which is what I'm after, but I hope the amount of the award will deter future cyberstalkers and defamation mongers. As time permits, I will update better hurry before it is shut down
The lawsuit is rolling along in high gear wow, I would hate to see low gear then against the American Mothers Political Party and Claudine Dombrowski. AMPP and Dombrowski failed to file an answer or anything else probably because they haven't even been served yet, so the court should rule that I win by default thats the only way you could ever win anything. Same goes for Kimberly Wigglesworth. We who is we? will then move to damages as that will be all that remains for those found in default. As time permits, I will update again before you are forced to remove it
The most outlandish order yet out of Montana came down a few days ago. Corrupt judge John W. Larson or maybe kick ass Judge John Larson really outdid himself this time what had he done previously. He certainly proves just how corrupt the courts are there he gives us hope for a better nation. I will post the evidence of his corruption at as time permits ummmmm, contempt on isle 6. I have appealed to the Montana Supreme Court, but I don't hold out any hope for there to be any judge in Montana who is honest meaning these judges follow the law. The TV show is going to be quite an eye-opener. it would be an eye-opener if you actually did something you promised
I have a few surprises out there uh long have you been claiming this?, but I don't want to give them away mainly because I don't even know what they are. I'd rather let them be surprises. to me and to you
I plan to resume weekly television shows in January resume means you want to do it again....when did you do tv shows?. They will be broadcast at I will provide more details on this at a later date but you can bet I will be asking for donations. Because of the current uncertainty as to the date of my surgery, I can't be sure of the start date. since I'm making all this up and those damn joeys made me come out and say something...I'm not sure how all my lies lay out yet
I hope to have the pilot for the proposed weekly TV show submitted to the networks early next year. again...holding breath
I apologize for not posting an update sooner. As some of you know I just don't give a damn about you people, there has been a lot going on in my world and none of it good. I've needed to take some time for myself I guess we can say the diet is out the window, and I desperately needed to focus on the critical work on the movie, TV show, and book. you really want to keep throwing your book in there don't ya
I don't know that I will have any time anytime soon to respond to emails and unless you are wanting to send me money I can safely say I wont, but if you want to contact me, the only way is by emailing Put the subject line in all caps. Please don't call and leave messages as I do not have time to talk on the phone I can't be bothered by you people and your "problems" any longer. I don't even have time to play back the messages very often. I'm retired, have no family and nothing to do, I just can't squeeze those 35 seconds of listening to your message in to my day.
One last thing, JoeyCon was delayed due to my procrastination or maybe thanks to your imagination. I hope it will be held very soon hope isn't a plan. I have spent a lot of time compiling and organizing the overwhelming proof of conspiracy to defame me, conspiracy to invade my privacy, and conspiracy to commit tortious interference. thats a lot of time you could have spent on lemming phone messages instead you waste trying to track down a mysterious cookie The nice thing about conspiracy claims is no claim is too stupid? that when the underlying violations of the law are proven, all of the participants become guilty of the conspiracy action ummm I don't think it works quite like that in your fairytale world. IF there is an honest judge like the ones I have in Missouri and Kansas) and I make it to a jury. he just called the judge in Missouri and Kansas two of the dumbest judges in the country.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who isn't a crook. thats next week Bill
Bill Windsor

it seems Kevin Brady is the only one to state the obvious, and he is exactly right in that Bill had no excuse for not checking in with his lemmings and letting them know he was ok....Kevin will soon face banishment for his independent thinking

Grampa Bill. First and preeminently, I am more than euphoric to know you are in fact alive and apparently well. But I gotta tell you; Americas LA Hero, For me, the bloom is significantly off the rose. For a guy who has been so infinitely aware of REAL and imminent threats on your life, AND, had been so consistently conscientious about keeping your friends informed, you certainly blew it at the end. You brought a huge, ominous and depressing storm cloud into my life for four [4] or five [5] days a while back. I was absolutely convinced that those perverted Montana ‘moon bats’; miscreants of humanity were having the last laugh somewhere dining on Bill Windsor pie. It wasn’t fun Bill. I’m glad everything is o.k now. But I am also PISSED beyond my ability to articulate. I don’t deny you have likely accrued countless wounds that needed licking and time to heal, AND you are certainly entitled. But in the final analysis YOU WEREN’T DEAD and you COULD have sent a message. It would have really been appreciated. That’s all I can say for now.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Marty Prehn: Man, Myth, or Monster? Part two

By Bob Cookout

In this post we'll address some of Marty's most outrageous claims. There is no way to cover all of them here because there are so many. I'll touch on a few and everyone can feel free to add their favorites in the comments. 

Marty's biggest claim to fame is the day he spent with Ronald Reagan making plans to tear down the Berlin Wall.  He claims to have been in Reagan's security detail during a campaign stop at Bob Jones University in Greenville, SC.  His profile picture on Facebook is from that day.  However, Marty acquired that very picture quite accidentally only a few years ago, through - you guessed it - Facebook.  Someone else shared the picture and then the legend was born!  It's hilarious how he presses the person who shared the picture for dates and details of "that historic day".  Regardless, he still is unclear on whether it happened in 1979 or 1980, but certainly can embellish the details of him and Reagan chewing that fat, exchanging favorite jokes and planning world peace.  He wasn't in the security detail but managed to get close enough to get in a picture.  It's like what they call photo bombing today.  There was no dialog exchanged between Marty and Reagan. The two never spoke. Marty was more than likely ordered by a real security detail to get the hell away from the candidate. I'd be willing to bet my house & kids that Nancy never flirted with Marty about his dimples. 

Out of this one photo came the claims that Marty gave Reagan the idea to pursue the destruction of the Berlin Wall. Marty's father was a German soldier who still had family in Germany. He made trips back to his homeland roughly once every three years.  This is where the photos of him collecting pieces of the wall come from, not dissimilar to about a million other pictures of Germans and tourists at the time. There was no state sponsored trip for Marty's father to participate in the removal of the wall - and even if there was - wouldn't the State Department and Reagan want to include their favorite muse for the idea? 

Why wasn't an important man like Marty invited to participate when it was his idea?  Surely Reagan, Thatcher or Gorbachev would have wanted him there?

Maybe Marty was busy back in the US plotting his evil plans for the future.  Or maybe he was busy rescuing the elderly, veterans or some other victim of the moment. 

The above begs the question - Why? According to several of Marty's old classmates, he was always a compulsive liar. Marty wasn't a popular kid and he was always overshadowed by his more popular siblings. I assume this caused Marty to start lying to make himself seem like the someone he so desperately wanted to be. It's almost like the lazy mans way of being accomplished in life.  Marty's father made a career of working for the JL Hudson Company.  Marty tried to follow in his fathers retail footsteps at JC Penny, but failed.  His life is void of genuine accomplishments and he continuously seeks to fill that void with the most outlandish stories, made famous by this blog as "Marty Moments".

I guess his only true success has been found in providing countless of hours of enjoyment to those keen enough to see through his legacy of lies.

Coming soon: Has Marty ever served our country and what exactly is his version of a " Special Agent"?

DISCLAIMER:  The opinions expressed above are mine alone. They are not the beliefs of any cookies,alpacas,chihuahuas,  large bodies of water,Asian warriors,canned ham products,pumas,play doh men,anyone who wears a morph suit and jumps fire pits,or any other animals or objects residing in an alleged clubhouse.